Where's Wally (2020) s02e07 Episode Script

Where's Woof?

# Oh, ah, oh, where do you go
where do you go, Wally?
# Oh, ah, oh, where do you go
where do you go, Wally?
# Oh, ah, oh, I search
the world for you
# Take a trip around the world
Catch a ride to the moon
# Take a trip around the world
Catch a ride to the moon
# Ride the waves at the beach,
jump in discover something new
# Oh, ah, oh
Anywhere you go I'll find you
# Oh, ah, oh
Anywhere you go I'll find you
# Oh, oh, oh, where do you go
where do you go?
# Where's Wally? #
# Woof and Wally
# Wally and Woof
# We're buddies forever,
we wander together
# We're Wally and Woof #
# We're Wally and Woof #
OK, I think you got the
whole face, there, Woof!
OK, now you got it all.
Great song, Wally. How did
you teach him all of that?
Great song, Wally. How did
you teach him all of that?
It was actually pretty easy.
Woof's a really fast learner.
(WOOF BARKS) Now, why don't you go
play with Arf and Mr Wumples?
(WOOF BARKS) Now, why don't you go
play with Arf and Mr Wumples?
OK, let's not play with that, Woof.
It's not a toy.
That's our magic suitcase.
It's not a toy.
That's our magic suitcase.
We use it to travel
all over the world!
Here, why don't you chew on your
Wander Bone instead?
Wonders, Wanderers!
BOTH: Wizard Whitebeard?
Wonders, Wanderers!
BOTH: Wizard Whitebeard?
I was just taking a nap,
when I had a great idea
for a wonderful new game!
A new game?
What is it, Wizard Whitebeard?
Someone closes their eyes
What is it, Wizard Whitebeard?
Someone closes their eyes
and counts to ten
while everyone else hides.
And I call it
the hide and then
you go look around the house
the hide and then
you go look around the house
until find everyone game.
Catchy name, right?
Uh, Wizard Whitebeard?
That's already a game.
Uh, Wizard Whitebeard?
That's already a game.
It is?Yes. It's called
hide and seek.
Oh. Well, the name's not quite
as fun, but let's play anyway!
Who wants to count? I'm hiding!
Who wants to count? I'm hiding!
Woo-hoo!I'll count. Woof, Arf,
Wumples? You wanna play, too?
Great. Then here I go, everyone!
Great. Then here I go, everyone!
Ready or not, here I come!
Ha. Found you, Mr Wumples.
Found you, Wizard Whitebeard!Aw!
Found you, Wizard Whitebeard!Aw!
And Arf!I thought this hiding spot
was unfindable!
Which only leaves Wenda and Woof.
Where did those two go?
Where did those two go?
Everyone can come out now!
Aah! Wow, great hiding spot, Wenda!
Now, where's Woof? Woof!
Now, where's Woof? Woof!
Arf, what is it, boy?
Did you find?
Oh, no. The Magic Suitcase is gone!
Oh, no. The Magic Suitcase is gone!
Don't worry, Wally.
We'll find him.
Yes, we will! And for the
answer to "Where's Woof,"
to the WanderGlobe.
to the WanderGlobe.
By striped staff
and white of beard,
I summon magic,
wild and weird!
Spin, O magic globe, to show us
where Woof did go!
Spin, O magic globe, to show us
where Woof did go!
Hmm. I've never seen it
do this before.
Whoa-ho-ho-ho! Wonders!
Woof could be lost
anywhere in the world!
Woof could be lost
anywhere in the world!
Well, it's a good thing we have
friends all over the world.
That's right! The World Wide
Wanderer Society.Exactly!
That's right! The World Wide
Wanderer Society.Exactly!
Maybe we can put up lost dog posters
around the world
until a fellow
Wanderer spots him.
And who better to make a lost dog
poster than our good friend,
And who better to make a lost dog
poster than our good friend,
Wizard Artbeard?
But it doesn't appear
that you have a way to get there
with the Magic Suitcase being gone
and all.(ARF GRUNTING)
and all.(ARF GRUNTING)
What's that?
Ah, great thinking, Arf.
Why, it's my old steamer trunk,
of course,
from my days as a young Wanderer.
Oh, we've been on some adventures
together, haven't we, Steamer Trunk?
Just, you know, remember it
hasn't been used in some time,
so it might be a little wonky. But
it'll get you where you need to go.
so it might be a little wonky. But
it'll get you where you need to go.
