1000-lb Sisters (2020) s02e08 Episode Script

Everybody Hurts

[Amy] Previously on
1,000-lb Sisters.
You just kind of stand
and hold your belly.
[camera shutter clicking]
- Oh.
- [Amy farts]
Amanda says she come
visit you the other day
and you had 32-ounce milkshake.
Jerry has been gone for
two, three days.
[Amy speaking]
[all laughing]
She's had four kids,
so she knows what she's doing.
[Tammy speaking]
[Michael] Pull that
other open, hon.
[Amy] No.
[Michael] Oh.
- [dog barking]
- [Tammy] Oh! [bleep]
[Tammy] He scared me.
- Hold on. Hold on.
- [dog barking]
- Hold on. Okay?
- [man speaking indistinctly]
[Misty] All the glitter ones
are cool. [Tammy] Yeah.
[Amy] I would buy
one size ahead and stuff
'cause you don't know
how fast they grow.
[Misty] Yeah, that's cute.
[Amy] Oh, yes.
- Amy.
- What?
[both chuckle]
[Amy speaking]
So when you're hungry
you can [laughs]
[Michael] Uh-huh.
[Tammy speaking]
[Amy] I love the color of this.
[Tammy] Oh, yeah, that's cute.
It's dust. Poof. [laughing]
[Amy] I'm overwhelmed.
I'm realizing
I don't have [bleep].
I don't have
a stroller, dresser.
I was gonna get
the crib later on.
Right now, he's just
gonna sleep in a bassinet.
[Misty] He'll outgrow
that quick, though.
[Amy] Yeah. [Misty] He's
gonna be here before you know it.
[Amy] Oh, yeah. He's already
trying to give me
heart trouble now.
I hope he don't come early.
The baby's gonna be here soon,
and there's just so much to do
and so little time.
To be honest, I haven't done
much shopping
because I'm afraid that
that I could die
during childbirth.
After gastric bypass surgery,
if you get pregnant before
the two years are up,
you're automatically high risk.
Plus I am overweight.
So, I'm always worried that
something's gonna happen.
Either me or the baby
won't make it.
[Misty] Well, this is fun.
Wait till the baby
gets here and it's
- It's It's not as fun as y'all think.
- I know.
[Tammy] Just waiting
till you have to
stay up all night with him.
I know how you get when
you don't get enough sleep.
There might be days
when he just wants Daddy,
you know, or just Mommy,
or just Aunt Tammy or
You're gonna be the baby sitter?
I guess.
All right.
Let's get you checked out.
[Tammy whispering]
All right. Your total today
is $257.87.
What's the matter?
The food.
You do understand that you've
got to buckle down and get this.
You've got to get that surgery
so you can do better.
[Misty] I'm hoping Tammy
can get motivated
to get in the right head space
to get herself
where she needs to be.
But it's gonna take
a lot of self-control,
and I don't think she has it.
[Tammy chuckles]
[Misty] Yes, I am.
[Tammy] Yes, bitch.
[Michael speaking]
[Michael grunts]
[Chris speaking]
Today, Chris is here so we can
work on our food journals.
[Amy] What are y'all doing?
That's good.
Amy walked in my door
looking like a damn bug.
Why? Why, bitch?
Just why?
[Chris speaking]
He said it, not me.
[Chris laughing]
[Chris speaking]
[Amy speaking]
[Amy] I've got a big surprise
for Tammy and Chris.
We got
the virtual reality headset
so we can review in
our YouTube channel.
Plus, I'm always trying
to find something that's fun
that can also get Tammy
moving around.
[Chris speaking]
[Michael speaking]
[Tammy] It's creeping,
it's creeping, it's creeping.
- It shot out its web.
- [Amy] Stay!
- Oh, damn!
- [all laughing]
I told y'all ass to stay.
VR's kind of
a single player game,
but you can
hook it up to your TV
and other people
see what you see.
[phone ringing]
[Tammy speaking]
- Oh, my damn.
- [Michael speaking]
[Amy] Oh, my damn.
Oh, my damn. Oh, my damn.
- [Tammy] Watch the birds.
- Where?
[all laughing]
- Don't poop on me.
- [Tammy laughs]
VR let's you be
whoever you wanna be.
Who knows? You could
download a game
and design your own body.
I can become a supermodel.
America's Next Top Model.
- America's Next Top Horror Show.
- Bitch!
Shut up.
- [video game playing]
- [Tammy laughing]
Feel the burn.
[Amy speaking]
[all laughing]
[Amy speaking]
- Oh, my God. You fell.
- [Tammy] You fell.
[Amy] Oh, my God.
You're squarshed.
