Too Hot to Handle: Brazil (2021) s02e07 Episode Script

Cadê a Lana?

[Bruna] Aww, they look so cute
when they're sleeping.
It doesn't even look
like they had a huge fight.
[Lana chimes]
[Lana] It's time to know
if I can trust my guests.
[tense music playing]
[Bruna] Jeez!
[rock music playing]
[Lana] If they continue to show
their improvement during my absence,
they will be greatly rewarded. Goodbye.
[upbeat music playing]
[Bruna] What happens now?
Good morning, team.
[Justen] Morning, people.
Good morning.
-Where's Lana?
I wake up, look around, where's Lana?
Well, shit. Lana's gone.
-[Lucas] Fuck, did she just walk away?
Lana's gone. Lana, babe?
[Ítalo] Are you kidding me, man?
What happened, guys?
Where are you, Lana?
What's happening this time?
This is weird,
Lana not being here when we wake up.
Maybe she's out on a date.
-She's on a date with the Cube.
Maybe she's at the dressing table?
[Bruna] No, she's not there either, guys.
That can't be good.
She's just gone like that?
[Paulo] Lana disappeared
to prepare something for us.
Maybe it's breakfast.
When we get there
she'll be like Lana Ramsey.
[Bruna] Wake up, boy!
It wasn't Lana Ramsey who prepared
your breakfast. It was our staff!
Show some respect.
She's not here either.
[Isadora] Come on, guys.
Where is that air purifier?
[Victoria] It's a little worrying.
[Kelvin] Kinda weird.
[Ítalo] For God's sake, Lana.
Now, of all times?
We don't get a day of peace here.
I'm coming up with some theories.
It's strange. She's not in the bedroom,
and she's not here.
She's not gonna be
on the dressing table, either.
Lana is definitely pranking us.
Maybe we have to find her?
Is everything allowed now?
If we have to find shovels
to dig her up, count me out.
Not again.
[Bruna] Sweeties,
this is the seventh episode.
It's about time you got over…
[in resounding voice]
…"Conquerors of Paradise".
Do you think Lana's disappearance
is good or bad for us?
I think she just went
for a walk on the beach.
-To get some sun.
-We've come up with a million theories.
If she's gonna skydive back here,
get a car, I don't know…
[Bruna] Guys, she's not coming back!
She just left!
[Isadora] She's not here, either.
Maybe she's tired of us?
-No, she was so nice yesterday.
-The vibe was kinda heavy.
Well, as long as she doesn't
take the money with her, it's cool.
Now that we're behaving so well…
We don't get a day of peace around here.
Whatever she's doing, let's show her
her babies are very well-behaved.
[Isadora] My theory is she wants to see
if we learned something.
-Is that why she's gone?
-[Isadora] Exactly.
Because, you know why?
She wasn't on the boat either.
-[Sandri] Yeah.
-[Victoria] That's true.
And you saw how that shit went south.
I think Lana is watching us from afar.
You know when you leave kids by themselves
to see if they're gonna misbehave or not?
She's watching the cameras right now.
She's sitting at Lana's control center.
She's like "Ha-ha-ha,
what a bunch of idiots."
-Making theories about me.
Making theories about me.
[Lana chimes]
[Lana] They've got
my plan all figured out.
Let's see if they'll keep
following my rules for a whole day
to get back part of the money they lost.
-I'm vibrating with excitement.
[Bruna] So get ready, Lana.
Because the whole "Oh, rule breach,
I didn't bang anyone…" thing,
that's back on, right?
I never said I'm going to spend money.
I just wanted to feel like
if I did spend it, I wouldn't be judged,
because everyone, like, went crazy.
And when everyone went crazy,
nobody was thinking about me.
[Victoria] Yeah, I think it's unfair that,
people who went "fuck it",
and did whatever they wanted,
are now pointing their fingers
at whoever wants to do something.
You may think it's unfair,
but just like you spoke your mind
about other people, when they did stuff,
when you do things,
they'll say things about you.
And it's not about fair or unfair.
Everyone has a right to speak.
[Isadora] I don't agree with the way
she keeps going on about
"not being judged because
other people made mistakes before."
I agree I went over the top
and ruined the mood.
It's like, I'm sorry about that.
It doesn't change the fact
that I think it would be unfair if someone
attacked me for losing ten grand.
-[Isadora] Yeah.
-This is how I think,
and, fuck it, we each have
our own opinions. That's it.
[Isadora] I agree that everyone has
the right to worry about what's going on.
After all, there's a prize
and an objective at stake.
I respect her, but I disagree.
She disagrees? Okay, that's her right,
but like, the whole thing of "Oh,
I apologize, but I still think the same."
Like, she's too stubborn.
I have no patience for people
who can't talk, who are narrow-minded.
She's too stubborn for me.
Anyway, that's my opinion.
Wow, it's been days since we've…
done anything.
We just kissed one time. I mean…
two or three.
[Ítalo] That's great.
Yeah, great.
That we can make connections without…
-Without sex.
-Without sex.
[Bruna] Come on, Lana!
Throw them a bone!
Are you looking forward
to having sex with me?
Fuck. For God's sake.
-You have to ask?
