School Spirits (2023) s02e08 Episode Script
Fire, Talk to Me
[NICOLE] Previously on School Spirits
Don't forget, Janet, you owe me!
[CHARLEY] I'm really happy right now.
[QUINN] I found something. It's bad.
I'm gonna need you to peel
yourselves off each other
and come down to the library.
Janet wanted to use us to get them out.
[WALLY] So you just
started stealing our keys
right out from under our dead bodies?
I said, give me your car keys.
We lost him and he took Diego's car.
What if he comes back here?
I need you to bring Mr. Martin back.
We need him to do the swap.
It may be too late. He's gone.
Echo ♪
He took so much from you ♪
We need to get him back here.
I can't keep asking my friends
to put themselves in danger.
They won't have to do anything.
Right, because he's just gonna
come back here on his own.
He'll come back.
He isn't done with me yet.
If that's true, we need to be ready.
We can't let him catch
us off guard again.
Echo (echo, echo, echo, echo) ♪
I have an idea.
How much trouble are you in?
No clue.
That's why I sent Diego in first.
My parents like him better.
You know what? I'm way less worried
about the wrath of your parents
than I am about how
pissed Maddie's gonna be
that we're leaving empty-handed, again.
This might be the first time I'm
sort of relieved she's a ghost.
- Xavier.
- Sorry.
Sorry, that's not funny.
I make bad jokes when I'm stressed.
Yeah, I'm not sure anyone thinks
of you as a good jokes guy.
[BAXTER] All right, Xavier,
time to go home, come on, let's go.
[SIGHS] Wish me luck.
Call me if you think of anything.
[CLAIRE] Okay. Good luck.
What? What is it?
It's Eugene. We have
to get ahold of him now.
The guy from the nursing home.
As soon as we get home, you
better be ready to start talking.
I know you're here!
Can we please
Let's just have a, a
civilized conversation.
I know you're here.
You got me.
Ah, ah, ah, ah ♪
Don't forget me when I'm gone ♪
Ah, ah, ah, ah ♪
Don't forget me when I'm long gone ♪
Ah, ah, ah, ah ♪
Ah, ah, ah, ah ♪
Don't you forget ♪
Don't forget me when I'm gone ♪
Don't you forget me when I'm gone ♪
Don't you forget ♪
Don't forget me when I'm gone ♪
Oh, come on.
No one's picking up at the nursing home.
Yeah, I mean, obviously not.
Eugene's, like, 80-something
and it's middle of the night.
Nicole, there is nothing
we can do until morning.
We cannot keep waiting.
What did Eugene say in the message?
What did he say?
That he's been thinking
about it ever since we spoke
and that he never believed the
official story about the fire.
You know, he said he tried
to open up the investigation
a few times over the years.
He said he has evidence
that the story was suppressed,
that there's more to it.
When I was there, he said he kept
a bunch of stuff about her death.
- Where?
- In the storage unit.
Behind the nursing home.
It's not too late, Janet.
We can still walk out of here.
For good.
But this is our last chance.
You have to believe me.
I'm doing this for your own good.
All that I did, I
never meant to hurt you.
[CHARLEY] Did you mean to hurt us?
All those years
you brought me back
to the homecoming game?
Or discouraging me from talking
about what happened to me?
Using and manipulating us
every day since we got here?
We may have been hurt in life,
but you made death so much worse.
No. No, all
All I did was try to solve
the mystery of this place.
Of this school, of how to get out!
How many times do I have to say this?
Everything that I did,
I did for your benefit.
Enough with the excuses.
You can't take her.
Yeah, well, the thing is
you can't stop me.
See? Nobody likes being tricked.
Why won't you admit it, Mr. Martin?
Why don't you just tell us the truth?
You can't run forever.
That's the thing. I can.
I can run and you can't stop me.
Don't you get it?
You can't touch me.
[SIMON] I can.
Where's Janet?
If you want Janet, you'll
have to get through me first.
[MADDIE] Simon!
Where is she?
[JANET] I'm right here.
You're expecting me to
believe you saw ghosts?
And that there's a bunch
of dead people out there,
stealing bodies and
running around in them.
I know what I saw, Dad.
You saw dead people? Xavier, be serious.
I am. You're sitting
here interrogating me now,
but I have been living this for weeks,
completely, completely confused
and, and, and freaked out,
and I couldn't talk to
you about it, obviously,
because you never
believe me about anything.
I don't know what to
do with you anymore.
The last time that I
asked you to trust me,
I told you I didn't hurt Maddie.
And you didn't believe me.
But I didn't do it.
So I am asking you,
please, trust me.
I've changed.
Can you?
I need you to be my dad right now.
Not a cop.
[MADDIE] Si, are you okay?
I'm fine.
Just glad the plan worked.
You getting decked wasn't
really part of the plan.
It was a cheap shot anyway.
Total sucker punch!
[CHARLEY] You think he'll crack?
No clue, but it'll still
be fun watching him squirm.
Look at us.
What we've become.
You know, when I first
got into this line of work,
my father
he was a bit of a son
of a bitch, by the way.
He used to say,
"You know what they say,
Son? If you can't do, teach."
Fucking hate that saying.
As if I failed at something
before finding myself here,
when, in actuality,
all I ever wanted to do
was teach.
I love teaching and I, I kind of,
I kind of feel that you're the same.
I've seen the difference
a good teacher can make.
I've been a good teacher.
But I, I, uh,
I messed that one up royally.
But what you did,
I would never, ever
put a hand on a student.
