The Circle (2020) s02e08 Episode Script

Damage Control

["Unbelievable" by EMF plays]
It's a glorious morning in The Circle.
Our players are waking up
with the dramatic news
that not one but two of them
are gonna be blocked tonight.
And Emily is now legit paranoid
after making a dummy of herself
in the Glammequin challenge.
A sorority girl not applying
liquid foundation before powder,
damn, girl, that's
Unbelievable ♪
[Jack] Yesterday was maybe a bit
of a kick in the ass.
It could've fucked over my game
and now everyone thinks I'm fake.
Emily is definitely not
who she says she is.
Emily, I'm not really
buying the fact that
you're a 21-year-old girl
and butchered
the Glammequin challenge that bad.
The things you say ♪
You're unbelievable ♪
No catfish has been exposed.
The three that have left
were all who they said they are,
so I'm sure everybody's antennas
are going up.
There's a catfish amongst us.
At least one, maybe two.
[Michelle] Maybe four.
I want to take out the catfish
because I think it takes
any kind of suspicion
that I'm a catfish off of me.
There is going to be
a double blocking today,
so it's really a big day.
Not one player,
but two players will be blocked,
and I'm just feeling very nervous.
You just never know if you're safe or not,
unless you're an influencer,
so I need to try
to get to be an influencer.
So let's go to work.
We don't have much time left
in The Circle.
$100,000 on the line. Glory.
Keep those words in your head
while you do your thing today. You got it?
Got you, Coach. Let's break.
[Michelle] Yeah, you go, girl.
Get your ass back in the game.
Emily's now hitting up pop royalty Lance,
played by Lisa, for a catfish catch-up.
-[Lisa] Oh!
Yay. Emily has invited me to a chat!
I love that.
Lance I haven't talked to much,
so I presume
I'm towards the bottom of his ratings.
So I figured a conversation with him
could be very beneficial
for not only this rating,
but if Lance and I stay in this game,
it could be beneficial.
Circle, message: "Hey, Lance, I'm glad
we finally have a chance to talk."
"I love your energy."
"You have an amazing combo
of being super fun
but also really laid-back
and easy to talk to."
[Lisa] That is actually Lance,
so I like that she picked up on that.
"I'm interested
in your cosmonaut adventures."
"How'd you get into that?"
While this is mostly me
trying to be, like, a strategic player,
a huge part is legitimately
getting to know people.
I, luckily, know
I mean, pretty much there is to know
about his cosmonaut training and things.
-Okay, Circle, message:
"Love that I'm here
with a fellow space geek."
"I was picked to go into space
for a TV show"
"got certified to be a cosmonaut,
but mission canceled."
"Someday I'll get there."
Wow, that's fucking sick.
Circle, message:
"OMG, space is so awesome."
"That is a shame,
but it must've been so fun."
"Need a co-pilot, gimme a call.
Crying laughing emoji."
[Lisa] Okay. So message:
"I would love for you to be my co-pilot."
-"#OutOfThisWorld." Send.
The conversation so far has been good,
and I'm hoping he thinks my space banter
is really engaging.
I think Emily is really genuine.
I like that we're bonding,
because not a lot of people
are really into space.
-Circle, message:
"How you feeling about the game so far?"
This double blocking tonight
has a bitch nervous!
"Crying laughing emoji." Send.
Now she wants to talk a little game.
-All right, Circle, message:
"I've really loved getting
to know everyone,
but I'm also nervous about tonight."
"These blockings
always have me feeling anxious."
"You don't have to worry."
[Jack] "People love you, me included."
[grunts excitedly]
That's always good to hear.
I do really think that people love Emily,
and I really like her, too,
based on this conversation,
and she seemed cool before that,
but I also want to see
if she replies back something like,
"Oh, people love you too."
Message: "I hope tonight everyone realizes
The Circle feels much more full with you."
[Lisa] Aw, that's really sweet.
"This is our first private chat,
but I feel like we've been clicking."
I really, really like Emily.
I've never thought she was a catfish,
and now I feel like
we've bonded over things.
I think she's a cool girl.
Okay, let's leave the first catfish
in space right now
[upbeat pop music plays]
'cause Trevor, played by Deleesa,
is about to launch a chat
with Khat in T-minus 16 seconds.
It's important for Trevor
to try to be an influencer tonight,
especially knowing there's two people
that's gonna be blocked, and I think
a great person to get on Team Trevor,
and hopefully, she rates Trevor
as number one, is Khat.
Circle, please start
a private chat with Khat.
[Khat] "Trevor's invited you
to a private chat."
Circle, open Trevor's private chat.
"What's going on,
my beautiful Black queen?"
"I loved your Glammequin."
"It really looked just like you."
"How are you feeling today?"
Message: "I am definitely in my feelings."
"I should've won the Pancake Flip,
but you got some petty votes."
You mad I won. Don't hate.
Don't hate, baby.
It's all in the name of the game.
"Yo, Mitchell surprised me."
"All that glitter and color got me like,
'Hmm' emoji."
[Khat] I'm trying to turn his attention
away from my brother, Mitchell,
and look at the blank obvious,
that obviously Lance and Emily
are catfishes.
I'm doubting Trevor a little
'cause of the Glammequin challenge,
but he could be artistic.
"Being a fan of Lance,
I was surprised about his creation."
"Been getting his makeup and hair done
for decades."
"He should've come out better.
I was dead with the mop head, though."
I didn't even think about that.
That's true.
The mop head had me dead. [laughs]
[Khat] If I can have Trevor in my pocket,
I feel like I can dictate this game,
how I want it to go.
Message: "Yesterday,
I had Lance caught up."
"I basically told him
that I had seen him live
and he was wearing
a certain jacket I liked."
