Tsukimichi: Moonlit Fantasy (2021) s02e07 Episode Script

New Member Audition

It's so hot here.
Why is it so hot?
The irregular changes
in weather patterns got worse.
Even the night feels so hot.
What has happened to my cozy Subspace?
With help from every race,
the house is finally complete.
Is this my house?
-Welcome home, Young Master!
-Welcome home, Young Master!
I-I'm home.
Welcome home, Young Master!
People from the Subspace
are waiting for your return.
We've been so excited to see you again.
Do the honor and raise a toast.
It's been a while, everyone.
Thank you for this beautiful house.
To reward your hard work
You've been so busy
with your teaching and business.
Everyone here missed you.
Please come back more often.
You're right. I'll keep that in mind.
Y-Young Master.
If you don't mind, try this out.
Thanks, Mio.
Wow. This looks very similar
to what I had in Tsige.
I like this. It's so tasty.
Is this
That's Mio's cooking.
Up until recently, she had been on
a journey to hone her cooking skills.
She prepared all the food you see here.
Well done, Mio.
The food is delicious.
Young Master.
I've come to understand
the fun of cooking.
I'll prepare something
even more delicious next time.
That's right! Even more tasty!
Where is Mio going?
To Tsige, probably.
There is an adventurer who is skilled
in making rare delicacies.
I see.
Whatever the case is,
I'm glad she is learning new things.
Thanks for putting up with her.
-We have a meeting.
-Young Master!
-It's about the recent investigation.
-Talk to us too!
Until then, get some rest.
Tonight is going to be a long night.
Let's begin.
I investigated the area
where you and the dragon slayer fought.
I also ran into a hero party.
He is the hero of the Gritonia Empire.
The name was Tomoki Iwahashi.
Judging by the looks of it,
he was around your age.
Around my age
What do you think about him?
It felt like he was up to no good.
In other words,
he is a scum.
Isn't he the hero?
He is obsessed with his power.
His desires got the better of him.
After defeating the demons,
he will likely wage war on the humans.
On the other hand,
I read the princess's thoughts
and noticed that she knew
about the weapon known as a gun.
The hero of Gritonia probably told
the humans what a gun looked like.
This weapon isn't as powerful as a spell,
but a small gun can be
used for assassination.
Depending on the situation,
it can be used for genocide.
Honestly, I find them repulsive.
I even thought about
taking them out without telling you.
You sound scary!
You can't kill people
simply because they upset you.
Let's wait and observe.
Very well,
we'll talk about the goddess's power
and the dragon slayer.
Sorry, but I never obtained
any useful information about them.
Anything about myself?
Well, about that
Nothing unusual for the time being.
All I know is that someone caused
a huge commotion after the battle.
Someone released an arrow on
the battlefield and created a lake.
A lake?
What kind of monster could've done that?
Is this the doing of that cursed goddess?
What's so funny?
Sorry. I was rude.
You know what?
They called the culprit "the devil".
A devil?
Well then,
it's our turn to deliver the reports.
I got a general idea
about the academy from Shiki.
It's said that
you were quite popular among girls.
That's not worth reporting.
Of course it is.
I'd like you to tell me the details.
But Shiki told you everything.
This won't be necessary.
More importantly
What's wrong?
What is this heat I'm feeling?
Yes, that's strange.
This heat is unbearable.
What happened here?
Emma told me about the irregular
weather pattern in the Subspace.
There are reports of children
and elderly people feeling unwell.
The reason is likely
More precisely speaking,
it is the mist gate you set up outside.
I set up one wherever I go.
The last location where the gate is used
will determine the weather in here.
But the academy town is pretty cool.
Perhaps it's not a direct reflection
of the gate's location.
Terrain and landscape
could affect it as well.
I'll keep investigating the effects
of the gate's last location
on the Subspace.
To think my whereabouts
could affect the weather patterns
That means I'll never
get to travel with an ease of mind.
Tell me why!
The people in Limia who took
great care of us ordered us to return.
But that's
I finally made the Young Master happy
after all this time.
but we have other business to tend to.
There's something I must do.
I'd really love to learn more
about cooking from you.
But, I guess it can't be helped.
Ms. Mio
the conditions in the wilderness
are harsher than expected.
Had we not run into you that day,
none of us could've survived.
