Mutant X s02e08 Episode Script

Sign from Above

i knew you were all talk.
Huh, how do you figure? Well, i whipped you to a pulp on the dance floor, and then i beat you back here by half a block.
You're a feral.
If you didn't know how to dance, we'd have to take you back to the genetic drawing board.
Oh, i don't know if you'd want to do that.
I mean, who knows what else they'd change? You're, right.
I wouldn't want that.
hmm, as much as i'd like to make an evening of this, i'm afraid i'm going to have to send you home.
No, no, no, no, no.
Come on, what happened to that feral stamina you were talking about? It's got to be at work at 700 a.
- Along with the rest of me.
You know, i can't believe that someone like you spends your days working at a music store.
What should i be doing? Showing off my powers like the rest of you guys at mutant x, huh? Letting the entire world will know that i'm a freak? We're not freaks, amanda.
Yeah, but we're not totally normal yet, either, are we? Hmm.
Call me on friday.
We'll play 'til you drop.
I'm going to hold you to that.
umm, good night.
Good night.
You shouldn't make promises you can't keep.
I don't get many break-ins.
And you're about to find out why.
That's what i came for, amanda.
How do you know my name? I know everything about you.
Including what you are.
And what's that? Hmm, valuable.
Take her.
I am adam kane.
I was a pioneer of genetic research, manipulating dna to save human lives.
But in many, their genes unexpectedly mutated.
They developed superhuman abilities.
Together with four of the most powerful, i fight to protect a world that doesn't even know we exist.
We are mutant x.
Agh she's not at home.
She's not at work.
And she's not answering her cell phone.
Oh, sounds like she's blowing you off, brother.
She's not blowing me off.
What? Like women don't do that? They say something when they mean something totally different? No.
This woman doesn't do that.
Besides, i'm not so sure you're the right guy to be giving advice.
When was the last time you had a steady relationship, huh? jess, uh, having a relationship and handling women are two totally different things.
One doesn't necessarily go with the other.
Something came across my desk a few hours ago.
I didn't know who else to call to try to make sense of it.
Bergman, just do me a favour, okay? Don't try to play me.
You're sitting on top of one of the best intelligence networks in the world.
In the last seventy-two hours, three bodies have turned up in the river.
The police have a competent homicide division.
All these bodies shared something very special.
In all three cases, their genetic structure was modified.
So you're telling me they were new mutants? Their genetic structure was similar to the bodies recovered after the genomex debacle.
None of the victims appear in official records.
Look, i don't know every mutant that genomex created and, you know, toward the end we weren't exactly sharing information.
But you do have a registry of the mutants you've been able to help.
I see your intelligence web is even better than i thought.
All i'm asking is that you put names to some of those young people.
That's the least you can do for their families.
Why? Because you think i'm responsible for making them what they are in the first place? I didn't say that.
Well, you don't have to.
You know them? Her! Alright, tell me what you know.
Adam, that's impossible.
I was with her last night.
The coroner fixed the time of death as early as this morning.
Her body was found in the river.
That means that whoever killed her was waiting for her when i left.
I should've stayed.
Adam, i could've protected her.
Jesse, don't torture yourself about this.
Amanda was a powerful feral, almost as strong as shalimar.
She could take care of herself.
What the hell are you talking about? Whoever killed her, knew what she was.
They knew about her powers.
They were strong enough to overcome them.
She never did anything to anybody.
Who the hell would want to kill her? I don't know.
But we're going to find out.
And then we're going to stop them before they hurt somebody else.
Oh, we find them - i will stop them.
She lived down here.
She thought it would give her some privacy.
Keep her safe.
Guess that didn't work out too good, huh? I don't think where she lived had anything to do with her death.
We don't know for sure what caused it.
Oh, i know what caused it.
She was murdered because she's a mutant.
Or maybe she just decided to go for a swim in the river at 3:00 a.
- Jesse, stop it.
Everybody just relax.
You guys check the perimeter.
