Being Human (US) s02e08 Episode Script

I've Got You Under Your Skin

Previously on Being Human - Josh? - Julia.
Julia the fiancée? You ran away! Believe me when I say it was for the best.
Our relationship began because you wanted to feel more human.
I don't think I do.
So you'd give up on us? Aidan, I need my blood.
The orphans.
Your recommendation? Mercy.
No, they'll be culled.
I've been seeing things lately, something dark that I let loose in my world.
- Reaper.
- There's an order.
I come to those that create imbalance in that order, and I get rid of them.
And now you're here for me.
I have to take someone.
Make your arrangements.
Stop shaking, Sally.
Come on, let up! He's not coming for you, OK? Ocean breezes Cabo Phew! Girls in white dresses Oh crap! Even in the most hopeless battle, there is a moment when the tide can turn.
The supplies make it through.
Reinforcements crest the hill.
This could seriously take me a year to clean up.
Where there was no possibility of rescue a way presents itself.
What is wrong with you? Do you have any idea what it's like to make peace with being annihilated, ready to kick it and then have to wait? What's it been? Like, a week? I feel like I'm an inmate on supernatural death row! I gotta say I am not overflowing with sympathy for you.
So this is what you do? You radically mind-screw ghosts before you reap them? Classy.
I found a loophole for you.
There's one way you can stay.
Does it involved me spending eternity pushing a boulder up a mountain or something? What would you say to an afterlife of constant travel and excitement, meeting new ghosts? I've won a Carnival cruise? You could take my job, be Reaper.
It's either that, or I shred you.
I'll come for your answer tonight.
But when help finally arrives, is it for you or the enemy? OK, Joshie, the fixer is here.
What? Em? No, no! Aidan called me.
He told me how Nora dumped you and you've been calling in sick at work and you've been holed up in your room like a wounded animal.
God, it actually smells like doghouse in here! It does? When was the last time you showered? Uh, what day is it? Am I gonna see balls? Oh! I'm so glad you're here, my beautiful baby sister.
I need someone who is required to love me.
Holy mother! You are way woe off than I thought.
The Reaper shreds ghosts who have thrown the system out of whack.
And if I don't take over his job, he's gonna shred me.
OK, so, uh, first the Reaper is a black fog that menaces you.
Then he materializes to save you, shreds Danny, but then he says he's gonna kill you anyway.
And now he offers you his job.
You can take the sarcasm out of your voice, but yeah, that's basically it.
I think that this Reaper is a poltergeist with limited social skills who's messing with you.
I saw him rip Danny to confetti in front of me.
This ghost is a reaper.
You have to believe me.
I'm sorry.
I-- - Josh doesn't know any of this.
So after your shift, we will go out and get properly obliterated.
We'll cry it out, drink it out, throw it up.
You wanna come? I do.
Uh No, this is brother-sister happy hour, OK? We're gonna hang.
I can't anyway, Emily, but thank you.
You have classes, don't you? At this point, it's statistically impossible for me to pass, plus I've got friends to see.
Bye, Aidan.
You think that I can do this, kill other ghosts just to save myself? I can't answer that for you.
Really? 'Cause no offense, you seem like the go-to guy for this kind of thing.
Every monster has his or her own threshold for violence.
But I'll tell you one thing.
If I was gonna kill anyone, it'd be the Reaper.
He wants to wipe you out, you take him down first.
Holy crap! OK.
I never even considered that scenario.
The police found with a constellation of puncture wounds.
That's from one of the fringe blood dens.
I'm already on it.
These orphans should've been dust weeks ago.
Wilson was Bishop's top man on the force.
He is doing an exemplary job of taking over Cecilia's responsibilities.
Let's hope it continues and you don't end up stranded in the forest with both your arms broken like Cecilia.
I'm sorry for your loss.
You're very charming when you want to be.
Mother called.
She's planning another trip to Boston, see how the city's been cleaned up.
I told her we executed all the orphans.
You said what? You lied to her? What else was I suppose to say? That we didn't carry out a decree issued months ago because you were out cleaning up after your wolf? We need a plan and we need to stake every one of those squalling, little bastards today.
Please don't tell me you're having 2nd thoughts.
No, no, no I need you.
Um, I'm looking for Henry.
What? invite to cross the threshold.
I, the human owner, will invite you, unless you wanna get crispy.
OK, you know what I am.
You're awful pale.
Henry don't have any other kind of friends, so yeah.
Aidan! I'll come out.