I would never hurt a kid.
After all these years,
this is your legacy?
This is your chance to make it right.
Come back willingly.
No, no, that's not it.
This wasn't my fault!
None of this is my fault.
[NICOLE] This way.
This is for sure a punishable offense.
You get that, right?
If a night guard finds us, we are dead.
Only if we get caught,
which won't happen
if you keep your voice down.
I mean, I honestly believe this
is what Eugene would've wanted.
He said he wanted to share more info.
Woah, where'd you get that?
My house.
What? I knew we would need it.
Uh-huh, of course you did.
Oh, look for Eugene Bergstrom.
Eugene Bergstrom.
[CLAIRE] Oh. Here.
There's a lot.
Hey, uh
Not to be weird or anything,
but is there something going
on between you and Xavier?
What? Why would you ask that?
I don't know, I just, I guess
I've been sensing some
weirdness between you guys.
Did something happen?
Xavier is was Shredhead.
But we're not talking
anymore. Not like that.
And for the record, no, I didn't know.
And he knows that you're
I mean, he does now.
What? You're not gonna laugh at me?
Give me shit for being a complete idiot?
Why would I laugh at you?
I don't know, I mean, with all of this,
I'm sure you're dying to get
back to your dumb friends.
I'm with my dumb friends now, Nicole.
I mean, we're practically family now.
- [CLAIRE] Oh, my God.
What? You told me to meet you here.
Okay, but maybe if you're
gonna sneak up on people,
in the dark, text first.
P.S., turning the overhead light on,
you might as well just send up a flare,
let security know that you're
unlawfully rifling through
some retiree's tchotchkes.
Oh, um, Mr. Anderson,
about all that stuff that went down,
- me turning you in
- Simon, don't
I thought you hurt Maddie.
I promise, it wasn't personal.
No, Simon, this was not your fault.
At least you're not stuck here anymore.
I could use a shower, I think.
I'm just glad this is over.
You see, it may not be over just yet.
You see that car?
Yeah, cops think you stole it.
Here you go.
Why don't you eat something,
feel a little better?
It's gonna take more than a sandwich
to restore my dignity.
Look, I, I sobered up.
I swear I won't drive.
Can I please just go home?
Sandra, you fell asleep at a stop sign.
I wanna ask you something now
as a friend, so totally off the record
and all that.
Why do you keep doing this?
You think I know?
I don't know.
I don't wanna be doing this.
I don't know how to make it stop.
I mean, do you ever wonder
if you're just, like,
not cut out for it?
That the pain it costs to love a person
as much as I love Maddie
is just not something that I can handle.
It's just not something
that I can live up to.
I'm expected to take care
of this sweet little girl.
All on my own.
Who is so scared
and who feels so alone.
And how am I supposed to do that
when I still feel like
a scared little girl?
Yeah, I, I wake up every morning
and manage to find a new
way to fuck up my kid.
Don't need a drop of
alcohol to do it either.
I try, but damned if,
if I could find a way
to just do it all a little bit better.
I might never even get to try.
She came back to me.
She came back and gave
me a second chance.
And whatever happened,
she isn't,
she isn't my Maddie.
It feels like I don't even know her.
Hang on.
What do you mean she
doesn't feel like Maddie?
Guys. Guys, look.
This says "Historical Society archives."
Eugene must've borrowed
this and never returned it.
Jeez, imagine the fines.
This is fire coverage from 1958.
- How do we watch it?
- My dad.
He's got an old VCR in our garage.
Wait, I saw one.
God bless the hoarder generation.
- [XAVIER] Plug it in.
- [CLAIRE] Yeah.
[NICOLE] Oh my god, that kid's Eugene.
Now tell the camera what
you just told me, young man.
That thing they're telling you
is true.
What do you know?
Uh, nothing, it's just, uh,
Xavier said some stuff to me.
And it made me wonder
if all our kids weren't going
through something at the moment.
Let me take you home.
What the hell happened to you?
Okay, well, for starters,
I did not steal a car.
Secondly, I have
information about Maddie.
But you need to come with me now.
We thought it would be fitting
to bring you here to explain yourself.
[WALLY] I'd spill it while
we're still being nice.
I want to apologize.
I do. It's time.
I'm so sorry
for everything I did.
Everyone I hurt.
I know it's hard to believe now,
in light of everything that I did,
always had pure intentions.
Janet, I, I know I hurt you most of all.
I know you wanna cross over. I
I, I can tell you, I'm
ready for us to do that.
How can you say that?
How can you expect us to believe
you're suddenly on her side?
I have always been on your side.
You have no idea the things
that I've done for you.
Haven't you ever wondered
why so many of us died here?
There's more to this
school than you understand.
Even you, Janet.
What's that supposed to mean?
Yeah, what does the school
have to do with any of this?
Janet, I'm ready to explain.
I want to show you everything.
And, and then each of you, in turn,
you'll get your explanations too.
But, first,
you have to return
to your true self.
What do I have to lose?
I'm going to get answers.
I'm going to leave this place.
The right way.
No. You don't understand.
[INTERVIEWER] But she was
your best friend, right?
So maybe you're not able to
see the whole truth here, kid.
No. I know for a fact
that Janet's father
is the reason Mr. Martin was fired.
I overheard them talking
about it the day after
The day after she died.
The police don't believe me,
but I know in my bones
Mr. Martin started that fire on purpose.
He wanted revenge. He killed her.
You know, kid, it's
dangerous to go around
spreading rumors about people.
