Allegiance (2024) s02e08 Episode Script

We Were Winning

Previously, on Allegiance
What if we didn't have to be a secret?
Well, we could go to jail.
- Have a nice flight.
- Thanks.
- Wait. Where are you going?
- Uh heading to Calgary.
Just some loose ends
at the Calgary CFPC.
The CFPC is digitizing their archives.
- A.I.?
- Confirmation bias on steroids.
So, basically, a high-tech
version of carding?
The Assistant Commissioner
is gunning hard for it.
I don't see a loser. I
see someone who's angry.
- Get on your knees! Now!
- Okay, okay.
[ZAK] Subject is down.
Threat has been neutralized.
What's your take? Was the
use of force justified?
[BOLTON] I trust her judgement.
[HOCKEY PLAYER] Going to Nationals!
[TEAM] Ajay! Ajay!
Ajay! Ajay! Ajay!
- Ajay!
- Boys! Boys.
All right. Grab a seat. Grab a seat.
Well done, well done. Good job.
We've done our victory laps
taken all the photos,
and our fans have gone
home proud tonight
and now it's just us
and it's this feeling
this feeling right here
this is what I want you to remember.
This is reason why we play the game.
I know it hasn't been easy.
We've been through a lot
but the only people who matter
are those in this room,
right here, right now.
- And now
- [ROARING] We're going to Nationals!
Yeah! You son of a bitch!
- You did it!
- What'd I tell you?
I told you I'd get us
there, Eugene, I told you!
- Where's my Champagne?
- What Champagne?
The bottles I put under the bench!
You put Champagne
bottles under the bench?
Are you friggin' nuts?
- Yeah!
- Yes! Yes!
Stay here.
[HUSHED] Eugene!
I know that was difficult.
The C.I.U they're just
doing their job, and, uh,
- now they know, you were doing yours.
- Well, what does that mean
"conditional" return to duty?
Well, means that their final
decision is still pending,
but you passed your psych
eval you can return to work.
I've been in your position.
I know that means nothing, because,
when you're in it, you feel
like you're the only one,
but, uh
these things can linger.
They change you.
Sometimes, in ways you don't expect.
Anyway, we're all with you
you did everything right.
I'll go and finish up.
I'll see you downstairs.
- Yes, sir.
- All right.
Must've been a long week at home.
I mean, I hope you didn't try
to cook for yourself again.
Don't worry, the ceiling's
not permanently damaged.
- So are you ?
- Cleared, conditionally.
- You didn't know that?
- They kept me in the dark.
- Obviously, uh, conflict of interest.
- Yeah. Right.
- Can I do any ?
- No. I'm I'm good.
W You sure?
- Because, if you want
- Ish, I'm fine,
and I'm officially back on the clock,
- so I should
- Yeah, yeah. No, I just
I'll see you later.
- Thank you.
- Yeah, no problem.
No, I mean
thank you.
You had my back.
I was at that game.
My mom was a season-ticket holder.
She used to drag me and
Ish here every weekend.
I didn't take you for a hockey girl.
Well, we mostly just played tag
while she yelled at the refs.
She was the one who loved hockey.
- Ah, I hate hockey.
- Aww
what hockey player broke your heart?
You know, I bet this guy
just coasted through life.
Must be nice not having
to work hard at anything,
- just 'cause you're good at hockey.
- Oh, that's Grant Baxter.
He put Surrey on the
map when he got drafted.
You don't get to that
level without hard work.
She's right.
That kid was a star.
Yeah, he flamed out.
He couldn't handle the spotlight.
I'll take you to the scene.
[GABBY] The victim is Eugene Guhnderson.
Single gunshot wound to the back,
between the shoulders.
He was the team owner.
- Sell-out crowd?
- Yeah, it was a packed barn,
but the gunshot was heard 40
minutes after the game ended,
so most of the fans had filtered out.
And the players?
Well, the road team got
back on the bus quick,
but the home team continued the party
in their dressing room, where
Coach Chris Amherst told 'em to stay put
when they heard the shots.
