Silo (2023) s02e08 Episode Script

The Book of Quinn

Come on.
[EXCLAIMS] Oh, come on.
Come on.
[SHIRLEY] This seat taken?
Um, no.
Please, sit.
You are one brave man.
How's that?
We mostly use Maeve's
biscuits for counterweights.
Two friends of mine lost teeth
trying to bite into them.
My wife's always trying to get
me to chew my food more.
It was good exercise.
So, what are you gonna do now?
I'll do what I can to get some answers.
Down here?
- Are you even sheriff anymore?
- Until I'm told otherwise.
So basically, you're hiding out?
Well, in the meantime, why
don't you do something useful?
Help us.
As far as the Pact allows.
I got a question for you.
What does the Pact say about people
who stab someone in the heart
and try to pin it on others?
- I need proof that
- Give me a fucking break.
You know it'll never be proven.
The mayor and Sims, they'll
be laughing their heads off
at your pitiful attempt
to bring them to justice.
While Walker, Knox and I swing
from the bridge to Judicial.
The Founders established a process,
- a-a due process.
- The Founders?
Have you Have you ever
considered that the Founders,
whoever the fuck they were,
were lying through their
teeth about everything?
If we don't respect the order of
things, then it all falls apart.
The Pact is what we have.
Those are the words we live by.
There comes a time you need
to stand up and call bullshit.
[SIGHS] All right.
Hey, who the fuck are you?
Lukas Kyle.
The shadow to the head of IT.
Holland doesn't have a shadow.
Meaning you can fuck off.
- Oh, no. I have a
- Hey, that was us being nice.
Do you want it to go
the other direction?
It's blue.
Yeah, I know colors. [CHUCKLES]
- What are you doing here?
- Mayor Holland asked me to find something
in the judge's apartment.
- What?
- I can't tell you.
Judge Sims ordered us to pack
everything and bring it to Judicial.
I don't know what you're gonna tell him,
but I need to be alone.
So what are you gonna do?
Saw your way up again?
No, we're gonna go late.
Up the far side, in those chairs Jules
and Coop used on the generator.
And somehow,
by breaking into Medical Supply
without getting noticed,
without getting your asses burned,
you'll magically make things okay?
We're running low on everything, Walk.
We're down to tearing
up rags for bandages,
using rotgut for anesthesia.
If your daughter were here,
she'd tell these knuckleheads
they're insane to go
through with this plan.
- Can you come up with a better idea?
- [MARTHA] Damn right I can.
You don't need to get to
Supply to get bandages.
You need to get McLain back,
so she can get bandages.
Getting McLain out of detention
is 200% more difficult
- than breaking into Supply.
- I don't give a shit about the odds.
We should at least try.
She sacrificed herself
for our sorry asses.
That should count for something.
- Of course it does. But
- Don't give me any fucking buts.
You go ahead and do this thing,
get yourselves arrested or maybe killed.
And guess what?
McLain's still locked up,
and we're doubly fucked.
Walk, it's just that we
have to go about this
Oh, do you know what?
Get the hell out of my shop.
Go play your stupid game someplace else.
I got real work to do.
- Come on, Walk!
- You heard me. Out.
We all know how much
McLain means to you, Walk.
You gotta be kidding.
Two of my men were boxing
up Meadows's apartment
when Lukas Kyle,
that little shit you and I sent
to the mines, barges in,
flashes his new blue ID,
says he's there on Bernard's behalf.
What's he doing?
I don't know.
And even if I did, I couldn't tell you.
Last I looked, you work for Judicial.
And since I am Judge Sims,
that means you work for me.
Come on, Rob.
When you had my job,
did you report to Judge Meadows,
other than on paper?
Wait. Hey, stop.
- Where are you going?
- None of your business.
[SHIRLEY] Actually, it is.
'Cause if you're going
more than ten levels,
you need protection.
I had a message on my computer.
They shut down messaging.
Well, they opened it up for me.
Who did?
Groundwater Removal.
There's a request for a service call.
The pump on 90 isn't working.
Last time I overhauled that,
you were still in diapers.
Walk, it's a trap.
I'm guaranteed safe passage.
For someone who they said
is connected to a conspiracy
to murder the judge?
They said pump maintenance
supersedes everything.
I still think it's a trap.
Well, if they throw me in a cell,
maybe they'll put me in with Carla.
At least I'll have a few
hours away from all of you
and your stupid plans.
