Daughter from Another Mother (2021) s02e08 Episode Script

Cuando te toca, aunque te quites

That's good, Alta.
I thought he was staying for one night,
but it seems his stay is indefinite.
I'm the lady of the house,
and I pay your wages.
So I'm asking you not to serve him.
Don't worry, Alta,
Ramón has it covered.
- Your breakfast, sir.
- Thanks.
Ramón, from this moment on,
you can't drive her around,
or do any kind of errands for her.
So, I can't give her this envelope
that arrived for her?
I'll give it to her.
Excuse me.
Thank you.
I bought some more rash ointment.
I noticed you were out.
How was your weekend with Ferrán?
Ferrán is really sorry
about what happened.
He says you can go back
to the co-work whenever you want.
I'm doing my presentation
at the investors' office.
So, you and me
Can we patch things up?
Sure, of course we can.
Are you serious?
You're suing me.
You wanted to set clear boundaries.
This is ridiculous.
Better safe than sorry.
Don't you trust me?
I never expected this from you.
- Hello.
- Hi.
Can I leave her with you?
- Of course.
- Thanks.
Hi, beautiful.
- Uh, these are her things.
- Thanks.
- Say bye.
- Bye, Regis.
I just can't believe
Pablo's suing me again!
At least he's not in your house
making your life miserable.
They're acting like children.
They're throwing a tantrum.
He says he wants to negotiate
his time with Regina.
Ah. That's very important.
You have to get the girls' birthdays,
Mother's Day, Easter
Those are forever memories.
Photo album material.
And Christmas,
we must spend it together, as a family.
They're important dates.
Why don't we talk to Laura Villa
and ask her to take both our cases?
That won't be necessary.
I can still talk it out with Pablo.
Well, I hope so.
Sorry, but speaking of important dates,
Marcela asked if we can do
the presentation earlier.
What presentation?
For the app.
She's a majority partner. She wants
to okay everything before the launch.
- Do you think she'll like everything?
- No, but she trusts me.
I'm sure I can get her to okay everything.
You and Santamarina were smart
to beat her to the punch.
I don't know. I'm not so sure anymore.
Ana was really upset.
What else did you expect?
Trust your lawyer.
He knows what he's doing.
I just feel so guilty.
In a divorce, guilt is your worst enemy.
I think you're fighting
for something legitimate.
You're protecting your legacy,
the house you built.
The situation is too tense.
Plus, I hate being caught
between you and Mariana.
I never meant for any of that to happen.
You're getting time off
pretty soon, right?
What if we go camping, to the beach?
Just you and me alone, away from it all.
- Yes. Wow, I love that plan.
- Okay, it's done.
I'll ask Mariana to watch
the penguin for a few days.
I wanted to spend my birthday
at Tomorrowland,
now they're getting divorced.
Come on, Ro.
You'll see it's not a big deal.
Olivia says it's really cool
having divorced parents.
You get twice as much of everything.
Houses, holidays, presents.
You might even get to go
to Tomorrowland twice.
You don't get it.
All I want is to stop feeling
I'm being torn apart.
Don't be so dramatic, Ro.
It won't be as bad as you think,
you'll see.
Cheer up.
It's not the end of the world.
We have time to hit back.
He's throwing a tantrum.
Ana, Juan Carlos moving back
is strategic, not a tantrum.
It'll prevent you
from claiming home abandonment.
Now, they're going after
the marital household.
- He wants to keep the house?
- Worse.
He wants you to pay him alimony
and follow the visitation schedule.
That's ridiculous.
No judge will grant that.
Santamarina is heartless,
and he has plenty of friends
in family court.
What should I do?
Give me any argument I can use to prove
Juan Carlos is unfit to care
for the kids or the house.
Oh this is very important,
you can't talk to him at all,
even if he lives in your house.
I'm asking you for those dates
and for you to keep Regina.
That's fine, but I'd like to spend
Christmas with Regina.
You don't celebrate Christmas
because it's a capitalist ploy.
I've changed my mind, Pablo.
- I want it to be a family tradition.
- Really?
What's the problem?
You want Regina to spend Christmas
with Ferrán instead of me?
No. I want to spend it
with Ana and Valentina.