Oh, there's that plank
way up yonder.
- [Amy speaking]
- Oh! [bleep]
[all laughing]
[Amy speaking]
I'm kinda really hoping
Tammy likes the VR.
'Cause being immobile like her,
only way she's gonna
make the goal
the doctor gives her is move.
You got to do
some kind of movement
to make some kind of
exercise effort.
[Amy] Down. Over.
Amy, shut up!
[Amy speaking]
[Amy speaking]
Amy, I can't.
[Chris] All right.
Sit down.
[breathing heavily]
[Chris speaking]
[Amy] Being a high-risk
pregnant person,
anything can happen.
So I think meeting with
a psychic could help me
calm down a little.
Am I gonna have an okay birth?
[woman] You will have
some issues.
My entire
[Amy speaking]
- [Tammy] No, I'm good.
- Okay.
[Amy speaking]
Let's rock and roll, porkchops!
[all laughing]
I am kind of excited
to go with her.
I wanna know
what the future holds.
[Amy speaking]
[Tammy coughs]
- Hi!
- Hi.
-Oh, hi, guys.
-Hello. I'm Amy. This is Tammy.
Well, my name's Shanda.
- So you guys want to get readings today?
- Yeah.
- And we've never done this before? New.
- No.
[both laugh]
So who wants to go first?
- I will.
- She's just volunteering you.
There are a couple of stones
in front of you.
If you start getting
a little anxious
or kind of nervous
about anything,
this is a piece of obsidian,
and it is, like, the most
grounding stone ever.
Good luck. Give us good luck.
[both laughing]
So we're looking
at some baby questions?
Okay, so first card, sanctuary.
This is probably gonna be,
what I would say
is a way that you find a place
that feels like a shelter,
feels like a home.
It feels like a safe place.
The place you're in now, I
just don't like, it just feels wrong.
I don't know. I get a really
icky vibe from it.
So, new house is
something to think about.
Especially before
you bring in a baby.
You probably should clear
the house. Like, I would say,
like, some sage and, you know,
kind of bless it
and stuff like that.
- Not
- Okay, a ghost cat.
Mostly, I hear a ghost cat
in my kitchen.
Like jumping down
from the table.
That infamous cat thud.
You know, if you have cats
you know exactly
what I'm talking about.
And Amy feels like she's
feeling them in the bathroom.
[Shanda] Any other questions
right now?
I just had gastric bypass
and my doctor told me
to wait two years,
but I was on birth control
when I got pregnant.
That's why I'm scared,
because I could die.
- I don't think it'll be completely smooth.
- [Amy] Wow.
I think, um, you will
have some issues
as far as, like, labor goes.
I feel like there might be
some early term labor,
so you may not go the full term.
I'm leaning toward C section.
If you cry, I will too, 'cause
I'm that kind of person.
so we're gonna put you
in the hot spot.
Just three stacks.
Do not have to be even.
So the very first card
I flipped over on this one,
um, is a card that usually
signifies a wedding or birth.
Oh, Lord Jesus. [gasps]
I'm feeling more like
it's a wedding thing.
- I'm not sure it's a baby thing.
- Thank God. Thank you.
- But I see a wedding.
- [Amy] Oh, Lord.
I'm not sure it's the person
that you're with now.
I think if it's going to be,
that person has a few things
to put behind them first,
and I think they might need to
make sure the focus
is on you two.
I think you're still
waiting to start.
I feel like you're still
holding on to some stuff
that you're not ready
to give up yet.
So as far as that goes,
I think, yes, I do.
- But I feel like you don't believe in yourself enough.
- Okay.
You just have to, like,
fight through those fears
and basically just
talk trash to 'em.
You know, trust in yourself,
trust in,
you know, the advice that the
doctors and stuff are giving you.
Remember that they're on
the same side that you are.
Tammy has a little ways to go
as far as her surgery goes.
As long as she is willing
to go the distance
and do what they tell her to,
I don't see that being
an issue at all.
It's just, she's taking it a little
slower than some other people do.
I wish you guys
the best of luck.
You let me know when you get
that wedding invitation out, okay?
[Amy speaking]
[Tammy] Here, kitty, kitty.
Aunty Amy coming for you.
[Amy speaking]
[Tammy speaking]
[Amy speaking]
Kitty, kitty, kitty.
You stupid. [laughs]
[Amy speaking]
[Amy] With Gage coming soon,
I think it's a good time
to sage the house
and get rid of
the negative activity.
Guess that's true.
Oh, God.
- Hold your breath, stupid.
- Okay.
Stand up for me.
Amy. Oh, Lord!
Hey, be nice.
It's stinky, Little.