You could get in a lot of trouble.
No. No, it's not
rumors! It's not rumors!
Let's pack it up,
[INTERVIEWER] He's just a grieving kid.
It's my dad.
He said Mr. Anderson
turned in Diego's car.
He was at the school.
It's really time?
I guess I just didn't think
I'd have to do this so soon.
You were never really
supposed to be here.
This is the right thing.
I just didn't have time to prepare.
Can you ever really prepare
for something like this?
What if I go back and then I don't get
to see you guys anymore,
I don't get to talk to you?
Don't worry, Dorothy Gale.
You'll be all right here in Oz.
We all have to leave high
school eventually, right?
Okay, so what do we do now?
Do we run at each other like before?
When we first found each other,
and you heard my cries,
I needed to be rescued and,
and then you saved me, Maddie.
And I can never apologize
enough or thank you enough
for what you've given me.
'Cause you helped me find my voice.
And I'm really sorry
that you had to suffer
so I can learn that.
I'm done running.
Apology accepted.
You forgive me?
I forgive you.
Of course I forgive you.
Catch her.
I got her. I got her. She's okay.
[SIMON] Mads?
[NICOLE] Simon!
[CLAIRE] He wanted her dead.
Mr. Martin wanted Janet dead.
No, no, no, are we too
late? Simon, what's going on?
Simon, tell them to explain.
What are you talking about?
What happened? Is she gone?
[SIMON] No, no, no, she's coming back.
- No, no!
What do they mean he wanted her dead?
[JANET] Ah, let me go!
Why would you do that?
[MR. MARTIN] This is between
you and me now, Janet.
- What is this?
- Don't ask questions!
She, she's right there.
Her spirit's right there.
Say something.
Mr. Martin, there are people
who believe he started that fire,
that he killed Janet to get
revenge for losing his job.
Apparently, her father
ruined his career.
He couldn't let that go.
Simon, you have to open the door.
He took her back in
there. She's in trouble.
Take her, take her.
They went into the scar.
We have to help her.
We have the death map.
The paths, we, we can
get to them that way.
We, we go through our
scars and find them there.
We're going to the scars. We'll get her.
Maddie, what's going on?
It's now or never, Maddie.
Let's finish this, Janet, you and me!
It's time for you to tell
me, to say it out loud
that you forgive me!
Forgive you?
Yes, no! Just, just say it, Janet!
Say the words!
The only way we ever get
out of here is if you say it!
Why would I need to forgive
you? I don't understand.
What were they talking about?
Why did you want me dead?
Simon, what's going on?
We're running out of time here, Maddie.
You don't understand.
What the fuck?
Okay, this seems bad.
Maddie, what's there to think about?
We have to do this now!
Simon, seriously, what is happening?
What do you want from me,
Simon? They could be in danger.
What if I never know
what happens to them?
They're ghosts.
- Oh, my God.
- [SIMON] What?
Her pulse is super weak.
[NICOLE] Should we call an ambulance?
Maddie, what?
They went in there together. Janet said
she and Mr. Martin
believe that if everyone
went in their scars at the same time
Simon, it's a trap. It's a fucking trap!
Oh, shit.
[WALLY] Hey!
- Are you okay?
- Yeah.
- Okay.
- Okay.
[YURI] Okay, there's
a lot of doors in here.
[QUINN] Which one do we take?
That one.
Whoa, is this Charley's scar?
She's so cold.
[MADDIE] My key
Maddie, what are you doing?
I can't leave them like this.
Keep me alive, Simon.
[DAVID] Maddie.
[DAVID] Maddie.
Why can't I move?
Mom, help me! Why can't I move?
Come on, baby.
What's happening, Dad?
Maddie, come on.
Why aren't you helping me, Dad?
Are you sure you know
how to read this thing?
- So where do we go now?
- [RHONDA] This can't be right.
The map shows a door straight ahead.
[YURI] The vending machine has a door.
That way.
[MAN'S VOICE] Charley
Where are you going, Charley?
Where are you going, Charley?
Is that
My biggest bully.
Let's get out of here.
Okay, okay. Um, okay, so, yeah,
we just, we just have
to go right past them.
Got any tips, coach?
Yeah. Get low. Keep moving your feet,
drive through them!
Okay, those are not
intuitive instructions!
Check her pulse.
What am I even looking for?
A heart beat, right?
I don't know. I've
never done this before.
We gotta call 911.
No, the minute we leave campus
with her body, she's stuck.
All right? She can't follow us.
What good is her body going
to be to her if it's dead?
[SIMON] She has to stay here.
[WALLY] Maddie.
It isn't her. It's not really her.
I got it!
Go. Go, go, go.
[MR. MARTIN] We are not
leaving here until it's done!
This is yours.
That's mine.
They're connected.
They're connected.
[WOMAN] Janet Hamilton, a
bright shining new star
[MAN] Top of her class,
the class of 1962.
[WOMAN] Janet Hamilton takes
first place once again.
There is no limit to this girl's talent.
What an incredible young
Why is my name on this stuff?
I never won any of these.
[MR. MARTIN] But you could have.
[WOMAN] Dr. Janet Hamilton, PhD,
leads groundbreaking
research in biochemistry,
changing the face of modern science
What did you do?
What did you really do?
Go! You can't save us!
She's barely breathing, Si.
Okay, that's it.
[OPERATOR] 911, what's your emergency?
[XAVIER] We need an ambulance
at Split River High School.
- We have to move her, Si.
- No!
No! Maddie, come back!
