The Serpent Queen (2022) s02e07 Episode Script

A House Divided

on The Serpent Queen
[ANTOINE] I think we have
a fucking problem.
Queen Elizabeth of England
With whom you've committed treason.
arrived early this morning
as a prospective bride
for the King of France.
Welcome to our humble home.
I'm onto you. This is a play, isn't it?
Well, I'm here to reassure you
that we remain committed
to your cause.
I hope you will accept a gift.
Weapons, four wagons full.
I will accept your gift.
We represent
the Catholic League of France.
I think we need to talk about your son.
Which one?
You can see what I cannot see.
Would you like to be of use to me?
I realize I misunderstood about us.
You didn't misunderstand.
[CATHERINE] I'd like you
to return to my service.
Whatever I can do, Your Majesty.
My brother, I want to know
what he does at all times.
Everything was stolen from me,
and I intend to get it back fivefold.
Do you know Sisi, grandniece
of the Holy Roman Emperor?
As it happens, we have
a great deal in common.
Do you know
the more time I spend with you,
the more I question
whether I have, in fact,
been presented with the right brother?
What do you think
about a fence to settle things?
It's my intention
to marry the winner.

Despite my best efforts,
our challenges mounted
by the day.

Sister Aabis.

Are you ready to admit
God the Savior into your life
and abandon your Catholic masters?

I am.

A wise choice.

Are you looking for this?
Your Majesty.
You've examined the king?
Considering his breathing, heart rate,
and family history,
I believe the king's symptoms
point to only one diagnosis
I've heard that word
far too many times in my life.
I do not wish to hear it again.
I'm sorry.
But I see no benefit
in not telling you the truth.
Does he know?
If he does, he's not
admitted it to himself.
And how long does he have to live?
Difficult to say.
You've served us a long time.
You've always told us the truth.
But if the king's condition
becomes public at the wrong time,
it will undermine his authority
when the country
is at its most vulnerable.
if you breathe a word of this to anyone,
including the king himself
I will have you beheaded for treason.
But if you keep it a secret,
I will always make sure you have
whatever it is you need
for your own condition.

How is my brother the king?
Need you ask?
Look, I did what you asked me to do.
I gave him every opportunity to win.
Did you?
It was your pride and vanity
that led to the death
of your brother Hercule
and now possibly your king.
Do not say that.
And why shouldn't I say it,
when it is true?
I have indulged you for far too long.
And all your life,
you have caused me shame
but never more than today.
But now, once and for all,
you will hide away your deviant nature.
You will deny what you are
and get along like the rest of us
so I can fix this mess you've made.
Do you understand?
[YELLING] Do you understand?
Yes, Mother.

But don't doubt for a second
that whatever it is
that shames you about me

well, it lives in you as well.

Though it pains me to admit it,
he was right, of course.

What's all this?
Join us.
I'd rather stand.
It is our understanding
that you've grown quite fond
of Princess Margot.
She's a pretty girl.
She's a child.
She's of age.
For a dirty old man like you, maybe.
Francois, please,
do not forget your manners.
What the fuck is this?
This is God's natural order.
The king is unduly influenced
by the Protestants in his court.
Entertaining the heretic queen
was the final straw.
His brother Anjou and his predilections
are destined to mark him
as an equally unsuitable ruler.
There is a great reckoning coming.
All true believers will seek
a new king to rally behind.
A marriage between yourself
and the Princess Margot
would create a new line,
a purely Catholic line.
The Guise line.
You want me to be king?
Until an heir is of age.
What's this?
A petition from the Catholic clerics
to name you as head of state.
- You can't do this.
We represent the Catholic Church,
with all the wealth and the power
of the Vatican behind us.
In truth, we can do whatever we want.
And what do you think Catherine
is gonna say about this?
Catherine has lost her influence,
as have her sons.
I think we can agree
time is up for the Valois court.
And if I refuse this insanity?
Do you know how we punish
members of the clergy
who adopt the new faith?
It's a method that was
perfected in Madrid
during the Grand Inquisition.
They're skinned alive
and then burnt at the stake.
I've seen it.
It takes a while.
And when the flame reaches
the exposed flesh,
the pain is said to be unspeakable.
So if you will not do this for France
perhaps you'll do it for your brother.

