Taxi Driver (2021) s02e08 Episode Script

Beating Cult With a Cult

(All characters, organizations,
and places are fictional.)
(Some scenes
of a criminal nature)
(could make you feel uncomfortable.)
And I will not give up on you!
The operation I had set up
in Cotaya was perfect.
It couldn't be easily infiltrated.
- I'll break in.
- But they managed to do it.
What do you know about it?
Did you give these people
They can treat me, not the hospital.
Father's word heals.
Father's word heals.
Are you telling me to pay
for your meal?
Are you kidding me?
You must always watch your head.
The ground is in the sky.
Is there a folk village nearby?
What's this?
Why did the engine suddenly die?
The phone is
Hey. If you have a phone,
let me borrow it.
You're still alive.
You're from
How dare you!
Get lost!
The wicked being ran away for now.
But it'll soon come back.
For your life.
(You may make calls now.)
What a crazy cult prick.
That is so lame.
You think you can make money
like that?
He's calling you a cult.
I think he lacks faith.
If he lacks faith,
I shall make it full.
(Taxi Driver 2)
(Episode 8)
Okay, I'm all set.
He died in the ambulance
on the way to the hospital.
How many witnessed it?
He collapsed during your sermon
and many saw it happen.
All right. You're dismissed.
You ironed the robe well.
- Thank you, Father.
- Thank you, Father.
It feels nice
to be in fresh clothes.
Let us move forward again
with the Power of Sunbaek.
Brother Lee Jung Ju
had the warmest soul.
It's him again, isn't it?
You killed my dad!
You murderer!
- Ok Ju Man!
- I told him numerous times
to head home and
spend his last moments
with his family.
However, the deceased
- wished to stay by my side.
- What did you tell him?
What did you tell him?
I prayed for his recovery.
I wished for him to be well.
The recipient of
his life insurance policy
was put down as Sunbaek Church.
Were you aware of that?
However, he did mention it often.
He trusted me
more than he trusted his family.
You liar!
You forced him to sign it.
The late Mr. Lee said
- that he forgave his children.
- You liar!
Don't you lie!
You can't do this, sir.
Detective, come on!
Darn peasants.
(The respected police
ensure the safety of the people.)
Here's your sticky rice cake.
(We Buy Gold at the Lowest Price)
Shouldn't we make him answer us?
You're right, Kyung Gu.
Let's make him answer us!
Cool it, will you?
Didn't you hear what Mr. Kim said?
Ok Ju Man has to do this himself.
Whatever. I don't remember that.
Just a second.
Even if we teach
that cult leader a lesson,
nothing will change
as long as his believers
still worship him.
Kim is right.
We must shake their beliefs
from the core.
So hold your horses and calm down.
You heard Mr. Jang, right?
Have you forgotten
that the success of this mission
relies on you two?
So should you or should you not
get worked up?
We shouldn't.
We already had it installed.
Good job.
I don't know
if this is because it's silk,
but the color is nice.
What the
Darn it.
What was that?
I almost had a heart attack.
My gosh.
Was that all in my head?
What the
What No!
Darn. What's the matter with this?
Darn it!
Darn it!
My gosh.
Gosh, I almost died.
Nothing's out of the ordinary?
Are you sure
you conducted a thorough checkup?
The brakes weren't working,
and I couldn't be free
of my seat belt.
I almost died as a result.
Our mechanics conducted
a thorough checkup
but didn't find anything
wrong with the car.
Also, you should
be more polite over the phone.
How could I possibly be polite
when I almost died?
This country and its swindlers.
They do whatever they can
to prey on their own people.
All they see are dollar signs.
(I will take you all
to Sunbaek Hill.)
(I will take you all
to Sunbaek Hill.)
Show yourself, darn it.
Get out here!
Ju Man, what's going on?
Show yourself!
Who are you talking to?
Someone's here.
Someone wearing a gat
with narrow eyes
was glaring at me.
What are you talking about?
No one's here.
Ju Man, why don't you
see a doctor tomorrow?