Ana'll shower them with gifts,
maybe even get Ramón to dress up as Santa.
She's spending Christmas with my family.
What will your family do?
They're religious nuts.
They'll probably sing Christmas carols,
and then sing to baby Jesus
while they pray the rosary.
They'll even give her sweets.
No, I won't allow it.
I'm not backing down either.
- I'm taking Regina, period.
- We'll see about that.
And you know what? Tell your lawyer
we won't be changing the schedule.
Deal's off.
Let's go on a trip.
Wherever you want.
To the beach, Paris, New York, you choose.
- You're joking.
- Of course I'm not.
You're free to do anything
when you don't have kids.
You don't want kids?
That's not what I'm saying.
I just enjoy my freedom.
So, where do you want to go?
I don't know! How exciting!
I've never crossed the border.
Oh, I did once.
- I went to El Paso.
- To El Paso?
I'm sure it has its charms,
but why not Paris?
- Paris?
- Sure.
Paris as in
Paris, France.
What? No. I mean
- It's just
- What?
- I'm dying to see Paris!
- Do you like it?
Of course I do!
I'm so excited!
- I can't believe I'm going to Paris!
- Yes.
I thought we were going on a trip.
Pablo, I'm not going to get
any more time off.
I know. I'm sorry. It's just that
Mariana will only trade dates
if I give her Christmas.
Can't you move yours?
It sounds like you're trying
to beat Mariana.
No, I swear I'm not.
All I want is to spend time
with my daughter.
Then, don't antagonize Mariana.
It's easier for everyone
if you make up with her.
No lawyers.
I promise I'll fix it.
It's time to take the next step.
I want you to meet my friends.
Let me know, and I'll host a dinner party.
I don't know how Pablo will take it.
He's been really unreasonable.
I don't want him to get angry
and use Regina as leverage.
Are you serious, Mariana?
Will our entire relationship
depend on how Pablo is feeling?
If we go down that road,
it won't lead anywhere.
You're right.
Let's have the dinner party at my place.
I'll even cook.
- I'm a good cook, believe it or not.
- Really?
I made it myself. With my own hands.
Ana, aren't you coming in?
Aren't you cooking
Divorce is a real tragedy.
Olivia lives at her father's
'cause he's way cooler than her mom.
He let her travel with her boyfriend
when we were sophomores.
So, what?
Are you moving in with Olivia's dad?
Ceci, I've been thinking.
That boy Darío seems like a nice kid.
Mom, he's really nice.
I guess you might as well
go on a trip with him.
You're really letting me
go on a trip with Darío?
I mean, you already bought
the plane ticket.
You're the best mom ever!
I saw it coming.
We both knew she'd ask Laura
to take the case
and file a counterclaim.
Hmm? What?
- Did you think she'd do nothing?
- No, but this is
This is what you need to negotiate.
You said Ana wouldn't talk to you.
This is an open channel.
All I want is to get my family back.
Your family will always be your family,
regardless of the divorce.
Family is forever.
- A broken family?
- What can I say?
Marriage doesn't work,
but commitment, respectful,
relaxed, and free relationships,
those do work.
And the best part? Renewable every year.
Ask to take Regina on a date
that's important to Mariana.
What's more important than Christmas?
The soccer final.
Dude, are you going to help me
or keep making jokes?
Mother's Day!
Tell her you want to take Regina.
Please, no way.
I promised Cynthia I'd fix it.
Doing that would backfire.
Well, I remind you, she hit first.
And bad, bro.
Imagine me walking around
the streets of Paris.
Voulez-vous coucher this,
voulez-vous coucher that.
- Ooh! I'm so thrilled!
- That's really great.
Turn the AC down, I'm getting chilly.
How are you chilly?
It's like an oven in here.
It feels like the subway during rush hour.
I agree, it's cold. Please turn it down.
Well oh, sorry.
- We'll turn it down.
- Thanks.
You do look sweaty.
I'm burning up.
- You sweat like this at night?
- Yes.
- Have you put on weight?
- Yes, can you tell?
Are you feeling tired?
Are your boobs sore?
Yeah, they're really swollen.
Let's not talk in front of our customers.
