The Unit s02e07 Episode Script

Off the Meter

In 1979,congress authorized the formation of a contingent of elite special forces soldiers who answer only to the president of the united states.
Their missions and their very existence are closely guarded secrets protected by the soldiers themselves and their wives,who possess secrets of their own.
Previously,on the unit We've already suffered one breach in security Believe you were there,as was my wife.
You may not have seen the 2 bullet wounds in her back but I have.
Alpha team,welcome to sere.
You are now prisoners of war.
- My name is blane,jonas this isn't a drill anymore.
- I'm talking to you as your oldest,best friend.
Brown? you swore on our friendship.
- I had to prove her wrong.
- Right.
All's fair.
How was it,amos? Colonel,last thing I remember was your bum here hitting me up for some money.
You ok,though? Oh,yeah.
Better than new, but,next time you need a training aid,colonel, give somebody else a call.
It's a good program,ron.
Now that our special ed students got it down, let's put the other teams through it next week.
Anything else,sergeant major? Nothing else,sir.
But as this constitutes the end of a duty week and the start of a long weekend, I venture to share with you something my platoon sergeant always said.
"You got nothin' to do,don't do it here.
" You got plans for this weekend,jonas? Just a fishing trip.
I'm gonna take bob here to my secret fishing hole, further his education.
Just don't let him talk you into putting any money on it.
Oh,he'll regret it if he does.
Fish tremble at the mention of my name.
- I have noticed that fish tremble - Well,you see what I mean.
- Have a good'un.
- A good'un,colonel.
Bob,a moment.
To use in order,top one first.
Some fishing licenses.
Yeah,well,we're not exactly going fishing.
Need a little help for a friend, and you have volunteered.
Who's the friend? Ron cheals.
Same guy who put you through hell in sere school? Yeah.
Well,I haven't forgotten, but now's not the time for a grudge.
Off the books,I take it.
How should I address you on this trip? Call me ishmael.
Uh,your neck,does it hurt? Tiffy.
I was just on my way to meet you for our dinner,and I I didn't want to be late.
It's ok.
Don't worry about it.
I guess I must've could I have fallen asleep? Are you hurt?Charlotte,are you sick? I wouldn't want to keep anybody waiting.
Charlotte,can you hear me? Ok.
Here's what we're gonna do.
I'm gonna help you into the passenger seat.
Now you relax.
How you doing?How you feeling? Deep breaths.
That's good.
That's good.
Officer,uh,eliaser,I'm tiffany gerhardt.
Uh,my friend's a little sick.
Does she need medical attention? I don't think so.
Probably just something she ate.
Ma'am,your vehicle's up on the curb.
You know, I don't think anything's damaged.
License and registration,please.
Uh,registration's probably in the glove compartment.
Would you get it for me,please? License,please.
My license? - What? - My license? Yes,ma'am.
Gerhardt,I'm gonna have to ask you to take a sobriety test.
- Me? - Yes,ma'am.
Your possession of the license carries your implied consent.
You have been driving erratically,and well,I swerved to miss a kid on a bike.
And I'm going to need to administer the test.
Of course.
Timetable moved up.
I just got word this maniac's moving the whole cult and congregation out of the country tomorrow.
The girl's still with him.
He'll keep her close to him and his fellow zealots, and they'll be with the last group to leave.
She's 17 years old.
If she leaves the country with them, I may never he's stone crazy.
Break it down.
Like jonestown.
This man talks about god, but he's going to get my baby killed.
Ok,this is doable.
We have the court order.
We get her to a deprogramming facility.
It'll work,but first steps first.
Ah,this group,this cult,this michael angelli, I don't understand- what difference does it make? The plan's the same.
Time for talking's done.
Now it's time to execute.
Final coordination.
We go over,locate,grab,and clear.
Meet you on the other side of the e gate.
We're gone,in and out.
I figure 6 minutes.
Drop-off? Here.