They say you see things
when you're not well.
What the
Darn it.
A brain disorder
could cause
visual and auditory hallucination.
However, nothing showed up
on your scan.
You tell your devotees
not to see doctors,
but you're getting
all the tests available
just because you had a little scare.
Are you religious?
I'm not. I don't believe in deities.
If not,
why don't you take up
hiking or fishing?
Stress could be the cause.
Fine, whatever.
I'd like another
IV drip of nutrients,
so hook me up
with the most expensive one.
Gosh, I'm exhausted.
You must always watch your head.
The ground is in the sky.
You're meant to die young.
Darn it!
The wicked being ran away for now.
But it'll soon come back.
For your life.
Finally getting antsy, are you?
Father Ok Ju Man
is headed to Deluxe Hall.
(Kim Do Ki)
(Deluxe Hall)
(CEO of Red Box)
(I wish for good health.)
(Kim Do Ki)
Do you have an appointment?
Is that necessary?
I'm afraid so. We only take clients
who make appointments in advance.
When is he free?
Please give me a moment.
The fastest date will be
December 19, 2025.
Would you like
to book an appointment?
Unbelievable. 2025?
That's right. Goodness,
someone just took the spot.
Can I put you down
for a slot in 2026?
- Are you kidding me?
- I'm not.
What is with the ruckus?
Someone came to see you
without making an appointment.
Hey, you. We should talk.
How dare you?
How are you still alive
and why are you causing a scene
on private property?
If he keeps this up,
have the police drag him away.
Yes, Monk Kim.
What the
Please leave.
You can exit the way you came in.
Please drive in reverse.
Do not turn the car around
for it will ruin the grass.
Now, leave.
What game are these two playing?
Please stop!
Your sister hasn't paid us back
which means you should
pick up her debt.
I gave you all the money
you asked for.
We have a high interest rate.
Are you all right?
Is she the sister?
Did you let them in?
They barged in here, didn't they?
I didn't want
to disturb my neighbors,
so I told them to come in.
I see. You invited them in.
Hey. I don't know
what you are to her,
but everything about this is legal,
so get lost.
- Tell them to leave.
- What?
Telling them three times
will make this
breaking and entering.
Please leave.
Please leave.
Are you kidding me?
Is this what I get for being nice?
Why you
Darn it.
I forgot to return this.
We were only defending ourselves,
so suing us won't do you any good.
Collecting money this way
is illegal as well,
so don't you dare come back here.
Know that I'm holding myself back
and staying within
the boundaries of the law.
Are you the police? Let's go.
It's okay. You're all right now.
Hang in there.
I'm sure your sister will be back.
Will she really be back?
You love her, don't you?
I'm sure she feels
the same way about you.
That being said,
let's have some faith.
Let's believe that she'll be back.
How can you be so sure?
Because we're working hard
to insert that faith in someone.
You did well.
Leave us.
Why did you bring him here?
- I told you to leave.
- Sure.
How dare you do such a thing?
I had to wait until 2026
to properly sit down with you,
and I'm not a man of patience.
Bad things have been happening to me
ever since we met.
Now I know why the wicked beings
on your shoulders
remain dormant.
You know who I am, don't you?
They're waiting.
How long have you been tailing me?
They're waiting
for their master to arrive.
The master that'll take you away.
Why can't I get through to you,
you punk?
We're not able to have
a proper conversation.
You haven't been listening to me,
have you?
Eyes in the shade of jade.
They have seen things
that shouldn't have been seen.
Cut the nonsense
and tell me how long
you've been following me.
You disturbed something
you shouldn't have. Right?
Do you really wish to die?
The one who will die is you!
I don't usually beat people
unless it's for the job,
but you have asked for it.
Tell me about the wicked being
following you around.
Was it wearing a gat?
Finally, we're able to talk.
His eyes were narrow and sharp.
His mouth harbored wicked energy.
A beating always
gets people talking.
You're already confessing
Hold on. What the
That's right.
The way I see it
It doesn't seem like he'll give up.