- What?
- I have some questions.
Good for you.
- [PERSON 1] Look, tell your boss
he'll have his wool before
the next cleaning, okay?
Okay. [STAMMERS] Ma'am, this
has nothing to do with wool.
It's about something of vital
importance to the Silo.
Oh, you mean like wool?
It's about Salvador Quinn.
Don't know anyone by that name.
Okay, well, does Terrance
Penbrook live here?
That's my father-in-law, but he's
up at the farms right now so
Okay. Well, your father-in-law
is a direct descendant
- of Salvador
- [PERSON 2] Who's there, Josey?
He's from IT.
Says he needs to talk to
you about Salvador Quinn.
What do you need to know
about that fucking bastard
you don't know already?
Sir, could I just come in? It
No, no, no, I gotta see to
the sheep. I'm already late.
[STAMMERS] Sir, sir, I don't think
you got a close look at this,
at what color it is.
You want to be hauled upstairs
for an official interrogation?
Thank you.
You make the wool for
the cleanings, huh?
Yes, sir. Four generations.
Brandon here will be the fifth.
Of course, we do more than that.
We also make blankets,
mostly for Up-Toppers.
What do you want?
There's property that's missing
from the archives in IT,
property which Mr. Quinn
took without authority
and that we believe is still in
his descendants' possession.
Don't know anything about that.
No. [CHUCKLES] No, um, papers
- books?
- [TERRANCE] Books?
[CHUCKLES] All the books were
destroyed in the rebellion.
And why the hell would we
keep anything of his anyway?
The name "Salvador Quinn" has
brought this family only shame
and dishonor.
I believe you and I wish
that that were enough,
but I'm afraid I'm gonna have to
call for a Judicial search team.
- What? No, we don't have anything.
- Hey, hey, just a minute.
Okay, well, then maybe you
should just do a thorough search
to make sure.
I'm gonna get a coffee
and then I'll be back.
Oh, come on. We don't have anything.
Can I give you some advice?
Sir, as I explained to you
You haven't had that badge
very long, have you?
I see you trying so hard
to be a tough guy,
but it ain't you.
Real tough guys,
they hardly say anything at all.
We don't talk about Salvador Quinn.
My family got rid of that
name a long time ago.
- Okay.
- Do you know why
we make the wool for the cleanings?
No, why?
140 years and we are
still trying to make up
for being related to the man
who almost destroyed the Silo.
[LUKAS] Quinn's legacy
of failure continues.
His family were no help.
Salvador Quinn was not a failure.
He let the rebels erase the
servers and burn the books.
That's what we've been taught,
but it's not the truth.
Salvador Quinn saved the Silo.
there were rebellions
every 20 years or so.
And every rebellion risked
the opening of the air lock
and the death of 10,000 people.
Quinn realized that part of the problem
was that people knew about the
rebellions that had come before,
so he came up with a radical solution:
sever the Silo from its history.
He cut off access to the servers,
confiscated the books,
then blamed the rebels.
Then how did no one know
that that's what he'd done?
- Surely there was someone
- He put something in the water.
A chemical compound.
A drug to make us forget.
Not all at once.
Over the course of weeks
and months and years.
And the consequence of this
was 140 years of peace.
Until now.
Oh, holy shit.
That tastes like my brother's armpit.
I won't ask how you know what
your brother's armpits taste like,
but you still need to drink it.
What's in it anyway?
It's an old recipe passed down
from generation to generation
since maybe even the before times.
You and your husband seem to know
a lot about the before times.
How's that?
He showed me that page
with all the trees
all the green.
What did you think of it?
[KATHLEEN] It was something.
Yeah, it was something.
I don't know where you are
and I don't care, okay?
But the man you took
has something I need.
- [PERSON] Stop!
The man you took has
something that I need!
- I killed him
- What?
And I'll kill you too if
you don't go away.
No, no, no. Listen, listen,
let me talk to him please.
I warned you.
Hi there, stranger.
Coffee, when you get a
chance, please. Black.
Sure thing.
So, you must be in the deep of it.
Burning both ends.
Pretty much 24/7.
Tough on Marcy, I'll bet.
I know all about those hours.
Wasn't easy wondering when
Rob was coming home.
If he was gonna come home.
- Marcy doesn't complain too much.
I remember when you
two came over for dinner.
- Mmm.
- You were just dating.
Yeah, I knew right then she
was made of strong stuff.
- That she is.
