Cracked s02e08 Episode Script


Sign the back.
I take your rent, I give you the rest.
How much? What you're supposed to get.
Sign the cheque.
I want to see it.
Shut your face, alright? You don't wanna live here, get the hell out, 'cause I got a waiting list longer than all these people that you're holding up.
Sign it.
Sign it! Good.
Take your time.
Wait till dark.
Do not change.
Don't let him treat you like that.
The rest of you, you can get your money tomorrow.
- Hey, hey! I need my money.
- Excuse me.
Kill him.
Stab him in the heart.
He deserves to die.
There he is.
The Prophet.
He has money.
Listen to his thoughts.
Maybe you can learn his PIN number.
Mark! Can you help me? Have you got a minute? What is it, Mrs.
Fincher? My toilet won't flush.
Please? - Thank you so much.
- Hit her from behind.
- Bash her in the head.
- It's okay, you can do it.
- Burn down the house.
- Get him.
Get him before he gets you.
Start a fire in the basement.
It will go up like tinder.
I'm not listening! I'm not going to do that! Shut up! He deserves to die.
Kill him.
Get him.
Get him before he gets you! Stop it.
d I got out of bed today d Swear to God, couldn't see my face d d I got out of bed today d Staring at a ghost d Oh have you seen my ghost d Seen my ghost, seen my ghost d Oh have you seen my ghost d Staring at the ground d Na na na na na na na Originally Aired on November 25, 2013 Fruit salad.
My favourite.
What're you having? Steak.
Ah! I just got off.
I am starving.
You've been working nights a long time.
How long's that gonna last? Till we decide to serve warrants.
I think we're up to maybe - That's impressive.
- Imma get a gold star on this one.
- We can celebrate.
- Somewhere nice.
- On you? - Dessert table? No dessert table.
- I thought you liked the dessert table.
- I lied.
I was just trying to get you into bed.
Ah, you're using me.
Only for things you're good at.
What's up, Poppy? - You heading into the office? - Soon.
Don't bother.
We got a body.
Texting you the address now.
I gotta go.
- I'll see you later.
- Dinner.
What's the story? Victim's name is Herman Strunk, he worked as a property manager for the company that owns this whole block.
Shot twice in the chest.
I've got Poppy and Leo backtracking on his movements.
- Hey.
- Hey.
I hear we have a murder? Yes.
Broad daylight.
- I'm hoping to find some witnesses.
- Good luck with that.
- Why? - People in these tenements aren't receptive to blue shirts knocking on their door.
Outpatients, ex-cons, and addicts.
Got it.
So Psych Crimes will handle the initial investigation, and we can pass info on to Homicide as we generate it.
Very good.
There's one other thing.
There was a symbol drawn onto his chest.
Black marker, but we'll keep that as a holdback.
- What kind of symbol? - You tell me.
Crime scene's over there.
They're holding the body for you.
- You get what you need already? - Yeah.
We're ready to cart him out.
Lemme see.
- He was found like this? - Shot in the chest.
Fell on his back.
Killer didn't move him, just pulled up his shirt and drew this Any idea what that is? Some kind of a cross? - Alright, this doesn't get out.
- Yeah.
- We don't need a warrant for this? - Man's dead.
- Can't invade his privacy anymore.
- So let me guess, he's a bagman for this row of flophouses.
Who knows how many people you piss off in that line of work? - This is strange.
- What? I mean, the rents for these rooms, they're all over the place.
Some people are paying 500 a month, while others are paying 50.
No such thing as a room for 50 bucks a month.
Not in this city.
There's no such thing as a parking spot for 50 bucks a month in this city.
Probably taking kickbacks.
Anyone know what's special about today? Hell yes.
Welfare Wednesdays.
- What's that? - Well, folks around here, they call it Mardi Gras.
You know, places like these, the cheques, they come in directly to the landlord so they can deduct the rent.
Or in this case, the property manager.
Would've been his busiest day of the month.
So robbery is a possible motive.
He would've had cash on him.
- They find any? - No.
But it gets complicated.
Look at this.