We're going to go inside and take a look.
That was pretty cold.
Not really.
His girlfriend just died.
You could cut him some slack.
And that means i have to go down the road with every crisis, every one of you is feeling? Look, ever since our powers got ramped up i have been finding it harder and harder to keep my defences up against stray emotions.
And when somebody, especially a friend, radiates pure grief like jesse is, then i find it really hard not to get wrapped up in it myself.
Well, you could help him.
No, i couldn't.
I could make him feel good for a little while.
You know, so good that that he might forget all about amanda.
It would just be temporary.
People have to deal with grief like this on their own.
Emma, he's in pain.
So what? Every time somebody is feeling something they shouldn't, i should mess around in their heads? Who decides when it's okay, shal? Me? You? I see your point.
You don't have to be so cold about it.
At least she put up a fight.
I don't believe it.
So what'd you talk about last night? I don't know, music, movies, what we were going to do next weekend.
Well, she must've said something that can help us figure out why they killed her.
She was a nice person.
She wasn't involved in anything.
I'm not saying she was.
I'm just looking for a reason as to why this all happened.
Anything? Not yet.
It's been so long i can't get a fresh scent.
Take us a month to sort through all this stuff.
Well, maybe this is a job for the police.
That would be a shame.
I'm happier you're here.
Saves me going looking for you.
Brennan, jess, we could use some help here.
We're on our way.
You choose.
I've got your back.
No, emma? You okay? They got shalimar.
Over there.
Just disappeared into thin air.
Well, you do it all the time.
What, you think they're mutants? I don't know what the hell they are.
They seem to have tremendous strength, and yet they don't fit the feral profile.
They also seem resistant to emma's mental attacks.
Well, maybe it's some kind of mechanical enhancement.
Well, i have something else that i'm concerned about.
Amanda's autopsy showed how she died.
She suffered a complete epiduric breakdown of her central nervous system.
Which means what? Her spinal fluid was drained.
Every drop of it.
Adam, why would somebody do that? I don't know.
But i'm afraid that they're planning to do the same thing with shalimar.
There's got to be something we can do.
Well, i'm going back to my source.
I want you guys to monitor the news and the information webs.
See if you can come up with anything on a similar crime.
What? So that's it? Shalimar could be dying and we're sitting here surfing the net.
You know, if it makes you feel any better, i think whoever these guys are, they're going to show themselves again soon.
Why? Because i got a feeling we're not going after the bad guys this time.
They're coming after us.
Uh uh uh what do you people want? Uh uh somebody talk to me.
You are persistent.
Ectomorphic restraints can be very draining.
Most people would have given up after an hour or so.
I'm not most people.
Not at all.
Healthy, vital, extremely strong.
Prime mutant stock.
Sounds like i just won a ribbon at the county fair.
I need you to help me, shalimar fox.
I need you to tell me about adam kane's database of mutants.
I need you to spontaneously combust.
Any chance of that? That's it.
Keep up the anger.
It'll make what comes in the end, so much sweeter.
You will tell me what i want to know.
And if i don't? I don't offer options.
I should warn you this is going to hurt.
A lot.
It sounds like you're accusing me.
I'm not accusing you of anything.
I'm not accusing anybody of anything.
I just need to get to the bottom of what happened to amanda terry.
Now, who told you about the missing mutants? The type of people who don't exist officially.
But what they say is always right on the money.
Look, one of my teammate's life is on the line.
So i need to know what you know.
Adam, you know everything i'm able to tell you.
Ah all right.
All right, listen, i i wasn't going to tell you until i checked this out myself.
Weren't going to tell me what? My source says there's a report of a young women being dragged into a warehouse downtown.
Now, the description of the fight she put up led my people to believe she was something more than human.
All right.
Give me the address.
Adam, i hope this leads somewhere.
I hope you find your friend.
some place.
Bet even the rats think twice before hanging out here.
Hey, can't all be one of your family's society lunches.
I don't like them much either.