- You know that was the first time
Rob ever asked one of his agents over?
And now what? You already
have a child on the way.
Due in two months.
That is wonderful.
A blessing.
And yet, I'm afraid for our children.
- I'm not sure I follow.
- Things are out of control.
You more than anyone can see that.
We're gonna have everything
sorted out soon.
It's those damn greasers
from down deep that
They're not making things any easier.
But isn't the real problem in IT?
No, I don't think so.
The mayor's new shadow is some guy
who a minute ago was
busting rocks in the mines
and we're seconds from
an all-out rebellion.
- Bernard knows what he's doing.
- I hope so,
but people are having doubts.
On all levels, not just the lower ones.
I'm just doing my job, like
your husband's just doing his.
We're all gonna die
if we're not careful.
My husband has the best interests
of the Silo in his heart.
You have to believe that.
He needs you to find out what
Bernard's shadow is up to.
Even if I were to help
- if Bernard were to find out
- One thing.
One thing is all he's asking.
- Track Lukas Kyle.
- I swore an oath, Camille.
Like we all did. Judge Sims included.
You didn't just swear
an oath to one man.
You swore it to the Silo.
And right now, the Silo needs your help.
I have to go.
I'm sorry.
Mr. Mayor.
I heard the pump needs fixing.
[BERNARD] Not anymore.
That was easy.
I heard you wanted to see me.
What gave you that idea?
You turned your camera
back on, for one thing.
That was a mistake.
Well, see, I took it as an invitation.
To what? To shoot the shit,
'cause we're such good buddies and all?
All that, yes.
But what I was really hoping for
was the chance to negotiate.
Come on.
I tried eating the fruit off this tree.
Bitter as shit.
Guess it fits, since my old
man was a nasty bastard.
I ran a track-and-trace on Lukas Kyle.
I appreciate that very much.
He went from Judge Meadows's place
to an apartment in lower-mids
occupied by Terrance Penbrook.
- Then he went to Bernard's office.
- What was he doing?
Looking for something. A book.
Belonged to Salvador Quinn.
- What book?
- I don't know.
I don't think he knows.
Where is he now?
On the stairs, headed down.
Well, let me know where
he is when he gets
And stop sending your
wife asking for favors.
I did this for you, Judge
Sims, this one time
'cause I owe you that.
But we are done.
She's a stubborn one, your McLain.
And then some.
But detention isn't easy for most,
especially someone her age.
I don't know how long she can hold out.
[MARTHA] So, let her go.
- Well
- No, I'm serious.
What are you doing messing around
with a couple of old ladies
who just happened to be in the
wrong place at the wrong time?
Come now.
You know very well that is not the case.
Well, I'm guessing if you
really knew something,
you wouldn't need to
dick around like this.
I think you don't know what
to do or where to start
and you're just taking shots in the dark
and hoping you'll hit something.
I'm trying to save the Silo, Martha.
And I am forced to go
to any lengths to do it.
Well, bully for you.
What Mechanical is doing,
to put it bluntly,
- will get us all killed.
- So you say.
I do say, and I also say that
before I let that happen,
your wife will suffer more pain
than she ever thought
could exist in this life.
She won't die,
but she will be pleading to
the Founders to let her die.
Please don't.
Not to be overly dramatic,
but her life is in your hands.
What do you want?
If I had someone that
could tell me in advance
just what it is your little
band of rebels is planning,
then I might have a shot of
getting things back to normal.
- Hey.
- Where's Claire?
- Asleep.
- Damn, it's that late already?
Everything okay?
No, actually.
What happened?
I took some food to
Patrick Kennedy today.
You showed him a page from a
book made in the before times.
Is that true?
I should have known he
couldn't keep it to himself.
Is it true?
- Yes.
- And you show it to him and not me?
I shouldn't have shown it to anyone,
but I needed to convince him
to-to tell me what he need
I don't care why!
Why would you hold back
on sharing something
- as important as that with me?
- Because it's dangerous.
I don't care how dangerous it is!
Is it true
that there was a world
outside that was beautiful?
Show it to me.
- Kathleen, you
- Show it to me!
There is a whole book of pictures.
- Animals.
[KATHLEEN] What happened, Paul?
I don't know.
I don't know.
I don't know what to do, baby. I
I don't know what to do.
I need to apologize for before.
I'm trying to find out something
and it is very important, but
it doesn't excuse how I acted.
