Gokusen (2002) s02e08 Episode Script

I will always be your teacher

Spring is coming.
It's beautiful when the
cherry blossoms bloom.
This year, I can admire them
with you, Miss Yamaguchi
I have to buy new clothes
for spring!
I will buy fashions
that Mr Kujo finds attractive!
What? Miss Shiratori, I thought you
would let me have Mr Kujo?
- I said that?
- Tetsu
I mean, what about the man for you?
I think Mr Kujo is
the man for me, after all.
How could you
- Well, Miss Yamaguchi
- Mr Kujo!
Good morning
Good morning.
Oh? Your eyes look red.
- What?
- Did something sad happen?
If you're worrying about something,
feel free to tell me!
Well Actually, I
I was at the wedding ceremony
Wedding ceremony
Wedding? When did Mr Kujo
Wow! Congratulations!
Thank you!
When I think about how
she looked in her wedding dress,
it makes me teary again
- What
- Is that so?
Yes! My love rival is gone!
When I saw how happy my student was,
I thought, "I'm so glad
that I became a teacher."
I do think so wholeheartedly.
- So the wedding ceremony
- It was your student's?
Is that so
Is that so?
Wedding ceremony, huh?
Walking down the aisle to Mr Kujo
with students congratulating me
Guys, follow me!
Look at that huge sun!
When you are lost,
the huge sun will show you the way
that youshould go!
Tears are the heart's sweat!
Oh, cut!
This isn't working! The audience
will not feel your passion!
- What should we do, then?
- Be more energetic, Mr Baba.
Yeah? Mr Kameyama,
you have to be more natural.
- Sorry
- Mr Inomata, smile more!
Mr Inuzuka, you have to
speak louder!
Ms Wanibuchi
- You are brilliant.
- Thank you!
- Got it?
- Yes
Teachers, what on earth
are you doing?
Practicing for our performance!
One of our graduates is
getting married next week.
We were asked to do a performance,
but giving a speech and singing
aren't a show.
So Mr Sawatari came up with a
hot-blooded short school drama.
The title is "Crybaby Teacher's
School Battle."
What a great idea, Mr Sawatari!
- This idea is genius!
- Well
I've done some plays in the past
under the stage name, Tojuro.
This is pretty stupid, right?
- It's brilliant!
- What?
You are working together
for your student, aren't you?
When my students ask me to attend
their wedding ceremonies,
I'll learn from you and do my best
to make my performance a success!
A student's wedding ceremony, huh?
I want to attend one soon.
Kuma's, perhaps?
I don't think so.
Okay, I'll try my hardest!
Let's do our best!
Good morning!
- This venue is nice, right?
- You can rent a gondola.
- The food looks great!
- Go with Maki.
Is one of you getting married?
Aren't you a little young
to be getting married?
Who is it? Who? Take?
- Tsuchiya?
- Ruff.
- Hyuga, it's you?
- Meow.
- Nagata?
- What?
- Nakanishi?
- Hey!
This means
I will finally attend
my first wedding ceremony!
We're looking at the leaflets of
the company
Tamura will have an interview at.
Is that so?
Excuse me, who would you be?
Where is my son?
Your son? Your son is here?
My useless, stupid son!
What do you mean by
"your stupid son"?
- Whose dad is he?
- No idea
He isn't here.
Wrong classroom?
Yeah, I think so. I've been guessing
that that was the case.
None of my students would be
called "stupid son" by anyone.
They are all nice boys.
Sorry, I'm late.
There you are, darn kid!
- Why are you here, stupid Dad?
- Bring it on, jerk!
- What the heck?
- What the heck, jerk?
You're so noisy!
Could he be Yabuki's
Darn you, stupid son!
- Back off, jerk!
- You back off!
Get lost!
Get lost!
(Episode Eight)
He is Yabuki's father?
He and his son look so different.
I heard that you're not taking
the university entrance exam.
What do you want?
I'm an idiot. And the exam is over.
You haven't told your father
about your future plans?
This jerk tells me nothing.
I did tell you. You just never
listen to me properly.
- What the heck?
- What?
- Well
- Please keep quiet, Miss Yamaguchi.
This is a family issue.
And who the heck brought
said problem to school?
- What the heck? Darn you!
- You jerk!