I'm at a loss at how to
deal with so much loss ♪
Forced to look over a bridge
that I don't wanna cross ♪
Where the hell are we?
My mind.
Let's get out of here.
- [MADDIE] Janet! Janet.
- Why don't Just look at me.
I know the truth.
You were responsible for the accident
that killed you both.
You wanted revenge.
- [MARTIN] No.
- Why then? Why?
You made her believe she was responsible
for all these years. Why did you do it?
I never meant to hurt anyone!
Least of all Janet.
Where exactly are we going?
To the parking lot.
We need to be ready when
the paramedics arrive.
[SIMON] We can't take her.
That's the boundary line of the school.
We've got to keep her as
close to campus as possible.
It's important!
If you never meant to hurt anyone,
then why did you do it?
The truth!
Is it the fact that
you're not just a liar,
but a murderer too?
No! I didn't murder anyone!
It was an accident! That part is true.
[CHARLEY] Yeah, why
should we believe you?
[MADDIE] She's haunting you.
That's the reason you
keep coming back here.
You'll never find peace as
long as she's still here,
as long as she hasn't crossed over.
I thought
I thought I had nothing
else to lose back then.
I'd already lost my job like I lost
I lost Alice.
She ended it when I was fired.
Couldn't see a future with me anymore.
Needless to say it was difficult
for me to see a future for myself.
The school district
had, had been looking
for a reason to get rid of me.
They said I was a thorn in their side.
And all it took
was one phone call
from Reverend Hamilton,
and they sent me packing.
And I, I suppose I thought,
"Wouldn't it serve them right?"
I disconnected the hoses.
Just let the gas do its job.
I, I even kept an eye on my watch.
Counting how, how many seconds
it would, it would take.
I didn't go through with it. Of course.
I wouldn't have.
I reconnected the hose.
I went, I went to open a window.
I had no idea that you
would walk in just then.
I didn't know you were
testing flint torches
and you would light a flame!
I never intentionally put you in danger.
But you did. You put her in here.
In this room, over and over again.
You locked her in here with
the worst things from her life.
These, these, these rooms can't kill us.
[MADDIE] Maybe they can't kill you,
but they still fucking hurt.
[MARTIN] There are things in this school
far more terrifying than these rooms
[MADDIE] And you did it anyway.
[MARTIN] No, no, no.
I didn't deserve this.
I didn't deserve my father.
Or being born in the wrong time.
Or never getting to
make anything of my life.
But, mostly, I did not deserve you.
[WALLY] Hey! Hey, whoa, whoa, whoa!
Hey, hey, hey!
That's my exit. Not yours.
[MARTIN] It's not safe here.
We have to leave.
No, you always said that
we have to look out there,
out at the world, at our past life
to figure out what happened to us,
what was keeping us here.
But everything that we needed
was right here all along!
You just didn't want to face it!
Janet, go. The door is open.
I'm not ready yet.
I've got unfinished business.
[MARTIN] No, no, please.
Don't leave me in here!
Don't leave me in here.
No! No!
What if that resets?
It won't. I'll teach you.
Hey! They're not here!
Am I too late?
Can't you just do it right here?
Okay, don't move her.
[MAN] Step back, sir,
we're going to take good care of her.
No. No, not yet.
You have to let them do
their job. Simon. Simon!
[NICOLE] Simon!
- [SIMON] I have to find Maddie!
- [NICOLE] Let him.
He'll be fine.
Maddie! Maddie, I'm here!
[SANDRA] Maddie! That's my daughter!
That's my kid! Is she' okay?
- Sandra, wait!
- [WOMAN] Ma'am?
[SANDRA] Maddie!
Absence brought us
closer than you realized ♪
Go, Maddie.
It's time to go.
Yesterday we strayed
from parallel lives ♪
Memories that don't exist ♪
Words of a story
shouldn't hurt like this ♪
We were perfect strangers ♪
One life torn in two ♪
You were robbed of summer ♪
I was robbed of you ♪
Nothing lasts forever ♪
But you are gone too soon ♪
You were robbed of summer ♪
I was robbed of you ♪
And I was robbed of you ♪
I was robbed of you ♪
Do you think she made it?
I hope so.
I mean, what the fuck
happened here last night?
You okay?
I need him to explain.
What he said about the school,
the supposed danger he's
been shielding us from.
We finally have the upper hand.
He's gonna tell us the truth.
You need backup?
I can handle him.
Wait, has anyone seen Wally?
I think I've got long to live ♪
I think I might've lost someone ♪
Some time ago ♪
There's no song in my heart ♪
Like I thought there
was when I was young ♪
And I fell apart ♪
There's no air in my lungs ♪
'Cause my breath has changed ♪
And now I'm a ghost
of who I have been ♪
Oh, my God.
You're awake.
Oh, you're awake.
Maddie. Maddie, we're here.
And you're back.
[SANDRA] Okay, do not move.
Stay right here and I'm
gonna go get us a nurse.
Where's Simon?
Um, he went back for you.
He doesn't have a phone
so it's just taking us
longer to track him down.
But don't stress, uh,
we'll get ahold of him.
- Yeah.
- He'll be here.
God, he's gonna be happy you're alive.
[NICOLE] Yeah, we'll go find him.
[CLAIRE] Yeah.
I, um
I couldn't say before,
but I'm really sorry, Maddie.
[SIGHS] She's awake.
Who are you talking to?
Oh, yeah.
I didn't get a chance to tell you,
I met your dad.
I have more questions.
So do I.