Don't mind me.
Sorry, sir. We'll turn down the AC.
Yes, please.
Do you think I'm sick?
It may be a hormonal imbalance.
Don't scare me.
Hey, I went through
the same stuff before the myoma.
Just go to the doctor.
- I need to talk to Mariana.
- She's not home, but come in.
Pablo, I owe you an apology
for the situation at the co-work.
You don't owe me anything.
I don't like my kid
being left with a total stranger.
- I'll take her.
- Go with your dad.
Come, sweetie. What's up?
Pablo, what are you doing here?
Why weren't you with Regina?
I went to the grocery store
to buy some parsley.
I always confuse parsley and cilantro, so
Also, Ferrán isn't a total stranger.
Regina knows him really well.
Regina is just a baby, Mariana.
She doesn't know the kind of people
you leave her with.
You can defend yourself,
but she can't. Right?
Come on, Pablo! Defend myself from what?
That's your problem.
I should get going.
- Thanks.
- No!
No, we're having dinner with your friends.
We can do it some other time,
once things have settled.
- Bye.
- Bye.
- Seriously?
- What?
You're a jerk.
You're being awful.
I came because I want to make peace,
but I see that's impossible.
If you want to make peace,
don't get a lawyer,
just let me have Christmas.
Fine, you take Christmas,
but I want Mother's Day.
Pablo, I'm her mom!
You get Father's Day.
Who cares about Father's Day?
I want Christmas.
Listen, I don't want to argue.
You're being unreasonable.
I think you should leave.
Have your lawyer call mine.
All right, then.
"Emotionally unstable man."
"Chronic cheater
who finds his mistresses online."
"Had extra-marital relations
with at least two women
in the past year."
"Exerted psychological violence
on his spouse."
"Abandoned his children."
"And leads a double life
in a bachelor pad."
Should I keep going?
I'm only defending myself.
You're the one who filed for divorce.
The divorce was your idea!
And now, you have the gall
to go after my house.
Excuse me, but on the advice of counsel,
I can't talk to you.
At least toss me a pillow.
He's so stubborn.
He wants Christmas just to prove a point.
Same as Juan Carlos.
He even said it was my idea
to get a divorce.
But it was, right?
Which totally backfired,
not only is he back,
he's trying to take my house.
Why is it so hard to understand
we only want what's best for our kids?
Now, we're not talking,
and I have to get a lawyer.
Laura can do it. I'll talk to her.
Honestly, screw Pablo. I hate him!
Sorry, I didn't mean to eavesdrop.
My bad. I shouldn't speak ill of Pablo
in your presence.
Mariana, I really admire you.
If it weren't for all of this,
we could even be friends.
- But this is all too
- I know. I feel the same way.
I admire you too.
I think it may be for the best
if we don't talk about that stuff.
Yeah, that sounds great.
Okay, then.
I don't want Ana to hate me.
She'll hate you either way,
Juan Carlos, at least for a while.
If we don't fight this,
it will be you who'll hate her
once you've lost everything.
Fine, what do I do?
We must prove
it's you and not Ana
who's entitled to the house.
Come in.
You're just in time.
For what?
You need to tell me
everything you know about them.
Everything. Even the slightest detail
may be helpful.
Ana cheated on me.
And, well
there was a weird situation
between Ana and Mariana. Mm-hmm.
It's the worst thing
that could happen.
What if he gets Christmas
and Mother's Day?
He might as well get full custody!
Don't worry about that.
He said it out of anger.
He got heated.
Look who's talking.
Have you seen a gynecologist?
- Why? What's wrong?
- Nothing. Premature menopause.
Same thing happened to me.
It runs in the family.
Mom, please. I don't know yet.
Don't take it hard.
It's just another stage as a woman.
Right, the stage where
you can't have babies.
You want more kids?
Can you picture me with a sibling
the same age as Regina?
- Oh no.
- No, of course not.
The truth is I'm really happy
with the freedom I have.
- Can I tell you something?
- Please.
Víctor wants to take me on a trip
to Paris!
So, you're officially dating?
Yeah, and I don't want it to be
a problem between us.
It has nothing to do with Juan Carlos.
Other than him being his brother.
