Thunder in My Heart (2021) s02e07 Episode Script

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Goodbye, Baba.
Dear brothers and sisters,
we have gathered today to pray for
our beloved Zayn.
Zayn's family have told me
that he was a deep thinker.
He found this meaning in the family
which he loved so much.
He was curious, full of life.
Zayn leaves this world to meet
with God's mercy in eternal life.
They say that he who leaves behind
him a child will never die.
Alexander and Samuel
he will live in your hearts forever.
May he rest in peace.
Wonder what happened in church.
Yeah, shit.
Try not to get stuck
in a conversation with him.
Janice is over there,
so you know for later.
I know.
- Why?
- I just saw you'd called her.
- I didn't call her.
- Really?
- What do you mean?
- Her phone said "Little Brother".
I thought it was you.
I'm not "Little Brother"
on her phone anymore.
No? God, sorry, of course not.
It was probably
her real little brother then.
Or I saw wrong.
If there's anything I can do,
anything at all,
don't hesitate to call.
Who's that?
It's Mum's colleague, Angela.
Who are they?
Chalid and Josef.
Your father's cousins.
And who's that?
That's my son.
You sat next to him
all through breakfast.
Are you okay?
There are too few people here.
I have no family.
Habibi, of course, you do.
You don't know
how much family you have.
Both here in Sweden and in Lebanon.
I speak with them all the time.
And they're always asking,
"What are Sam and Alex doing?"
What's Sam doing?
How are things going for Sam?
Do you know who they are?
They know who you are.
Do you know his name?
He knows your name.
He's your second cousin, Mohab.
They all know your name.
You're like Brad Pitt.
Brad Pitt?
Yes, Brad Pitt!
They all know your name.
You look a bit like him.
- I am not.
- You are.
- No
- Yeah, like Brad Pitt!
- What happened?
- Who called you?
I know your little brother's name is
Johannes in your phone.
Eva might not know that, but I do.
So who was it that rang you?
Nobody. What are you talking about?
Then why is Sigge saying
"Little Brother" rang?
Damned if I know, cut it out,
I mean it, stop.
- Give me your phone.
- No, why should I?
Why not?
You think now's the time?
You think now is a good time
for this?
- Yeah.
- Okay.
Damn, therapy hasn't helped at all.
- Janice!
- Not everything is about you.
Did you consider this is hard
for me too?
You know I'm triggered by churches,
for example.
But I still came.
For your sake.
Go home now.
Okay, I'm sorry!
I'm sorry!
Aren't they beautiful?
Yeah. They really are.
Hey, Sigge
You don't need to think about that
right now.
Is Sam really sad?
Yeah, he is.
Can you try to make him happy?
I don't think I can, actually.
You can tell him you love him.
Then he'll be happy.
Who said I do?
I think you'll get together.
No, I don't think so, actually.
Some things just aren't meant to be.
That's a shame.
Yeah, it's a real shame, actually.
No, I have no photo evidence.
Yes, I understand that, but why
Wait a second.
I'll be out in a minute.
Has something happened?
Please open the door.
What happened?
Stefan has requested sole custody.
- I've just spoken to
- Wait, what?
my caseworker, and she said
I received the full inquiry today
And everything he's told
family court is totally
Wait, I thought you talked to
the family court
so they could help you with Dad?
Yes, I thought so too,
but he's made up a bunch of things.
They don't believe me.
Why didn't you say anything
about this?
You said you didn't want to know
about anything to do with Dad.
He's said a whole lot
of crazy things about you.
And about me.
Have you denied it?
- Does it say anywhere you deny it?
- Of course I deny it!
But I need to be strategic too.
It's not always best
to be rash or dramatic things.
Like block him or refuse to meet him
or scream at him, Sigrid.
That provokes him!
If you hadn't had kids with someone
like him, maybe I wouldn't have to!
I'm sorry.
- I'm going to fix this.
- You can't.
It is what it is.
Hägersten-Älvsjö Family Court.
Hi! My name is Sigrid and I
My parents are fighting for
the custody of my little brother,
and my dad has made up
a heap of things,
so I'd like to talk to someone
This is reception, but do you know
who the case worker is?
Yes, I know that
Oh, God.
Her name is Gunilla Oskarsson.
Gunilla is out on a job right now,
then she has meetings all day.
So I recommend calling back
another day.
Thank you very much.
What? Hello?
Hey! My name is Sigrid Wikström and
I'm Stefan and Annika's daughter.
You're their case worker, right?
Yes, that's right.
I'm here so you can interview me.
Interview you?
Yes, you haven't talked to me.
I'm sure you understand I can't
discuss an ongoing case with you.
Dad is lying, saying I have
uninvestigated psychiatric issues.
It's written here, and it's untrue.
I've seen a psychologist
and I don't have any issues!
I'm sorry but I have to
Stefan feels that Annika's lies have
causes the daughter to become
an equally active part of keeping
Benjamin from his father.