It will take a moment
for my son to consider your proposal.
We will leave you to confer
as a family.

What the fuck have you done now?

Your Majesty, it is my honor
to present this model
of the Tuileries Palace.
I have tried for a perfect match
between French and Italian cultures.
And you have achieved it.
You have a rare talent, Alessandro.
Won't it take ages to build?
Like anything worth doing.
[CATHERINE] It will be
a fitting monument
- to your rule.
A home fit for a king and his new queen.
It is my hope that we would
have broken ground
by the time Princess Sisi
visits us again.
Why would Sisi come here?
I guess she can't stay away.
As it happens, her uncle sent
word of her return this morning.
And as you two got along so well,
I thought you would welcome the news.
That doesn't seem
particularly appropriate
if I am to be betrothed, does it?
Rahima, would you kindly
entertain my brother for me?
[CHARLES] What are you up to?
You asked Sisi to come here.
I am simply obeying an instinct.
Your heart obviously lies
with Princess Sisi.
Otherwise, you would have won
the fencing match.
[SCOFFS] Of course I would have won.
I got dizzy, that's all.
Of course.
I can see that.
But Queen Elizabeth
might not agree with me.
Then she is a fool.
Mm, perhaps, but I fear
you have lost favor
with the English queen.
In fact, I suspect her affections
have turned towards your brother.
[SCOFFS] Anjou?
That's scraping the bottom
of the barrel, isn't it?
Anjou's energy is a better fit
for the English queen,
whereas Princess Sisi
would make a fine consort.
Sisi is not a queen.
But she will take care of you.
Why not be happy?
You really expect me to believe
your concern is my happiness?

Hello, you.
Why all broody?
Haven't you heard?
We're on the verge of civil war.
Aren't we always?
At least in my family, we are.
Seems somewhat worse this time.
I've figured out how I'm going
to get away from all this.
I'm going to the New World.
You should come with me.
I mean, we'd have to get married first.
Just as a formality, of course.
You put that thought out of your mind.
Do you understand me?
It is not safe for you
to be close to me.
Of course it is.
You have no idea who I am, do you?
- Yes, I do.
- Do you?
You see, little girl
I started all this.
I set that church on fire
to set all of France on fire,
and it worked, because that's
the sort of man I am.
Do you understand me?
You lied to me.
Of course I lied to you.
I liked your fantasy of me,
so I chose to indulge it.
But now your innocence
is too close to stupidity
to be charming.
So do us both a favor
and stay the fuck away from me.
Do you understand, little girl?

Please stop calling me that.

Thank you for agreeing to see me.
Of course.
And how is the king?
He is well.
His pride hurt more than anything.
My dear Catherine,
the repeating of a falsehood
does not make it true.
I know consumption when I see it.
Such a cruel disease.
My own sister succumbed,
drowning in her lungs.
It was a torture
that distorted her mind.
Do you know she was
not always known as Mad Mary?
She was quite sweet
when we were children.
I hope that you can understand
the sensitivity
of this information.
Of course.
As I hope that you will see the need
to preserve the treaty
between our two kingdoms.
We are in agreement.
We must find a way to get what we want.
It is my belief that we will
come to terms on Calais
and on trade routes
and even on your annoying cousin Mary.
Well, that is very good to hear.
But, according to patriarchy,
we must bind our kingdoms together
like neighboring farms breeding swine.
An ugly business,
but it is the way of the world.
I believe you may be willing
to consider Anjou
as a prospective mate
in place of his brother.
You are even more pragmatic
than I'd imagined.
One might mistake it for carelessness.
That would be a miscalculation.
- [ELIZABETH] Of course.
Ah, Throckmorton.

