Leverage: Redemption (2021) s02e08 Episode Script

The Turkish Prisoner Job

"Hit your numbers, hit your numbers."
Some politician's pressuring the chief
who's pressuring us
to make more arrests.
To hit our numbers.
What are we, salesmen?
Look, you wanna make detective,
you got to play the game.
And our job is to clean
up this neighborhood.
More like I'm Queen Bee, bitch.
There he is. Romero Delgado.
License and registration?
Yes, sir.
What did I do?
I'm a cook. I need to get to work.
I smell marijuana.
How about you, Billy?
I smell it too.
- Open up your trunk, Mr. Delgado.
- I don't do drugs.
We could wait for a warrant.
It'll probably take a
couple hours. It's up to you.
Put your hands on your
head and get out of the car.
- I didn't do anything!
- Now!
- Please, I have to get to work.
- Put your hands on your head.
I can't I can't lose my job. Please.
I don't know why you're doing this.
I don't know why you that's not mine.
- Let's go. Come on.
- I've never seen that before.
- Come on. Let's go.
- Officers, that's not mine!
- Officer, please!
- You have the right to remain silent.
Anything you say can be used
against you in a court of law.
- It's not mine!
- You have the right to an attorney
Hey, Renee, you're
making a huge mistake.
Make it fast, Harry.
I'm late for an arraignment.
Romero Delgado.
He's a line cook with no criminal
record and he's no drug dealer.
- Good morning, Sam.
- His brother ran with the Latin Kings.
Oh, so it's guilt by association now?
The guy had meth and a
ghost gun in his trunk.
So says two vice cops who
pulled him over for no reason.
That doesn't raise
any red flags for you?
And why would they frame
this solid citizen of yours?
Real estate developers
are bankrolling politicians
to put pressure on cops to make busts,
all to pave the way for new condos
moving in to Mid-City and you know it.
All I know is the case I have in
front of me and it is rock solid.
- Renee
- I've known you for a long time, Harry.
Do your client a favor. Take a plea.
He's not my client.
I thought you two go way back.
Well, it's a process.
Romero will lose his
job and then his house.
- I know. I know, I know.
- I mean, that's what they want.
Those cops made four busts like
this in the last six months,
law-abiding homeowners in
Mid-City with drugs in their car.
They cannot just get away with this.
They won't. I promise.
Harry, since we met last year
and took down those traffickers,
you changed my life.
You're the one that
convinced me to do this
to get off the partner track
and fight for the little guys,
so I just I need you
to give it to me straight.
Do you think I can win this in court?
No way on Earth she
wins this case in court.
Would you run it, please?
Yes. Meet vice cops
Kira Simone and Billy McShane.
Lots of commendations and
no record of misconduct.
It's 'cause they're
covering their tracks.
If it's their word against
Romero's, he's guilty.
No jury is gonna question them.
So if you were representing this
guy, what advice would you give him?
I'd advise him to take the plea. The
risk of going to trial is too great.
Which is exactly why the
other folks these cops framed
didn't even try to fight back.
I mean, they just did their time.
We have to stop them.
Well, that settles it.
I'm thinking
- Bear Trap.
- Tennessee Toothache.
- Cottonmouth Wiggle.
- If I may.
Breanna got to run a job this year
and I have a plan that
I would like us to try.
- Whoa, I mean, we-we-we
- Kinda gotta ease in
- We love you, Harry.
- to something like that, man.
Maybe take a stint with
one of the overseas groups.
- Hey, you know what? Hurley.
- Hurley.
I acknowledge it's a lot to ask,
but I did make Sarah a promise.
No. We've all jumped in at
some point. It's Harry's turn.
What's your play, our Mr. Wilson?
There's a preliminary hearing
coming up in Romero's case.
If we can prove in open court
that these cops are dirty,
their credibility will be shot.
- The DA will be forced to drop the charges.
- So?
So let's go steal a major drug bust?
- It's not how it's not a question.
- Uh
Bring it down.
I liked it. Just needs
a little practice.
Nice try, Harry.
Can you can you please stop that?