There's a gap in the surveillance camera coverage.
- What about the dogs? - I got the dogs.
- Fallback rendezvous? - I say right here.
If needed,I'll give you a visual signal.
Normal time interval in case of use.
One other thing the lady comes with us.
- I want- - I'll get us in.
I'll be first to put hands on the girl, but when she looks up, she's either gonna be freaked or catatonic.
If she freaks, to remove her from the premises, get her to deprogramming.
She goes catatonic, first person she needs to see is you.
She's gotta know we're here for the mom.
That ain't acceptable,you going in, we call it off right now.
I fought on the guerrilla side in el salvador.
Damn right I go in.
All right,then.
Let's saddle up.
Never fails.
Last time I was here, her room was up this way.
He's gonna be taking about a 10-minute nap.
Let's move.
Up here.
Said your daughter was a convert, not the girlfriend.
Angelli's room,where is it? It can't be.
We'll soon see.
I've come for I've come for the girl.
We can make this light,or we can make it hard.
It's up to you.
On your feet.
Over here.
I'm staying here.
I got a court order says you're coming with us.
I'm not,and you can't force me.
We're married.
You're 17.
I'll get it annulled.
You can't annul god's will.
God's will? How many other young girls has he has in his bed? - Piensa,dolores.
- No.
- Piensa.
- I won't go.
What are you doing? Trying to get her out of here as quickly and as quietly as possible.
You can take her,you know, but she'll come back.
Because you know what I did to her? I made her mine.
You understand.
She's not yours to take! Dip me deep and kill me for stinking.
Some fishing trip.
All right.
Take the ladies downstairs and check on the guard.
Give him a sleeping aid if you feel he needs it.
The evidence? I'm gonna wipe off her prints.
What about yours? Police don't have our prints.
Come on.
You wanna get punched again? Then don't plead for it.
Are you out of your mind? You signed the ticket? That's correct.
Why? For the colonel's wife.
What she's asking you is why.
Here's why.
- Morphine.
- Yep.
The internet says class-one narcotic, not your average pain pills.
Perhaps she didn't have your average pain.
She's been out of the hospital for months.
The thing about a gunshot wound is I can tell you it's quite traumatic.
She hasn't been acting like she's been in pain.
She's not a woman who wants to draw attention to herself.
I don't understand why you put yourself in jeopardy.
If charlotte ryan's got a drug problem, god bless her, but that's her problem.
You can't let her drag you into it.
You can't let her drag you into it.
Those men started shooting,she took 2 bullets, which could have been headed for me or you.
Rendezvous now.
- Fallback position? - Yeah.
Something's happened.
Let's go to the alternate pickup.
Let's go.
Do you intend to keep this from the colonel? Would you want your husband to see you like that? I don't believe I'd be like that.
You say you're responsible for her.
Is it your responsibility to cover up for her or to get her help? I don't require any help.
I'll get you some coffee.
Thank you.
I appreciate the concern,but truly, I don't need help.
I thank you.
I was ill.
I thank you for looking after me.
News of this gets out,at best, your husband will be transferred.
At best? That's right.
Depends on how much pull he's got.
He may be asked to resign.
What do you mean? Tiffy washed these clothes for you.
Thank you.
And what about the pills in your glove compartment? I beg your pardon? You heard me.
Do you expect me to in effect explain myself to you? Isn't that what you've been doing? Tell me.
We're in deep kimchi.
Let's go back to the motel.
We'll take it from there.
police cruiser passed by my spot twice.
Thought it best to move.
That's the last of our problems.
What's our first? Angelli's dead.
Say again.
She killed him.
- Maritza? - That's right.
Good god almighty.
So now that's the worst kind of felony.
And if it makes anyone feel any better, we're all accomplices.
There are some things in the bag.
Take her in the bathroom and get her changed.
Does that have to stay in? - Can't get away with th- - not again with you.
We got 48 hours before we gotta be back to duty.
