Frog and Toad (2023) s02e08 Episode Script

Season 2, Episode 8

Thank you for the sandwiches, Toad.
Thank you for bringing us out here
for a picnic dinner, Frog.
It is a splendid way to end the day.
But, Toad,
the day does not have to end yet.
It doesn't?
Why, no. There are plenty of things to do
when the day is over and the night begins.
Yes, like read a book and go to bed.
Even more than that.
More than that? Like what?
Like stargazing!
Stargazing is when you go outside after
the sun sets to look up at all the stars.
I have seen the stars.
Sure, but have you seen constellations?
You are saying many big words today, Frog.
Constellations are the pictures
stars make in the sky.
There is Crooked Stick, The Drippy Teapot,
and my favorite, The Great Big Frog.
I suppose I would like
to see The Great Big Frog.
Very well. I will stay out with you
after the sun goes down.
I will even go stargazing.
Yippee! Then we will keep rowing to
my special stargazing spot.
But Frog, how will we find it
if everything is dark?
Do not worry, Toad. You will see.
There we are. The sun has set.
It looks brighter over there.
Is that from the stars?
No, Toad. Look.
Oh, my.
Those mushrooms are glowing in the dark.
This is why I love staying out
after the sun sets.
To see all the things
that give off a glow at night.
How splendid!
Look, Frog. Is that a constellation?
The lights are twinkling brightly
in the sky.
Is it The Great Big Frog?
Not quite. Look!
The stars are falling!
Toad, those are not stars.
Yes, sirree.
This is way, way past your bedtimes,
Frog and Toad.
What you doing out so late?
Frog is taking me stargazing.
Well, I'll be.
I wonder
what constellations are out tonight.
Maybe you'll see The Water Jug.
Or maybe The Roller Skates.
Wait, there's more. The Twirly Mustache,
The Top Hat,
or, my personal favorite, The Mole.
That one does look like Mole.
Salutations and greetings, Mole.
That looks great. Just fantastic.
Thank you for showing us
those constellations.
The Twirly Mustache was my favorite.
Hey, you're welcome.
Enjoy the stargazing, fellas.
Bye, fireflies.
That was incredible. Will the stars be
as beautiful as the fireflies?
Oh, Toad, you will see.
-Wonderful playing!
Hello, bats.
Good morning.
It is not morning. It is night.
But bats start their day
when the sun goes down.
So I suppose it is morning to them.
Well, in that case, have a wonderful day.
You too.
Howdy, Mockingbird.
Look at Trout.
I've never seen Trout so shiny.
Yes, the starry night really brings out
Trout's colors.
Are we almost to the stargazing spot?
We are very close now.
Oh, Raccoon, you startled me.
Sorry about that, Toad.
I was just so excited to see you both
out after dark.
I am taking Toad stargazing.
I've never been before.
You will love it, Toad.
There is nothing quite like
looking up at the stars.
Are you stargazing, Raccoon?
No, just getting my evening stretches in.
You wanna join me?
I call this one the "Moon Salute."
It looks complicated.
Not as much as
my Reclining Raccoon stretch.
Check this one out.
Thanks, Raccoon. But we better get going
so Toad can see the stars.
Well, okey dokey. Be well.
Enjoy your stretches.
Almost there, Toad. We just have to dock
the boat and walk a short ways.
Follow me. This path will take us to
the stargazing spot.
We are very close now.
But it is hard to see where we are going.
Do not worry, Toad.
I will guide you there.
Almost there. Almost.
Just a few more steps.
We did it, Toad! Now we can both look up
and see the stars.
And the constellations.
Let's both look on the count of three.
One, two, three!
Clouds? Where are all the stars, Frog?
Oh, dear. I am afraid the stars are hidden
behind those clouds.
Clouds, you must go away!
Yes, please go away, clouds!
Toad and I want to see the stars!
I do not think they can hear us.
We must find a way to
move these clouds, Frog.
Perhaps we could try blowing them away.
What if we wave our arms
to move the clouds away?
-Shoo, clouds! Shoo, shoo!
-Shoo, clouds! Shoo!
The clouds
are being very unhelpful tonight.
I am sorry I dragged you
all the way up here for nothing, Toad.
Perhaps we should just go home.
No, Frog, we are staying.
This has been a wonderful night with
so many things I have never seen before.
I will not go home
until I see those stars.
All right, Toad. We will stay.
Great hats.
The stars have finally come out.
They are beautiful. Simply marvelous.
I can see the constellations.
There's The Twirly Mustache.
And The Drippy Teapot.
And The Great Big Frog!
That one looks like a kite.
And there's a button.
And that one looks just like us
riding our bicycle!
Thank you for bringing me
to this special spot, Frog.
I am glad to be here, stargazing with you.
