Rescue Me s02e08 Episode Script


I wanna ride the blue horse, Daddy.
I wanna ride the blue horse.
There's plenty of blue horses for everybody.
Right! I'm want to ride the blue horse.
Stop arguing about the horses.
Stop it! Connor, stop! - Hi.
- Hi.
My kids are here.
I really don't want to get into it-- Hey, relax.
I'm not gonna cause a scene.
This is my ex, Tommy.
The one that I told you about.
How are you? This is my new friend, Debbie.
What's up, Debbie? Talk to you for a sec? I'll be right back.
So this is greener pastures, huh? Oh, yeah, by a long shot.
You know, I should probably be thanking you, but I won't.
Are you kidding me? What? All right, what? I can't be a lesbian because you're so goddamn good in the sack? No, no.
You can't be a lesbian because we both know you love cock, okay? Okay, well, I might have loved cock last week-- Shh.
But this is the new me.
This is who I am now.
Oh, really? Really? You just turned into a muff diver overnight, huh? What'd you take, a muff-diving pill? You're so disgusting.
What, you don't believe me? Uh, no.
Big deal.
I've seen it a million times onGirls Gone Wild.
Yeah? What about this? Daddy, why is Auntie Sheila touching that woman's-- Come on.
Come on.
Kids! Connor, Colleen, let's go.
Hurry up! I thought you were working a double shift today.
I got somebody to cover for me.
What, you got a bunch of dish rags there? No, I got some stuff I found.
Oh! Where'd you get that, outside of a homeless shelter? Yeah, like I'd do that.
Oh, come on, Tommy, you got to be kidding me.
Look, it's not like I have an attic or a cellar or anything that I can store stuff in.
I got no place since your girlfriend from the F.
showed up and kicked me out of his joint, unannounced, I might add.
Rock bottom.
It just doesn't exist for you, does it? I'm trying to repay my debt to society.
It's gonna take a lot more than digging up some Dumpster diver's dirty undies to repay that debt.
I thought you were taking the kids to the game? The tickets fell through.
Oh, really? Yeah, the goddamn scalper.
He broke those kids' hearts.
Yeah, what an asshole.
Yeah, major asshole.
Hey, Father.
Hey, what a wonderful surprise.
Hey, Ricky, boys, can we take these bags here? I didn't think we'd, uh, see either one of you today.
Well, you know, comes to charity, we clear the deck.
So, uh, hey, is, uh, Mariel around? Oh, no.
She's cracking the whip at another location.
Probably gonna be gone all day.
But that's why I'm so glad to see you.
Roll up your sleeves.
We got a lot for everyone to do here.
The thing is, I'm still working actually.
I just came over from the firehouse.
I wanted to personally make sure that you got those clothes, and I gotta get back.
But Johnny's free all day.
It's his day off.
And nothing he likes better than digging in and helping a charity, right? So you two have fun, uh, folding the clothes, and I'll talk to you soon.
Thanks again.
It's all right.
No problem.
What's going on? Nothing.
Look, I know you well enough.
You go in these meetings, you're all ears usually.
That girl was up there whining at the podium, you were like a million miles away.
What's going on? Father Murphy.
Oh, not this again.
Come on.
Tom, I looked into the guy.
He's been bounced around in three or four different churches.
Doesn't exactly bode well for a young guy.
Just because a priest moves parishes a couple of times doesn't mean he's automatically a child molester.
That's some leap of faith you got going on there.
I call 'em like I see them.
It's all a conspiracy.
In the olden days, the priests used to lock away young boys to have sex with.
Called them catamites.
Thank you.
Catamites! All right.
You know, I saw a band down at CBGB's years ago called the Catamites.
A bunch of guys from London, I think.
Oh, yeah? Bass player try to give you a blow job? No.
Different catamites.
I'm gonna stretch my legs, Tom.
You want a soda? Love a soda.
What's up? - Just waiting on your boyfriend.
- Me too.
You know, he led me to believe-- I know.
He's full of goddamn promises.
I've been waiting for a ring since three weeks before the Last Supper.
Really? I want you to listen to me, and I want you to listen hard.