Looks like they paid off their CI.
10:02 AM, subject buys two
coffees and a glazed donut.
10:17 AM, subject one sits in car
and does crossword puzzle in pen.
Surveillance blows.
All right. Can you put
that away? We're going.
Welcome to the shop, baby.
Hey, my partner and I, we just
wanna have a little talk with you.
Okay. What you wanna talk
- Whoa, whoa, what are you doing?
- I don't know.
Why don't you tell me,
Robert Guthrie, Jr.?
I know I got friends in NOLA PD, right?
Oh, good for you. We're the feds.
And you're on our radar.
Looks like you're one punch
away from a free smoothie.
- Hey.
- It might be your last for a while.
I don't think you understand.
I'm on your side.
- Are you?
- I'm with the police.
- Oh.
- Okay. Let me try to explain it to you.
There's two buses
leaving the station, okay?
There's the witness bus and
then there's the defendant bus.
Now, Bobby, which one of
those do you wanna be on?
Take my card,
you think about it, you give us a call.
I'm keeping this.
But I want my free smoothie.
Okay. So if hassling the
informant was the bait,
how do we know our dirty
cops will bite the hook?
Well, Harry thinks so and
he was a dirty lawyer, so.
Plus, we gave their informant a card
with our fake task force address on it.
- Oh.
- Hey, hey.
- Who is it?
Well, come in.
We come in peace. I'm Kira
Simone. This is Billy McShane.
Wow, it looks like you got yourself
a real federal task force here.
- Yeah. I'm Nick O'Brien, FBI.
- Hmm.
This is Deputy US Marshal Kate Mercer.
This is Grillo, Cyber Unit, Treasury.
What brings you to the Big Easy?
An investigation.
And we're very busy.
Oh, no worries. We can
catch you another time.
We work Vice.
I just think there could
be some synergy here.
Hmm. No. We have everything
we need. Thank you.
No? Oh, okay. Well, you
wanna know what I see?
I see, uh, Three Blind Mice.
You have nobody that knows
the streets, knows the players.
I mean, this is NOLA, not DC.
And you've already scared
half the town hassling my CI.
You wanna go home empty-handed?
Yeah. You need us.
And it benefits us to know what
the feds are doing in our town.
Welcome to Operation Fer-de-Lance.
All right.
This is our target, Graziela Ortega.
A ruthless narco who
just arrived from Bogota.
Intel says she's meeting
with a pretty shady lawyer,
a one Harry Wilson, to
negotiate a shipment.
Grillo's got eyes and ears
in Wilson's office right now.
Yo, yo, yo!
We got Graziela. She's here.
And we are recording.
you brought your heavies here.
Well, it looks like it's your
lucky day. You're just in time.
Turn it up. Turn it up.
Look, now, Ms. Ortega,
I appreciate you
wanting to meet with me,
but I don't think that I can help you.
Your client has supply chain issues.
I can help.
Yes, but being a middleman is not
a role that I'm comfortable with.
What are you afraid of?
I'm afraid of ended up
like Warren Sarsfield.
His wife was getting mailed pieces
of him every year on his birthday.
Señor Sarsfield disappointed me.
I leave for Bogota tomorrow.
Meet me at Pier 47 at 9:00 AM,
terms as we discussed.
If this doesn't happen,
I will be very sad.
Señor Wilson.
All right, people, let's get to work.
As soon as Sophie and I make the
deal, you guys bust in and arrest us.
And as you're hauling us away,
you make sure to leave the
dirty cops in the warehouse
where they can bag and
tag the cash and the drugs.
Well, dirty cops will
do what dirty cops do.
They will help themselves.
And we get the whole thing on video.
Where did you find those
henchmen at such short notice?
Ah, they're from Leverage
International, did us a solid.
We catch them with their
hands in the cookie jar,
- and Romero goes free.
- Not just him.
Once the prosecutor sees this videotape,
he's gonna throw out all their busts.
Hey, Sarah, what's up?
Uh, all right. Make sure they
keep him in the clinic overnight.
What happened?
Romero got attacked.