Oh, well. I will tell him all about it
in the morning.
"And then, brave Sir Toad looked at
the mighty sea dragon and said"
"Blah" is what brave Sir Toad said?
No. That is what I said
because a drop of water just fell on me.
Where did that water come from?
It is raining outside.
My roof must have a leak.
But I have something
that can catch the water.
There. Problem solved.
Hang on. I can fix that too.
Oh, my. There are so many leaky spots.
We need more ways to catch the water.
Stop, water!
No more dripping!
Do not worry, Toad.
I am sure the rain will stop,
and the sun will come out soon.
Any moment now.
Oh, Frog.
Your house looks like a swimming pool.
Normally, I like swimming,
but not inside my house.
Toad, look. It has stopped dripping.
And the sun is coming out.
But, Frog, what about all this water?
I have an idea. We must get to the door.
What now?
Now we open the door!
I need your help, Toad.
Well, I've been meaning to give
that sweater a good wash.
Oh, Frog. I am so sorry
the water went into your house.
Everything is so terribly soaked.
It is all right, Toad.
Now that the sun is out,
my things will dry.
And then, we can fix my leaky roof.
We will just have to wait.
Perhaps I will make us some tea
while we wait.
Frog, look what happened to your teapot.
That is too bad.
I guess we will not be having tea today.
Oh, yes, we will.
You wait here, and I will go get
the teapot from my house.
Okay. See you soon, Toad!
If my friend does not have a teapot,
then he can borrow mine.
Here you are, Frog. Please borrow
this teapot for as long as you need it.
Toad, that is so kind of you.
I will set it in my kitchen right away.
Good news, Toad.
My house is feeling dry again.
That is good to hear.
But, oh, my. All your blankets out here
are still so wet.
Yes. Well, hopefully, the sun
will dry them before I go to bed tonight.
I have just the thing for you
back at my house.
What are you getting this time, Toad?
You will see.
There. Frog will sleep much better
with these dry blankets from my bed.
Here you are, Frog.
Now you do not have to wait
for your blankets to dry.
You can borrow these instead.
Oh, Toad. That is so thoughtful of you.
Are you sure you do not mind?
I will sleep better knowing you are
warm and dry tonight.
You are a very good friend, Toad.
Frog has no dry clothes to wear either.
That will not do at all.
Toad? Toad?
Clothes for Frog. Clothes for Frog.
Here are pajamas for bedtime,
a bathing suit for swimming,
a fancy jacket for a night out.
I had better bring all of it,
just in case.
Oh, my, Toad.
What have you brought with you?
I thought you might need a change of
clothes while you wait for yours to dry.
But you have brought so many.
I was not sure which ones
you would need, so I brought them all.
Oh, Toad. You are the most amazing friend.
I promise to bring all of your clothes
back as soon as mine are dry.
Oh, dear.
Frog's favorite chair is still wet.
This will not do at all.
Toad? Are you there?
Frog will need a good chair to sit in
while his dries out.
And he will need pictures to look at
until his are dry.
He will also need a good book.
Some dry plates and cups.
And I must not forget extra pillows.
Frog may also need to borrow my bed.
I should get the wagon
to put everything in.
this looks like everything in your house.
That is because it is everything
in my house.
I want you to have it all until everything
in your house is dry again.
-But Toad
-Uh-uh-uh. Not another word.
Just help me get all these things inside,
Well, Toad, how do I look in your pajamas?
Very dry and very stylish.
Toad, I do not know what to say
except you are the most caring
and generous friend
this frog could ever wish for.
It was no trouble at all, Frog.
I know you would do the same for me.
Just think, this house
was completely flooded with water,
but now I am as warm and cozy
as if I were staying in your house.
I am glad to hear it.
Oh, my. I am getting sleepy.
Yes, I am not surprised
after all you have done for me today.
I will go home and get some rest.
Goodbye, Frog.
Thank you again, Toad.
I hope Frog enjoys sitting on my chair.
I am certain he will get
a good night's sleep on my bed.
Who could that be?
Hello, Toad.
Frog? Why are you here?
I brought some tea I made
with your teapot.
I thought you could use a cup
after such a long day.
Why, yes. Thank you, Frog.
My goodness, Toad.
It really does feel empty in here.
It doesn't feel empty at all.
Not when I have a friend like you in it.
We woke up and found a door
Only us kids could explore
So we opened it to see what was behind
I will keep your secrets safe
With mine
We can wish on shooting stars that fade
Sleep inside the orchid shade
I wouldn't change it even if I could
There is magic in the places
We'd least expect to look
We can fill up all the pages
There is no end to our book
Be the wheels to my road
Be the Frog to my Toad
We can be anything that we wanna be
Now the sun is going down
On that other side of town tonight
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