Not that there's anything wrong with that.
Here's the point, Mariana.
I really want things to work
between Víctor and me,
business aside.
I thought I'd never
have the guts to tell you!
Your mother deserves this, Mariana.
She's doing things right.
- Oh, Mom.
- Oh, Teresa.
What else can I say?
- I'm proud of you.
- Aw.
Go on and enjoy your trip. You deserve it.
Thank you, sweetie.
You don't know how happy I am
that we're close again.
Do you really trust Igor?
I think he's a little aggressive.
Being on bad terms with her
would be the worst for Regina.
I don't want Ana to hate me either,
but if we want to be present
in our daughter's lives,
better safe than sorry.
They always get their way
when it comes to the babies.
- They didn't consult us on the baptism.
- Or when Mariana moved in.
If they don't consult us for that stuff,
we won't get a say in their school,
or what they're allowed to do.
Or holidays, or important days with them.
Or who gets to watch your baby.
Mariana keeps leaving Regina with Ferrán,
as if he were her dad.
Plus, she wants Christmas.
See? They're not being fair.
but we did the right thing.
This is unbelievable.
Pablo filed a new claim.
Mm-hmm. Now he wants to have the final say
on how I spend time with Regina.
- Wha
- He claims I put her in a situation
that was "unwholesome,
unusual and inappropriate."
Sorry if I say so,
if he's talking about me being gay
and us living together, there's
a name for that, and it's homophobia.
He says the baby and I moved
to a total stranger's house,
and that I "endangered
Regina's physical well-being."
Dude, what the hell?
Fuck, how dare he?
Pablo's apartment is more dangerous
than Ana's neuroses, for fuck's sake!
He's coming.
Look, Ro.
This is the hotel in Amsterdam
we're staying at.
I told you mom said I could go, right?
Mom's the best, right?
Obviously. Look.
I'm glad you're going on that trip.
I was going to let you go anyway.
I think we can forgive you
that plane ticket debt.
You're 18 now.
Why don't I get you
a credit card for the trip?
You're the best dad ever.
"A bad influence?"
"A stranger who talked her
into doing drugs
and having lesbian sex in her own house?"
That's just lawyer talk.
That stranger is Mariana.
She's the best thing
that happened to me in the past year.
She and the girls.
Your tantrum is out of control.
It's not a tantrum!
The kids and this house are my life.
This house is proof
of everything I've built over the years.
I also built everything you see in here.
In fact, I bought that couch.
Get up.
Well, I bought the rug. Don't step on it.
All right, fine. If that's what you want.
You can't use any of the things
I bought for this house.
I bought this one.
I bought this.
I bought this table.
This one too.
I bought the lamps.
This vase is mine.
The floor.
- I bought it.
- I bought it.
We both chipped in.
We'll split it.
Equal parts.
Don't think Altagracia
will clean your side
because I sign her checks.
No, Ana. Wait! That's not fair!
How could you
let things escalate so much?
How dare you try to take
my daughter from me?
Or dictate terms for me to see her,
as if I were a menace.
That's not it. I just want
to be present in my daughter's life.
But you've made decisions alone,
like christening her or living with Ana.
When I moved in with Ana,
you weren't even in Regina's life.
But ever since you came back,
we've been a team,
you and me, man.
I know we've had fights
about money and work, you name it,
but never about Regina!
This is crazy.
It's almost as if
you don't want me to be happy.
- Look, Mariana.
- Don't.
If we don't get everything in writing,
we're going to keep fighting.
We might even end up hating each other.
It's better to be safe than sorry.
Fuck you.
I'll never forgive him.
I can't believe the lies
he's telling about me.
Are you sure they're all lies?
Ana, this is serious.
Igor is an expert
at manipulating half-truths.
He's accusing you of infidelity.
- Did you cheat on him?
- Just once.
And I told him right away,
a courtesy he didn't return.
Did you do drugs
and kiss Mariana in your own home?
That's not as black-and-white as it seems.
When it comes to the law,
there's no gray areas, Ana.
It's either black or white. Hmm?
Only facts matter.
As far as the judge goes,
he'll think you cheated,
do drugs, and began a relationship
with a young woman who, on top of it all,
you moved into the house
without Juan Carlos' consent.