Well, this is quite unexpected,
change in loyalties so quickly.
And yet you get along with Anjou.
He does amuse me.
Marriages have been built on less.
Anjou did win the match,
and after all, I promised my heart
to the winner, didn't I?
Indeed you did, Your Majesty.
My father always told me
one must honor one's word.
Although he did say
the same thing to my mother,
so who knows what he meant?
I have an idea.
Why don't we go and tell my new suitor
the happy news right away?
Oh, but it is late.
Not too late for Anjou, I'm sure.
Isn't that right, Throckmorton?
Never, Your Majesty.
Unless, of course, you're having
second thoughts about the union.
Of course not.
What fun.

How festive.
Could he be expecting us?

Come to think of it,
another time would be better.
Nonsense. I love a party.
Allow me.

[BALSAC] Anjou.
- Anjou.
- What?

what are you staring at?
I imagine you have lots to discuss,
mother to son.
I'll leave you to it.
Adieu, my prince.
Can you shut the door?
I'm not quite finished.



Ah, Catherine, I was so worried
we wouldn't be able to say our goodbyes.
I didn't want to wake you.
Thought you might need your sleep
after all the excitement.
My lady-in-waiting neglected
her duties this morning.
But you're not leaving us, are you?
With our business unfinished?
But of course I am.
Surely, you must agree
that things have changed,
what with one of your sons
being medically unfit
and the other one apparently
in possession of sexual needs
I couldn't possibly meet.
Come on.
We both know a marriage of this kind
can make room for any number
of eccentricities.
They are private matters.
Until they are not.
When word gets out and every royal house
hears about Charles and Anjou,
whoever marries them
is going to be a laughingstock.
[CATHERINE] And you will
make sure that word gets out.
Because you had no intention
of marrying either of my sons.
You came to France for whatever
advantage you could find for England.
But, of course.
It must be a challenge
to have to pose as
an outrageous, giggling flirt
to get what you want.
I would be careful, because given time,
it may prove difficult
to know which is a pose
and which is not.
Let me explain something to you.
Men have been marrying women off
for thousands of years.
My own father, for example,
was a pigheaded fool,
but his will was irresistible.
He defied a Catholic God,
and the whole country went with him.
Your late father-in-law, Francis I,
was almost his equal.
But they did what they did as men,
unapologetic in their appetites.
You and I don't have such luxury.
So yes, I must pose as a virgin
and you as a witch
to get what we want.
When I became queen,
I decided no man
was ever gonna marry me off.
I was simply going
to drive up the price,
playing one suitor off against another.
So yes, you're quite right.
Of course I came here looking
for the best deal for England
and not a husband.
And it turned out, it was not
you who presented it to me.
But you found it.
Yes, in the most unlikely place.
Oh, this might be of interest to you,
as it appears you don't have
the slightest idea
what's going on beneath your own roof.
Frankly, I'd expected a bit more
of the Serpent Queen of France.

I would get your house in order
if I were you.
And I wish you all the best with that.



- We've got a problem.
- Another one?
We need to leave immediately.

Where are the Princes of the Blood?
Well, to be honest with you,
I have no idea.
Would seem that my lords and masters
have exiled themselves without me.
May as well take him.
On what charge?
I'm sure they'll come up with something.
[TANCREDE] I didn't do nothing.
Where is Rahima?
She failed in her duties,
and I was at a disadvantage
with Queen Elizabeth.
I demand an explanation.
Lady Rahima had business
away from the palace today.
What business?
Sure you want to know?

[RAHIMA] I should get back.
[ALESSANDRO] Aren't you tired
of being at her beck and call?
It's my position.
Doesn't have to be.
Are you gonna make me a duchess?
Haven't you heard?
- Titles are dying out.
They're almost meaningless.
Besides, I can do better.
I approached Queen Elizabeth
with my plan for investment
in the New World.
Behind Catherine's back?
Behind Catherine's back, no.
I saw an opportunity, and I took it.
She can't begrudge me that.
You don't know Catherine.
[ALESSANDRO] It's too late.
Elizabeth will fund my endeavor.
We'll be partners in trade.
I came to France to see
if my connection to Catherine
would increase my fortune.
Now it has.

