The Traitors UK (2022) s02e07 Episode Script

Season 2, Episode 7

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Previously on The Traitors, 22
players arrived at this Scottish
castle to play the ultimate
murder mystery game
in the hope of winning
up to £120,000.
But concealed amongst them
are the Traitors,
whose job is to secretly murder
the others without getting caught.
And if they make it to the end,
they will take all the money.
As suspicions circulated
Andrew has escaped
all public attention.
I do still think it is you, Anthony.
I think it's you, mate.
and accusations flew
at the round table
I think you're a bad Faithful,
to be honest.
I'm not settled with yourself, Paul.
it was a win for the Traitors
I voted for Ant.
I am 100% Faithful.
as another Faithful was banished.
That's 8-1 down.
Let that sink in.
But as the Traitors'
game play slipped
I said to Harry, "Don't tell anyone
that I've told you."
Why would Harry do that?
they were tasked with
a murderous challenge.
"Whichever Faithful's lips
touch the poisoned chalice first
"will be murdered."
Oh, God! I feel like I need a beer.
But will the Traitors manage
to murder in plain sight?
This is The Traitors.
Diane, there's rose. Are you
wanting one? Oh, yes, please.
I think you're right.
This is fizzy rose. Is it?
I'd rather have the flat stuff.
Do you want the fizzy, or?
I would take fizzy. OK.
Oh, my gosh!
That was a hard, hard task.
And I feel nothing but guilt.
But my job here is done.
I hope to see you in the morning,
all right? You as well.
So, the deed is done and a Faithful
has drunk from the poisoned chalice.
What the Traitors don't know
is that the poison doesn't work with
immediate effect.
Breakfast tomorrow is going to be
very interesting.
MUSIC: Teardrop by Massive Attack
# Teardrop on the fire
# Of a confession
# Fearless on my breath
# Teardrop on the fire #
Great. Good.
I was fully expecting to be dead,
to be honest with you.
I just thought, you know,
"If I'm going to get killed off,
it'll be tonight.”
But obviously, I wasn't.
Come in.
Hello, hello, hello!
I hoped we would get a chance
to speak.
I mean, I'm gobsmacked that
I'm still here.
I was hoping I would get
a few minutes with Ross.
I didn't know whether, of course,
he was going to be here or not,
so seeing him as well was fab.
Come here, I feel like
we've not really seen each other.
Mum came in, and that was great
because, you know,
it gave us a chance
to actually chat.
You need to stop on Zack,
seriously. No, listen, please
Yeah, but Mum, how do you know that
he's not a Traitor?
No, just lay off him. I know
you don't want to take advice.
Obviously, I'm your mother
and you don't like taking advice.
Having that extra pair of eyes
and that voice of reason is great.
It's like an added security blanket.
Definitely comforting
to have her here.
They're getting rid of
very smart people
and very No! outspoken people.
I'm still here.
Well, exactly, exactly! So they're
getting rid of all the smart ones.
I adore Paul, but I'm not sure.
You're still a question mark.
Yeah, right. You're doing
some weird things! I'm j
What am I doing that's weird?
You're just You're throwing names
out, you're going off emotion.
Totally disagree with you,
Come in!
ROSS: So lovely to see your faces.
When I saw Diane sitting there,
I was thinking, "Aren't you dead?"
Like, "Why are you here?"
Erm So I had to have
this whole, like, "Oh, wow!
"So nice to see you!"
This is a roll-er-coaster.
I already felt guilty for doing it
in the first place,
but then having to break bread
with her across the table,
it was even worse.
Oh, look! You've got the Xs!
We're just getting more and more.
It does feel a little bit like it's
slipping away from the Faithfuls.
Oh! Come in!
So good to see your faces.
I walk in and Diane's
just sat there, and I'm like
"Like, what are you doing here?"
Hi, everyone. You OK?
What is going on in here?
Diane's still sat there.
Did we murder the wrong person?
It's getting too much now.
It's getting Like, I was like,
"Ooh! Oh, I don't like this now."
PLAYERS: Come in!
Good morning, folks!
How are you all doing?
Oh, my God! Massive shock.
Diane's just sat there.
I wasn't expecting that.
Paul looked at me like,
"What the hell's kind of going on?"
And I was like, "I don't know!"
I'm not sure what's happening.
Is thatall we're waiting for?
Zack and Andrew?
It seems odd for them
to be getting rid of one of them.
What a strange option.
Come in! Hello. Come in, quick.
See who that is.
Whoa! What? what?
No way!
What on earth was going on?
Has Miles made a mistake?
Sorry, everybody's here. No-one's
been murdered. No-one's gone.
Ooh! Hello.
Good morning.
ALL: Morning.
So, as you will have worked out,
nobody was murdered last night.
Yes. Yeah.
Before you celebrate, I have to
tell you something very important.
The Traitors DID still strike.
Yesterday, one of you was poisoned.
Whilst their target is alive
and well, sitting here now,
by the end of today's mission,
they will be dead.
Oh, my God, this is horrible!
Think of today,
if you will,
as a slow march
to certain death. Oh, my God!