Someone shoots him in the courtyard, then takes the time to draw this diagram? - Why? - Gang thing? - Hey, guys? - You see something? Yeah.
Who are these people? Good question.
Strunk is not a nice man.
My toilet was clogged for a week.
He didn't lift a finger.
I had to get Mark to help fix it for me.
- Did you see Mr.
Strunk this morning? - I tried to.
I was supposed to get my cheque.
But I was too far back in line.
I saw him leaving.
- What time was that? - Well, it must have been just before 9.
Because I watch the morning show at 9.
I never miss it.
Yeah? - Trevor Loney? - Yeah.
I'm Detective Black.
This is Dr.
Any idea why this was on the wall in Herman Strunk's office? That's his hit list.
People who have pissed him off.
- How did you get on the list? - Everyone gets on his list eventually.
I didn't have nothing to do with what happened to him.
- So you know he was murdered.
- Yeah.
Surprised it took so long.
Guy is a massive prick.
Guy's got people from all Or rhymes with that.
Anyways, You need to track - all doors.
All 3 buildings.
- Half of them don't answer.
Keep knocking.
Shut up.
Shut up, no, I'm giving it.
- GUN! - Drop the weapon! - Don't shoot! Hold your fire, dammit! Don't move.
- On the car.
On the car.
- What are you, crazy?! - He wasn't gonna shoot anyone.
- How the hell do you know?! He dropped the gun! He just saved your ass.
Mark Tisdale? I'm Detective Black.
This is Dr.
What kind of doctor? I'm a forensic psychiatrist.
I reject psychiatry.
- May I ask why? - Because you're gonna tell me I'm schizophrenic, and I'm not sick, - I'm just very sensitive.
- Okay.
Can you tell me what you mean by that? I'm not listening.
Shut up.
- Did you know Herman Strunk? - I'm sorry? He was your property manager? He was killed today? - Yeah.
I knew Mr.
- Did you kill him? No.
We've confirmed your gun is the murder weapon.
There's no point lying to us, Mark.
That was not my gun.
What was it doing in your hand? I was bringing it to you.
I found it.
I didn't shoot anyone, okay? - Where'd you find it? - In the laundry room.
In the garbage.
What made you look there? I can't tell you that.
Why not? Because she'll lock me up in a hospital.
Why would I do that? Here's the thing, Mark.
If you don't talk to me, I'm going to lock you up in jail.
He told me.
Who did? The devil.
An agent of the devil told me where to find the gun.
I'm not schizophrenic.
- I reject that entire concept.
- Okay.
You hear the devil? - Yeah, he talks to me.
- And what does the devil tell you? Bad things.
Did the devil tell you to kill Herman Strunk? I never hurt anyone, okay? I don't listen to them.
But the devil tells you to hurt people? Not just him.
But I don't listen to them.
I'm not like that.
I don't, I don't hurt people.
I just I just heard what happened, I The devil shot him and he drew his mark on him.
The devil drew the mark on Herman Strunk? Yeah.
Could you draw it for me? Well, no, I never saw it.
I just heard it.
Where'd you hear it? In here.
I'm not crazy.
It's amazing he's stayed out of the system this long.
He's not doing well.
Well, he sure as hell isn't psychic.
He did it.
He had to.
He clearly knows about it, but if he did it, he doesn't seem to know what he's done.
I'll have to assess him.
He can reject me all he wants.
He is suffering.
As long as you're not planning on letting him out.
We got Tisdale dead to rights.
The gun'll match, the caliber is right.
He knows about the mark on the body.
- Well, that doesn't make sense.
- Sure it does.
We have the victim's time of death down to a 20-minute window.
We have him on camera leaving the lobby of one building.
And the body's found outside 20 minutes later.
The entire time, Mark Tisdale was fixing some old lady's toilet.
Multiple witnesses.
He borrowed tools.
He's alibied.
You gotta have the time wrong.
No, I ran this down.
He's covered for a solid hour.
The lady made noodles, her boyfriend brought beer.
He couldn't have pulled the trigger, Aidan.
Well, I'm not buying the devil told him.
If he didn't do it, he knows who did.