These arguments are enough
for Juan Carlos to ask for full custody.
No, he'd never do that.
Juan Carlos wouldn't, but Igor would.
Trust me.
So, what's next? How do we counter-attack?
Let me think. I don't know, maybe
Are you and Mariana
Are you a lesbian?
If you were, I could build a case
against Juan Carlos
for gender discrimination
and homophobic slander.
With the right evidence and judge,
we could totally win this.
But if that's not the case,
forget about it,
I don't like using the gay flag in vain.
Is there any other option?
To counter this latest claim,
there's only one thing I can think of.
Mariana and you
need to avoid contact completely.
For how long?
Six months, at least.
I don't know, until we win this.
That's too long.
We can't possibly do that.
We have too much in common.
The girls, our business.
There's no other way.
If this case reaches court,
we'll need hard evidence,
to prove you followed
social services' recommendations.
It's either that, or you lose everything.
We're almost there, just trust me.
Open your eyes.
What's this?
It's a surprise.
Is this a surprise or your way
of telling me the trip is off?
Do you really need
to take Christmas from Mariana?
I'm sorry, I was trying to be romantic.
Don't worry. I'm going to the beach.
Alone or not.
In six months,
the babies won't even remember us.
I know, but
Laura says it's the only way.
Time flies by,
you'll see.
Before we know it,
they'll be playing together again.
I also asked Laura to draft this document.
It says I'm giving up my share of the app.
- What?
- It's yours.
It's for the best.
From now on, I'm out.
I can't do it alone. I need you.
What about Marcela and the presentation?
You know everything you need to know
to do the presentation.
Marcela will have to understand
you two are the only partners.
I'm sorry I couldn't win this.
Ana, please, open up.
What do you want?
You're the last person I want to talk to.
What happened today was absurd, Ana.
We acted like children.
I'm sure we can fix this.
Like telling lies about us
through our lawyers?
Please understand.
I've felt dispossessed for weeks.
You pushed me away
from our kids, our house,
and the life I've spent years
trying to build.
I didn't push you away from anything.
I only separated from you
because I can't be with you.
You're the love of my life.
And you're the only man I've loved.
But I don't know what to do
to make my heart trust you again.
I'm sorry. I know I also hurt you,
but this is bigger than me,
I just can't do it.
I know we can work this out.
Just let me try.
Give me a chance.
No, Juan Carlos.
I don't think either of us deserve
to be anything but happy.
Getting a divorce is the only way
to build something different.
I don't know what but different.
I don't want to get a divorce.
I'm sorry.
I'm the one who's sorry.
You look amazing, so professional.
Okay, okay.
I hope Marcela agrees.
- Yes.
- About looking professional.
Yeah, of course.
You'll do great.
Will I look less professional
if I kiss you right now?
I don't mind looking less professional.
- I think I'm falling in love with you.
- I love you, Mariana.
Go on, get to your meeting
before I snatch you away.
Okay, bye.
- Good luck.
- Thanks.
We need to talk.
I've been taking advantage of you,
and I know it was wrong.
I guess part of me didn't want
to believe this was really happening.
This divorce thing is painful for us.
The only thing that's certain
is that we love you.
And we'll always be here for you.
You're still the most important thing
for both of us.
Uh, by the way,
Ro has always wanted to go
to Tomorrowland, in Belgium.
So, I decided to use
the airfare and your permission
to take him on a trip for his birthday.
Are you serious?
Where's Ana?
Uh, Ana had a personal emergency,
but I'm doing the presentation.
Forget it.
When Ana is back, have her call me.
What's your problem with me?
You keep undermining me.
I'm not undermining you,
I'm used to dealing with women
who are on the same level as me.
That suit and those heels
don't impress me.
- Excuse me.
- You know what?
You're right.
This costume
doesn't suit me.
Especially if this is a contest
about who wears the "highest heels,"
because I'm not into competing
with other women.
It's a little too reminiscent
of the patriarchy.
Aren't you supposed to be a feminist?
Look, kid,
while you were playing with dolls,
I was fighting against men
who looked down on me
just because I'm a woman.
Thanks to women like Ana and me,
girls from your generation
can get jobs worthy of their skill set.