Down on your knees.
Huh? Come on big boy, down.
That's it.
What are the things you want most in this world? Come on, Tommy, we don't have a lot of time here.
What do you want the most? Well, I want this kid to live obviously.
What else? I guess if I-- if I could get my marriage to go back to the way it used to be, I would do that.
I mean, I know it's probably impossible-- Pray.
Right now.
Make the sign of the cross, bow your head and pray to God, our Father.
Forget Jesus.
Cut the middle man out, go right to the source.
Do it.
On another day C'mon, c'mon With these ropes I tied can we do no wrong Now we grieve 'cause now is gone Things were good when we were young With my teeth locked down I can see the blood Of a thousand men who have come and gone Now we grieve 'cause now is gone Things were good when we were young Is it safe to say C'mon, c'mon Was it right to leave C'mon, c'mon Will I ever learn C'mon, c'mon C'mon, c'mon, c'mon, c'mon It's a fantastic idea.
If there's anything this old girl needs, it's a party.
Ah, I'm not so sure.
You know, Pete, your father-- Forget him.
He doesn't live in this house alone.
Let me take a wild guess as to who the topic of conversation was up to this point.
It was Steven.
We're gonna have the most wonderful party for him.
- Is that right? - Jeannie, I-- Oh, don't be a stick in the mud.
It'll be fun, Jerry.
Come on, Pop.
A few friends, a few beers.
Get some nice thick steaks, we'll christen the new grill.
You know, every Fourth of July, your father used to put on a funny hat and grill sirloins for half the neighborhood.
- They used to line up all the way down the block.
- You remember that? Well, of course, I do, honey.
Think you still got the hat? Yeah, I-I can probably dig it up.
We have slim pickings, bro.
Yeah, real slim.
I'm talking about the meetings.
Well, we haven't done smokers.
Oh, yeah.
How many hotties are gonna go to that meeting? I really wanna bang a chick in an iron lung.
Well, what about gamblers? Yeah, well, you know, if you're into, like, middle-aged, fat, bald guys.
Come on, drugs, booze, sex, food.
That's where the talent's at.
Hey, you don't think I came off like a bitch, do you? Mmm, maybe a little.
But you're my bitch now.
I'm kidding.
You were great.
You were really great.
I'm so proud of you.
Hey, hey, hey.
Hey, look at this, ooh.
Did you invite them? No.
Okay, let's, um-- let's just play it cool.
Hey! Hey! Franco! How are you, man? - Good to see you, man.
- Thank you guys for coming down.
I appreciate it.
Oh, well, Frank, I just wanted to say that we're really happy you're getting better.
And you don't have to worry about me.
Not a word.
I had no idea.
What are you talking about? I'm here for support like you dinks.
Oh, well, hey, anything to support a brother, right? - Right.
- Bulimia.
Last call for Bulimia.
W-We'll see you in the morning.
Get home safe.
Take care.
Hey, how you doing? Hi.
Come on in.
It was so thoughtful of you to contribute yesterday.
Oh, it's nothing.
So make yourself comfortable.
I'm gonna go put on my face.
I think the face you have on right now looks pretty good.
You're very sweet.
Five minutes.
Half sister.
Half sister.
- Tommy, would you grab that for me? - Uh, sure.
Yeah, yeah.
Tommy? Johnny? I dialed the wrong number? No.
Mariel invited me out, okay? I don't believe this, man.
You're sick, you know that? Hey, this is a-a thing about the contributions.
It's a charity thing.
Do not do this, all right? You knock her up, the kid's gonna be retarded.
This family's full of retards.
He'll fit right in.
They got a word for this.
It's called incest.
You ever heard of it? Incest.
What are you calling about, asshole, huh? Because I came across some more stuff to donate.
Sure you did.
- Who was it? - Uh, oh, it was, uh, some telemarketing guy.
What are you smiling at? It's nice that-- What? Sharing.
You kind of tend to hoard your food.
I was starting to wonder if maybe you did some time.
Yeah, I guess maybe I have in some ways.
But I'm a free man now.
Yeah? Yeah.
