Boardwalk Empire s02e08 Episode Script

Two Boats and a Lifeguard

Some fight, huh? Which fight? Dempsey-Carpentier.
That fight hasn't happened yet.
Daddy eats first.
Are you okay? Yeah, sorry.
I've been having trouble sleeping.
That's not surprising.
The stigmata.
Make sure to keep this protected.
Not many people shaking it these days.
It's slow all over, I suppose.
It seems you're busy though.
- How's the Commodore doing? - Nucky.
Nucky, my ass.
When were you planning to tell me about the stroke? There's a doctor-patient privilege.
Really? Well, you know what's another privilege? The ability to sell medicinal alcohol.
That license I got you, the one that puts an extra grand in your pocket every month, that's a privilege, too, Carl.
One that I could very easily take away.
Nucky, I'm sorry.
Yeah, well, next time I was wondering, Doctor, when you're done, if you'd mind checking on Emily.
What's wrong? She's warm, no appetite.
Of course.
Don't forget who your friends are, Carl.
I'll see you next week.
Trying my patience.
That's enough now.
Come on, come.
Dad, there's some man here to see you.
- What does he want? - Sheriff Thompson? - Yes? - Who the hell are you? My name is Dick Halsey, I'm a clerk with Esther Randolph's office.
- Who? - The Assistant US Attorney.
- Right, sure.
- What's the matter? It's okay, Pop.
What can I do for you? Left several messages with your office.
Tourist season.
We got crowds of people with conventions.
Sheriff Thompson, this is a subpoena calling for your testimony pursuant to an ongoing investigation.
- It's a subpoena.
- What kind of horseshit is this? Dad? - You come to my goddamn house? - You son of a bitch.
I could have arrested you, sir.
Subpoena is a professional courtesy.
- Get the hell out of here.
- What do you want with my son? Hey! Grandpa! Oh, dear, God.
Eli? Dad? Dad.
Angela, pick up the phone.
Are you here? Goddamn it.
- Hello.
- Princeton, it's me.
Finally, Jesus.
Why you been ducking me? I don't owe you money, and I'm sure as shit ain't scared of you, so why the hell would I be ducking you? Four messages until you ring me back, what do you call that? Busy.
So, what do you want? An explanation.
Your friend from Chicago's in the fucking morgue! - God rest his soul.
- That's all you've got to say? I ain't much on eulogies, pal.
Knock off the jokes, Al.
He was supposed to do a job.
Which is something you should have did months ago, like I told you.
That's not the point.
You vouched for this fellow, and now Nucky's still alive? You gonna point your fingers now? That shows a real lack of character, buddy.
- What the fuck am I - Jimmy! Who's that? Princeton? How long have you been standing there? Long enough.
We're going to the beach.
Ange! - AI.
- What's going on? Look, I got to go.
Who was that? Darmody, Atlantic City.
- What did he want? - Nothing.
I don't know.
It's pandemonium over there.
I got a meeting with Remus, there's a shipment coming in.
Romulus couldn't make it.
Is that his partner? Let me give you some advice, I don't know what's going on with you and Darmody - John, you got it wrong.
and I don't really give a shit.
But whatever it is you're doing, I'll tell you one thing.
Keep me out of it and don't be fuckin' stupid.
George, how are you? Ninety-nine-point-eight.
Call me if it spikes, but I highly doubt that it will.
Something she ate perhaps? She ran herself ragged at the lake on Sunday.
There's a bug going around, nothing to worry about.
Get the car.
Is he taking his meals here now? It was just coffee, ma'am.
Take the children to Lilian, please.
Come on, now.
Off with you both.
Damn it.
Where are you going? I'm meeting with my attorney.
Can't he come here? It's with the federal prosecutor.
I don't like you going out.
Owen won't leave my side.
If you're worried, I'll call Eddie instead and Owen can stay here.
That won't be necessary.
Can I make you some breakfast? No, thanks, I'll eat something at the office.
Hello? Yes.
I'm very sorry.
That was June, your brother's wife.
Your father has died.
I'll eat something at the office.
Come in.
Ingrid, is it? Sigrid.
I'll take that.
- Oh, this must be - Your room is the first one off the hall, where you will also sleep with the child.
I'm sure it's quite serviceable.
Kitchen, the water closet is in back.
A Victrola for music.
A VV-80, the latest model.
Very nice.
I love to sing songs.
Do you have any questions? What is to be the salary? Room and board, meals provided, with an additional $18 per month.
Ja, that is suitable.
You do understand it is seven days a week? I must require some time to myself.
Sundays, once a month.
But all of the child's meals will be prepared in advance.
Ja, I'm excellent cook.