I can't believe Gage
is almost here.
At this point,
I'm ready to give birth.
- I'm ready for anything.
- I don't blame you
but as long as he's in there
the healthier you'll be.
I know.
The fortune teller told me
that the baby
could be born early.
But if it's born small
it can possibly go in
the incubator and stuff
for months and months.
He's lost weight.
That's not good.
[Amy] Gage being underweight
it scared me because
what if he does come early?
It would be one of
my worst nightmares
because I want my baby
to be healthy.
What do you know
about childbirth and Lamaze?
- Hee, hee, hoo. Hee, hee, hoo.
- [laughs]
Amy seems a little
intimidated and worried
about childbirth.
Amy Ew!
[upbeat music playing]
What's up?
[Chris speaking]
[siren wailing]
Tammy and Chris! Come outside.
- Time to work out. Let's go!
- [chuckling]
Let's go. Let's go!
[Chris speaking]
Hello, Chris. How are you?
I'm Tony.
Time for some fun.
- [Tammy laughs]
- [Tony] For now.
Okay, so today, I'm meeting
Tammy and Chris,
and what I'm hoping
to do is teach them
some things that they
can do on their own.
And mainly I'm gonna be
getting a feel for what they can do
and hopefully push them out
of their comfort zone a little bit.
Because most people can do
more than what they think they can.
Very nice to meet you.
You can use your,
your walker here.
I want you just to stand up
and sit down on your chair.
You can use that for balance,
but three times,
that's all I want you to do.
I want you to do
just a body weight squat
so you don't have
to squat down really low,
but I want you to put your feet a
little bit wider than your shoulders,
and just bend your knees
a little bit.
Till you feel
a good seated position.
Then when you feel like you're
starting about as low as you can go,
stand back up.
And so just a smooth
controlled movement.
So just three times,
up and down.
My butt hurts. [laughs]
Okay, so flashbacks
to gym class.
I want you to have a seat
on the wall over there.
- You remember these?
- Oh.
Yeah. So just squat
about halfway down.
Lean flat up against the wall.
Move your feet out a little
bit further in front of you.
There you go.
[Chris speaking]
Very good. Come on,
back up. Nice work.
[all laughing]
Now we're gonna do a very
simple bicep curl next.
Yep. Just back and forth.
Very good.
When was the last time
you worked out on purpose?
When was your last time
you worked out?
I ain't worked out
since high school.
It's a whole lot harder now
when you haven't done it
in 20 years.
All I'm gonna say is
baby steps. [laughs]
[Tony] So what's
really important,
if you're working with me,
we work when we can work,
we rest when
we have to rest, okay?
[Tony] Apparently
you wanna work, right?
You wanna work. Hey,
no resting for me, okay?
Yeah. You can go out like that.
You can do a curl
and then add a press to it.
So put those
two exercise together.
[Tony] Nice job. Excellent.
And you're doing great.
Good. Can you hold them both?
At chest height.
Can you stand up
with them there?
You can try?
Let's get it. Very good.
Awesome. Excellent.
Good. That's perfect.
So one of the things
I don't think Tammy realizes
is how strong she truly is
just from, you know, moving
herself around every day.
Nice job. Excellent.
So, before I came
out here today,
if someone said, "Hey, you're
gonna do a set of squats with weights,"
what would you tell 'em?
Yeah. "Are you crazy?" Exactly.
There's a whole lot more
that you're capable of
than you probably believe
that you're capable of.
And you just
showed it right there.
And so I think as she
continues to lose weight,
she's gonna maintain
a lot of that muscle.
And she's gonna be amazed
with what she's able to accomplish.
What I'd like you to do
every single day,
pick five or six of these
exercise that we did.
A little bit better
every single day
- and a year from now you win. Deal?
- Deal.
Thanks for letting me
work with you.
You guys did great.
- Thank you.
- I'm very proud of you.
[Tammy groans]
I don't know what the [bleep]
to do. I can't get it out.
[producer] Okay. [man] Yeah?
[Michael speaking]
[Amy speaking]
[Hillary] Hi. Don't be afraid
of the balls.
- [Tammy] Hello.
- Hi.
No, I promise.
I actually got a special one.
You wanna talk about
having some babies?
Can we go over there
and sit on my patio?
- It's more in the shade and
- Perfect. Absolutely.
[Amy] I need Tammy
to come with me
to help learn the steps too
so that if I do go into labor,
Michael's at work, she's there.
She can calm me down because
I know I'm gonna be panicky.
What do you know
about childbirth?
Hee, hee, hoo. Hee, hee, hoo.
So that's what a lot of people
think about Lamaze,
'cause that's what
it used to be, right?