It seems the guards
showed up just in time.
Attacked why?
Romero's brother was a shot
caller with the Latin Kings
and apparently he ran afoul of
a prison gang a couple years ago.
The green light covers
the entire family.
This is not the end of it.
Which is why we have to break
him out of jail right now.
You think Harry knew about the
gang beef with Romero's brother?
- Kind of a big thing to miss.
- Yeah, well, at some point,
you gotta take the wheel.
Well, this isn't it. Look,
he's earned our respect,
now he needs our support.
Okay, plan B.
- Purple Rhino?
- No.
Romero is scheduled to
appear in open court tomorrow
for his preliminary hearing.
Where Sarah was gonna expose
our dirty cops are
stealing drug bust money.
Exactly. Now it's the location
where we're gonna snatch Romero.
Ooh, a kidnapping. Uh, the good kind.
Courthouse is a soft target. Smart.
What about the corruption twins?
They're still on the task force. We
can still get them in the long con
after we make sure Romero's
okay. He's the priority.
Agreed. So first things first,
Eliot, be a sweetheart, dust off
an alias, get yourself arrested.
Breanna, bring some heat.
Burning eyes not okay.
Say no to hot sauce cancer cluster.
Make your voice heard!
Come on, do it, bots!
No hot sauce, no hot sauce,
no hot sauce, no hot
sauce, no hot sauce,
no hot sauce, no hot sauce.
No hot sauce, no hot
sauce, no hot sauce
Status please, Harry.
Yep. I'm coming in hot.
Hey, morning, Sam. Hold
that for me a second.
No hot sauce, no hot sauce
Sorry. What were you saying?
I've got eyes on Romero.
They're taking him to holding.
Do you think the judge will release
Romero after the jail attack?
Oh, well, he denied bail after
bogus gun and drug charges,
- so what does that tell you?
- What am I gonna do?
You're gonna fight for your
client. That's, that's your job.
You let me worry about his safety.
I should know by now not to ask
questions I don't want answers to,
so I'm just gonna say thank you.
Don't thank me yet.
Eliot, how we doing?
Package acquired.
Breanna, are we ready for our launch?
Venti is armed.
I'm saying I just, I feel like
I've got a weird feeling about this.
I mean, what if the judge doesn't bite?
- This guy's a citizen.
- Relax.
- This trial is never going to court.
- How do you know?
A deputy at the jail told me there
was a green light on our boy Romero.
They didn't get him yesterday,
but only a matter of
time before they do.
Look, I know we're supposed
to clean up this neighborhood,
but what did this guy do exactly?
His brother is a gangbanger.
He's not an angel.
Everybody's guilty of something.
We didn't exactly do this by the book.
I did it by the book for
years and got nowhere, okay?
And then I had old an
partner who showed me the way.
You make your arrest,
you get the job done.
If you don't like it, then
go coach Pop Warner football.
My client has never broken
the law in his life
and now he's been attacked.
He's the victim here.
Save it for the judge, Ms. Nichols.
Is that sriracha?
It must be the protesters outside
pulling some kind of stunt.
Well, just don't stand there. Help me.
You're gonna make a great mom someday.
She's a maniac!
Hey, what's happening?
- What's going on over there?
- Hey, what's happening, man?
- I don't know.
- Hey, Officer.
- I don't know, man.
- What what's happening?
- Hey! What's happening?
- I'll take it from here.
Where are you going?
- God, I want hot wings.
- What's happening?
We're busting you out.
- Put those on.
- Trust us.
Yeah. I'm a firefighter.
- No hot sauce! No hot sauce!
- All right, Romero, follow us.
Follow us. We'll clear the path.
Hey. Okay. Okay. Here we go.
He's falling behind.
There's something wrong.
Keep going. You're almost there.
Come on, come on, come on,
come on, come on, come on.
Where do you think you're going?
Oh. No. Please.
The limp give you away. Get up.
No, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no!
Should have plead guilty.
Could've helped you
in there, not anymore.
Uh, Eliot and Parker can
take these two cops, right?
Harry, it's your call.