Jesus Christ! Oh, my God!
Please dress appropriately
to pay your final respects.
I'll see you outside shortly.
Oh, no. No way! Oh, my gosh.
You're told that you've consumed
poison, or somebody has,
and that you're slowly dying.
That's That's scary,
that's scary.
Someone's dying here, right now.
Someone is being murdered.
I'm just really, really scared.
This is so bizarre. I know.
I got kissed by somebody yesterday
and I thought, "That's weird."
You got kissed? Who?
Go on. I'm trying to think
who it was.
Somebody did yesterday, definitely.
"Maybe it was a kiss,
maybe it was a hug,
"maybe it was a tap on
the shoulder.”
And I'm thinking, "Uh-huh,
it could be all of those things.
"Let's not focus on the drinks."
I mean, it obviously doesn't have
to be a kiss either, of course.
It could be anything.
It could be anything.
But I just remember
I don't remember who it was.
Well, poison,
it could have been anything.
Pouring a tea or coffee.
Was anyone given a drink
last night
by someone
that they can easily point to?
We get handed out drinks all day
I poured a bunch of drinks.
I don't think it's a drink.
I know I poured my own
and didn't offer anyone else.
I feel calm because I didn't
I don't take drinks from people
typically, because of my OCD.
So everyone's kind of just like
trying to retrace their steps
and think about who it was
who gave them one.
Who did you have a drink off?
Jaz got me a beer. Did he?
So everyone's just on edge.
People are flying around theories.
This is the biggest clue
that we've ever been given,
and I just hope to God
we get it right -
because if we actually mess this up,
I just think there's no hope for us.
Oh, my head is fried, man.
Well, if I die later, then I know,
and this is my last day,
so I'll just enjoy it.
Miles actually pulled it off,
so we already know Diane
is in the process of deterioration.
Well, I didn't hand any drinks out.
Me neither. I know that.
You didn't hand any drinks out?
Thank God we're so rude, innit?
Yeah, trust me.
I genuinely believe
Diane was the right murder -
an incredibly strong woman,
amazing in the group,
but sadly, the person that is never,
ever going to be banished.
If you're pouring out drinks
for everyone,
you can't target
one specific person.
Well, unless you pour it out
and give 'em a drink.
Give it to them first? Yeah.
You go in first. Right.
I didn't pass anybody drinks
early yesterday.
But I know certain people got passed
drinks by certain people yesterday.
I am nervous - you know,
just the anticipation
where you're just waiting
for slow death.
Why are we convinced it's drinks?
I'm not!
It could be anything.
Poisoned chalice,
it could be a kiss, it could
be food. How are you feeling?
I'm just having a think about who
I saw handing drinks out last night.
Well, then, Evie's murdered me
because she had a glass of wine for
And I also gave one to Ross
and I also gave one to Mollie.
Miles gave me one. Miles didn't want
his wine, so he gave it to me.
Hi! Hi, guys. You all right?
Miles, you gave me a glass of rose
last night.
What? You gave me
a glass of sparkling rose.
But Evie gave me
I gave everyone drinks, all of
Yeah, but you may have poisoned
mine. What am I going to do?
Babe! I said to you,
"I hope you're not the Traitor!"
No, I know,
but I went behind the bar, I gave
I gave you a drink.
I am joking with you! No, no, no,
but it makes you paranoid.
No, no, no! Don't worry.
There's all this frantic talk
about who gave what to who,
and, of course, Evie and Miles
both gave me a drink last night.
I completely trust them.
I would be really quite upset
if I found out they were Traitors.
Evie gave me a drink. I gave
Well, you went behind the bar,
like we always do. I literally
served everyone their first drinks.
Diane is really suspicious.
When she said, "You gave me
a drink," I was very much like
And, yeah, a few people are kind of
giving me the side-eye,
so I thought, "Ooh!"
I was bricking it,
ain't going to lie.
Erm What I was going to suggest
is a toast or cheers.
There was a lot of cheers-ing
going on last night,
and I'm just thinking, like,
could that have been it?
I think that's a reach.
I feel like I'm throwing things
and I'm getting like, "No, no, no,"
but I'm just making suggestions.
No, babe.
Charlotte thinks the poison
is because someone's been cheers'd
and I just think
that's a bit ridiculous.
It was such a weird train of thought
that it seemed like she was trying
to divert attention away from her.
This is a clue. I think we should be
"Oh, OK, let's look
at other things."
Like, this is a clue, so let's
actually look and dissect this clue.
With conspiracies causing a divide,
players must now come together
for their next mission.
But for Diane,
who drank from the poisoned chalice,
her time in the castle
is very nearly up.
Coming out of the castle
and seeing horses,
I thought, "What is
going on here, man?"
Oh, my lord!
It was, like, really, really dark.
Everyone just looks at each other,
thinking, "What the hell?"
Dearly beloved players,
we are gathered here today
not just to win gold, but also
to say farewell to one of you
because by the end of
this mission,
the poisoned player amongst you
will be dead.
It's almost like a cold wind
coming up to my body.
I can feel it.
