Sweet Tooth (2021) s02e08 Episode Script

The Ballad of the Last Men

This is a story.
A story about the last men.
The ones who wanted to go back.
Back to another time.
Back to the way things used to be.
But what happens if it's too late?
The others.
Abbot killed them all.
I should have been there.
You should be with your sister.
Boss man's looking for you.
This ain't over, you know.
I know.
My brother.
Hey, John.
Let's go.
The chopper's ready for us.
Just the two of us.
Like when we were little.
We're going to go to Evergreen.
When all of this is said and done,
we're going home.
We never leave family behind.
Don't forget this.
After you, sir.
Why am I alive?
I'm not running this time.
We have to take a stand.
You said it.
Abbot isn't going to stop.
Not until we stop him.
I have spent too long
hiding my kids from the world.
But now I have a chance
to make it a safer place for you kids.
It's your world, after all.
That's something I can fight for.
Come on.
We need a hideout for all these kids.
I'm staying with you.
I brought everybody here.
Now Abbot's coming because of me.
But this is my home.
I know every rock and I know every tree.
Pubba protected our home with his life,
and that means it's mine to defend now.
And I know how to.
Young man, you got to do
what we tell you to, when we tell you,
no matter what.
You got that?
What have I ever not listened to you?
Literally every time.
I'm so sorry about your friend.
After the Crumble,
Tiger was right there by my side.
The first to join the Animal Army.
We were gonna protect the hybrids.
But what you did
It was braver than any battle we fought.
You took them in as your own.
Gave them a loving home.
You kept them safe.
Thank you.
If only we had known to do that.
It's not too late.
My army is gone.
But you're still here.
I won't be much longer.
Tiger made sure we had a fair warning.
There's time for you to get out of here
with my kids before the Last Men get here.
Get them to safety.
Do that for me.
It's your turn to watch over them.
We have a surprise for you.
You made these
For me?
Oh, I already feel so much better.
But we just got you back.
It's okay, Pigtail.
This won't be like last time.
You won't be alone.
You'll have Becky.
It's not fair.
Life doesn't wait for us.
We have to catch up to it sometimes.
Come on.
We have to get a head start before sunset.
It's okay.
Are you sure?
Yeah, I'm sure.
Come on.
Look how they flourish!
Now there's a tribute to the herd.
How'd they even survive this long at all?
Or it's because there's
no one left to hunt them.
Or it's simply because
they stuck together,
come what may.
I recognize that look, you know?
The exact same doe-eyes
you'd make as a frightened little kid
whenever Dad came home
and he was in a mood.
It was those eyes
that prayed they were elsewhere.
Somewhere safe.
How many times
would you hear the garage door open
and you'd start trembling?
How many times would you run
and hide under the bed?
How many times before
Before you killed him?
For you.
Don't say that.
I protected you.
I protected you
from a world that preys on your kind.
Because you're human.
More human than I could ever be.
Sing for me.
Sing for me
the way we used to when things were rough.
I am just a poor boy ♪
Though my story's seldom told ♪
I have squandered my resistance ♪
For a pocketful of mumbles
Such are promises ♪
All lies and jest ♪
Still a man hears what he wants to hear
And disregards the rest ♪
This it?
When I left my home and my family ♪
I was no more than a boy
In the company of strangers ♪
In the quiet of the railway station
Running scared ♪
Will these help?
Laying low
Seeking out the poorer quarters ♪
What did you say your Pubba did again?
He was a janitor.
In the clearing stands a boxer
And a fighter by his trade ♪
And he carries the reminders
Of every glove that laid him down ♪
And cut him 'til he cried out ♪
In his anger and his shame ♪
"I am leaving, I am leaving" ♪
But the fighter still remains ♪
We got to keep moving.
What if they come at us from here?
They won't.
The sage is too high this time of year.
So they'll have to take
the migration paths around here and here.
You know your woods.
That means that
we have to head them off here and then
I wish I knew how to make you better.
I'm human, Gus.
It was always just a matter of time.
Mine just came
a little sooner than I thought.
Does that mean
Someday, but not today.
He's strong.
But he's stubborn.
More than me, even.