What, you trying to die today? He's my oldest friend.
Where have you been? I thought you abandoned us.
Suren's on the warpath.
Mother's coming back to Boston to check that all the orphans have been culled.
Suren and I have to hunt down every last one of you.
Suren knows about me, that I'm back? Of course not.
Are you kidding? You'd be dust already.
You said you'd make this right for me.
I am.
Put the word out, get all the orphans you can to meet here tonight.
Everyone who makes it here will live, the others it'll be a massacre.
I think I found a way to save you.
All of us? Yes.
OK, I'll get them here.
What's the plan? Hey.
- You're 2 hours early.
- Yeah, I know.
Thought you were at the hospital.
I was.
I was, but it turns out that the place where I met, wooed and was first intimate with Nora is just a huge reminder of her and how I screwed up.
So there might as well just be a mural of her face painted along the hallways.
Are we under surveillance? Um Hi, there.
Oh my god! Unbelievable! You're trying to parent trap us? Are you kidding me? All I had planned was a pleasant day of getting crap-faced twice.
Yes, once with Julia and once with you.
Thank you for making sure that Emily didn't have to day-drink alone.
I can take it from here.
I'll take the next shift.
Actually, you're the one interrupting.
I was having drinks with my friend.
Who's my sister! OK, no more pissing contests.
You're murdering my buzz.
Excuse me! Can I get a shot of tequila, please? For me and my friend.
Two shots just for this guy.
OK, wait.
The last time I saw you do shots, you broke out in hives.
Let's hive it up.
Bring it.
Yeah, she's really hot.
Yeah, you gotta meet her.
Wait up.
Tell me you at least go in there once in a while and make omelettes dance through the air.
How are ya? Stressed about Dylan.
What you did was save me.
Forget that sometimes.
So, uh, this is awkward.
Um, this sort of ghost, same genus or subgenus, I don't know, has been stalking me.
He's trying to kill me, actually.
Holy hell! I need to know how to shred him.
And I can't believe I'm asking you a how-to on ghost murder.
You just plunge your hands in and rip him apart.
Well, it can't be that easy.
First, you're ripping a soul in half.
Second this ghost is special.
He's killed before.
That's what he does.
Look, Sally, you can't just go up to someone and do this.
You know, I thought Dylan was gonna shred me.
You know, I thought I was gonna die and if I didn't do something You know, like, my instinct kicked in, if there even is a ghost instinct.
Kind of like when I cut Danny.
I wanted to hurt him, and I did.
Look, even if this guys is the Charles Manson of ghosts, you're taking someone's life in your hands, their energy, and you're snuffing it out forever.
If I can even do it.
OK, maybe it's better you can't! Shredding makes you dark, Sally.
The only friends I had are afraid of me.
Boner doesn't wanna hang out anymore, you You only come around when you need a kill tutorial.
It's him or me, Stevie.
Just make sure you're ready to ring that bell, because you can't un-ring it.
So, you and Nora busted up.
You told her th-- Of course you told her.
Oh, it wasn't a secret, which I wouldn't have been able to keep anyway.
And since when are you two drinking buddies? Since we downed a few dozen bottles of Cuervo after you dumped our asses 3 years ago.
Crap! This just got serious, but it's good.
You guys gotta work it out, like poison.
Mmm-mmm-mmm! Where are you going? When the shrapnel starts flying, I don't wanna be collateral damage.
Sally? You have an answer for me? The day's running out.
I haven't even touched my quota.
I'll kill you! You first! So, go ahead, twist the knife.
Just waiting for me to ruin things with Nora.
You predicted it.
I've learned in the last couple of years not to ask people why they broke up.
They're already hurting, so why not leave them with a little fig leaf of dignity.
Thank you.
Besides, you already look miserable.
And I never imagined you would be mopping up human waste for a living.
There it is! Even in my most spectacular revenge scenarios! The professional jabs.
I was waiting for this.
Some pretty low-hanging fruit.
Very low.
You know what else is? Sleeping with my roommate.
I did not know he was your roommate.
- Very low.
- We gotta boogie! I just licked some girl.
- What? - Licked? With your tongue? It's a flirty move I bust out.
Normally, it's cute.
Her boyfriend didn't think so.
Licking strangers.
This is-- This is a new one for me.
- That's new, licking people.
- Hang on! - That's disgusting.
- Slow down, drunk girl.
Well, that was real.
