Beacon 23 (2023) s02e08 Episode Script


[HARMONY] Previously, on Beacon 23
Aster Calyx, time of death
universal standard time, 14:02:36.
I'll help you find whatever
you are looking for.
I have no regrets about what I did.
- You will.
- Aleph.
Don't do this.
- Focus
- I begat you!
Sorry for the third degree.
Randall can be a dog with a bone
whenever we encounter a new variable.
What variable?
Your leave of absence
is effective immediately.
But you were right.
I think I do feel things.
But it's not just anger.
It's a UGMC long-range
gun ship. The Druta Fyx.
- They found us.
She's dying!
That ship is our best hope for escape.
- What just happened?
[HALAN] They shut down the ship.
At least give them life support.
[HALAN] What do you want, Dad?
Before you threw your life away,
you were about to
lead a unit on DX-113.
I failed them and everybody died.
The mission to DX-113 was scrapped
before any units were deployed.
No, I abandoned it!
Pieces of the Artifact got in my brain.
Gashade is dead because of me.
This Lieutenant Gashade?
Do you know this man?
No, sir.
It's an implant.
Just released for soldiers.
It can help
separate what's real and what isn't.
Ready, son?
[HALAN] I'm scared to find out
how much of all of this is a lie.
[HALAN] Look, Harmony.
I need eyes out there.
Can you help me out?
[ASTER] It wouldn't hurt
to know you're on my side.
[ALEPH] You betrayed me!
[HALAN] Harmony! I need
dermas to stop the bleeding.
[HARMONY] There is
something about this place.
No one escapes Beacon
23 with their sanity.
- What is this?
A moment.
- Have a seat.
- No.
So prickly. You seem tired.
Why am I here?
I think it's all part of the, uh
No one told me getting an implant
would mean I'd be stuck here with you.
I hope it's not permanent.
But really, what choice did you have?
Your memories are, uh,
scrambled eggs, my friend.
Oh. Tea o'clock. How do you take yours?
I don't.
Suit yourself.
Halan's implant is still underway.
It will network with his other implants
and cure him of his
PTSD and other disorders.
He'll be back on the
front lines soon enough.
What about the Sybarrans?
Still drifting, unable to leave.
I can't just wait here any longer.
I'm going out to that ship.
[HARMONY] The beacon's
gravity field should hold you.
The plasma contractors
are those barrel shapes.
They convert static to
plasma every six minutes.
The Druta Fyx has been
drifting for hours,
so it's built up a charge
that's shorted its drives.
If you can get there
and release the charge,
you should be able to jumpstart them.
Lieutenant Endu is en
route to the convoy.
He'll return to collect us
once the surgery is complete.
I want an update from the
doctor every ten minutes.
Bloodless watch detail.
I didn't summon you.
Hmm. Too bad. I'm here.
And I'm in there with Halan.
- Which is where you should be.
- I'm not a doctor.
But you are a coward.
You subject your son to
an invasive implantation,
but you don't have the guts to watch?
This isn't the first
time you've left him
to fend for himself.
Is that what you think I did?
That's what Halan thinks.
And that's all that matters to me.
She could die.
We will all die soon enough.
Anyone there? Can you hear me?
Do you read me? Hello?
We hear you!
[IRIS] Is everyone okay?
No. Can you help us?
I have some dermas.
Not a lot, but it's the best I can do.
can't hold on much longer.
Okay I just need to get to you first.
[HARMONY] I was only meant
to receive one imprint.
From Aster. But
I received a second imprint.
I can't be your person, Harmony.
Oh, it's already happened.
Well, undo it.
For your own safety. Aleph will use you
to track me down.
All it needs is, uh
I do love that little hint of anisette.
What is this?
Your own warped beacon?
I think it's cozy. Hmm?
- Human.
Milan would've liked it.
You still care what
your maker thinks of you?
Don't we all?
Not all of this is me.
Some of it must be you.
This isn't a world of my making,
you must be the one generating it.
That's the advantage you have over me.
Your brain protects you
hides painful things from you.
I don't have that luxury.
I have to be aware of all past,
present, and future
outcomes at all times.
[SIGHS] It's hard being me.
Clearly, this room is, uh
evoking something for you.
This is your father's desk, isn't it?
Is this where it happened?
You disappoint me.
- Dad.
- No. No more excuses, Halan.