He found the body, he called it in.
I got officers getting
statements from the players now.
Any other potential witnesses?
Yeah, I got 4 parents,
11 fans, 3 staffers
all were in various
spots around the rink,
but no one saw the shooter.
So, he's standing here
when he gets shot
falls forward
The trajectory is
[GABBY] Yeah, I already
searched the press box.
There's nothing up there.
[SABRINA] There it is.
Rifle shell casing.
Hell of a shot from here.
Shooter could be a
marksman of some kind.
Well, they could've hidden up there
taken the shot
Could've ran down the steps
and took off out the doors.
And then the casing fell here.
Let's get this to Ballistics.
Do GSR tests on everybody here.
Come on. We gotta go talk to the coach.
Do you know if anyone
was upset with Eugene?
- Had any issues with him?
- No.
Was he acting differently lately
anything out of the ordinary?
Eugene was Eugene
full of life, high energy.
I don't know who would
want to kill him
- especially now.
- Now?
We just won Provincials.
We're heading to Nationals next week.
And what was your
relationship with him like?
Was he putting pressure
on you to get to Nationals?
No, nothing like that.
He let me coach the team how I wanted.
Eugene handled the business side,
- and kept the crazies at bay.
- Like crazy parents?
And fans.
[ZAK] Did you see the suspect?
If I saw the shooter,
he'd be down for the count.
All right? Man's got real lucky.
Yeah. We found Ricky
hiding under the desk.
What were you doing in Eugene's office?
We just took Provincials!
We were gonna go celebrate.
Does Eugene often party with fans,
or just the ones who
bring the party goods?
Hey, bud?
You missed a spot.
[ZAK] Were you here to sell to Eugene?
Who do you get your stuff from, Ricky?
I ain't saying nothing.
Look, buddy, the more you
talk, the better off you'll be.
Otherwise, we'll have no
choice but to take you in
- as a suspect for murder.
- Yo!
I didn't kill nobody. Damn.
Eugene just owed me
some cash. That's it.
Yeah, and if he don't pay,
you gotta send a message
- ain't that right, Ricky?
- I want a lawyer,
- if we keep talking.
- Test Ricky for gunshot residue
- and bring him in.
- Okay. Let's go, pal.
Let's go.
I don't think Ricky could
sit still for a minute,
let alone shoot a
target an ice rink away.
Well, Coach Chris said that
Eugene was "high energy".
Lot of cocaine use in hockey circles.
Maybe he got involved
in organized crime?
- You're thinking it was a hit?
- It could be.
Got a shooter who hit a
target from a long distance,
no witnesses, and they knew
how to disappear right after.
Guy owned a hockey team.
Shouldn't he be able to
pay for a habit like that?
Junior hockey's not like pro sports.
It's a miracle to break even.
All right. Let's, uh,
let's check the team books.
See where the money went.
[SABRINA] Morning. Looks like
our victim was old-school.
Kept all the team's accounting on paper.
Look, I know, but if I took
more time off, I'd just
You'd start knitting?
Yeah, you're right.
We need to see how much
money the team was making,
and if Eugene was spending on
anything he shouldn't have been.
What do we have on the owner so far?
Uh "Eugene Guhnderson".
He grew up in Surrey,
worked for an investment firm in Sweden,
and then he moved back to buy
the local team a few years ago.
He has no partner, no kids.
His next of kin is a brother,
but we've confirmed that
he's still in Pittsburgh.
Rules out family.
- But look what I did find
- [BEEP]
This is just one of the many photos
he took of his new car,
purchased a few months ago.
[ZAK] He still work for that firm?
No, not since he bought the team.
I thought you said junior
hockey wasn't a cash cow?
Well, it's not, but it's cash
box office, merch, concession.
He could be laundering money?
Well, keeping everything offline helps.
I'll work with Fraud on these.
- How's the gun search going?
Uh, there are hundreds of registered
rifle owners in Surrey alone.
I'm checking names against
anyone in Eugene's circle.