-[Bruna] Gee, Lana, take the bone back.
We can't relieve tension
with no kissing, no sex.
It's getting harder and harder
just cuddling every day.
We got great at cuddling.
Good and bad, right?
-Because it's torture.
[Thay squealing softly]
[Thalyta] Oh, I'm jealous.
I can't help but admire Barbie and Ken.
Let's be a throuple.
I had to try.
A sincere relationship with three people.
[Thay chuckles]
I immediately left to brush my teeth
and uh, let them talk.
[Justen] I tried. Nay wasn't okay with it,
or it would have been me, her, and Isa.
[Gabriel] Fuck me!
Yeah, man, that sucks.
I was known in my hometown
for being into throuples.
-[Thay] Really?
-Yeah, and I've never been in one.
Back off Gab, hon,
I'm not into this throuple business.
[Bruna] Yeah, guys,
these are the final days.
If you've decided to have a throuple…
I'm your girl; call me.
["Hoje tem pagode" playing]
[Bruna] Uh, babes, am I the only one
thinking about the money?
It's a pool party. What's not to love?
The couple's game is on.
Today with us are Justen Nosoliny and Nay,
and Sandri and Lucas.
Who will win?
They can't drop the orange!
[Nayara] We're enjoying the party,
the beer, the pool,
it's amazing. I felt like doing stuff,
but I'd be kicked out.
[Kelvin] Lana has been so nice to us.
I don't know what's going on.
It's hard to believe.
[Bruna] Is she, though?
Is Lana really being nice?
If you spend ten, I'm okay with it.
That was R$2.50.
If Isa, who hasn't broken any rules,
felt like kissing Paulo,
I wouldn't mind, because
everyone else did whatever they wanted.
[latin music playing]
[Isadora] I shook my ass in the air,
I got a little tan.
It's real nice.
Come on, Paulo, take me for a ride.
I'm a piranha
that doesn't know how to swim.
So whenever I want to get in the pool,
I hitch a ride with one of my friends.
Oh, she wants to ride you,
get the fuck on.
Go on; don't just stand there and talk.
-[Isadora] Come on, man.
I really hope Isa can forgive me, but…
her personality is a little scary.
[Bruna] Yeah, Paulo,
if you don't wanna play with Isa,
she'll play with herself!
[Isadora] Paulo was acting crazy,
saying I'm a show-off.
Really strong
and empowered women scare people.
People are not accustomed
to being around free women.
[Sandri] Oh, Paulo!
For God's sake.
It's time to change your mind.
[girls screaming]
[Bruna] What? Is the school bell ringing?
[all screaming and cheering]
[Thay] There's a party today!
[Bruna] Hey, production! Help Lana out!
What's wrong with you?
[guys chanting]
God, when Momma Lana isn't here,
she likes to watch things burn.
Look at this skirt!
[Thay] It's everything!
Wow, that's one slutty skirt.
-[Justen] It's everything.
-[Victoria] Slutty skirt.
Very slutty.
[Thalyta] Oh, gosh, it's my size!
[Bruna] That's the first time
I've seen someone
do a striptease
to the Addams Family theme song.
I can tell I wouldn't be able
to have a relationship with her.
[Paulo] That's tough.
I'm super annoyed
with Paulo's attitude towards Isa
because I think
he was very sexist in that situation,
I will totally defend her.
[Isadora] It was too good to be true.
-That guy.
-Because he's acting crazy.
-He's acting jealous.
He said I'm a show-off.
Weren't you listening?
Right. Come on, relax.
"Relax" my ass.
Like, I'll do my thing, he'll do his.
So, I like Isa but I'm thinking
that we're really not very compatible,
that maybe we should try
something more like friendship.
[Bruna] But let's not make
any promises, Paulo.
because there's a party coming
and everything can change!
[dance music playing]
[cheering and laughing]
Party without Lana! Things will get wild!
-[Paulo] Fuck yeah, cotton candy!
-[Sandri] Beautiful!
[festive music playing]
[Ítalo] Let's do it,
you can't say no to a party.
Everything is great and Lana's not here.
Let's raise a glass
to the newest members of our family.
Come on! Let's get the party started.
-[Victoria] Fuck!
-[Kelvin] Everyone is very excited.
If I have anything to do with it,
things can go well.
[Bruna] Wait a sec, guys.
That means Lana is gone
and she forgot to take the key
to the suite with her, God!
What are you up to, Lana?
[Lucas] Hey, heads up. The suite is open.
Oh God, this unicorn party is dangerous!
The suite is open,
I really want to go, of course.
We've got a lot of pent-up horniness.
We're on fire.
[Sandri] Come on, let's do body shots.
-I'll do Lucas and you'll do Kelvin.
-[Thalyta] Not now, thanks.
-Girl, body shot!
-[Kelvin] Someone else?
Let the girl finish her cotton candy
before licking his nipples.
If she doesn't want to do it,
she doesn't have to.
-Okay, then. You do him.
-Lie down, come on
Holy shit, take it easy!
Right, let's go for it!
[Thay] Oh, my God!
[Bruna] Look, Sandri always
gets things started.
She's really dedicated!
Good stuff!
