The Old Man (2022) s02e07 Episode Script


He's dead, Dad.
Who's dead?
- [ANGELA] My father.
- [CHASE] Em, you can't stay here.
I have to stay.
Why would you have to?
Because the person who made
their money dry up
is Morgan Bote.
Who's she talking to?
Hamzad's lawyer.
[ZOE] She offered to
continue the conversation
over lunch next week.
Listen, Em,
Morgan Bote is dead.
- [BOTE] Get down.
- [CHASE] We were not able
to get him to concede
on first contact.
About an hour later,
he was assassinated.
You've got to get
out of there, sweetheart.
breaching through the tunnels.
Don't think they're far off.
Shit. Shit.
- No, wait!
When I opened it, I thought
maybe he sent it by mistake.
The man was really old.
This is Suleyman Pavlovich.
And that is my ex-wife.
[ZOE] Hamzad's lawyer
has gone from very late
to extremely late.
She's definitely not coming.
We're gonna need to go find her.
The guy I found in there,
he's got an antidote,
but it's destroyed.
- She's been poisoned.
- [ZOE] What?
Something airborne in the house.
I have to assume I'm hot.
My only chance is
to let 'em take me.
I'm glad you're here.
I knew you'd come.
We're so close to the end.
We're so close to being even.
I'll see you soon.
Johnny Kohler.
Dan Chase.
Henry Dixon.
And on and on and on.
Some of you I have known.
None of you belong here.
And all of you must now end.
You know this.
So why did you come?
No place else to go.
Your poison. Your antidote.
What made you think, uh,
I'd want you
to have an antidote?
Oh, you know me.
Enough to know I wouldn't come
just to save myself.
I've got something to say.
All right, then.
The nerve agent is slow-acting,
though I imagine
it may already be altering
your brain function.
A few hours more,
it will become disabling.
By sunrise tomorrow,
it will be fatal.
But there is an antidote.
Here it is.
You may have it
if whatever you have to say
means enough to me
to outweigh the danger
you represent.
The rare earths cartel,
it seems, are concerned, uh,
I may have allowed an American
spy into my business.
They told me
to be included in the cartel,
I must eliminate the concern.
They said I must eliminate you.
Both of you.
Henry and Marcia Dixon.
I never liked those names.
- In a few hours
- I don't think Mom did, either.
I am to meet with the
principals to explain myself.
[ANGELA] They always sounded
like someone else's names.
I would like to be able to say
Dixons are no longer an issue.
So I have you
and a plan
to secure her imminently.
That's just the problem.
By the time you get her,
it's gonna be too late.
Who is she?
This woman who is not Belour,
masquerading as your wife?
This woman, who was
Morgan Bote's sole confidant
in the final weeks of his life,
who seems to be one of
the only Americans in the world
to know about the cartel.
Who she is doesn't matter.
What she can do
is what matters right now.
She's in a position to ruin you.
maybe she's in a position
to solve all your problems.
[ANGELA] He has every
reason to mistrust you.
- And it doesn't matter.
- Is that so?
You have him.
And he'll free your hands
and let down his guard
and you'll kill him.
And you'll have lost everything.
And I'll know that you loved me.

Excuse me, I need to speak
to whoever's in charge here.
Can I help you with something?
I need to be taken into custody.
- Have you done something?
- I witnessed a murder.
The-the men who did it
may not be far behind me.
I-I need your protection.
- Where did you come from?
- N-Not far from here.
Just happened.
The victim's name
is Nina Kruger.
All right, let me call
the senior constable on duty.
- He can take a statement
- I need to speak to someone
from the Central
Intelligence Agency.
Ma'am, let me summon
the senior constable
Call the U.S. embassy,
ask for the chief of station,
not the duty officer.
Tell them I won't speak
to anybody else.
I don't imagine this is
the purview of the CIA, ma'am.
Yes, it is.
Why do we imagine that might be?
Because the men who killed
Kruger also killed Morgan Bote.
- I don't know who that is.
- The chief of station will.
Tell him that I am
an eyewitness to both murders.
And tell him to hurry.
What's your name?
My name is Marcia Dixon.
- [WOMAN] Bye-bye, Mama.
- Bye.
Hello, Marion.
I was wondering how long
it would take you to spot me.
Spotted you almost an hour ago.
Were you that clumsy on purpose,
so that I'd see you?
Or did you just get old
quicker than I did?
Uh, maybe a bit of both.
I need to talk to you.
Well, isn't that
what we're doing?
What I have to talk
to you about,
I don't think
you want to do here.
And time is a factor.
So, please.
Follow me.