I prepare for you some fish stew? - That won't be necessary.
- Very well.
You'll find everything you need in the cupboard.
Her name is, what? - The baby.
- Abigail.
Do you not wish to kiss her goodbye? Sweet little Abigail, how your papa loves you.
Good work, boy, good work.
We maintain those odds, and he's a late entry? It's unorthodox, yes, but there's nothing illegal about it.
Said the spider to the fly.
You've been known to spin webs yourself, my friend.
- Charlie, Meyer, say hello to Max Hirsch.
- Hey, guys.
- Nice to make your acquaintance.
- A pleasure.
Max trains Sidereal.
He's running at Aqueduct on the 4th of July.
Not yet, he ain't.
We'll continue to talk, can we agree on that? You'll talk, I'll listen.
How are you boys making out? Not so great, but it's nice to get out in the sun.
There are cheaper ways to get a tan than picking losers.
Yeah, you're telling me? My last horse is still running.
And what's the word from Philadelphia? Business as usual, near as I can tell.
There's a shipment on Thursday from Bill McCoy.
Nucky Thompson's still alive, so, until we hear otherwise Any idea what happened there? With Thompson? Who knows? - Word is he's got a beef with his brother.
- Really? I would have thought James Darmody, myself.
No, Darmody ain't got it in him.
Pillow talk, Charlie? With the mother? I'm through with that.
What's the matter? Manure.
But what can you expect when you conduct your business in a stable? Tax evasion, bid-rigging, embezzlement of county funds, graft, gambling, prostitution, various and sundry Volstead Act violations.
What, no fare-beating? We can amend the complaint further.
You're like an onion, Mr.
The more layers we peel I prefer to think of myself as an artichoke.
And for the record, those charges are baseless.
There is no record, this is an informal conversation.
Well, if you're nudging this chat in the direction of a plea deal You can save your breath.
I'm innocent, Counselor, completely and unequivocally.
Shall we discuss your shooting? I can think of more pleasant topics.
You're not curious who'd want you dead? I'm curious who shot me, listing who'd want me dead would take too long.
Do you know a John Torrio of Chicago? - No.
- Yes, you do.
Then why did you ask? The shooter's name was Vito Scalercio.
He lived in a building leased by Torrio's associate.
- An Alphonse Capone.
- Those closest to you, your so-called friends, apparently they're trying to kill you, Mr.
- So, go after them.
- I intend to.
The sheriff, your various aldermen.
Some of whom we've already subpoenaed for questioning.
- I'm entitled to see those transcripts.
- Of course you are.
Some fascinating reading.
Schroeder, your Companion.
Yes, how did you two come to meet? There you go again, asking questions you already know the answers to.
I might not know as much as you think.
You want me to do your job for you? I do have ways of showing gratitude.
Speaking of which, it was Mr.
Lathrop here who saved your life.
I believe a thank you would have been in order.
Would you stop moving around? Steady.
Hold on, hold on.
- Pull it down, sister.
- Beg pardon? - Your skirt's too short.
- Too short for what? It's the law, lady.
The bottom of the skirt shall be no higher than seven inches above the knee.
- They actually measure.
- What kind of town is this? I'll write you a summons and you can find out.
Swell, make it out to Molly Fletcher.
- I take it you're not from around here? - San Francisco, new in town.
Not much of a welcome, is it? - Ten dollars.
- What? I don't have that kind of money.
Fine, then you can spend the night in jail.
Come on, you have got to be kidding me.
Nice, you're attracting the beach lizards, now.
Oh, let them gawk.
They're called knees, fellas.
What's the trouble? She refuses to cover up and she won't pay the fine.
- You really want to go to jail? - Sure, I'm a public menace.
Officer, I'm sorry.
My cousin is a joker.
If you let me pay the fine, I'll be sure to keep her out of trouble.
You'd do that, cuz? That all right with you? Suit yourself.
And cover her up.
Sit, dear.
Well, what'd you do that for? - Angela.
- Louise.
Not Molly? Molly Fletcher's a character in the novel I'm writing.
- Apple cheeks belong to you? - My son.
- Tommy, say hello to Louise.
- Hi.
Hiya, there.
- So, you're a novelist? - I am.
And what do you do when you're not squeezing out cherubs? I'm still trying to decide.
So now, it's my fault? Success has many fathers, dear.
Failure is an orphan.
There's the boychik.
- Your lovely wife? - His mother, actually, but thank you.
Well, such a maiden.
James was right, you're quite the charmer.
Oh, he's a good boy.
Well, I'll leave you two gentlemen to your business.
To the lost.
So? Nucky Thompson.
