The A List (2018) s02e08 Episode Script

Who We Really Are

[rousing music playing]
[theme song playing]
I don't trust my eyes anymore ♪
No one sees who I see ♪
Can it be true? ♪
It's not you ♪
Who are you? ♪
Who are you? ♪
[rousing music playing]
[breathing shakily]
Stop. You have to stop.
- Are you trying to trick me, Amber?
- Amber didn't send me here.
You brought me here.
It's gone too far now.
Please. You have to stop.
[deafening tone]
[gasps, exhales]
[bones crack]
I'm really just getting started.
She's gone.
Attacking Mia must have weakened her.
Alex, we need to
We need to
- [gasps, breathes heavily]
- ['30s music playing in distance]
['30s music playing loudly]
[click-clacking continues]
[music continues]
- [faint buzzing]
- [gasps]
Anyone there?
I'd take pretty much anyone at this point.
[Midge] How do you like it?
This is where I stayed
when Amber took my body.
It's where you'll stay when I take yours.
You want my body.
My life.
You didn't have to hurt the others.
I needed to be strong enough.
It took a lot getting you here,
but it won't be long now.
It's getting stronger all the time.
Mia! Over here!
[gasps, panting]
- Mia!
- Hey!
[breathing heavily]
- You brought me back.
- You can do that? You can save them?
I think so, but I need to recharge.
Right now, I'm too human.
Welcome to the club!
- What was that place?
- It doesn't exist in the real world.
It's like where you go when you dream.
It's where Midge and I used to talk.
There was this crystal thing there, like,
the same color as her eyes.
I think it was controlling her.
The source of the animosine.
It's where my powers came from.
If that's where Midge's power comes from,
then we can destroy it.
Send me back there.
You can't kill something in a dream.
You have to destroy the source
in the real world and
I don't know where it is.
Great. So now we have to find
a random crystal
that could be hidden
anywhere on the island.
I know where it is.
- ["Fear" by Masses playing]
- Welcome to scratching the surface ♪
I fell from the dark side of madness ♪
I think I've seen you
around here before ♪
In between Heaven and heartbreak ♪
Between a rock and a hard place ♪
They say it's better
the devil you know ♪
You may find freedom and fortune ♪
But I'll be behind you
wherever you turn ♪
I will be there to remind you ♪
You're mine ♪
- Dev.
- Took a while, but I finally found you.
- [Mia chuckles]
- Mia. You all right?
Keep holdin' on ♪
No letup, I'll find you ♪
So this is Luka?
Amber? What, she's on our side now?
It's complicated.
Zac stood in front of me.
Everything happened so fast,
and then I just ran
till I bumped into these guys.
If we destroy the source,
what Midge took from them will come back.
What do we do?
- You know where the source is?
- It's in these tunnels.
- Only, I I don't know where exactly.
- [sighs]
They're meant to be like a maze.
With enough power,
I might be able to sense it,
find a way through the tunnels,
but even then,
we don't know how to destroy it.
The barrier around the Institute!
You said it was designed to keep you out,
keep the animosine out.
How much do you wanna bet
whatever's in that barrier
does not mix well with the creepy crystal.
We saw it in the control room,
wired into the circuit.
Yeah, we can disconnect it
from the control panel.
Thank God you're a nerd. [chuckles]
Right, you guys need to stay here.
Find the source.
If we don't make it, you have to find
another way to take it out.
[breathes heavily]
Be careful.
Too late to start now.
[Dr. Shaw] Midge.
Please stop.
Listen to me.
Mother, you never did like me
getting in the way of your work.
Midge, if you're still in there,
if you can hear me,
I just want you to be okay.
Don't pretend.
We all know that Midge was never
the perfect daughter you wanted.
You're just sorry
I stopped being your lab rat.
[softly] No.
But I am sorry.
And I love you.
[static buzzing]
Do you know him?
He was
He's my friend.
How long is it going to take you
to reboot and find this thing?
There is a faster way to do this,
but you really aren't going to like it.
I drew my strength from you before.
You need to let me in again.
- No way. That's never gonna happen.
- I promise I won't try to control you.
I'll just take as much energy as I need.
But if we don't do this soon,
I won't have the power to try.
Kayleigh, you know what she did.
I'll never forget it,
but Zac would do it for me.
[sighs deeply]
- The control room's just here.
- You go.
- I'm gonna go find Midge.
- What? No!
I have to. I didn't tell you before
because I knew
you'd try to talk me out of it.
Because it's your body she wants.
She can hijack you.
Not if you destroy the source.
If I can reach Midge, I can buy you time.
If it works,
she'll be free of the animosine.
What do you mean exactly by,
"free of the animosine"?
She can finally move on from all this.
She shouldn't be alone when that happens.
I left Midge behind before,
I'm not gonna do it again.
She was my friend.
[breathes shakily]
No goodbyes, okay?
I'll see you soon.
Stop! Do not touch that.
This is my friend's only hope.
Do not get in my way.
It's electrified.
We couldn't risk it
falling into the wrong hands.
If you touch that,
500 volts will burn through you.
But I can turn it off.
- [buttons clicking]
- [beeping]
This isn't a bonding moment.