[ZAK] That could be a pretty big circle.
[GILLIAN] Players, family,
suppliers, sponsors
[ZAK] Cross-reference with
anyone who has a hunting license.
Our suspect's an expert shot.
- [GILLIAN] Okay.
Wow. Look who owns that rifle
and has a hunting license.
I was at the range Wednesday night,
but it's been locked up ever since.
You coached Grant Baxter?
Oh, yeah. Grant was one of the
first kids I ever worked with.
I remember watching him play.
Such a beautiful player, wasn't he?
Your gun cabinet?
I had it. I-It was right there.
Someone must've stolen it.
- Was anyone home during the game?
- No.
Uh, no one my wife and daughter
have been on the island all week.
Well, you said you locked
it up Wednesday night.
Who's been down here since?
- I don't know. Could've been anyone.
- Anyone?
Yeah, we have the boys over here a lot.
We have barbecues with the parents.
Even our coaches' meetings
are held down here.
Everyone's welcome any time they want.
Do you have any security cameras?
This is a safe neighbourhood.
[ZAK] No sign of a break-in.
Anyone outside the family
have a key to the house?
Yeah, I leave one under a plant outside.
Some of the older boys,
if they're out drinking,
I told 'em they could sleep
here, so they don't drive home.
Any of them have issues with Eugene?
I don't know.
That gun's out there,
and this open-door policy
makes everyone a suspect.
[ZAK] Chris said he had the staff over
for a film session last night?
Yeah. Coach always invites
us, even the water boys,
so that we can learn
systems, plays, break-outs.
He knows that we all wanna move up.
I don't wanna be
Equipment Manager forever.
Has Eugene ever denied you a promotion?
I don't think any of
us expected a promotion.
I mean, we're all basically
volunteering at this point.
You haven't been paid?
Sometimes, he'd ask me to get his
rifle for him on the way to the range,
but we haven't gone in a while.
Any players ever tag along
when you and Coach went to the range?
Rarely. Those boys
couldn't hit the ocean
if they fell out of a boat.
What were your billet players
doing at his house yesterday?
They were hungry.
You have any idea how
much hockey players eat?
As billet parents, aren't all
your meals covered by the team?
[DEEP BREATH] Well, that would've
been a question for Eugene.
[MANAGER] Typically, we
get new gear every year
sticks, gloves, even custom trackies,
but, this year, we're
still wearing the old ones.
We gave back some of
our pay to get new stuff,
- but we never got it.
- [BILLET MOM] We make it work
but it's hard to feed the boys
when we're only getting
half our usual stipend.
We had a fundraiser before the season
even reached our goal,
but Eugene never shared
the money with us.
Do you know of anyone else who
had financial issues with Eugene?
You're damn right I
smashed his windshield.
He stole my money.
Okay. Eugene, he holds this
parents' meeting, right?
Telling us about this showcase
tournament in New York.
You wanted your son to play in
front of the American scouts?
Well, a chance to play Div One?
Who wouldn't want that for their son?
But Eugene says they can't afford it,
so I wrote him a cheque
for the whole thing,
then I get back from a business trip,
my son says they never even went.
Next thing I know, I see
Eugene driving that car around.
You thought Eugene used
your money to buy his car?
Maybe. But I know it went to fixing
that windshield, that's for sure.
Why didn't you just talk
to Eugene about this?
Didn't make a difference on the ice.
- I didn't want to rock the boat.
- I let it go.
We were winning.
- We were winning!
- We were winning.
Well, pretty much everyone
who had access to Coach's gun
had financial issues with Eugene.
They never did anything,
because God forbid
anyone speak up while
the team was winning.
What about alibis?
We're looking into them as we speak.
- Get anything from the GSR tests?
- Negative.
Everyone at the rink was clean,
unless the shooter was wearing gloves.
Do we have any idea
where all the money went?
"Guhnderson International".
Turns out Eugene started his
own investment firm a year ago,
and, boy, did they have a rough start.