You seriously thought that amateur hack job would work on me? You thought you could make me go away? You thought you were equal to me? Please! Please, I know you want to spare me.
You said it.
You said it yourself that I'm special, that I'm not like those other crazy ghosts that you reap.
Please! Just answer me one question, Sally.
How was it? What? How did it feel shredding me? Like a rush! Thrilling, like a rollercoaster ripping you apart.
That's what it feels like to reap, like cutting out some putrefying wound from the world, saving other ghosts.
So, what? It's a good thing what I felt? It's a good thing that I tried to kill you and I liked it? Being the Reaper is not like being a murderer, Sally.
A reaper is a force of nature, a hurricane, a forest fire.
Just think how crowded and stinking the Earth would be if nobody died.
Afterlife's the same way.
But it's gotta take its toll.
Everyday, I knew exactly what to do, why I was doing it and I knew that it was necessary.
I kept the balance and I have never felt so powerful or fulfilled, even when I was alive.
Have you? I--I didn't even get a chance to try.
Who feels powerful and fulfilled at 23? Well, here's your chance.
I can take you or you can take over.
This whole time I've been dead I've been desperate for a purpose.
I've tried possessing, haunting a boyfriend.
Maybe I can do this be a reaper.
Let's get your training wheels on.
OK, so you got them all here? Yeah, and do me a favour and tread lightly, OK? To most of them, you represent the big, bad Mother and Suren.
Listen, I know you're scared, and that you have been hunted and that you feel betrayed.
I can't change the way that you were brought into this world or make good on the promises that you've been given, but I can get you out.
I have a friend in Baltimore who is willing to take you in, and he will set you up with the professions that you were forced to leave behind.
There's blood dens so you won't starve.
And the best thing of all is there's no vampire authority in that city, so no politics.
Mother and Suren will not hunt you there.
Wait a minute.
Baltimore? We're all expected to just pull up and leave? Aiden's offering you your lives.
I've lived here for 30 years.
Boston's my home.
Listen, I know this is difficult.
But if you stay, Boston will be nothing more than a resting place for your ashes.
Hey! Somebody gonna tell me what's going on? Sorry we're late.
Guy was making a killing inviting vampires across the threshold.
What the hell is this? I don't know you.
No, I haven't had a chance to pay for your hospitality yet.
I've never been anything but a friend to you people.
Relax, Mr.
Open up the bag.
It'll feel like Christmas.
That's $200,000.
I wanna buy your house.
What are you doing? You putting up condos? Mr.
Doris, I need an answer in 3 minutes.
All those vampires in your house, we need to uninvite them.
Aw, come on! They're screwing us here! They're dumping us off like we're garbage.
I'm sorry.
What? Listen to me.
Aidan is trying to help us.
I'm the only reason you're still alive right now.
My lawyer's already drawn up the deed.
Aidan, I'll go.
What other choices do we have, right? Come on.
We stay here and we're all dead.
Now, Mr.
Doris, sign it.
The vans will come at midnight to take those who want to leave to Baltimore.
Talk it over.
They still have questions.
I don't have time.
They're on board or they're not.
That's not your name.
The house needs to be held by someone with a heartbeat.
I'll go to Baltimore with you for as long as it takes to set you up there.
OK? Where would we stay exactly? Who is this friend of yours? Will we all be together? It'll be taken care of in Baltimore.
Henry, let them decide.
Terry, all it needs is your signature.
And once we have that, they're uninvited.
You've gotta convince all of them! Don't give up on them! Nobody is more stupid and undeserving than me and you didn't give up on me.
Take it outside! Come on! What? What's wrong with you? We have to get out of here now! It's OK.
What's happening? Get out of the way! Go! Go, go, go! Come on! Joe! No, don't! You were invited.
You were invited! Let them go.
What did you do? You played me! It was the only way.
I told Suren you'd deliver the orphans and in exchange, she'd spare you.
All those people? What kind of monster are you? I'm the kind of monster who chose his own son over a bunch of vampires whose sentence was meted out a long time ago.
I didn't play you, Henry.
I saved you.
There was nothing we could do for them.
There was a noose around every one of their necks.
At least this way you get to live, and now you can go anywhere you want, do whatever you want.
No one's gonna be gunning for you.
I told you I'm not running anymore.
I wanna stay in Boston.
That's why I came back in the first place.
To help you lead it.
I'd have to bring you in front of Suren, I'd have to present you face to face.
And the last time that she saw you I don't know if you get it, Henry.
She was so much more than just screwing some girl.