Are you using me too?
Of course,
the same way you are using me.
For pleasure.
Seems to me the most rational
thing in the world.
She's infatuated with you.
Is she?
If that's what it means when you do not
see someone for who they are.
[ALESSANDRO] Well, then she is
infatuated with the idea
of not being alone.
And I didn't deprive her.
[RAHIMA] Did you hear something?
When I leave, I want you to come with me
to the New World.
A place you can be your own woman,
not take orders from anyone.
Will you do that?
I will consider it
on one condition.
I owe you nothing.

From this water, you are reborn
in second baptism.
Do you feel a weight is lifted from you?
I will when you hold up
your end of the bargain.


[ANTOINETTE] My child, what is it?
Nothing that concerns you.
Is it my son?
Has he tried to break
the understanding between you?
I fear I will never be
the same ag [SOBS]
- again.
- Oh.
My poor child,
I know how hopeless it all seems,
but you do not have to feel this way.
You see, the duke is a wounded man.
Something terrible
happened to him in the war.
He was vague on the details,
but as a result,
he does not think himself
worthy of love.
You must persuade him otherwise.
I believe he could be the man
he truly wants to be
with me.
It fills my heart to hear you say that
because I believe it too.
[ANTOINETTE] Will you allow me
to help you, hmm?
Yes, of course.
The, uh, House of Bourbon
would like to publicly commit
our loyalty
to you and your cause.
My sources tell me you are only here
because Catherine discovered
your treachery.
While it's true our disagreements
with the House of Valois
have been revealed
perhaps before our liking,
we have never wavered in our efforts
to bring down Catherine and her family.
I know what she's capable of.
And Antoine knows what I am capable of.
Yeah, unfortunately, yes. Yes, I do.
Your wife and son
have proven devoted pilgrims.
do your father and uncle
believe in our cause?
Are they pure of heart?


I fear they're not.
In fact, in the past,
they've even tried to lead me astray.
- But
- What are you doing, Henri?
- Please-please don't.
- But
they can be taught
and, given the proper guidance,
they could benefit our cause.

In fact
were they to accept second baptism
to prove their loyalty

I believe they could begin
their journey toward the light.
Willing and able.
Then so it shall be.
To the lake.
I thought I would be too late.
What, you thought I'd abandoned you?
We're bound together,
whether we like it or not.
I have been made a fool.
Yeah, you could say that, I suppose.
Tell me what I have not seen.
Queen Elizabeth has bested you.
Edith's power is growing.
And you are surrounded by traitors.
So you're fucked from every angle.
So there's a poppet
for each member of the court
who has betrayed you.
Six poppets.
Six traitors that must be dealt with.
The Bourbons.
The Guises.
My lady-in-waiting, Rahima.
My brother Alessandro.
But who is the sixth?
Your visions haven't shown you?
No, but they torment me.

If you drink this
you will see.
What's in it?
You don't want to know.
I'll be your guide.
All of it.





Been asleep for hours.
So what did you see?
My face
was covered in blood.
And there was a woman
giving birth in my bed.
And inside the swaddling
there wasn't a baby.
There was a nest of snakes.
Then the sixth traitor is a child.
Who can say?
Hello, Mother.
I hope this isn't a bad time.
Not at all.
What can I do for you both?
[ANTOINETTE] I just heard the bad news
about Queen Elizabeth's rejection
of the king's proposal.
Such difficult days we live through.
Life seemed so much simpler
when I was a girl.
I suppose everybody
says that, but
when I look at what young
people have to face today,
I am quite sure of it.
The miracle is that hope
springs eternal in the young.
Like rising damp.
It is my understanding
that my son and your daughter
have fallen in love.
I suppose you were aware.
I must confess, I did not know
it was so serious.
I once told you that you
would have to take a side.
Why not take the side of love?
Mother, it is my opinion
that a union like this,
based not on politics
but on genuine affection,
is precisely
what the French people crave.
It's the sort of thing
that justifies the existence
of poetry, of art, of fashion,
of everything that makes us so
Not to mention that if I'm not mistaken,
with Queen Elizabeth's rejection,
you are left with no way to pay
for the palace by the Seine.
[ANTOINETTE] Unless you appeal
to the Catholic Church,
which nowadays means going
through the Catholic League.
Somewhat unyielding in their views,
but as it happens,
I enjoy considerable influence
in those circles.
Do you?
If our families were to be rejoined,
I would be happy to assist.
And you, Margot,
can you examine yourself
and tell me that this is
something that you really want,
that you are not simply intoxicated
by the intrigue of a court romance?
I can,
and I do.
Will you allow it?
I will do everything
in my power to make you happy.
[MARGOT] Thank you, Mother.
The king will object.
So you must leave it with me
to persuade him.
Can we agree on that?
Of course.
Thank you.