And then what? We get
into a high-speed chase
in a bright red food truck?
Copy that.
I'm gonna go back in the holding cell,
maybe I can protect him from inside.
Why didn't I think about the limp?
I could have Breanna distract the cops.
I could have had Romero
brought out on a stretcher.
Here's how I see it.
Simone may be corrupt, but
she's also a good detective.
Both can be true.
First, the brother, now this.
Your plan A and plan B are a bust.
What's your M?
I have no idea.
Are you a good lawyer?
My clients thought so.
So what, what would you do after
a bad day at court, give up?
No, go back to the
office and hit the books.
That's what I thought.
I have something to show you.
This trunk belonged to Victor Lustig.
Do you know who that is?
The man who tried to
sell the Eiffel tower?
Yes. He's one of the greatest
grifters who ever lived.
It was a gift from my mentor.
It was a complicated relationship,
but he did give me this.
It's my library.
It's a collection of some
of the greatest grifts
and heists of all time.
Your plan M is in there.
Get to work, Mr. Wilson.
Ooh! It looks like he
hasn't slept all night.
- Hmm. Maybe we should, uh, take the
- Mm-mm.
New plan.
We are not gonna snatch Romero.
- We're not?
- We don't have to.
'Cause the dirty cops
are gonna do it for us.
Ooh, you're gonna run the Turkish
Prisoner, excellent choice.
Wait, I'm sorry. Do you have
some sort of grifter library
written in hieroglyphs?
Oh, that's from the tomb of Nakht.
It means beware of crocodiles.
And, uh, what is the Turkish Prisoner?
You can probably tell the
story better than I can.
It's the height of World War I
and the British troops are being
pummeled by the Turkish army
and forced to surrender.
So then they're marched
to a remote prison camp.
Think, hmm, well, the
Alcatraz of its day.
Escape means certain death.
But two British officers,
Jones and Hill, they're very clever
and they didn't bother with digging
a tunnel or scaling a wall, no.
They weave a story of
ghosts and mesmerism
all leading to a horde of hidden gold.
And with that story, they
convinced the commandant
- to march them out the door to freedom.
- Except we don't need ghosts
and I have the best treasure story,
- "The Legend of the Lost Stash House."
- I know that one.
Parker told me about it.
Okay. Right. So there
was this bagman, right?
And he hid $10 million in cash
inside the walls of a house
right here in New Orleans.
He was holding it for
this, like, big narco guy,
but the bagman didn't trust anybody.
So when he got killed in a drive-by,
the location of the
stash house died with him.
People have been searching for
it ever since, if it even exists.
I had a client that swore that it did.
And he died before he could
find it, which is how I know
it's gonna hook our dirty cops.
The problem is, they know
us from the con. We're blown.
That's the best part.
Okay. We've got a task
force chasing a narco
who's in town on mysterious business.
We've got a fed in jail
and we've got a treasure.
We have everything we need.
Hey, check this out.
It's from Harry's client,
the one who was searching
for the stash house.
It's got interviews, it's got maps,
and the dude was hardcore
about an urban legend.
Oh, no, it's real. No.
It's not like the Candyman
or The Horse Whisperer.
I mean, also, can you imagine
being woke up in the middle of night
by a horse whispering in your ears?
Oh, well, you know, the cops
just show up when you want.
Sorry, we had to make
a stop at the jail.
A deputy told me that Nick
picked a fight with the locals.
Yeah. Uh
He just snapped, you know.
You're in the dark
just as much as we are.
FBI agent trying to keep
a low profile just snaps?
What's going on?
You know what? I'll just
call your bosses in DC.
We'll just ask them. All good.
No, no, he, uh, he was looking
for the lost stash house, okay?
I mean, we all are.
The 10 million urban legend?
What does that have to do with Nick?
He's protecting Romero Delgado.
- Why him?
- Because he can lead us to it.
To the money.
The bagman left him a clue.
And honestly, you all are responsible,
like when you arrested Delgado,
you put him on Graziela's radar.
That 10 million, it's her money.
- And she's here to collect it.
