Zoo (2015) s02e07 Episode Script
Jamie's Got a Gun
1 MITCH: A year ago, the animals started acting strangely, but no one noticed (growling) until they began attacking, coordinating, evolving.
The animals were mutating, and it was happening faster than anyoneexpected.
(screaming) The government came up with a plan.
PSA NARRATOR: Thanks to the Noah Objective, in six to ten years, the world's animal population will be thriving once again.
You cannot exterminate every animal on the planet and then repopulate it.
MITCH: But messing with Mother Nature could be catastrophic, so a group of us are trying to save the animals.
Jackson Oz and Abraham Kenyatta, animal experts.
Dariela Marzan, Army Ranger.
Jamie Campbell, a reporter who's been following this story, found me, Mitch Morgan, a veterinary pathologist.
Together we going to find a cure for the animals.
Time is running out.
- Previously on Zoo - (Abraham grunts) Hold your fire.
Who the hell are you? She's my stepmom.
My name is Allison Shaw.
I'm the Deputy Secretary of Defense.
And yes, I was married to Mitch's father.
JACKSON: When I was saying good-bye to Chloe, I started crying black tears.
You're displaying the same symptomatology as Kovacs.
JACKSON: So I'm evolving.
- We still good on our deal? - (gun cocks) Put a bullet in your head if you turn into a rage machine? - Yeah, we're good.
- Good.
'Cause I noticed that you and Abe are getting pretty close.
If killing you means saving lives, there's no choice.
How could Davies create a gas that targets a gene that you can't even find? MITCH: Yeah, he'd have to have somebody even smarter than me to figure it out.
The TX-14 gas was working perfectly till you sabotaged it.
I think I made myself clear.
I'm not telling you anything until I see my son.
(baby crying, woman shushing) (sighs) (shuddering exhale) - (baby continues crying) - Okay.
(woman sighs) (shushing) Come on, sweetie.
(trilling growing louder) - (crying stops) - That's my girl.
(gasps) (shushing) There you go.
(shushing) (loud trilling, woman gasping then screaming) (baby resumes crying) Thanks to your escapades in Lisbon, we now have an eyewitness to the 1895 Courier events.
It's not as if jellyfish have eyes.
MITCH: No, they don't.
Nor do they have brains or heats.
What they do have is immortal cells.
Cells that tell us that this guy was exposed to a whole bunch of radiation back in 1895.
Enough to cause a genetic mutation.
A mutation that I am calling The ghost gene.
Thanks, man, for stealing my thunder.
Anyway, the ghost gene is what's causing the Triple Helix to develop in all the animals we've seen.
Where does this radiation come from? Excellent question, Abraham.
Meet Leonard Pierce.
Pseudo-scientist, thief, entertainer.
Right after the X-ray was invented, Leonard stole the technology, travelled around the globe x-raying animals and any people who were stupid enough to give him a dime.
Any guesses where he picked up this vulture? Argentina? Wow, you guys are good.
Does this mean that all Triple-Helix animals are descended from the ones that Pierce x-rayed? Even the ants? Well, I'm guessing the ants got zapped on accident, but yeah.
DARIELA: What about Kovacs? Kovacs' great-great-grandfather lived in Budapest around the time that Pierce rolled through.
He must've been x-rayed by Pierce and then passed this ghost gene down to Kovacs.
What about me? I mean, did my dad have the, uh ghost gene? MITCH: Truth is either one of your parents could've given it to you.
I haven't found a link yet between your ancestors and Pierce, but it's got to be there.
JAMIE: So, you're saying that some travelling carnie grifter from the 1890s inadvertently invented the Triple-Helix.
Yeah, that is exactly what I'm saying.
And if we are gonna un-invent it, we've got to find descendants from everyone of those animals that he zapped.
ALLISON: Eventually Pierce set up shop in Holbeach, England.
But as his animals started showing troubling side effects, he closed his doors and hid his work.
And now, we are gonna go find it.
ALLISON: We tracked down Pierce's last known address.
If you guys can find the complete list of animals he x-rayed, we can stop chasing storms.
We'll know exactly what animals we need for the cure.
MITCH: Jay on top, we should be able to do it in time to save everyone.
(intercom beeps) TROTTER (over intercom): Wheels down in 20 minutes.
(footsteps echoing) What are we drinking? Uh I'm drinking vodka.
Excellent choice.
MITCH (echoing): Okay then, me too.
(glasses clinking) (drink pouring) MITCH: Life was a lot simpler last time we were drinking vodka on a plane.
Yeah, and then the plane fell out of the sky.
Well, I was referring to everything pre-sky falling.
Kind of feels like a lifetime ago.
I mean, the whole world has changed.
You want to know the worst part? I thought that drink was a celebration.
I thought we'd actually won.
The cure worked, and Reiden was exposed, and for once in the history of the world, little guy ended up on top.
I was blisteringly naive.
And I won't make that mistake again.
So what are you gonna do? You gonna quit? You getting off the party plane? No.
No, we-we started this thing together.
And we're gonna finish it together.
But spoiler alert, I don't think it ends well.
(clears throat) So you tell her that we're benching her? Why would I tell her that? She's unstable, you agree that she's a liability.
No, I agree that she's hurting.
So, what, you're gonna kiss her boo-boos to make it better? She's a wild card.
Davies is looking for any opening to destroy what we're doing here.
You cannot let her open that window.
She won't.
She just needs some time.
How much time? You know, if she hadn't come sneaking into my zoo, squawking about Reiden and bunch of lions, I wouldn't even be here.
So? What's that mean? So that means she gets as much time as she needs.
And I'm done talking about it.
Time for lights out.
Lights out? Really? Because if the Mitch I once knew heard you say that, he would call you a He'd be very disappointed.
One more drink.
I'll show you where I hide the good stuff.
(door closing) (alarm blaring) Jackson? Where are you going? (car door opens, shuts) - (engine starts up) - Jackson! (tires squealing) That's it, I'm going to bed.
- Is that an invitation? - (gulps) - (footsteps approaching) - DARIELA: We have a problem.
A few problems maybe.