They amassed a ton of debt
they made some risky moves, but then
he's suddenly back in black.
Cash flush again, as
of a few months ago.
We thinking he was taking
money from the team,
putting it back into his own company?
[ZAK] That dad we spoke to thinks
Eugene bought that car with his money.
- It's possible motive.
- He was break-a-windshield pissed,
not "murder" pissed.
He was riding this
community's love of winning,
and robbing them
blind. He was a con man.
With a coke habit.
Remember Ricky his
dealer from the rink?
What if Eugene owed Ricky's guys,
and they took him out to send a message?
No, no, no. He was good on that.
There's a literally an entire
column labelled "Ricky".
He was on payroll as
a "personal assistant".
Yeah, only missing
payment was for today.
Everything else was topped up.
Even if he was involved
in organized crime,
they wouldn't need to
use the coach's rifle.
If that's our murder weapon,
the suspect had to have
had access to his house.
No one on this team has
a "C" on their jersey.
Where's their captain?
And who are the other
assistants on the team?
Yeah, it's, uh, me,
Lucas, and Brandon, and
we've been the Assistants all year.
Ajay should be the captain.
He's the best player!
- Did you have a team captain at all?
- Yeah, Benji.
- He's our best player, Dad.
- How many times do I tell you, puth?
You have the most goals,
so you're the best player.
Well, the best player
isn't always the one
who scores the most goals. Right, Ajay?
So why was Benji the best player?
He was our leader.
Always put the team first.
Knew how to find guys on the ice,
and I wouldn't have scored
any of those goals without him.
So why didn't he play in the final game?
- Because he was a cheater!
- Dad, don't.
We have to tell her the truth!
Benji was cut from the team.
- When did this happen?
- A month ago.
It hurt us both. We've
known him for years.
He used to spend summers in my home,
training with Ajay.
Well, what did Benji do?
The worst thing.
I've always told Ajay,
"If you want to win, win right."
You cheat, you will always
be a loser, no matter what.
Dad, Benji's not a loser.
Did you know that Benji
was doing steroids?
Hai! Ajay wouldn't
even know what they looked like.
He does not need to cheat.
We come from a line
of strong Punjabi men.
Was Benji upset when he was cut?
Do you know if Benji had any idea
where Coach kept the
key for the gun cabinet?
Everyone knew it was in the drawer.
Can I use the washroom?
Yeah, of course.
- Just outside the door, to the right.
- Thanks.
Did Eugene have anything
to do with Benji being cut?
He was the one who did it.
He had to. Benji could've brought
down the whole team with what he did.
Uncle, how do you know
so much about hockey?
[LAUGHING] Hai! Me? I know nothing.
I don't know the difference
between offside and icing.
Anything! I don't know.
But Ajay
oh, obsessed since he was born.
Day and night, hockey on the TV!
You try to turn it
off, he starts crying.
My own mother couldn't
watch her own dramas
because Ajay was
watching so much hockey.
All he ever wanted was
to play for Surrey
to be Grant Baxter,
so I said, whoever coached him,
that man is going to coach my son
even if it means more shifts
in my taxi, I'll do it,
and I got Ajay private
lessons with Coach Chris
since he was a boy.
And look at him now, hey?
My son! Number one player in Surrey.
- He's lucky to have you.
- Oh thank you.
You celebrate a little
too hard last night?
Spoke to the other Assistants.
Their captain was cut for steroid use.
Yeah, same story I got from Ajay,
and his dad confirmed that
it was Eugene's decision.
[GILLIAN] I found Benji's plane ticket
back to Swift Current, Saskatchewan,
and the date lines up
with when he was cut.
Gillian, does Benji
have a hunting license?
Yes, he does.
Could Benji be our killer?
[SABRINA] Benji was in
his last year of hockey.
He was slowing down. Guys
like him would do anything
to keep the dream of
going to Nationals alive.
- So that's where the steroid use starts?
- Exactly.
He takes P.E.D.s, test boosters, tren
they work, team starts winning again
Then he's caught by the owner?