What's he doing here?
Where's Maddie?
[NICOLE] Previously on School Spirits
Don't forget, Janet, you owe me!
[CHARLEY] I'm really happy right now.
[QUINN] I found something. It's bad.
I'm gonna need you to peel
yourselves off each other
and come down to the library.
Janet wanted to use us to get them out.
[WALLY] So you just
started stealing our keys
right out from under our dead bodies?
I said, give me your car keys.
We lost him and he took Diego's car.
What if he comes back here?
I need you to bring Mr. Martin back.
We need him to do the swap.
It may be too late. He's gone.
Echo ♪
He took so much from you ♪
We need to get him back here.
I can't keep asking my friends
to put themselves in danger.
They won't have to do anything.
Right, because he's just gonna
come back here on his own.
He'll come back.
He isn't done with me yet.
If that's true, we need to be ready.
We can't let him catch
us off guard again.
Echo (echo, echo, echo, echo) ♪
I have an idea.
How much trouble are you in?
No clue.
That's why I sent Diego in first.
My parents like him better.
You know what? I'm way less worried
about the wrath of your parents
than I am about how
pissed Maddie's gonna be
that we're leaving empty-handed, again.
This might be the first time I'm
sort of relieved she's a ghost.
- Xavier.
- Sorry.
Sorry, that's not funny.
I make bad jokes when I'm stressed.
Yeah, I'm not sure anyone thinks
of you as a good jokes guy.
[BAXTER] All right, Xavier,
time to go home, come on, let's go.
[SIGHS] Wish me luck.
Call me if you think of anything.
[CLAIRE] Okay. Good luck.
What? What is it?
It's Eugene. We have
to get ahold of him now.
The guy from the nursing home.
As soon as we get home, you
better be ready to start talking.
I know you're here!
Can we please
Let's just have a, a
civilized conversation.
I know you're here.
You got me.
Ah, ah, ah, ah ♪
Don't forget me when I'm gone ♪
Ah, ah, ah, ah ♪
Don't forget me when I'm long gone ♪
Ah, ah, ah, ah ♪
Ah, ah, ah, ah ♪
Don't you forget ♪
Don't forget me when I'm gone ♪
Don't you forget me when I'm gone ♪
Don't you forget ♪
Don't forget me when I'm gone ♪
Oh, come on.
No one's picking up at the nursing home.
Yeah, I mean, obviously not.
Eugene's, like, 80-something
and it's middle of the night.
Nicole, there is nothing
we can do until morning.
We cannot keep waiting.
What did Eugene say in the message?
What did he say?
That he's been thinking
about it ever since we spoke
and that he never believed the
official story about the fire.
You know, he said he tried
to open up the investigation
a few times over the years.
He said he has evidence
that the story was suppressed,
that there's more to it.
When I was there, he said he kept
a bunch of stuff about her death.
- Where?
- In the storage unit.
Behind the nursing home.
It's not too late, Janet.
We can still walk out of here.
For good.
But this is our last chance.
You have to believe me.
I'm doing this for your own good.
All that I did, I
never meant to hurt you.
[CHARLEY] Did you mean to hurt us?
All those years
you brought me back
to the homecoming game?
Or discouraging me from talking
about what happened to me?
Using and manipulating us
every day since we got here?
We may have been hurt in life,
but you made death so much worse.
No. No, all
All I did was try to solve
the mystery of this place.
Of this school, of how to get out!
How many times do I have to say this?
Everything that I did,
I did for your benefit.
Enough with the excuses.
You can't take her.
Yeah, well, the thing is
you can't stop me.
See? Nobody likes being tricked.
Why won't you admit it, Mr. Martin?
Why don't you just tell us the truth?
You can't run forever.
That's the thing. I can.
I can run and you can't stop me.
Don't you get it?
You can't touch me.
[SIMON] I can.
Where's Janet?
If you want Janet, you'll
have to get through me first.
[MADDIE] Simon!
Where is she?
[JANET] I'm right here.
You're expecting me to
believe you saw ghosts?
And that there's a bunch
of dead people out there,
stealing bodies and
running around in them.
I know what I saw, Dad.
You saw dead people? Xavier, be serious.
I am. You're sitting
here interrogating me now,
but I have been living this for weeks,
completely, completely confused
and, and, and freaked out,
and I couldn't talk to
you about it, obviously,
because you never
believe me about anything.
I don't know what to
do with you anymore.
The last time that I
asked you to trust me,
I told you I didn't hurt Maddie.
And you didn't believe me.
But I didn't do it.
So I am asking you,
please, trust me.
I've changed.
Can you?
I need you to be my dad right now.
Not a cop.
[MADDIE] Si, are you okay?
I'm fine.
Just glad the plan worked.
You getting decked wasn't
really part of the plan.
It was a cheap shot anyway.
Total sucker punch!
[CHARLEY] You think he'll crack?
No clue, but it'll still
be fun watching him squirm.
Look at us.
What we've become.
You know, when I first
got into this line of work,
my father
he was a bit of a son
of a bitch, by the way.
He used to say,
"You know what they say,
Son? If you can't do, teach."
Fucking hate that saying.
As if I failed at something
before finding myself here,
when, in actuality,
all I ever wanted to do
was teach.
I love teaching and I, I kind of,
I kind of feel that you're the same.
I've seen the difference
a good teacher can make.
I've been a good teacher.
But I, I, uh,
I messed that one up royally.
But what you did,
I would never, ever
put a hand on a student.
I would never hurt a kid.