Jackson just took off in one of the trucks.
MITCH: Jackson? Stay back.
Let me handle this.
(shoveling dirt) - Jackson, what are you doing? - Huh? We have to bury Chloe! (grunts softly) (shoveling continues) - Jackson.
- (grunts) (both breathing heavily) Jackson We have to bury her, you understand? - We have to bury Chloe.
- Jackson, - we sent her body back to France.
- No, no, no.
- Her family's going to bury her.
- (muttering indistinctly) - Remember! Rafiki! - We have to bury her.
Come back to me.
All Good Children Are Growing Teeth.
(repeating): All Good Children Are Growing Teeth.
- What? - All Good Children Are Growing Teeth.
All Good Children Are Growing Teeth.
- He's not making any sense.
- MITCH: Yes, he is.
I know exactly what he's saying.
All Good Children Are Growing Teeth.
That's the key to everything.
JACKSON: All Good Children Are Growing Teeth.
You are losing control of your crew.
He's becoming a danger to himself and to this mission.
That's my call.
You put me in charge, let me be in charge.
So you, in good conscience, are saying that he's fine? I'm saying I can handle it.
(clattering) I have to go to London for a few days.
I'm trying to sway a few of the British IADG reps away from the Noah Objective.
When I get back, we'll revisit Jackson.
And Jamie.
Yes, yes, yes, yes, yes.
All right.
What what the hell are you What are you doing? Now you don't have to worry about me wandering off again.
Oh, so you think a tracking chip A poorly placed one, I might add Is gonna keep me from worrying.
Mitch, it's been a long night, okay? Need you to look at this.
(laughs) What, so you can just rub it in my face that I'm losing my mind? You don't have to, Mitch, I'm aware.
Oh, I don't think you're losing your mind.
In fact, I think we might have found something in your mind.
I think what happened tonight is some kind of dissociative fugue, and it-it may have erased some recent memories, but I-I think it may have surfaced some other, more remote ones.
"All Good Children Are Growing Teeth.
" We both know that's a mnemonic.
It's a genetic sequence.
That's not just any genetic sequence.
That's the first six nucleotides of the ghost gene.
And you're gonna tell me the rest.
Uh I-I-I don't know it.
Oh, come on.
Y-You've seen this before.
Okay? Your dad was neck deep in this stuff.
Maybe-maybe he knew it, maybe he showed it to you.
But when we were talking earlier, about the gene, that triggered something, some kind of memory.
(sighs) Whatever it triggered is gone.
If the animals have the ghost gene and so do I, why don't you just get it from our DNA? Yeah, well, I'm trying.
But the human genome contains about three billion base pairs and upwards of 30,000 genes.
And with your bonus helix, that makes it a lot more.
Okay? I'm running sequencing software around the clock, but we are running out of time.
Well, what happens if you can't find it? The cure's like a bomb.
One that's gonna nuke the Triple-Helix.
Okay? And the sequence is like an address.
If I don't have that address, I have no idea where to deliver the bomb.
So without the sequence, the cure's useless.
Are you ready to go? - No.
- Yeah.
You're the only one who can help me with this.
You know what, Abe? We're gonna we're gonna hang back.
Is everything okay? Peachy.
It'll be even peachier once you get to Pierce's and find that list of animals.
Pierce's place is just down the street.
(hatch door closes) What's with the windows? ABRAHAM: Barricaded from the inside.
That's not one we've seen before.
I've got one to up it.
Up there, 12 o'clock.
(growling) (roars) I don't think pillows are gonna do much good against those guys.
(sobbing) (grunts, groans) - DARIELA: Yo! You forgot something! - ABRAHAM: Are you all right? You okay? (child gasping) W-We really should get inside now.
- (high-pitched buzzing) - Geez.
Ah! LOGAN: What is that? Let's get out of here! Run! Move! (cicadas thudding against doors) Follow me! Bobby.
(muttering) (projector whirring) MAN: Where is El? MAN 2: She's safe.
MAN: Where? What did they do to her? MAN 2: Nothing.
MAN: Men don't look the way you look for nothing.
Where are we? MAN 2: I saw the men.
I saw them as they really are.
We call this cognitive repression reversal.
See, your brain is like a rusty old file cabinet.
It just needs a little grease on the hinges, and memories come popping right out.
By "grease"" - you mean - Cholinesterase.
It's a sedative.
Who says we never do anything fun together, huh? Okay, you ready? (sighs) No.
All right.
Really? I thought you'd just ignore what I want.
Well, of course I did.
Hit the button, like, three seconds ago.
(sighs) So how fast (sighs) Just breathe.
Think about your father.
Think about any time that he mentioned genetics.
(panting) He didn't talk about genetics.
M-M-Mostly biology.
Maybe he had the sequence written down somewhere.
He didn't leave papers laying around his lab.
Just the office, and (sighs heavily) I wasn't allowed in there.
(groaning) All right.
Just relax.
Where's Felix? I told you not to name the animals.
They're tools, they're not pets.
I know that but, just what did you do with him? Come here, I need your help.
Felix? What are the cranial nerves? Come on.
On old Olympus' towering tops, a Finn and German use some hops.
What does that mean? Olfactory, optic, - oculomotor.
- Good.
(exhales) What is it? What did you see? A ghost.
She's safe as long as you don't interfere! I've seen some bizarre things on my journey, but this takes the cakes and all the candles.
LOGAN: Why are they here? Why not sleep at home? DARIELA: They can't.
According to the kid and his mom, those bugs have been making that noise for two weeks.
That must be torture.
If it has been going on that long, why haven't they left? Some did.
And some tried.
They're just so tired they're not thinking straight.
Plus, they never know when the bugs are gonna make their noise.
No one knows when it's safe to go out.
What do you mean, safe? Those panthers we saw? Those aren't the only animals in town.
When the bugs sound, the animals attack.
The cicadas are behaving like - a dinner bell for the animals.
- (scratching sound) It's the dog.
He's scratching at the damn door again.
Anyone else think the quicker we find Pierce's place and get out of here, the better? OLD WOMAN: Oh, fine! I'll let him in, then.
