Blindspotting (2021) s02e08 Episode Script

Return to Ithaca

aka the smeeziest of
them all, The Turf Feinz.
I'm with my brother.
It's your boy Ice Cold
3000 of The Turf Feinz.
Let them know. Let them
know. Let them know.
- And you would not
believe - Uh-huh.
- What happened
- What happened?
- Last week
- Yeah.
- On Blindspotting.
- Ooh!
My pops, he's a chef at, uh
You know that spot Brewer's Feast?
I worked the line under
my pops as a teenager.
I'm talking about squad cars
all in front of my pops' restaurant.
And then I'm walking out in front
of white table diners in cuffs.

[JANELLE] Oh, look,
your brother made it.
Oh, absolutely not.
Get back in your car and fuck off now
before he sees you.
Fuck, it feels so good to be out
doing some normal-ass shit, girl.
- Ashley!
- It's not what you think.
Bitch, you cheated on my
brother while he is in prison.
Ashley, that's not true, is it?
And I'll tell Miles myself.
Just-just please at least
let me tell him myself.
You just did.
Yo, yo, yo! Miles Turner.
Luckiest day of your
life. Pack your shit up.
Why, y'all gonna transfer me?
Please don't transfer me, man.
M-my whole family's
here. We can't take this.
Hey, man, I'm just
following orders, man.
I don't give a shit.
But your arresting
officers of the Oakland PD,
they were caught planting
evidence in their cases.
So I'ma go ahead and
guess that your case
got thrown out with the others.
So come on, pack your
shit. You're leaving now.
Leaving? What you mean,
like, leaving leaving?
That's what the order is.
Time to walk.
- What's that for?
- [OFFICER] To pack your shit.
I don't give a fuck about
none of this shit. Let's go.

Uh, excuse me, sir.
Uh, uh, uh, uh, are you sure
y-you meant Miles Turner
and not Niles Turner?
Miles with an M, dummy.
- Let's go. Come on.
- Don't you laugh.
- [MILES] Oh, shit.
Don't you laugh. I was
You're married because of me.
I was practically best
man at your wedding.


[PERSON] Okay, let's
get it, health hustlers.
Welcome back to everybody's
favorite,Trap Abs.
Fucking hell.
Happy New Year's Eve, girl. Hmm.
I forfeited my morning
workout for a week
because I felt sorry for you.
But that's all I can do, girl.
I'm trying to keep it tight.
And you gotta get your
crying ass off my couch.
Mama, you want this basket
of blankets and shit?
I'll look through it.
Just leave whatever you don't want.
Okay. Yeah, you know, I
don't even really feel like
I need to pack that much stuff anyway
because Mustafa said the
house is just how I left it.
He's so sweet.[LAUGHS]
But, Mama, please tell
me you gon' leave my room
the way that it is this time.
Hell no.
The second you move out of there,
I'm renting that motherfucker out.
Maybe to Ashley to get
her out of my living room.
You and Miles still ain't
said nothing to each other?
No one in the Turner
clan wants to talk to me.
You can't go into the
new year like this.
Work it out.
So get up.

[RAINEY] You sleep?

- Uh
- Yes, you do it.
You do it.
Are you gonna take one over to Mom?
No, I'm not.
- Here we go.
- [RAINEY] Here we go.
Tower of waffles from your dad.
Scooch over.
Trish is gonna have
her girls over tonight
for a little New Year's
celebration, nothing big.
I think we don't need any more drama.
I think everybody next
door might come too.
- Not her.
- Right.
Hey, kid.
You want to, uh, go hang
out with your mom tonight,
or do you want to stay up late with me,
Grandma, and Tía Trish
and celebrate New Year's?
Uh, that one.
That one, exactly.
All right, Mom, I gotta go.
Kid, love you.
Love you, Dad.
I'm glad you're home.