- Unless, of course,
we find it first, and then
we all get to retire early.
Hold on. I'm sorry. Operation Free to
- Fer-de-Lance.
- Shut up.
Fer-de-Lance is just a ruse to get
Graziela to lead you to the money?
That's right. And there's
enough for all of us, so.
Do we have an understanding?
All right, show me this clue.
It's nine names.
Who are they?
They're all dead.
Obviously there's not a whole lot
on the web about these folks.
Yeah. The only thing connecting
them is that they're here.
Yeah. And right next to each other.
- In three rows of three.
- Huh.
Here. Hold that.
Hey, maybe the stash house is a lie.
What if the money's here?
I don't know.
Ten million dollars in small bills,
that takes up a lot of space.
No. It's another clue.
Yeah, but where?
I mean, we don't even
know where to look.
Chevaux, Xavier, Osborne.
Some are Xs and some are Os.
Something's buried here.
Come on.
Oh, I don't wanna hear
anything about your bad knee.
Let's go, let's go.
Figures. Always gotta do
the grunt work around here.
Who's that?
Don't know. We'll get
rid of them. Stay here.
Keep digging. Go, go.
Come on. Dig.
Come on. Faster.
What is it?
What the
Hey, hey. We're federal agents.
No, no, no, no. That's
not what's happening.
Hurry up.
- What is that? What's going on?
- Quiet.
That's not what I see.
I see opportunists.
Common thieves.
Now, where is my money?
I don't know, but we
can help you find it.
We're not greedy. Just
give us a finder's fee.
I give everyone I do
business with two choices,
plata or plomo, silver or lead.
Now, if you had come to me
and offered your assistance,
I would have agreed to your proposal.
In fact, I would have
been very generous.
But you didn't do that. No.
Instead, you went behind my
back and tried to steal from me.
So you made your choice.
Wait, stop! No, please!
Now, clean this up.
Leave no trace.
They're hooked.
What do you think? I tried a new recipe.
Oh, hmm.
You better hope they took the bait.
What is it, Eliot?
I just got a kite
passed through the bars.
They greenlit another hit
on Romero in the morning.
They're gonna keep coming
because of my brother.
Yeah. We're gonna get
you out of here today.
I'm gonna protect you.
What if I plead guilty?
It's my first offense. The
judge would let me free.
Yeah. There's forces here that are
bigger than you and I, all right?
They want your house,
and they are not gonna
stop until they get it.
These guys are like gangs in prison,
except they wear $5,000 suits.
Now, I want you to trust me.
And I need you to follow my lead, okay?
Huh! Huh!
Get out of hey. Fellas, forget it.
We got the wrong guy.
Romero's not even this guy's brother.
He's not even part of the Latin
Kings. He's a what did you say?
A line cook in a restaurant.
However, that is some hard work,
though. It's a respectable job.
Now get out of here, man.
Aw, look who went to
arts and crafts today.
Nice work on that, uh,
a razor mount there,
but that's just gonna piss me off.
However, took a lot of time
on that spoon, good job.
And you've got a pen.
All right.
All right. Break it up.
Break it up.
Leave him alone.
Need to see you at the task force, Nick.
Let's go have a little chat.
Back in 1915, it took
Jones and Hill months
of, I don't know, seances and
trances to get to this point.
I'm impressed.
If she bites.
- You're worried?
- Yeah, I'm worried.
She's a dirty cop, but like you
said, she's a good detective.
Ambition and greed aren't
her only weaknesses.
She's also a problem solver.
That's a weakness?
All talents become vices
- when you add one small ingredient.
- What's that?
Success. You gave her
a tantalizing problem.
A key without a lock.
Absolutely not.
I've been looking for
this stash house for years.
I'm not cutting you guys in.
All your friends are dead, Nick.
What are you talking about?
We got there too late.
You're lying. Both of you.
You don't kill two feds without
ended up all over the news.
You know how the narcos do it.
No body, no crime.
Your friends are never gonna be found.
And you're next.
Which means that we're your
best hope for getting outta here.
Tell me which door this key opens.
All right.