I'm the only one that does anything around here.
Rosie! Wait! (Rosie screams) (roaring) (crowd screaming) (roaring, people screaming) (barks, growls) Come on! Go over there! Everyone in the sanctuary! Let's go, let's go! (gunshots, growling) (gunshots) Let's go.
(growls) ABRAHAM: I'm out of tranqs.
I'm out! (indistinct chattering) Everyone's out.
I'm sorry about Rosie You're from Reiden Global, aren't you? Not exactly.
Is everyone okay? Yes, thanks to you.
JAMIE: Wait, hold up.
You thought we were with Reiden.
Why? Well, they were here.
Last week.
At first, we thought it was the military, finally coming to get us.
It soon became clear they were after something else.
They cleared out one of the houses in town.
You've heard that old saying, "everything but the kitchen sink"? Yeah, sure.
Well, these guys took the kitchen sink.
God isn't the only one always watching.
That's outside Pierce's old place.
LOGAN: Are they carrying a lead box? It could be the X-rays.
DARIELA: Does that mean they know about Pierce's animals? How can they be ahead of us? What difference does it make? They win again.
The articles that Mitch told us about.
Some of them said that Pierce came back to Holbeach with some of the animals.
They could still be here.
You think they're all immortal, like the jellyfish? No, but look at these boxes.
They're big enough for pictures of bones, but what about the bones themselves? They could still be hidden somewhere in town.
Then I might be able to help you.
Father Pete.
Clarence fainted.
Uh DARIELA: You show them what you have on Pierce.
I'll make sure everyone's patched up.
I'll help.
MITCH: Just remember, these are your memories.
You're in control.
Control? Yeah, right.
Because I've had so much of that lately.
Come on.
Let's just do this.
(sedative whooshes) I need you to forget about the lab for a second.
Focus on your dad's office.
Maybe you overheard what he was working on in there.
Hard not to overhear him.
ROBERT: What if, all across the globe, the animals decided, "No more"? What if they finally decided to fight back? JACKSON: The more tapes he made, the less we saw of him.
He just started getting consumed by his work.
He started to go down a very dark path.
Are we talking about human testing? "Testing" makes it sound more legitimate.
I saw the tests they did on the animals, and this was this was gonna be different.
Other people must've realized it, too, 'cause there was a accident.
At least, that's what the police called it.
No! He was never the same after that.
The fire not only took his lab, it took his sanity.
It took his credibility.
It took him away from us.
(birds squawking) We all followed your search for the cure in the news.
Your team has been at the top of our prayer list for some time.
Yeah, how's that working out for you? Pretty well, I'd say.
You're here, aren't you? (door opens) Oh If Reiden didn't find any bones at Pierce's house, perhaps he owned another property to hide them in.
These books contain all the local records dating back to the 1700s.
Births, deaths, everything in between.
Fire up the DeLorean.
As you were, Sergeant Mansdale.
Sir, the professor's asking about his son.
He's refusing to continue.
Tell him I'm working on it.
Do we have an update on the Ranger? It appears Lieutenant Dariela Marzan is still with the team.
We need to rectify that.
Can't have a repeat of Lisbon.
What would you like me to do? Reach out to our asset.
Shaw gave me the name of a contact near a safe zone.
They can take everyone from town.
That's great.
It's 80 miles away.
They can't send rescue vehicles.
(sighs) No chance these people can make that trek.
They'll be a walking smorgasbord.
I did a few jobs with a guy in the British SAS.
Maybe he could pull a few strings.
Get us an evac.
- Knock, knock.
- No.
(sighs) No dice.
Number's been disconnected.
Does that mean nobody's coming to help us? I'm sorry, buddy.
But you're here now.
Why can't you just help us? Look, kid.
I can't stay.
I've got a job to do.
What's your job? I have a sick friend, who needs me to be there to take care of him if he gets worse.
So, your job is to help sick people? My job is to keep people safe.
BOBBY: Okay.
He must need your help more than we do.
There's nothing useful in this one.
This is pointless.
We're not gonna find anything.
You're probably right.
Isn't it your job to make people feel better about the world? God's plan, everything happens for a reason? No.
I'm supposed to help people navigate the truth, however harsh.
We've probably lost this battle.
But that's no reason to stop fighting.
Thin line between brave and stupid.
Yes, and that thin line is called "hope.
" You were created for something bigger.
And you owe it to the world to get on with that.
Okay, there is nothing bigger.
We live, we die that's it.
The key to life these days is just to not have it be ended by some kind of frenzied animal.
Jamie, you can't really believe that.
Hey, as far as I can tell, we're on our own down here.
And we're screwing it all up.
(groans) Sorry.
ABRAHAM: It's okay.
(grunts) When looking for a needle in a haystack, what does Mitch say? "Best place to hide a needle is in a stack of needles.
" See, Pierce bought a plot at Holbeach Cemetery back in 1901 to bury his brother, George.
FATHER PETE: Pierce was an only child.
And to think, if you hadn't knocked over those books, we wouldn't have had this idea.
God always works If you say "mysterious ways," I will punch you in the face.
Let's go rob a grave.
I know you don't want to hear this, but I'm starting to realize why your dad went off the deep end.
We lost one cure already.
If somebody trashed all our work, that be enough to loosen my screws.
It wasn't a happy time in the Oz household.
So, what? Did he start bringing his work home with him? After that, rage is all he brought home with him.
I had to get the hell out of there.
Call them, Mom.
You have to take the job.
What about school? What about all your friends? They have schools in Botswana.
I'll make friends with the elephants.
We have to get away from him.
Okay, I'll make the call.
Now, you're gonna have to help me pack up all our things.
I got to look for our passports, 'cause I think your father hid them.
Dad had the passports in his office.
They burned in the fire.
Okay, I'll organize new ones.
We can't tell your father.
ROBERT: Jackson! (gasps) You said you were never allowed in your dad's office.
I wasn't.
So, how did you know where the passports were? I don't know.
(bell tolling) We have a lead.
You ready to go? Actually, I need to talk to you.
Before today, the last time I was in a church was for my father's funeral.
I'm sorry.