Such news, I should read in the paper? That's where I read it.
Must we pretend with each other like children? Why not? You don't miss a chance to refer to me as a boy.
Because a man honors his commitments.
I paid you $5,000 for alcohol that I never received.
I don't have it yet.
With a house such as this? My father's, not mine.
A man once, he comes to my shop with a deer, wants me to cut off the head for $7.
So I offer to butcher the animal, venison steak, sausage, rump roast.
Deers are kosher? I ask on account of Santa Claus, with the reindeers.
This man, this farshtunken piece of shit, he's not interested in the meat.
So I ask him how he come to kill this deer.
And he tells me that his friend does the shooting, so that he can have the trophy, a head, to hang on his wall.
For this alone you kill? To brag to your friends how you've slain this beautiful animal? I've eaten venison, if that's what you're wondering.
I can see that, boychik.
And that you hid behind papa when he pulled the trigger.
She's asleep.
I'm sorry about your father.
People die.
Is that all you'll say? What would you prefer? It's not that, it's just I pretend all day, Margaret.
Must I pretend with you, too? No.
So, what's to become of us? Your meeting with the prosecutor? She knows about you, about us.
My various other dealings.
Will you be going to jail then? I don't know.
Will I? Of course not.
Don't be silly.
You've done nothing wrong, Margaret.
I'll let nothing happen to you.
Those are two different things.
Is it worth it, all this? How long can you push your luck before you're killed? So I should bow down to these greedy bastards just because they want what I have? At the cost of your life, is it not greed to fight to keep it? You're alive.
We have each other.
Don't you ever feel as though God's giving us a sign? There's a joke.
A man's drowning, prays to God for help.
A lifeguard swims out, the drowning man says, "No, thanks.
God will save me.
" A few minutes later, a rowboat comes by.
"No, thanks.
God will save me.
" Then a steamship.
"No, thanks, God will save me.
" Finally the fellow drowns, goes to heaven, and says, "God, why didn't you save me?" God says, "For crying out loud, I sent you two boats and a lifeguard, "what the hell did you expect?" Not even a smile? I'd be more amused if I knew you weren't worried.
I'll get through this, Margaret.
You'll see.
We both will.
You're smoking now? Now? Meaning you didn't smoke before.
Why'd you marry me, Jimmy? Because I love you.
Is that what you tell yourself? It's what I just told you.
But it isn't true.
I could ask you the same question.
Because we have a child together? It's what society expected from me, because you kept pushing it.
That's romantic.
It's honest, Jimmy.
All I'm asking is the same of you.
I haven't lied to you, Angela.
You haven't told me anything.
You go out, I don't know where.
You come home all hours, sometimes days later, with blood on your clothes.
God knows where you've been, what you're doing.
Selling booze.
So what? Did you try to have Nucky Thompson killed? Yes.
I didn't want to, but I did.
Why would you do such a thing? The plan was for him to go to jail.
My father and Eli approached me last fall.
Nucky would go away and we would take over.
You used to love him.
He's not what he seems, Ange.
It's complicated.
It wasn't supposed to be like this.
I kept drawing lines for myself in the sand, got further and further involved, and then You didn't want him killed, yet you went along with it anyway? Yes.
What changed your mind? My mother.
Thank you for talking to me.
Thompson, your guests are inside.
I need a favor.
In three minutes or so, the Feds are going to show up here looking for me.
- I'm being tailed.
- Okay.
You tell them I was here, but then I left with Eddie.
Sure thing.
- We expecting an attack? - They're surplus, made for the war.
I've got 3,000 of them down in the cellar.
Who knew your Kaiser would chicken out so soon? Asshole.
- Nucky.
- Mr.
Thank you for coming.
I apologize for the accommodations.
Better we do this in private.
How can we help, Nuck? You can start by getting the piss-ants who work for you, in line.
Vito Scalercio? - Never heard of him.
- Well, he shot me, John.
And before the Feds shot him, he was living in a building leased by your boy.
- What? - AI Capone.
I knew something was up.
The little prick's been talking to your Jimmy Darmody.
- And he came to see me months ago.
- AI did? Mr.
Darmody, offering to sell me liquor.
- Now you're telling me this? - The day after you were arrested.
In any case, I turned him down.
And Luciano? Lansky? Can you vouch for them? That they're not in cahoots with Darmody? No, I can't.
But I can tell you one of Waxey Gordon's men was killed making your delivery last month.
A failed hijacking, I was told.
The pups have grown fangs, gentlemen.
What are you going to do? - What would you do, John? - Kill the prick.
I'm under indictment, the Feds are up my ass.
- Then take a plea, retire somewhere.