Yeah, he's labeled a cheater,
and his entire career
is over just like that.
And according to the
other Assistant Captains,
the team turned its back on him.
Benji loses his dream, and his
teammates, in one fell swoop.
And Eugene took that from him.
[ZAK] And then the side effects
of the steroids kick in
high levels of anxiety,
suicidal tendencies,
increased agitation, and rage.
Okay, so we got a skilled marksman
in a severely affected mental state,
with a vendetta against
the man who ended his dream.
What about his whereabouts
at the time of the murder?
Well, we know he's not
in Swift Current anymore.
According to his mom,
he hopped in his truck and
went hunting three days ago.
No one's seen him since.
All right! Listen up! Our
shooter-at-large is Benjamin Clark!
Six-foot, heavy build.
Presumed armed and dangerous.
Proceed with caution. I want
checkpoints in and out of Surrey
Highways 1, 17, and 99.
We need a B.O.L.O. on a red
Ford F-100 pick-up truck.
Saskatchewan plates Sierra-
Good work. Get out there and
find this guy, and bring him in.
Benji may have been
abandoned by his team,
but I know one player who
still considers him his captain.
[SABRINA] Ajay, have you been in
contact with Benji since he's been cut?
We think Benji might be back in town.
What? I I texted
him after he went home,
but he never responded.
- Is Benji okay?
- We're trying to find out.
Did anything go down
after Eugene cut him?
Eugene never cut Benji.
Coach did.
What? What how do you know?
'Cause I was there when it happened.
I was running late to practice,
and I saw Benji in Coach's office,
and I couldn't hear what
Benji was saying, but
when he left, he slammed
Coach's door so hard,
I thought he broke it, and
then Coach just told the team
Eugene just cut Benji, but
Eugene wasn't even there.
And you have no idea what
the argument was about?
- Was it about steroids?
No! Benji never would've cheated.
Okay? He wouldn't hurt
the team like that.
He protected us.
And you never told anyone about this?
Coach didn't want anyone
talking about Benji.
So the team moved on.
Why would Benji go after Eugene,
if Chris is the one
who ended his career?
Can we trust Ajay's story?
They're best friends
he's obviously biased.
But I'm with you. We
need to hear Chris's side.
I'll call him.
It's voicemail.
Hi, Chris. It's Detective Kalaini.
Call me back as soon as you get this.
- Hey, Zak.
- Yeah?
- Remember the team's equipment manager?
- [ZAK] Yeah?
She said they all wear
the same tracksuit?
Can you tell those two apart?
Now imagine being across an ice rink
What if Benji shot Eugene
because he looked like
Coach Chris from a distance?
We need to find Chris!
Gillian, we need to find Chris.
We think that he was Benji's
target, and not Eugene.
What? How?
It was Chris who cut
Benji from the team.
He might've shot at Eugene
because they were wearing
the same tracksuit.
I'll track his phone.
His cell's pinging off
towers in South Surrey.
- He's by Morgan Creek.
- Hello?
- Chris!
Where are you right now?
We need to talk to you.
- It's about Eugene.
- [♪♪♪]
No, please! Please, no!
- Please, no!
- Put the gun down!
Put the gun down! Now!
Now! Drop your weapon! Do it now!
[ROARS] Tell them what you did!
[CHRIS] Shoot him! Shoot him!
- Drop your weapon!
- [BENJI] Tell them!
- [ZAK] Do it now!
- [BENJI] Tell them the truth!
I want to know the truth.
I want to know what made you do this.
I want to know what happened.
But if you shoot him now
then no one will ever know what he did!
I understand you declined a lawyer.
Is that right, Benji?
You wanted your coach to
tell us something back in the alley.
Any reason why you
can't tell us yourself?
Well, here's what I can tell you.
We know this was your
last year of junior hockey.
You were playing with
your best friend, Ajay,
on a team that was going to Nationals.
All those hours in the gym,
all those practices first
thing in the morning
it would've all been worth it,
and then
you got cut,
and the dream was over.