I can't thank you enough for that.
Don't mention it. I was glad to help.
Mr. Beren made an amazing sword for me.
You will master that new toy in no time.
Ms. Mio.
Will you come with me?
Not a chance.
You didn't hesitate.
I already have the Young Master
by my side.
In that case, ask him to come along.
No. He is a busy man.
Not even if my request concerns
the fate of the world?
I don't care what happens to the world.
The Young Master is
the only thing I care about.
Is there no way I can convince you?
No way.
You totally ditched me.
I don't plan to serve anyone
except the Young Master.
Yes. I get it.
stay safe on the trip.
Ms. Mio,
come by Limia when you have the chance.
I'll try to recall the other recipes.
Oh my, that is a tempting offer.
I'll hold you to that.
As per your order,
we planted lotuses and white clovers here.
This helps with the land's fallow period
and provides a great place
for the children to play.
The harvest has become
more bountiful as well.
We improved the farmland
based on Mr. Shiki's instructions.
We get to harvest the produce
once every two weeks now.
The result is a bit over the top.
Impressive, Shiki.
I merely based the technique
on the knowledge you gave
and told them to utilize the earth magic.
We won't have to worry
about any food shortage.
I'm still a bit concerned
about the unstable weather,
but we'll proceed with the original plan
and increase the population.
Very well.
The selection process has begun.
Lady Tomoe, Lady Mio, and Mr. Shiki
will each recommend a race.
I'd like to interview them before I leave.
I'll make the arrangements.
I should also mention that Mr. Eld
What is this?
This thing was brought here
after Mio tore her kimono not long ago.
Mio's kimono was torn?
The back of the kimono was cut.
Thankfully, she wasn't hurt at all.
The problem here is this material.
Was it a powerful beast?
I did a thorough examination.
It was a monster
that consumed wind spirits.
A spirit eater?
Given the strength of
the average monsters,
it'd be hard to prey on
even the weak spirits.
Someone unleashed the monster.
What's wrong?
I-It was me.
What do you mean?
That monster was mine
That was before I met you.
It was an experiment I did
when I was hiding in the Forest Ogres.
I captured a few mid-tier wind spirits
and weakened them
before letting my monster prey on them.
I wanted to see
if the monster would turn into a spirit
or something along the line.
However, the experiment was a failure.
So you just abandoned it?
I'm terribly sorry!
By the way, was that the only experiment
you did back then?
No. I ran several experiments.
And not just on the insect-type monsters,
but shellfish-type monsters as well.
Oh, that Gain Crab.
Tomoe ate one.
Pardon me,
but how should we report this
to Lady Tomoe and Lady Mio?
Let them give you an earful for that.
Your action was indeed very wrong.
I understand
A predicament
the sloppy Shiki never expected.
Are we interviewing the new race today?
The selection criteria include
dietary habits, cultural lifestyles,
social skills, and special abilities.
Lady Tomoe chose a rare race.
Lady Mio chose with her intuition.
Mr. Shiki chose based on their competence.
I'm a little bit concerned.
I've invited the representatives
of all three races here.
I thought we were supposed to go to them.
Inviting them over seems
somewhat condescending.
They really look forward to moving here.
It's only right for them
to send their representatives.
Ms. Emma, you're scaring me.
Young Master, this is a great chance.
And please, stop calling me miss!
Display your authority.
Her overwhelming aura made me speechless.
P-Pleased to meet you.
Welcome to the Subspace.
It's an honor.
Thank you for inviting us to relocate
to this wonderful land.
I am Makoto Misumi.
I am kind of the baron here.
I am the Wing-kin elder,
She is my aide, Shona.
Pleasure meeting you, Master Makoto.
How long do you intend to be in the air?
M-My apologies.
She is scary.
Let's see.
You have quite a population.
I didn't think so many would be
living in a land
even more remote than Tomoe's mountain.
It's remote,
but the land is very fertile.
I see.
Have you always defended your own home?
We take pride in our combat strength.
Now, about the migration process
Can we even be as capable
as those who came before us
and be assigned jobs
that match our skills?
Yes. That's the plan here.
I still can't believe it.
We are actually going to live
on this vast land
without having to fight for resources!
How awkward.
Sorry to say this as soon as we meet,
but can you remove your blindfolds?