The truth is I'm a kid
from the lower-mids
and I got lucky getting
this job and a fancy ID.
I made the mistake of thinking
maybe I'm something special,
but I'm not.
Not by a long shot.
Salvador Quinn, he's special.
- He was a hero.
- I knew it.
[SIGHS] Don't lie to us, son.
Sir, I wish I could tell you
how I know, but I can't.
And it might be hard
for you to trust me,
given what an asshole I was before.
But I am telling you [INHALES DEEPLY]
he saved the Silo.
When Judge Meadows visited us,
she tried to tell us the same thing.
Judge Meadows came here?
Years ago. Before Brandon was born.
I-I think before she became Judge.
What did she want?
Same as you.
Didn't care if they were relics.
Said we wouldn't get into any trouble.
She had a blue ID, like you.
Said she'd be willing
to make an exchange.
- And you-you, um
- Brandon.
What were the books
you traded for these?
Just one.
An old copy of the Pact.
It was Quinn's.
At least, his name was on the inside.
That's it, huh?
That's all she wanted.
Never saw her again.
Is it true she was murdered
by a couple of Mechanicals?
That's what they say.
I don't know.
Thank you.
Take solace in knowing that
10,000 of your fellow citizens
will be grateful for your co-operation.
Can I see her now?
Of course.
A deal's a deal.
[TEDDY] This is it.
Come on.
- Ben, you hit the meds.
- [BEN] Got it.
Sarah, you hit the ba
What have you done to her?
It's more what she's done to herself.
She can't hear you.
I said that you could see
her, and now you have.
- What? [SIGHS]
- You can see she's alive.
And if you want it to stay that way,
you'll continue to be my eyes
and ears in the Down Deep.
[STAMMERS] What happened
to a deal's a deal?
I will make you this promise.
No harm will come to her if
you continue to co-operate.
And, uh, once this mess
is all cleaned up,
you will be reunited with
your true love once again.
You are quite the bastard, aren't you?
Yes or no?
Yes, damn it.
- Yes.
- Good.
it's not like I don't trust you
Actually, I don't.
But, um, there will be eyes
and ears in the Down Deep
that will make sure that you
keep your end of the bargain.
And, um, I also need you to
turn your camera back on.
And until this is over,
you will stay in your workshop.
[MURMURS] Proceed
20 pa-pa-pac 20 pace
20 paces for-for Forward.
Proceed 20 paces forward, then two.
Page 99.
Come on, Lukas.
"If you've gotten this far, you already
know the game is rigged."
You kicked my agents
out of this apartment.
- What's in the bag?
- You can't touch me.
I'm I'm Bernard Holland's shadow.
You have no idea what I can do.
The Pact.
Mayor Holland asked
me to bring it to him.
- Why?
- It belonged to her.
I don't pretend to know
what's in Bernard's mind,
as far as you're concerned.
But whatever it is, you should know,
once he gets what he needs from you,
he'll throw you back to the mines.
Sometime soon, you're
gonna need a friend.
A friend like you?
You might think you know what he wants.
I thought I did.
But he'll always be four
moves ahead of you.
Watch yourself.
That's my advice.
Thank you.
Now, if you don't mind, I gotta go.
Your mother, she works in
hospice on 85, isn't that right?
I'm just guessing she'd hate
to have her son as a patient.
How'd it go?
Everything okay with the pump?
Burnt out capacitor.
It could have been worse.
Couldn't be worse down here.
We should have listened to you, Walk.
- What about?
- Breaking into Supply.
They caught 'em.
Teddy and his team got arrested.
Anybody killed?
Honestly, we don't know.
It's possible, but we can't
get any information.
Knox and I aren't sure
how the raiders found out.
You know, there's there's gotta
be someone down here, a snitch.
You know, we thought we were careful,
but I guess not. [SIGHS]
Y-You all right?
Yeah, I'm just tired.
It's a long walk.
I-I don't think I'll be
up for that again.
Did you see something?
People freaking the fuck out.
Raiders on every level,
armed to the teeth,
waiting for someone to
make the wrong move.
- That's it?
- Yeah. That's not enough for you?
Look, I'm sorry, I'm just beat.
- Can I get you something?
- No, no, I'm just, uh
Look, I just need a rest, okay?
Thank you.
- You know where to find me.
- Always.
Hey! [PANTS]
- [PERSON 2] Hey!
I already put one arrow
in your shoulder.
One more move and this one
goes straight into your heart.
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