You need to find out.
I'm not taking your drugs.
I want to do something different.
No medication involved.
Like what? This is called avatar therapy.
It's a new technique.
What's it supposed to do? Give you control over your voices.
What do you want me to do? Imagine one of your voices.
- Hm.
- What does he sound like? She's a woman.
And she only talks on this side.
And um, she pretends like she's helping me, - but really she just wants me to die.
- Tell me something she says.
"Why don't you stand up for yourself? Why don't you do something?" Why don't you stand up for yourself? Why don't you do something? Why don't you stand up for yourself? Why don't you do something? Does she sound more like the first voice or the second? - Second.
- How is it different? Not so deep.
And she just always sounds like she's upset.
Here, you give it a try.
Turn the dials slowly and then listen.
Why don't you stand up for yourself? Why don't you do something? That almost sounds like her.
Does she have a name? Let's give her one.
Humour me.
- Ruth.
- Ruth.
- Yeah.
- Thank you.
What if I what if I get her voice? What happens then? Well, once we get her voice, we're going to try and give her a face.
No, she doesn't have a face.
- Can you talk to her? - No.
She doesn't listen to me.
Well, maybe we can change that.
Maybe you won't have to listen to her.
Is there anything that you haven't told us yet, Mark? The devil's not finished killing yet.
He's going to do it again.
He told you that? He wants to make history.
- We've got a confession.
- Is it good? Not a chance.
Details are all wrong.
No idea about the marking.
It's false.
Why would somebody confess - to something they didn't do? - It's one of the great mysteries of police work.
Some people just want attention.
Others really think they did it.
On the other hand, I do have something useful.
Look at this.
- Where have I seen that? - Is it from a comic book? Actually, it's from the crusades.
It's commonly attributed to the Knights Templar, but apparently that's not true.
It's been used in novels, comic books, movies, video games.
The killer thinks he's an avenging knight or something? - Yeah, could be.
- Hold on, I got it.
One of the residents, she's a videographer.
She has Asperger's, and her films are a little unusual.
Like this one.
This one's about hair.
And this one's about backs.
Here it is.
This one is about graffiti.
This is basically a bunch of footage of graffiti around the tenement.
There's the symbol.
Killer wants to be noticed, that's for sure.
Maybe it's someone marking their territory.
I think we're missing something.
Either the symbol's a red herring or it's the whole story.
Alright, I'm going to go check on our guy who hears voices.
Keep working the buildings.
So how's the schizophrenic? Any progress? Mark is not diagnosed yet.
Just between you and me.
Now, in terms of progress This is Ruth.
Why don't you stand up for yourself? - Who's Ruth? - She speaks on Mark's left side.
She is an agent of the devil.
If Ruth is a voice in Mark's head, how come she's got a face? The voice Mark hears is a product of his delusion, he can't externalize it.
So the first step of avatar therapy is to give the voice a face, to help Mark see it as something outside of himself.
And this is the avatar.
What's the second step? Uh, well, I'm oversimplifying here, but the next major phase of the process is to modify what the voice is saying.
Why don't you look after yourself? Does changing the voice on the screen change what he hears in his head? That's what the early research indicates.
I think it could.
Is Ruth the voice that told him about the murder? No.
That's the rub.
This is why people hate shrinks.
Mark has a block.
He's got a set of voices that he seems to be able to attach to avatars.
And then he has voices that aren't responding at all.
- How many? - Lots.
He says some of his voices are consistent, some he hears only rarely or only once.
Sometimes he hears dozens at a time.
Which one told him about the murder? He doesn't know.
He's plagued by auditory hallucinations.
I mean, it's a wonder that he's even been able to cope.
Clara, this guy almost certainly had something to do with it.
We don't know that.
Yes, we do.
It's about the only thing we do know.
Get it out of him.
I'm not going to abuse the therapeutic process - to help a man convict himself.
- It's not abuse.
If he's involved, our job is to prove it.
You want to go testify he's not responsible, do it after we charge him.
It's a murder, Clara.
I told you.
They don't know.
I know.
All kinds of nooks and crannies in this place.