Those were the guys that got shalimar.
who are these guys? I told you they were strong.
Get away from me.
It's okay.
We want to help you.
Jesse, let him go.
We gotta find shalimar.
Come on.
I'm not going back in there.
I'm not going.
Looks like we missed the party.
Yeah, i think you're right.
Shalimar's com-link.
Okay, well we know she was here.
Question is, what'd they do with her? Maybe our friend outside can answer that question.
What's that? Some kind of vial.
Oh, that's not surprising.
I'm sure this place is pretty popular with the druggies.
Yeah? Then why is this the only thing that's on the floor? You think they were using it on the captives? Sh, who knows? Maybe on themselves.
Maybe we're fighting junkies.
Nothing'll surprise me at this point.
This is kyle.
He says that he wants to help.
You're looking for the giri the feral.
You saw her? They took her away.
They took all the others away.
They would've got me too if you guys didn't show up.
You have any idea what they're after? No.
What did they do to you? They came to my work a couple of days ago.
They just grabbed me in front of everybody.
I i tried to fight them, but do you think this is happening because i'm different? It's possible.
Do you know how they found you? No.
My parents always kept my differences hidden.
They told me never to use my powers in public, so i i never did until i had to fight these guys.
Look, you gotta think here.
Okay? There had to have been something, maybe something they said? They didn't talk to me.
They only talked with each other when they thought i couldn't hear them.
I guess they don't understand about a feral's hearing.
So you don't remember anything they said? Nothing that makes sense.
They said something about a hospital, mercy general.
They had to make another run.
All right, you know, let's get him back to sanctuary.
Maybe adam can figure this out.
It's okay.
Well, whatever was in that vial you guys found, it's definitely not street drugs.
There are chemicals in there that could kill a human being in a second.
So it was a poison.
I wouldn't say that either.
There were also elements of living matter in there, dna fragments.
What? There are definitely some kind of human dna bonded at the core of the compound.
It's just going to take me some time to break it down.
Oh, what about kyle? He says his last name is strong, but i've been through the database twice.
We have no record of him.
Well, there were a lot of secret experiments done at genomex.
You know, there are just no records about that.
Yeah, and we saw this guy fight in the warehouse.
No normal human can move that fast.
All right, then, whatever he is, his information about the hospital is still the best shot we have of getting shalimar back.
And we gotta move fast.
Time between amanda's abduction and the time her body was found is less than eighteen hours.
So if shalimar's in the same situation time is limited.
Now, i'm running a satellite scan on the hospital complex that's going to be uploaded onto the computer aboard the helix.
So you guys go to the hospital; when you check it out, keep your eyes open.
Anybody that can get the best of shalimar is a threat to be taken seriously.
What about emma? Well, she can stay here.
She can work with kyle.
Maybe she can come up with more details about his operation, something he might have forgotten.
Okay? Right.
We're on it.
- Hey.
So how are you feeling? Um, better.
well, you've been through a lot.
I guess it's just good we got to you when we did.
Why is that? Well, they've been killing people and draining their spinal fluid.
Just doesn't make any sense.
Who knows what kind of sickos these guys are.
Well, one of the people that was killed, was a really close friend of jesse's.
But you're fighters, right? I mean, you take those chances.
No, not amanda.
She wasn't like us.
All she cared about was music.
You know, she didn't deserve what happened to her.
None of us do.
I'm sorry emma, i hope you get her back.
Well, we got you back.
That gives me some hope.
I risked exposure, getting them for you.
The one we have, isn't talking despite some serious persuasion.
And how does letting them escape get us any closer to adam kane's database? They took one of mine with them.
Into sanctuary? Yes.
The mother lode of mutants will be available for us to pick off whenever we choose.
I have new respect for you, wolf.
This will prove to be very profitable.
For both of us.
You have no idea of the profit.
i wondered when you were coming back.
I was starting to think you didn't care about me any more.
You may be right.
You'll soon be unnecessary.
You're bluffing.
You can't find the database on your own.