It used to only be
about pattern breathing.
But now Lamaze
is actually all about
what's the best way
to have a baby.
And what's gonna help you
bring you comfort, right?
All right. So I brought you
a folder full of stuff.
This is safe positions that
you can labor in and push in
if you have an epidural.
[Amy speaking]
- No.
- [Tammy speaking]
Oh, okay, sorry.
[laughs] It's, um
My first impression of Amy is
she seems a little intimidated,
um, and worried
about childbirth.
I think labor might be
a bit of a shock for her.
So, Michael,
if you lift this leg,
I'm gonna have you
put that ball right in there.
- [Amy speaking]
- [Hillary] Yeah. Perfect.
- [Tammy] Ew.
- So what this ball is doing
is keeping your hips
nice and open so,
and so that the baby
can come down
and put pressure
and open her cervix
You sure you haven't
done this before?
Yeah, all right.
I can leave. Okay. See you.
[laughs] Tammy's gonna
teach now.
[Tammy] Amy.
Nasty ass.
We're gonna talk about massagers
because it's good to have
coping techniques for labor.
You ready? All you're gonna do
is roll this on her lower back.
So all I'm doing
with that is rolling it
[Hillary] And just rolling
up and down, right?
And putting that
pressure right on,
on the low back
and on your pelvis as well.
I mean, I wasn't
gonna say anything.
So, I have a super cool activity
we can do to start
talking about dilation.
- Okay.
- Okay. You ready, Michael?
Here you go.
So there's a ping pong ball
in the balloon.
The ping pong ball
is the baby's head.
The balloon is your uterus.
What you want to do
is then blow it up, right?
'Cause your uterus
gets about ten times the size
of what it usually is
when you're pregnant, so
[Hillary laughs]
[Tammy speaking]
Growing up she peed
on my leg one time.
[Amy] She was making me laugh
when we were on the floor watching TV.
I laughed so hard I peed oh her.
[Hillary] So,
when you're pregnant,
you're having
Braxton Hicks contractions,
which are contracting like this.
- Yeah.
- Right?
When you are in labor,
your contractions start to go
from the top to the bottom,
and what that's doing
is then pushing
that baby's head down
into your cervix.
And as the cervix contracts
and the harder
and the longer it contracts
Hopefully not. I'd really hope
it's not going to.
So it goes down, right?
And then eventually
it will dilate,
and see how even the head
is way down there.
- You can see it there now, right?
- Yeah.
[Hillary] Michael's
almost got it.
So, a lot of times
they just like pop out,
is really what
we want to happen.
And [laughs] Are you scared?
Yeah, please don't pop.
[Hillary] I'm so sorry.
That means I ruptured
your uterus and I apologize.
[Tammy speaking]
Because I know
that you have diabetes
and you're high-risk,
and I know that
you're plus size, right?
So, I need you to know
that you are at greater risk
of needing to have caesarian
surgery to have your baby.
- So I wanna make sure
- Yes.
- Okay.
- Yes, that's a C section. Yeah.
Thank you so much for having me.
- [Amy] Thank you.
- Thank you.
What's wrong with you?
I'd been having contractions
pretty much that whole day,
and then it started
getting worse.
[indistinct chatter]
[breathing heavily]
[Tammy groans]
My entire
[indistinct chatter]
- [Tammy breathing heavily]
- [woman speaking indistinctly]
Move them back and forth.
[Tammy grunts]
[producer] Hey, Danny, can you
fly down here real fast, please?
[Tammy groans]
[breathing heavily]
[Tammy] I always have leg pains,
but I've been trying to
exercise and move around more,
and it only makes it worse.
It's hard for me to work out.
It's hard for me to exercise.
If I was able to do that stuff
it might help me
lose more weight.
- [man] Yeah?
- Yeah.
[Amy] I'd been
having contractions
pretty much that whole day.
And then it started
getting worse.
And then I didn't say
nothing about it
until they were to the point
where I was crying.
Um, I'm Amy Halterman
and I've been
having contractions.
I think they like
five minutes apart.
All right. Bye.
[Tammy] They said Amy
gotta go to the hospital.
[Tammy speaking]
[Amy muttering]
[Tammy] Next time on
1000-lb Sisters.
[Chris speaking]
It's hard because Chris hasn't
been checking in on me as much
as he said he would.
[Amy] I'm trying to stay calm,
but there's a lot of stuff
that can go wrong.
[doctor] How are you doing?
I can't [bleep].
I'm scared about having two
major surgeries in one year.
My stomach has not healed up
from the last surgery.
- [nurse] You ready?
- Yeah.
All right.
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