A party without Lana,
we'll just have to go wild. [chuckles]
[dance music playing]
Lana, if you can hear me,
can we do body shots?
It wasn't like the boat, we were all…
It was just a nice
demonstration of affection.
[Victoria] Do you think
we're going to get in trouble?
Lana made it clear after the boat
that we shouldn't do anything sexual.
We weren't supposed to do body shots.
And so they go and they do it.
-[Ivan] That's why…
-That's what I'm saying.
Speak no evil, see no evil, hear no evil.
See no evil, speak no evil, hear no evil.
[Ivan] Body shots are really nice,
but in the end,
we have to respect Lana's rules.
We can't do things
just because she's not here.
I hope nothing happens.
Because we just got our money back.
-We have two hundred grand.
-The money, Lana's trust.
Exactly. She's being nice to us.
[Sandri] The suite is open.
-Who told you that?
-I heard it.
Double date?
[Kelvin] Nobody wants to break the rules,
but it's all too good to be true.
[Ítalo] I've always said
I'm an observer, right?
I'm always paying attention to everything.
Then I see…
an open door, a bathtub.
I take my chances.
Come with me.
[Victoria] What's going on, babe?
[Ítalo] You'll see. Just come on.
[Ítalo] We snuck out, nobody noticed,
so we could…
so no one can see what we're doing.
Where are Vic and Ítalo?
-Oh, they went to the suite.
-Did they?
No way.
Oh, that's beautiful, the suite is ours!
The suite is ours! God!
[Ítalo] Fuck yeah!
Fuck, if they screw up…
Oh, I'm vengeful.
She talked our ears off,
and now she does it?
God, Ítalo, we're fucked.
She's giving me a reason to talk.
Fuck it, you know?
Own up to your screw-ups.
I always take responsibility
for what I do.
I don't know about her.
They went to the suite?
They're not here,
they're not in the bedroom.
If the doors to hell are open,
I'm not gonna say anything else,
but I'm gonna do something.
Because I want to.
[Isadora] Yeah!
I think Vic and Ítalo went to the suite.
[tense music plays]
If they open the door to hell,
I'm stepping in. I've said it.
[Bruna] Oh, Sandri, you're dying for them
to open those doors, aren't you?
-[Victoria] Fuck, fuck, fuck…
-[Ítalo] Calm down. Damn.
Relax. It'll be fine.
They're gonna kill us! God!
Man, you haven't said anything yet.
Just be cool. Let's enjoy ourselves.
Everyone is following Lana's purpose.
No one wants to lose money
in the final stretch.
We're screwed.
Didn't we ask
for a private moment together?
[Victoria laughs]
[Victoria] Take off my shoes, then.
[sultry music playing]
I don't know what might happen.
-[Paulo] Did they earn the suite, or…
-[Kelvin] I don't know what's going on.
Did they just sneak in?
I trust Ítalo completely, but Vic…
-[Ítalo] Oh, fuck. Shit.
-[Victoria hums funk rhythm]
I don't know.
-[Ítalo] Nature was too generous.
-My God, Ítalo.
They're gonna kill me!
If we spend money, the one
who'll really get screwed is me.
Ítalo would be all right.
They wouldn't hassle him.
Everyone is mad at me already.
If we do anything, I'll get all the blame.
You'd be fine.
-I hate this!
God, I hate this!
-No, this crap situation we have now.
Now I can't even do what I want.
I hate this.
I hate it, I hate it.
Because it's like, if you'd stood by me,
I could stick to it now.
Damn, bro.
You tried to play nice before. Now you…
I wasn't playing nice,
I have my own fucking opinion.
-So you won't be spending any money today.
You won't be spending any money.
I'll be here, naked on all fours,
and you won't spend a single penny.
-I'll be naked, too.
-And it won't cost a thing
It's going to get ugly and I'm gonna make
a real good scene, just like her.
My tongue is ready for tomorrow
and I'm gonna have some really
nice things to say when Lana gets here.
I know she'll be back tomorrow.
I'm sure.
-Are you undressing?
-I don't know.
-What are you taking off?
-I don't know.
-Should we go to the tub?
-I don't know.
You don't know anything, damn it.
[sultry music playing]
[Thay] The 200 grand we got yesterday,
I think we'll lose like, 100 something.
[Sandri] Do we have to bet?
-I don't wanna bet.
-I'm not betting either.
For God's sake, Vic, behave.
Wait for it, if she starts anything,
there'll be a scene.
We'll go all out. And no,
"Oh, you can't judge me," fuck her.
[Paulo] Isa and I didn't work out.
[Kelvin] I think you screwed up.
She's too freaking crazy for me,
I don't think I can deal with it.
[Gabriel] Oh, not at all, man.
She's just a free girl.
[Paulo] Yeah, she's free,
but hooking up is one thing.
-[Kelvin] She has a strong personality.
-Too strong.
So, my thing with Isa, honestly,
I was really impulsive earlier today.
I tried to explain myself.
I know it's your personality and all…
I know you want to be free and all.
But that bothers me, too.
-What bothered you?
-Because, like,
I wouldn't do a striptease
in front of the girls.
[Bruna] A striptease?
No, wait a sec, I'll check.
[tape rewinding]
That's so nice!
[Bruna] Oh.
