Panchayat (2020) s02e08 Episode Script


To your left. To your left.
Slowly. Slowly. Stop. Stop.
Pick that up.
Be careful with that.
You might break something.
-He is a stupid oaf.
-Who is stupid oaf? Continue, uncle.
Get it done.
-Look, I got it made.
-That's great.
-How is it looking?
Is it spelt correctly?
-It will be done.
The entire banner is red in colour.
Who needs a border now?
-New shop is opened.
Hello, uncle.
Hello, dear.
-When did you arrive?
-I just got here.
There's a prayer meeting in the village,
and I thought I should attend it too.
I see, and why didn't
you bring your husband along too?
Nohe's gone to Benaras.
Why did you send him to Benares?
He's always going to Benares.
Papa, we're heading to Fakoli market,
to buy a few stuff.
I seego ahead.
Buy what you need. Have fun.
200 isn't enough, uncle.
It's not even enough for snacks.
Fine, take another 100.
Okay, return 100 rupees.
-Why 100 rupees?
-I'll need it during the prayer meeting.
-She's always grabbing my money.
Go have fun but be back on time.
-Hop on.
-Don't go watch a film.
-Okay, uncle.
-See you in the evening.
Vikas, did Rajkumar give donation?
No, he didn't.
Stop. Stop.
Rajkumar, where is your donation?
My son has already paid.
How members are going
to pay from one family?
Uncle, all the earning members
of the family must give a donation.
Exactly. Prahlad donated 2500.
His son Rahul donated 2500.
Did he?
Well he was going to send it.
Let me remind him.
Call him up.
It's okay. Your son's in the army.
Don't bother him when he's on duty.
No, no, let me call him
in front of you and remind him.
There should be transparency.
And anyway, he's on night duty.
There's no problem.
-'Greetings, papa.'
Send the donation money, son.
'I'll send you in the evening.'
'I'll hang up now. CO sir is calling.
For some important work.'
-Okay, fine. Focus on the job, okay.
Here you go.
You didn't have to give proof.
I'll send the receipt home.
Doesn't matter.
What time is the veneration tomorrow?
The veneration starts at 10 tomorrow,
and ends on day 3 at 10 o'clock.
So see you tomorrow
with all your family.
Of course.
By the way, Pradhanji,
how much donation are you giving?
That's fantastic.
Didn't you know?
No. No one told me.
Anyway, let's not blow our own trumpet.
See you.
He talks a lot.
What's the point of
giving such a fat donation?
No one knows about it.
Call a meeting of the ward members.
And make them aware.
Spread this through the village.
Let's go. Let's take a look.
Hello. Vindu uncle.
Did he take a donation from you?
Yes, I donated 500 rupees.
He's accepting donations
from everyone, but not me.
What is the matter?
It's a good thing they
didn't take a donation from us.
We saved 2500 rupees.
No, this is something else.
Meaning the Pradhan and his wife,
are intentionally not
taking donations from us.
If we don't give a donation,
then we cannot take part
in the veneration either.
That's what the Pradhan wants.
Fine. We won't go either.
We're not dying for the offering either.
You don't understand the politics here.
The entire village will
take part in the veneration.
There will be a crowd.
A crowd means an opportunity
to attract them in their favour.
Is this why they are
arranging the veneration?
Why else?
The Pradhan never does
anything without a motive.
He's building momentum.
Mr. Secretary, this is the right time.
Talk to them.
Hello, Pradhanji.
Hello. Hello.
Why would I say that
you're donating 20,000?
And anyway,
this is not the Panchayat office's job.
You're doing it in
your personal capacity.
It's better if madam should tell them.
Sir. Everyone's here,
let's start the meeting.
Coming. Coming. Serve the snacks.
I already did. Twice.
Saying that I'm donating
20,000 doesn't sound nice.
If you tell them, Mr. Secretary, it will
seem like coming from an unbiased man.
-Am I right?
-Yes, you are.