Mrs. Dixon?
Hi, I'm Pete.
Nice to meet you.
Are you the chief of station
at the U.S. embassy, Pete?
No, but I'm the guy you want,
I promise.
What-what guy is that?
The guy who heard
a woman whisper
from a hundred miles away,
"I know the name
of Morgan Bote's killer"
and came running.
Before I say anything,
I would like some assurances.
What kind of assurances
would you like?
Immunity? For who?
For me.
For what?
For anything
that I may have done
in learning what I now know.
Anything I may have done
in becoming the person I now am.
Who were you before?
No one that matters to you.
I want everything
that comes next
to be disconnected
from what came before.
I have my own reasons.
Can you do that?
Did you know him?
Morgan Bote?
Yes, I did.
So you can imagine
how news of his murder
hit the community.
A lot of very dangerous people
are awake all over the world,
listening close for a name.
You say it to me,
I recede back into the dark
and all those monsters
come looking for their revenge
and they won't stop
till they get it.
Do you understand
what I'm saying, Marcia?
I think I do, Pete.
There are two kinds of people
who witness a murder.
The innocent kind
and the other kind.
All these monsters
I'm talking about,
they may get curious
about which kind you are.
Immunity from prosecution
is a matter
of a few phone calls.
But from people like me?
There's no such thing.
I guess what I'm saying is,
whatever it is you think
you're gonna gain from this,
whoever it is that you think
you're doing this for,
you better be sure,
because there's no going back.
That thought has occurred to me.
Make whatever calls
you need to, please
and then I will
tell you everything.
[CHASE] She says your name,
that's the end.
You'll sleep with one eye open
for the rest of your life,
which won't be long.
she says a different name,
one that solves
all your problems.
What name?
She'll tell a story
that an estranged
former protégé of Bote's
came back from the dead
because someone took
his daughter away.
Baba Ghor Ghori.
This monster of Bote's making
he came looking for revenge
against any man
who had anything to do with it.
He got Bote.
Got Faraz Hamzad.
He came looking for you,
and you got him.
Why would she do this?
Because in exchange
I get the antidote,
a bag of cash,
and she and I both go free.
Is that all?
No, that is not all, is it?
The men who took her away,
they told her a secret.
That she was not
his daughter at all.
- What does this mean?
- [ANGELA] What are you doing?
She was there
with Faraz Hamzad,
when your men came in shooting.
What does this mean,
she was not
your daughter at all?
Belour's daughter,
she was Faraz Hamzad's daughter?
She was looking for answers
about where she came from.
Who she was.
Answers to questions I told her
she was not allowed to ask.
She was finding them.
And you killed her.
What are you doing?
Why are you telling me this?
I want the body.
I want to say goodbye to her,
to put her to rest
someplace she belongs.
Why would you tell me this?
- What is that supposed to mean?
- That I'm responsible
- for such a thing?
- [ANGELA] "A place where I belong"?
And then ask me
to believe
you harbor no anger against me.
[ANGELA] You had him!
What the fuck is wrong with you?
No anger?
All there is in me is anger.
You want to play the game
against me?
And all that prevents me
from snapping your neck
is a lie good enough
to get my hands free.
Any other day,
you play that game with me,
you'd never see it coming.
But not today.
No, not today.
I made a promise.
To make it out of here alive.
I have to I want to keep it.
Cowards want, Dad. Men owe.
- Isn't that what you told me?
- I kill you,
your men kill me,
I've broken the promise.
- A promise made to who?
- [ANGELA] You made promises to me.
To my wife.
Your wife is dead.
You made promises to Mom.
Marcia Dixon.
[PAVLOVICH] I thought she was
someone who did not matter.
She matters to me.
You would call yourself
the murderer of your mentor.
You would forgo vengeance
against a man you believe
murdered your own child
for life with this woman?
I would.
Get me a phone.
I'll tell her to do
what I offered
so long as you do what I asked.
- [PAVLOVICH] The telephone.
You told me there was nothing
that you wouldn't
give up for me.
I'm sorry.
You fucking coward.
You fucking coward.
I'm sorry.
Call your wife.
There you are.
I was deputized to find you.
You found me.
Okay if I sit?
It's your bench.
I suppose it is.
Zoe, the moment I start trying
to talk you
into marrying my son,
I feel like we've crossed
some kind of a line
you probably want to keep
a good distance from,
- so I'm not gonna
- I'm gonna marry your son.
I just
I don't know,
I just needed a minute.
I prepared
a whole thing, though.
What if I'm not made for this?
You worried
you don't love him enough?
Don't ask me that.
That isn't fair.
I ju
I'm not even sure
I know what that word means.
Of course you don't.
It doesn't mean anything.
It is a fiction
without substance
used to sell greeting cards
and facilitate musical theater
and to mitigate the terror
of making yourself vulnerable
before another human being.
Life is hard.
Comfort has value.
Trust has value.
If you are waiting
for some kind of magical light
to turn on
before you let yourself
commit to a partner
you could be waiting
for a very
very, very long time.
I'm here.
- You find the guy?
- Yeah.
Yeah, he's just outside.
You okay?
I'm here.
Uh, yeah, I
I have the guy making
phone calls to buy time,
like you said.
I think we have a deal here.
When the guy gets back,
you know what to say, right?
I do.
And this thing
I'm gonna say to him,
you know what that means, right?
I do.
This guy,
he threatened me with a,
with a lifetime of trouble.
He had no idea
that I came in here
knowing that was
the price to pay,
- being more than ready to pay it.
- Hold on, Zoe.
The deal is off.
Someone has moved against me.
I have not the time to determine
whether you are part of it,
so I will assume it
and proceed accordingly.
You don't know me.
But I have always known you.
From the moment I began.
A long time ago,
Captain Pavlovich's entire unit
was massacred
in a place called Meshbahar.