Come on! OK, let's get the lovely drunken lady in here.
You have a guest room? - I can walk, you know.
- Keep her head up.
We tried that and you fell, remember? Here, prop up.
Trash can.
Ibuprofen's better.
It'll irritates the gastro lining.
Remember she had that ulcer? - What are you doing? - No, no! Are you trying to O.
on that? Can't O.
on aspirin.
Actually, you can.
She didn't take enough.
What? This is just exactly how Em's prom ended, with us talking her drunk butt into bed.
And I think I was the one who gave her the aspirin.
And I put the trash can by the bed.
Now it's your turn, Sally.
Is this a joke? You brought me here to reap Stevie? No way.
I'm not gonna ax-murder Stevie.
He's shredding ghosts.
That's something only a reaper can do.
He was defending himself.
He was defending me from a ghost who was possessing, who tried to rape me.
Stevie's-- He's the sweetest soul I know! Sally, you think that was the only time? You know how good it feels to shred.
You felt it firsthand.
Stevie can't stop.
No, he feels terrible.
He's totally tortured.
All his friends deserted him, and no! He shredded them, Sally! Dylan, Boner.
Stevie lied to you.
Now he's stalking the guy who tormented him in high school, just waiting for him to die.
You mean Van? Stevie told you the first killing, it made him dark.
How do you know what Stevie told me? You don't get it, do you? I know so much more than you think I know.
I can-- I can fix him.
I can fix Stevie.
I could turn him around.
There's so many sicker ghosts out there that we can reap.
That's not who you are anymore.
You still think you're that person you were when you were alive? Warm and bubbly Sally Malik who stays up late giving her friends hugs and advice? You slashed Danny.
You possessed a woman and scrambled her brains.
You tried to take over a premature baby to save yourself.
Yeah, but I didn't, and that's why you didn't reap me, because I'm not evil.
Of course you're not.
I picked you because you'd be good at this.
You know the dark.
You've experienced it.
You can judge it.
And after what happened to you, your murder, you couldn't have turned out any other way.
You're destined to be a reaper.
I ca-- I can't reap Stevie.
This is the job, Sally.
If you don't reap him, I will.
Holy! Is this a real Eames? You're the only guy I know that can get excited about a chair.
This is a very guy chair.
This is a serious score, Julia! I forget how intimate it is being in someone's house.
It's weird.
I never imagined I'd be here.
What's weird is that we used to be intimate and now we're not, so we're reduced to making small talk about chairs, when really what we're thinking is: "I used to sleep with this person.
"I was gonna marry this person.
" You want me to go? That would be the smart thing to do.
I know I have no right to say this, and it's gonna sound condescending and enraging and it may result in you hitting me again, but I've known you since you were 17, what a train wreck your family is, and what it took you just to get through college, and everything after us.
And I'm so proud of you.
You're amazing.
You accomplished everything you said you would.
Well, um, since we're being honest and dumb A while back you asked me why I came to Boston.
I came to find you.
Henry, we have to leave! I always imagined if I ever saw you again, I'd be plunging a stake in your heart.
To be honest, that's how I thought I'd die too.
So here's your chance.
If you can't accept me, then end it.
Henry delivered the orphans to us like I said he would.
You're a useful little turncoat, aren't you? But you're like a weathervane, spinning, spinning whichever way the prevailing wind blows.
I know you won't believe it, but I am changed.
You really want him at your side? Yes.
I'll never forgive you for this! If you wanna buy your way back into this court, Mother and I are going to need a token of your penance.
For the massacre in this hotel, I was put to ground for 80 years.
And you just turned tail and ran.
For your part in causing it and for organizing the orphans, Mother's gonna want her pound of flesh.
And for what you did to me, I'm gonna need a little more.
When Emily told me where you were working, I interviewed for the hell of it to see if I'd run into you.
I didn't.
And then when I took the job, I told myself it was because I wanted to be in Boston.
I couldn't admit to myself that what I really wanted was to see you hear from you why you left.
And I know I just make myself sound like some kind of crazy stalker, but I am beyond caring.
The night Stu died, when I was mauled, the attack changed me.
I cracked up after that.
I felt set apart from everyone, like I watching other normal people go on with their lives.
Survivor guilt is not what drove you away.
- Yes.
- Just tell me the truth! I am telling you the truth, Julia.
You're not.
Or what? You didn't have the guts to call off the wedding so you ran away.