As you all know,
the 72-hour veneration begins tomorrow.
And the villagers
have donated generously.
And I would like to thank
everyone for their contribution.
And I request
you all to tell everyone in your wards,
that we are
-What is the word?
We are truly grateful
for their contribution.
And this meeting has been
called to express our gratitude.
And on this occasion,
madam and the Pradhanji
announced to donate
20,000 for the veneration.
Clap loudly.
Marvellous, Pradhanji.
You're donating 20,000
for the veneration.
That's a good thing.
But why aren't you
taking donations from us?
Is our money dirty?
Why aren't you taking from us?
What's the matter?
Why aren't you taking
donations from them, Pradhanji?
Why aren't you taking
donations from them?
Vikas, I told you about this.
Didn't you collect from them?
Yes, yes, I was going to.
You can pay now if you have the money.
Go ahead, pay them.
-Go ahead.
-They might forget.
It's alright. It's alright.
We were thinking instead
of donating 2500 rupees.
We own a small tent business.
So we want to provide tents,
chairs, and tube lights
for free for three days.
Very good.
That's a saving of 30,000.
But, the tents have already arrived.
The bamboos are already in place.
Work has already started.
Doesn't matter.
You only paid them advance, didn't you?
-Say no.
-Yes, say no.
Yes, you can do that.
We can add another sweet in
the offering with the money saved.
Bhushan, you're being very generous.
We're not as generous as the Pradhanji,
but it's the least
we can do for the village.
Pradhanji, if this was wedding season,
he wouldn't have pledged
a single broken chair.
He donated stuff lying in his warehouse,
and took all the credit.
Now both husband and wife
will go around the village, announcing
how much they donated.
"Is our money dirty?"
-I've an idea.
Call the MLA tomorrow.
And make him say a few
a things about fixing the road.
No, no, invite the
MLA if you wish to, Pradhanji.
No, there is no problem.
I was thinking about going home anyway.
How did you suddenly
make plans of going home?
Well, the veneration
will last for three days.
There won't be any workaround,
nor will I get to study.
So I was thinking why don't I go home.
Couldn't visit them in the last
couple of months because of the exams.
What are you saying?
It's a public function. You must stay
and also accept the offerings.
It's alright, madam.
I'll take the offerings when I come back.
It's okay.
You guys should go invite the MLA.
I've to go to the Fakoli market as well.
I may get a ticket for
tomorrow from the agent.
Freshly plucked.
Since you like jackfruits,
I thought I should get one for you.
It's fresh.
Freshly plucked. Nearly an hour ago.
Come to the point, Dubey.
What do you want?
Although the train
is scheduled for 11 am,
you can reach Baliya station at 11:30.
It's always a little behind schedule.
Mr. Secretary.
Where are you coming from?
Well, I am going home tomorrow,
so I came to get a ticket.
You guys
We're leaving too after
having a little snack.
Fine, I am leaving anyway.
You guys continue.
Why don't you join us too?
Then we can leave together.
Mohan's fritters are pretty tasty.
Am I right, Rinky?
How is the groom
How is Ganesh?
He is good.
Does he still have
the chair or is it broken?
The backrest has become a little loose,
rest is good.
There's a veneration
meeting in the village.
Why don't you leave after that?
You mean there will be at least four
to five hundred people present tomorrow.
Everyone listens to the Pradhanji.
Just watch his power.
Whole village will be present there.
All tight.
Fine. I'll see you tomorrow.
But MLA I won't let you off so easily.
You must take part
in the veneration as well.
-Not so easily.
Preparation's tight.
Fine, I'll take part.
It's good.
But keep one thing in mind, Dubey.
Tell me.
I don't want to see that
bloody secretary around.
What happened?
Wellthe secretary
is going home tomorrow.
It's good that he is going.
Bastard trying to teach an
MLA how to do his job.
Leave it, MLA sir.
Where is he now?
He's in the office right now.
MLA sir, secretary sir is a nice man.
