Vinland Saga (2019) s02e07 Episode Script

Iron Fist Ketil

It's two people.
Is it the same duo we've been after?
The footprints look similar.
Jeez, why does this happen
when the master is out?
What's the damage?
One bag of wheat flour and dried meat.
It's no good, Boss.
Their footprints are mixed with
other footprints so we can't track them.
Oh well
They don't take much,
but this is becoming a bad habit.
Do they think
we don't notice or something?
We have no choice
but to teach them a lesson, I guess.
That's amazing!
The old master must be very fond of you.
- You think so?
- Of course.
He lends you horses and equipment
and even lets you eat at the same table.
Yeah, but that's just our reward
for doing his chores.
We're slaves, remember?
Normally, we don't get any reward.
I see
Now that you mention it, that's true.
You see?
But why would he be fond of me?
- Um
- Sorry
It's because you are a good man.
But it seems you aren't aware of that.
What? No, well Oh, please
- See you later.
- I'm nothing like that
Huh? Oh
Is he trying to be nice?
He's also a good guy.
Even though he's quiet.
Oh no, it's the mistress.
- Sorry for taking your time.
- No, don't be.
Now that I have someone to talk to,
I have something to
look forward to every morning.
See you.
Yes, see you tomorrow morning.
She called me a "good man."
I'm a good man!
You're out here fooling around
while breakfast isn't even ready?
Must be nice to be you.
I'm sorry, ma'am.
We didn't buy you just for fun.
Earn your keep.
Yes, ma'am.
My husband will return
from the town meeting today.
He may come home with guests,
so be prepared for that.
Well, I guess
a slave boy
is a good match for a slave girl.
Oh, they've sprouted!
These are wheat sprouts, Thorfinn.
They look
so frail.
Is this normal?
Yeah, it's normal.
How intriguing.
This turns into bread, huh?
- Are you in awe?
- Yeah.
It's moving, isn't it?
Yeah, it's amazing.
We'll grow them and sell them,
and grow them and sell them,
and buy back our freedom.
No matter how many years it will take
All right! I'm fired up now!
This is our first step toward freedom!
We'll clear this forest
and plant twice as much next year.
we have the chance to become free
as long as we cultivate this field,
but I wonder what will happen to Arnheid?
I don't know. Why don't you ask her?
Is it okay to ask
about that kind of stuff?
More importantly,
what are we going to do with this today?
Huh? Oh, the wheat?
There's nothing to do for a while.
I see. Then let's start
cutting trees again
- And so, we'll pray.
- Huh? Pray?
Oh, my God!
Let it grow! Let it produce!
Expel bugs and mold!
Make it rain!
- Now, together.
- Huh?
Pray to what?
Anything is fine. Be it Yahweh or Freyja.
We need all the help we can get.
Just sit down.
Whether it's a good or bad harvest is,
for the most part, out of our control.
We have no offerings to make.
So we have to put our hearts into it.
Let it grow!
Come on,
put your hands together and join me.
Let it grow
- I can't hear you!
- Sorry!
- Let it grow!
- Don't be embarrassed.
It's more embarrassing when you hesitate!
- Y Yes!
- Ready
Expel bugs and mold! Make it rain!
This farm hasn't changed at all.
Are Mom and Olmar doing well, Dad?
Yeah, Olmar is doing too well
that I have my hands full.
He's itching to go to battle like you.
I see he hasn't changed since he was
a little kid. Too bad he's such a chicken.
Everyone has their own
strengths and weaknesses, Thorgil.
He isn't cut out for battle. It is best
for people to stay
where they're meant to be.
Well, you never know.
Sometimes the battlefield
can change a man, just like King Canute.
Nobody calls him prince anymore.
He has changed a lot with this war.
He now leads the army with confidence.
Why don't you try sending
Olmar to the battlefield?
Don't be ridiculous.
He can't fight with his level of skill.
Oh, it's the master.
Oh, perfect timing.
Is that
Just as I thought, it's Thorgil!
- When did you get back?
- Five or six days ago.
I met my dad at the town meeting
so I decided to visit.
You're one tenacious man.
How are you still alive?
It's because you trained me, Snake.
Snake, what are you pulling?
Oh, that's right. Hey!
Come on, hurry up!
They're thieves.
I was going to hand them over to you.
There have been multiple cases of theft
that use the same tactics.
My gut tells me
they were all done by them.
Whether they're kids or not,
theft is still theft.
Please give them a punishment, Master.
Brother, my hands hurt.
What'll happen to us?
Are we going to die?
Don't worry.
It's okay.
I am with you.
In the end,
they call us an army,
but no one cares if you're an ally or not.
Once the battle starts,
each tribe attacks the target
on their own agenda.
As if to say, "I'm the most
daring man of the North Sea!"
After the battle, there's a fun
pillaging competition.
It's common to see people
fighting over women they can sell.
- Olmar.
- Huh?
How about it?
Do you want to go to England?
What? You don't want to?
Of Of course, I'll go to battle.
I'm ready to show my skills.
That's my younger brother!
Maybe I'll give you a souvenir then.
- Hey, bring that necklace.
- Yes.
What is this? Dried meat? Can I eat it?
You can if you want,
but ears aren't that tasty.
The ears of Englishmen.
