The Baxters (2024) s02e08 Episode Script


-Hey, what's up, Lori?
-I'm thinking it'll be
marginally less painful
-if we work together.
-I think we're actually on
opposite sides of the debate.
-[man on phone]
Love you, sweetheart.
-[Reagan] That was
the first time that I ever
-Lied to your dad?
That I didn't say,
"I love you" back.
-[people screaming]
-[Reagan] My father's dead,
Luke, because of us.
We should have never
slept together, and my father
would still be alive.
I have to deal with the fact
that the last thing
that I ever told my father
was a lie that got him killed.
And it was a lie that
you told me to tell him.
[sobbing] We sinned, Luke.
[theme song playing]
'Cause life has a way
Of pulling us under ♪
But we'll stick it out ♪
If we got each other ♪
When it all feels too much ♪
I know you'll come running
For me ♪
Through the highs and lows
We'll find our way home ♪
Family ♪
Oh, oh, oh ♪
Family ♪
Sorry. Sorry.
Are you okay?
[John] I'm, uh
I don't know. Still numb,
I guess.
Elizabeth couldn't even
bring herself
to come over here today.
Are you still going
to the hospital every day?
And we have victims
in recovery.
Honestly, it is all I can do
to keep from
falling apart.
Well, that's part of why
I asked you here today.
I don't wanna rush things.
But I think building
some kind of memorial
will help us grieve
as a community.
Rebuild. Restore.
-Renew. Yeah.
And I'm open to all ideas.
a monument, or
Or a piece of art?
You know, I
I keep thinking
about this space
where people can
They can gather.
I like that.
And it would
be great if it could be
something that was important
to Mark.
A way to honor a man who
led this church
for most of his life,
you know.
That's a lovely idea.
What do you think
that he will suggest
if he were here?
A garden.
Mark Mark had a, uh,
he had a green thumb.
Every Spring, he would
talk about his garden.
How he wanted to get out
in the sun on his knees.
-Hands in the soil.
Just him and the earth.
But he never had the time.
He gave all of it
to this place.
Then I think a garden
is perfect.
-Thank you.
-Thank you.
Reagan, whatever is broken
between us,
it can be fixed, okay?
I will do whatever it takes
to just make things go back
to the way they were.
[Reagan over phone] I thought
I made it clear, Luke.
I don't have time
for this, I'm leaving
for the airport right now.
[Luke over phone]
Then I'll come.
Reagan, I will literally come
to New York.
I'll miss a semester
if I have to.
I love you. Okay?
I love you so much.
I I just I wanna spend
the rest of my life with you.
I don't love you anymore.
Stop it. You don't
You don't mean that.
It's over between us.
Please don't call me again.
[line disconnects]
[John] I don't want
it to feel like
Like we just plopped
a garden down
as an afterthought.
It has to feel like it was
meant to be there.
Right? So whatever we do
it has to be bursting with
I don't know [stutters]
It's gotta be bright.
Everything has to be vibrant.
Everyone who walks in there,
needs to feel the
The energy and the love.
Sounds like you got it
all figured out.
No, I don't. I have
the beginnings of an idea,
but I need help
with the execution.
That's where I'm hoping
you two will come into play.
This is it.
This is the space.
Ryan, I was thinking
with all the summers
you helped your uncle's
landscape business,
and Kari,
with your design skills
the two of you
should be able to
create something
really special here.
That is
if you're still planning
on staying in town
during the off season.
Yeah, I'd be
honored to help.
Same. Dad, we can absolutely
do something with this space.
Good. Glad to hear it.
I think you two will
make a A great team.
Before anyone runs the way,
I'd like to go over
your midterm assignments.
After the recent tragedy,
we did push our deadline,
but that new deadline
is now one week away.
[class groaning]
[chuckles] I hope
that's the sound
of collaboration.
Right, that's it for today,
unless there are any questions.
Would it affect our grade
if we decide to work alone?