- With what? All my money's tied up with the land deal.
Do nothing.
I beg your pardon? You have no move, Mr.
Thompson, you do nothing.
- He's under attack, Arnold.
- All the more reason for patience.
I've made my living, Mr.
Thompson, in large part as a gambler.
Some days I make 20 bets, some days I make none.
There are weeks, sometimes months in fact, when I don't make a bet at all because there simply is no play.
So I wait, plan, marshal my resources.
And when I finally see an opportunity, and there is a bet to make, I bet it all.
Step right up, friends.
Meet Patricia Patrick, half-man, half-woman! Is it a he or is it a she? Don't get her sore or he'll bust you in the nose! And I would like a club sandwich, please.
A buddy of mine would eat tongue.
- I'll take the check, please.
- It's on the arm.
Beg your pardon? Policemen eat free.
We're Federal Agents and that's against regulations.
That's right.
Just being neighborly.
Malum in se.
- Sir? - It's Latin.
It means "evil in and of itself.
" - Like murder.
- Precisely.
Whereas malum prohibitum is a wrong dictated by statute.
- Us accepting a free lunch.
- Correct.
Or people selling whiskey.
You might say that.
I might.
And what might you say? - Can I speak freely? - I'd expect nothing less.
When I first joined the bureau, I was convinced what we were doing was right.
But after a while, seeing how it's harder and harder to enforce the law We should be going.
What is this place? Just a house, come on.
Excuse me.
I was just getting this.
Do you know these people? They're performers mostly.
I thought you just moved here.
I did.
My friend, Arthur, is around here somewhere.
One party last month, a fellow made a giant sand sculpture, Jesus on the cross with two heads.
Why two heads? Not everything has to make sense.
Did you dream about me last night? I dreamt about a purple snake.
I chopped it up with a hatchet.
The pieces turned into horses and I rode one away.
That was about my penis.
Isn't everything? Say hello to Angela.
- Arthur's a hoofer.
- Shall we dance, my dear? - Maybe later.
- No cutting in, bub.
It's okay, cookie, we're invisible here.
Two, three, four, "Stormy seas, go back three days.
" Oh, well.
It's your turn, sweetheart.
- Where's that? - England.
It's where you make the big trip across the ocean.
Did you go there, Mama? I did, dear.
That's where my boat left from, when I came over from Ireland.
I'm going to do that, too.
Sail a big ship like Sinbad straight over the waves.
Mind you don't get seasick, now.
I won't.
Your turn, Uncle Nucky.
Uncle Nucky? I'd like you to start calling me "Dad.
" Would you like that, Teddy? Yes.
And you, too, kiddo.
It's your move, Dad.
Yes, it is.
What are you doing here? I have as much right to be here as you do.
I'm surprised is all.
That it's not me in the box? I had nothing to do with that.
You had nothing to do with stopping it either.
They came for me, the Feds.
A subpoena, Monday, at the house.
Why didn't you wake him there? The kids don't need to see him like this.
Uncle Clary.
What? Mom's brother, Uncle Clarence.
He was waked at Aunt Ann's.
They made you kiss him.
- What? - You were terrified, couldn't go there for three Christmases without becoming hysterical.
I didn't think you'd be here this early.
Why I came.
I'm surprised you'd come at all.
I'm here for Mother.
And for Susan.
They're all together now.
Heaven? Even if it existed, do you actually think that son of a bitch would be there? Was he that bad, Nucky? I mean, really? You've obviously forgotten key events from our childhood.
I turned out okay.
So did you.
Whatever he did, he made us the men we are today, didn't he? And what's that? We run this fucking town, Nucky.
We don't run anything, brother.
And he can rot in hell.
That's you, boy, in spades.
No capacity for forgiveness.
Grow up, brother, please.
And take some responsibility at long fucking last.
Clifford Lathrop? Yes? From Enoch Thompson.
"You're a peach.
Thanks for saving my life.
" Mr.
Thank you for seeing me.
Of course.
Would you like a drink? Thank you, no.
I won't be staying.
These past few months have been difficult to say the least.
I'm sure, for all of us.
Threats were made, accusations were hurled.
We could continue on in this manner, but to do so would contradict the point I'm here to make.
That life is woefully short.
My father passed on Monday.
You gentlemen should know that.
I'm sorry to hear that.
My condolences.
My father's death, and my recent brush with the same, got me to thinking.
I don't need this and I no longer want it.
I have the love of a fine woman and the joy of raising her two wonderful children.
I have money enough to retire, at least I will, once I sell some property.
And when my legal troubles are behind me, I intend to do just that.
You built this town, now you can have it back.
Atlantic City and all that goes with it.
