Sleeper Cell s02e08 Episode Script


Previously on Sleeper Cell I love you.
Samia! Did you ever think you'd be looking at my face again? No, it's true.
I didn't.
I didn't.
Who is the African American member of your cell? Martin Luther King.
There was never a need to doubt our friendship or my loyalty.
I forgive you, and I welcome you back.
- Where is Mina? - She has her own mission.
Mina! Out the back door.
You and I will be at the Hollywood Bowl where we'll detonate the cooler.
Simultaneous coordinated attacks.
Blanket the city in nuclear fallout.
By the way brother Farik says hello.
It's Independence Day in the United States.
There's gonna be some tremendous fireworks.
Where is Salim? He's got the other four fuel rods.
I see Salim.
Agent Al-Sayeed, engage the subject.
Take him out now! Gayle's dead.
Hello, ma'am.
Welcome to Las Vegas.
- Hi.
- Have a happy 4th of July.
Sleeper Cell 2x08 Reunion at last count, the dead in Las Vegas number 532 plus another 212 injured almost all of these members of the United States army reserve unit and their families were there to celebrate their first 4th of July back home.
The Las Vegas hotel bombing is the first successful attack on American soil since September 11th 2001, now confirmed to have been carried out by Wilhemina Van den Horst a Dutch citizen and Muslim convert whose husband is believed to have been killed by US forces while fighting as an insurgent in Iraq.
- Agent Diaz? - Yeah.
Yes, send him in.
It's good to see you Darwyn.
Is it true the CIA as a lead on Farik's location? Where the hell did you hear that? Come on You owe me this much.
I deserve to know if it's true.
They told me you still haven't reported to the post traumatic stress unit.
Answer my question.
The CIA thinks they have a line on where he's hiding.
Apparently, he's been sending messages back and forth to his Al-Qaeda brothers, but pick and bagging on a web server for some Internet porn site.
It turns out the adult entertainment industries are the cutting edge of web security technology.
The pornographer whose site Farik was using hacked his way back into Farik's transmission.
Even NSA was impressed with the guy.
They started where he left off, they were able to trace his source physically.
To Yemen.
And that's where he's hold up.
It looks that way.
CIA is gonna send in a capture team to bag him? Things are tight, right now The States Department says the P.
warned, the Arab street is going against us.
Iraq, Lebanon The people had to tough figure any direct action in Yemen, but does more harm than good.
And the spooks at the CIA are pushing hard, but best case scenario they won't get the green light for months.
And by that time, Farik could be long gone.
Thank you for telling me.
I figure they won't thank me.
Try to make it to the PTAs units soon.
Jimmy G.
Look at you, man.
How have you been? I'm cool.
You believe that shit in Vegas, man? Bin Laden strikes again.
I heard from JM Shay you're making these backups.
just before 9/11.
You have my overdue congratulations, man.
It was perfect timing.
I mean, if you like to keep busy.
I heard you went to work at the FBI about the same time, yeah? Yeah, that's about that.
You're still with the bureau? How was that? High speed, low-drag or what? Same as everywhere else, man.
Some people are high speed, low-drag.
Some other slower.
Not with the D boys.
We'll slow down there, one way or another.
You are not long for the world.
Look, I loved every minute of it, though.
So you went straight from Delta to CIA? Darwyn You need a way way back.
Don't you know I can't talk to you about that stuff? Yeah.
Listen, Jimmy, I need to get in contact with somebody from the agency, man.
An FBI agent? Pick up the phone! This has nothing to do with the bureau.
It's all personal.
You know, a personal contact I have in that world.
Who's this guy you're looking for? I don't know his name.
All I know is he was half of the two men interrogation team that worked on Saad Bin Safwan, aka Faris Al Farik.
The Saudi target I helped - to take down last year.
- Dodgers stadium attack? You worked there? These rangers do need the way, huh? I'll talk to some people.
Can I help you with something? My name is Darwyn Al-Haki Darwyn Al-Sayeed, sir.
I am a Hold that I know who you are.
Shit, man.
I thought you were an urban legend.
God! A fucking American Muslim working under cover for the bureau? Fucking outstanding.
You're the best thing the FBI has done in years.
You wanna come inside for a beer or something? Wait You guys don't drink alcohol, right? - How about some iced tea? - No.
- Mister Huskin - Patrick.
I wanted to talk to you about a mutual acquaintance of ours.
His name is Saad Bin Safwan, but I know him as Faris al Farik.
Let's take a walk.
No bullshit.
What the hell do you want? I know Farik was heavily involved in planning a Las Vegas attack.
And that he was behind the murder of some people very close to me.
The same he was responsible for the death of someone close to you, your partner.
Robert McKennie.
Go on.
