Yosi, the Regretful Spy (2022) s02e07 Episode Script


Although this story is inspired
by real events,
the characters and events are fictional.
Any similarities are unintentional.
Almost there.
A crucial moment in the penalties
between Argentina and Brazil,
as we search for a semifinalist
in the 1995 Copa América.
Roberto Carlos is going to kick.
Damn it!
Come on, another one just like that,
another one.
We're headed for a draw.
a penalty shootout. There goes Pérez
for the national team.
-Let's go, get out there!
-Give it your all!
Go for it!
There goes Perico Pérez
Another one.
Go Argentina!
Now Argentina has a chance.
Túlio for Brazil.
Come on!
It's 2-1 to Brazil.
Acosta trying to tie the game,
looking for the 2-2 to keep Argentina's
chances of going to the semifinals.
Score, please. I beg you.
Acosta looking to equalize
What are you doing?
Motherfucker! Plug it back in!
Plug this in, old man. Let's go.
We're even now.
I don't get what the hell you're doing.
What did you do that made your wife
leave you for that loser?
My head's going to explode.
You're not so stupid
as to tell her who you are
So you're the king of idiots.
What the fuck were you thinking?
Did you forget your training?
You always keep your cover,
whether you like it or not.
To your wife, you're Yosi.
She didn't marry José.
-What don't you understand?
-It's over, Claudia.
Saúl gave me up.
I lost my family.
Fuck your training.
Do you still want to protect your son?
Sleepwalking like this,
you might as well just die.
Do you know what I'm saying?
Wake up.
You have to regain control.
Just see things as they are.
What you had with Eli wasn't real.
Eli didn't love you.
How could she?
She doesn't know you.
You don't love her either.
You love the idea of being with someone.
Nothing more.
You know nothing about me and Eli.
I know what's going on with you, José.
We can't have those luxuries.
This is what we are.
What we have on this bed.
Nothing more.
You have to prove that the Condor exists
and that Fontana is selling it.
Why are you helping me?
I'm helping myself.
I don't want Castaño to think
you're expendable.
That makes me expendable.
Finding the Condor is our salvation.
Has Fontana shown up?
He and I have always been in contact.
You have to get Fontana to talk.
The hotel is closed, sir.
I'm looking for a friend.
Enrique Fontana.
-Did you come alone?
Discretion is sacred.
You took your time.
I thought I'd never see you again.
You did well by not fleeing.
I could cross the border by boat whenever.
What about my wife and son?
To leave with my family
I need money and connections.
Two things you can get for me.
And I can't waste any more time.
Show me what you have
and I'll take care of your family.
Take this and open it.
What is this place?
An abandoned mine.
This is where I keep my treasures.
Here's the Condor.
Argentina's ballistic missile.
This is the tip,
but I need the part
that makes the whole thing work.
Where is it?
It's locked away.
This is like poker.
Pay to see.
That's not the agreement.
No, but I did some research on you.
I know you do business with Saúl Menajem.
Don't say you can't get money.
I want my fair share.
Give me the money,
you get the guidance system.
What are you doing?
You want the money, I need the proof.
-How did you know which flight I was on?
Do I have to tell you?
Is something wrong?
No, nothing.
Tell me about Fontana.
-Nothing so far, but I'm getting to him.
-But does he have anything?
Doesn't he know you can incarcerate him?
He doesn't care.
Before any deal,
he needs guarantees for his family.
I'd do the same.
You should know by now that
those guarantees he needs
are his biggest weakness.
Aren't you stronger now
that you've lost your family?
You're punishing me
because I came back empty-handed.
Are you sure you don't have
anything to say?
This is a sample of what Fontana has.
-What happened at the airport?
-I don't know.
There were too many agents there.
If we hadn't tracked Claudia's phone,
it would've ended
How should I say it? Not pretty.
She suspects I'm working for someone else.
Yes, we also think
they were following her.
-Who was?
-I don't know.
I'll let you know once
we analyze the information.
I don't have time for formalities.
I have information
on Saúl Menajem's business.
What information?
Arms trafficking.
With government support.
-What do you have?
-Bank accounts and transfers.
Let's see. What's that? Show me.
Menajem and Kadar together.
We've got them.
Do you have any doubts?
Go, go.
What the fuck are you doing, asshole?
Snatching me in the middle of the street
like that?
Are you crazy?
Asshole! What are you doing?
What is that?
I don't know.
You tell me.
-Are you following me?
I'm looking out for you.
Do you know
who the woman driving the cab is?
She's a Mossad agent.
I'm surprised.
If you send an idiot to live with Jews
It's only a matter of time until
he thinks he's also a Jew.
Do you work for the Mossad too?
Tell me.
You have a nice partnership with José.
Aren't you ashamed?
Betraying your country?
You know I'm not a traitor.
A prosecutor is filing charges
against the Argentine government
for arms trafficking.
And I'm sure
José didn't talk to the prosecutor
without your permission.
I suppose you know all about this.