Mr. Baxter, I can't force
a student to work with anyone,
but it is easier to make a case
for or against faith,
when you have someone
to bounce ideas off.
Can I bounce my ideas
off of God?
-[class laughs]
Ms. Callahan, class,
this assignment is 30%
of your final grade.
So I suggest
you take it seriously.
[clears throat] Excuse me?
Oh, God Delusion?
Doesn't really seem
like a light read.
I'm doing research for school.
We have an assignment
on the existence of God,
and I'm coming at it
from a variety of angles.
Hmm. Sounds fun.
Don't let Mom catch you
with it.
[Luke] Do you wanna help?
How would I help you?
Like I said, having
a variety of perspectives
could be useful.
I'm not really sure
mine's the one
you're looking for.
Actually, I I could
use the insight
-from somebody not so, uh
-[Ashley] Saintly?
Yeah. Okay, sure.
What you got?
Why did you
turn your back on faith,
when you needed it the most?
[inhales deeply and sighs]
I guess a part of me
turned away,
because no one had answers.
To any of my questions.
Isn't that why
it's called faith?
Yeah, but that's
a little too convenient.
what really made me walk away,
was when I finally
did get my answer.
[Luke] Which was?
That I'm alone.
So that's it?
You just You're just done?
[Ashley] I don't know.
Honestly, I'm not sure
about anything anymore.
I know the feeling.
-[Ashley] I have
to get to work.
Yup. Thank you.
What do you think?
I mean, it's incredible.
-Don't sound so surprised.
-I'm not.
It's exactly what I
pictured you in.
Beautiful space.
Beautiful things.
The memorial.
Yeah, we should
We should focus.
I, uh, got the plans.
[woman sighs]
[Ashley] Tree?
[gasps] Wind?
-[gasps] Gone with the Wind.
That was the first movie
my Hank ever took me to see.
I'll never forget.
Resting my head
on his warm shoulder.
It became a tradition.
Every year we would plop
that old tape in the VCR,
and I'd rest my head
on his shoulder
like it was the first time.
Of course, it got a lot softer
as the years went by,
but all the better for resting,
if you ask me.
[both laughing]
[Ashley] Okay. My turn.
[woman] House?
Coming down from the sky?
Teacher? Movie?
I had no idea
designing a memorial
would be so complicated.
It'll be great.
I have nothing
but complete faith in us.
We do make a pretty good team.
Don't we?
-I've been trying to tell you
that for years.
We shouldn't.
Because I'm here and you're
For now.
But you're gonna go back
to New York in a few months,
and then
we'll be
a thousand miles apart.
What if, hypothetically,
we weren't?
Hypothetically, would you
ever move to New York?
Quick answer.
This is my home, Ryan.
I understand.
I think we should
wrap things up.
Yep. [sighs]
I'm still really glad
you're here now.
Me too.
Since when did everyone
in this family become
a workaholic?
-I didn't get the Baxter memo.
Who did what now?
Brooke has taken on
extra shifts at the hospital,
and I practically had to
force her to take a day off.
Tell me, I won't have to do
the same thing with you.
I just asked
for a few extra shifts.
That's all.
I'm sorry. I just
I feel like I need to
keep myself occupied with
everything has been going on.
I know.
-We've hardly had a chance
to catch a breath.
-[John] Hmm.
And with everything going on
with Luke and Reagan,
and her dad.
Now we're planning
this memorial,
-which I think
is the right thing to do.
But some days, John, I
I could just sit down and cry.
I just
I keep waiting for Mark
to come around the corner
Ask me if
I wanna have
a cup of coffee.
The last sermon he gave was
about looking for God's light
even in the dark times.
We have to keep looking
for the light.
Yes, we do.
Are you praying?
I assume any time
you're staring off into space
with a wistful look
in your eye you're
communicating with God.
Or whatever you call it.
The opposite, actually.
Hey, Lori?