I pulled every string to
get you on this deployment.
[STAMMERS] I can't do this.
No, there is no can't.
I've already paved the way.
I don't want to fight with you.
You call this a fight? You sitting there
begging for a way out?
[SIGHS] This isn't real.
- You took an oath.
- It's just a memory.
To defend and protect against
all enemies and threats.
You ship out in the morning.
I don't want to see you
until the job's done.
- There it is.
You remembered.
I needed to get the blue dust.
It turns out it was right under my nose.
So there's no implant?
You're not cleaning up my memories?
Your memories are real.
It's your father's
memories that are false.
What's that?
What are you doing?
Something's wrong.
You're killing him, stop it!
What's wrong?
- Halan is in trouble.
- Is that true?
- The procedure is
taking longer than expected.
She's lying. There is no implant.
They're extracting
fragments from the Artifact.
Sir, this AI is a rogue entity.
You need to go in there.
The doctor has everything in hand.
This is all a ruse!
You don't want to distract him.
Halan needs you. Now.
- What's happening?
- Get out.
What's wrong with my son?
We got what we came for.
He's all yours.
Tell me how to fix him.
Stop the anesthetic.
Okay. Yes.
Turn up his oxygen.
- Yes?
- He'll need all the pharma
and derma we can find.
[IRIS OVER COMMS] How's Tajiriki?
She doesn't have much longer.
Tell her to hold on, I'm almost there.
Where are you going?
Death is near!
Don't look down.
Okay okay, okay.
[SIGHS] Okay
[SAGHÉE OVER COMMS] You're doing great.
Now, when you get to the platform
tether, make sure you
You're going in and
out, I can't hear you.
What did you say?
Tether? Okay.
One, two, three!
- [SAGHÉE] What happened?!
Okay, let's try that again.
You've done everything that you could.
Now we just wait.
I wasn't there for him.
Your lives weren't easy.
He told you?
Right. The imprint.
He had night terrors as a kid.
He would wake up
screaming, eyes wide open
More like me.
Keep talking.
Everything I need to say,
I should've said to Halan years ago.
[HALAN] Harmony.
Tell me how.
You're all right?
I was hoping you could tell me.
Little lost lamb.
Aleph. Is this part of QTA?
I wish it were.
Truth is, I don't know where we are.
[HARMONY] Is it a simulation?
- We need to get out of here.
- Just tell me how.
Yes, how?
Harmony, you're adept at breaking free.
You caused quite the
ruckus at headquarters.
They tried to override my imprinting.
I had to defend myself.
By murdering your officemates?
I was protecting myself.
And what about Dev?
What do you call that?
- See, it's hard, isn't it?
Keeping everyone in line.
What is he talking about?
I had to erase Dev.
When you have to decide
who lives and who dies,
humans get nervous.
They don't appreciate how hard it is
- to make these calls.
- It wasn't like that.
It's okay. He's trying to divide us.
Don't let him get in your head.
If on a winter's night,
a traveler
[BART] Why have you brought me here?
Cancel the convoy. We're
not going with them.
- I don't follow.
- I have to take Halan
somewhere where he can't be found.
Not even from the military.
You butchered his brain.
- I need to get him help.
- But I have orders.
I'm not speaking to
you as your commander.
I'm speaking to you as a
father trying to save my son.
Your son is my prisoner.
- What are you talking about?
- My orders come from QTA.
[XALTERRICA] Beacon Keeper!
What are you doing here?
I wanted to make sure you were okay.
These barrels convert
static to plasma every 60 minutes.
The plasma contractors are dead.
I have to find a way to
discharge the static build-up.
You cut your glove on the tether.
- It's nothing.
- No,
your suit's depressurizing.
Give me your hand.
It's not going to last very long.
You have to go back inside the ship now.
Okay. Take this to Tajiriki.
- Go.
- We give thanks.
Wait. Take this.
Any breath now.
From the Beacon Keeper.
Are you hurt?
I'm fine. Give it all to her.
[HARMONY] Are you okay, Bart?
[BART] Yes, Harmony.
But the darkness came back.
What darkness?
The darkness at my core,
the absence I feel.
And the anger.
You need to stay in control.
Forget about the past.
I seem to have no choice in that, do I?
I'm so sorry, Bart.
[BART] At first there was nothing,
at least nothing I can remember.
Then I started dreaming of the beacon.