How long? Three years ago last week.
Last week.
You never mentioned it.
Not really the mentioning type.
I've noticed.
The church was packed.
Everyone who ever served with him was there.
Even people who only heard stories about him.
He was a hell of a soldier.
That's all he was.
I want to be more.
You are.
I've spent so much of my life with blood on my hands.
I'm tired of hiding behind my gun.
I have to go.
I'm going to help these people get to safety.
And then, rejoin us? If I get back on that plane with your team, I'll be making the same mistake all over again.
It's your team, too.
You're not just another soldier to us.
Jackson asked me to kill him.
If his mutation goes too far.
If there's a chance he might hurt any of you.
Jackson wouldn't hurt any of us.
(quiet laugh) You don't know him.
You didn't know Kovacs.
Jackson knows none of you can pull the trigger.
But I'm a soldier.
If I get back on that plane, I'm choosing death.
And I need to choose life.
(hisses) You told me you were never allowed - in your dad's office.
- I wasn't.
I don't know why I said the thing about the passports.
I was never in his office.
I know you want to believe that.
Hey, if you think I'm lying, then just say it, huh? Come out and say it.
Don't patronize me.
I don't think you're lying.
I think you're repressing.
Freud called it "screening," okay? You're protecting yourself from a potentially painful memory.
I need a break.
No, no, not right now.
We can't take a break.
- Mitch.
- We're too close.
- We cannot take a break right now.
- I need a break, Mitch! I need a break.
Chloe died trying to save the world.
You're telling me you can't face your daddy issues? (groans) JACKSON: I'm in my father's lab.
The cages the cages are empty.
I I'm freeing the animals.
I'm in his office.
How did I get in? I see the passports.
They're on fire.
The gene sequence.
It's on the wall.
The wall is burning.
Everything's on fire.
Who started the fire? I'm the one that burned down my dad's lab.
All of his research.
His whole life's work.
Because of me.
And I I thought that I was saving him.
Keeping him from crossing the line.
But all I did was ruin his chance at saving the world.
No! Congratulations.
You were right.
What are you sorry for? I'm the one that destroyed everything.
There's over 400 people still here.
Four need medical care, 14 kids.
They have a few hunting rifles, a couple of cricket bats They're kind of like baseball bats And one kid said he had a crossbow.
Are you sure you want to do this? Wouldn't trusts these sleepwalkers with weapons, anyway.
And Father Pete will be here soon.
Stay with Jamie.
I see how you look at her.
You were in the trenches together, you can't break that bond.
Hold on to it.
Is it really that obvious? Hot tip? You should avoid poker.
(chuckles) Will do.
Well, you be careful out there.
Remember, it's not just the animals that are after us.
Listen up! We're getting out of here.
You have to go home and gather everything you can carry.
Water, food, medication.
Anything you'll need for the next week.
Meet back here at 4:00 p.
Tell your neighbors, tell your friends.
JAMIE: We need to hurry.
The cicadas have been quiet, we don't want to be out in the open when they start up again.
(thud) (two thuds) (grunts) (wood creaking) (both grunting) (bones clacking) Jackpot.
This is just what we need.
If the professor knew Reiden left these bones here, he'd be furious.
What professor? Professor Oz, I believe.
He was in charge of the Reiden men who came for the X-rays.
Oz? Robert Oz? Robert Oz is dead.
Did Reiden tell you to say this? What? Wh (cicadas trilling loudly) Let's go.
Let's go.
That was close.
Abraham, I'm sorry if what I said about Professor Oz upset you, I had no idea it would mean anything.
Do you have any proof? The pictures on your phone of the team Reiden sent.
That's Professor Oz in the driver's seat.
JAMIE: That could be him.
What does this mean? Did he fake his death? I have no idea.
Dariela's gearing up to go, Father.
You ready? I'm fine.
- Just fine.
- (trunk closes) Hey.
Thank you for all of your help.
I wasn't always like this, you know.
I used to have hope, but lately, hope has kind of felt like a cruel joke.
Well, if you really feel that way, should I cross you off our prayer list? Nah, knock yourself out.
(car door opens) (sighs) - No! - Let me say good-bye to my son.
Africa, huh? Well, you're gonna miss a lot of Sox games.
Jackson (whispering): I know it was you, Jackson.
I know you burned down my lab.
(alarm blaring) Hey, Logan, can you give Jamie and I a moment? See you inside.
It's about what Father Pete said.
We cannot tell Jackson.
Abe, if there is even a chance that Jackson's dad is alive, we have to tell him.
No, if we tell him his dad is alive, and it turns out to be a lie, it will only unravel him further.
Trust me, I know Jackson.
Until we know the truth, we cannot tell him anything.
We cannot tell anyone.
Okay, fine.
My father knew.
Gonna need a little more context.
He knew I burned down his lab.
I remembered, he approached me about it.
Confronted me before I left for Africa.
Um Look, you were, you were just a kid.
No, Mitch, look.
I'm sure your dad had a good He, he gave some sort of injection.
Some sort of shot.
I always thought it was a birthmark.
But now Well, that would explain it.
- Explain what? - Remember when I said that I couldn't determine which one of your parents you inherited the ghost gene from? That was because there was anomalous material in your DNA, which I thought was just an inconsistency in the, in the test method, but if the methodology was sound What are you saying? (sighs) Maybe you didn't inherit the gene.
Maybe somehow your dad created a synthetic version of it, and he injected you with it.
You're saying that my father did this? That everything that I am going through is because of him? Why would he do that? (sighs) (indistinct conversations) Where the hell is everyone? FATHER PETE: They're ready.
Lead the way.
Walk in pairs or small groups.
Stay hydrated.
If you see an animal, pass that info up the line to those of us with weapons.
Let's move out! You again.
Knock knock.
Who's there? (phone beeps) (line ringing) It's me.
MAN: Where do we stand? Ranger's gone.
Didn't even have to get my hands dirty.
- Is Jackson Oz still onboard? - Yeah.
You want me to take care of him? No, sit tight, I'll be in touch.
Will do, sis.
All right.