What's up?
Do you have a partner?
Oh, I mean, like
Did you find someone
to work with yet
on the assignment?
Luke, you're very sweet,
but I don't want you biting off
more than you can chew.
You know, intellectually.
My intellect is just fine.
Yours however
Might want to consider
the benefits
that working with me
would have on the professor's
opinion of you.
Since you so eloquently
rubbed him the wrong way.
I thought we were
on different sides.
So did I.
I like a challenge.
You're on.
[door creaks open and shut]
[knock on door]
Good morning, sweetie.
It's 11:30 already.
[Elizabeth sighs]
[Lori] I don't think
it's enough in
this day and age
to ask yourself if God exists.
I mean, if we really
wanna break new ground,
we've gotta take this argument
up a notch, you know?
how does God's existence,
or lack thereof affect
humanity's present
and future?
From what do we derive morality
now and moving forward?
[clapping] Hello?
the old me would say
that we already have
something that
gives us morality.
The Bible.
[Lori] Okay.
And the new you?
Still trying to figure
that part out.
No, we should use that,
argue from both sides.
I mean, that's how
we learn and grow, right?
-I guess.
So, correct me if I'm wrong,
but the shooting at the church
was a pretty big factor
in this new
exploration of truth. Yes?
You could say that.
So, history shows us
that people come together
in the wake
of a tragedy, right?
So some people see
God in that equation.
I see humanity.
And I think the problem
with putting God
into that system,
is that people start asking,
"Why did God do this?"
When the question
we should be asking is,
"Why did we do this?"
It's a little arrogant
to assume that the voice
in our head
is some divine,
all-powerful being.
Don't you think?
Some people may argue
that a belief in God is just
man's way of separating himself
from the rest of the world.
Look at us.
We still act like animals.
Sometimes worse.
[Lori] Exactly.
We act on instincts,
and evolutionary behavior,
and at the end of it all,
we die.
Some sooner than others.
I never met somebody so
Everyone's complex, Luke.
-Most people just
don't wanna admit it.
-[Luke] Hmm.
You should meet my parents.
Oh, yeah?
What do they think
of Luke 2.0?
So far they just feel like
I sleep too much.
And how do you feel?
Were you going through
my things?
Where did you get this book?
Why would your teacher
want to disprove
the existence of God?
He doesn't.
I picked that side.
I suppose after what you've
been through,
it would be normal
to question your faith.
Mom, four innocent lives
were taken like that
in God's house,
and dozens more were injured.
Reagan lost her dad,
and I lost Reagan.
Okay, you bend over backwards
every single time a guest
walks through that door.
Why? Because it's your house.
And because
it's your responsibility
to take care of them.
Four people were
killed in God's house.
And where was he, huh?
Who was taking care of them?
Really? I'm I'm actually
asking you. I wanna know.
I mean, let's
Let's talk about it.
Let's hash out both sides.
That's how you learn
and you grow, right?
How do you make sense
of it all, Ma?
Proverbs 24
I don't care what proverb
says I care what you say.
Some things just
can't be explained, Luke.
And we just have to mourn
and grieve,
and continue to have faith.
Faith isn't enough for me
right now.
I'm sorry. I can't be here.
[door slams shut]
[Elizabeth] Next time
on The Baxters
The moments between us
are gonna change,
if you knew what happened
in Paris, Landon.
-Trust me.
-No, you know you trust me
when I say
that I'm not gonna judge you
by your past.
-[Ashley] Guess who has
a visitor?
-Is it my Sue?
She is very excited
to see you.
-Hey. Ryan.
[Ashley] Oh, nothing.
-[Kari] I owe you an apology.
-[Ashley] For what?
For doubting you.
I've never been
so proud of you.
-[woman] You're done.
I don't want to see you
in this building again.
You're fired.
-[Ryan] Kari, I gotta
tell you something.
It's about Ashley.
[theme music playing]
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