[MARVIN OVER PHONE] Hey, son, um,
look, I know you're
avoiding the restaurant,
but, um,
I just had two guys call out sick.
You can't see me doing
the air-quote thing,
but "sick" from New
Year's Eve shift tonight.
Now, I've only got folks until 11,
and if you could come
work the kitchen with me,
it would be a big help.
Call me back.
[JUNE] Okay, I just heard it.
And I am supportive
of however you choose to respond to it.
He said "with."
"With." He said
work with him,
not for him.
Why would he say that? Like
is he trying to bait me,
or, like, is it, like, a
[JUNE] I don't I
don't know. I don't know.
You should find out.
Give it a fucking rest.
What am I supposed to
do, cross the picket line?
You can do that.
Neither one of them is your kid.
Why are you participating in their shit?
Just stay out of it.
Someone has to be in his corner.
One minute, he's doing a five-year bid.
Next minute, he's getting
walked out of prison.
He's not thinking straight.
He didn't get one instant to be happy.
He doesn't know what to do about her.
Can't you see that?
Where's she going?
To see her mom.
Apparently the only one she's got.
[MARC] Of course, you're
not required to speak, but
I'd like to encourage you one more time.
Just the practice of
sharing your feelings
is an important step in
dealing with the trauma
you experienced in prison.
I hear all that.
I'm just gonna, uh
I'm just gonna listen today.
Well, um
- [EARL] Hey, sorry I'm late.
Uh, one of my delivery guys
ate a order again, and I
I had to remake it.
Anyway, I'm sorry I was
I was late.
[MARC] No problem, Earl.
today's topic is our
relationship with our families.
Let's, uh let's try pairing
up and doing a little exercise.
We will face each other
and, when comfortable,
each share how incarceration
has affected our
relationships with our family,
home life.
why don't you pair with
our newest member, Miles?



I always loved her spot.
Hey, Genevieve.
Did you know the
"Jirardelli" family crypt
is right over there?
It's huge.
All that chocolate money.
Rainey, just please
let me have this space.
Don't say anything
weird and ruin it for me.
[SCOFFS] Okay.
- Bye.
- [SCOFFS] Bye.
You know, Miles' dad
cheated on me for years.
So excuse me if I'm
not hyper-sympathetic
to you getting drunk and
fucking off your marriage
while my son is in prison.
And don't think I
can't hear you thinking,
"It was just a kiss; it's
not like I fucked anybody."
'Cause, you know, maybe that's true.
I don't actually know or care.
- I care about my son.
- [LAUGHS] Yeah, I know, that's it.
What's that, that's it?
"Oh, hey, Ashley, I'm
sort of your mom too."
Yeah, my mom would've loved that.
I think she would agree it's
not your proudest moment.
Oh, God.
I made a mistake.
And I feel terrible.
Well, good.
Can you just go now?
- No!
- Why not?
Because you are like my kid!
I-I'm here,
trying to make it right
with you, you little shit.
Just fight with me like you're family.
Fuck you.
- Fuck you!
- Fuck you!
- Fuck you!
- Fuck you!
- Fuck you!
- Fuck you.
You fucked up,
and now this silence is
digging a deeper hole.
He's not talking to me, Rainey.
Oh, he's mad and not
talking? What a shock.
You talk to him.
I don't know what's
going on in his head.
And I want to disappear
because I don't want
him to hate me even more
because I did this to him, all of it.
I did this all to him,
and I twisted the knife.
And you're pronouncing it wrong.
It's "Ghirardelli," not "Jirardelli."
- I don't think that's right.
- It's "Ghirardelli."
- "Ghirardelli?"
- "Ghirardelli."
[RAINEY] What happened really?
Rainey, I had a drunk moment
- No, no, no, not that.
- [ASHLEY] and I
The night Miles got arrested.
He won't tell me either.
What a fucking pair you two make.
I just wish he would
say something to me.
He's not coming over to
Nancy's to fix this for you.
You have to stare him
down, say your piece,
and see what happens.

I really don't think it's "Ghirardelli."
[SNIFFLES] Yeah, it
is. It's "Ghirardelli."



Fuck it.
You go, I go?
Uh, nah, I go, you go.
Same time, since we did
time at the same time.