(phone beeps) Is everything okay with Abe? Yeah, everything's fine.
How's your sister? She's great.
(bottle opens) (sniffs)
The animals were mutating, and it was happening faster than anyoneexpected.
(screaming) The government came up with a plan.
PSA NARRATOR: Thanks to the Noah Objective, in six to ten years, the world's animal population will be thriving once again.
You cannot exterminate every animal on the planet and then repopulate it.
MITCH: But messing with Mother Nature could be catastrophic, so a group of us are trying to save the animals.
Jackson Oz and Abraham Kenyatta, animal experts.
Dariela Marzan, Army Ranger.
Jamie Campbell, a reporter who's been following this story, found me, Mitch Morgan, a veterinary pathologist.
Together we going to find a cure for the animals.
Time is running out.
- Previously on Zoo - (Abraham grunts) Hold your fire.
Who the hell are you? She's my stepmom.
My name is Allison Shaw.
I'm the Deputy Secretary of Defense.
And yes, I was married to Mitch's father.
JACKSON: When I was saying good-bye to Chloe, I started crying black tears.
You're displaying the same symptomatology as Kovacs.
JACKSON: So I'm evolving.
- We still good on our deal? - (gun cocks) Put a bullet in your head if you turn into a rage machine? - Yeah, we're good.
- Good.
'Cause I noticed that you and Abe are getting pretty close.
If killing you means saving lives, there's no choice.
How could Davies create a gas that targets a gene that you can't even find? MITCH: Yeah, he'd have to have somebody even smarter than me to figure it out.
The TX-14 gas was working perfectly till you sabotaged it.
I think I made myself clear.
I'm not telling you anything until I see my son.
(baby crying, woman shushing) (sighs) (shuddering exhale) - (baby continues crying) - Okay.
(woman sighs) (shushing) Come on, sweetie.
(trilling growing louder) - (crying stops) - That's my girl.
(gasps) (shushing) There you go.
(shushing) (loud trilling, woman gasping then screaming) (baby resumes crying) Thanks to your escapades in Lisbon, we now have an eyewitness to the 1895 Courier events.
It's not as if jellyfish have eyes.
MITCH: No, they don't.
Nor do they have brains or heats.
What they do have is immortal cells.
Cells that tell us that this guy was exposed to a whole bunch of radiation back in 1895.
Enough to cause a genetic mutation.
A mutation that I am calling The ghost gene.
Thanks, man, for stealing my thunder.
Anyway, the ghost gene is what's causing the Triple Helix to develop in all the animals we've seen.
Where does this radiation come from? Excellent question, Abraham.
Meet Leonard Pierce.
Pseudo-scientist, thief, entertainer.
Right after the X-ray was invented, Leonard stole the technology, travelled around the globe x-raying animals and any people who were stupid enough to give him a dime.
Any guesses where he picked up this vulture? Argentina? Wow, you guys are good.
Does this mean that all Triple-Helix animals are descended from the ones that Pierce x-rayed? Even the ants? Well, I'm guessing the ants got zapped on accident, but yeah.
DARIELA: What about Kovacs? Kovacs' great-great-grandfather lived in Budapest around the time that Pierce rolled through.
He must've been x-rayed by Pierce and then passed this ghost gene down to Kovacs.
What about me? I mean, did my dad have the, uh ghost gene? MITCH: Truth is either one of your parents could've given it to you.
I haven't found a link yet between your ancestors and Pierce, but it's got to be there.
JAMIE: So, you're saying that some travelling carnie grifter from the 1890s inadvertently invented the Triple-Helix.
Yeah, that is exactly what I'm saying.
And if we are gonna un-invent it, we've got to find descendants from everyone of those animals that he zapped.
ALLISON: Eventually Pierce set up shop in Holbeach, England.
But as his animals started showing troubling side effects, he closed his doors and hid his work.
And now, we are gonna go find it.
ALLISON: We tracked down Pierce's last known address.
If you guys can find the complete list of animals he x-rayed, we can stop chasing storms.
We'll know exactly what animals we need for the cure.
MITCH: Jay on top, we should be able to do it in time to save everyone.
(intercom beeps) TROTTER (over intercom): Wheels down in 20 minutes.
(footsteps echoing) What are we drinking? Uh I'm drinking vodka.
Excellent choice.
MITCH (echoing): Okay then, me too.
(glasses clinking) (drink pouring) MITCH: Life was a lot simpler last time we were drinking vodka on a plane.
Yeah, and then the plane fell out of the sky.
Well, I was referring to everything pre-sky falling.
Kind of feels like a lifetime ago.
I mean, the whole world has changed.
You want to know the worst part? I thought that drink was a celebration.
I thought we'd actually won.
The cure worked, and Reiden was exposed, and for once in the history of the world, little guy ended up on top.
I was blisteringly naive.
And I won't make that mistake again.
So what are you gonna do? You gonna quit? You getting off the party plane? No.
No, we-we started this thing together.
And we're gonna finish it together.
But spoiler alert, I don't think it ends well.
(clears throat) So you tell her that we're benching her? Why would I tell her that? She's unstable, you agree that she's a liability.
No, I agree that she's hurting.
So, what, you're gonna kiss her boo-boos to make it better? She's a wild card.
Davies is looking for any opening to destroy what we're doing here.
You cannot let her open that window.
She won't.
She just needs some time.
How much time? You know, if she hadn't come sneaking into my zoo, squawking about Reiden and bunch of lions, I wouldn't even be here.
So? What's that mean? So that means she gets as much time as she needs.
And I'm done talking about it.
Time for lights out.
Lights out? Really? Because if the Mitch I once knew heard you say that, he would call you a He'd be very disappointed.
One more drink.
I'll show you where I hide the good stuff.
(door closing) (alarm blaring) Jackson? Where are you going? (car door opens, shuts) - (engine starts up) - Jackson! (tires squealing) That's it, I'm going to bed.
- Is that an invitation? - (gulps) - (footsteps approaching) - DARIELA: We have a problem.
A few problems maybe.
Jackson just took off in one of the trucks.
MITCH: Jackson? Stay back.
Let me handle this.