Stefan says Sigrid has a history of
uninvestigated psychiatric issues,
that cause serious mood swings,
and during manic periods,
she fails to consider consequences.
- I want you to interview me now!
- The case has been sent to court.
- The time for communication is over.
- Communi?
- Yes.
- I'm communicating now!
- I'm sorry
- Please!
- We're talking now!
- I'm sorry, I have to go to work.
Please! Interview me!
I'm sorry!
I'm sorry, I didn't mean to
I'm very worried about my brother.
He can't live with my dad.
If you're worried
about your brother,
you should talk to Social Services,
not me.
You are number 43 in the queue.
You are number 41 in the queue.
You are number 41 in the queue.
You are number 27 in the queue.
You are number
Hägersten-Älvsjö Social Services,
you're speaking to Johan.
Just a moment!
My name is Sigrid, and
I've been told to call you
regarding a custody battle
over my little brother.
I'm very worried about him.
Okay, can you tell me
what's happened?
My father wants sole custody of him,
and there are lots of made-up things
in the case about my mother and I.
He's said my mother is an alcoholic
and that's really not true.
Then I think you need to call
Family Court
and ask to speak to
one of the investigators there.
I've just spoken to her.
She told me to call you.
So we've already spoken.
- Okay, but
- So I'm talking to you now.
I understand. But can you talk to
one of your parents about this?
I can't talk to my father
since we have no contact,
because he's dangerous!
Okay? And now he's taking Mum
to court!
There's nothing I can do,
because if your dad
has filed a lawsuit
for sole custody,
he's the only one
who can take back the lawsuit.
Do you understand?
Who is it?
What do you want?
Are you naked or something?
What? No.
Oh, I just thought
since you're not opening the door
There! Now you can see
I'm wearing a t-shirt.
- Hey.
- What do you want?
Are you annoyed at me?
Okay But you haven't been
at work for ages.
Don't know how long
I can keep Dad from firing you.
I've told you I'm sick.
Can you leave?
Come on, can't we hang out a bit?
I've got beer!
They're mid-strength,
but they're cold!
Please leave!
- Now, please.
- I can do that thing
with my thumb
that you like.
I'm an adult! I have lots to do!
I don't have time to
come to work or drink beer with you.
Oh, busy woman!
I'm sorry, I thought you said
you were sick.
I am!
You don't get what it's like on the
other side, as an adult!
I bet you think it's money
and freedom
and heaps of women who want you,
but that's not how it is!
Not at all! There's no apartment
in a cool suburb!
Get it?! Nothing's going to happen!
And your parents will forget about
you as soon as you move out!
There's no couch you can curl up in
and they won't give you a blanket
and soup when you're sick!
None of that will happen!
You'll be totally fucking alone!
Just Social Services
and Family Court, okay?!
So run home and eat meat stew
with your family while you can!
You can have the beer if you want.
Look after yourself.
You too!
Thank you.
Hey! My name is Sigrid.
Stefan lives here with you, right?
Mhm. And who are you?
I'm his daughter.
Oh. Well he's at choir now.
Yeah, he sings in choir on Tuesdays.
Oh! Right, of course.
I knew that, obviously.
Yes, that's right.
Where does he sing again?
I'm sorry.
I bought snacks for us.
Aren't we going to talk?
I'm not feeling up to it.
Are you going to ignore me?
- Where are you going?
- Out.
Oh? And when are you coming home?
See you.
Your singing was beautiful.
What do you want?
Can you give me a lift
to the underground?
No, I can't.
I was thinking
It seems things have spiralled,
this sole custody and everything.
And I was thinking how
I feel really bad, and
I thought you might as well.
Maybe all this is hard for you too.
Yeah, it's pretty hard for me.
I think it's very sad
it has to be this way, but
there's no other alternative
when you behave the way you do.
It's your mother
who brought Family Court into this.
- She started it.
- Yes
It might not have been smart of her.
And I don't feel like
I've helped the situation myself
with things I've said and done.
It Maybe I shouldn't have
blocked you, for example.
Yeah it was a bit melodramatic,
You treat me as though
I'm some kind of murderer.
I'm not a murderer.
- No.
- No.
Of course you're not!
But I can get rid of it now.
The block.
And you can take back
your request for sole custody.
We could start seeing one another
and working on our relationship.
Can you take it back?
You can't come back after a year,
and just undo
all the decisions you've made,
and everything just goes
how you want.
- That's not how it works.
- I understand, I know that.
But I read that you said I'm
untrustworthy and mentally ill,
I read it in those papers.
I don't know how they formulated it,
but I think you're untrustworthy.
That's the truth.
Nobody knows where they have you.
You say very nasty things.
But I don't understand why
you're sad now.
This is what you wanted.
To split up the family.
No, I don't want that.
Well, I have to go home now.
Can you please get out of the car?
- No.
- Please.
Get out of the car.
If I apologise?
Can you take it all back?
I'd love for you to apologise, yes.
I'm sorry.
Thank you.
Will you take it back now?
It's too late.
It is what it is.
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