I'm glad you told us.
I know everything going on in this house.
Now, you want to come up, have some more coffee, you won't believe the things I can tell you.
- It's gonna have to be another time, ma'am.
- Where is this thing, exactly? - Behind the furnace.
There's a bag.
- Did you touch it? No.
I don't know what's in it.
I don't want no trouble.
Rapid DNA match says the blood on the clothes is Strunk's.
I'm guessing the killer stashed the clothes in case we searched his room.
- But there could be hair, skin particles.
- Lab's got hair.
Don't have results yet.
Could be Strunk's too.
Let's hope not.
Either way, the killer made a mistake.
Clothes were found in Tenement 2.
Thing is we don't have any indication the property manager was at that building the day he was killed.
So the odds are the killer was.
Let's put those residents at the top of the list.
- Hey.
You're early.
- Yeah, something came up.
- I gotta take a rain check.
- Serving your warrants? No.
I'm going to Ottawa.
Federal task force.
Prescription drug counterfeiting.
What's that about? They maybe want me to run it.
Define maybe.
I'm not moving to Ottawa.
Are you kidding? I'm not getting the job.
But I've got to take the interview, you know.
- Rain check on dinner? - Yeah, of course.
Good luck.
Hey, Fenton.
Do you want it? I don't know.
What? Turned up someone that we should definitely talk to.
Mungo Golding.
Just got out of prison four months ago, moved right into Building 2.
- What was he in for? - Assault.
Bar fight.
Pled down from attempted murder.
Alright, I'll take it with Leo.
You keep looking.
Can I help you? - You Mungo? - Yeah, what's it to you? I'm Detective Aidan Black, this is Leo Beckett.
We're investigating a murder.
You talking about the building guy? Don't know nothing about it.
- Well, we'd like to talk to you anyway.
- Too fricking bad.
Get out of my way.
Whoa, whoa, whoa, how 'bout you just give us a few minutes and I'll put in a good word with your parole officer? - Or don't, and I'll put in a bad one.
- Yeah, real scary.
Fricking pigs.
Don't be stupid, man.
- Don't call me stupid.
- Hey! Hey! Relax! You need to work on your people skills, Mungo.
- Or do you miss prison that much? - I didn't do nothing.
Here, let me give you a little life lesson, my friend.
Never, ever put your hands on a police officer.
Help! Oh, my God! Help! You have to come! I think she's dead! We need uniforms for a building lockdown at 6 Pardington, and an ambulance.
- That's Mrs.
- She's dead.
We're going to need a coroner too.
So we got two dead bodies, killed with different guns, but both marked with the same comic book symbol.
Now, we've got a thousand reasons why someone might want to off our slumlord here, but anyone got a reason why someone would want to kill a nice old lady? The killer's motives don't have to be rational.
Sure makes our job easier.
We're psych crimes.
We've got to think outside the box here.
Or maybe there's a perfectly normal reason these two got shot.
Let's look harder for a connection.
- You think we'll find one? - No.
She's 72 years old.
Never got so much as a speeding ticket.
Lived in the building 12 years, never had conflict with the landlord.
These two victims are about as different as we can get.
Which brings us to Mark Tisdale.
Does anyone think it's a coincidence that his alibi just wound up dead? He also told us there would be more killings.
His voices told him so.
- You getting anywhere with that? - Steadily.
I'm holding him on a psych ward and progressing with therapy.
Were you able to isolate the voice that told him about the first shooting? I've identified it as a part of a group of voices.
A group that I am not getting anywhere with.
And I'm heading back there now.
- Time to talk to Mungo? - Maybe Mungo wasn't doing laundry.
Mungo's been in prison half his life.
He's not going to talk without leverage.
Go get some.
Hi there.
I'm Detective Wisnefski, this is Leo Beckett.
I already talked to the cops already.
There's going to be more coming.
You know there have been two murders on this street? It's not quite a beautiful day in the neighbourhood.
I don't know nothing - about it.
I been in my room.
- For how long? Couple days.
I'm working on something.
- What's that? - Killer game, y'know.
50 levels of carnage.