You two get the hell out of here now.
My problem,not yours.
Get across the state line.
Ditch the car.
Make a beeline for home.
I'll take it from here.
No can do,bubba.
I'm telling you to make tracks.
If you stay,you're in- Yeah?Who is it? Police.
We need to speak with you.
Just a minute.
Take off my shoes and socks.
Put them there.
Gimme that robe.
Come on,open up,sir.
I'm coming.
Open up,sir.
They come in,we give it up.
I ain't hurting no cops.
Just a second.
Open up,sir.
Come on.
I know you've got to have a good reason to get a man out of bed in the middle of the night.
Sir,is that your van parked there? Well,I,uh-I,uh-yeah,that's my van.
I don't see why- sir,have you been out tonight? What's this about,officer? What is it that you want? Have you been anywhere near the angelli ministries this evening? Why do you ask,sir? A van like yours was seen parked there.
Was that you? Yeah,I was near the ministry, on the street outside.
And your name,sir? Arnold.
Ellis arnold.
What was your reason for being there,mr.
Arnold? Well,now my question is why is that against the law? Would you answer me,please,sir? Officer,I been in this chair since I parachuted into grenada with the second ranger battalion.
You were probably in grade school when that happened.
And all this time,the V.
Doctors have said,"get on with your life.
" They don't have any hope,officer.
But I do.
And my hope is over there with michael angelli.
He can heal.
I know he can.
He's done it for others.
if I can get to him,he - he could do it for me,too.
Officer,d-did you serve? Could you-could you help me get in there? In the morning,could you-could you meet me at the gate and help me get in? No.
I mean,that- that's not something we can do.
Th-that's a private property,sir.
Did you serve,son? Yes,I did,sir.
Could you help me? Could you help an old man? I'm sorry to bother you, sir.
Good night.
off Officer! You killed him.
You all did,and you'll go to prison for what you've done.
You'll see.
I'll- can't take her to deprogramming like this.
She'll give us all away.
All right,we scatter.
You two head for home.
I'll take it from here.
I don't think so.
We need to get her to a place of control,and you can't do that by yourself.
I'm not going anywhere with you people.
Dolores,por favor.
I think- you murdered my husband.
Not your husband,your rapist.
And you'll understand when you speak to somebody.
You're the first person the cops wanna talk to in a murder.
The family and friends,and,little girl, you fit both of those.
Crime of passion.
Fingerprints all over his room.
Dna in the bed.
Missing girl fled with a little suitcase.
I was the D.
, I'd bury you underneath the prison.
Now you be at ease.
We gotta move.
Your stall won't last for long.
Cops think about it, they're coming back.
Let's put a jurisdiction between us and them.
And we're going where? We'll plan it as we move.
Excuse me.
I'm detective harley krost.
I'm investigating the accident.
May I see your are you tiffany rae gerhardt? Look,I'm sorry.
I'm sorry.
I didn't mean to alarm anybody.
I called,but but nobody answered.
Well,how can I help you? You received a citation last night.
That's right.
Well,the officer who ticketed you was new,and he forget to get your initials on a couple of things We needed for the accident report.
Can-can I ask you just to fill out the rest of the paperwork? All right.
could you get that? You just need to,uh- just need to initial here to confirm that you were driving the vehicle in question.
Check here it was registered to colonel thomas culver ryan.
And just here that you were administered a sobriety test.
Which I passed.
It's just to confirm it was issued without duress.
Was that all? Now I'm gonna need you to come with me to the station.
Tiffy ran off with the gardener and left you in charge? You don't have a gardener.
Give me that chubby little sputnik head.
Where's tiff? Out.
- You makin' pasta? - Spaghetti pie.
Tiffy asked me to start it.
We had spaghetti pie last night.
Where is my wife? You signed an admission.
Of driving the car.
The car ended up on the curb.
I swerved to hit a kid on a bike.
To hit a kid on a bike.
