The Boarding School: Las Cumbres (2021) s02e08 Episode Script

Season 2, Episode 8

There is a serial killer out there
just waiting to kill again.
Officer, tonight the congregation
is going to be taking the White Virgin
to her shrine on the mountain.
From there, we'll watch
the first sunrise of spring.
Just as people have done
for the last 400 springs.
Father, these are orders from my sergeant.
The ceremony can't go ahead.
Don't you know how important it is
for the community?
You can't abolish tradition.
And the Crow's Nest's tradition
of killing girls?
I'll say it again.
The ceremony is cancelled.
Any woman in the forest tonight
could be killed.
I'll go into the forest for help.
Are you sure?
It's easier if it's just one of us.
Eric, Paz is still in the freezers.
We can't wait for her to get out.
During the ceremony, OK?
I'm fine, Dad. Enough with the tests.
What does that watch do?
Are you listening to me?
- What's wrong?
- Nothing.
We're going to do
a little procedure.
But it's the last one, OK?
I'll be right back.
Can you help me please?
Can you give me a lift?
You're lucky you found me.
A young lady like you
alone in the woods at this hour
What does this guy want?
Come on, I'm in a rush!
Get out of the way.
I love you.
Amaia's joining the choir, OK?
OK, but you owe me a box of smokes.
Good ones though, yeah?
OK, but give me a couple of days.
I'm skint.
White Virgin
White Virgin
White Virgin
Our Lady
- Cavila! The remains of a lantern.
- Check for footprints.
I don't believe it.
Tell Sergeant Zamora.
Sergeant, do you copy?
I told you loud and clear.
Absolutely no one is going into the woods.
Have you seen Inés Mendoza?
No one will find him in my room.
All this worries me too.
You have to trust me.
And you have to trust me too.
I've helped León before.
León I know you asked me for time.
But Darío wants to do
something to my brain.
León, we have to find the Crow's Nest.
Who are you?
What the hell's happening?
Nobody's realised Amaia is in there.
Hey, where are you going?
To work something out.
I want checkpoints at the exits
of the villages in the valley.
- All of them.
- Is this legal?
What about religious freedom?
Do you wish to file a complaint?
Any woman going into the woods tonight
is in danger of death.
You know what lights in the sky mean?
Shall I get a court order, Sergeant?
Attention all units, this is Officer Díaz.
Sergeant Zamora is ordering checkpoints
at all exits in the valley.
- Why are the police here?
- There's talk of a serial killer.
Manu, I couldn't do it.
- What happened?
- The route's closed.
There were lanterns in the sky, and
They kill girls when that happens.
They kill girls?
Come on.
While we were looking for you,
we found out things I haven't told you.
Yeah, you and Paul, right?
What are these things?
Why don't you tell me now?
Can you explain
how you're friends with Paul,
when you couldn't stand him?
Well now, I don't mind him so much.
Funny I'm just starting
to take a dislike to him.
I'm sorry.
I'm sorry, OK?
I was really confused.
Things were shit, you weren't there.
I thought you were dead.
When I saw you in the courtyard,
I couldn't believe it.
It's you and me.
Against the world, remember?
I want us to start over.
You really want to be with me?
And you with me?
Where the hell are you?
I've been looking for Inés all day.
No, León isn't there either.
This school is at breaking point.
Don't give me excuses
Wait a second.
- Mr Mendoza.
- Yes?
We've come for some painkillers.
My friend feels terrible.
Just this once.
Next time you'll have to wait for Fran.
Here you are.
Don't take too many.
- Back to the dormitory.
- Thank you.
No, you listen to me.
I need you here in five minutes.
No more excuses.
I need to get to the Crow's Nest.
There were lanterns in the sky.
They're going to meet.
Inés, do you know what you're saying?
- They're murderers.
- And the only ones who can help me.
Wait, since when are we
best friends with this weirdo?
Know what they did to me because of you?
You don't understand.
Help me out of here
and Darío will leave you alone.
OK, Inés. We'll go to the Crow's Nest.
How do we find this place?
We've been down there
and there's just mud, old stuff
I found this.
Is that a moth or what?
We're not the only ones
looking for the Crow's Nest.
This picture appears on the cover
of an ancient Crow's Nest book.
The dragonfly is some kind
of compass or something.
A compass that nobody can understand.
Shit, look Cerberus.
Like on the fireplace.
Let's see if I've got this right.
This moth drawing
will guide us to a satanic basement
which we get to via a magic fireplace?
Well done, guys.
It's now or never, guys.
You really think it's going to open?
One, two
It's opening!
It's really opening.
Keep the roads closed.