Little madam.

[CARDINAL GUISE] Oh, Your Majesty.
You're surprised to see me?
Well, you, uh, rarely come for service.
It is true.
Something was ruined for me
by the nuns who raised me.
Sadists, all of them.
The truth is, I've never
understood why people
fight over religion.
The differences between the faiths
have always seemed
so insignificant to me.
I've often thought I'd be the same
whether I were born
a Mohammedan or a Jew.
How about you?
I believe there are false prophets.
Do you believe Sister Edith is one?
I think God should be the one to judge.
[CATHERINE] May I say,
I've sensed a renewed power
to your faith.
And that is why I am here,
because if faith can ease
the pain of a mother
who has to watch yet
another one of her sons die,
then I don't care where it comes from.
I-I don't know how I can
survive another loss.
The king is ill?
As my priest,
I hope I can trust you
to keep this a secret.
The king cannot be undermined
at such a critical time.
Of course.
You are totally right, Your Majesty.
Your secret is safe with me.
Will you pray with me?
Yes, it would be my honor.

[CATHERINE] Hail Mary, full of grace,
the Lord is with thee.
Blessed art thou amongst women,
and blessed is the fruit
of thy womb, Jesus.

[SPOKESMAN] Yes, my child.
Bless me, Father,
for I am about to sin.
You mean you have sinned in the past?
When I feel it coming on,
I just can't stop it.
The feeling is

So the Catholic League would
like the Duke of Guise to be king?
And he gave this to you?
I took it
while he was indisposed
with a bell in his ass.
Your country will not forget
your service.


Hello, Rahima.
I'm sorry that Queen Elizabeth
has returned to England.
If I could, I would have prevented you
from going into Anjou's rooms.
Perhaps it was for the best.
It actually reminded me
of one of the first lessons
I ever taught you.
Trust no one.
So you do remember.
[RAHIMA] Of course.
Well, I'm glad.
Did you manage to look over
my brother's books?
You were right.
Of course, it was my mistake.
Everything was in order.
I am grateful.

The time comes when we all
must choose a side.
She chose hers.

What the fuck do you want?
Only what I said to you
may have been unforgivable.
I once told you
that you must lock away
that which makes you different.
That which some might call the
perversity in you should be hidden
because it is shameful.
But I now know
that I was wrong.
And to deny your true nature
would be death.
Even if I had the power
of the Almighty
I wouldn't change
a single hair on your head.

Because then you wouldn't be you.
And it is your nature
that just might save our family.
One day soon,
I will come to you and ask for help.
I only hope
that you can answer that call
despite the harm I have done to you.