The Grim Reaper's coming.
Your task is simple.
We're going to take
a long, slow walk
to that player's final
resting place.
If you can correctly work out
which player has been poisoned
before they are buried, then £7,000
will be added to the prize pot.
En route, there will be
a series of questions
that will help you to do this.
If you answer correctly,
it will reveal a player or players
who have not been poisoned.
Those players can then
leave the march
and take a safe seat
on this carriage.
The more players you can get
on the carriage,
the more chance you'll have of
identifying the Traitors' victim -
because when we get to
the final resting place,
you will have to decide which of the
remaining players has been poisoned.
The Traitors obviously know
exactly who's been poisoned,
so I want you all to watch out
for crocodile tears.
Jasmine, you won
the shield yesterday.
You have not been poisoned.
Please step onto the carriage.
I just felt sorry for everyone else
because I've got the shield.
Like, I can't imagine having to walk
and find out whether I'm going
to be dead at the end of it.
MUSIC: Beethoven's Symphony No 5
It was really scary. You could
almost feel everybody's brain
was just going 100 miles an hour.
Like, "Have I done anything
for myself to be poisoned?”
It was definitely fear-inducing.
I was just stressing out
the entire way.
It's not going to be a fun mission
at all, but I need that money,
so let's build
that prize pot, please!
Players, here is your first clue.
Please could somebody come forward?
Harry? Jaz, please read the clue
to your fellow players.
JAZ READS: "The players who are safe
won a shield in the first mission."
You can confer.
It's Jaz and Harry, isn't it?
Jaz and Harry, yeah.
Players, who do you believe
is the answer?
Myself and Harry.
You are correct.
Please go and join Jasmine
on the carriage.
Jaz and Harry were not poisoned
by the Traitors last night.
I've got so many things
racing through my head,
and at the same time, I've got
to sit there and be soppy and sad
because one of our Faithfuls has
just been poisoned
and we're going to their funeral.
I've I've tried working it out.
So I've worked out Diane got a drink
given to her by Miles and Evie.
Charlie got given her drink
from Charlotte
and Andrew got given a drink
from Charlotte.
At this point, I'm panicking.
I'm going to have been poisoned.
I have been quite outspoken,
so the Traitors might see me
as a threat and want me out.
CHOIR SINGS: Funeral March by Chopin
What the hell is going on?
It was just unbelievable -
that whole sombre setting,
the choir.
It was just rogue.
CHOIR: # The players who are saved
# Are the players
who received a vote
# At last night's round table. #
# The person that is safe
is the person that was #
What a banger!
I almost had a little jig
if I wasn't frightened for my life.
Players, do you have the answer?
Sorry, darling.
So, you have chosen
Zack, Andrew and Ross.
I can reveal that is correct.
You have not been poisoned.
You live to see another day.
You know, I was in that carriage
pretty quickly.
Now I'm worrying about Mum.
A shrine to the Traitors'
latest kill, to Tracey.
Please could somebody read
the card of condolence?
Thank you, Charlotte.
from beyond the grave.
"The player who is safe
is the player
"who Tracey would leave all her
worldly goods to."
I would suggest
Evie and myself, maybe.
I think Diane, though.
Tarot cards Diane, yeah.
like crystals. Yeah. It's not me.
I'd say Diane. I'd say Diane too.
Diane, please step forward.
I can reveal that is incorrect.
Diane, you are not the answer
to the question.
Please rejoin the procession
and death may still be near for you.
Worldly goods That's so weird!
I would have totally thought that
was you.
As soon as we realised that
it wasn't Mum,
I'm going, "Oh, shit. Right, OK."
I'm nervous.
The players still standing,
you are still in contention.
One of you has been poisoned.
You OK?
In In that group Mollie and
Evie never took a drink off anyone.
No, Evie said she took a drink
off Charlotte at the bar.
So, this is your final clue.
"The players who are safe have never
received a vote at the round table."
Mollie. Mollie.
Mollie and Charlotte.
Please step to my right
if you think you are the answer.
Charlie, Charlotte, Mollie, Miles.
That is correct.
You have not been poisoned.
Death won't get you today,
but Diane, Evie, Paul,
one of you is this close to death.
I was feeling really sad
and I thought,
"Oh, my God", I was going to go.
I'm nervous.
I'm quite opinionated.
If I was a Traitor,
I would have got rid of me.
I will now take you
to the final resting place.
Obviously, I know that it's not me,
but you've got to kind of
play the process
just enough to show
that I was scared.
I did kind of have
a little sneaky whisper,
and I'm thinking, "How can I
use that to my advantage?"
Oh, my God!
I felt like I was in the middle
of a horror film!
It was so scary!
Evie, Paul, Diane,
these are your coffins.
Please get in them and lie down.
What are they going to do to them?
No way!
It was like a
You see how emotional everyone's
getting between each other.
Imagine that
but a million-fold, you know,
because your actual parent
might be murdered.
Being in the coffin was cold.
It was intense.
There was a horrible atmosphere.
Oh, my God.
It felt disgusting.