- Do I need to be talking to you about this? - Look, I was wondering.
Do you know Mungo Golding? He lives right over there.
- I try not to.
- Why not? You seen him? And you gotta ask? - You ever see him get violent? - Sure.
He almost put a guy through the wall over there like 2 days ago.
What guy? You know, the dead guy.
The prick who gets our cheques.
Sit down, Mungo.
- Herman Strunk.
- Was a frickin' crook.
- Whoever shot him did me a favour.
- So we're good on motive.
- You own a gun? - Not allowed to.
- I see.
Lawabiding type, are you? - What do you want from me? You had a fight with your landlord a couple of days ago.
- Yeah, he's evicting people.
- And selling all their rooms.
I know.
I plan to talk to all the owners, in detail.
But first I've got two murders to solve.
What's this mean to you? I don't speak Sanskrit.
- You've never seen it before? - You making fun of me or something? Don't worry about it.
So you were getting evicted? End of the month.
Where you going to? I don't know.
- When did you first hear this one? - I don't know.
Yesterday maybe.
She's got a funny voice.
What does she say? Uh "We're going to get married at the West Edmonton Mall.
My dress will be purple.
Your dress will be blue.
The Martian Ambassador will perform the ceremony himself.
" I don't know why.
That's just what she says.
You're doing remarkably well.
How? I don't even know what it means.
We'll get there.
Can we do Ruth? What should we make Ruth say? "I don't know what I'm talking about.
" I don't know what I'm talking about.
I don't know what I'm talking about.
- Hey.
- Hey.
We have a confirmed match on the blood on the clothes.
Our first victim, Herman Strunk.
- Anything else? - Jackpot, yes.
We have confirmed DNA from multiple hairs.
Almost certainly our killer's.
- Are they a match for a Mungo Golding? - No.
He gets to go home.
No, he doesn't.
He's been evicted.
Wait, he got somewhere to go? Well, that's probably the reason why he got into it with us.
This guy's spent half his life in prison.
He's not making it on the outside.
Well, it's his choice.
I gotta cancel again.
I made it to round two.
Staying till Thursday.
- How many rounds are there? - Two.
How many candidates are left? Two.
Look, I'm not moving to Ottawa.
I'm a big city kind of girl.
How often does a job like this come along? Never.
I hope you don't get it.
That was the right thing to say.
Good news.
You're free to go.
Look, I'm not a cop.
I'm a nurse.
I work with them and uh, I brought you these brochures.
What's this about? You ever been to Hamilton? I know a group out that way that set people up with housing.
Friend of mine, he works with them, and he gave me these.
How do you feel about working in a warehouse? I don't know Hamilton.
It's not that big.
And it's not that far.
It's probably better if it's far.
Well, maybe it's far enough.
I'm headed out that way.
Let's go.
You got something? Not yet.
I'm bringing in a specialist to consult.
- I don't want to put any pressure on you.
- Yeah, you do.
I think I should take a shot at him.
Absolutely not.
- I'm good at it, Clara.
- That's not relevant.
He's my patient.
Patients can be criminals too.
Most of my patients have committed crimes.
But they were found not responsible.
They're not criminals.
Do you know for sure Tisdale's not responsible? No.
Something's up? - You're nosy today.
- I'm studying with a master.
Who says something's up? Dodging the question is a good sign.
Fenton's up for a job.
In Ottawa.
It'll be what it is.
You going back to the hospital? Yeah.
I'm running police records.
Checking some of the voices he hears.
- You expect to get any hits? - No.
- Worth trying.
- We'll find out.
- That's why it's worth trying.
- You're in a lecturing mood.
I'm studying with a master.
Some things are ubiquitous, God, the Devil, believing you're a prophet, - and then there's the conspiracies - What I'm finding is that he's almost got a dual condition, two completely separate groups of voices, one that's consistent with his general delusions, the other - random.
- That's unusual, but everyone's different.
Some people step on a bus and they think they hear every voice on it.
Mark is one of them.
Other people only hear their dead sister.
Guess which is more common? We're going to get married at the West Edmonton Mall.
Not this year, but next year.