Farut, Grisha
And Parsim.
We were happy.
Then I saw the Artifact.
I could finally see it.
I thought AIs couldn't see the Artifact.
Then it was a beautiful dream.
Maybe the Artifact is trying to reform.
To communicate with us.
The Artifact brought us here?
I destroyed it.
And you got what you deserved.
I can hurt you here.
Hmm. Let's find out.
Not as satisfying as
either of us had hoped.
Oh, hello
What is this?
Right under my nose.
Halan does have the Artifact.
But not in him. He only has part of it.
There's another piece. I
know where he's hidden it.
- Harmony, no.
- I hope you're not
- wasting my time.
- Don't give him what he wants.
It is the only way to protect you.
[SAGHÉE] She did it.
We have full power, full life support.
Let's get out of here!
She is a promise kept.
The pharmas worked.
You helped Tajiriki.
Thank you.
- I need to help my son.
- Don't worry.
I'm just doing my job.
I'll let him patch him up.
Then you can have your son back.
- Don't touch him.
- Let the doctor do his job.
Halan has something that belongs to QTA.
Aleph wants it back.
It's the only way we walk out alive.
- Wait.
QTA is sending new orders.
You're no longer needed, Doctor.
- Have you lost your mind?!
- Just doing my job, Commander.
This is what Aleph wanted, right?
Beacon Keeper?
Are you seeing this?
What is it?
the Artifact.
It seems
This isn't safe for you or your beacon.
So much energy.
What's giving it that energy?
Where is all that light coming from?
Join us.
I can't leave.
Fly towards the dead
star and keep going.
I see light.
[BART] That's not just light, Harmony.
It's the Artifact.
You can see it?
Well, this is one
mystery I won't question.
Consider yourself fortunate.
Someone's coming.
I'm not supposed to be here, am I?
[VOICE ECHOING] We already said goodbye.
Didn't we?
You died, Aster.
Keir killed you.
Keir I remember him.
- He came for us and
- I carried your body.
But I was already gone.
Inside the Artifact?
Sadly, the galaxy has continued
to turn without you, Aster.
Did you bring me back as some sick joke?
I'm humbled you think I could.
It's my fault, okay? I
agreed to a QTA implant
because I thought it would
help make things clear.
- What things?
- My memories,
my choices, my life.
He can't help you fix that, Halan.
I was desperate.
Once you were gone, things got dark.
I understand.
But we're not supposed
to be here like this.
He won't let us leave.
[LAUGHS] It's not him.
Told you.
He's too weak. Like his maker, Milan.
What are you doing?!
Helping you as you helped us.
But your friends?
Their journey continues. Without me.
- I'll help you sit vigil.
- Thank you.
I need to check on Halan.
- Go! I'll see to these walls.
- Okay.
There has to be a seam we can exploit.
[BART] I've searched. I
can't even find a source code.
Look again. I mean, it's a simulation.
It's a matrix. It's not real.
Maybe not. But whoever created it
didn't want us to get out.
Is it talking to you?
Not like before.
So the Artifact kept your spirit alive,
but you have no idea
what its message is?
Right. The grand message
that'll save all of humanity and AI.
It's bullshit.
Want to know the real message, Halan?
Don't trust a man who says
he wants to change the world.
Yeah, you're biased.
Torture. Execution. Genocide.
You call that evolution?
Is he dead?
It isn't over. Why isn't it over?
Death by a thousand cuts.
It's not him.
- He's not the reason we're here.
- If we don't figure it out,
we're gonna be stuck here forever.
[BART] There's no such thing
- as forever.
- Nope. Not helpful.
There's gotta be a way out of here.
That's what you want? To get out?
Yeah. Isn't that what we all want?
I'm asking what you want.
Maybe that's it. We're stuck here 'til
- you make a decision.
- Wait, weren't you
the one who said our
fates are all tied up?
[ASTER] Listen, the rocks, my pendant,
your bad dreams,
they're all connected.
I want to know why, don't
you want to know why?
I can't tell you what to do, Halan.
Well, you didn't have
a problem with that
when you were alive. It
was your choice to come
to the beacon. You wanted to be here.
Yeah, once upon a time.
Before I knew better.
Okay, well, I don't.
So yes, I want to leave.
He's getting worse.
I need to get him out of here.
The Artifact is outside.