Don't you?
Oh, you didn't know.
You fucking faggot!
Are you mad because I fucked José
and you didn't?
Little faggot.
Listen carefully
so you know that I don't hold grudges.
If I take all this to Castaño,
they'll prosecute you,
if it goes badly for you,
you'll serve 20 years
for espionage and treason.
If it goes well for you
you'll be a security guard
at some gated community.
You hear me?
What the fuck do you want?
Turn in José,
along with your own resignation.
If you resign, you're clear, that's it.
But I promise,
you'll never work in intelligence again.
I'll kill you.
Motherfucker! Fucking faggot!
Fuck you, Garrido! Motherfucker!
Let go of me!
We have to move fast.
The prosecutor isn't a pushover.
Anyway, he's ahead of us in this game.
He contacted the Justice Department
in Washington, because Kadar is involved.
The government can't hide
something like that.
Saúl, there's a possibility that
the US might request extradition.
And I imagine that you've come
to offer a way out.
It's in no one's interest
for me to go testify in America.
-There's a way out, but
It's damage control.
With the ball in our court,
we can get to the judges
and put things in place.
What do I have to do?
You have to turn yourself in,
for the old bank fraud case.
This way, a judge can order your arrest.
How much time?
A few days, to start.
If you're prosecuted in Argentina,
no extradition request is valid.
No matter the reason.
How long?
It could be ten years of house arrest.
She says Carlos Menem Junior
was the victim of a plot,
for which certain institutions
and people are responsible.
The helicopter crash
was caused by a criminal act.
The criminal complaint was brought
by Dr. Alejandro Vázquez,
the former first lady's attorney.
The lady categorically insists
that her son was assassinated
in an attack by conspirators.
The motives?
The motives will emerge
from the investigation
What kind of attack was it?
Because according to reports
There's a prior issue
It's me.
Were you able to analyze the photos?
Listen to me, Yosi. The mission is over.
Yosi, this is our last communication.
Julio, empanadas for table six.
Do you know any bank or financial entity
that closed in Villa Crespo?
Which one?
Thank you.
Yosi's downstairs. He found the house.
What Fontana showed you
doesn't prove anything.
Let him do whatever he wants
with what he has.
We won't interfere.
You risked it for nothing.
This is what we're looking for,
and you knew that.
But Fontana told me he has it.
If you didn't see it, he doesn't have it.
I lost my wife, I lost my son,
I lost everything because of this.
I have a son too, Yosi.
He lives with his father in Denmark
because for years,
I chased a missile no one cares about.
At some point I knew
I couldn't let my son suffer
because of my decisions.
In our work, there's no place for family.
I accept that.
My son is okay with his father.
Much safer than when he's with me.
Your son is better off without you.
No doubt about it.
There must be something more
I can do for Israel.
Your cover's blown,
your source isn't reliable,
your boss suspects you, or worse,
you made us pursue a false lead for years.
We won't take that risk.
I'm not a traitor.
We were clear from the start.
Any suspicions
meant the end of our relationship.
I don't have much time.
They screwed us.
There's nothing we can do.
You told me you trusted Leonardo.
I was wrong.
How are we going to retaliate?
I have an idea.
A book has an incredible strength.
It's what power fears the most.
Everything fades, but books remain.
This was Arturo Filipelli's
secret bookstore.
A fellow activist.
He knew they were after him,
like many others.
Fleeing the country was risky,
so he built this place.
No one will find us here.
We can tell your story from the beginning.
From when you were a police cadet.
Let's get started.
They call me Yosi.
isn't my true identity,
I'm an agent
of the intelligence services
I infiltrated the heart of institutions
No prosecutor, no judge
wanted to listen to me.
Cover it up.
So nothing shows.
How is a newborn's mutilation
a celebration?
There's one rule that never fails.
If something feels wrong,
that's because it is.
I always felt that with you.
But I ignored it.
You betrayed me for a bunch of dirty Jews.
-I was never against you.
-Don't lie to me.
What did they make you believe?
That if you gave them the Condor
you'd be a Mossad agent?
To them, you're just an informant.
I risked a lot for you.
You lied to me from the very beginning.
You lied to me and they lied to you.
Have you forgotten
about the Zionist invasion of Patagonia?
You'll never understand my reasons.
You destroyed everything we built.
And for what?
After your report, Saúl confessed
for a minor crime
to avoid being extradited like Kadar.
Son of a bitch.
Did you really think it would end well?
You pathetic idiot.
I hope whatever they offered you
was worth it.
They let you go.
The Mossad let you go.
And now you're alone. Completely alone.
You're not with them or with us.
You have no family, no home,
all you have is enemies.
Why are you here?
To tell you that you're finished.
Now everyone knows what you are.
A traitor.
Don't be surprised if it's Garrido
who delivers the final blow.
It's no longer official business anymore.
It's personal now.
Wake up, Pérez.
Come on, asshole.
-Come on.
-go see what's going on.
-Yes, sir.
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