Is that what's bothering you, Paulo?
-Let's go!
-[Bruna] Mm.
Since I'm getting involved with you
there's been some stuff that's happened,
that's made me really jealous.
I'm kind of a jealous guy.
I don't know what she's been through,
or if she turns this
into something unrelated,
and it turns into, like,
"Oh, you're sexist."
It's a very sexist way of thinking.
Because you're telling me,
you're telling me,
the way I choose
to present myself to people
is not okay because,
for some reason, it bothers you.
Yeah. I don't like it.
For me, jealousy is about ownership.
You know?
Yeah, it is.
-Right. And I belong only to myself.
-Yeah, it is. Right.
But you have to understand something.
It's like, you keep relating
everything to sexism, you know?
[tense music plays]
It would be sexist
if I told you that
I can do something and you can't.
-At no point--
-But it's sexist.
Calm down, let me finish.
Are you gonna let me finish?
-I will, but it was sexist…
-No, you're cutting me off.
-Finish, finish.
-We can't talk like that.
It would be sexist
if I asked you to do something,
but as a man,
thinking I shouldn't do the same.
So it has nothing to do with gender.
I never meant to impose anything on you.
I've been saying
both of us need to do our part
if we're gonna make it work.
That's what I think.
Why is that sexist?
You're telling me
that I can't do something
because I'm a woman.
But I'm not saying
that I can do it as a man.
It's not about what you can do as a man.
You're telling me
that a woman doing this is wrong.
No, I'm saying it's wrong for anyone.
I met him two days ago,
so some things don't make sense to me.
I think the way you talked to me
was totally authoritative.
-Not authoritative.
I'm just showing you it bothered me.
Authoritative, because you told me
what you didn't like.
-Okay, if that's what you think.
-What do you think?
That I'm a show-off?
It bothered me and I told you.
Was I rude to you?
-Yeah. You were.
I regret it, you know?
-It's because I'm impulsive.
-Yeah, I noticed.
I am, but at least I'm honest.
When people are dating,
they have to respect each other.
But when have I ever disrespected you?
For me, it was disrespectful
for you to be, like…
To be naked in front of everyone.
I wasn't naked in front of everyone.
Yeah, but it looked like
you were going to, like…
Did I actually do it?
All right.
[Isadora] You didn't listen to me
or ask me about it.
Okay, Isa, I tried.
-Are you turning your back on me?
-I'm facing you.
-How could I be turning my back on you?
[Isadora] Honestly, this conversation
showed me he has very fixed ideas.
There are things he considers wrong,
but I'm a free woman,
so I think we can't reach a common ground,
and he's not willing to listen to me.
He just wants to tell me
what he thinks is right or wrong.
[Paulo] I tried to be friends,
but it's like you don't want to.
You just want to point fingers at me.
"Paulo, you're wrong."
That's fucked up.
[Bruna] Hmm. Something you need
to know about women, Paulo,
is that, more than ever, we are united!
[Isadora] Honestly, he didn't understand
a single word from our conversation.
He turned to me and said I was trying
to be woke about everything I was saying.
This unicorn exists,
this unicorn is sure of herself,
she's empowered, and she doesn't
give a damn about dickheads.
For me, he wasn't just talking about you.
All of us.
All of us are like that, is he crazy?
Everyone is being themselves.
I'm being Sandri all the way.
It hurt me having to hear
that you're "a show-off,"
because I'm also living everything here.
I'm saying this because it's real, Paulo,
what you said hurt me too.
Calm down, keep your voice down.
I'm right here.
No, my voice is as loud as it needs to be.
[Paulo] You don't have to talk like that.
[Isadora] She can speak
however she wants to.
[Paulo] Am I being rude to either of you?
But she's not being rude,
she's telling the truth.
-[Paulo] Because--
-[Sandri] I'm not being rude.
You'll know when I'm being rude to you.
It's like Paulo cares more about
feeling less guilty about himself
than listening to the women
who are opening their hearts up to him.
As hard as it is to us,
nobody likes to touch a sore spot.
[Paulo] I admitted I was wrong.
I was impulsive. We all make mistakes.
-Are you perfect?
-[Sandri] I wanna hear your truth as well.
I was impulsive, bro.
I said, I said,
I said it without thinking.
-All right.
-I was impulsive.
-My bad.
I'm not a saint. I'm an impulsive guy.
You know why you're impulsive, Paulo?
Let me tell you something.
We're the same people here
as we are outside.
That's true.
Outside, men are not prepared to deal
with women with strong personalities.
Women who stand their ground,
who are extroverts, who are show-offs.
Men don't have the balls for that.
Just like you don't, get it?
This is complicated. It seems like
you're just trying to be woke.
It's not about being woke,
you just got here!
I admitted I was wrong, okay?
-I admitted I was wrong.
-[Isa] Why would she try to be woke?
-[Thay] No, look.
-I really was.
But it's not about being sexist.
-[Thay] It's not?
-Like, I'm a regular guy.
-Can't I be jealous?
-Get a grip, you're almost 30 years old.
-Can't I be bothered?
Why are you talking to them?
Why are you talking to them?
I'm all wrong.
Either I get feelings too quick,
or I'm a dickhead, or I'm sexist.