Even knowing I'm not going
to be killed, I was like,
"Get me out of this coffin!"
Players safe from murder, you must
each throw one of these roses
into the coffin of the person
you believe has been poisoned
and tell me why.
There will be no conferring.
Whoever has the most roses at
the end is the group's final choice.
The lid will then close
on the poisoned player
and they will be buried,
never to be seen again.
If your choice is correct, you will
add £7,000 to the prize fund.
If it's wrong, you get nothing.
Fuck me!
I started making my legs shake to,
to kind of, like
To show that I was kind of scared
and stuff like that.
And then I would do, like, a pant,
like deep breath,
every now and again.
Jaz, please step forward.
Take a rose, throw it into
the player's coffin
that you believe was poisoned
and tell me why.
I think the Traitors
have gone for Evie,
er, purely to just confuse
the whole group.
Harry, who do you believe
was poisoned by the Traitors?
Please take your rose
and tell me the reason why.
So, I mean, by a process of
elimination, throughout the mission,
sort of worked out
who's taken drinks from where.
I'm going to go with Diane.
VOICE OVER: I choose Diane because I
just do what is needed to be done
to get the money.
Mollie, you're next.
I think it was Diane.
I think she's a super-clever woman
and it's intimidating the Traitors.
Miles, you're next.
Who do you believe was poisoned
by the Traitors and why?
I think Paul.
There's quite a prominent drink
that he felt like he'd take,
so I think he potentially might
have been poisoned.
Thank you.
I wanted to make it look like
I'm an innocent Faithful
who doesn't know what's going on.
So that's why he got my flower.
Zack, who do you think was poisoned?
I think Diane was poisoned.
I think she's the more obvious
target for the Traitors.
Ross, who do you think
was poisoned by the Traitors?
I think for anyoneit's hard,
but for me,
there was just that extra kind of
layer of emotion.
I think Diane was poisoned.
I don't think the Traitors would be
silly enough to poison Paul
when only one person gave Paul
a drink.
I had the sinking realisation
that it was probably going to be Mum
and I had to come to terms with
that. And that's not easy, you know?
I did make eye contact with him
and I managed to say bye to him
and nobody saw that.
It was grim,
it was morbid, you know?
You don't expect to go to a funeral
in situations like this,
let alone your mum's funeral.
I really hope it's not her.
And for the final vote, Andrew.
Who do you think was poisoned
by the Traitors?
I think it's Paul.
I think Paul, because he received
a drink off one person.
So I think it was him.
Thank you.
# What a wicked game to play #
Players, you've paid your respects
and you've placed your votes.
# The world was on fire and
no-one could save me but you #
Diane has the most roses,
so - according to you -
has been murdered by the Traitors.
But have you guessed
the poisoned player correctly?
The player who was murdered
by the Traitors is
# I never dreamed that
I'd lose somebody like you
# I don't want to fall in love #
It was Diane. And to the Faithful,
you have lost a brilliant player.
# No, I don't want to
fall in love #
Paul and Evie, please get out of
your coffins.
# No, I don't want to
fall in love #
Does anybody have any final words?
I think Diane was
an incredible player,
and I think it'sa massive loss,
to be honest, to the whole team.
We'll be trying to find the Traitors
tonight, for sure.
I'm OK with it being me.
It would have been way worse
if it had been Ross.
The Traitors are getting rid
of people
that could have carried
the Faithfuls forward.
I think they're playing
a blindingly good game.
A terrible loss for the Faithful.
However, you have added £7,000
to the pot
because you guessed correctly.
Me and Mum always said, you know,
like, "Whatever happens,
"keep the secret and crack on,
you know?"
At the end of the day,
we want to win this thing.
Who is in the mood for revenge?
Who is hungry for a Traitor?
I'll see you back at the castle.
Off you go.
Oh, my God!
That was dark.
I knew fizzy rose was lethal
cos I've had some bad Sunday
mornings after drinking that stuff.
But I've never been literally
put in a coffin and into the ground.
That's crazy.
Obviously, that was tough
for us, Paul, but, like, mate,
how was it in that coffin?
Oh, mate, it was so
Like, honestly, it's horrible.
I bet, bro.
Diane said that it was Miles.
Really? Yeah.
She was, like, adamant.
We don't want any heat and the group
needs to find a Traitor.
Everything points
directly back to Miles,
and I think if we get Miles out,
then it could put me and Harry
in the final.
I'm going to go in there
and I'm going to vote for Miles.
He was looking shifty, man.
Mum’s death, it's spurred me on
to find out who these Traitors are.
Heads are going to roll.
Absolutely, revenge is
going to be taken.
I'm a bit dubious about
Because everyone's holding on
to this whole drink thing,
and it's definitely something
to look at,
but I feel if we're barking up
the wrong tree,
looking at who gave drinks to who,
the Traitors are going to
encourage that.
VOICE OVER: I feel like my name's
going to come on the chopping block,
butI'll try and fight
in my corner if I can.
Don't want to be foiled
by a glass of fizzy rose.
It's pretty obvious
that Miles is the Traitor,
and the reason why he is
is because he handed Diane her drink
last night at the bar.