You picking a fight? Bring it on!
Wait Stop it, both of you
Listen, this is the staff room,
so let's talk about this
peacefully, yeah?
I am sorry.
Sit down.
I said, sit down.
Yabuki, why don't you tell your dad
frankly what you are thinking now?
What are you going to do if
you don't go to university?
Why do you only choose
to take the difficult path?
Why, I won't experience hardship
if I go to college?
- Yes, that's right!
- This is stupid.
Do you think your son is smart
enough to go to university?
Well, I don't care anyway.
You idiot! Stop trying to make
a fool of your dad!
- Bring it on, jerk!
- What the heck?
Both of you, cut it out!
Don't you know where you are?
That jerk really gets on my nerves!
Nothing, I was just thinking that
you are so like your dad.
- Totally.
- Absolutely.
I absolutely don't look like him.
I look like my late mom.
Oh, right. You remember
my mom, right?
She was really gorgeous.
- Wow.
- Really?
Hayato, you are like your dad.
- A bottle of beer, please.
- Okay.
Gosh, I'm exhausted.
Mister, I'll have another bottle
of beer.
What is he doing here?
Hey, mister.
Oh, Miss Yamaguchi!
I used to be pretty naughty too
when I was young.
You really were, weren't you?
I quit high school
I didn't have good
academic qualifications,
so it was difficult for me
to find a job.
I brought a lot of trouble
to my late wife too.
So I just don't want my sons
to go through the same experience.
Stupid Hayato just doesn't get
what I think.
But I can understand somehow
what he said.
Going to university doesn't mean
that your life will be happy.
It won't necessarily make you
miserable if you don't either.
But, you know
At the moment,
Hayato doesn't know
what he wants to do or what kind of
person he would like to be,
and he seems to be struggling.
- Struggling?
- Yes.
I think he is thinking about
his future in his own way.
I have never met a teacher like you.
The teachers he's had so far
never saw properly who he was.
I don't know who the idiot is like.
He is short-tempered and
picks fights very quickly.
But he looks after his
younger brother and his friends,
and he can be
pretty kind sometimes.
Miss Yamaguchi,
please take care of Hayato.
Sure. You can count on me.
Come on, Mr Yabuki,
stop bowing to me.
Hello? Mr Yabuki?
Are you sleeping?
I have to go now. I think I'll
be home next Thursday.
Okay, Dad. Take care.
Taku, tell your brother that
I'll talk to him when I come home.
So don't run away!
Tell him yourself.
Lock the door and beware of fire.
- See you, then.
- See you.
I am not running away, idiot.
Hey, come on
My dad also
often gets drunk.
Yeah, mine too.
He says that it's the only way
to get rid of his stress.
Catch it!
Isn't there anything enjoyable
for them to do?
Is there anything
I can enjoy doing?
Oh, no!
- Dodge
- Idiot!
That must really hurt
- Ouch!
- Are you okay? I'm sorry!
Of course I'm not okay!
Oh It's you guys?
You're Yankumi's students
Listen, you have to use the bottom
of your abdomen,
that is, Dantian, to voice.
Okay, follow my example.
A, E, I, U, E, O, A, O
A, E, I, U, E, O, A, O
Ha, he, hi, hu, he, ho, ha, ho
Ha, he, hi, hu, he, ho, ha, ho
They are enthusiastic.
Miss Yamaguchi, let's go for lunch.
Sorry, I ordered delivery today.
Is that so?
Mr Kujo asked if we would go out
for lunch with him,
but I'll go alone then.
What If that's the case,
I'll cancel my delivery
Thanks for waiting,
this is Kumai Ramen.
He's here?
Sorry, Kuma, I'm cancelling my ramen
with rice and stir-fried vegetables.
You can't.
Thank you.
- What are you doing?
- Helping out, obviously!
- What?
- Miss Yamaguchi.
Is there a problem?
No. No problem at all.
- You're having a lot of food.
- Yes.
What the heck?
He'll find out that
you skipped school!
Oh, I see.
- Sha, she, shi, shu
- No.
So you're helping out
at Kuma's restaurant?
Well, we brought him trouble and his
mom is on a trip to a hot spring,
so I'll help for a day.
- Is that so?
- What?
So you do know what duty
and humanity is!