To miss a kid on a bike.
You said, "to hit a kid on a bike.
" Is that your lawyer? I'm her husband.
Master sergeant mack donald gerhardt,united states army.
I don't know too many soldiers with a beard.
Well,you should get out more.
Why's my wife here? Mack,there was a little mishap last night.
Now,nobody got hurt.
These are accident investigation detectives.
Homicide detectives.
What? All right,let's back up.
Start at the beginning.
Don't say a word.
That's not my van.
It's not my wife'S.
Well,that van was driven by carolyn hoff- she's 36,mother of 2.
She's in the hospital.
Ok,I don't understand.
What do I have to do with this? 'Cause I don't have anything to do with this.
Mack,I- what is my wife's alleged involvement? She was at the wheel of a car our witness says cut that van off,ran it off the road,into that ditch.
- Last night.
- That's right.
My wife was at a dinner party given by the colonel's wife.
Well,the colonel's wife was upchucking on the side of the road.
She never made it to dinner.
Neither did your wife.
Another car,also not ours.
But the one your wife swore she was driving.
Our witness saw that car force the van off the road.
That was about 5 minutes before our officer found it up on the curb.
Your wife was behind the wheel.
At the very least,hit and run.
That's if she makes it through.
If not- is my wife under arrest? Not at present.
Well,then what the hell is she doing here? Come on.
Calling all units.
Be on the lookout for a gray metallic van, license The van was last seen at the motel campo de amor.
The owner,ellis arnold,is a white, middle-aged male in a wheelchair.
Cover held for 12 hours.
Couldn't expect better than that.
They'll block the highways at first, then start searching the back roads.
God bless 'em.
Charlotte'll step forward and make it right.
- Is that so? - I believe it.
- When? - When necessary.
She hasn't done it so far.
As far as I can tell,she had a bad day, and you're going to jail.
Is there something I'm missing? I'll get it straightened out.
You wanna give me an idea of how? They call me in under oath, "what do you really do for a living, master sergeant gerhardt?" I gotta say,"well,your honor,I actually work for a unit that doesn't really exist.
We do things the world court might technically call illegal.
" Mack- and you wanna go to jail for this woman.
Right away.
Mack,in the shootout she saved my life.
How you doing,soldier? Well,sir,about this,uh-this legal business, I just feel like we should talk about that man to man.
Ah,it's a difficult position.
A difficult position,mack.
The only way around it's through it.
There's nothing I wouldn't do for you,mack.
There's nothing I wouldn't do for tiffy.
I would lie,perjure myself,call in favors, go down to the green,and push in all my chips, even if it cost me my job.
Now I'm gonna pull every string in the net to make sure that tiffy never spends a day in jail, up to and including what is known as perjury.
You heard me.
You wanna sit down and concoct a story, and if it'll stick,if it'll help tiffy, I'll swear to it.
We're all in this together.
Now,we got a place on base where she can check in, nobody knows she's there except who you tell.
If you wanna tell somebody,we'll get her some help.
That way,she can stay at home, and you can get back into the field.
Nobody here but How you gonna sneak us back into the army? Patience,son.
One problem at a time.
Let's pick one out and get her started.
They only got 4-seaters.
That's all you need.
You're gonna get out of here,and when you're well gone and safely in the air, I'm gonna drive straight into one of those police roadblocks.
And? And what have they got? Man in a wheelchair enters a house with no elevator, kills someone on the second floor? No prints,no witnesses,no evidence.
They ain't got nothin'.
Fenton? It presents itself.
Who is fenton? Fenton jenkins,from the old ranch and fish camp down on the sea of cortez.
One dirt runway.
I'll be down in a couple of days at most.
Who is this fenton? Man we know.
It's deprogramming in reverse.
You two will be safe with him until you can get her head straight.
We just gotta get you down to baja.
Border patrol,they'll see us.
They'll shoot us down.
They only care about what comes in the U.