Please don't abuse him.
Let it go.
first your stupid secretary,
tries to teach the MLA his job.
And now this bloody
deputy is lecturing me,
on how my conduct shall be.
What are you trying to imply here?
That MLA
Chandkishore Singh
of Fakoli is an asshole.
No MLA sir
Why would we say anything
like that for you?
But please don't use abusive language.
You think I am an asshole.
-MLA sir, you're respected
-You're the MLA.
-No, you're the MLA.
-No, you're the MLA.
You're the MLA.
I am not the MLA.
You're the MLA.
Forgive me. You're the MLA.
You are the bloody MLA.
We made a mistake.
You're the MLA, asshole.
MLA sir.
I've had enough.
If you use abusive language again,
then you'll face my wrath.
Fine, we're going.
Don't try to be too
enthusiastic at this age.
-We're going. We're going.
-Stop pushing. Okay.
-Get out.
-Don't touch me!
-We are going.
-Don't touch me! Stay away.
MLA sir, you can choose
to come to Phulera or not!
You can choose to give
funds for the road or not!
But I won't tolerate your abuses.
What else did you expect? Poetry?
No spunk up his ass.
Close the door.
MLA sir, let's not talk about spunk.
Stop using the perfume that
smells like a fart, and then we'll talk.
I will. I will.
MLA sir, this is unfair.
You're not taking us seriously.
Phulera village has 1000 votes.
The villagers aren't
supporting you anyway.
Bloody lowlife trying
to teach me politics.
-He has no manner to talk.
-Go back to your lowlife village.
Security, close the gates.
Close it.
-We will never forget this, MLA sir.
-Bloody lowlife.
-Go from here
-Such abusive language all time.
Everyone gets an opportunity, MLA sir.
Trying to act smart with me.
Ask for the jackfruit.
Give me my jackfruit back.
Take your jackfruit back. Apply some oil
on it and shove it wherever you like.
MLA sir, we'll give you this jackfruit
when you come asking for votes.
Okay, MLA sir.
Come on, get lost.
Such abusive language.
How much?
3 fritters, 3 cups of tea,
and 2 fritters to go.
56 rupees.
Wait, I'll pay.
No, no, I'll pay.
You guys don't have a job.
I mean you don't yet,
but you definitely canlater.
I will take this
Rinky, you forgot the fritters.
Do you two have something going on?
With him?
Are you crazy?
Fine. Don't tell me.
You talk rubbish.
Wipe the chairs. Over there.
Check the mic.
Keep coming. Keep coming.
Yes. Keep coming.
Stop. Stop.
Unload everything.
Don't put up the banner there.
Put it somewhere everyone can see.
I seethat's why the
secretary looked disappointed.
Did you two meet?
Yes, we did.
He was buying a ticket to go home.
Take it.
He should understand that we're
not glad to invite the MLA either.
Yes, mom.
The train leaves at 11 tomorrow.
No, I got a confirmed ticket.
I had to pay extra
but got a confirmed ticket.
I should have smashed
this jackfruit on his head.
I'll call you back.
It's nothing. I'll call you back.
What happened, Pradhanji?
We had an argument with the MLA.
What? What happened?
He was abusing you again.
But this time we gave
him a befitting reply.
I gave him an earful, Mr. Secretary,
which he will never forget.
I got revenge for
last time and this time.
I see
For a minute I thought the
Pradhanji is going to slap the MLA.
He would have if I hadn't stopped him.
If you had slapped him.
I would've bashed the MLA too.
Everything has a limit.
Even Lord Krishna wielded
his Sudharshan discus.
Who does that bloody MLA think he is?
He can abuse the secretary,
Prahlad, and Vikas, in front of me.
Don't I have any respect?
Doesn't he have any respect?
He doesn't even respect me.
It's okay. Calm down.
-Who does he think he is?
-Don't spike your BP for him.
-Drink some water.
-Yes give me.
You'll fall ill.
I let him go, otherwise,
I would've murdered him.