Kuma is my precious student,
help him well.
Why are you asking me to help him?
- There you go.
- Okay.
It's hot
- Your soy sauce broth ramen.
- Excuse me.
Salt broth ramen and
soy sauce broth ramen, please.
Salt broth ramen and
soy sauce broth ramen. Okay.
- Salt ramen and soy sauce ramen.
- Got it.
No, you can't wash it like that.
Look, you have to do it like this.
That's how you do it?
You don't wash dishes at home,
do you?
It's a "guys only" household,
so we don't really care.
- That doesn't mean you can do this!
- Ouch!
Big brother!
I'm hungry!
You are? Well, just wait
a minute over there, okay?
Come on.
They're lovely.
- They're annoying, though.
- Yeah, I get it.
- Thanks for the food.
- Thank you, ma'am!
It's quite crowded.
What? We thought there were not many
customers, so we came for you.
Thank you! A table for one.
The guys
What are you doing?
Why are the other boys here too?
My restaurant is
unusually busy today,
so they are helping me out.
Is that so?
Get some water!
It's the first time I've seen
Yabuki like this.
I think he has found
something in him.
Get some plates, guys
Get some Worcestershire sauce.
Mr Kumai, you're running
a restaurant at such a young age,
it's remarkable!
Restaurant? It's just a shabby
little noodle shop.
- But it's still remarkable!
- Yes, it's amazing.
Did you decide to take over the
restaurant right from the start?
Not at all.
I kept rebelling against my parents,
and I thought I would never
take over the restaurant.
Then why did you take it over?
My dad died when I was in
my third year in high school,
then Yankumi said to me
I wasn't a good son
and didn't do anything for him.
You can start to do something now.
Look straight ahead of you
and just live in a way that
won't embarrass your father.
At the time, to me,
doing something for my parents
meant that I should treasure
the restaurant and keep it running.
The ramen restaurant is shabby,
but it was the place where
my dad worked so hard for me.
Come here.
My good kids
I have to work hard
until you two grow up.
Is that so? The students went to
help out at Kuma's restaurant?
A circle of Missy's students.
This is nice.
It is, right?
But Kuma's restaurant doesn't earn
enough to employ more staff, right?
But running a restaurant nowadays is
already something remarkable.
Kuma is working hard.
That reminds me, Shirokin Town's
grilled chicken shop has closed.
Maybe they failed to make money.
The fish store is closing too,
by the way.
Even the fish store?
The site will be used to build
a large apartment building.
So both the fish store
and the grilled chicken shop
will be moved off the site?
Shirokin Town
That's near Kuma's restaurant.
Will you go and check it out?
Yes, Boss.
Mr Kumai, you have a lot of respect
for your dad, don't you?
Not at all!
But dads do influence
their sons a lot, after all.
No, my dad
He's annoying, sloppy,
and he beat me right away.
You will understand soon enough.
We have been waiting for you.
Here you are, Kuma.
Who are you guys?
- How dare you!
- No, Yabuki!
I think it is time for you to
give us some good news about that
- Mr Kumai.
- I told you.
I am not selling my restaurant!
Is that so?
What a shame.
Mr Sawatari!
- Why is your face injured?
- It's none of your business.
- Good morning
- You
Do you still fight with people
even now that you are working?
You are still as hopeless as ever.
What the heck, jerk?
- You want to fight?
- Kuma, no!
- Are you picking a fight?
- No!
- What the heck?
- Are you picking a fight?
Say that again!
- Are you picking a fight?
- Calm down!
Say that again!
Did you fight with someone?
No, I fell down
the stairs yesterday.
- My legs hurt a lot too.
- Is that so?
What? You have to be careful!
- Good morning, Yabuki.
- Good morning.
I have to go now.
- Yeah? Thank you.
- Sure.
Mr Kumai.
I can be there at 3:00pm.
Yabuki, you're helping out
in the restaurant today too?
Yeah, for a while longer.
Right, Mr Kumai?
I see.
- Kuma, please take care of him.
- Sure.
See you.
Yabuki, have you told
your dad about this?
Talk to him?
But I still don't know
what I want to do yet.
Just tell him how you feel.
Your dad will understand.
I doubt it.
And I'm the only one
still saying that.
- It's too late for me.