After all these years,
this is your legacy?
This is your chance to make it right.
Come back willingly.
No, no, that's not it.
This wasn't my fault!
None of this is my fault.
[NICOLE] This way.
This is for sure a punishable offense.
You get that, right?
If a night guard finds us, we are dead.
Only if we get caught,
which won't happen
if you keep your voice down.
I mean, I honestly believe this
is what Eugene would've wanted.
He said he wanted to share more info.
Woah, where'd you get that?
My house.
What? I knew we would need it.
Uh-huh, of course you did.
Oh, look for Eugene Bergstrom.
Eugene Bergstrom.
[CLAIRE] Oh. Here.
There's a lot.
Hey, uh
Not to be weird or anything,
but is there something going
on between you and Xavier?
What? Why would you ask that?
I don't know, I just, I guess
I've been sensing some
weirdness between you guys.
Did something happen?
Xavier is was Shredhead.
But we're not talking
anymore. Not like that.
And for the record, no, I didn't know.
And he knows that you're
I mean, he does now.
What? You're not gonna laugh at me?
Give me shit for being a complete idiot?
Why would I laugh at you?
I don't know, I mean, with all of this,
I'm sure you're dying to get
back to your dumb friends.
I'm with my dumb friends now, Nicole.
I mean, we're practically family now.
- [CLAIRE] Oh, my God.
What? You told me to meet you here.
Okay, but maybe if you're
gonna sneak up on people,
in the dark, text first.
P.S., turning the overhead light on,
you might as well just send up a flare,
let security know that you're
unlawfully rifling through
some retiree's tchotchkes.
Oh, um, Mr. Anderson,
about all that stuff that went down,
- me turning you in
- Simon, don't
I thought you hurt Maddie.
I promise, it wasn't personal.
No, Simon, this was not your fault.
At least you're not stuck here anymore.
I could use a shower, I think.
I'm just glad this is over.
You see, it may not be over just yet.
You see that car?
Yeah, cops think you stole it.
Here you go.
Why don't you eat something,
feel a little better?
It's gonna take more than a sandwich
to restore my dignity.
Look, I, I sobered up.
I swear I won't drive.
Can I please just go home?
Sandra, you fell asleep at a stop sign.
I wanna ask you something now
as a friend, so totally off the record
and all that.
Why do you keep doing this?
You think I know?
I don't know.
I don't wanna be doing this.
I don't know how to make it stop.
I mean, do you ever wonder
if you're just, like,
not cut out for it?
That the pain it costs to love a person
as much as I love Maddie
is just not something that I can handle.
It's just not something
that I can live up to.
I'm expected to take care
of this sweet little girl.
All on my own.
Who is so scared
and who feels so alone.
And how am I supposed to do that
when I still feel like
a scared little girl?
Yeah, I, I wake up every morning
and manage to find a new
way to fuck up my kid.
Don't need a drop of
alcohol to do it either.
I try, but damned if,
if I could find a way
to just do it all a little bit better.
I might never even get to try.
She came back to me.
She came back and gave
me a second chance.
And whatever happened,
she isn't,
she isn't my Maddie.
It feels like I don't even know her.
Hang on.
What do you mean she
doesn't feel like Maddie?
Guys. Guys, look.
This says "Historical Society archives."
Eugene must've borrowed
this and never returned it.
Jeez, imagine the fines.
This is fire coverage from 1958.
- How do we watch it?
- My dad.
He's got an old VCR in our garage.
Wait, I saw one.
God bless the hoarder generation.
- [XAVIER] Plug it in.
- [CLAIRE] Yeah.
[NICOLE] Oh my god, that kid's Eugene.
Now tell the camera what
you just told me, young man.
That thing they're telling you
is true.
What do you know?
Uh, nothing, it's just, uh,
Xavier said some stuff to me.
And it made me wonder
if all our kids weren't going
through something at the moment.
Let me take you home.
What the hell happened to you?
Okay, well, for starters,
I did not steal a car.
Secondly, I have
information about Maddie.
But you need to come with me now.
We thought it would be fitting
to bring you here to explain yourself.
[WALLY] I'd spill it while
we're still being nice.
I want to apologize.
I do. It's time.
I'm so sorry
for everything I did.
Everyone I hurt.
I know it's hard to believe now,
in light of everything that I did,
always had pure intentions.
Janet, I, I know I hurt you most of all.
I know you wanna cross over. I
I, I can tell you, I'm
ready for us to do that.
How can you say that?
How can you expect us to believe
you're suddenly on her side?
I have always been on your side.
You have no idea the things
that I've done for you.
Haven't you ever wondered
why so many of us died here?
There's more to this
school than you understand.
Even you, Janet.
What's that supposed to mean?
Yeah, what does the school
have to do with any of this?
Janet, I'm ready to explain.
I want to show you everything.
And, and then each of you, in turn,
you'll get your explanations too.
But, first,
you have to return
to your true self.
What do I have to lose?
I'm going to get answers.
I'm going to leave this place.
The right way.
No. You don't understand.
[INTERVIEWER] But she was
your best friend, right?
So maybe you're not able to
see the whole truth here, kid.
No. I know for a fact
that Janet's father
is the reason Mr. Martin was fired.
I overheard them talking
about it the day after
The day after she died.
The police don't believe me,
but I know in my bones
Mr. Martin started that fire on purpose.
He wanted revenge. He killed her.
You know, kid, it's
dangerous to go around
spreading rumors about people.
You could get in a lot of trouble.