And he thinks
he's taking care of you, you know?
But grownups get it backwards sometimes.
I heard that.
You guys ready?
Let's show 'em where to find us.
I don't like the look of that.
My God!
Mr. and Mrs. Anderson?
Who are you?
Jepperd and Gus sent us.
Rusty is not gonna believe this.
- Where's Gus?
- Long story.
He's okay. But the Last Men are after us.
After him.
These kids and I
could use a place to lay low.
Gus said we could trust you.
Who wants to ride the gondola?
Me! Me!
Oh, and that's how
Gus's antler got chopped off.
But then there were these
purple flowers coming from the sky.
Bobby learned how to drive a tank.
This is why
we are never leaving the house.
You ready to hop on?
- Yeah!
- Whoa, whoa, not so fast.
The cable
can only support a few at a time.
Hey, pair up, just like meal time.
Okay. Let's go.
- Go, Max!
- Yeah!
I hope they're ready.
Why are we waiting?
We can't do this.
Never point a gun at a man's back, Johnny.
What are we doing?
Look at yourself. Look at us.
What the hell are we doing here?
You have to stop.
I can't let you do this anymore.
I do this for us.
Once I have the cure
There is no cure.
It failed. Dr. Singh failed.
Then he'll start again.
I let him go, Doug.
- Then I will find another Dr. Singh.
- You don't get it.
There is no cure and there never will be.
Let the kids go.
You have to let the kids go,
and you have to let me go.
I've had enough.
It's over,
and everyone can see it but you.
It's never over, Johnny.
You don't get it, do you?
It's not about Dr. Singh,
it's not about the cure,
it's not about the virus.
That's all there ever really is.
Maybe that's what separates me
from you
and the millions
who were too weak to survive.
I tried to teach you, Johnny.
But you just refuse to understand,
at the end of the day,
it's about who has what it takes to win.
It was for your safety, John.
I would never hand you a loaded gun.
I don't think I could live with myself
if you had an accident.
Come here.
Come here, it's okay.
It's okay.
You want to go?
You can go.
There's nothing more I can teach you.
You don't need me anymore.
Let him go.
Bury him when this is over.
Make it nice.
We're not animals.
I got one!
- Chalk me up for a pair.
- Leave some for me.
- Any sign of Abbot?
- Nothing yet.
He'll hang back and let the others
do the dirty work first.
What the hell?
Make it four.
Eight for me.
They're gonna be okay.
Gus is fast,
and your mom is strong.
But she's sick.
- We should go back and fight.
- Absolutely not.
Look, I promised your mom
that I would keep you safe.
I can't let anything happen to you.
It's been quiet over here.
Here too.
I don't like it.
That just means the first wave is over.
It's out of bullets.
I used them on those dudes.
I was saving the last crossbow for you,
but that dude snuck up on me.
I guess we're both unarmed.
The traitor.
So nice to finally meet you.
How's your chest?
Nah, you're not gonna
do that thing you do.
What exactly would that be?
No sign of him.
I'm heading back home.
Stay put, Sweet Tooth.
I got him right here.
Sweet Tooth!
God, he's naming them now!
You know, sticking up for those beasts
is not gonna bring your family back,
It's coming. You ready?
I thought the Animal Army fought bad men.
I know it seems like
fighting is the only answer.
I hate feeling helpless too.
But sometimes you have to be there
for those you care about.
For family.
So you have to be there for your siblings.
Wendy, come back.
Come back!
Assholes like you've been trying
to get inside my head my whole life!
But all you got is words.
And words don't mean shit anymore.
And neither do you.
Know where we found them?
Your wife?
Your son?
Shut up.
At your house.
They were looking for you
while you were working for me.
They died waiting for you to come home.
You're lying.
Maybe, maybe not. What you gonna do?
Kill me? Then you'll never know.
But it'll be worth it!
How's your knee?
The bad one?
No! No!
Sweet Tooth, he's coming.
- Stay off the radio.
- He's coming!
Time for plan B.
No! No! No! No! No!
You've done more than enough.
It's between me and him now.
But I want to fight.
I've already got the Sick.
Can't do anything worse to me, right?
I'm glad you and Wendy found each other.