It ain't all bad, but
if it bleeds, it leads.
And I can't tell the difference
between a cell block and a triage wing.
I got a finite amount of
fortitude in this fortress,
battling the evil
gorgeous of a panopticon,
seen but invisible like
the 13th Amendment tentacle.
Each night might could be
you verse' you in the Octagon.
I'm in crime school trying to be truant.
How the fuck you think we teach
criminals how to be criminal
here in the fallen god Parthenon?
I'ma be the paragon prisoner,
dodge all the sinister.
Ms. Understood been
my number one visitor.
And I ain't seen God since
Mom brought the minister.
[MILES] All right, here I go.
I am bench-pressing hard time.
Round-robin family
visit full of fiction.
Smile, don't let them
see your spirit flinching.
Giving the performance of a lifetime.
Everyone that's coming in
is leaving looking a bit more
like they are living in the same prison
that we doing a bid in.
Here I am pretending I ain't
tearing down the middle.
I'm a cocked pistol.
I'm a pot boiling over hot, hot.
They in here with us,
locked in the cell block.
I'm extra baggage for
my wife. I'm a bellhop.
Money on my books used
to be for the nail shop.
Now every penny pinched.
[BOTH] Now I'm a dog in
a cage they can watch age,
they can watch change,
watch become strange,
watch become something
prison sickness made,
a Frankenstein of the carceral state.
- Whoo.
- Each minute feels like ten.
- [INMATES] Ten.
- Every week is a month.
- [INMATES] Month.
- A thousand years in a second.
- [INMATES] Second.
- A life goes out in a snuff.
[ALL] I'm on your head.
I'm on your cell block.
I'm on your cell block.
I'm on your head, on your cell block.
We on your cell block.
[EARL] Hey, y'all got a
camera? Film this shit.
You know the kind of shit you
hear talking through a toilet?
I once made liquor out of oranges,
moonshine shedding light on our torment.
Wake up like reanimated corpses.
Keep a tally for all the times
I considered slitting my wrists
and letting the rivers run red
as a Mississippi caucus. [YELLS]
Don't know if my soul'll make it out.
Who I used to be is fading now.
This is an oven for
making monsters out of men,
and I can feel us baking now.
This is chain-ganging,
slave-trading, license plate making.
We numbers. 240161 on my jumper.
Separated into colors.
[BOTH] Highly orchestrated
to hate each other.
Looking back, what
happened isn't a wonder.
- No wonder we
- Hey, now, hold tight.
- I'm friends with his wife.
- [MILES] What's up?
He said he knows your wife, nigga.
Hey, fuck you!
- Each minute feels like ten.
- [INMATES] Ten.
- Every week is a month.
- [INMATES] Month.
- A thousand years in a second.
- [INMATES] Second.
A life goes out in a snuff.
[LAUGHS] See, we made to be opposition
like Abrahamic religion.
They unholy cannibalism.
The secret cabal ain't secret at all.
The threat of a law reinforced
by the force of these walls.
You can't be in hell and not embrace it.
Let me guess, they
think your chest vacant?
Yup, hate it. It's
almost like these bars
become some form of
infinite separations.
[MILES] Nah, nah, nah,
now, hold the fuck on.
This shit break a family.
I feel mine dissolving.
Who can love a man with
one foot in the coffin?
How can I compete when
freedom is an option?
I'd do anything to be
back where we started.
[BOTH] I'd do anything to
be back where I started.
[MILES] Right before I got
dragged out of my apartment.
[EARL] Right before they
dragged me out the restaurant
and closed the door on
futures that I said I wanted.
[BOTH] Now my life is haunted.
[EARL] Each minute feels like ten.
Every week is a month.
A thousand years in a second.
A life goes out in a snuff.
minute feels like ten.
Every weakness a crime.
[EARL] A thousand years in a second.
[MILES AND EARL] Wish I could
just leave it all behind.
Um, so before Cuddie gets here,
I want to talk about that whole
"I love you" thing.
- Okay, yeah, dude.
I been thinking about it, and
when I heard it out loud
in front of everyone, I
I just I don't I guess
I don't know how I feel.
But I feel like
I'm losing you because
Bitch, you are not in love with me.
- Girl, I might be.
- No, you are not, okay?
We have hooked up before,
and this has never come up,
not ever.
You're just possessive
as fuck sometimes.
- No, mm-mm.
- Trish,
you are my platonic life mate forever,
my best friend.
I'm not going anywhere, so chill.
No, because I am number one.
This is above everything else.
Girl, I know.
I know that this is number one.
I know that you are number one.
Yes, yes.
But he's letter A.
Ugh. Ew, not a metaphor.
I am really happy,
and I'm trying to make this
math-letter coexistence work.
- But, girl,
you gotta work with me.
Ugh, look.
I want you happy.
I just I miss you, girl.
I love the version of
myself when you're around.
And when you aren't around,
I feel lost.
I know I am sprung
and that I'm being a bad friend.
I can do better.
God, he makes me so happy.
Oh, yeah.
Hey, hey, what it do?
Oh, wow, am I interrupting something?
- [JACQUE] Ugh.
- Ah, come on in, brother.
All right. [GRUNTS]
Hey, but check me out.
You know I had to bring
the Big Accountskis.
Yeah, Sophie, up top.
Yeah. Gordon, down low, my man.
Gutter Ball Susan. You bowled a 94.
But look who we got.
- Yeah!
- [JACQUE] Aw.
What up, cuz?
You bowl now?
Whatever the pare Cuddie on, I'm there.
- Yeah!
- [JACQUE] Hell yeah.
Uh-uh, I gotta keep
this bromance in check.
Here we are.
- Hey.
- Good to see you.
- My pops is in the back?
- Mm-hmm.



Do you, um
Do you remember where
we keep the aprons?
I brought my own.
Can we not let these
die on the pass, please?
- Thank you.
- [ALL] Yes, Chef.
All right, I'll, uh, take over
expo for these next two up.
Looks like we got a cordon bleu
and a filet mignon well-done
because somebody at that table
is a goddamn simpleton.
And then could I get some,
uh, parsley off the lowboy?
You heard the chef.
Get to it!
[ALL] Yes, Chef.
my work station, Dad.