When he came home,
he went to the families
of the murdered men
and he told them that
he would see to their needs
and to the futures of their now
fatherless children.
I was just a boy when I was
first told about an American
who had murdered my father.
Gutted him
like an animal,
from his belly
all the way to his throat.
I'm so glad that you are here.
That isn't terribly flattering.
My issue isn't
with your appearance.
- I meant him.
- This isn't a fucking joke.
- This is serious.
- Why are you here, Harold?
I know about the cartel, Marion.
I know about
the Meshbahar deposit.
I know that you are involved
with all of it somehow,
and I need some answers.
What kind of answers
are you in need of?
I believe Suleyman Pavlovich
just sent mercs into Afghanistan
and slaughtered a village
full of women and children.
What is the nature
of your relationship with him?
This cartel was conceived
to terrorize the U.S. economy.
What's your relationship
with it?
That's not why you're here.
For fuck's sake.
Please tell me why I'm here.
I'm very sorry about
what happened to Morgan Bote.
I know he meant
a great deal to you.
I think you're here because you
believe you owe it to him to be here.
Are you saying
what I think you're saying?
I'm trying to offer you
my condolences.
What do you think I'm saying?
I know that Pavlovich
had a hand in that hit.
What is the nature of
your relationship to all this?
I didn't have
anything to do with
killing Bote, and you know it.
How do I know that?
Because I am telling you.
That's why.
We had our differences.
I thought
his worldview misguided,
his tactics shortsighted
and his his values twisted.
And for what it's worth,
I never thought
he was particularly nice to you.
And if I had decided
to eliminate him
for any of those reasons,
decency would demand that
I tell you so, but I didn't.
And you don't owe him this.
Finishing his projects for him?
It won't bring him back.
And it won't change the way
he felt about you either.
30 years ago,
I'd have fallen for that
hook, line and sinker,
I'd let you charge up the hill
and take the high ground
without firing a shot.
A few days ago, I would have
played dumb for a while
and waited for you
to make a mistake.
But honestly, I'm fucking tired,
my friends are in trouble, the
world is hanging by a thread,
and I don't have time
for this shit right now.
Are we gonna talk,
or do you want
to keep fucking around?
You want to talk?