You know, on the subject of sharing, Laura.
I've been thinking.
You and me-- Yeah? What do you think about shacking up? I'm not talking about getting married or anything, but I don't know, you're over almost every night as it is, and I really care about you, Laura.
I mean, Keela's crazy about you.
I think we should be together.
So there.
What do you say? That's a really big step.
Yeah, it's a first for me.
And it could really complicate things at work.
I don't give a shit about that.
I'm not ashamed of what we've got.
I mean, believe me, Laura, I never thought I'd hear myself say these words, but I'm ready to take the next step, the shacking up step.
Before we did, we'd have to put everything out on the table.
I agree.
And please don't take this as an accusation, but I just-- I need to know if you've been seeing anybody else.
I mean, call it insecurity on just my part.
I-I just need to know for myself.
There's just you, Laura.
I don't want anybody else.
I'm so glad you appreciate this kind of thing.
Hey, whenever you want to watch a raving lunatic chop his family to pieces, you know who to call.
Oh, that's good to know.
Hey, listen, uh, there's this great coffee shop right around the corner, if you want to pop in there.
We should call it a night.
Your secret admirer's here.
Um, another time? We'll see.
Listen, about the, uh-- about the cash, um, can I just settle up next time? Tell you what? You got the movie, let's call it even.
I'll see you later.
It's a great place.
Yeah, I come here a lot.
They have a fantastic wine list.
Yeah, you know, I was never really much of a wine guy.
No? No.
You a whiskey guy? Whiskey, yes, and vodka, you know.
And scotch and bourbon, rum, gin-- And, uh, let's not forget the entire schnapps family.
You're funny, Tommy.
And you're gorgeous.
So are you.
Come on.
I'm serious.
It's been keeping me up nights ever since we met.
Yeah, but I mean, let's be honest.
There is kind of an "ick" factor to this, isn't there? I have a confession to make.
I'm not 100% sure you and I have the same father.
But you're Murph's sister.
We have the same mother.
But she was, um-- How do I put this gently? Um, a bit of a whore.
Aren't we all? Your dad was the only one who ever stepped up to support us.
So, now, Murph's not my brother or-- No, no, he is.
We're certain of that.
But your dad had broken things off for a while around the time when I was conceived.
And we didn't tell Liam because he was so sensitive about Mom's liberal mating habits.
But in order to protect Liam, we had to keep it from your dad too.
You know, I-I can't-- I can't do this.
- Uh! I mean, maybe I can, but-- - You can, if you want to.
Okay, wants not the problem.
Okay, I've got plenty of want.
I got want up the ying-yang.
You still thinking about the sister thing? I just-- Maybe I just need to find out for certain, you know? - Maybe like a blood test.
- You think so? Uh, it's worth a shot.
It's worth a whole hell of a lot more than that.
Oh, God.
I gotta go.
All right, boys and girls, listen up.
Hey, hey, hey.
The wife is having a party tomorrow after the tour, and I thought you guys might want to join in and, uh-- Hey, high five.
- What's the occasion? - Steve's birthday.
Gay Steve? What? - I, uh-- I can't make it because I've got an A.
-- - Meeting? Actually, a festival.
It's like a two or three day series of meetings.
- Lou? - You know what, Chief, it's the back.
It's-- It's bad today.
A lot of pain, a lot of stiffness.
Let me-- Let me help you rub that out there, Lou.
What happens is it fuses the vertebrae.
Oh, that's good, Franco.
Yeah? I really didn't know what-- Garrity? No.
I-- there's a-- I got a-- Um, it's a-- Let me come back to you.
Probie? I don't-- I really-- Gay people kind of scare me, Chief.
Finally, an honest answer.
What do you got, Franco? I'm, uh-- I'm helping Lou with his-his back.
Ow! Jesus.
- Laura? - Would you like me to bring the cake, Chief? Yeah.
That would be great.
Numbnuts? I can't.
I got a, uh-- There's a doctor's, uh, appointment.
- For what? - Uh, the ass doctor? It took you 30 seconds to come up with ass doctor? For that alone, you're coming.