Thank you, Wizard Whitebeard.
Not a problem, Wally.
Arf, Wumples, and
myself will stay here,
Arf, Wumples, and
myself will stay here,
just in case someone
sends a WanderPost.
Now, go find that doggy!
Whoa! Look out!Water below!
Whoa! Look out!Water below!
(CHUCKLES) Wizard Whitebeard wasn't
kidding when he said
the Wander Trunk was a little wonky,
Wally. Wally?
the Wander Trunk was a little wonky,
Wally. Wally?
Where's Wally?
Over here, Wenda.
OK. Let's get out of this canal
and head to Wizard Artbeard's
art studio.
Woof! Lost? Somewhere in the world?
Woof! Lost? Somewhere in the world?
Oh, how can I help, Wanderers?
We were hoping you could create
some art to help us
spread the word about Woof
around the world.
It would be my honour.
Anything for a Wanderer in need.
It would be my honour.
Anything for a Wanderer in need.
I can chisel you a statue.
Create a mobile.
Finger paint? Collage? Decoupage?
Pumpkin carving?
Finger paint? Collage? Decoupage?
Pumpkin carving?
Whatever you need
to find your pooch!
How about a lost dog poster?
An even better idea.
How about a lost dog poster?
An even better idea.
And much easier to tack
on a wall than a pumpkin.
It will be my masterpiece.
Now, what does Woof look like?
It will be my masterpiece.
Now, what does Woof look like?
Tell me. Every detail matters,
don't leave anything out.
He has kind eyes and he's wearing
a red-and-white striped shirt.
He has kind eyes and he's wearing
a red-and-white striped shirt.
Yes, of course. Red
and white stripes, hmm.
Kind eyes
And he has a white hat
with a red ball on top.
And he has a white hat
with a red ball on top.
Hmmwhite hat
red ball
Ah, very cute.And don't forget
the round-rimmed glasses!
Ah, very cute.And don't forget
the round-rimmed glasses!
Round-rimmed glasses. An age-less
style if there ever was one.
Yeah. Almost there.
Yeah. Almost there.
Pretty good, huh?
Except for onelittle detail.
Pretty good, huh?
Except for onelittle detail.
Hm. Ah! The chin. Needs to be
stronger. Of course.
I'll get right on it.
Woof is a dog.
I'll get right on it.
Woof is a dog.
Oh, right. A dog.
How could I forget?
Give me a moment to
make some adjustments
Hmm, just a little of this,
a little more of that.
Hmm, just a little of this,
a little more of that.
Kind eyes, some glitter glue, and
Thank you, Wizard Artbeard.
It's perfect!
Now we just need a hundred copies.
Now we just need a hundred copies.
Whoa, whoa, whoa! Whoa!
Well, that's all of 'em.
Hopefully a Wanderer somewhere
has seem him.I'm sure somebody has.
Hi, Wanderers.
has seem him.I'm sure somebody has.
Hi, Wanderers.
Odlulu, we don't have time to chase
you around today.Woof is lost.
I know. I'm gonna help you.
It's your lucky day!
I know. I'm gonna help you.
It's your lucky day!
BOTH: You're gonna what?!
Look, I know how scary it can be
to lose a friend. I lose Fritz
all the time.All the time.
to lose a friend. I lose Fritz
all the time.All the time.
That's why I can help. I'm kind
of an animal-finding expert.
Come on, it'll be great! Team us!
Our mission? Find Woof.
Come on, it'll be great! Team us!
Our mission? Find Woof.
Well, I guess we can use
all the help we can get.
Perfect! I'll be the leader.
Perfect! I'll be the leader.
I thought we were "Team Us"?
Uh-huh. But we still need a leader.
Huh? Aah!
BOTH: A WanderPost!
BOTH: A WanderPost!
And a sticky one, at that.Hey,
Wally and Wenda, it's Shila.
(BARKS)Chinook says "hi."
Good news.
(BARKS)Chinook says "hi."
Good news.
We spotted Woof in the Yukon!
They saw Woof! Let's go!
Wait. Where's Fritz?
Ah!Yukon, here we come.
Ah!Yukon, here we come.
Huh? Hmm. Hm?
Ready?Set Wander!Wander!
I gotcha, Fritz. Ha!
Hey, Wenda.Hey, Shila.Do you and
your lynx want some hot cocoa?
He's not her lynx. He's my ferret.