But not here.
You gotta walk us both
out, me and Romero.
Sure. Yeah. As soon as you tell
me where the stash house is.
I don't know what that
key opens, all right?
You know who does? Romero.
And he just got a
green light put on him,
and he's sitting in
there in general pop.
So if you want your money,
it's right now or never.
We'll get you outta here
before the attacks get worse.
We got you out on a 24-hour pass.
You try anything, we
shot you trying to escape.
I already wrote up the
paperwork for the report.
Now, what does this key open?
I don't know, but I
recognize the key chain.
- It's from Gator Jill's.
- What the hell is that?
An alligator park, destroyed by Katrina.
Me and my friend, we used to work there
before he went to work for the narcos.
Alligator park?
You buying this?
"Welcome to the carnivorous
reptile capital of the world,
home to the 14-foot monsters
that call the swamp our home."
Looks like it was a real place.
Come on.
Was a real place.
What's there now?
I don't know, people left
I bet the gators stayed.
What was that?
An alligator, you moron.
- They're everywhere.
- Just relax.
Simone, I don't know if I can do this.
Yes, you can do it. Calm down.
Get your head in the game, okay?
- Okay.
- Fine.
This way. Follow me.
Come on, McShane.
Get out. Tie up the boat.
Come on, man, we're in the red zone.
There aren't alligators in football.
All right, let's get this baby open.
It's clear.
What the hell are you doing?
I'm looking for the money.
There's not $10 million dollars
in a cash register, you moron.
I told you to stop calling me that.
You know, I've had a lot of concussions.
- What are we looking for?
- We're looking for a clue!
- God!
- You guys.
Romero's buddy's not
just gonna hand him a map.
Somebody could steal it.
He's not stupid.
He's gonna make you work for it.
Then what's the clue?
She's not finding it.
Should Eliot step in?
Let's be patient.
We've left nothing to chance.
By capturing her attention
without her even knowing it.
First, a flash of
color, but not too stark.
Then a face.
Humans evolved to track
eyes, even in an image.
The alligator keychain. It's blue.
Oh, my God.
Guys, guys, guys, guys, guys.
Here we go. Here we go.
Um, its numbers.
- Yes. Numbers.
- What does it what does it mean?
Looks like coordinates
to, uh, an address.
It's gotta be the stash house.
All right, we find the
money and we divvy it up.
You guys drop the charges on Romero.
Yeah. That's our deal.
Dammit, man. What?
I swear. I met you before
on a drug investigation.
- But you had a different name.
- What?
Never met you in my life, man.
I go undercover a lot.
People, people, we have an address.
Okay. Let's get rich.
But first, we got a few
loose ends we got to tie up.
Come on. Now!
Where's the boat?
What do you mean, where's the boat?
Boat's in the middle of the water.
I told you to tie up the boat.
I did.
You two go get the boat.
- Go get the boat?
- Now!
I don't know if I can do this.
Homestretch. Keep your head about you.
Romero! No! Romero! Run! Run!
Help, help!
I told you! He's taking
the bullets! Look at him!
- I'm out.
- Me too.
- Is that a
- What do we do?
Shh. Shh.
I heard those gunshots.
Whatever happened in
that swamp out there,
I'm gonna make you pay for it.
- Oh, God.
- Now, tell me where my money is
or I'm gonna send you home in pieces.
On three. One
- Should we call for backup?
- And tell them what?
We're not supposed to be here.
- What about the others?
- They're gator food.
Do you wanna go swimming with them?
Where is my money?
We have what we need. Let's just go.
- She's so scary.
- Oh, my God.
Let's get the money! Go, go, go, go!
Eliot. You can come out now.
Sold it. I believed it.
What are you doing? What are
you keep it together, man.
I'm trying.
Well, how was that for a death scene?
You were great.
I always knew that you were a
method actor over Meisner. Ugh.
Who the hell is Meisner?
Hey. You guys were amazing.
Thank you so much. Oh, and
Parker said give her a call
about that job in Honduras.
Oh, Mr. Wilson, I've seen the
Turkish Prisoner done three times,
but never with an alligator.