-You don't know how to listen.
-Okay, I don't know anything.
-We don't--
-[Paulo] It's hard.
I felt I was all by myself there,
with no support at all.
I'm that guy.
The stereotypical sexist guy.
That's what it is,
I'm a stereotypical sexist guy.
The guy who's wrong about everything.
[Sandri] Just own up to it.
-I already did, man.
-[Kelvin] I'm impulsive,
There was the thing with Khi Khi.
I said, fuck, everyone saw that, fuck.
I'm sorry, I'm an impulsive guy.
But I just went away modestly
because I was being a total creep.
But I have.
But here, you seem like you're nervous.
I know it's tough.
[Paulo] I am nervous.
I'm talking to you because I think
it's easier to hear coming from a friend.
If you really feel guilty,
keep your voice down,
look them in the eyes
and apologize, to Thay, to Isa.
Admit you're wrong with some humility.
When we're wrong,
that's how we should act.
[Isadora] Even with the women all together
trying to explain to Paulo
what was going on,
he just didn't seem to be hearing it.
And whenever we said something,
he'd seek support
from the men in the house.
The biggest mistake I made was that
I didn't just ask her to talk about it.
You know? I should have just said,
"Hey, that bothers me."
Because, from my point of view,
I'm not wrong to be bothered by that.
I'm sorry.
Right, but it's like,
that's objectifying her body, you know?
Man, we're here to change.
And learn from them, too.
You don't have to accept
every single thing they say,
but you have to learn from them,
you know?
And like, what they're saying, man…
Man, they're telling you this
so you can evolve and be a better person.
And I think a lot about how you have
a daughter, too. I think a lot about that.
You sure don't want your daughter
going out with an asshole, right?
-Yeah, right, right.
-I'm not saying you're an asshole,
but you don't want her with an asshole.
So like, man, whenever they speak,
we need to listen.
This is fucking important.
[Paulo] Ju and I had a really nice talk.
He is an amazing guy.
That's it, man, like, you have to learn.
We're fucking sexist.
It's impossible to think we're not,
because society taught us to be.
We're born with that shit in our heads.
And we think the way we do things
is right, but it's really not. You know?
We're used to always being like,
"I'm on top, I'm in charge of things."
But it's not like that anymore, man.
Got it?
And I'm sure you don't want anyone else
in charge of your daughter,
you want her to be in charge.
You know?
Got it?
It's fucking hard, man.
Yeah. Fucking hard.
But yeah…
It's tough, like…
It's really tough.
When I stop to think,
there really is something, like…
[Bruna] Justen, thank you
for clearing things up,
but Paulo, next time don't wait
for another man to explain things to you.
Listen to the women. Okay, gorgeous?
[blows a kiss]
[Ítalo] I'm anxious…
[Victoria] Why?
[Ítalo] To be able to do
whatever I want with you.
[Victoria] If it were up to me,
we could just say "fuck it".
Now you have to own up to what you said.
[Bruna] Jesus,
it's like raining problems here.
[pop music playing]
[Paulo] I didn't feel so good
when I woke up today.
The vibe is a little weird.
I hope I can work things out
and get back to normal.
I have a hangover.
Today I'm keeping a low profile.
Just observing.
I don't want to get into trouble.
[Bruna] You should wait to say that after
you find out what happened in the suite.
A gorgeous woman next to me,
we woke up spooning.
It's kind of hard to resist,
because I'm really attracted to Ítalo.
[Bruna] Watch out.
In the morning, when the rooster
starts to sing, the cock wakes up.
[upbeat music playing]
Can you imagine if Lana tells us
everything was allowed yesterday?
-I feel it's gonna be something like that.
-[Sandri] I would literally die.
[Isadora] Lana isn't back yet?
[Justen] It'll be good,
maybe she'll give us some money back.
If we don't do anything.
Yeah, but Vic and Italo.
They're at the suite, aren't they?
That is the problem.
I really don't know what to expect
from Vic and Ítalo's night at the suite,
because they spent the night there. So…
It's one thing to spend an hour there,
but going to sleep
and waking up in an amazing room,
with someone you're hot for…
I wouldn't put my faith in them.
[Victoria] Yeah, you can say it like this.
That we-- Lana said
we weren't allowed to do body shots,
and when we left the party,
everyone was doing them anyway.
It was against the rules
she gave us, and all.
We were gonna tease everyone
so they thought we'd screwed up
and spent all the money.
Let's rile them up.
[Victoria] Right.
"We decided to have a little fun.
We took a bath and all."
-[Victoria] Don't laugh.
-I'm not.
[Victoria] You can't laugh.
You have to be really serious.
-[Ítalo] You should do the talking.
-[Victoria] Yeah. Okay.
[mischievous music playing]
[Paulo] Check out the couple.
-[Victoria] Good morning.
-[Ítalo] Good morning!
-[Sandri] Good morning.
-[Justen] 'Sup?
They look too happy.
I'm sure they spent a shit ton of money.
Did you find Lana?
[Victoria] No.
She didn't show up.
-[Paulo] Not at all?
She didn't show up at all.
[Victoria] Is everyone here?
So we can get it out of the way.
-Is everyone here?