I want Farik.
But I need your help.
You have access to Farik's agency files, intel on the target, communications overseas I can see you're just another Muslim fanatic too, huh? Is that it? You just go at it from a different angle? Patrick, I am a Muslim.
An that is exactly why I can get to him.
Are you fucking serious? Listen GI Joe, Even if you could get to him, he's not stupid.
He knows you're involved in this fucked-up Dodgers' stadium attack.
And even if he hasn't figured out that you're one officer of the FBI, He damn well know you're compromised.
It would be a suicide mission.
Will you help me? Fucking believable! Americans are not supposed to be hot for suicide missions.
That's just kamikaze pilots from World War II and you co-religioners from the Middle-East.
Will you help me? What the hell do you want? I I've been trying to reach you but you haven't returned any of my calls.
What do you expect? You killed my sister.
I know you didn't technically kill her but she's dead all the same because of you.
That's the truth.
And you know it.
I came by for two reasons.
One was to give you this.
What is it? Money.
To help out with Marcus.
I know you and Jim have two kids on your own and and one on the way.
How much was my sister's life worth? There's 75 000 dollars in there.
We can use it.
What's the other reason you came? I I'm going away tomorrow morning and I don't know when I'm gonna be back.
Hoping I could just see Marcus.
Say good bye.
Honey, there's someone to see you.
Your husband sent me, okay? - Saad sent me.
- Who are you? He's dead! He's alive.
Saad is alive! Who are you? My name is Darwyn Al-Hakim.
I was a mudjahidin in the faithful unit your husband lead in Los Angeles before he was captured.
Now, you're released from American custody because everyone does think he's dead.
But he made contact with me three days ago.
He told me where you were.
- I don't understand.
- Samia, Your husband sent me to find you and bring you to him.
I don't believe you.
- This is some sort of a trick! - No! He told me your daughter's name was Asma.
and that you spoke to him only once, while you both were in custody, over computer video conference.
I walk through the streets like a ghost.
My phones are tapped.
British intelligence follows me everywhere I go.
I'm not a person anymore.
My heart has been taken away from me.
I'm here to give it back to you.
Pack one bag.
Some friends in the brotherhood got you a fake passport and they'll help us to get out of this country.
But first First, we have to lose your tail.
Hello, Patrick.
It's been a while.
Glad to see you still recognize my number, Alister.
How is it hanging? Fine, as usual.
So, what can I do for you? I have a little favor to ask.
I figured you still owed me one since I saved your ass those mick dickheads on Coventry street, that night.
What the fuck, man? We're gonna see Mamma Mia again? I know you think all Brits are gay, Patrick, but I've never seen Mamma Mia.
Though I do admit to owing you that favor.
I'm gonna give you a name, and I'm gonna need you to let this subject fled through any British airport, Will.
Exactly how long are we talking? Twelve hours tops, Al.
Give me the name, and don't dare call me Al again.
Thank you for doing this, Darwyn.
I can never repay you.
You know Farik Saad He told me a lot when we were together in Los Angeles.
Not everything, of course.
So, how long have you two been married? Fourteen years in May.
Our wedding was a beautiful ceremony.
You only knew one side of Saad.
The soldier.
Holy warrior.
But he's also a loving husband.
A devoted father.
Like the Prophet - sallallâhu 'alayhi wa salâm -, Muhammed is the messenger of God and those who follow him are harsh towards his disbelievers, and compassionate towards each other.
How long before I can see him? That's up to him.
I'm going to head out.
Make the first move towards contact.
I'm going to wash up and get some rest.
Just make sure the door is locked, alright? I will.
Saladin? As Salaam Aleikum.
Aleikum As Salaam.
A Glock 19 pistol, mostly plastic, and the Global Star sat phone.
Thank you.
Don't thank me.
Thank Huskin.
He's the only reason I'm helping you.
Do you have some kind of problem with me? I have a problem with your operation.
The agency is not supposed to be in the martyrdom business.
I don't know what you're talking about.
I have an exfiltration plan.
I know.
I read it.
It's a joke.
Don't Don't try and judge me.
You don't know what I've seen.
You don't know what I've been through.
The key is to pattern your operation or organization on the Grapes? Bunches of grapes.
Though they all grow on the same wine, each bunch is self contained, isolated.
If one grape is contaminated, compromised, then, the other grapes on the bunch will be lost.
But the rest of the wine will stay intact.
The same holds true for your faithful units of your cells.
As long as you limit the knowledge and connections of each cell member.
Each grape Forgive the intrusion, brother Farik.
- Brother Ajijul.
- No forgive is necessary brother Ilija.
It's time I went to bed.
I have a good feeling about him.
He reminds me a little of you.
Farik, there's something you need to see.