Not yet.
But soon.
And then i'll have everything i need.
What do you people want? People's brains and spinal cords float in a bath of fluid.
In normal humans, that fluid is rich in nutrients, chemicals and proteins.
But in new mutants, it's got a whole lot more.
Your genetic abnormalities turn it into something very special to my people.
What are you talking about? Ingested, it gives my people intense physical power for short periods.
The more powerful the mutant, the more power we obtain.
And with enough power one can rule a world.
Even mine.
I'm saving yours for myself.
In that case, i hope you choke on it.
Prepare her.
You know, you're different, kyle? Me? Different than what? I don't know.
Different than other mutants.
Different than other people.
Bad different? No.
Good different.
You know, it's kind of nice not being blasted by another person's emotions.
I can let my defenses down a little bit more.
So, you can't read me at all? All my dark secrets are still safe? I'm afraid so.
That's good.
That way you won't see it coming.
Oh, yeah? What's that? I don't know.
Maybe i haven't decided yet.
But being this close to you kind of gives me a few ideas.
You know what? Maybe i was wrong.
Maybe you're not so different than every other guy.
I promise you i'm different.
If somebody wasn't sick when they got here, they would be when they left, wouldn't they? It's the only lead we got.
Yeah, well, there's over two hundred rooms in this place and we don't even know where to start.
Hey, check it out.
I knew it wasn't her.
Let's follow.
So, this is the nerve centre.
Our our operations take us all around the world.
We we monitor crimes, disasters, politics.
Even a bunch of random stuff that only seems to make sense to adam.
Your adam, he seems like a pretty smart guy.
I mean, all this, creating mutant x.
You know, you could be a part of it if you wanted.
With what we're doing, we could always use someone with your kind of strength and speed.
And maybe somebody to put a little bit of mystery and romance into the mix? in less than an hour, your essence will be mine.
And you? You'll be less than nothing.
You give me one minute outside this rig, with or without your super juice and i'll make you wish you'd never even heard of new mutants.
Wishing for the impossible is not one of humanity's most ingratiating characteristics.
i like your taste in music.
I thought you'd like it.
Uh, you want me off the computers? No, take your time.
I like watching you listen.
You know, i i hadn't thought about it much before, but what about the others like us? Adam keep track of them, too? Yeah, he's got a whole database of them in the computer.
Everyone he knew about from the genomex years and all the people we've found since.
I hope he keeps it locked up tight.
Even jesse wouldn't be able to break the encryption.
And what about your friends? They okay? Nothing yet.
But they'll call as soon as they find something.
It's nice that you're worried about them.
I thought you said you couldn't read me.
I guess some things you just know without any special powers.
I guess this is how normal people get to know each other.
Without being intimate from the first look and you could handle that? Being with somebody and never being able to look into their mind? Well, maybe it wouldn't always have to be like that.
Maybe i just wasn't trying hard enough.
Maybe i just wasn't connected.
Kyle, what are you? You shouldn't have done that, emma.
Emma? Emma, are you all right.
No thanks to kyle.
Where is he? I don't know.
I went in deeper and i saw something.
Come and sit down.
I don't think he's what he's supposed to be.
Not what he seems to be? What do you mean? His mind isn't like ours.
I don't think that he's human.
all right.
Well, then that would explain something.
I just finished my analysis of the residue that was in the vials that brennan found at the warehouse.
The dna in it is new mutant dna.
It's where the missing spinal fluid went right.
So this compound that would be fatal to a human, to someone like kyle, whatever he is oh, damn.
What is it? He's trying to break into the mutant database.
And i just let him in.
Don't blame yourself.
There's no time.
He's disabled our pass codes.
Can you tell where he is? He's in the hangar bay.
Wha wha wait.
If he's as strong as the others were, there's no way that we can handle him alone.
Well, i have to try.
No, emma.
Listen, listen.
I want you to go away and i want you to just keep him busy for a little while.
I need some time in the lab.