- That's not true.
It can never be too late
to think about your own life.
- Yeah?
- It hurts! You do that every day.
(Kumai Ramen)
- There you go.
- Welcome
Wow, you are working hard.
What? Is everyone here
to see if I'm working?
Hey, isn't that Yankumi there
Oh! You guys are here too?
- Well, it's funny, right?
- Yeah.
It's not often that we see Hayato
so friendly.
- Don't use me as your amusement.
- We totally do.
You're quite cut out for this job.
You eat too noisily.
I'll have roast pork ramen
and gyoza, please.
Go make it yourself.
Hey, welcome to this
awful ramen restaurant!
Hey! What are you doing?
Go elsewhere if you're getting
in the way of our business!
What the heck?
- Yankumi, it's okay.
- But Kuma
What a plucky young lady!
Who are you, the owner's girlfriend?
- I am his class
- No!
- She is just a customer.
- Kuma!
Is that so?
Well, for this lovely
customer's sake,
we will leave today.
- Let's go.
- Yes, Boss
This is your last warning.
They're land sharks, aren't they?
Are they threatening you
to move out?
Today wasn't the first time, right?
Are they the ones who left
that wound on your face?
Why didn't you talk to me
straight away?
You should've told me something
so important. Don't be a stranger.
But it's okay now.
I will help you.
Just let me take care of this. Yeah?
Don't be ridiculous.
- Kuma?
- Don't meddle in my affairs.
It is none of your business!
- None of my business?
- You're not my teacher any more.
I graduated three years ago.
Don't keep acting like you're my
teacher and meddle in my affairs!
I want to settle this my way.
I don't need you to help me.
I can do it on my own!
Don't do anything uncalled-for.
It's a nuisance!
Kuma Wait!
I do worry about you!
I can't leave you on your own,
even if you say it's a nuisance!
What's the matter with him?
Has he really changed so much?
Don't tell me
he is going to give up
the restaurant.
Of course he isn't going to!
Why don't you understand him?
And how important the restaurant is
to Mr Kumai
You should know it more than
anyone else.
If you say that
I will feel sorry for Mr Kumai.
You know something, don't you?
Those guys came last night too.
When Mr Kumai said that
he wouldn't move out
Mr Kumai!
Yabuki, don't tell Yankumi
about this.
I don't want to drag her
into my troubles.
You know her, right? If she knows,
she'll try to do something about it.
She'll tell me to let her handle it,
and that she will protect us.
Yankumi is your
class teacher now,
she should be thinking
about you guys only.
Yankumi has really helped me a lot.
I cannot bring her any more trouble.
I am going to
do something about this myself.
He doesn't want to drag me into it,
and told me to stop coming to
the restaurant,
but I just couldn't accept it,
so I made him let me help today.
Mr Kumai is trying to
protect the restaurant and
his family on his own.
I see.
Kuma said that?
This is who Kuma is.
Of course he is not going to
give up his restaurant.
Did something happen
at Missy's school?
No idea.
Kuma's restaurant is being forced to
move out too, just as you thought.
I see.
Guys Why aren't you at school?
And why aren't you?
Well, I just
It's obvious what you're doing.
You're going, right?
To where they are.
We know you, and we thought
you would go there alone.
We are going with you.
What the heck is this?
Those guys came again?
I am sorry, Teruo.
I was so frightened,
so I gave them the restaurant's
title deed.
I cannot
have you guys come with me.
- Why?
- We're worried about Mr Kumai too.
- Hello?
- Miss Yamaguchi?
I am Teruo Kumai's mother.
Mrs Kumai? What's the matter?
Teruo He
Kuma went alone?
Okay. Please leave this to me.
What happened to Mr Kumai?
Don't worry. Go to school
- You guys stay here!
- Why?
- I can't let you go!
- Why
This is totally different
from fighting with high school
students and petty thugs.
I am going to help Kuma.
So, don't follow me!
Do you hear me?
Fine. We won't go.
- Ryu
- You guys too.
Do you understand?
- Okay
- But Hayato
That idiot How dare he
cause me trouble!
Hey, Yankumi!
Hey, Ryu!
Mr Kumai!
Yabuki? You
You can't do this alone.
- I can't get you into trouble
- I'm going with you.