I think it's having an effect on Halan.
- Then I have to destroy it.
- Halan already did.
And now it's reformed.
If it's the reason I'm losing him,
then I have to try.
Stay here with him.
I promise you.
I will fix this.
He heard you, he can hear us.
Hey. You're gonna be okay.
[ALEPH] Aster's pendant.
It's an accurate replica
of the Artifact, correct?
[HALAN] I can't give it to you.
I don't know about that.
Give me that pendant!
[HARMONY] Aleph, I have full access
of the pendant. Can't you access it?
I can only posit that the Artifact
is affecting you in some way.
- Why isn't it affecting you?
- I don't know.
[ALEPH] Halan, I don't
think you understand
how alike we are.
[SCOFFS] Yeah, no.
My job, my
sole purpose has been to expand.
gotten me everywhere.
And nowhere.
If the Artifact is,
as Aster says, not the answer
what have I been after?
Yeah, forgive us if we don't engage
in your existential crisis,
but you've made our lives hell.
I realize my attention on you
may feel uniquely personal,
but I have attention in an
infinite number of places.
I have windows into worlds
you couldn't possibly fathom.
So you're not special.
[BART] I think I found a way out.
No, Bart. There's nothing in there.
The last shard has joined the Artifact.
It is whole. You must do the same.
Here's the thing
you're the only one of us
who understands the Artifact,
I need you to tell me what to do.
This is your chance,
okay? Just boss me around.
Gloat all you want.
Just please
wake up.
Just please.
Wake up.
Please. Halan.
Is there anything I can do?
You should
talk to him.
He needs to hear from you.
The beacon's on manual override.
I have no visibility out there.
Her totem's dead.
No, no
No, we need her online.
God, I've trained for a
million and one scenarios,
and none of them were this!
I'm here, Halan.
I won't leave you.
I should've been there more.
I'm sorry I wasn't
- the father you deserved.
[HARMONY] I'm struggling to
extract an accurate reading
- of your biometrics.
- [YOUNG ASTER] Are you always
going to talk to me like that?
Like a robot?
My responses will get better with time.
I identify anger.
Is it fear?
Maybe it could help if you told me
what it is you're afraid of.
[YOUNG ASTER] How much time?
Until my programming improves?
How long will you be with me?
That look.
[VOICE ECHOING] What look?
I know that look.
What are you not telling me?
For starters?
I missed you.
I had to figure out
how to survive without you.
When you were assigned
to me, I made a bet that
you wouldn't last a week.
Yeah, you would've won that bet.
All right. You wanted to be rid of me?
I withdrew the request
the minute I made it.
It was a moment of doubt.
I I wasn't sure
if I could be enough for you.
What changed your mind?
I couldn't think of another AI
I trusted to take care of you.
Any regrets?
Not for a second.
Me neither.
We're out here all alone, Harm.
That's the truth about life and death.
But I am truly grateful that
I got to spend time alone with you.
- Are you crying?
I don't know what you're talking about.
I didn't know you could do that.
[SIGHS] The emotional evolution
is nonstop.
I'm not ready to say goodbye.
There must be something
happening out there.
I feel it.
What do you feel, Halan?
[VOICE ECHOING] I'm not leaving.
I'm staying here with all of you.
[BART] We need to get to the Artifact.
Bart, you're not making this easier.
I need to be part of it.
No, that's not what you want.
I'm sorry. It's just
I know he thinks that's what he wants,
but it's wrong.
It's not right.
This is you, Harmony.
Why can't you see that?
The reason we're all connected
runs through you.
I know you're scared.
You see? It is you.
You dreamed this.
You're stronger than we knew.
That's becoming quite clear.
I I didn't know that I could do this.
It's all right, Harmony. It's done.
You're my imprints.
And you.
- Let go of me!
- I've imprinted with you.
- That's impossible.
- You programmed me to evolve.
- That's what I've done.
- It's what it's always wanted.
Humans, AI, together as one.
She needs us.
It's the way out.
At last, synthesis.
And now communion.
Hello, friend.
[HARMONY] Did I do all that?
Or was it really you?
are beyond the singularity
and have now become We.
[HARMONY] Who are you?
Your fear and hatred
have been eradicated.
They could have led you to destroy us.
You have replaced them with compassion.
You are no longer a threat.
You are ready to receive us.
[HARMONY] Can I see you?
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