I need to try to even the odds.
I want you to be careful.
How much do you want to bet this door leads to shalimar? Let's go.
Let's go find her.
Go away, emma.
You'd be wise to put some space between you and what's coming.
What are you? Trust me, you don't want to know.
I'm not going to let you do this, kyle.
You can't stop me.
Well, i'm going to try.
don't waste your time.
I'm through.
What the hell are you? You have no idea.
You want to see what i am, emma? Take a good look.
Adam, ironic, isn't it? What we steal from you is the very thing that gives us the power to steal more.
I put something together.
I don't know if it's going to work, though.
We don't have much of a choice now, do we? Well, maybe you think you can do something she can't? Well let me finish my business here.
I'll have more time to play.
Playtime's now.
That was stupid.
Watch who you call stupid.
Good it works.
Well, whatever he is, maybe now he'll understand the old adage about a woman scorned the hospital must've been a trap.
And brennan and jesse walked right into it.
Let's go.
Looks like all the action's down below.
Where else would hell be? Shalimar? Shal? Jess.
Thank god.
Come on, let's get her out of this thing.
Jess, get this thing apart, come on! Arrghhh it's only a matter of time until we have the files we need.
If your agent has been compromised, then i'm exposed and so is this location.
How are they going to stop me? I have mutant x.
I have all the power i need to destroy any threat.
You do what you want.
From now on, i'm out.
You're right.
You're out.
You guys all right? Yeah, except for a killer headache.
Hey, jess.
See if you can phase these restraints.
They're energy based.
I'm not good at that.
You know what? Forget good.
Adequate would do now.
I'm going to try something.
Let's finish what we started.
Well, save some for me, boys, because that bitch is mine.
Okay, you two get going.
I'm going to fix it so they won't be sucking anybody else.
You should've stayed where you were.
It would've hurt less.
Well, if i'm going down, i'm going down.
But i'm going to leave you something to remember me by.
Why are you wasting your time? You don't stand a chance, any of you.
I wouldn't be so sure about that.
You want to play around with mutant genetics, i'm the last person you want to play with.
I think you just lost your advantage.
I'm saving this one for myself.
You all right? Yeah, i think i'm probably down about a quart, but i'm going to make it.
Okay! We got ten seconds until this place blows.
Come on! Let's go! So did you talk to your friends at the agency? Yeah.
Wolf and what's left of her people are being held at a controlled facility.
Like an area 51? Yeah.
Something like that.
So is it just me or does the world feel like it got a whole lot bigger all of a sudden? Yeah.
You're right.
How's emma? Well, you know, she's been better.
Maybe you want to go talk to her.
I don't need the pity, adam.
Just wanted to see how you're doing.
You know, i used to think you were lucky, not being stuck feeling everyone else's emotions.
When i didn't feel anything from kyle, i was relieved.
You know, i thought i could take him at face value.
I don't know, maybe i thought i could love him.
Well, welcome to how it is for the other When you love somebody, you don't really know what's in their hearts.
You take your chances.
Yeah, well i don't think i can do that.
Not if it feels like this when it doesn't work out.
Well, but you gotta put your pain behind you.
You gotta move on, you gotta take another chance.
It makes life a little bit more interesting.
That's easy for you to say.
Look, the guy who i thought was helping us find shalimar turned out to be the guy who set us up.
That doesn't mean i'm not going to trust anybody again i understand.
But i'm still happy i have my power.
Because however painful it is sometimes, it's nowhere near as painful as having to rely on trust.
Hard way to live your life, emma.
I mean, even with your power, i think you're going to have to take your chances sometime.
You gotta you gotta trust somebody.
Well, you can keep your trust.
I'll take the sure thing any day.
You know, there wasn't really time before.
But i just wanted to tell you i'm sorry about amanda.
She didn't want to be a part of our world, shal, but our world came after her, anyway.
well, i'll tell you the minute life starts getting fair.
you hang in there, okay? Yeah.
There's nowhere else to hang.

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