(shoveling dirt) - Jackson, what are you doing? - Huh? We have to bury Chloe! (grunts softly) (shoveling continues) - Jackson.
- (grunts) (both breathing heavily) Jackson We have to bury her, you understand? - We have to bury Chloe.
- Jackson, - we sent her body back to France.
- No, no, no.
- Her family's going to bury her.
- (muttering indistinctly) - Remember! Rafiki! - We have to bury her.
Come back to me.
All Good Children Are Growing Teeth.
(repeating): All Good Children Are Growing Teeth.
- What? - All Good Children Are Growing Teeth.
All Good Children Are Growing Teeth.
- He's not making any sense.
- MITCH: Yes, he is.
I know exactly what he's saying.
All Good Children Are Growing Teeth.
That's the key to everything.
JACKSON: All Good Children Are Growing Teeth.
You are losing control of your crew.
He's becoming a danger to himself and to this mission.
That's my call.
You put me in charge, let me be in charge.
So you, in good conscience, are saying that he's fine? I'm saying I can handle it.
(clattering) I have to go to London for a few days.
I'm trying to sway a few of the British IADG reps away from the Noah Objective.
When I get back, we'll revisit Jackson.
And Jamie.
Yes, yes, yes, yes, yes.
All right.
What what the hell are you What are you doing? Now you don't have to worry about me wandering off again.
Oh, so you think a tracking chip A poorly placed one, I might add Is gonna keep me from worrying.
Mitch, it's been a long night, okay? Need you to look at this.
(laughs) What, so you can just rub it in my face that I'm losing my mind? You don't have to, Mitch, I'm aware.
Oh, I don't think you're losing your mind.
In fact, I think we might have found something in your mind.
I think what happened tonight is some kind of dissociative fugue, and it-it may have erased some recent memories, but I-I think it may have surfaced some other, more remote ones.
"All Good Children Are Growing Teeth.
" We both know that's a mnemonic.
It's a genetic sequence.
That's not just any genetic sequence.
That's the first six nucleotides of the ghost gene.
And you're gonna tell me the rest.
Uh I-I-I don't know it.
Oh, come on.
Y-You've seen this before.
Okay? Your dad was neck deep in this stuff.
Maybe-maybe he knew it, maybe he showed it to you.
But when we were talking earlier, about the gene, that triggered something, some kind of memory.
(sighs) Whatever it triggered is gone.
If the animals have the ghost gene and so do I, why don't you just get it from our DNA? Yeah, well, I'm trying.
But the human genome contains about three billion base pairs and upwards of 30,000 genes.
And with your bonus helix, that makes it a lot more.
Okay? I'm running sequencing software around the clock, but we are running out of time.
Well, what happens if you can't find it? The cure's like a bomb.
One that's gonna nuke the Triple-Helix.
Okay? And the sequence is like an address.
If I don't have that address, I have no idea where to deliver the bomb.
So without the sequence, the cure's useless.
Are you ready to go? - No.
- Yeah.
You're the only one who can help me with this.
You know what, Abe? We're gonna we're gonna hang back.
Is everything okay? Peachy.
It'll be even peachier once you get to Pierce's and find that list of animals.
Pierce's place is just down the street.
(hatch door closes) What's with the windows? ABRAHAM: Barricaded from the inside.
That's not one we've seen before.
I've got one to up it.
Up there, 12 o'clock.
(growling) (roars) I don't think pillows are gonna do much good against those guys.
(sobbing) (grunts, groans) - DARIELA: Yo! You forgot something! - ABRAHAM: Are you all right? You okay? (child gasping) W-We really should get inside now.
- (high-pitched buzzing) - Geez.
Ah! LOGAN: What is that? Let's get out of here! Run! Move! (cicadas thudding against doors) Follow me! Bobby.
(muttering) (projector whirring) MAN: Where is El? MAN 2: She's safe.
MAN: Where? What did they do to her? MAN 2: Nothing.
MAN: Men don't look the way you look for nothing.
Where are we? MAN 2: I saw the men.
I saw them as they really are.
We call this cognitive repression reversal.
See, your brain is like a rusty old file cabinet.
It just needs a little grease on the hinges, and memories come popping right out.
By "grease"" - you mean - Cholinesterase.
It's a sedative.
Who says we never do anything fun together, huh? Okay, you ready? (sighs) No.
All right.
Really? I thought you'd just ignore what I want.
Well, of course I did.
Hit the button, like, three seconds ago.
(sighs) So how fast (sighs) Just breathe.
Think about your father.
Think about any time that he mentioned genetics.
(panting) He didn't talk about genetics.
M-M-Mostly biology.
Maybe he had the sequence written down somewhere.
He didn't leave papers laying around his lab.
Just the office, and (sighs heavily) I wasn't allowed in there.
(groaning) All right.
Just relax.
Where's Felix? I told you not to name the animals.
They're tools, they're not pets.
I know that but, just what did you do with him? Come here, I need your help.
Felix? What are the cranial nerves? Come on.
On old Olympus' towering tops, a Finn and German use some hops.
What does that mean? Olfactory, optic, - oculomotor.
- Good.
(exhales) What is it? What did you see? A ghost.
She's safe as long as you don't interfere! I've seen some bizarre things on my journey, but this takes the cakes and all the candles.
LOGAN: Why are they here? Why not sleep at home? DARIELA: They can't.
According to the kid and his mom, those bugs have been making that noise for two weeks.
That must be torture.
If it has been going on that long, why haven't they left? Some did.
And some tried.
They're just so tired they're not thinking straight.
Plus, they never know when the bugs are gonna make their noise.
No one knows when it's safe to go out.
What do you mean, safe? Those panthers we saw? Those aren't the only animals in town.
When the bugs sound, the animals attack.
The cicadas are behaving like - a dinner bell for the animals.
- (scratching sound) It's the dog.
He's scratching at the damn door again.
Anyone else think the quicker we find Pierce's place and get out of here, the better? OLD WOMAN: Oh, fine! I'll let him in, then.
I'm the only one that does anything around here.