He's not her lynx. He's my ferret.
Odlulu?It's a long story.
Well, there's plenty of cocoa
for everyone.
Shila, you said in the
WanderPost that you saw Woof.
Shila, you said in the
WanderPost that you saw Woof.
Well, I didn't actually see him.
Chinook said Woof is running with
another dog team.(BARKS)
Chinook said Woof is running with
another dog team.(BARKS)
Is Chinook sure it was Woof?
Pretty sure.
He brought this back.
Woof's Wander Bone!
It must've fallen out of his hat.
Can Chinook take us there?
It must've fallen out of his hat.
Can Chinook take us there?
(WOOFS)Chinook says "yes!"
Ooh Ahh!
Woof!Hike, Chinook, hike!
Woof!Hike, Chinook, hike!
Woof! Woof!
Hm. Shila! Stop here.
Hm. Shila! Stop here.
Whoa, Chinook!Did you see
something, Wally?
Wally? Where's Wally?
Over here, everyone.
Look, Woof tracks!
Look, Woof tracks!
Woof! Woof!
The tracks end here. This is where
Woof must've jumped
The tracks end here. This is where
Woof must've jumped
back into the magic suitcase. Huh?
It's a WanderPost! From Australia!
Wizard Lariat!OK, everyone, looks
like we're heading to Australia.
Wizard Lariat!OK, everyone, looks
like we're heading to Australia.
Wanderers, we were playing some
fetch, Australian-style,
to try and keep Woof distracted
until you arrived?
to try and keep Woof distracted
until you arrived?
The boomerang came back,
but Woof didn't.
Tell 'em, Bruce.(WOOFS)Oh, right.
Need the Talk to Animals Key first.
Tell 'em, Bruce.(WOOFS)Oh, right.
Need the Talk to Animals Key first.
Yep. Woof is quite a little fetcher.
And quick, too.Aah!
And quick, too.Aah!
I know, Fritzy. Talking dog.
Weird, right?
Very weird.We're on the
right track, Wally.
Very weird.We're on the
right track, Wally.
Luckily we have the entire World
Wide Wanderers Society helping us.
She's right. You have
a lot of friends
who care about finding your pup!
who care about finding your pup!
Us included.Oh
Weird. Very weird.
Weird. Very weird.
What's wrong with the wombat?
He's not a wombat, he's a ferret!
Would you look at that.
A WanderPost!
Would you look at that.
A WanderPost!
And it's for you.It's from a fellow
Wanderer in Vienna, Austria.
They spotted Woof!Well, then,
everyone, it's off to Vienna!
They spotted Woof!Well, then,
everyone, it's off to Vienna!
Sorry, guys. It's this old
Wander Trunk.
It can be a little wonky.You took
the words right out of my mouth,
It can be a little wonky.You took
the words right out of my mouth,
So, where's Woof?
The WanderPost said he was in
Vienna.But Vienna is a big city.
The WanderPost said he was in
Vienna.But Vienna is a big city.
He could be anywhere.(CHUCKLES)
Well, I can help with that.
BOTH: Wizard Nightingale!
Welcome, Wanderers!
BOTH: Wizard Nightingale!
Welcome, Wanderers!
G'day, Nightingale! It's been years!
(BIRD CHIRPING) So, where's Woof?
Follow me, everyone.
# People of Austria,
please listen to me
# People of Austria,
please listen to me
# Wally and Wenda
need help in a hurry
# A dog has been lost somewhere,
it is true
# A dog has been lost somewhere,
it is true
# He wears red and white stripes
# Poor Wally is blue #
# Poor Wally is blue #
That was just beautiful,
Wizard Nightingale.
Your voice is prettier than a
mulla-mulla flower in full bloom.
Your voice is prettier than a
mulla-mulla flower in full bloom.
Thanks, Wizard Nightingale.
That song reminds me
of a song I sing with Woof.
Music is wonderful that way.
of a song I sing with Woof.
Music is wonderful that way.
It truly brings friends together.
I really hope it helps.
Are you the boy who lost his dog?
We saw him walking
Are you the boy who lost his dog?
We saw him walking
toward the amusement park.Come on,
everyone. To the amusement park!
Woof! He went into
the house of mirrors!
He has to be in here somewhere.
Aah! Whoa!
Ugh! We just missed him.
Don't worry, Wally, we're
getting really close!
Don't worry, Wally, we're
getting really close!