I've already spoken to Mayor Bader and I've instructed him to give you his full cooperation.
- You're stepping down as treasurer? - I am.
And you gentlemen have my word that I will not stand in your way.
Choose whomever you'd like as my successor.
Good luck to you.
And to you, too, James.
White has arrived.
You wanted to see me? Chalky, what are you drinking? It's all the same.
Where yours? One thing I'll say for the hand, it's cut my drinking down by half.
To the future.
That sound nice, but I ain't sure I got one.
You'll beat it, Chalky.
Just do as the lawyer says.
It ain't my legal case I'm talking about, it's my people.
They losing faith.
Precisely what I wanted to talk to you about.
Your people want justice, well, it's time to give it to them.
You telling me to go out and murder some clan boys? You're smarter than that.
You have power, Chalky, economic power.
In your house, you said your people were behind you.
Thousands of black folks that make the city run, something like that? - Yeah.
- Then do it, call a strike.
In the middle of tourist season? It would shut the city down.
It would cost a bloody fortune, and you hold all the cards.
You sure this is what you want? It doesn't matter to me.
In about 30 minutes, it won't be my problem.
It is time.
Pardon me, Chalky, I have a press conference.
"In a late-afternoon press conference "sure to have changed the face of Atlantic City's political landscape, "beleaguered County Treasurer, Enoch Thompson, "stepped down today, effective immediately.
" "Beleaguered," that's French for "completely fucked.
" "Citing Thompson's recent legal troubles, "Mayor Edward Bader named James Neary, alderman of the fourth ward, "as Thompson's interim successor.
" Congratulations, Mr.
- Well done, boy.
- Thank you.
Drinks are on Jim.
Well, we did it, pal.
It's ours.
You're a part of this, do you hear me? Everything you ever wished for is yours.
If wishes were horses, then beggars would ride.
We're going to get you a new suit, get that mask fixed up.
You'll meet a nice gal, and settle down maybe.
I need to talk to you.
There he is! Let me bow before the king.
While you're down there, why don't you kiss my ass? Munya, what brings you here? Me? Miss a celebration? I need a word.
All right, in a minute, okay? - Speech! Speech! - Speech! Speech! You want a speech? All right, I'll give you a speech.
It wasn't all that long ago that most of us sat in this very room and listened to empty promises - made by Nucky Thompson.
- That's right.
But as we learned, talk is cheap.
So is Nucky.
Let me finish, Mickey.
My father, the Commodore, had a vision, a kingdom on the ocean rising up from the sand Hear, hear! Well, I got a vision, too, to share that kingdom with its court.
It's a new day, and the war is over.
And to the victors go the spoils.
To Prince James.
Long may he reign.
There's a bulb out in the kitchen.
I'll have the girl do it in the morning.
I'm off to bed now.
Not too late, it's been a busy day.
I'll be up in a while.
Good night, ma'am.
I'm a lucky man, Owen.
You'll get no quarrel from me.
There's something we need to discuss.
Sir? The day of my shooting, where were you? As I told you, sir, I'm sorry.
I ran into a friend and lost track of the time.
Was this friend from Ireland by any chance? I'm not sure what you mean, sir.
You know exactly what I mean.
The cause, Owen.
You've never left it.
That's why you're really here, isn't it? Why you stayed in Atlantic City.
I want you to set up a meeting.
Me and John McGarrigle in Belfast.
- Yes, sir.
- We'll set sail immediately.
You tell him I have a proposition.
A week, maybe two, we'll be right back in business.
All's I need is the booze.
Right, I heard you the first time.
What the fuck's with you? I don't like waiting on line when I need to talk.
- So? - My brother.
What about him? He's smarter than you are and a lot more dangerous.
- Speak for yourself.
- I'm trying to help you, kid.
Don't underestimate him.
Fuck you, Eli.
You come here to piss all over my party? Yeah.
That's why I came.
- So, what's the plan? - What plan? For the liquor.
Al's got a connection.
Capone from Chicago? The fellow Remus from Cincinnati.
He gets pure government liquor, we can cut it right down.
What the fuck did you bring him for? Manny? He's all right.
He's a pain in my ass.
Well, you do owe him money.
Really? 'Cause he only reminds me about it every five fucking minutes.
That's right, you cocksucker, we're talking about you.
I said you're an asshole, you fucking Jew bastard.
I'd knock that off if I was you.
What? Jew stuff.
He ain't the type I'd play with.
Right, right.
'Cause you're his friend.
- What? - Come down.
- I can't hear you.
- Come down, join the party.
All right, all right.
Yeah, sure, we'll be right down.
Hey! My, oh, my.
She's warm again.

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