It's no wonder you
wanted revenge on Eugene.
I didn't mean to shoot Mr. Guhnderson.
[ZAK] But you did, Benji.
You killed him.
The bullet in Eugene matched
the one you fired at Chris.
You stole his gun, because you knew
how many people had access to it,
and that it wouldn't lead back to you.
- No. No. [ROARS] No, I didn't!
- You planned to kill Eugene!
You thought it was someone else?
From where you were standing,
they looked the same, didn't they?
Same toque, same tracksuit?
I thought it was Coach Chris.
[ZAK] So, you knew you
killed the wrong man,
and you still came back.
Why, Benji?
I wasn't, uh
I wasn't strong enough.
- Are you talking about the steroids?
- No.
I-I I wouldn't do that to my team.
Those are my guys, and I
I let 'em down. I let him down.
You have him. Keep going.
[ZAK] I had this partner
back in Calgary.
Guy was a legend.
I thought I was lucky to be on his team.
And then this one rookie
joined the force
kid was tiny, but he wanted
to be a cop more than anything.
It was his dream
and my partner
made it his nightmare.
I mean, it started as
initiation, you know?
"Get me a coffee." "Clean my uniform."
Then he started backhanding
him when he made a mistake
calling him "runt".
And I watched as this rookie
got smaller and smaller
but my partner had all the power.
[SOFTLY] All the respect.
So I stayed quiet.
And I thought to myself,
"Am I a coward?"
"Am I weak?"
Then one day,
my partner called for his "Runt"
and got me instead.
And we got into it.
The next thing you know,
we're on the ground, swinging.
Guys were trying to separate us, but
I couldn't stop,
because every time I
looked down at him
I just saw my own face.
I let that rookie down.
I was
I was supposed to protect him.
Protect who?
"He protected us."
Mr. Grewal thank you for coming.
What's going on? I'm still on shift.
Dad can you sit down?
I wanted you to be here.
after practice,
Coach would make me run stairs alone.
[VOICE CRACKS] And I'd be so
tired, I could barely stand
and he'd stretch me out.
Then he'd
massage me.
He'd start on my legs and his h
hands would, uh
I just, uh
I-I couldn't do anything.
I couldn't think. I couldn't breathe.
I just froze.
But Coach would just keep going.
When did this start, Ajay?
When I started getting
private lessons from him.
Did anyone else on the team know?
[SOBS] I'd room with Benji
on the road, at tournaments
[SNIFFLES] but I'd always
wait till he was asleep
before I had to go to Coach's room.
[BENJI] I was never asleep.
Ajay w-would come back, um
I'd just hear him crying.
He'd cry all night
and I never said a thing.
I, uh, I-I started to hate the game
hate hockey.
[AJAY] I'd get sick.
I wanted to quit playing,
but I thought winning
would just make it go away.
No, winning made it worse.
I knew we'd make Nationals.
It'd be another road trip and
I I went to Coach,
and I told him, uh
I told him I knew
what he was doing to Ajay.
And he said, uh
"Who's gonna believe you?"
Coach knew every scout
pro and college he
could just end my career.
[BENJI] By the time I'd
gotten back to my billet's,
Coach had told everyone I was a cheater.
He turned them against me,
and then I was on a plane home!
And Ajay was
Ajay was still with him.
I know how much my dad sacrificed
just to get me this far.
I couldn't let Coach take that away.
So you kept this a secret?
How you holding up?
I'm okay.
Can't imagine what
you've been going through,
with this case
with the last one.
How'd it go in there?
I've been over both statements
but I'm not confident.
You heard what he did to Ajay.
Yes, but I'm not the only
one that needs to hear it.
The system also uses physical evidence
for sexual assault cases. Without it,
the Crown may have to rely
solely on their statements.
The defense is gonna make them
go over it again and again.
Every word will be scrutinized,
and the way these cases are handled
it can potentially re-trigger a victim
to the point where they
drop the case altogether.
They're not "victims".
They're survivors.
You're right.