Go away!
You want to protect
your restaurant, right?
Thank you for telling us.
Don't worry, we'll take care
of it from here
Okay. Thank you.
- Tetsu.
- Yes, Young Boss.
Not so fast.
Wait for me.
What are you here for, Mr Kumai?
You brought a high school kid
here with you?
Give it back to me.
You mean this?
Give it back!
That shabby restaurant
isn't worth much anyway.
To me, my shop isn't
just a shabby restaurant!
- What a shame.
- Give it back!
Give it back, jerk!
Mr Kumai!
What are you doing?
Don't try to act cool, jerk!
Come and fight with me!
Let go of them right now.
The girl from the other day
You seem to have been torturing my
precious students for quite a while.
Who are you?
I am their teacher.
The method you used
was pretty dirty.
This is business. I don't suppose
you'd understand, teacher.
You call this dirty trick business?
Teacher, does this look like
an ordinary company to you?
No, it doesn't.
This just look like the hangout of
some vicious idiots
that would do anything for money.
How dare you!
Show her the way out.
Yes, Boss.
Is bullying the weak your job?
Shut up!
Did he do anything to you?
Darn you!
He only wants to
protect his restaurant and
the family he treasures,
and he is just doing his best
to do this!
You use violence to threaten people
and make them do what you want.
Don't you dare do something so mean!
His will to protect what
he treasures
won't be broken by
your dirty tricks!
(Title deed)
Don't think that
I will forget this.
I have braced myself for it.
- Yamaguchi!
- Yankumi!
I heard that our hoyden was here
to bother you.
You are
It seems that the world has changed.
None of you seem to know
what duty and humanity is,
but you are marching off in triumph
under the sun now.
If you would like to talk to
my granddaughter,
I, Ryuichiro Kuroda,
will listen to your request for her.
let's go.
- I said, it hurts!
- Ouch!
Endure the pain a bit.
- Hayato!
- Yankumi
Are you okay?
What a relief
You are still my student, right?
When you graduated,
you guys said to me
that I would be your class teacher
forever, for life.
I am always on your side.
When anything happens,
I will help you.
Don't say such sad things like you
can't bring me any more trouble.
Sorry, Yankumi
Good boy!
You guys too.
Even when you graduate,
you guys will always my students.
For the rest of your lives.
Don't forget that.
But before that, guys,
you have to graduate
from high school.
Look who's talking!
Okay, guys. Let's go.
- Are you okay?
- Carry me on your back, then.
Don't push me It hurts
Hey. Have breakfast before you go.
I'll make you breakfast.
I've decided
I am not going to university.
I still don't really know
what I want to do yet,
but for now, I want to be
a man who can protect
what is important to him.
This has nothing to do with whether
I can do well academically or not.
I mean, for instance
you're not really that bad, Dad.
Right, Taku?
Whatever. See you, old man.
Take care.
What is this?
Big bro said that he should
make breakfast occasionally.
- See you, Dad.
- Okay. Take care.
Good morning!
Congratulations on our success.
- Cheers!
- Cheers
What are they doing?
The after party of
the wedding ceremony.
I had no idea I would enjoy
a wedding ceremony so much.
- Thank you, Mr Sawatari.
- Yeah?
What should we do next time?
Let's perform Kabuki next time.
Good idea!
HeyI'll show you the photo!
You did it dressed like this?
Come on, guys! Have some gyoza!
Thank you
Is it okay to give away so many?
Yeah, I can continue to run my
restaurant and I want to celebrate.
Everyone in the neighborhood
is against the plans,
so they can't build
the apartment building now.
- That's good news.
- Yeah.
- Good boys!
- Ow
You too
Thank you!
All right, I'll have some too!
Where's my share of the gyoza?
Thank you for your gyoza
Hey! You guys are so mean!
Give me some gyoza too!
Hey! Where's my portion?
Stop there!
Give me some gyoza too!
My gyoza!
We will hold a matchmaking party!
Oh, you called me Kumiko?
Are you still hanging out
with those guys?
If you don't tell him how you feel,
nothing will change.
I want to graduate with
my classmates.
Don't mess with me!
Thank you for the meal.
We'll split the bill.
5,000 yen per head.
Missy is so late!
I think she will be back soon!
How adorable!
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