[CHARLES] This certainly is
a reduced Council.
Anjou has recused himself
for the time being.
Perhaps it will be more efficient.
Perhaps it is better to
recognize when we are beaten.
It appears Queen Elizabeth has
armed Edith and her followers,
who also have the support
of the Princes of the Blood
and the mercantile class they represent.
So we only have one choice.
Bring Edith into the fold,
or fight a civil war
it is no longer certain we will win.
I have called you here today
because I have made a decision.
I've agreed to go with Montmorency
to meet Edith and broker a peace.
[FRANCOIS] So that's what you
get for killing a
prince these days, is it,
a peace deal?
[CATHERINE] I am curious.
How did Montmorency persuade
Sister Edith to meet with you?
He was baptized into her faith
as I plan to be.
[SCOFFS] I, uh
I think the king has proven his wisdom.
Do you?
[CHARLES] When I convert
to the new religion,
Edith's army will be loyal to me.
The Catholics will retaliate.
[CHARLES] Maybe,
but the Valois line
remains a Catholic one.
And if I were to marry a Catholic royal,
like Princess Sisi,
grandniece of the Holy Roman Emperor,
the Catholics may be appeased.
You want to bet the country
on a "maybe"?
What other choice do we have?
It is the right choice.
I am pleased to hear you say so.
I worried you would try to stop me.
Perhaps I have been overzealous
in my efforts to protect you, my king.
But all I have ever wanted
for you is independence.
And if you have come to believe
that a compromise
with Sister Edith is the way forward,
then I support you.
In fact, I would like to accompany you
to offer my blessings.
- Really?
- [CATHERINE] Of course.
Then I would like that.
You are my king,
and I'm loyal to you above all else.



Your Majesty, you are most welcome.

Are you here for salvation?
I am.
And you?

I am here for peace.

I would like to speak
with the Queen Mother alone.
If that would be agreeable to you?
Of course.

What the fuck was that?
Be patient.
You'll get what you came for.

I'm surprised you would come.
the new power in the land.
I thought I would show you
the respect you are due.
Is it not more accurate to say
that when the king's grand tour
failed to unite the people,
you hoped Queen Elizabeth
would marry one of your sons
to replace me
in the people's hearts?
But she refused.
So now you hope the king's baptism
will inspire my followers
to lay down their arms
and serve as his loyal subjects.
I do.
And what do you have to offer in
exchange for this peace you seek?
The conversion of a king is not enough?
Well, it might be.
But the conversion of a dying king
is a different matter,
wouldn't you agree?
I see I can keep nothing from you.
It came to me in a vision.
It seems you come
for my friendship empty-handed.
Not exactly.
You're quite right.
My son is not long for this world,
and his brother is a well-known deviant.
It will be the end of the Valois line.
So what happens next?
Antoine of Bourbon
is next in line to the throne,
but he is guilty of treason
and would never be accepted
by the French Catholics.
Nor, as I'm sure you are aware,
is he a true believer of your faith.
His son Henri, however,
is a different matter.
If he were to marry
a Catholic princess
and produce a son,
the people would rally
around the new line,
a new Protestant line.
The king would be yours to control.
And who, out of curiosity,
is the lucky bride
in this new world order?
My daughter Margot.
You expect me to trust you?
Because as soon as the marriage
is consummated,
I will sign the regency over to you.
And you will be the most
powerful person in France.
I'm common.
As am I.
You may tell me
that you have no desire
for earthly power
and that your kingdom lies in heaven,
but somehow
I do not believe you will.
I wonder.
What would your son say
if he heard you give away
his legacy so easily?
he would despise me
more than he already does.
You mistake me for one of the pieces
you move around the board so easily.
I have learned the hard way
that you are no such thing.
Oh, Sister Edith,
I am tired of this game.
All I want is to not bury
any more of my children.

Only the Almighty decides who we bury.

I think we've kept them
waiting long enough,
don't you?

[PJ HARVEY] I lost my heart ♪
Under the bridge ♪
To that little girl ♪
So much to me ♪
And now I moan ♪
And now I holler ♪
She'll never know ♪
Just what I found ♪
- That blue-eyed girl ♪
- That blue-eyed girl ♪
- She said, "No more" ♪
- She said, "No more" ♪
- And that blue-eyed girl ♪
- That blue-eyed girl ♪
- Became blue-eyed whore ♪
- Became blue-eyed whore ♪
- Down by the water ♪
- Down by the water ♪
- I took her hand ♪
- I took her hand ♪
- Just like my daughter ♪
- Just like my daughter ♪
- Won't see her again ♪
- See her again ♪
Oh, help me, Jesus ♪
Come through this storm ♪
I had to lose her ♪
To do her harm ♪
- I heard her holler ♪
- I heard her holler ♪
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