Theonly hiccup is that Paul gives
me such weird vibes, honestly. Same!
Paul just sends my head
I can't get behind anything he says.
Miles and Paul both have
suspicion around them.
Yes, I've built a genuine bond
with them, but at the same time,
Paul's definitely my number one
go-to person in here.
If there was a person I needed
to be on my team, it'd be him.
I'm with you, in that I think that
Miles could absolutely be a Traitor.
I think it's definitely him.
Yeah. 100%.
He's the one who's closed in.
At the same time, he's a big voice
outside the table.
Every round table,
he's always quiet or he'll
He'll go with someone like Zack,
when I've already said the piece.
I wish Diane was here.
I wish she was here to comfort me!
But I love her, she She became
one of my closest friends
in the last couple of days, like
Yeah, I mean,
I'd probably spoke to her for hours
about loads of different stuff.
Who are you going for tonight,
do you think?
I don't know, because I feel like
I need to think about it
outside of the situation
what we've been presented,
if that makes sense. So we're all
sitting here
talking about the poisoning.
I think that's all we can go on.
I mean, not beating around the bush,
it's between you and Evie tonight.
Mmm. You're the two
that gave Diane a drink.
No, I know. AndI don't know.
It's got to be one of you.
And if it isn't,
I really am going to be devastated.
I've not had my name come up ever
at the round table as a suspicion,
so whilst I'm still sitting here
cool, calm and collected,
underneath, I'm sweating.
The thing is, what's really
is that I've now kind of been tarred
with that situation, that notion.
Do you know what I mean? Yeah.
Everyone's jumping on the fact
that it's a drink, right? Yeah.
Just need to make surewe're
covering all bases
because otherwise, we're going to be
sat there, banishing somebody who
Yeah. ..who gave out a drink
that means fuck-all.
I worry that you're right
and that I'm thinking too much about
the "Who gave the drink to who?"
Mm-hm. I'm going to get water,
though, and OK. Yeah, I'm sorry.
No, don't worry, don't apologise.
Appreciate it.
Do you want a hug? No, I'm all
right. You sure? Yeah, I'm good.
I'm going to get a drink as well.
I really don't know what to do.
We've literally got people saying
that Diane told them
that it was definitely Miles.
Right, OK.
At this point in time,
it's like Miles is kind of done for.
Paul's just turned on him
and led the charge,
so I feel like tonight, it's the
smart play for me to go for Miles
and it just covers our back.
Miles? I'd be
That would destroy my soul.
This is where you've got to leave
personal connections
No, I know, Harry, I know.
But it's It's not
But it's still emotional, innit?
I so Like, it just would
destroy my soul.
I just got that little feeling
again, man, like I did with Ash.
It was just like On Miles?
Yeah, cos especially Paul said that.
I just never had enough. Yeah, yeah.
Now this is, like, facts.
Yeah. I do really want to find him,
though, and ask him what he thinks.
Yeah, yeah, and just ask him
to his face, yeah.
They were the three
Oh, there, Miles.
Hello. Miles, mate. Are you OK?
Yeah. How are you doing, man?
I'm good.
It was hell a awkward
when Miles walked in.
Like, he was not a happy bunny.
Basically, there's
Do you want to sit down, Miles?
Your name is getting spread around
because of Diane.
But when Paul, Evie and Diane
were walking, Diane said to Paul -
this is his words, that she said -
"I think it's Miles." Right.
Well, it's funny now that
I've got no Diane
to vouch that
that's what she said, isn't it?
Wellyeah. It's what Paul said,
Paul's words, so
Well, exactly, so it's
one of those situations like
It was more like we just wanted to
see what you thought.
Obviously, I mean, you've just
but Paul saying it was like,
"That's what she said."
But then
Butwhere is she?
For you guys Take me out
of the equation -
like, where was she for you guys,
to vouch for that?
And actually, I brought up the fact,
"Oh, my God, I gave Diane a drink."
It's not like I'm trying to say,
"Oh, no, I didn't." I don't think
I don't think it's Like, we can't
even say it's a drink thing, though.
If we're barking up the wrong tree,
right, a Traitor's going to push
that agenda, right?
So Well, who's pushing that
agenda? Paul's pushing the agenda.
# A storm is coming
# The tides are turned #
Even for this place,
today was eventful.
Poor Diane was murdered
in broad daylight,
and it's now time
for the round table.
So the question is,
will the Faithful get their revenge?
# Empires rise, empires fall #
From now on, gloves are off.
People are going to get called out.
Revenge is going to be had,
trust me.
HARRY: Paul's going for Miles. He's
jumping right into the deep end,
and if this bites him in the arse
and we've got to stand there,
us three tonight in the Turret,
it's going to be so horrible.
I feel like it's going to be me
in the hot seat tonight,
but I'm not going without
taking you all down with me.
PAUL: I think it's going to be
a really tough round table.
I expect Miles to give me
a little bit of heat,
but then that's the game.
We roll with the punches.
Enjoy the show.
Players, welcome back
to the round table.
Let's start with the good news.