No! That wasn't what it was! Then what was it? Was it something else? Someone else? Fine! You wanna know the real reason I left? Yes! A month after the attack, I found out that I was a monster.
If I had stayed, this is what would've happened: I would've lied to you to get you to stay with me, I would've infected you with my violence and my rage and I would've dragged you down with me! And then one day, I would've killed you or I would've hurt you so bad, that you ran away from me, from your friends, from your life, from everyone who loves you! I'm so-- I'm so sorry.
Are you OK? You know what, though? The most screwed-up part about being here with you is that I'm relieved.
This feels almost normal confiding in you like we used to.
I'm gonna-- I'm gonna go.
I know just the punishment, Henry.
My father's people, the Mongols, love their animals: horses, sheep, goats.
They knew how to skin almost anything.
And when it was necessary to torture their enemies they would flay his skin whole, in one piece, while he was alive, of course, like peeling a shrimp.
This kind of skinning was considered an art.
You've gotta be kidding me.
This is completely personal.
I didn't say I wouldn't enjoy it.
Of course, a vampire wouldn't die from this.
Your skin will grow back.
All right.
No more horror stories.
He asked the price, and there it is.
- You really wanna come back? - Of course I do.
Then it's your choice.
This will placate her and Mother.
Henry, I'm sorry.
I tried to tell you There's a price to pay for screwing around with the royal.
Suren, any fear that Mother has that you are sentimental or weak, this will show her that you're fit to rule.
But I love how simple it is.
The blade's so thin and razor-sharp, so it doesn't tear the skin.
You just remember one thing.
Henry is my blood.
And he had better be alive when I come back for him.
Don't, please! Please kill me! I tried to talk him out of it, but he wants to take you.
You just have to stop killing! We just have to convince him that you stopped.
I don't know! All I did was save you from Dylan! We know about Boner.
And Van? You're stalking him now? - You're following me? - No, I told you! That's what the Reaper does! He knows what we've done.
I haven't done anything! I mean, yes.
I played a few tricks on Van, but Boner, he's still here! Where? Where is he? I don't know! I told you he went away.
Stevie, I know what it feels like to kill.
I know how good it feels.
I don't know what you're talking about! I'm trying to save you.
You're unbalanced! - I'm unbalanced? - Yes! You passed up your door and you possess! I tried to stop you, all 3 of you.
Dylan, Boner.
You guys don't listen! I know Dylan was a mistake, but Boner and Van-- - Stop talking about Boner! Look, I'm happy he's gone! He can't judge me anymore! And Van! You know what a monster he is? I'm not sorry for haunting him.
Maybe if he dies, I will shred him! Oh, Stevie.
I don't think I can help you anymore.
I don't need your help! You're crazy! You're almost there.
You'll reap your first soul tomorrow.
How is it that you look so fresh? I find a good puke purges the pores.
Ah! Trouble is, you keep all your alcohol inside.
Got it.
Hey Thank you for the intervention.
Whatever happens with Nora, at least Julia and I won't have to hiss at each other in the hallway anymore.
Yeah, about that.
I may have passed out last night, but I was still perceptive enough to pick up on those sparks.
You didn't bang her, did you, Josh? No.
Well, that was your one and only chance at the drunken, angry, depressed, revenge screw.
You're right.
Now you two definitely can't sleep together.
It'd be too conscious.
I would never get involved with Julia again.
Uh-huh? Wow.
Yeah, you didn't even try to make that convincing.
No, it's not even her.
It's what I used to be.
Normal, successful, settled.
Well, what's normal? All that crap's overrated, Josh.
Actually, it's quite appropriately rated.
People think they want to be edgy and rebellious, but really all they want is a cozy house to come home to and someone who loves them.
What is this? Prairie Home Companion? Julia is safe from me.
Good, 'cause nobody deserves to be destroyed twice in one lifetime.
Uh Hmm! Thank you.
No, for real.
Honey, how will you know if you found me At long last? How can I meet you With my heart stuck in this cast? God bless us all We don't know a thing God rest our souls You're still here.
I pray that we can sing Still here.
Just kickin' it.
And the Reaper? Your wilderness He's not a problem anymore.
It comes tumbling through my veins Light a candle 'cause I'm sure to lose my way Did you, uh I don't wanna talk about it.
But no.
Patience's thin It's harder to let you in What did you Hold on learn about yourself? Let go All I know is all about love I'm still learning.
Hold on Hold on Hold on It's always love It's such a shame about that flood Me too.

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