No. No, it's not
rumors! It's not rumors!
Let's pack it up,
[INTERVIEWER] He's just a grieving kid.
It's my dad.
He said Mr. Anderson
turned in Diego's car.
He was at the school.
It's really time?
I guess I just didn't think
I'd have to do this so soon.
You were never really
supposed to be here.
This is the right thing.
I just didn't have time to prepare.
Can you ever really prepare
for something like this?
What if I go back and then I don't get
to see you guys anymore,
I don't get to talk to you?
Don't worry, Dorothy Gale.
You'll be all right here in Oz.
We all have to leave high
school eventually, right?
Okay, so what do we do now?
Do we run at each other like before?
When we first found each other,
and you heard my cries,
I needed to be rescued and,
and then you saved me, Maddie.
And I can never apologize
enough or thank you enough
for what you've given me.
'Cause you helped me find my voice.
And I'm really sorry
that you had to suffer
so I can learn that.
I'm done running.
Apology accepted.
You forgive me?
I forgive you.
Of course I forgive you.
Catch her.
I got her. I got her. She's okay.
[SIMON] Mads?
[NICOLE] Simon!
[CLAIRE] He wanted her dead.
Mr. Martin wanted Janet dead.
No, no, no, are we too
late? Simon, what's going on?
Simon, tell them to explain.
What are you talking about?
What happened? Is she gone?
[SIMON] No, no, no, she's coming back.
- No, no!
What do they mean he wanted her dead?
[JANET] Ah, let me go!
Why would you do that?
[MR. MARTIN] This is between
you and me now, Janet.
- What is this?
- Don't ask questions!
She, she's right there.
Her spirit's right there.
Say something.
Mr. Martin, there are people
who believe he started that fire,
that he killed Janet to get
revenge for losing his job.
Apparently, her father
ruined his career.
He couldn't let that go.
Simon, you have to open the door.
He took her back in
there. She's in trouble.
Take her, take her.
They went into the scar.
We have to help her.
We have the death map.
The paths, we, we can
get to them that way.
We, we go through our
scars and find them there.
We're going to the scars. We'll get her.
Maddie, what's going on?
It's now or never, Maddie.
Let's finish this, Janet, you and me!
It's time for you to tell
me, to say it out loud
that you forgive me!
Forgive you?
Yes, no! Just, just say it, Janet!
Say the words!
The only way we ever get
out of here is if you say it!
Why would I need to forgive
you? I don't understand.
What were they talking about?
Why did you want me dead?
Simon, what's going on?
We're running out of time here, Maddie.
You don't understand.
What the fuck?
Okay, this seems bad.
Maddie, what's there to think about?
We have to do this now!
Simon, seriously, what is happening?
What do you want from me,
Simon? They could be in danger.
What if I never know
what happens to them?
They're ghosts.
- Oh, my God.
- [SIMON] What?
Her pulse is super weak.
[NICOLE] Should we call an ambulance?
Maddie, what?
They went in there together. Janet said
she and Mr. Martin
believe that if everyone
went in their scars at the same time
Simon, it's a trap. It's a fucking trap!
Oh, shit.
[WALLY] Hey!
- Are you okay?
- Yeah.
- Okay.
- Okay.
[YURI] Okay, there's
a lot of doors in here.
[QUINN] Which one do we take?
That one.
Whoa, is this Charley's scar?
She's so cold.
[MADDIE] My key
Maddie, what are you doing?
I can't leave them like this.
Keep me alive, Simon.
[DAVID] Maddie.
[DAVID] Maddie.
Why can't I move?
Mom, help me! Why can't I move?
Come on, baby.
What's happening, Dad?
Maddie, come on.
Why aren't you helping me, Dad?
Are you sure you know
how to read this thing?
- So where do we go now?
- [RHONDA] This can't be right.
The map shows a door straight ahead.
[YURI] The vending machine has a door.
That way.
[MAN'S VOICE] Charley
Where are you going, Charley?
Where are you going, Charley?
Is that
My biggest bully.
Let's get out of here.
Okay, okay. Um, okay, so, yeah,
we just, we just have
to go right past them.
Got any tips, coach?
Yeah. Get low. Keep moving your feet,
drive through them!
Okay, those are not
intuitive instructions!
Check her pulse.
What am I even looking for?
A heart beat, right?
I don't know. I've
never done this before.
We gotta call 911.
No, the minute we leave campus
with her body, she's stuck.
All right? She can't follow us.
What good is her body going
to be to her if it's dead?
[SIMON] She has to stay here.
[WALLY] Maddie.
It isn't her. It's not really her.
I got it!
Go. Go, go, go.
[MR. MARTIN] We are not
leaving here until it's done!
This is yours.
That's mine.
They're connected.
They're connected.
[WOMAN] Janet Hamilton, a
bright shining new star
[MAN] Top of her class,
the class of 1962.
[WOMAN] Janet Hamilton takes
first place once again.
There is no limit to this girl's talent.
What an incredible young
Why is my name on this stuff?
I never won any of these.
[MR. MARTIN] But you could have.
[WOMAN] Dr. Janet Hamilton, PhD,
leads groundbreaking
research in biochemistry,
changing the face of modern science
What did you do?
What did you really do?
Go! You can't save us!
She's barely breathing, Si.
Okay, that's it.
[OPERATOR] 911, what's your emergency?
[XAVIER] We need an ambulance
at Split River High School.
- We have to move her, Si.
- No!
No! Maddie, come back!