In fact, you're all coming.
I'm not asking.
I'm telling you.
I know it's out of the way, but anytime you guys want to go across town for one of these grinders, I'm in.
Grinders? What the hell? It's a gyro, you dipshit.
Where are these terms coming from? I'll tell you what a hero is.
A hero is Ted Williams, John F.
Kennedy, those are heroes.
This is meat in bread.
This is a goddamn sandwich, is what it is.
We got a car in a river about two blocks from here.
Aren't we out of our district already.
It's all right.
We'll save the guy, we'll give him a grinder.
Marine P.
unit's about five minutes away.
Looks like we're gonna be first due, boys.
Time to get wet.
So much for waiting a half hour after you eat, huh? Come on, boys.
We got a body.
I can see it right there.
I'm ready to go.
You guys ready? Hey, Probie! We got a confirmed 1045.
We need E.
That's it, boss.
That's it.
Come on, Probie, tie it off.
That's it, get her out.
Look who's here.
Just in time.
Nice, Franco.
Need help? I'm okay.
What the hell are you guys doing here? Marine units on its way.
Maybe we should've pulled out a couple lawn chairs and waited for you guys to show up, huh? Who says we can't work together, come on.
What were you fishing? Just in time to steal a headline.
- Can you believe this? - Looks like this grab's ours, boys.
Maybe you guys can go back to whatever bar you crawled out of.
You want to know something? If you spent less time at Dunkin' Donuts pulling your puds, we wouldn't have to be here saving your asses.
I'm glad you guys are running point for the city in the next terrorist attack.
Maybe you'll be late to that too, huh? Hey, maybe, it'll get done right this time.
Stand down, firemen! Stand down! Forget about it.
Ah, Jesus Christ, my skin smells like it's rotting.
Yeah, you know what? Should bottle that and call it Essence of Ass.
Hey, is, uh, Franco all right? Yeah, he tweaked his shoulder.
Laura's picking him up at the hospital.
They're gonna meet us at the party.
Hey, guys, look at this.
A little souvenir from our battle with the bulls, huh? I think I'll stick that on the front of the rig.
It'll be a new hood ornament, right? We should stick that asshole's head on a pike outside of the house.
Enough of this kind of stuff.
I don't need you guys taking this attitude to the party.
Yeah, you're right.
He's right.
We should be, you know, more festive.
Did you say "festive"? What? I did-- I didn't use it correctly? Go get washed up.
You stink.
I know I stink.
Holy shit! Yeah.
We should've brought the engine.
This place can go up in flames at any given moment.
It looks like the Gay Pride Parade took a detour through Jerry's living room.
He's a much braver man than even I thought.
Hey, hey, hey.
Wait, you got to take a piss? What? Oh, no, the, uh, music was just really good.
- Probie, get in there and get us some booze, will you? - Why me? You could probably slip under the gaydar the way you look.
- Me? What about Sean? - All right, look.
If we're gonna have the gayest looking guy in the crew contest right now, you win hands down.
- Or pants down, as the case may be.
- What does that mean? He's got, like, better hair than I do? Something? Better body? What? You're not really asking me that question right now, are you? Hey, what are you guys standing out here for? Hey, Franco, help us out, man.
Who looks gayer, me or the probie? You've got to be kidding me? We're having a who-looks-gayer contest? - Yep.
- Where's the chief? He's inside with half the population of San Francisco.
- Come on, help us out, Franco.
- I gotta go with Sean-O.
He's got a better body.
- That's what I'm talking about.
- Oh, congratulations, twinkle toes.
- Probie, booze, now! -Yeah, but you just-- Now! This sucks.
Hi, sweetie.
What the hell is going on here? Only the most fabulous party ever.
You told me this was gonna be a small get-together.
A few friends, a couple of beers and some steaks on the grill.
It's turned into a full-blown fag-fest.
Dad, believe it or not, this is a small get-together.
The last party we had, we were turning them away at the door.
Oh, don't be a grump, Jerry.
Steven's friends are wonderful.
Hey, Jesus, what took you so long? Not really a beer crowd in there.