My dress will be purple, your dress will be blue.
The Martian - I'm sorry? - One second.
I'm getting a little tired of this, sweetheart.
At the West Edmonton Mall.
- It's a nice mall, it's big - Not this year, but next year.
Thank you so much.
I've got to go.
Let's go back and talk.
This is Black.
- Leave a message.
- Aidan, I've figured it out.
Mark Tisdale can't distinguish between the voices in his head and voices he's overhearing in real life.
That's how he knew about the gun and the marking.
He overheard the killer talking about it.
It all makes sense now.
He was in his room when he heard that voice.
I'm heading there now.
Meet me there.
Where you been? I been waiting.
Getting stuff.
- Did you hear what I did? - Oh, the old lady? That's real brave.
You said I couldn't do it, but I did.
I'm just as much a killer as you are.
You better be.
'Cause this is for real.
We're gonna be famous.
You see this? You see this? You want to be remembered, you gotta do something.
Hell yeah.
See, it's better to die famous than be ignored your whole wasted life.
- I'm ready.
- This is gonna be fun.
Bet on it.
Everyone's gonna know my name.
This isn't half-assed, this is full on slaughter.
- Templar-style.
- Let's do it.
No survivors.
People are going to be talking about us for a century, man.
Kill them all.
Ah! This is Poppa Charlie One.
I have shots fired.
Active attacker.
Leo, we've got live fire.
Aidan's involved.
Let's go.
Evaucate the building.
Get out of here! No! No! Aidan? Aidan.
Aidan? Oh, please God.
Thank you.
Hey! Hey! You've been shot.
In your shoulder, it looks bad.
We gotta get up, we gotta get out of here.
Just go, go.
Not without you.
- They're down.
We gotta go up.
- Okay.
- ETF will take them out.
- Okay.
They're here.
In here, in here.
Whoo, yeah! Told you they'd go down.
ETF ain't got nothing on us.
What the hell were you doing coming here all alone? Like I knew what was coming? - You've got a bravery problem.
- Seriously? Pot? Kettle? The first time I met you, you told me you walked into the barrel of a gun.
I do not believe that's how I described it.
Well, that's what you did.
Says the guy who just got himself shot.
Someone shot me.
I did not get myself shot.
Well We can put it on our epitaphs.
We're not going to die.
Hey, hey, hey, hey.
They're coming back upstairs.
- Alright, we got to split up.
- Why? 'Cause I'm not going to sit here and wait for it.
I can't stay.
You can't come with me.
Trust me, Clara.
- Okay? - Okay.
- All alone, sweetie? - Hey.
Okay, he's out, he's out.
Clara, cuff him, take his guns.
Where's the other guy? And where's ETF? To the bathtub.
Go ahead.
That's it.
Come on.
Take it.
- I I don't Hurry, take it.
You going to be able to use it? Point blank, pull the trigger, he's going down.
Let's go.
Please, please don't Stand there.
If anyone comes in, you'll see them before they see you.
If it's the other guy, don't hesitate.
Shoot him.
And then shoot him again.
What about you? I'll be back.
Kill me.
Do it! No! No! - Police! Don't move! - Psych Crimes! - Psych Crimes! - Clara! She's on the job.
She's on the job.
It's okay.
You're okay.
You're okay.
d I'm just a star d I'm just a piece of light d On my own Thanks.
They'll get the pellets out at the hospital.
Oh, that'll be fun.
What the hell are you doing getting yourself shot? Well, it wasn't exactly the plan.
He's got a bravery problem.
It's a mess.
Seven dead.
At least 8 wounded.
- You're okay, right? - Yeah, yeah.
We're okay.
Alright, the house is all clear.
There's no other shooters, thank God.
How are you two doing? I'm worried about them.
We need mental health workers here.
Right now.
You're right.
Why do you think they did it? Would knowing make it any better? It would for me.
Aidan! Idiots in dispatch had you listed as dead.
I'm okay.
I'm okay.
- It's fine.
- What were you doing? I gave up a job for you.
d I'll be d Yours d Just say you'll be mine d Shine d Is there a place for me
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