-[Isadora] Yeah.
-[Victoria] No one missing?
-[Paulo] No.
[Ítalo] Let me get it out.
Yeah, we went to the suite
yesterday, right?
As you must have noticed,
we spent the night there.
And when we left the party yesterday,
you were… uh, doing body shots and all.
Which was something she'd already said
wasn't supposed to happen.
Lana already told us not to.
I was like, "Just say it."
Like, we saw that this Too Hot To Handle
thing was just when we're alone together.
It's not too hot at all when
we're all here together.
It's too hot when you're there
and you can't do what you want,
then you really feel like
it's Too Hot To Handle.
[Bruna] That's right, Vic!
Defend the show's name.
But we didn't do anything.
-[all] Aaah!
I didn't expect that.
For them not to spend any money,
I wouldn't have bet on them, no way.
But I was surprised.
Congrats to the couple!
-Fuck, that's torture, right?
-[Victoria] Wow. totally It's torture.
It's like, too hot on another level.
Like, this is so easy.
It's too easy. But the suite?
That's too hot to handle.
Girl, I'm shocked, but in a positive way.
I saw it coming.
[Victoria] Aah!
[Justen] I admit I was 50-50.
One thing I'm sure,
is that my account with Lana is beautiful.
No money spent.
Let's move on.
A kiss.
No way.
We're respected now.
And you just want to lose that?
Over nothing?
Why can't anything
be simple and easy in this retreat?
[Bruna] Evolving isn't easy.
Ask any Pokémon.
So, if we had to pick someone
who do you think evolved the most?
The person who improved the most is Isa.
-[Victoria] True.
-[Gabriel] Think so.
Isa, me, and Ivan.
[Kelvin] What'd you improve?
-[Victoria] What?
-You didn't improve.
-How so?
-[Kelvin] I'm kidding.
-[Paulo] Yeah, you did it yesterday.
-Why not?
I had a trial by fire and I did nothing.
I've improved a lot.
Everyone is really… thinking and wondering
about whom the money is going to,
how we'll split it, or not,
who improved more, who improved less.
Let's just wait for Lana
to speak now and… let's go.
[Bruna] Look, I have no idea
who improved the most.
But there is a prize at stake
to be shared.
I mean, if Lana comes back, right?
She's so unpredictable this season.
[Justen] Where is Lana?
Where is Lana?
That's the million-dollar question.
She ditched us!
[chanting] Laninha, where are you?
I'm here just to see you ♪
[Nayara] Where's Lana?
I don't know what's coming.
-I'm getting nervous.
-It's getting tense.
-My legs are shaking, my hands sweating.
Even though my conscience is clear,
I'm tense.
-[Lana chimes]
-[all gasp]
[cheering and screaming]
-[Paulo] Nice!
-[Isadora] She's on wheels!
Out of nowhere, Lana showed up on a taxi.
[all cheering]
I lifted her up like in The Lion King.
[Lana chimes]
[Lana] Hello, people.
[all] Hi, Lana!
Stranger. Hi, stranger.
[Lana] Did you miss me?
[all] Yeah!
We missed you,
but you were always in our thoughts.
[Lana] Did you behave well?
-[Ítalo] We did, I think we did.
-The best way possible, Lana, best way.
[Lana] I know there was a conflict
that affected you.
-That's true, Lana.
-[Gabriel] Family trouble.
-[Paulo] I'm worried about the issues
between me and Isa.
I want to fix things.
So, I'd like to say,
in front of everyone and you too, Lana,
that I admit I was totally out of line.
I made a mistake.
I didn't think before I spoke.
So, I admit I was wrong,
and I really hope we can get along again.
We have to give it time,
but I'm sure I'll happen.
Nothing in this hot babe's life
is ever unresolved.
I deal with things really quickly.
[Lana] Despite my absence,
my sensors kept monitoring
your every move.
I knew it.
[Lana] You almost
crossed a line at the party.
And Vic and Ítalo, you went to the suite.
-My pride and joy! [chuckles]
[Lena] I would let it go,
if I hadn't been so surprised
by your behavior.
What did you do there?
We've told everyone what we did, right?
We used a lot of the things
we learned in the workshops
that we've had here in the retreat.
we took a bath,
we talked a lot,
we didn't break any rules.
[Lana] My algorithms disagree,
and they've identified rule breaches.
No. Come on, that's crazy.
We're gonna be poor again.
We just have to respect it
and see what's gonna happen.
[Lana] I'm deducting
R$40,000 from the prize.
-[Justen] Why?
-[Victoria] Why?
-[Lana] The sexy fondling detected
was more sexual
than many things I've seen here.
-Come on, man.
Guys, I swear I did nothing.
Nothing at all.
[Bruna] So let's see what "nothing" means.
[rock music playing]
[Victoria] Of course we had a sexier,
more intimate time, you know?
The tantric massage has a sensual vibe,
but we never thought
we'd lose a single penny.
[Bruna] Hon, there was tits,
finger sucking, noise.
Of course there'd be a fine.
[Lana] The final prize is now R$160,000.
-Okay, then.
-What the hell?
[Lana] See you soon.
-[Ítalo] See you, Lana.
-[Gabriel] See you, Lana.