I scrounged up some cosmos, appletinis and a couple of wine coolers.
Best I could do.
God, even I feel gay drinking this.
It's actually a cool party.
The music's jamming.
There's even some chicks in there.
Chicks named Kevin and Bill.
The real thing.
Hair, breasts, the whole package.
I-I'm going back in.
Where you going? Um, you know, he said there's chicks in there.
Yeah, but you gotta fight through And then there were four.
I'm gonna go in there and check it out for a minute, you know? I don't want to be rude.
And then there were two.
Works over.
Playtime begins.
Hey, uh, look, I'm a little tied up right now.
That's exactly what I had in mind.
Where are you? I'm, uh, I'm at a thing.
I can't get away.
- Are you at a party? - No.
It's a work thing.
Is Linda there? Who? Linda? No, no, she couldn't-- Uh, no, no.
You're lying.
I'm coming over.
Sondra, I really don't think that's a good idea.
It's the perfect opportunity to meet her.
I'll say I'm friends with one of the guys.
-I don't think it's a good idea.
-I'm gonna have to start rethinking this relationship.
Hey, nice dance moves.
Didn't know you had it in you.
Oh, thanks.
This party's off the hook, you know? Ooh.
It's too bad there aren't any women here though.
I mean, more women, you know? I'm surprised Franco stuck around as long as he did, pussy hound that he is.
I think he's gotten a little bit better in that arena lately.
What are you kidding? Franco? Come on.
Guy will be chasing tail till the day he dies.
You know, like, take that nurse that he was banging, for example.
What nurse? Just the, uh, you know, the, uh-- the nurse that he was banging to get the Vicodin.
Why are you telling me this? I-I just-- It was, uh-- It slipped out.
It's just, you know, part of making amends in the 12-step program.
Franco knows that.
You're supposed to make amends for yourself, asshole, not other people.
Boy, look at the probie.
What a fag.
Tell me about it.
Go to hell.
Hey, Laura.
Wait a minute.
Get away from me.
Laura, what happened in there? Oh, like you give a shit? Screw you, Franco.
Laura, come on, don't-- What the hell was that about? Hi, Dad.
Holy mother of-- Katy? Connor? Hey, guys, how are my babies? Hello.
Colleen? Honey? That's dinner.
If the crazy bitch shows up, we'll just snuff her and ditch the remains.
It's nice to see you too, Teddy.
How'd she get in here? Hi.
Mmm! Laura.
Okay, what the hell was that? Laura, talk to me.
Okay, you're mad.
I'm getting that.
You know what, sweetheart, I'm mad too.
You crossed the line back there.
Just because we live together doesn't give you license to bug out on me in front of the crew.
Now you wanna bug out within the confines of these four walls, that's fine.
Don't do it in front of the guys.
Don't play games with me, Laura.
Who is playing games? You look at yourself.
What are you talking about? You're ready to ride this all the way to the end of the line.
Tell me, what did I do? The nurse, goddamn it! The bitch getting you the pills, huh? You got a siren going off now? Laura, baby, let me explain.
See-- No.
You had that chance, and you blew that.
So now anything you say is just damage control.
Get out! Get out! Let me just pack.
Laura, baby, don't go.
I will break your goddamn face, 'cause I am ready! Get out! Pack.
Pack right now.
What the hell you doing? Hey.
Straighten up.
There are two hot chicks in a party full of gay guys.
It's like catching fish in a barrel.
It's "shooting fish.
" What? It's "shooting fish in a barrel" is the expression, you dumb-ass.
Yeah, but if they're in the barrel, why would you shoot them? Why wouldn't you just reach in with your hands and pull one out? Let's just-- Come on, let's just go, uh-- let's go hit on the girls.
Hey! What's up? Hi, I'm Mike.
This is Sean.
We work for the fire department.
Did you guys, uh, by any chance get your tickets yet? Tickets for what? The gun show? Candy better hustle.
Sondra's gonna be here any minute.
You listen to me.
Don't panic, but I have to piss like a race horse.
Okay? Go against the house.
I'm not gonna pull my cock out in this crowd.
That'd be like throwing chum into a shark tank.