Not after everything you've done.
Look, I don't expect you to forgive me,
but I do need you to listen.
If you leave the way you came in,
you will never
make it out of the building.
It's not working.
There's some kind of interference.
Maybe it's Luka.
He was never part of this.
Right, of course, it's me.
What's wrong with your arm?
Scratched it ages ago.
There was a splinter in it.
The island is in your blood.
[exhales] A ghost marked me with this.
Like I was meant to come here.
Yeah, there are ghosts.
This leads to the perimeter fence.
I assume you have a way through?
Don't think I can say thank you.
I wouldn't want you to. [chuckles]
You said, "We couldn't let this fall into
the wrong hands." Who's "we"?
Some very powerful people.
They see animosine as a future bioweapon.
I shared my research with them,
and they gave me what I needed for Midge.
I should never have gone along with it,
but [inhales]
We'll do anything
to save the ones we love.
We will.
[ominous music playing]
[music stops]
What are you gonna try, Mia?
"I'm sorry, Midge,
but I've learned from my mistakes
and grown as a person. Let's be friends."
I came to say goodbye.
I've taken the animosine from you,
used it to find the source,
and put that knowledge in you.
[gasps] Alex!
Amber did it.
We can find the source. What's next?
- We go in there and finish this.
- [Amber] I can't come with you.
If I go to the source,
I won't be strong enough to stop it
from turning me back into what I was.
I can already feel it calling to me.
When we destroy the animosine,
what happens to you?
If it works,
by the time you get back, I'll be gone.
It felt real while it lasted,
but Midge's dream is over.
And now it's time to wake up.
[rousing music playing]
So this is the last visit
to the dying girl.
How touching!
Midge isn't dying.
She's dead. You have to let her go.
But Midge will be reborn.
[echoing] In you.
Midge, come back!
The island's using you. It's all a lie.
[ghosts whispering] Help us. Help us.
Help us. Help us. Let us go.
[strong wind howling]
Something's coming!
The island's trying to stop us.
[sniffles] Midge. Please.
Remember, blood sisters.
- [rousing music playing]
- [wind howling]
[Mia gasps]
[dramatic music playing]
[sinister screaming]
[sinister whispering]
[whispering fades]
[gentle music playing]
I died
Didn't I?
[sobbing softly] Yeah.
Now we're blood sisters.
I don't want to be you, Mia.
I want to be me.
And I want to go.
I'm sorry. I'm sorry.
I'm sorry.
I saw the stars,
and I learned their names.
[leaves rustling]
["Things We Lost" by The Phantoms playing]
- [sighs]
- [Alex sighs] Petal!
- [breathes deeply]
- [Petal exhales, laughs]
- I love you.
- I love you, too.
[breathes deeply]
I thought you'd died again.
Oh, the things we lost ♪
We must live ♪
With the cost ♪
- Through the dark ♪
- [sighs] Mia!
[exhales, sobs]
Through the fire ♪
Oh, this will pass away ♪
Everything must fade ♪
- Everything must change ♪
- Is Midge?
She's free.
[breathes deeply]
So are we. [chuckles]
- Luka
- You don't need to say anything.
My friend came back from the dead. Twice.
I think that's a sign to stop running,
and turn myself in.
Reckon I'll be out in a year though.
I'll come looking for you.
I won't be waiting.
We'll see.
- Hey.
- Hey.
[breathes deeply]
Are we?
Yeah. We are.
[both giggle]
[exhales] I'm still here.
What do I do now?
Now you live.
The same messy,
imperfect life as the rest of us.
- [gentle music playing]
- [Mia chuckles]
- [street buzzing]
- [phone ringing]
- Harry, hi!
- Hey, Mia.
Sorry I can't be with you today,
but ever since the story broke,
I've been doing nothing but interviews.
Well, I can't think of anyone better
to explain everything that happened.
It's funny. I still can't quite believe
it all worked out.
We made it.
Everyone got what they wished for.
Say hi to everyone for me,
and I'll see you soon.
[church bells ringing]
- Hey.
- Hey. You all right?
- Good. How are you?
- I'm good, thank you. Come on, let's go.
- [Mia chuckles]
- [Petal laughs]
- Hey!
- [Kayleigh] Hey!
- [Alex] Hello.
- [Mia] Hi, guys!
[laughs] I can't believe this is just
something that we do now.
I know. it's so normal,
going to school and seeing friends.
Amigos para siempre.
Zac found Brendan.
Told him it was safe to come back.
Oh, and Jenna got her press conference.
- [all laugh]
- [Mia] Oh, wow!
I don't think Jenna's ever gonna let Harry
out of her sight.
- No.
- It doesn't mention Amber.
She's out there. Somewhere.
[Mia] Amber finally got
what she always wanted
I'll catch you up.
[Mia]to be real.
The same thing we all want, really.
A second chance to be who we really are.
- [indistinct whispering]
- [Alex] What is it?
It's nothing. [laughs]
Hey, let me have a look.
- [Alex] Let's see.
- [Mia] Look at me there.
- [all laughing, chatting]
- [hopeful music playing]
[suspenseful music plays]
['30s music playing]
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