- Uh
- You're such a chicken!
How are you going to get by like that?
We are sons of the Iron Fist Ketil.
Iron Fist?
You don't know?
Our dad was legendary as a youth.
The moment he starts fighting,
his weapon becomes destroyed
because of his brute strength.
So from that point on
he fights using his bare fists.
And despite that,
he still kills the most enemies.
What? Our dad?
When you talk to the older warriors,
they mention the "Iron Fist" a lot.
Show more respect to Dad.
You must be tired from your trip, Thorgil.
Get some rest inside.
- I'm not that weak.
- Thorgil
Fine, Iron Fist Ketil.
- Master
- What?
Pardon me, but can you
take care of that before you go and rest?
First, why don't you tell me your names.
Hey! Say your name!
Stop that! They can't speak
because they're scared.
I'm sorry.
Now, tell me your names.
My sister's name is Thora.
I see.
Sture and Thora, huh?
Is there anyone who can
speak in your defense?
Their family includes a mother and a baby.
Their mother was sick in bed
so we didn't bring her.
We don't know where their father is.
What's your father's name?
Is he all right?
Answer him.
Our dad is named Snorri.
He went out to sell vegetables last fall
and hasn't come back since.
Is your grandfather's name Bo, perchance?
It's Snorri, son of Bo.
He is in debt
and owes you ground rent, Master.
Oh, that Snorri!
I was wondering why
he hasn't shown up lately.
He's dead for sure.
It's been a whole year.
He won't be coming back.
Some bandits probably killed
No! Dad is just gone for a little bit!
Families who lose their breadwinner
are customarily taken in by
other families as workers.
These children may have a chance,
but they come with
a sick mother and her infant.
Nobody will want to take them in.
What is the matter?
I got something in my eye.
So, what did these two steal?
They have a slew of other offenses
but for now,
they confessed to stealing
one bag of wheat flour.
My subordinate and I
are witnesses to that.
You better not have
threatened them to speak.
I wouldn't do such a thing!
I did lay a trap, though.
Until this bag becomes empty
That's how much time I'll give you.
If you own up to it, I'll go easy on you.
Our bags have
our master's name inscribed on the bottom.
That's the same thing as threatening!
Huh? No, it's not.
If he was innocent,
there would be no reason to confess.
Then that settles it. It'll cost one arm.
My little sister is still small.
Have mercy on her!
Then take on your sister's share
of the punishment.
We'll cut off both arms.
No Brother
I don't want to go back on my word.
Can you go easy on them?
Well, I think we've
come to a conclusion, Dad.
How terrifying
It's hard to believe he is my son.
Why did you have to steal from my farm?
I have no choice but to punish you two.
I must object. That is the same
as giving them a death sentence.
- It is a punishment too severe for theft.
- Pater
May I have permission
to give my opinion, Master?
Oh! Yes!
Go ahead, Pater.
As someone who takes care of
the finances of this farm,
I cannot agree with imposing
a severe punishment on the young boy.
If you cut off both of his arms,
we cannot use him for anything.
Sture, how old are you?
Perfect. That is the age when
children can start working like adults.
The amount he stole and his father's debt
must be collected.
Let us have them work and pay that off.
I suggest that we hire
them and their mother
to work as farmhands on this farm.
As for their jobs, they can work
as farmhands and cultivate
the land which you've
already leased to them.
I will provide
technical training to Sture.
If we raise him to be a proficient worker,
he will be able to compensate
for these damages.
And there will be no need
for him to steal anymore.
It will solve the root of the problem.
Absolutely! We need
compensation for the damages. So
With all of that in mind,
I believe flogging
would suffice as punishment.
- Huh?
- Well, I understand the logic behind it.
Uh Well
Well, they're going to work
and pay back what they stole.
Their punishment will be
in the form of a debt.
We can't just let them go
without any form of
corporal punishment, Master.
We have to draw the line,
or else we won't be taken seriously.
Plus, nobody wants to be around
people with a habit of stealing.
You'll be doing them a favor
by disciplining them.
So, how many times will it be?
Ten Ten times.
Ten times each?
We'll start with you, boy.
Clench your teeth.
- Brother
- Stand back!
- Brother!
- Twenty times!
Hit me 20 times, please!
So have mercy on my little sister!
Interesting! He sure has guts.
Dad, please let me do it.
What? But you don't know how to hold back.
- Don't kill him, okay?
- Yes.
- Make it light.
- Yes.
- Don't hit his head.
- Okay.
Lightly, right? Here we go, kid.
- One!
- Wait!
Stop it, Thorgil. I will do it.
Where's Dad?
- It seems he went to bed.
- My, my
Iron Fist Ketil is up in years, I guess.
It's a lie. The whole Iron Fist story
Nordic men can't survive if they're wimps.
Everyone expects
me to be brave, as if it's a given.
No one would ever believe
that a prominent figure like myself
would tell such a lie.
I'm terrified
of my son Thorgil.
I'm terrified
of war and violence.
There should be nothing wrong
with being kind.
I understand your pain.
You are the only one
who says that to me. You are the only one
whom I can be completely honest with.
Stay by my side.
Without you,
this world
is all darkness.
"An Empty Man."
Subtitle translation by: Kiko Morita
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