No one gets through.
Welcome to the Crow's Nest.
If someone is going to die,
let them catch us dancing and unawares.
It stinks.
Who's shitting themselves?
It's the stagnant water.
It makes you dizzy.
Look, Amaia.
There should be a path to the left.
Are you OK?
Yeah, bring the torch closer.
This is bigger than anything we've seen.
Over here!
It has to be here.
This has got to be
where the Crow's Nest meet.
So now what? We sit and wait for them?
What is it?
- They're
- Oh my God.
This must be the Lodge of the Crow's Nest.
They've been dead for years.
So that means you and León
are the only ones left.
No one can help us.
We're alone.
What are you doing here?
Has Darío seen you?
León, are you all right?
I'm better.
We're leaving the school now.
- There's an exit this way.
- I'm not leaving without León.
We'll come back for him.
I know you love him.
And how much do you love me?
A lot? A little? A normal amount?
Not at all?
A lot.
What's up with him?
I told him.
You told him?
Without saying anything to me.
Fuck's sake, Amaia.
Hey, hey.
It's this way.
I can see light.
It's this way.
- Manu.
- Manuel!
Not like that!
Stop, stop! Fuck!
Stop, man!
Manuel, it's dangerous!
Just wait until she hears
about the procession.
Paz, you're going to piss yourself.
What, man? I'm not Paz.
Paz, are you in there?
Which Paz? The shaven-headed one?
Yeah, is she there?
She wasn't with us
when they brought us down here.
What do you mean?
She's not there.
Paz, are you there?
Come on, it's not funny.
Hello, is Paz Espinosa there?
The girl with the shaved head?
- Paz!
- She's not in the freezers!
- Paul
- What?
It's your sister.
What is it?
What's up?
- Talk to me, Adèle!
- Adèle.
- What did you take?
- I found her like this.
I haven't told anyone.
I didn't want her punished.
- You think that matters now?
- Someone get water.
On her head.
Paul, your fingers.
Put your fingers in her mouth!
Little sis
That's it.
Sis You're all right now.
Thank you.
I'll get some dry clothes.
Paul, you're hurting me.
You're squeezing me too tight.
I'm sorry.
Take me to see Mum, please.
She's gone.
No She's at Celia's house.
She can help us to escape. Paul, please.
Go find your fucking mother, man.
She can help you.
My mum's a murderer, man.
You don't understand.
No, you don't understand
For once, you're the one
who doesn't understand.
She saved my life, for fuck's sake.
What if something's happened to her?
Excuse me, but we heard a rumour.
The police believe that
a woman could be in danger tonight.
Yes, and we can't find Paz Espinosa.
If you're not involved in the vigil,
get to bed.
Hey, show some respect.
That's not a toy.
Have you seen my daughter?
Or the music teacher?
No, I'm sorry.
It must be hard.
Having to live every day
with the prime suspect
in your daughter's murder case.
Where are you going?
Can you tell me
what's going at this school?
Haven't you noticed
there's a vigil going on?
Let me past.
A vigil?
What's happened to you?
Get your hand off me, now.
I've seen how you look at the friar.
How pathetic.
You're hurting me.
What do you want?
You've lost control of the school.
I've spent hours
searching for my daughter.
I'm holding you responsible. Where is she?
I haven't seen her.
I haven't seen her because
your daughter died years ago.
I'm the pathetic one?
Look in the mirror.
Look at what you've become.
At first you go blank for a few seconds.
Then minutes, then hours.
The same happened to you in Lisbon.
Let's leave.
They're all dead. No one can help us here.
No, Fran and Elvira can help us.
They just want the secret to our youth.
They don't know how to help our memories.
So what then?
If we're going to forget each other
I want to be the first person
you see every morning.
We'll start again every day.
Every day?
Every day.
And Darío?
I know how to stop him.
Forgive me, Celia.
I'm sorry, but I need your help.
Did you see if Darío has the watch?
Was he wearing it?
- Where's my mother?
- According to your sister, dead.
- Go back to school, Paul.
- My sister said she was with you.
Can you get us out of here?
- Are there people who can help you?
- Yes.
Then do it now.
I'm going to, Paul.
All three of us will get out of here.
- Once I find--
- Once what, Mum?
I'm on the brink of something important.
It's a matter of hours, days at most.
- I need you to wait for me.
- You think we can wait?
Do you know what they do to us here?
- Do you know how Adèle is?
- Paul, I need this evidence.
I need it so I can look after you.
Without it
I have nothing.
Remember when we were in Paris?
Adèle would go onto the balcony
to smell the fresh-baked croissants.
Remember how happy she was?