Two alligators, actually.
I don't understand.
Where did the cops go?
They went to find the money
in the walls of the house.
What house?
What if Graziela is coming?
Don't be greedy. Just
take what you can carry.
Where could you be?
This doesn't feel right.
Where are you? Where
are you, piles of money?
I'm about to be rich.
Seriously, this is off. I don't like it.
Could it be in the wall?
Help me.
McShane, help.
Help me.
Oh, baby.
McShane, McShane.
McShane, what are you doing?
Oh, no.
Don't move, you suckers.
Your Honor, it's plain as
day what's going on here.
Enlighten me.
Those cops wanted to frame my
client because they thought he knew
the location of hidden drug money,
and they wanted him under their thumb.
You're talking about the urban legend.
Here's a photograph of them
leading Delgado out of jail
after they've arrested him twice.
And why exactly did they search
for at Ms. Fontenot's house?
You'll have to ask them.
I have the same question, Judge.
In the meantime, I will be dropping
all charges against Mr. Delgado.
Well, I'll sign the order.
And the four other people busted
for drugs by these two cops,
you'll reopen their cases as well?
- Of course.
- Far be it from me
to tell you how to do your job,
but I think if you just leaned
on one of those cops a little bit,
maybe that Billy McShane,
he might tell you all about
those arrest quotas and the shady
real estate developers behind them.
Our grand jury investigation
will be wide-ranging
and thorough, Your Honor.
See that it is, Ms. Fontenot.
I'll make sure of it.
- Don't. Just don't.
- Next round of golf's on me, Renee.
Nice work, Counselor.
Harry, how did those
cops end up at her house?
Oh, it's a long story.
- I've got time.
- Well, it's 1915,
and the world is consumed by war.
Dawn breaks over the Tigris River.
Okay, so we got this place
at a foreclosure auction.
It's yours now.
But I have a house.
Eh, consider it an investment property.
Besides, your neighbors are gonna
need some help fighting developers.
Oh, you're gonna wanna use this.
I think the place needs
some renovations.
Okay. Ten million dollars in cash
takes up about 30 cubic feet of space.
When you factor in floor plans,
building permits issued since 2005
and renovated homes and the
bagman's last known whereabouts,
the formula gives you
315 Oak View Drive.
Whoo-hoo! Whoo!
Oh, it's true! Oh, my God!
I'm rich!
Good news.
McShane already rolled on his partner.
Oh. The dominoes are starting to fall.
Hey, uh, how come you gave
me so much rope on this one,
even when all my plans
failed so spectacularly?
What is a con?
Is that a trick question?
It's a set of artificial circumstances
designed to elicit an intended response.
A Christmas Carol , that's a con.
Cyrano de Bergerac.
Once you start seeing it like that,
like a blank canvas, you realize
everyone's gonna paint it differently.
I guess that's why
we're called con artists.
You know, Parker and Eliot, they
have crews all over the world,
and they're run by a neuroscientist,
a professor of philosophy, a clockmaker.
You're a lawyer.
That is the lens through
which you see the world.
And I knew if I gave
you just a little nudge,
you'd use the law to get the job done.
I don't feel much like a lawyer lately.
I'm not sure really what I am.
Harry, you light up when
you're in a courtroom
or when you're mentoring
a young attorney.
It's your calling.
You think I'll go back?
With a very distinctive set of skills.
Maybe not criminal law, but
Hmm a law criminal?
Harry Wilson, law criminal.
I like that.
Eliot, Billy the Gent.
He's an old friend.
It's about my daughter.
You remember Miranda.
Is she in some kind of trouble?
You are family, forever.
She's fallen under the
spell of a scam team.
- Multilevel marketing?
- It's a pyramid scheme.
Like a pyramid?
I never thought about it that way.
A stranger is just a
Magiq Baby seller
you haven't met yet.
Suck them dry and
move on to new victims.
Without me, they are nothing.
Gonna have to step up our game.
- Yes!
- No!
I hope you fight better than you lie.
Fortunately, I've had
good teachers in both.
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