See you, Lana.
Everyone did sensual massages.
I honestly didn't see it coming.
Me neither.
I thought we'd, like,
get some extra money.
Me, too.
[Victoria] Besides,
if we were gonna lose 40 grand,
we'd have done it differently, you know?
But since we don't make the rules here,
we have to accept it.
It's kinda hard to trust someone
who says one thing and does another.
I hope this doesn't become a big deal,
because we've already talked about it.
We told you everything that happened.
I hope this doesn't become a big deal.
We were honest about
what happened from the start.
If we were to spend it,
we would spend it.
We didn't break any rules.
Lana said we didn't
explicitly break the rules,
but I can't do anything.
She calls the shots.
Yeah, it's her decision,
and everyone was surprised.
Exactly, including me and Vic.
We noticed, it's okay.
[Ítalo] Yeah.
I have no problem telling people that.
My life is an open book. [chuckles]
Come on. Let's move on.
It happens, let's go.
-There's always something.
-[Lucas] Man, that's screwed up.
Okay, Lana. The most important thing
is that you're back home.
[Bruna] Lana is wise, guys.
Never doubt this robot's intelligence.
[upbeat music playing]
[Lana] With no physical contact allowed,
my guests can come to learn that,
within a relationship,
there are many ways
to show love and affection.
I'm Carmem Virgínia.
I'm a Iyabassé,
a cook for the Orishas.
I'm a chef.
I think when you cook for someone,
it's a sign that they're nurturing
their love for them.
Nobody cooks for people
they don't like, right?
[Bruna] Let's love
with our stomachs, people.
[Carmem] Hello, my loves,
I'm from the land
of the tall coconut trees,
from Recife, Pernambuco.
-She's from my hometown.
And momma's here
to teach you how to
heat things up and cook.
Look, I'm really interested
in the heating things up part, huh.
[Bruna] Like, heat up the food?
I need to hug, I need to touch.
-You're by yourself.
-I'm by myself.
Oh, My God, all of this
for such an old lady like me!
All yours!
[Paulo] Carmem is hilarious, right?
She's such a unique person
and has such a happy vibe.
You look like a good girl,
but you're pretty naughty, right?
Carmem is such a loving woman.
She definitely brought
a really wonderful energy.
I think it's important to know
that when we cook,
we also add our energy,
our passion, our love to it.
Seducing through food
is a great ace to have up your sleeve.
I would fall in love with a boy
who would call me and say something like,
"I'm cooking for you today."
Come here, you, love.
-[Justen] Me? Jeez.
-Come here.
I'll teach you how to make
a delicious meal for her.
Delicious like you, love.
I won't have anything less.
It's a beautiful thing.
Mrs. Carmem, you're wonderful,
but Ju is taken.
[Bruna] Ooh, get your eyes off him,
Mrs. Carmem.
This is the fish, you can buy
any whitefish, hake, tilapia, okay?
-[Justen] Uh-huh.
-Then you get two mangoes and dice them.
Red onions.
And chili.
A date with some good food
and good wine can't go wrong.
I need something crunchy.
It could be nuts or peanuts.
What would you choose for your beloved?
Nuts for my beloved.
-[Carmem] Check it out.
-[girls] Aww.
If I were you,
I would have chosen peanuts.
They make you horny.
But we can't get horny here.
Some people are worth losing money over.
I've spent 310,000 here.
Three hundred and ten grand?
What did you do, you dog?
Boy, what did you do?
I'm great with my mouth. [chuckles]
And what's the key in all food,
that you can't miss? What's missing here?
Well, love here means salt.
-Get it for me, get the salt, please.
[Isadora] I like cooking
for people I love,
and you definitely
put a lot of yourself into it.
I love you. Here. Thanks. girls.
Can I save some for later?
[Bruna] And also save some
for the narrator, girl.
-Does anyone know how to make caipirinhas?
[Paulo] I make them all the time.
I love drinking ice-cold caipirinhas
back in Bahia.
Usually we use everything
in chicken ragout,
but here I just add legs and thighs.
[Kelvin] Food definitely
brings people together.
Everyone was laughing,
everyone was interacting.
Are you drinking it or making it, boy?
Just tasting it.
Man, Carmem is amazing!
I loved everything she said.
You add that here.
-Three of those.
For the love of God, please, be generous.
[Victoria] Since the last workshops
were about skin, about touching, 
I thought it was great to experience
something different, you know?
[Bruna] I'm just experiencing hunger.
Sandri, I'd like you to come here
and help me make this plantain ceviche.
-It's perfect for you.
-It is!
Vegan food is a must.
Yeah, everyone deserves to eat,
how could I leave you out?
Guys, this workshop is delicious, really.
It's an amazing opportunity
to connect with a woman
from Northeastern Brazil.
You can serve it, love.
Go, my queen, go.
[Ítalo] I think we can apply a lot of what
we've got in this workshop to our lives.
I really believe that
when you cook for your partner,
they can feel what you're trying
to express to them.
Get your feelings from the flavors and
ingredients you picked to cook for them,
if you do it right.
So, I'm here to talk to you about love,
and one of the most sublime lessons
I've learned in life
is to spread all the love I have inside.