Who are you talking to?
You should be looking at me
What the
Untie me right now.
- Right now!
- My gosh.
You saw it too, right?
What was that?
Do not come close.
Speak from where you are.
What was that?
What did you do to have
something so wicked haunt you?
You fool. What did you disturb?
Darn it. Why do you keep
accusing me of that?
What on earth
could I have disturbed?
Why are you asking me
when you disturbed it?
What do you mean
What did I disturb?
It's more like you smashed it
than disturbed it.
I would watch my step if I were you.
Darn it.
He would be willing
to sell out a nation.
I can sense a wicked energy
just from his features.
He is not one to give up.
Not until you die.
One on a pillar that is touched
by the morning sunlight,
one on a pillar
that embraces the moonlight,
and one underneath your desk.
How dare you approach him?
How else will I get those
in my hand?
Promise me one thing first.
Do not seek me out again.
Ever since our encounter,
I have been stuck with bad luck.
For seven days and seven nights
while the talismans display their force,
do not increase your riches.
Why not?
It will bring you bad luck.
It will bring you bad luck.
Stop that, will you? It's annoying!
Monk Kim spent his valuable time
writing this for you.
You ought to be grateful.
This will drive away bad luck.
There you go.
Stop it, will you?
Monk Kim.
Could you write a talisman
for me too?
What kind of talisman do you want?
For more wealth,
a successful career, good health,
love, and marriage.
I want an all-in-one talisman.
All goes well.
Everything will turn out as wished.
I doubt this is going to help me at all.
Darn it.
Gosh, my back.
I know this won't work,
but I'll play along. Fine.
Who is it?
We are ready for service.
You can never get anything right.
Come on.
Is there something wrong?
Skip the sermon.
Get the cleansing ceremony ready.
Do not give up
on the path of Sunbaek.
Do not give up
on the path of Sunbaek!
Do not give up!
Darn it.
- Father!
- Hold on.
I want to be healed first, Father.
It's the path of Sunbaek.
Lower your hand.
I will not give up on you.
- Father!
- Father!
(Tiger Beer)
Look at this.
The chicken is getting cooked
right before our eyes.
Isn't it cool?
Gosh. Stop crying.
You can have
both of the chicken legs.
Mr. Choi, Mr. Park.
Where are you guys?
We stepped out for a second.
Are you all right, Mr. Park?
Are you okay, Mr. Park?
Mr. Kim.
I have never been beaten
this badly in my life.
Why did you run out there
and offer yourself to get beaten?
What choice did I have?
She already seemed so sick.
I couldn't let her get assaulted.
Kyung Gu.
He hit me so many times,
but I'm not in any pain right now.
- Odd, right?
- Come on, Mr. Park.
Did you drink the painkiller water?
I told you not to drink that.
How could I not drink it?
They were watching me.
But they are asking for money
even more blatantly now.
They said they had to build
Sunbaek Chapel.
Gosh. Monk Kim told him
not to chase money for a while.
He never listens.
Mr. Park. Mr. Choi.
Let's go with plan B.
Okay. We're all set.
Kyung Gu. Don't you think
you're working too hard?
Go home if you're not going
to give us your full effort.
I gave you the chicken legs.
I should pay a visit
to Ok Ju Man's mother.
He must listen to his mom.
Ok Ju Man's mother?
She passed away a long time ago.
This is dark energy!
- Gosh. What's that?
- Goodness.
- What's going on?
- Look over there.
- Oh, no. Look at that.
- What is that?
- What is this?
- What's going on?
- Oh, no. Look!
- What's happening?
- Father!
- What's going on?
Father. Your robe
Darn it.
Manager Baek. Get everyone out.
- Pardon?
- Get all of them out of here.
Yes, Father.
The service is over. Please leave!
- What's going on?
- What is that?
- Please leave.
- Father, what's going on?
- It's nothing.
- What is this?
- It's nothing. Please leave.
- What?
- Tell us what's going on!
- What is this?
- Please leave. It's nothing.
- All right. Go.
- Please leave.