But our eyes
have a powerful petrification effect.
In my world,
they are known as Medusa.
I'll be fine.
Emma is under my protection as well.
But I can't sense any flow of mana on you.
Are you looking down on my master?
Very well.
The petrification effect is
indeed very strong.
Must be some kind of Devil Eyes.
This power must have made
life very inconvenient.
Even food gets turned into stone.
Based on the file I have,
there are only women in your kind.
We used to reproduce
by draining the life force
of other races.
Blindfolded and draining life force
The offspring will be gorgon.
We've been trying very hard
for the continuity of our kind.
Young Master?
Until you move here,
as we can't find you partners,
you'll have to settle it on your own.
Of course.
I wonder if the others here
can withstand our petrifying eyes.
That won't be a problem.
I'll make glasses with the same
shielding effect as your blindfolds.
Now, onto the sharing of knowledge
and combat training,
city development, and other tasks.
It sounds like you're good to go
on everything, so we're all set.
Thank you so much!
Are you sure you want us here?
Once an object is turned into stone,
the effect can't be reversed.
I should be able to restore anything.
That won't be a problem.
Let's see
Like so.
I see. I should add an anti-petrification
property to it too.
Well then
It didn't turn back into stone!
We thought we'd have to wear
blindfolds forever.
We almost gave up.
-Master Makoto!
-Master Makoto!
Please let us move here!
As long as you don't have affairs
or start any love triangles.
If you can't get used
to living with your partners,
you can try having a one-night stand.
I must have lost my mind.
In other words,
the forest where you fairies lived was
discovered by a group of Rizou.
Is that why you want to take shelter here?
We are not fairies!
We are Al-Elemera!
We are much more noble than those bugs.
M-My apologies.
We are between fairies and spirits.
We can even command lesser spirits.
We're good at collecting honey!
We can even communicate with one another.
How dare you do that
in front of the Young Master?
Why did Lady Mio even recommend
these creatures?
It's all right.
They are large in number,
but they will come in handy
for explorations.
Given their tiny size.
You can count on us.
We are the brave Al-Elemera.
Get ready to move
I object!
There will be trouble if we let
these hot-headed creatures live here!
Ms. Emma?
This is an interview!
The entire race's future is at stake.
This is not the attitude
a representative should show!
Calm down. That's enough.
No! I'll say it!
You are too kind to them.
What Al-Elemera?
Why should I care if
you're between a fairy and a spirit?
If you're so great, figure out a way
to fend off the Rizou!
What? Who do you think you are?
Yeah, you're just a pig.
I beg your pardon?
I'll toss you into birdcages!
You should get destroyed
along with your forest!
Cursed insects!
Emma! Calm down! Please!
It's a lot cooler tonight.
Two of the races passed the interview.
I'll try crafting
the glasses and contact lenses
the gorgons need.
I'll handle the Wing-kin
and come up with some training routines.
I'm counting on you.
But more importantly,
why did Mio bring
those strange creatures here?
Young Master.
Try this out.
Vege sticks and
Is that mayonnaise?
Did you make that?
I gave the recipe a try.
Thanks! I'll try it.
I've missed this taste.
Well done, Mio.
So, this is mayonnaise.
Lady Mio, can I have some too?
Fine. Be sure to savor it.
The sourness, and layering,
and the savoriness
It has a complex taste.
I wonder if we can use this in hotpot.
Mayonnaise hotpot?
This thing is no match
for the miso I'm developing.
I'm working extra hard
to recreate the flavors
because you can't make miso.
Hurry up so I can start making miso soups.
It's almost there.
I bet Tomoe would love
miso cucumber salad.
The new immigrants have arrived
in the Subspace.
Meanwhile, at the academy town,
there are rumors about
new students making a return.
Hey, did you hear?
Those two are coming back next week.
Those two?
Are they healed?
No one knows if they were even sick.
Your typical obnoxious type of tycoons.
But their grades are good,
which makes them even more nasty.
Not just the students,
they've managed to bring down
even the lecturers.
Does Mr. Kuzunoha know about this?
He is new here, so probably not.
Those two only go for
the good-looking ones.
I think he is safe.
The Rembrant sisters.
Let's hope they don't bring
too much trouble.
The eighth night.
"The Notorious Sisters."
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