But where do you think he
could've gone now?
You know what? Maybe we're going
about this the wrong way.
Maybe we have to stop thinking
like Wanderers,
and start thinking like Woof.
How so, Wally?
and start thinking like Woof.
How so, Wally?
Maybe we need to sniff Woof out.
Coo-ee! That's a great idea.
And for that, we'll need
the Super Duper Snooper Key.
And for that, we'll need
the Super Duper Snooper Key.
I remember Wizard Whitebeard saying
he loaned it to Wizard Piranhabeard.
OK! Then, everyone in
the Wander Trunk.
We're off to Wizard
Piranhabeard's to Odlulu?
We're off to Wizard
Piranhabeard's to Odlulu?
Actually, Wizard Piranhabeard
doesn't have
the Super Duper Snooper Key anymore.
the Super Duper Snooper Key anymore.
Well, who has it, then?
No, uh, nope.
Not it.Can we help you
look, Odlulu?
Not it.Can we help you
look, Odlulu?
It must be in here somewhere.
Ah-ha!The wombat found it!
OK, how does it work?
The Super Duper Snooper Key
can sniff anything out,
anywhere in the world.Right.
It just needs a smell to know
what it's snooping for.
It just needs a smell to know
what it's snooping for.
Like Woof's Wander Bone!
(SNIFFS)I think it's got it!
Comin' through.Ah! Hold on, Wally!
Whoa!Come on, everyone.
Follow that key!
Whoa!Come on, everyone.
Follow that key!
Looks like we landed in
New York City.
Looks like we landed in
New York City.
We must be getting closer.
Aah! This way! Whoa!
Aah! This way! Whoa!
Whoa, whoa, whoa!
Uh, we might have a slight problem.
Uh, we might have a slight problem.
ANNOUCNER: Welcome to New York's
finest Central Park pet festival!
Don't forget to clean up
after your puppy!
Don't forget to clean up
after your puppy!
Whoa! What's going on?!
Whoa! Ooh.
The key appears to be confused.
All these animals must've thrown it
off of Woof's scent.
Wally, we have to hurry and find
Woof before he jumps back
into the suitcase.
into the suitcase.
# Sit, sit, sit, sit,
sit, sit, sit, sit, please
# Sit, sit, sit, sit,
sit, sit, sit, sit, please
Well, isn't that wonderful.
Well, isn't that wonderful.
Huh. That gives me an idea.
Did you say something, Wally? Wally?
Did you say something, Wally? Wally?
Where's Wally?
Right here, everyone. Introducing
the Wally Woof-Finding Sing-anator.
Right here, everyone. Introducing
the Wally Woof-Finding Sing-anator.
I think I know where
this is going.
I think I know where
this is going.
# Woof and Wally, Woof and Wally
# Wally and Woof, Wally and Woof
# Woof and Wally, Woof and Wally
# Woof and Wally, Woof and Wally
# Wally and Woof, Wally and Woof
# We're buddies forever,
we're buddies forever.
# We're buddies forever,
we're buddies forever.
# We're buddies forever,
we're buddies forever
# We wander together,
we wander together
# We wander together,
we wander together
# We wander together,
we wander together
# We wander together,
we wander together
# We wander together,
we wander together
# We're Wally and Woof #
# We're Wally and Woof #
(LAUGHS)Aw. A dog and his boy.
Now, isn't that the sweetest thing
you've ever seen?
Now, isn't that the sweetest thing
you've ever seen?
Thanks, everyone. I couldn't have
found him without all your help.
It really is nice having
friends all over the world.
It really is nice having
friends all over the world.
Well, we better be getting back.
The 'roos are gonna start to wonder
where we went.
And I have a performance
this evening.
And I have a performance
this evening.
# I need to warm up
my singing voice #
Take the Wander Trunk.
We have our magic suitcase back.
We have our magic suitcase back.
(BARKOING)Chinook says,
come and see us soon!
And I agree with him.
And I agree with him.
Looks like Team Us actually
worked out.
Looks like Team Us actually
worked out.
I told you I'm good at this. Finding
lost animals is my specialty.
Right, Fritz? Fritz?
Ugh. Now, where did that
ferret go?Maybe this'll help.
Ugh. Now, where did that
ferret go?Maybe this'll help.
And don't forget, free hot dogs
for everyone!
(SNIFFS)Aah! Fritz!
(SNIFFS)Aah! Fritz!
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