Hey, y'all, my brother's out!
- He here!
Wait, let me get a drink for you.
- Okay, I got some drink for you.
- No, I'm good.
I got some drink for you.
Ashley's up there.

Hold on, hold on, hold on. Shit, y'all.
Man, w-wait, it's time,
it's time, it's time.
Everybody, the ball's about to drop.
[PEOPLE] Ten, nine, eight,
seven, six, five
[MAN OVER TV] 2018, happy New Year.
Coming in, we have
Tiffany down on the ground.
Who do you have with you?
right, I have Richard.
Anybody you want to say
something special to?
[RICHARD OVER TV] I wanna say
hi to my peeps back at home
What's up, baby bro?
[MILES] I can't have
this in here, bro, no.
- [MONTY] Listen
- No.
I just need y'all to
take this for one night.
They just raided my house.
It's hot out there, man.
I can't be rolling around
with this on me, man.
Come on. It's just a bag of pills, okay?
Hold on. Hold on.
I promised my mom
that we would keep him out of prison.
He don't have not one
other friend's house
he can take this to,
not one other friend
- this can go to?
- Miles.
He's my brother.
I'm just worried about him.
Okay, Sean, get your coat.
We're going to Nancy's.
Happy New Year. All right, baby.
I love you.
- Love you too.
- Thank you.
I'll be back in 20 minutes.

[OFFICER] Police! We've
got a search warrant!
- Open up!
- Put it down!
- Fuck!
Back up! Come on! Back!
- All right, all right.
- Let's go.
- All right, all right.
- [ASHLEY] What happened?
[MILES] Exactly, what happened?
You don't know 'cause I
kept this from you, baby.
- I'm so sorry.
- Found him flushing these.
- Hey, back up.
- Fuck.
- And you're so pissed.
- [ASHLEY] I am so pissed at you.
- You are so pissed.
- How could you do that?
Get off of me.

- Five years?

[MILES] You don't owe me anything, baby.
[ASHLEY] That's exactly what you'd say.


Miles, chill.
[MILES] Don't tell me to fucking chill.
We don't have tomorrow.
You go to work, and I stay here.
We don't have tomorrow, okay?
This is almost over!
[SEAN] Dad! Dad!
[MILES] I'll see you soon, all right?
I'ma see you soon, man!
- [SEAN] Dad!
- [MILES] I'ma see you soon!

[ASHLEY] I just miss him so much.
Every day, I wake up, and I think,
"I'm so sorry."

Happy New Year.

[PEOPLE] seven, six, five,
four, three, two, one!
Happy New Year!
Come back to me now.

[P-LO] Ay, ay, ay ♪
Everything that glitter ain't gold ♪
Know the difference ♪
Lotta hos like it's Christmas ♪
Say that money
talkin' you whisperin' ♪
Ay, she look
better with a filter ♪
On me but I still curve
shinin' make 'em feel worse ♪
On one like the pill work ♪
Happy New Year, Grandma!
Happy New Year!
Hey, I think you should run upstairs
and check on your mom and dad.
They would love a big New Year's hug.
Oh, such a big, strong hug.
Oh, okay, go, go, go.
Love ya. Bye.
Love ya. Bye.
[SEAN] Happy New Year!
[MILES] Happy New Year.
[SEAN] Whoa.
[SINGER 1] Let's jam!

Oh, yeah ♪


[SINGER 2] Baby ♪
- [SINGER 1] Give it up ♪
- [SINGER 2] Well ♪
[SINGER 1] Give it up, baby ♪
[SINGER 1] Give it up ♪
[SINGER 2] Well ♪
[SINGER 1] Now, I don't know ♪
What Mama wants ♪
[SINGER 2] Ooh ♪
[SINGER 1] I got her ♪
I could give her her wants ♪
[SINGER 2] I don't want that ♪
[SINGER 1] Give me
give me your thing ♪

Give me give me your thing ♪
Ow ♪

[SINGER 2] Boom-boom
boom, b-boom-boom ♪
Boom, b-boom-boom
boom, well ♪
[SINGER 1] Baby, give me some leg ♪
[SINGER 2] Boom-boom
Boom, b-boom-boom ♪
Boom, b-boom-boom
Boom, well ♪
[SINGER 1] I don't want much ♪

Baby ♪

[SINGER 2] Please, girl ♪

Just give me a little bit ♪

[SINGER 1] Baby ♪
[SINGER 2] Give it up ♪

- Oh ♪
- [SINGER 1] Give it, give it ♪
Give it, give it Give it up ♪

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