Now, hurry.
Wait! No, no!
This wasn't a part of the plan!
It's for your own safety.
I've got a live one!
Let me go!
Anyone copy?
You okay, Wendy?
Open it.
I didn't create the Animal Army
in order to fight.
I did it to find my little sister.
She was taken away from me
a long time ago.
Now that I got you back, I'm never letting
anyone take you away from me again.
Where are you?
Come on!
Aimee Eden!
What a treat.
Mmm, I don't think so.
Everyone wants to shoot me today.
Maybe you should take a hint.
Now, we have some unfinished business,
you and I and your little mutts.
You'll never find them.
- You lost, remember?
- Yes!
You have quite literally
stolen our future,
and there's very little
I can do about that,
but I can make damn sure
you don't have one!
It's already been taken.
You have the Sick?
You've got the Sick.
Now so do you.
The treatment.
- You!
- Go!
Someone did not learn the lesson.
Maybe not,
but whatever you do to me,
you're dead already.
Kid, this hunt
is over.
Sweet Tooth!
Welcome, Tommy.
What the
Run, kid, run!
Gus, run!
Did you do that?
Holy shit.
You're damn right, holy shit.
Are you hurt?
I want to show you something.
Look up.
What do you see?
I'll be joining them soon.
If you ever feel lost,
remember to look up.
Mama Bear
will always be watching over you.
Wherever you are.
Big Man
- No!
- Gus!
Oh God. Oh God!
Hold on, Sweet Tooth. Come here. Please!
Stay up. Sweet Tooth, stay with me.
Stay with me.
Stay, please. Don't. Please.
Stay with me. Stay with me.
Sweet Tooth,
Sweet Tooth, listen to my voice.
Gus? Gus?
Come on.
Gus. Come on, Gus.
Please don't close your eyes. Sweet Tooth!
You hear me, please?
Sweet Tooth! Gus!
Gus, hear me. Please. Don't
What if we could have gone back
to the way things were?
Before everything.
Those first few days
after the Great Crumble,
we all stayed in our homes.
Like we all agreed to mourn the loss.
Loss of lives.
The loss of innocence.
The loss of love.
I lost a lot.
Along the way I lost myself.
I thought most people did
after the Crumble, until I met you.
You never lost anything.
You only found.
And the world
is a better place for it, my friend.
Now, I'd say goodbye
but I see your spirit in these kids.
Aimee Eden lives on.
Line by line ♪
Oh, we all scrape by ♪
The Big Man knew the truth.
But even if he couldn't go back
to the way things were
there's always something to go towards.
What's it about?
Growing up.
Can I see that a sec?
What are you doing?
Why did Pubba have this?
What's in Alaska?
Who's there?
Help me.
Welcome back to the land of the living.
I saw her.
It was cold and white.
I saw these hoofprints.
I followed them.
They led me to her. She was in the cave.
Something was calling to me.
It was like it knew me.
Telling me that I have to find Birdie.
- What's that look?
- I listened to your tape.
Your mom,
I think she wanted to do the right thing.
If you want to find her, we thought
you'd need all the help you can get.
- So will she.
- And we know where to look for her.
It's an outpost up in Alaska.
Wait. "We"?
You'd come too?
What about your siblings?
The Andersons asked
to watch them till we get back.
I'll miss them, but they're happy there.
Now, it ain't gonna be easy.
- I know.
- But who knows?
Maybe we can help her fix the world.
We're going to Alaska.
The Last Men's story
may be over.
But the story
of the very special boy continues.
And this time,
he's not alone.
You ready, Sweet Tooth?
Ready, Big Man.
It's also
the story of the doctor
who saw how special the boy was.
Together, they would change
the course of the world
Abbot's dead.
And the cure?
Couldn't find it.
Or he never had one in the first place.
Damn fool.
But we did find this in the wreckage.
An audio tape.
It belonged to Abbot's doctor.
What's on it?
Well, it's some damage,
but we think
we can get a full transcription.
- Go. Get on it.
- Yes, ma'am.
I'm just gonna
have to take care of this myself.
Eat up, boys, eat up!
You're gonna need it.
Come on!
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