Marcela, I know that.
I admire what you and Ana did
in the corporate world,
by opening the doors to the rest of us.
But don't you think that's why
it's time to do things differently?
Time to lead with more horizontality
between women, to be a sorority?
We should build spaces where women
don't have to measure their heels
just as men do with their you-know-whats.
When women stand together,
we're much stronger.
We can do amazing things.
You know what?
I'm sick of these heels.
I'm sick of them giving me bunions.
So, if you don't mind,
I'll put my feet up
while you do your presentation.
Go ahead.
Well, this is Konene.
Marcela approved everything,
even the gift baskets.
She called me to say she was
very impressed by your presentation.
She also said
she's never wearing heels again.
- What did you say to her?
- We discussed horizontality.
- What's this?
- My share of the stock.
You're more than ready
to steer the ship alone.
Of course not.
You and I are stronger together.
We need to find a way.
Laura says there's nothing we can do.
Although, she did mention
Nothing important.
She did mention something else.
It's too crazy.
Ana, it can't be crazier
than going our separate ways.
Well, I have a plan.
I'll tell you about it,
but you can't tell anyone.
Hi, I'm Ximena Sariñana,
and I wanna tell you
about an app that changed my experience
of being a mom.
It's made by women.
By moms for moms.
It's an amazing app that has everything.
My congratulations to the creators,
Ana and Mariana.
I wish you every success.
Every mom needs this app.
It has everything you need.
Hi, good morning.
- Anuar?
- Yes.
- Welcome.
- Thank you.
Excuse me.
What are you doing here?
Mariana invited me.
I guess that means
you're patching things up.
Oh, I guess I don't know.
I gave up trying to guess
what Mariana is up to.
I think that between you two,
there's more than misunderstandings.
We have a daughter.
I know that, and I get it.
But I don't think that's why
you're fighting with her so much.
I think you need to figure out
how you feel about her.
Don't. Take your time.
I'm glad to see you.
I'm really proud of you.
We can leave all this behind.
Stop right there.
There's something you need to know,
that's why I invited you.
We'll talk after, okay?
What's with that face?
I went to the doctor.
What's going on with me
isn't premenopause.
It's this, look.
What you and Ana have achieved
is really something.
I'm so proud of you.
- Is everything okay?
- Yeah, I'm just a little nervous.
Don't worry, you've got this.
Mariana, we need to talk.
I'll leave you two alone.
It's fine.
I'm pregnant.
- No!
- Yes.
- A sip won't hurt.
- Tere, what now?
I don't know.
- Hello.
- Oh, hi.
Have you told Lore?
Eh? Told her what?
- About our trip.
- Oh no! I'm sorry.
I don't have a passport.
I'm sorry about all this.
Please understand.
You carried Regis inside you,
while I feel I still need
to score points to be with her.
You've never had to do that,
and you know it.
We'll talk later, okay?
Honey, I need to talk to you.
Now's not a good time.
Why? Is everything okay?
Yes, it's just a big day.
- We'll talk when this is over, okay?
- All right.
- You know I support you.
- Yes.
- I love you.
- And I love you.
The fact they invited us
can only be a good thing.
The best thing for everyone
is to patch things up.
- You think?
- Of course.
It's the only explanation
for us being here.
Isn't it?
- Yeah, it's gotta be.
- I know, right?
Thank you all for being here
on such a special day.
We're really excited.
This means a lot to us.
We couldn't have chosen a better day.
I think all this can get
a bit more exciting.
Why don't we give our guests a gift basket
containing samples
of all our baby products?
That's a wonderful idea,
and I'm not the best at gifts.
That's not true, Ana.
You've given me so many gifts,
experience, wisdom,
and maybe a headache or two.
In all seriousness,
I've learned a lot from you.
So have I.
What else can you expect
from a partner in adventure?
In a life full of challenges, sacrifices,
and struggles,
we need someone to grow with,
someone who makes us strong.
Together, we're invincible.
To Konene, cheers.
Are you ready?
Yes, I'm ready.
It's time for an announcement
we can't delay any longer.
We can't keep this a secret anymore.
Mariana and I
are more than just partners.
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