I'm at a loss at how to
deal with so much loss ♪
Forced to look over a bridge
that I don't wanna cross ♪
Where the hell are we?
My mind.
Let's get out of here.
- [MADDIE] Janet! Janet.
- Why don't Just look at me.
I know the truth.
You were responsible for the accident
that killed you both.
You wanted revenge.
- [MARTIN] No.
- Why then? Why?
You made her believe she was responsible
for all these years. Why did you do it?
I never meant to hurt anyone!
Least of all Janet.
Where exactly are we going?
To the parking lot.
We need to be ready when
the paramedics arrive.
[SIMON] We can't take her.
That's the boundary line of the school.
We've got to keep her as
close to campus as possible.
It's important!
If you never meant to hurt anyone,
then why did you do it?
The truth!
Is it the fact that
you're not just a liar,
but a murderer too?
No! I didn't murder anyone!
It was an accident! That part is true.
[CHARLEY] Yeah, why
should we believe you?
[MADDIE] She's haunting you.
That's the reason you
keep coming back here.
You'll never find peace as
long as she's still here,
as long as she hasn't crossed over.
I thought
I thought I had nothing
else to lose back then.
I'd already lost my job like I lost
I lost Alice.
She ended it when I was fired.
Couldn't see a future with me anymore.
Needless to say it was difficult
for me to see a future for myself.
The school district
had, had been looking
for a reason to get rid of me.
They said I was a thorn in their side.
And all it took
was one phone call
from Reverend Hamilton,
and they sent me packing.
And I, I suppose I thought,
"Wouldn't it serve them right?"
I disconnected the hoses.
Just let the gas do its job.
I, I even kept an eye on my watch.
Counting how, how many seconds
it would, it would take.
I didn't go through with it. Of course.
I wouldn't have.
I reconnected the hose.
I went, I went to open a window.
I had no idea that you
would walk in just then.
I didn't know you were
testing flint torches
and you would light a flame!
I never intentionally put you in danger.
But you did. You put her in here.
In this room, over and over again.
You locked her in here with
the worst things from her life.
These, these, these rooms can't kill us.
[MADDIE] Maybe they can't kill you,
but they still fucking hurt.
[MARTIN] There are things in this school
far more terrifying than these rooms
[MADDIE] And you did it anyway.
[MARTIN] No, no, no.
I didn't deserve this.
I didn't deserve my father.
Or being born in the wrong time.
Or never getting to
make anything of my life.
But, mostly, I did not deserve you.
[WALLY] Hey! Hey, whoa, whoa, whoa!
Hey, hey, hey!
That's my exit. Not yours.
[MARTIN] It's not safe here.
We have to leave.
No, you always said that
we have to look out there,
out at the world, at our past life
to figure out what happened to us,
what was keeping us here.
But everything that we needed
was right here all along!
You just didn't want to face it!
Janet, go. The door is open.
I'm not ready yet.
I've got unfinished business.
[MARTIN] No, no, please.
Don't leave me in here!
Don't leave me in here.
No! No!
What if that resets?
It won't. I'll teach you.
Hey! They're not here!
Am I too late?
Can't you just do it right here?
Okay, don't move her.
[MAN] Step back, sir,
we're going to take good care of her.
No. No, not yet.
You have to let them do
their job. Simon. Simon!
[NICOLE] Simon!
- [SIMON] I have to find Maddie!
- [NICOLE] Let him.
He'll be fine.
Maddie! Maddie, I'm here!
[SANDRA] Maddie! That's my daughter!
That's my kid! Is she' okay?
- Sandra, wait!
- [WOMAN] Ma'am?
[SANDRA] Maddie!
Absence brought us
closer than you realized ♪
Go, Maddie.
It's time to go.
Yesterday we strayed
from parallel lives ♪
Memories that don't exist ♪
Words of a story
shouldn't hurt like this ♪
We were perfect strangers ♪
One life torn in two ♪
You were robbed of summer ♪
I was robbed of you ♪
Nothing lasts forever ♪
But you are gone too soon ♪
You were robbed of summer ♪
I was robbed of you ♪
And I was robbed of you ♪
I was robbed of you ♪
Do you think she made it?
I hope so.
I mean, what the fuck
happened here last night?
You okay?
I need him to explain.
What he said about the school,
the supposed danger he's
been shielding us from.
We finally have the upper hand.
He's gonna tell us the truth.
You need backup?
I can handle him.
Wait, has anyone seen Wally?
I think I've got long to live ♪
I think I might've lost someone ♪
Some time ago ♪
There's no song in my heart ♪
Like I thought there
was when I was young ♪
And I fell apart ♪
There's no air in my lungs ♪
'Cause my breath has changed ♪
And now I'm a ghost
of who I have been ♪
Oh, my God.
You're awake.
Oh, you're awake.
Maddie. Maddie, we're here.
And you're back.
[SANDRA] Okay, do not move.
Stay right here and I'm
gonna go get us a nurse.
Where's Simon?
Um, he went back for you.
He doesn't have a phone
so it's just taking us
longer to track him down.
But don't stress, uh,
we'll get ahold of him.
- Yeah.
- He'll be here.
God, he's gonna be happy you're alive.
[NICOLE] Yeah, we'll go find him.
[CLAIRE] Yeah.
I, um
I couldn't say before,
but I'm really sorry, Maddie.
[SIGHS] She's awake.
Who are you talking to?
Oh, yeah.
I didn't get a chance to tell you,
I met your dad.
I have more questions.
So do I.
What's he doing here?
Where's Maddie?