- It's nothing.
- What's going on?
- All right. It's over!
Where are the talismans I gave you?
Yes. Right here.
Oh, my.
Are you sure
someone didn't sneak in here
and painted the talisman?
No one came in.
No one knows
about the talisman here.
- Why did you do that?
- I see.
I just did that. No reason.
Knowing about your death
isn't all bad.
Come on. Don't say that.
You're breaking my heart.
This is the money you gave me.
Stay away from me.
Hey, you can't leave me like this.
Have some sense of duty.
(Deluxe Hall)
How dare you?
Have you forgotten what I told you?
Go back down!
You can't leave me like that.
You have to get rid of those ghosts.
You'll bring us bad luck. Get lost.
Stop throwing this at me.
Oh, no. My salt.
Fine. If you're not going to leave,
I'll leave!
Gosh. Come on. Oh, no.
How dare you?
What have you brought with you?
Me? I brought this?
Hide yourself right now
unless you want to die!
Okay. Where should I hide?
- Here.
- Gosh.
This is a sacred sanctuary
where I serve my deity.
If you are visiting, show yourself.
If you are an evil spirit,
get out of here!
If you are visiting, show yourself.
If you are an evil spirit,
get out
of here.
Hey. Get yourself together.
Ju Man.
Ju Man.
Where's my Ju Man?
My son.
It's your mother.
You're not going to come out?
When Father Ok Ju Man was a kid,
he loved
sticky rice cakes
his mother used to bring him.
Goodness, seriously?
You won't come out because
I didn't bring sticky rice cakes?
I forgot. So I couldn't bring
sticky rice cakes today.
Ju Man.
Are you scared that
I might scold you
for selling the cow
without telling me?
Despite what you did,
I don't hate you, my son.
You told me to get out
and wished that I was dead.
I only said that
because I was upset.
My son. I only want you
to be safe and healthy.
Is that
really you, Mom?
My son. I will never
let anything happen to you.
Ju Man.
Life has been tough on you, right?
My son.
My Ju Man.
You know that I love you the most
in this world, right?
Ju Man.
I will
give up on you!
- Mom.
- Gosh.
Nicely done.
Nothing good happened
ever since I met you.
How are you going to fix everything?
Forget it.
Please do me a favor.
Don't you ever come back.
Did my mom write this down?
Your mom wrote it down.
How should I know anything about it?
I don't know anything.
I know what this is.
One, nine, five, one,
five, two, four.
That's my dad's date of birth.
And the second line is
my dad's date of death.
And the next two lines
are my mom's date of birth
and her death date.
And I see these numbers
in the last two lines.
One of them is my date of birth.
And the numbers in the last line
Then your mother has come
to let you know
your death date.
death date.
The 23rd.
Then you don't have
a lot of time left.
Go back home
and spend the remaining time
with your family.
Monk Kim!
No mother in this world
would visit their son
to let him know his death date.
She told me my death date,
so I would beat death!
So I can survive!
I told you to leave!
Please help me!
You cannot be reasoned with.
I believe he's asking you
to perform an exorcism
to defy death.
How dare you? Shut your mouth!
Exorcism to defy death.
Please perform that ritual!
Do you even know
what you're requesting?
To perform such an exorcism,
even I have to risk my life.
It's very dangerous!
Why must I risk my life
to save someone like you?
Your mother is trying
to save your life
at the expense of mine.
I will do anything you ask!
I'll do my best
to save you.
Thank you.
I'll never forget your help.
This way.
Bring that here.
In 1, 2, 3. Ta-da.
While I prepare for the ritual,
you cannot pray
or chase money.
- Father!
- Father!
- Father!
- Father!
Be quiet!
You are not
to bring or give offerings!
Don't even pray!
- Father!
- Father!
You must always keep this on you.
This cannot leave your body.
I understand.
Do not cling to money.
That's the only way for us
to survive this.
I understand.
Gosh, Father Ok had stashed
a lot of cash.
For the instruments, we must bring
in the master players in Korea.
I understand.