-Pour it into the jug.
-Don't spoil your mood.
-He spoiled my mood.
Give me some too.
Do you want some more?
Abhishek sir,
you were leaving because of the MLA.
The MLA isn't coming anymore.
Please don't go, sir.
No. I've got confirmed tickets.
Tickets are confirmed.
-Here it is.
-Give me.
I got it today.
Tickets are confirmed.
Tore this
Don't worry, Mr. Secretary.
I'll get you a confirmed
ticket after three days for 1st AC.
With two bottles of beer.
Confirmed tickets.
And take this jackfruit with you.
Give it to your parents.
And tell us how it tasted.
Hello. Hello. Mic testing. Mic testing.
Hello. Hello. Mic testing. Mic testing.
That bloody Bhushan
is trying to draw attention.
Hello. Hello. Mic testing. Mic testing.
Let it be, Pradhanji.
We'll deal with it.
Let him do what he wants,
we'll set our mood.
How will you set the mood?
Put up a tent here?
Siris the beer still
left or is it finished?
During daytime?
So what?
Pradhanji, we can have one bottle.
-You just need a chance.
-It's been lying around for a while.
Let's finish it.
I seelet's see.
It's a bit warm, but it's okay.
-This much is okay.
-Let's drink it.
There's one extra.
That was Siddhu's share.
-Siddhu who?
-Siddharth, my friend.
Mr. Gupta.
Mr. Gupta.
How is Mr. Gupta going to drink this?
Look, everyone's here.
With your beer.
Mr. Gupta. Yes.
Remember us,
Siddharth, or have you forgotten me.
I don't remember you.
I can't drink beer in the office.
Let's do cheers with coffee.
Now you'll get high on coffee,
wait and watch.
Here we go.
Cheers to we'll deal with Bhushan.
We'll deal with the MLA too.
Of course, we'll deal with everyone.
-Your phone ringing.
Who is calling at this hour?
Coming from an unknown number.
Must be Rahul.
-Who else is going to call me?
-Pick it up and you'll know.
Mr. Gupta.
Yes, this is Rahul Pandey's papa.
What happened?
Prahlad uncle.
Prahlad uncle!
-What happened?
-What happened?
Let's ask at the Panchayat office.
Yes, let's go.
Looks pretty young.
The body won't arrive
for another two hours.
You guys can wait here.
Keep the camera down.
where will the cremation take place?
Back there.
The MLA is planning
to get into the village!
Don't let him cross
the Panchayat office!
Can I say something, sir?
Even I always dreamed of
joining the office when I grow up.
But never could muster
the courage to tell my mom.
I was the only child.
I see
Most of the soldiers
in the army are from villages.
Where else will you find chaps
who would risk their lives
for thirty thousand rupees?
It's not just about the salary, sir.
Giving your life for the country
is a totally different feeling.
Yes. All that is fine but
Long live
Martyr Rahul Pandey.
this Rahul Pandey,
who attained martyrdom.
Long live
Martyr Rahul Pandey.
When his father goes
out in the community,
he will be given respect.
Lots of it.
But how long will he stay out?
Long live
Phulera's boy Rahul Pandey!
He will have to come
back home in the end.
He's lost a member of the family.
And forever.
I heard that his wife
passed away long ago.
He was his only son.
Yes. May God bless him with strength.
Long live
Martyr Rahul Pandey.
Long live
Martyr Rahul Pandey.
Live long India!
Live long India!
Vande Mataram!
Long live
Phulera's boy Rahul Pandey!
Long live
Martyr Rahul Pandey.
Long live
Martyr Rahul Pandey.
Live long India!
Live long India!
Live long India!
Long live
Phulera's boy Rahul Pandey!
Long live
Phulera's boy Rahul Pandey!
Long live
Brave Rahul Pandey!
Vande Mataram!
Vande Mataram!
Long live
Everyone will barricade his way.
Don't let them move an inch forward.
Come on.