A partnership.
That has value.
Provides things.
It could teach you things.
There's all sorts of things
this family can teach you.
What kind of things?
- Let's get you married first.
There'll be plenty of time
for all that.

- Yeah?
- Harold Harper sent me.
Make sure you were okay.
Seems like you're okay.
Now, the next part's
gonna happen fast.
Harold tells me
you're fully up to speed?
Are you coming?
I just told you,
I don't have a relationship
with Suleyman Pavlovich
Then what is happening
- in this picture, Marion?
- anymore.
- Why, what happened?
- Becau he doesn't need me.
That's why.
He has control
of the Meshbahar deposit.
- Y-You were helping him
- Helping?
I brought him into it.
He seemed a fit as a partner,
for muscle and infrastructure.
But Faraz Hamzad would not
entertain any of our offers.
Seemed preordained
that the Meshbahar deposit
would be developed
with American partners
for American interests.
And I didn't understand why
until you called me
and said,
"Help me rescue Angela Adams,"
and it all became
painfully clear.
He needed the Americans
to find his daughter.
you figured maybe
Johnny and I
weaken Hamzad, scare him,
then he reconsiders his position
and decides to partner
with Beijing?
You say that like
it would've been a bad plan.
I know it's been a long time
since you decided
to side with these people,
but I'm still trying
to get my head around it.
I was born here.
I know the flag may have
A hell of a lot more
than the flag
has changed in Hong Kong.
I'm sure you know that.
This is my home,
I have roots here,
and that matters to me
more than the rest of it.
I know what Chinese intelligence
would demand
of a former British spook
before they would trust her.
This place was paid for
with the lives of British spies
whose covers you burned.
The more you rationalize,
the more I know
you're holding back.
Answer the goddamn question.
What is your role
in all of this?
I wanted to weaken Hamzad,
but I didn't only want
to weaken Hamzad.
Well, what else did you want?
I told you what I wanted.
You told me?
When did you tell me?
When you called me
from Afghanistan,
what did I tell you I wanted?
You told me you wanted dinner.
Stop bullshitting me.
I wanted dinner.
But I didn't only
want dinner with you.
What does that mean?
Pavlovich was a good partner,
for muscle and infrastructure,
but to exploit
the Meshbahar deposits
for years, decades,
and to keep it stable
you need another
kind of partner.
You need a person connected
to the people there.
You need a Hamzad.
I was helping you
rescue Parwana Hamzad
because I wanted you to
introduce me to Parwana Hamzad.
A woman with American ties,
Panjshir tribal ties,
counterintelligence training
from one of the very best
in the world,
and how many languages
does she speak?
Is it really so hard to imagine
how valuable a partner
somebody like that
could have been?
You thought I would help you
cultivate Angela
as a Chinese asset?
The government
that you devoted your life to
turned on you,
called you a monster.
It's so unthinkable
you might be open
to some new ideas?
No one in the history
of the world
has ever been more grateful
for a divorce
than I am right now.
Now who's deflecting?
Angela was my daughter.
In every way that matters.
I don't know what the fuck
you are at this point,
but I wouldn't have let you
within 1,000 miles of her.
Do you know why I'm calling you?
Did you miss me?
What was that?
That was Suleyman Pavlovich.
I thought you said you didn't
have a relationship with him
- anymore
- I don't.
So I'm forced to wonder
how terrified he must be
to have made that call.
And what's he so terrified of?
It will end
like I always hoped it would.
That I will look into your face
as you experience
what he experienced.
My father's name
was Leonid Fedotov.
I barely knew him except for
as a ghost in my nightmares,
pleading with me
to get to this moment.
To slay the monster
who took him from his family.
Sir, I have
credible intelligence
suggesting that you have
lost control
of the facility entirely.
If this is true,
whoever has taken it from you
can cause all manner
of disruption
and damage to this body.
Do you have any idea
who's behind this attack?

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