But in this particular case
all we have are two players,
one of whom is going away for murder,
against a man with an exceptional
20-year record of coaching.
I'm sorry.
I wish it were different, but
without more evidence,
this may not go their way.
You don't just become a
predator 20 years into coaching.
There's no way that Ajay's the only one.
Are you sure this is the right place?
[GILLIAN] Last-known work address.
All right. Thanks, Gillian.
Grant Baxter?
Can I help you?
You were my mom's
favourite hockey player.
Sorry. Think you must have
me confused with someone else.
Grant? There are a lot of kids in Surrey
- who play hockey because of you
- I don't care about hockey.
Who love the game because of you.
Please, leave me alone.
And those kids, they need you now.
Grant, please.
I want to talk to you about Coach Chris.
What am I still doing here?
Benji was pointing a
gun at me, remember?
Turn around. Hands behind your back.
Turn around!
He was this tall
my son
his head barely above my knee.
He was begging me to get him a
hockey stick for his birthday.
He was so happy when I
got him that hockey stick.
He slept with it.
Took it to school.
He even took it to India when we went.
15 years, Ajay's been playing.
15 years, and I never
once missed a game.
But somehow
[VOICE BREAKS] I missed this.
You didn't let me down. Okay?
You didn't.
I'm so sorry, man.
Did you do this because you thought
I could never stand up to him?
I did it because I
knew one day you would,
and that would destroy
everything you worked for.
Couldn't let you do that.
Playing hockey with you is
the happiest I've ever been.
Keep playing, Ajay.
[SABRINA] Uncle, it's not your fault.
- These predators
they don't just groom kids,
they manipulate parents
entire communities.
Everybody misses it.
- [♪♪♪]
But this moment, right now
this is the moment you can't miss.
[QUIETLY] Thank you.
I know, Dad.
I know.
I should've been stronger
like our family.
My son
you are the strongest
man our family has ever had.
You talk to your sister yet?
Yeah. Sort of.
I just, uh
I didn't know what to say.
I get it.
Must be hard.
You never wanted your
sister to be a cop,
and now here she is
and here you are, and
what happened happened,
so maybe it's okay you
don't how to feel
but she's still your sister.
[REPORTER] Breaking news out
of Surrey this morning
long-time hockey coach Chris Amherst
has been arrested on
charges of sexual assault.
Ajay Grewal has given explicit consent
to use his name in reporting
this developing story.
This young man is standing up
against the culture of silence
that has plagued the game of hockey
for far too long.
[PODCASTER] Putting his
name out there like that
breaking the silence
all the championships, scoring, titles,
whatever records he breaks
all that's nothing compared
to what Ajay's done today.
[FEMALE REPORTER] More charges
are expected as former players,
including Surrey Sparrows
legend Grant Baxter,
continue to come forward.
[PODCASTER] Ajay's story should
be a reminder to everyone
that speaking out is not shameful.
It's inspiring for
others to move forward,
to start to heal.
We set Ajay up with a counsellor
who helps survivors of sexual abuse.
His father's gonna attend, too.
They'll both have support.
I get why you wanted
to talk to Benji alone.
You must've known that
he was protecting Ajay.
The day before I
fought my partner,
I found that rookie in the washroom,
He was on all fours,
huddled over the toilet.
I'll never forget his face.
He was begging for help.
I saw that same look on Ajay.
Benji must've seen it too.
That why you went to Calgary?
The internal investigation ended.
No charges.
[SIGHS] The Blue Wall.
He kept his job.
I got shipped out.
I'll see you later, Sabrina.
Mom's seats?
You know I went to the Gurdwara
after I shot Jacob Ryan.
Did it help?
I'm not sure.
If you need me for anything, Sab
I got you.
For everything.
Hey! That was a penalty! Come on.
[LAUGHS] Wow. You sound
like Mom right now.
- I know.
- Come on! Pass it!
[SABRINA] Let's go, 19!
- [ISHAAN] There it is! There it is! There it is!
- [SABRINA] What's up?
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