I'm gonna go inside.
Hey, Tommy, don't, all right? I'm drunk, I'm vulnerable.
A sweet piece of meat like me, I won't last five minutes out here.
Be brave.
They can smell fear.
Oh, thank God.
You coming in? Inside that house? Never again.
Mom's inside having the time of her life, and you're out here sulking like a child.
You keep swallowing that anger, it's gonna eat you alive, Pop.
We're going in circles here, kid.
I don't know why you insist upon throwing this in my face all the time.
This is the way I live.
I thought you understood.
I understand.
I understand just fine.
It doesn't mean I have to be surrounded by it.
Your friends seem to be having a good time.
Why can't you? Just go ahead inside.
Dad, if you just give it a chance-- Go inside, I'm grilling.
Hmm? Go! Enjoy your party.
Oh, I'm sorry.
It's okay.
I'm about done.
Interested? Uh, yeah.
Wh-What do you got? Everything.
"E," uppers, downers, Z's, vikes, perks.
Wow, you got vikes, huh? Sure.
Close the door.
My lover sees us, he'll pitch a fit.
So, uh, how much, uh, for two? No.
It's okay.
No money.
Really? Yeah.
No problem.
Thank you.
Share the wealth, right? Yeah.
Do you mind? I have to actually-- A little privacy? I gave you the pills.
How about a little something for me? Whoa! Cock tease! Crazy little bitch.
Oh, come on.
Whew! Yeah? I got news, Tom.
Janet's back.
She's upstairs right now.
How'd she find out where we were? I'm not at liberty to say.
You want your little man-on-man blow job secret to hit the streets? - Johnny called her.
- Okay, listen.
Lock that place down.
Make sure you keep Janet in your sights.
- I'll be there as fast as I can, all right? - I'm on it.
Baby, baby, wait a second.
Now just listen, okay? Now, look, th-that was the old me.
All right, the drugged up me.
I-I was just-- I was hitting that to get the pills.
Wow! That makes me feel so much better about you as a person.
Get out of my way.
Baby, baby, listen to me.
I've changed, okay? I'm clean.
Things are different.
Yeah, things are different, and you're clean, but you're never gonna change, Franco.
You're going to spend the rest of your life being led around by your cock and doing whatever or whoever feels good and to hell with the rest of us.
I'm not an idiot.
I didn't actually think I could change you.
I just thought we'd get a good couple of years out of each other.
And instead I got a mediocre month and a half.
Baby-- Maybe you should just warn the next person that comes along that that's all you really got in you.
You know, before she's stupid enough to fall.
Take care of yourself.
- I'm sorry, but I don't buy it.
- There's no way that you guys have dabbled.
Of course we have.
Mike-- Mike here dabbled last night.
Yeah, sure.
I-I dabbled.
Tell-Tell them.
I mean, Sean here, he dabbled some guy in the garage, like, half hour ago.
Dabbled the shit out of him.
You're just saying that 'cause you know we're into gay guys.
Yeah, what, you want us to prove it? Yeah.
Thanks for coming, by the way.
Hey, I'm glad I got out of class in time.
Class? Um, I'm finishing my M.
One semester to go.
Criminal justice.
Why the hell not? You didn't think I was gonna make a career out of this? No.
There she is.
Who the hell's down here? Get out! Get the hell out! I'm surrounded by this shit.
Anyway, we spent the most amazing three days in the Berkshires.
We knew right after that it was true love.
Right, bunny? Right, Linda.
- Yeah, he's usually not so shy.
A few too many cocktails.
-You know, which reminds me-- Um, sweetie pie, I'm gonna go to the car and get my cigarettes.
Why don't you keep our new friend, Sondra, company here for a while? Okay.
She's very affectionate.
Hey, sister, go, sister soul sister, flow, sister Hey, sister, go, sister soul sister, go, sister He met Marmalade down in old New Orleans She said, hello Hey, Joe you wanna give it a go Mm-Hmm Gitchi, gitchi Ya, ya, da, da Gitchi, gitchi Ya, ya, here Ahh Voulez-vous coucher avec moi, ce soir Voulez-vous coucher avec moi Voulez-vous coucher avec moi Come on, baby.