What are you doing?
You gave that to me!
You can't take it back!
Shut it. You'll bring me bad luck.
He's giving you everything he has
just like you asked.
once faith is formed,
it's game over.
(Post Box, Fire Escape Ladder Box)
(Loan approved)
(Notice of secured loan approval)
A secured loan?
Why are they tying him up?
- That hurts.
- I don't know.
We're doing everything
to extort money.
There you go. Tie him up tightly.
Get lost!
Yes. Get lost!
Evil spirit.
Get lost!
Darn it.
Why are you answering his phone?
Who is this?
My gosh.
I can withstand this pain,
because I believe
I'm fighting the evil within me.
Father's Sunbaek
spreads throughout my body
and to Sunbaek Hill
Jin Sun.
Get lost!
Mr. Kim, Jin Sun passed out.
The sicker you are,
the more Sunbaek you become.
You went to a hospital
behind my back!
Get lost!
Jin Hee.
There was no way I could get better.
Until I met him.
You'll understand in time.
How great the Power of Sunbaek is.
Wouldn't it be gone by now?
I think it's gone.
It is gone.
Monk Kim. It hurts.
It hurts.
Darn it.
Father summoned me
and told me to lead his children
to Sunbaek Hill in his place.
He transferred
the Power of Sunbaek to me.
With Father's grace,
now I am your Mother.
We visited
60 countries around the world
and found our paradise
What do you think you're doing?
- Father!
- Father!
I told you not to gather,
that you'll jinx me.
Why won't you listen to me?
- Father!
- Father!
What do you think you're doing
when you believe in some shaman?
Do not insult the great monk!
There's a three-year waiting list
if the likes of you want to see him!
Have you gone crazy?
Me, go crazy?
You can't even memorize
the script I gave you,
and you call yourself "Mother?"
"Mother?" What a joke!
Let go of me.
Let go!
Let go!
Are you religious?
I'm not. I don't believe in deities.
- What did he say?
- What?
- What's that?
- What's going on?
What if they end up dying?
They were meant to die.
What about it?
I'm innocent by law.
I bet you'll end up in purgatory.
Purgatory my foot.
Do you believe in that stuff?
How immature.
Get lost, evil spirit!
Get lost!
- Get lost!
- Go!
At this point, what's the point
of bringing her out?
She'll go back in there
with her own feet.
Yes, unless Ok Ju Man
orders her to leave.
The cult leader would kick
his followers out on his own?
Is that possible?
We must show them
he's just a weak human
blinded by greed.
The decision will be theirs to make.
They'll stay
or leave.
Darn you!
I told you not to pray!
You'll jinx me!
What are you staring at?
Get everyone out!
Did you
Did you lie? Did you deceive us all?
Did you?
Didn't you hear me?
Send them all away!
Was it all
a lie?
It wasn't me. I just did as he said!
- My money!
- Pay me back!
- I'm
- What'll you do now?
I'm your Father, you punks!
- Darn you!
- I want my money back!
Let go!
(Sunbaek Hall)
Where are they?
(Sunbaek Hall)
Don't worry. She'll be out soon.
- Look.
- They're coming out.
- They're coming.
- There she is.
- She's there.
- My baby!
- My gosh.
- Son!
- My dear boy!
- Kyung Gu!
- Darling!
- Kyung Gu!
My gosh
- Kyung Gu!
- Yes, you did well.
Well done.
Jin Hee.
Jin Sun.
I'm sorry.
I must've been possessed.
- Do you feel cold?
- No.
It's so nice to walk with you.
- Jin Sun.
- Yes?
Let's get you healthy again
and come back next year.
Where are you going?
What about our building?
I don't care for that haunted place.
I'm sure this is the place
the monk said
Hey. Wait for me!
Don't just stand there. Come in.
Before the other things follow.
What other things?
Get in here already.
Darn it.
- Why are you so dull?
- What's going on?
- Be quiet.
- What
Will you open the door? Please?
Let's see your face again.
I want to confirm something.
Will you open the door for a bit?