You banked £7,000 today.
That means the prize fund
currently stands at £56,550.
Now the bad news.
You buried a really smart
Faithful today.
And what I'd like to know is,
is it personal that the Traitors
murdered in plain sight?
And will it go unpunished?
It's time to avenge Diane.
Who would like to begin?
Er So I'm happy beginning.
I think, you know, me and Diane,
we just had a moment.
And it is awkward, Miles,
I get it, because I do love you
and everyone round here loves you.
But she looked at me and said,
"If I die, then it's Miles."
She said, "If you die,
then it's Jaz.”
And I just think I'm going to go
with my gut
and you'll be my vote tonight.
Erm, I just find it a little bit
that this discussion
is now something that no-one can
vouch for, as
Evie was there as well.
Heard that conversation.
That's what I was going to say.
Evie, can you vouch for it?
I could hear you guys whispering,
but I never heard Diane say that.
But you heard Diane say Miles
and Jaz? Yeah, Miles and )az.
But you just didn't hear the
context, is that the? No, yeah.
And yous were doing a lot
of whispering.
MILES: I'm not the only one
who gave Diane a drink.
No, I did as well. No, and I
Who gave Diane a drink? Me.
PAUL: That puts you both at risk.
So it's both of you? Yeah.
So you could be a Traitor as well?
Yeah, but I'm not.
MILES: OK, so the person
who's been murdered
has had a drink off
two different people.
It just seems weird that the person
who I can't speak to,
who's then mentioned my name,
has then pinned that on myself only,
when I've done it to multiple people
throughout the night
and the person who's also
been murdered
had drinks off multiple people.
She must have had a good feeling
to say it. No, I'm just saying
Yeah, but we've looked at the people
who gave her multiple drinks,
and it was you and Evie.
What happens if both me and Miles go
out? Like, we're both Faithfuls
and then it's not even anything to
do with the drink. Well, so, Evie
Who's been pushing the narrative of
a drink?
I just don't see what else
it could be. Yeah, same.
But just to clarifythat comment,
If we're barking up the wrong tree,
the Traitors are going to be like,
"Yeah, it's definitely the drinks."
They're going to want to push that
narrative, right?
Drinks is definitely something
that could have been poisoned,
but I also definitely feel
that it's been pushed by somebody
to focus on the drinks
so then it's easy to pin on people
who gave people drinks.
I have to say, regardless, like,
if Diane said specifically to you
that it was Miles, we have to
then take her word for it.
I am Honestly Sorry, go on.
If, obviously, Paul, it comes
to light that Miles is a Faithful,
if that so comes to happen,
then, you know, spotlight is on you,
mate 100%, it has to be on me
It feels weird. ..or Evie,
if it's a drink thing.
But 100%, if Miles if Faithful
and gets up there,
then banish me tomorrow.
But, like, in that conversation
that I've had there,
then I look at mannerisms over the
past few days or whatever
But why has my name never come out
of your mouth? Well
That's what I don't understand.
Even little things, like, never seen
you want a shield.
Maybe breakfast,
you've never looked nervous
about being killed
in the morning, or
If you've been thinking this
for a couple of days,
how come you haven't brought it
to the table?
Well, because it's very difficult
to approach something like that.
Even now you're not saying,
"I'm a Faithful, I'm this and that,"
you're more deflecting about
Well, the thing is It's not
It's gone past the point of just
saying, "I'm a Faithful," right?
It's gone past that point.
Fair enough, I gave Diane a drink.
If that If that's the crime,
then what can I say?
But at the same time, I gave out
multiple drinks to multiple people.
Diane also received drinks
from different people.
She also got names Two, yeah.
Well, yeah, but it's more than once,
so it's multiple. So
And she also has got names wrong.
Paul said, 100%,
Diane told him that.
Forget what Paul said,
because the thing what Paul said
has come from Diane,
that no-one can vouch for.
If it wasn't you, and you are
a Faithful, it comes back to you.
That would break me. OK.
What are you thinking right now,
as in people-wise? I think
I think Paul myself,
and the reason why I think Paul
is because
there's been a lot of times
when he's kind of been given a pass,
all right? So he's been given a pass
because he was in the dungeon.
I think from the behaviour
and the actions and the other things
that I kind of put to bed cos
I thought,
"It's fine, the dungeon,
all that malarkey,”
yeah, Paul's name's come
up multiple times. Yeah.
I feel like it's
another misdirection.
Like, we're talking about
someone that's been poisoned.
Like No. No, no, no. Hold on,
just really quickly, really quickly.
Diane mentioning my name to you
is not a surprise,
but you coming back to me
and saying
"Well, Diane said it's definitely
you" seems suspicious to me.
That's what the question was.
I don't need you to answer.
Just let me finish.
We literally sat there
and it was like a tennis match
between Miles and Paul.
It's definitely fight-or-flight
for Paul at the minute as well.
He's playing this wrong.
Like, I'm being so honest right now.
I can't stress
I'm giving, like, a fact,
or I'm giving evidence.