Yes, I remember.
Ten minutes ago, she overdosed on pills.
She nearly died.
Is she OK?
Do you really think Adèle is OK, Mum?
Remember how Dad was when you left?
I didn't leave.
I was unjustly put in prison,
what do you--
Mum, if you want to help,
get us out of here, but get us out now.
I can't.
I'm taking the gun.
Let go, Paul.
Let go.
Heard you were looking for me.
Where's Inés?
What are you doing?
- Stay calm.
- Put that down, León.
You'll never see Alicia again.
When I was a boy,
the only clock in the whole valley
was at the village church.
Give me your watch.
Take it off.
Take it off now.
Come on.
Isn't it amazing,
the amount of data it can store?
Some of which
will ensure that you spend
the rest of your life in prison.
You know very well that you both need me.
Don't follow us.
You have a lot to lose.
You don't know what you're doing.
I love the occult classics.
Sergeant Zamora, here it is.
Father, it's over. This is a court order.
Now break up this circus
and head back inside.
We will continue in the church
with a reparation mass
to make up for this insult.
White Virgin
Make sure no one leaves
their post in the forest.
All units,
remain at your posts in the forest.
The ceremony has been cancelled.
All students should go
to their dormitories.
I'm going to end this shit.
I'll get out of here,
find a police station
and report that bastard.
Good luck.
Bye, Manu.
You didn't say goodbye?
Time to go.
We can't find Paz.
- What?
- She's not here.
- Let's go.
- We need to tell Mara.
Amaia, are you Amaia?
Go, I'm coming.
Stick with me, OK?
Have you seen Adèle?
They left without saying goodbye.
- Who?
- Paul and Adèle.
Where have they gone?
They've left with their mother.
It's locked.
Open up, it's urgent.
Where the hell is she?
What if Darío took Paz?
I'll look downstairs,
you check the church.
- OK, the church.
- Yeah.
I'm going.
Where's Paz?
What are you doing with her?
In exchange for what?
You and I had a deal, no?
Go on.
Paul and Adèle Uribe are escaping.
They're going to report you to the police.
Their mother is here to help them.
Patricia Brun
With all due respect to Paz
I have no idea who she is.
So I have no idea where she could be.
Good luck.
No, no, no
Let me go.
Let me go, please!
The body of Christ.
You're the only friend I have here.
You have to keep going.
Preserve our history.
- Is this it?
- Yes.
- Can you open the gate?
- Sure, come with me.
Patricia Brun.
What a surprise.
The watch, or I'll shoot.
Too late, as always.
Paul, look in his pockets.
Patricia, what have you become?
Are you serious?
Done? Happy? Satisfied?
Are you satisfied? Put that down now.
Make no mistake.
I will prove my innocence.
I'm not like you.
They're your crimes alone.
My crimes?
Scientific achievements.
That you never attained.
That's for sure.
You're right.
I would never put anyone's life at risk.
The sacrifice of the few
for the good of many.
Put that down now, I mean it.
Stay back.
- Let's go.
- Give me the key.
Give it to me.
The police are on their way.
Where do you think you're going?
Adèle, get in!
- Get in, now!
- I'm in!
Go, go go!
Close the door!
Sergeant, where the hell are you?
They're getting away.
- No, no, no.
- Shit.
Oh, God.
Patricia Brun,
get out of the car with your hands up.
It's OK.
It's me, it's me. Look at me.
Patricia Brun.
Get out of the car with your hands up.
You have the right to remain silent
and refuse to answer questions.
Anything you do say
can be used against you in court.
You have the right to talk to a lawyer
for advice before we ask you
any questions, or during.
Let her go.
- Adèle!
- My mother is innocent!
Lower the gun.
Adèle, look at me. Lower the gun.
I have to go now,
but I'll come back for you.
Please, put the gun down.
- Adèle.
- Look at me, Adèle.
Look at me.
I'm sorry.
No, I'm sorry. I should have come sooner.
That bastard
won't keep getting away with it.
I swear.
- Let's go.
- I swear.
- I swear.
- Let's go.
You killed my daughter!
What have you done, Celia?
Stay with me, León. Don't die.
My child! My daughter!
I'll call an ambulance.
Amaia, don't go!
Are you OK?
Amaia, what happened?
They're going to kill her.
- What?
- They're going to kill her!
- Paz!
- Amaia!
- They're going to kill her!
- Amaia, what the fuck's going on?
They're going to kill Paz!
Hey, you!
Let her go, you son of a bitch!
Let her go!
Drop it! Now!
Take the noose off her.
Don't move!
I can't do it!
Adaptation: Tilly O'Neill
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