What is this? Our people in Sana'a took them earlier today.
I'll meet you right here after the service.
Peace be upon you, brother.
And also upon you.
Nice hair.
We have somewhere to be.
Samia, I'd like to introduce you to an old friend of mine.
Ilija Korjanic.
It will be my honor to bring you to your husband and our mutual friend.
Greater union is at hand.
I pick up this pretty cool cover version of a song we both know.
but these guys don't really appreciate it.
I left my wallet in El Segundo.
I got to get it! I got guts to get it! Saad! Samia.
I'm only here because of your friend.
Brother Darwyn Al-Hakim.
He found me and he brought me to you.
He smuggled me out of London to Yemen.
We owe him everything.
Darwyn my brother.
We are all so grateful to you, aren't we, Ilija? Of course, we are.
I must see to it that you receive a mighty reward.
Thank you for everything, brother Darwyn Al Sayeed of the FBI! Saad! Are you mad? What are you doing? This man - Sahad! - is a spy! - What are you doing? - He is working for the Americans! An assassin! Farik! All the brothers are watching! And you are our leader, our example of discipline self control.
Search him.
Just these.
You see, Samia He was straight to you so he could get close enough to stab this into my heart, on shoot this into my head.
I don't understand! Samia, he's been lying to you this whole time.
I trusted you.
We all trusted him, my love.
He betrayed us all.
Saad, wait.
I'm sorry.
I should have been more careful.
More suspicious.
It's alright.
It's alright.
My men have been watching since he's arrived.
They've been running counter surveillance on both of you.
There are no American rendition teams, no Delta Force commandos.
The fool came here by himself.
But stay outside the tent just in case.
Speak English.
It's an insult to hear the language of the Prophet coming from your kaffir lips.
When did you know? I suspected sabotage when the truck bomb didn't go off at Dodgers' stadium, but I couldn't be sure it was you.
It could have been the price I had to pay for you refusing to stop fucking that Gayle Bishop.
The one that went bitching to the LAPD.
Is that why you had her killed? Her death was your fault, not mine.
What were you thinking, getting involved with a civilian anyway? She was doomed the day she met you.
She was innocent.
Just like my wife, who spent months in an American military prison.
Your wife knew what you were doing, who you were She's hard core, devoted to the cause! You must be very proud.
Tell me, how How did it feel? How did it feel lying to Gayle all that time the way you lied to me? I wonder Did you ever get the chance to tell her who you really were? You know, before she died? What with all the kids? They're just children from the village.
They like to come here and play.
We give them candy, money, toy guns.
The next generation of Jihad just waiting for some cold manipulative bastard like you to lead into the struggle and then hide behind them when bullets start flying.
Tell me, Farik What does the Holy Qur'an say about human shield? Don't you dare quote the Qur’an to me.
It is the word of God, but it was written when armies were brave men riding into battles against other brave men, looking each other in the eye until death came to whomever was weaker.
Now, armies are made of computer chips and And molded plastic.
Killing is done by cowards pressing buttons! Like the button on the detonator of a suicide bomb.
You can twist my words but you can't twist my will.
I know what I do is right.
Can you say the same? I live for God.
I will die for God and I will kill for God.
You? You're just here for revenge! According to you, revenge is permitted in the Holy Qur’an, no problem.
Sura 2, verse 1-78: "Oh you, who believe, "the law of equality is prescribed for you in cases of murder: "The free for the free, - "the slave for the slave" - I told you not to quote the Qur'an to me.
Take him out.
I want to thank you.
Because I've never had the pleasure to see a traitor executed before.
It should be fucking awesome.
Easy, young man.
Like we used to be.
I went back home.
To Sarajevo.
It was beautiful.
So why did you leave? Darwyn Although you carry a great weight on your shoulders, you hold yourself responsible for the death of someone you loved.
But for you, all that weight will soon be gone.
Is this true Islam? You know it isn't! Ilija! Were you Were you gonna shoot me or stab me? It's a pretty pathetic plan to think you could kill me this way.
Anyway, your death won't last long enough, but they will live forever.
I'm recording this, so the faithful all over the world can see what happens to a Muslim who betrays his people.
That wasn't my plan.
What? To shoot you or stab you.
That wasn't my plan.
You didn't let me finish my verse from the holy Qur'an.
"The free "for the free.
"The slave for the slave.
"And the female "for the female.
" Saad! Saad! Samia! Throw it away! Throw it away! Throw it away Samia! Sats are directed on the camp, Mr.
Sybilla, can you confirm that the target was destroyed? Negative.
Hellfire strike confirmed, - but status of target still unknown.
- Copy that.
Samia Come on, come on.
Come on, Samia.
Come on! Brother Farik!
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