It's a nice ultimate Traitor move,
It's nice to, like, sell someone out
when it's convenient
and then, you know,
kind of stick them,
kind of lay the seed a couple of
days before and then stick them
and then you look like
you're basically Prince Charming.
Personally, Paul,
I need to tell you,
I just can't scratch you out of
my head.
I just think your behaviour
sometimes just, like,
it puts me on edge.
I don't quite understand it.
I I've just never been able
to cross you out my mind
and you've always remained
a very potential Traitor for me.
I've been open and honest.
That's all I can be.
Paul, I can't wrap my head around
why, out of you and Meg,
the Traitors didn't kill you.
You are such an obvious target
for them.
You're the most popular,
everyone's friends with you.
You're in people's ears,
you're influential.
I just I just do not know
why you weren't killed then.
Honestly, I do not know.
I want to put that out there,
because if it's not Miles tonight,
I will I will come for you
tomorrow at the round table.
I just want that to be clear.
The time for talk is over.
It's time to vote for the person
you believe is a Traitor.
Please write the name on your board.
Has everyone locked in a name?
ALL: Yeah.
Thank you.
Zack, I'm going to start with you.
Please tell me who you believe
is a Traitor and why.
Erm So, I'm voting for Miles.
The evidence is quite compelling.
Mollie, who have you voted for?
Erm I'm finding this really hard,
as you can imagine, but
You're all right.
I have to go with the facts
and the group.
I'm really sorry. No, don't worry.
Miles, who have you voted for?
Erm, I've gone for Paul.
Obviously, I've opened a few issues,
so I just don't see why we need
But that's who I've gone for.
Andrew, who do you believe
is a Traitor?
Miles. I'm sorry, mate.
If I'm wrong, I'm really sorry.
So, a vote count.
It's three to Miles and one to Paul.
Jasmine, who do you believe
is a Traitor and why?
Erm Yeah.
which is really tough for me
because, like, love you so much.
And I think if it's not you,
my next logical places to look
would be Paul and Evie. Erm
Ross, who have you voted for?
Miles, I'm really sorry, mate.
Erm, I don't 100% think it is you.
Paul's conviction
is what's selling it for me.
I voted for yourself, Paul.
Erm, I couldn't vote for Miles
based off of a theory
thatI don't even know is true,
but there's a been a lot of
suspicion cast your way,
so that sat better with me.
So, a vote count - it's five
for Miles and two for Paul.
Charlotte, who do you believe
is a Traitor and why?
I'm so on the fence,
but I've said Miles, sorry.
Paul, who have you voted for?
This is Diane's, er, name
that she said to me,
so I'm going to vote for Miles.
Charlie, what name have you got
on your board?
I'm so sorry
and I hope you're a Traitor, lovely.
I do appreciate everything
that you've done for everybody.
Jaz, who have you voted for?
Er, the person I'm voting for is
and that's mainly
because I'm sticking with what I
said yesterday.
I hope you don't take this
with any disrespect whatsoever.
Yeah, no worries, mate.
And just for the record,
I'm going to go against the grain
and I don't think you're a Traitor.
And for the final vote, Harry.
I voted for yourself, Miles.
Erm, I think you're
a wonderful, amazing man,
but today I think I've just
looked at the straight facts
which are true and obvious
to myself,
so | voted for yourself, mate.
Miles, you have received
the most votes.
Please come up here and join me.
Miles, before you leave us forever,
please reveal,
are you a Traitor or a Faithful?
What an amazing journey we've had.
And I've made some amazing friends
for life, actually.
And I'm actually
ready to see my babies.
I am in fact a
I trusted him!
Oh, that sneaky little devil!
Oh, my God!
Diane, what a legend!
Oh, that was so shit.
I can't believe it.
Miles is a sneaky Oi, oi!
Well done, mate, well done,
well done, well done.
I can't believe it!
So, Faithful, you caught a Traitor.
Oh, my God.
Butdon't relax too much.
They will reconvene
and they will fight back.
Oh, my God!
Well done. Well done!
Well done!
Diane! Diane!
I told youmate.
Paul, mate, you did it!
That was really tough.
The more kind of sharp and
to the point and detailed he was,
the weaker I got.
I took a beating.
Miles is clever.
Well done, mate.
Like, honestly, if
Dude, with all the deflections,
if you didn't have that conviction,
we might not have gone with Miles,
to be fair. Mate, well done.
Oh, fuck me!
That was a bad day.
You had conviction and, like,
you're the reason
why we've just got a Traitor out,
to be honest with you. Well done,
mate. Honestly, well done, bro.
That was hard, man.
He nearly got me banished.
But you're good, man, you're good.
What would you like? Red wine,
white wine? Oh! Beer, mate.
Beer? Go and get it yourself,
because we're not doing that again.
No, I'll get you one. Mate, I feel
like a nervous wreck!
You can't deny now that Paul
is now a Faithful.
He's helped get a Traitor out,
he's also avenged my mum's death.
He's an asset to the team.
Well done! Once again, you've
proved, like I've said all along,
that you're a Faithful.
Do you know what?
I'm so proud of you, Paul.