Rosie! Wait! (Rosie screams) (roaring) (crowd screaming) (roaring, people screaming) (barks, growls) Come on! Go over there! Everyone in the sanctuary! Let's go, let's go! (gunshots, growling) (gunshots) Let's go.
(growls) ABRAHAM: I'm out of tranqs.
I'm out! (indistinct chattering) Everyone's out.
I'm sorry about Rosie You're from Reiden Global, aren't you? Not exactly.
Is everyone okay? Yes, thanks to you.
JAMIE: Wait, hold up.
You thought we were with Reiden.
Why? Well, they were here.
Last week.
At first, we thought it was the military, finally coming to get us.
It soon became clear they were after something else.
They cleared out one of the houses in town.
You've heard that old saying, "everything but the kitchen sink"? Yeah, sure.
Well, these guys took the kitchen sink.
God isn't the only one always watching.
That's outside Pierce's old place.
LOGAN: Are they carrying a lead box? It could be the X-rays.
DARIELA: Does that mean they know about Pierce's animals? How can they be ahead of us? What difference does it make? They win again.
The articles that Mitch told us about.
Some of them said that Pierce came back to Holbeach with some of the animals.
They could still be here.
You think they're all immortal, like the jellyfish? No, but look at these boxes.
They're big enough for pictures of bones, but what about the bones themselves? They could still be hidden somewhere in town.
Then I might be able to help you.
Father Pete.
Clarence fainted.
Uh DARIELA: You show them what you have on Pierce.
I'll make sure everyone's patched up.
I'll help.
MITCH: Just remember, these are your memories.
You're in control.
Control? Yeah, right.
Because I've had so much of that lately.
Come on.
Let's just do this.
(sedative whooshes) I need you to forget about the lab for a second.
Focus on your dad's office.
Maybe you overheard what he was working on in there.
Hard not to overhear him.
ROBERT: What if, all across the globe, the animals decided, "No more"? What if they finally decided to fight back? JACKSON: The more tapes he made, the less we saw of him.
He just started getting consumed by his work.
He started to go down a very dark path.
Are we talking about human testing? "Testing" makes it sound more legitimate.
I saw the tests they did on the animals, and this was this was gonna be different.
Other people must've realized it, too, 'cause there was a accident.
At least, that's what the police called it.
No! He was never the same after that.
The fire not only took his lab, it took his sanity.
It took his credibility.
It took him away from us.
(birds squawking) We all followed your search for the cure in the news.
Your team has been at the top of our prayer list for some time.
Yeah, how's that working out for you? Pretty well, I'd say.
You're here, aren't you? (door opens) Oh If Reiden didn't find any bones at Pierce's house, perhaps he owned another property to hide them in.
These books contain all the local records dating back to the 1700s.
Births, deaths, everything in between.
Fire up the DeLorean.
As you were, Sergeant Mansdale.
Sir, the professor's asking about his son.
He's refusing to continue.
Tell him I'm working on it.
Do we have an update on the Ranger? It appears Lieutenant Dariela Marzan is still with the team.
We need to rectify that.
Can't have a repeat of Lisbon.
What would you like me to do? Reach out to our asset.
Shaw gave me the name of a contact near a safe zone.
They can take everyone from town.
That's great.
It's 80 miles away.
They can't send rescue vehicles.
(sighs) No chance these people can make that trek.
They'll be a walking smorgasbord.
I did a few jobs with a guy in the British SAS.
Maybe he could pull a few strings.
Get us an evac.
- Knock, knock.
- No.
(sighs) No dice.
Number's been disconnected.
Does that mean nobody's coming to help us? I'm sorry, buddy.
But you're here now.
Why can't you just help us? Look, kid.
I can't stay.
I've got a job to do.
What's your job? I have a sick friend, who needs me to be there to take care of him if he gets worse.
So, your job is to help sick people? My job is to keep people safe.
BOBBY: Okay.
He must need your help more than we do.
There's nothing useful in this one.
This is pointless.
We're not gonna find anything.
You're probably right.
Isn't it your job to make people feel better about the world? God's plan, everything happens for a reason? No.
I'm supposed to help people navigate the truth, however harsh.
We've probably lost this battle.
But that's no reason to stop fighting.
Thin line between brave and stupid.
Yes, and that thin line is called "hope.
" You were created for something bigger.
And you owe it to the world to get on with that.
Okay, there is nothing bigger.
We live, we die that's it.
The key to life these days is just to not have it be ended by some kind of frenzied animal.
Jamie, you can't really believe that.
Hey, as far as I can tell, we're on our own down here.
And we're screwing it all up.
(groans) Sorry.
ABRAHAM: It's okay.
(grunts) When looking for a needle in a haystack, what does Mitch say? "Best place to hide a needle is in a stack of needles.
" See, Pierce bought a plot at Holbeach Cemetery back in 1901 to bury his brother, George.
FATHER PETE: Pierce was an only child.
And to think, if you hadn't knocked over those books, we wouldn't have had this idea.
God always works If you say "mysterious ways," I will punch you in the face.
Let's go rob a grave.
I know you don't want to hear this, but I'm starting to realize why your dad went off the deep end.
We lost one cure already.
If somebody trashed all our work, that be enough to loosen my screws.
It wasn't a happy time in the Oz household.
So, what? Did he start bringing his work home with him? After that, rage is all he brought home with him.
I had to get the hell out of there.
Call them, Mom.
You have to take the job.
What about school? What about all your friends? They have schools in Botswana.
I'll make friends with the elephants.
We have to get away from him.
Okay, I'll make the call.
Now, you're gonna have to help me pack up all our things.
I got to look for our passports, 'cause I think your father hid them.
Dad had the passports in his office.
They burned in the fire.
Okay, I'll organize new ones.
We can't tell your father.
ROBERT: Jackson! (gasps) You said you were never allowed in your dad's office.
I wasn't.
So, how did you know where the passports were? I don't know.
(bell tolling) We have a lead.
You ready to go? Actually, I need to talk to you.
Before today, the last time I was in a church was for my father's funeral.
I'm sorry.
How long? Three years ago last week.
Last week.
You never mentioned it.
Not really the mentioning type.