Listen, I-- Uh, I-I got to-- I got to get back.
Ravage me, Kenny.
Uh, Sondra.
No! No, okay.
Just stop, okay? Candy's waiting for me.
Voulez-vous coucher avec moi, ce soir Who's Candy? Ken? Hello? Hey, you backstabbing son of a bitch.
Oh, hey, Tom.
You're supposed to be my brother, asshole.
I am your brother.
I was just trying to do you a favor.
By helping Janet take my kids again? That's supposed to be doing me a favor? How's that work? Tommy, if you would just listen to her.
You know what, Johnny? You're dead to me.
You're dead to me.
You got that? Look, those kids need their mother, all right? You cannot handle this on your own, and you know it.
You take a look in the mirror pal, okay? Look at your own kids, all right? One's in reform school, the other one's already headed down the same road, and you're talking about me? I don't think so.
That's my point exactly.
Look, Tommy, what my divorce did to those kids, I-I can't fix that, all right? But you, you got a chance to make things right.
Look, for once in your life, stop thinking about what you want.
Stop thinking about what Janet wants.
Start thinking about those kids and what they need.
- Because without them, Tommy, you got nothing.
- Ah, shut up.
Tommy? Hello? Mother-- What are you looking at? Now he's at home doing 9:00 to 5:00 Living his gray flannel life When he turns off to sleep Old memories keep More, more, more Gitchi, gitchi Ya, ya, da, da Gitchi, gitchi Ya, ya, here Mocca chocolata Ya, ya I'm really sorry things didn't work out with Sondra.
I wish I could have done more.
You know what? Things worked out just fine.
You're not driving, are you? Me? No.
I'm gonna probably just crash here tonight.
I could offer you a ride.
No charge.
Let's go.
- Hey.
- Daddy! Hey.
Daddy, I missed you.
Hey, sweetie, what's going on? - Um, Mommy and Daddy need to catch up.
- Who wants ice cream? I do.
Do all you guys like pistachio? Yup! Yeah? You like steak? Yup! Yeah, all right.
Uh, Jeffrey.
Another tall one, huh? Jeff? So, uh, what gives? I want to talk.
I will sell my truck, I will borrow money from loan sharks, I will be my own-- I don't want to go to court.
You try taking these kids away from me again-- I don't want to take them again.
Now this whole thing, I didn't get angry.
I got sad.
You know, my head went right back to when we first met.
Our wedding and how funny you were.
Colleen being born.
Those Beatles songs you used to sing to her to make her fall asleep.
Those sweet, little horse crayon pictures you used to draw for Katy.
Tommy, I couldn't even move for almost a day, and then I couldn't stop crying.
I need my kids.
But at least three or four times a day when I had them, Katy and Connor would look at me and ask where you were.
Is Daddy coming for the weekend? Is Daddy coming for Christmas? Where's Daddy now? Is Daddy dead? You would tell us if Daddy was dead, right, Mom? I, uh-- I was in a hospital for a couple of weeks.
But I got some counseling, and I got back up on my feet.
The thing is, while I was there, I got my head straightened out enough that I got a little perspective.
And I think, for the sake of the kids and for what we used to be like before Jimmy died, I think we ought to give it one last go.
One last go.
That's a hell of a way to jump start a relationship.
Till death do us part.
Right? Right.
Come to me now And lay your hands over me Even if it's a lie Say it will be all right I shall believe Broken in two 'Cause I know you're onto me That I only come home When I'm so all alone But I do believe That not everything is gonna to be the way you think it ought to be Seems like every time I try to make it right It all comes down on me Please say honestly You won't give up on me And I shall believe And I shall believe Open the door Show me your faith tonight I know it's true No one heals me like you And you hold the key Never again Will I turn away from you I'm so happy tonight That your love is all right And I do believe That not everything is gonna to be the way you think it ought to be It seems like every time I try to make it right It all comes down on me Please say honestly You won't give up on me I shall believe I shall believe I shall believe I shall believe Cloudland.

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