I know what a release that was
cos I know how much pressure
you put on yourself.
It's brave to say what you did.
It's brave.
The limelight's on Paul massively,
but, like, he just does
the maddest stuff.
He sat there, like, crying.
Oh, I'm so upset.
I'm like, "Mate,
you're doing too much!"
Like, someone's going to clock on,
Like, "You're doing too much.”
OK, I know I'm a snake.
I love Paul, but he's got so much
heat on him,
I've got to protect myself.
And I think he's going to
get himself banished soon anyway.
The way he responded to your
accusations Mate, like a lawyer.
it was like, "Wow!"
I nearly voted for myself.
I was like, "It's Paul,
and I'm sure."
Paul, for me, there's just
so much suspicion on him
throughout the game. You know,
we're not just talking the past
couple of days,
we're talking, like,
almost from the start.
I think Paul also floated
that idea of Miles
way before Diane ever said it,
so I feel like he almost, like,
did a soft launch into saying
that it's Miles.
Can I just say,
tonight was the first time
that I saw everybody confidently,
openly go for what they believed in.
Apart from myself Apart from you,
Jaz! ..cos I got it wrong.
"And one more thing -
Miles, you are not a Traitor, mate."
Nice one, mate.
Stop it! Is that what you said?
# Oh, Sandman, bring us a dream
# Make her the cutest #
See ya!
# Give her two lips
like roses and clover #
I always get it wrong, man,
every single time!
# Oh, Sandman, I'm so alone
# Don't have nobody
to call my own. #
A Traitor has been banished, and
Miles' days of treachery are over.
But for the Traitors,
there is no time to mourn.
They have a decision to make.
Hello, mate, you all right?
This is mad, innit?
He gave me a good run.
Yeah, that was good. But I won.
Yeah. Yeah.
That's the thing.
I mean, there's no quilt here.
I feel like it needed to happen,
We needed to get rid of a Traitor.
If we didn't do that
at that exact moment,
when there's enough evidence, then
we're going to get voted out. Yeah.
I feel like Paul underestimates me.
He thinks he's the mastermind
behind the whole Traitors.
Yeah, trust me,
I'm just playing my game.
At the end of the day,
I want to win this.
Hello! How are you? Yeah, good.
I do have news.
As per the rules of the game
Mm-hm? ..there are two of you.
You have the opportunity to recruit.
You can murder as usual,
or use the opportunity
to seduce a Faithful
so that they become a Traitor.
If you wish to recruit
a Faithful Mm-hm.
all you need to do is
write their name on this invitation.
They then have a choice.
They can either accept or refuse.
If they accept,
they will join you in here later.
Can I leave this with you?
Of course.
Thank you. You don't have long.
Have a real think
and I'll see you soon.
Thank you.
Do we recruit or kill?
Oh, it's a tricky one!
I don't like bringing someone in,
because I feel like we did that with
Miles and he nearly got me out.
Mmm. I'm just thinking endgame.
Yeah, it's easy to kill people off
right now,
but when it comes to the final,
we need three of us, so two of us
can stay. We could take it as three,
but obviously, it's more money
if we just split it two ways, innit?
So thenwe would again
look like the heroes
at the final round table Yeah.
..putting them up,
putting them up for slaughter.
It's just a shield for us. Yeah.
I just wonder whether people
will think I've been recruited
because I've just outed Miles. Mmm.
Will that just come
straight back on me
when I walk back in the room again?
The thing is, I don't really want
to recruit anyone.
I just feel like it's definitely
the best play,
as in we're going to need someone
to take the heat off us.
If Paul was ever banished, I'm going
to need someone trustworthy
for me to get to the final, 100%.
So you think we basically
We definitely need to recruit?
Yeah, because otherwise,
then it's me or you.
We don't want that to happen.
Yeah, to get to the final,
maybe we do need someone in here
as a bit of a patsy.
I would love to bring Zack in.
He won't throw us under the bus
and it's easy to switch up on him.
But will he say yes?
What about Jasmine?
She has heat on her already.
Big name, strong person, fierce.
I'm liking the thought of Ross
being in here with us, though.
He's got heat on him already.
He's said about three people
he's been 100% on
and they've all been Faithful.
I think there's so much on Andrew.
So if he goes,
again, it's good for us two.
Andrew does have eyeballs
looking at him.
This is a big decision now.
It's so big!
So then who do you think?
OK, so it's between Andrew
Or Ross.
OK, ready? Yeah.
HE READS: "We wish to recruit you
as a Traitor.
"If you accept our invitation,
you must join us immediately.
"Signed, the Traitors."
They are going to be shocked
at this.
Come in.
Hi. Hello. Hi.
Have you made your decision?
We have.
After much deliberation Yeah.
..we are going to recruit.
OK. I will let them know. OK.
# Nowhere to hide
# From all of this
madness, madness #
Now we wait.
Now we wait.
# Madness, madness, madness #
Feel like this is a good idea -
bring 'em in as bait,
but don't let 'em know.
# Nowhere to run #
Can you imagine if they said no?
Oh, God, this is so tough!
# Madness
, madness, madness. #
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