Few days ago they abused Prahlad.
And now they have come with teary eyes.
We won't let you go any further.
Stop them.
What's the matter, madam?
Why are you barricading the road?
Go back.
Turn around. Go way.
-Turn the vehicles around.
-What turn around?
-MLA sir is in the vehicle.
-Let him stay there.
Madam, what's the matter? Let us pass.
What's the point, MLA sir?
-Come closer.
-Tell me what will you do out there?
Quite. What do you mean?
A boy from my assembly
has attained martyrdom.
I've a right to offer my respect.
You don't. Not at all.
Who is this woman?
She's the Pradhan of this filthy village.
And Rahul was the son of
this deputy of this filthy village.
I have reasons to not
release funds for the road.
There is a lack of funds.
I've to think twice before spending it.
The roads might need funds, MLA sir,
but one doesn't need
much for good conduct.
You're a nasty man.
Where else will you
get a crowd and a mic?
You may be the MLA, but looking at your
conduct, you won't be for too long.
Someone will overthrow you.
Live long India!
Live long India!
Vande Mataram!
Vande Mataram!
What are you looking at? Get out!
Long live
Phulera's boy Rahul Pandey!
Let's go.
It's all because of
that asshole secretary.
Transfer that guy.
Right away.
-Rahul Pandey.
-Long live
Vande Mataram!
Vande Mataram!
You come back.
Let come the van.
Move back.
Move back.
Let the women come ahead.
Come on.
Live long India!
Live long India!
-Rahul Pandey.
-Long live
-Rahul Pandey.
-Long live
-Rahul Pandey.
-Long live
Live long India!
Squad, attention!
Squad, turn right!
Squad, at ease!
-Rahul Pandey.
-Long live
-Rahul Pandey.
-Long live
-Rahul Pandey.
-Long live
-Rahul Pandey.
-Long live
-Rahul Pandey.
-Long live
Live long India!
Squad, turn right.
Squad, turn left.
"Why did the autumn set in?"
"The condition of my heart,
like a dried up twig."
"Feels hollow inside."
-"Feels hollow inside."
-Squad, load!
"Feels hollow inside."
Fire position.
Fire Position. Fire!
Squad load!
Fire Position.
"Such is the condition
of your bowl og jaggery."
"Feels hollow inside."
"Feels hollow inside."
The residents of Phulera village,
gave an emotional send-off
to martyr Rahul Pandey.
Rahul Pandey is survived
by his father Prahlad Pandey,
who is also the deputy
of this Phulera village.
Martyr Rahul Pandey was
posted in Kashmir for a long time,
so his father used to
live in the village alone.
But this loneliness
will be like night and day.
The entire world will be there
to console him, but not his family.
"Everyone's here yet I feel lonely."
"Even the breeze of wind scares me."
"I feel overwhelmed"
"I feel overwhelmed,
but not a drop falls from my eyes."
"My heart burns like the midnight oil."
"Feels hollow inside."
"Feels hollow inside."
"Feels hollow inside."
"Feels hollow inside."
Prahlad, my child.
Prahlad, you've been
sitting alone for three days.
That's enough. Come on.
Come. Come.
Vikas, lock the place.
Come on.
Pradhanji, I feel completely alone.
My mother and father died long ago.
My wife died too.
Now my son's dead too.
-I feel very lonely.
God has been unfair to me.
-You're not alone.
-Very unfair.
You're not alone.
I am there.
Vikas is here. We're your family.
The secretary's here.
We're all here. We're here for you.
You're not alone, son.
You're not alone.
Don't cry
Don't be like this, son.
I'm finished.
What will I do now?
My son is dead.
Prahlad uncle.
My son is dead.
My child is no more.
There's a letter for
the Panchayat office.
I went to the office but it was locked.
I thought I'll give it to you directly.
I think the secretary
is out running some errand.
I see.
-I see. Goodbye.
What is it?
Tell me what is it?
Mr. Secretary's transfer order.
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