Some people paint pictures,
some people dance, some people sing.
I cook.
I found myself like this,
and I think finding ourselves
is a good part of life.
This is the beginning of many beautiful,
amazing moments you'll have from now on,
whether it's around the table
or lying on a bed.
After all, the best thing in life
is to love and be loved.
[blows a kiss] See you, people.
[Bruna] Oh, I'd really like
to find myself… inside that pan.
Look what we've got here today!
[indistinct chatter]
What's this?
[Ivan] We don't know what's coming.
We always worry in this house.
[Bruna] Worry about what?
Lana's even having a shot, look.
What's up, Lana?
Give us some good news,
for the love of God.
[Lana chimes]
[Lana] Hello, people.
[all] Hi, Lana!
[Lana] How do you feel knowing
our retreat is almost over?
I'm happy we learned a lot…
[Ítalo] …and sad that…
-It's nearly over.
It's almost over.
We don't want it to end now, Lana.
Can you let us stay a little longer?
[Lana] I called you here for a toast.
[all cheering]
[Paulo] Can we?
-Good stuff.
-[Thalyta] I wish we had more time.
I'm gonna miss it,
I wish we could learn more.
[Justen] Here.
To our family.
-Too Hot To Handle!
-[Sandri] Look.
-[Ítalo] I'm sentimental.
I miss it already.
[Ítalo] Thanks, Lana! Thank you, Lana!
Here's to learning.
[Victoria] Thanks for everything
we got to experience.
And to good connections, absolutely.
[Kelvin] With that kind of friendship,
good people around you,
you become a better person.
[Lana] Are you ready
for the last challenge of this experience?
What is the challenge, for God's sake?
When there's a challenge,
we start thinking again…
[sighs] Let's just wait
and see what happens.
[Lana] This time, I will propose something
that will be extremely hard to resist.
-What can be harder than what we're doing?
-[Victoria] Yeah.
-We always worry.
We never know what's coming
when Lana shows up.
-[Lana] Justen and Nayara.
-Oh, God!
I've got butterflies in my stomach,
because Lana is tough, right?
[Lana] You have been responsible for
the largest money loss in my existence.
[all laughing]
We know.
Now we think it's funny.
We can laugh about it now.
[Lana] You were responsible
for a deduction of R$310,000
you were chosen for this mission.
[Justen] Sure we are a little scared,
because the others were really mad at us.
Tell us the mission, Lana!
[Lana] Justen and Nayara,
the suite is yours.
If you play by the rules,
you prove that you've understood
the purpose here.
[Bruna] Lana, babe,
are you sure, woman?
[Isadora] Let's give them a hand.
[cheering and applause]
Enjoy it.
This is gonna divide opinions,
and I'll just put a big smile on my face
because I've earned it.
[Gabriel] Of course I'm a little jealous.
They've had their chance.
They lost 310,000.
Obviously, I wanted to go to the suite.
Lana, where's my suite, babe?
[Victoria] Sleep as soon as you get there.
Don't open the champagne,
just go to sleep.
You're safe.
Don't exaggerate.
Trust me, it'll work out.
Lana is dangerous.
She knows we can't resist.
[Lana] Justen and Nayara, you may go now.
[Ítalo] It's all good.
They made a mistake once.
I'm sure they've learned from it.
I'll bet they're not
gonna risk it all again.
[Nayara, chuckling] Again.
Oh, God.
[Bruna] Jesus, guys! The first time around
they spent more money than me
after three tequilas.
I think after what they've gone through,
they're gonna be cool.
They won't even take a naked bath together
so there's nothing suspicious.
Don't take off your clothes.
Please, keep your clothes on.
That's the first step into going bankrupt.
First step, check.
[mischievous music playing]
[Bruna] Oh, Justen. Hold your sword.
-Help me.
-[both laughing]
Help me, help me.
Things get really
complicated in the suite.
-[Justen] A toast to us…
-To us.
-[Justen] To our future.
[Justen] To all our experiences here.
Yes, thank you, Lana.
My strategy is to keep away from her
and she'll keep away from me.
Let's get to know each other.
What are your favorite positions?
-[Justen] Man…
[Justen] We shouldn't even think about it.
We're just getting to know each other.
[Justen] We'll talk, we're here to talk.
I'm so happy for us.
I'm really in love, you know?
[Justen] Yeah? Me too.
I never thought I'd meet the one here.
[Justen] Our story here
deserves some respect.
We deserved this last suite.
["No Fear" by Jennifer June
& John Winston playing]
[Bruna] Guys?
What's going on?
[Bruna] Is E.T. coming?
-What's going on?
-[Sandri] What is it, guys?
[Thalyta] Green suite?
-[Thay, gasping] The suite is green!
-[Victoria] What?
It''s green!
[Gabriel] Can they really spend money,
or is this just a huge prank?
Then we'll run out of money and that's it.
[tense music plays]
-Come on!
-It's pay-per-view!
Are we fucked?
-[Ivan] They're saying we're fucked.
-[Thay] Why?
Do something in the middle of the night.
I don't know, man, they're out of bounds!
This is crazy!
I can see it's really hot in there.
[Luna] You must leave the retreat now.
[closing theme music playing]
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