Nobody cares what goes south into mexico.
It's gonna be ok,baby.
Let's get freshened up, and you'll start to feel better.
Seems to me,come monday,you're both awol and fugitives from justice.
What do you say about that? I say it's the last time I do anyone a favor.
Especially for your crippled butt.
- Ain't that the truth? - Ain't it,though? Dolores,you're bleeding.
I wanna be in heaven.
Please put it down.
He's not worth it.
Cut me a bunch of that.
We gotta take care of that.
I wanna be with him.
Baby,oh,my baby, it's gonna be all right.
All right.
Get to the plane.
I'll see you both in a couple of days.
Let's go.
Come on.
Yeah,well no good deed goes unpunished.
Roger that.
Well,they got the girl to fenton's in one piece.
- Good.
- Well,we'll see.
So I guess there's just one thing left to do.
Like the looks of this one?See a few navy boys.
It'll do.
Leave us go amongst them.
First time you get drunk and join the navy is the last time you get drunk and join the navy.
Found that out the hard way.
I'm pretty sure that's how the navy got all of us.
I'd rather have a sister in a whorehouse than a brother in the navy.
and his junior man off on a border-town debauch.
Is that the good news? Yes,sir,it is.
This is one day I won't get back.
Sir,I can explain- not a word from you.
Is this your idea of a fishing trip? I hope to god you didn't catch anything in these waters.
I hope so,too.
Tomorrow's a duty day.
Perhaps you'd consent to be there.
Sir,thank you for coming, for getting us out.
- Save your thanks for those who care.
- Yes,sir.
Repeat the lesson back to me.
Best way to get yourself out of a jam-confess to something illegal,immoral,or embarrassing.
You're a quick study.
- Confess? - You need to confess.
Confess to something I have no memory of doing? Who did it,if not you? How could I have driven someone off the road and kept on driving for 2 more miles while still sleeping?How is that possible? The police have a witness.
To a car.
To a car similar to mine.
And they went over my car.
My car wasn't damaged.
There was no evidence my car was in an accident.
The accusation was that this woman was cut off,not run into.
Yes,but listen.
They have no physical evidence implicating me or you, which is why they are pressing you for a confession,because they have nothing else.
Then tell them the truth.
Tell them you were driving the car.
I'd be confessing we both committed perjury,which is a felony, and then what happens to my husband and his command, and what happens to your husband and his team and to the unit? This woman may die,and the police think I'm responsible.
It's not what they think.
It's what they can prove.
- I don't know.
- But I know.
I unfortunately know,and I'm gonna tell you the law is a lying contest.
And if you are caught in the law,then god help you,because it doesn't matter what the truth is.
All that matters is can your position prevail.
Because if the police want a conviction, you think they're not gonna lie? I tell you I did not run this woman off the road.
You must believe me.
Why? Because if it's not true,then you are an accessory to the crime.
I'm sorry.
I am so sorry to have enmeshed you in this.
I am so sorry.
But I'm telling you,we cannot stop now.
Oh,look at that bead.
Now is that great stuff or what? Hector, I think this might be your finest run yet.
I appreciate your endorsement.
I can't believe you called the old man to come and get you out.
He's a good commander and all, but he is a gut eater.
Treat your opponents as if they were your employees.
Break it down.
Ryan doesn't wanna know what he doesn't wanna know.
Now he's involved.
How? We have involved him.
He is a co-conspirator.
In what,boss? In whatever he helped us out of.
Ain't life harsh? Ryan asked what your wife would say if she knew.
And top said,"well,sir,I'd tell her, "woman,now that's getting into my personal life.
"And you know how I like to keep my personal life separate from my married life.
" She's his daughter,isn't she? Dolores, she's ron's daughter? And why would you say that? Well,ron was on a lot of missions to el salvador in the eighties.
She is his daughter,isn't she? Son,I never inquire as to what a man does on his off-duty time.
Personal life.
Something like that.

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