I've noticed.
The church was packed.
Everyone who ever served with him was there.
Even people who only heard stories about him.
He was a hell of a soldier.
That's all he was.
I want to be more.
You are.
I've spent so much of my life with blood on my hands.
I'm tired of hiding behind my gun.
I have to go.
I'm going to help these people get to safety.
And then, rejoin us? If I get back on that plane with your team, I'll be making the same mistake all over again.
It's your team, too.
You're not just another soldier to us.
Jackson asked me to kill him.
If his mutation goes too far.
If there's a chance he might hurt any of you.
Jackson wouldn't hurt any of us.
(quiet laugh) You don't know him.
You didn't know Kovacs.
Jackson knows none of you can pull the trigger.
But I'm a soldier.
If I get back on that plane, I'm choosing death.
And I need to choose life.
(hisses) You told me you were never allowed - in your dad's office.
- I wasn't.
I don't know why I said the thing about the passports.
I was never in his office.
I know you want to believe that.
Hey, if you think I'm lying, then just say it, huh? Come out and say it.
Don't patronize me.
I don't think you're lying.
I think you're repressing.
Freud called it "screening," okay? You're protecting yourself from a potentially painful memory.
I need a break.
No, no, not right now.
We can't take a break.
- Mitch.
- We're too close.
- We cannot take a break right now.
- I need a break, Mitch! I need a break.
Chloe died trying to save the world.
You're telling me you can't face your daddy issues? (groans) JACKSON: I'm in my father's lab.
The cages the cages are empty.
I I'm freeing the animals.
I'm in his office.
How did I get in? I see the passports.
They're on fire.
The gene sequence.
It's on the wall.
The wall is burning.
Everything's on fire.
Who started the fire? I'm the one that burned down my dad's lab.
All of his research.
His whole life's work.
Because of me.
And I I thought that I was saving him.
Keeping him from crossing the line.
But all I did was ruin his chance at saving the world.
No! Congratulations.
You were right.
What are you sorry for? I'm the one that destroyed everything.
There's over 400 people still here.
Four need medical care, 14 kids.
They have a few hunting rifles, a couple of cricket bats They're kind of like baseball bats And one kid said he had a crossbow.
Are you sure you want to do this? Wouldn't trusts these sleepwalkers with weapons, anyway.
And Father Pete will be here soon.
Stay with Jamie.
I see how you look at her.
You were in the trenches together, you can't break that bond.
Hold on to it.
Is it really that obvious? Hot tip? You should avoid poker.
(chuckles) Will do.
Well, you be careful out there.
Remember, it's not just the animals that are after us.
Listen up! We're getting out of here.
You have to go home and gather everything you can carry.
Water, food, medication.
Anything you'll need for the next week.
Meet back here at 4:00 p.
Tell your neighbors, tell your friends.
JAMIE: We need to hurry.
The cicadas have been quiet, we don't want to be out in the open when they start up again.
(thud) (two thuds) (grunts) (wood creaking) (both grunting) (bones clacking) Jackpot.
This is just what we need.
If the professor knew Reiden left these bones here, he'd be furious.
What professor? Professor Oz, I believe.
He was in charge of the Reiden men who came for the X-rays.
Oz? Robert Oz? Robert Oz is dead.
Did Reiden tell you to say this? What? Wh (cicadas trilling loudly) Let's go.
Let's go.
That was close.
Abraham, I'm sorry if what I said about Professor Oz upset you, I had no idea it would mean anything.
Do you have any proof? The pictures on your phone of the team Reiden sent.
That's Professor Oz in the driver's seat.
JAMIE: That could be him.
What does this mean? Did he fake his death? I have no idea.
Dariela's gearing up to go, Father.
You ready? I'm fine.
- Just fine.
- (trunk closes) Hey.
Thank you for all of your help.
I wasn't always like this, you know.
I used to have hope, but lately, hope has kind of felt like a cruel joke.
Well, if you really feel that way, should I cross you off our prayer list? Nah, knock yourself out.
(car door opens) (sighs) - No! - Let me say good-bye to my son.
Africa, huh? Well, you're gonna miss a lot of Sox games.
Jackson (whispering): I know it was you, Jackson.
I know you burned down my lab.
(alarm blaring) Hey, Logan, can you give Jamie and I a moment? See you inside.
It's about what Father Pete said.
We cannot tell Jackson.
Abe, if there is even a chance that Jackson's dad is alive, we have to tell him.
No, if we tell him his dad is alive, and it turns out to be a lie, it will only unravel him further.
Trust me, I know Jackson.
Until we know the truth, we cannot tell him anything.
We cannot tell anyone.
Okay, fine.
My father knew.
Gonna need a little more context.
He knew I burned down his lab.
I remembered, he approached me about it.
Confronted me before I left for Africa.
Um Look, you were, you were just a kid.
No, Mitch, look.
I'm sure your dad had a good He, he gave some sort of injection.
Some sort of shot.
I always thought it was a birthmark.
But now Well, that would explain it.
- Explain what? - Remember when I said that I couldn't determine which one of your parents you inherited the ghost gene from? That was because there was anomalous material in your DNA, which I thought was just an inconsistency in the, in the test method, but if the methodology was sound What are you saying? (sighs) Maybe you didn't inherit the gene.
Maybe somehow your dad created a synthetic version of it, and he injected you with it.
You're saying that my father did this? That everything that I am going through is because of him? Why would he do that? (sighs) (indistinct conversations) Where the hell is everyone? FATHER PETE: They're ready.
Lead the way.
Walk in pairs or small groups.
Stay hydrated.
If you see an animal, pass that info up the line to those of us with weapons.
Let's move out! You again.
Knock knock.
Who's there? (phone beeps) (line ringing) It's me.
MAN: Where do we stand? Ranger's gone.
Didn't even have to get my hands dirty.
- Is Jackson Oz still onboard? - Yeah.
You want me to take care of him? No, sit tight, I'll be in touch.
Will do, sis.
All right.
(phone beeps) Is everything okay with Abe? Yeah, everything's fine.
How's your sister? She's great.
(bottle opens) (sniffs)