Just for a bit, okay?
(K Line)
Excuse me?
Can you open the door? Sir?
Open the door!
That hurt.
Open the door!
What's happening to us?
What are they doing outside?
(Mr. Kang)
Where are we going?
It all depends on the monk.
Darn it.
Hello, Monk Kim.
I'm no monk. Call me Kim Do Ki.
Though I doubt we'll meet again.
Oh, gosh, no.
I wouldn't dare say your name.
I think I saw that ghost again.
Why? Are you afraid?
I think he followed me here
because I'm jinxed.
Isn't that nothing compared to
how the families
you split up felt?
Sir. What should I do?
You sound so very afraid.
Why not pick up a religion?
What? A religion?
A religion offers much strength
and comfort to those who need it.
That's what a real religion does.
What are you suddenly
Darn it.
Why is there no signal?
Monk Kim.
That darn ghost appeared again!
Monk Kim!
I'll take the taxi out of service.
Good job, everyone.
You had all the followers
taken in to be treated?
That must cost a fortune.
The haunted house.
Now that it's no longer haunted,
it's worth quite a lot.
I'm hungry.
How about some spicy soft tofu?
No way. I can't do
anything white for a while.
How about jajangmyeon?
I want to avoid black foods.
Then yet again,
we're left with no choice.
It'll have to be your favorite,
Korean beef.
Korean beef's the best
when you feel empty inside.
Let's do that.
Let's go get Korean beef.
By the way,
how did you get the crows to squawk?
How did you pull that off?
What crows?
That was so fascinating.
And scary.
wasn't us.
What do you mean it wasn't you?
They're right above me
Drive faster.
What's going on?
Where are they?
I'm stepping on it
as hard as I can, okay?
Hi, Go Eun.
Are you at home?
Mr. Choi bought fried chicken.
Come join us.
No, thanks. Count me out.
Mr. Choi rarely treats us.
What are you drinking?
A protein drink.
The thing you drink after a workout?
You've been drinking that
for a while.
Is it the fizzy kind?
It's nice, light, and tasty.
I'll treat you to some fizz!
- Come on over!
- Come over!
Stop it.
Come to Rainbow Chicken
if you change your mind.
I will. Have fun.
Do Ki.
Oh, were you exercising?
No, I was wrapping up.
I brought some coffee.
I need your advice.
Are you free?
It tastes different up here.
Is it the view
or the company?
I'm in no position
to give anyone advice.
I wouldn't know what to say.
I just had a feeling
you'd know the answer.
I have lots of younger brothers.
they've been getting beaten up.
And a lot.
So I went over furious,
to get revenge.
But I just couldn't figure out
why he beat up my brothers.
It's not like they have a grudge.
They didn't even know each other.
Why do you think that is?
I don't think
I can give you any useful advice.
So I'll befriend him.
Maybe I can figure him out that way.
What do you think?
Could he and I be friends?
I think, from the way
you started off,
you'll never become friends.
Won't it be enough
if I ask to be his friend?
That guy will go on
beating up your brothers.
That really won't do.
Do Ki. Can I use your toilet?
(Cotaya Police Department)
Where'd he get this?
Do Ki crossed the line way too far.
It's taking you a while
to find the toilet.
(Taxi Driver 2)
(A religion offers much strength
and comfort to those who need it.)
(That's what a real religion does.)
(Korean Crime
Victims Support Association)
Will you tell me
what happened to you?
What happened to Han Su Ryeon
was a misfortune for me too.
Don't you lie! You did it!
What doctor operates to kill?
They do it to save lives!
Medical malpractice.
What's Director An Young Sook like?
She's famous
for operating lots and lots.
Gosh, just look at
how respected she is.
- It's confusing.
- Which department are you in?
I'm disappointed. I'm upset.
I think I have to get back in there.
Would you be interested
in stopping here?
I'm warning you. Watch out.
Mr. Kim, get out of there.
Did I set off this alarm?
- Get out right now.
- What's going on?
Excuse me. Can I borrow a coin?
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