[Deleesa laughs]
"I made up what the jacket looked like."
I wanna tell Trevor this
to kinda put a solid in that, like,
not only is Lance's Glammequin
told the truth about him,
he also lied yesterday.
This chat is going great.
Khat's opening up to Trevor.
If Khat feels like she can trust Trevor,
then I think Khat would rate Trevor
first place.
I hope.
"#Gotti. That's so funny."
"I would have never thought
of catching him up like that."
-"Good work, #Detective Khat." Send.
[laughs] "Gotti!" That's funny.
I just put #GotHim
just to see if he would catch on.
How he spelled it out, "Gotti,"
is how you say it.
If he would've hashtagged what I said,
I would've been like, "Trevor's a female."
But the fact he said "#Gotti,"
like, just off of that,
I know Trevor is who he says he is.
"Now Emily, you're a female
21-year-old college student,
and on her mannequin,
showed zero recollection
of knowing anything about makeup."
"Hmm emoji! Hmm emoji! Hmm emoji!" Send!
I'm worried for my girl Ems,
'cause, you know,
I have my suspicions of Ems,
but I like her,
and I don't wanna see Emily go.
That would make me sad.
[Michelle] Huh. Looks like all the catfish
are starting to get nervous up in here,
'cause they're working hard
not to get caught.
Now River, played by Lee,
wants to hook up with Chloe and Courtney.
[Lee] River and all us are freaking out
because two people are going home.
So Chloe and Courtney are the people
I wanna go all the way to the finale with,
so, Circle, create a group chat
with Chloe and Courtney,
and call it Cardashian Love with a C.
[Michelle as a Kardahian]
Chloe, Courtney, and Criver.
"River has invited you
to Cardashians Love Chat!"
I am so glad that River started this chat.
-Circle, message:
"Hey, my sweet Cardashians."
Give me a red heart emoji,
a rainbow heart emoji,
-and send.
-Circle, message:
"My fellow Cardashians!"
"I feel like you're the only people
I can trust 100% in here Dot, dot, dot."
"'Uh' emoji. Please tell me"
[Lee] "that alarm bells
weren't ringing in my head
when Emily's mannequin was revealed."
I am thinking the same thing.
Yes! Yes. Yes. Yes.
Oh, my God. I could not have asked
for a better moment.
Yes! This is exactly
what I wanted to happen.
If they don't see
the same thing that I have seen
in Emily's mannequin,
I'm screwed.
-Circle, message:
"Yo, as soon as I saw her mannequin,
I knew something was not right."
-Send message.
I'm so curious
to see what River is gonna say,
even though I already know
what he gonna say.
-River said, "You know it was a hot mess!"
"I don't know too many 21-year-old girls
who would have produced that."
"Have we found ourselves
our first catfish?"
So now I know it isn't just me,
and Emily probably
isn't who she says she is.
I went ahead and did it,
and if we're all on the same page,
then all of a sudden,
Emily moves up in my catfish list
to be blocked.
-Circle, message:
"I am so glad
I'm not the only one to see it."
"What am I gonna do?
She's my best friend in The Circle!"
"Crying face emoji. #Catfish."
-Send message.
-Okay. Circle, message:
"Chloe do not worry.
We definitely have your back."
"All you need is keep your friendship
with Emily,
and the rest will work itself out."
-Send message.
My message is just letting Chloe know,
like, don't rock the boat.
That's what I was gonna do anyway.
I just needed clarity.
I'm so glad Courtney said that.
[Lee] "Chloe, remember it's a game."
"The light you feel from Emily's
still there."
-"#CircleFriendsForever." Send.
"I don't know
what I'd do without you boys!"
"It is just a game."
"It just makes me paranoid
that I am being played."
-[Lee] "#MyBoysForever."
You're not being played by me.
Feel safe, girl.
-"I trust you and I'm glad we have
#CardashianLoveForever. Red heart."
-Oh, my God.
I'm so glad that they've got my back.
I don't really care if Emily goes now
'cause I feel like these've been
my best friends the whole time.
"We're all jittery knowing
two people are going soon,
but just know
that I'm Team Cardashian all the way."
Gimme a red heart, gimme a rainbow heart,
-and send.
So, Emily, I'm afraid I'm coming for you.
You're a catfish. I got to take you out.
Little do they know
the catfish hunter is a catfish.
[sighs] That's funny.
[Michelle] That is funny, River.
[upbeat pop music plays]
With alliances getting stronger
all over The Circle,
River is taking a moment
to give his Circle girlfriend Chloe
a rainbow makeover.
[Lee] Oh, yeah. That's perfect.
[Michelle] Chloe herself is
in the third straight hour
of intense tactics studies.
How beautiful.
I just don't understand
how peacock feathers are made.
[Michelle] Mitchell's making a list
of favorite words
that begin with the letter C.
I like that.
[Michelle] Circle,
I think it's time to switch this up.
-[swing music plays]
Oh, here we go. Another game.
Off the bat, I love this game
'cause it seems like
zero makeup'll be involved.
Careful what you wish for.
Don't @ Me,
the players get to ask a question
to another player anonymously.
Oh, my!
So you have no idea
who's asking you the question.
I don't know. This could get heated.
Get ready to stir the pot today.
It's just like an opportunity for deceit,
which is what I'm all about really.
I think it's about to get real.
[Michele] That's the plan.
First, the players have to decide
who they're coming for.
Who would I ask?
What question would I ask?
What am I dying to know?
So the question I'm gonna be submitting
is for Chloe.
Mm-hm. Not even Circle besties are safe.
you using your relationship with Trevor
to further your game?"
[Michelle] Question's then posted
in The Circle Chat so everyone can see.
That's right, Chloe.
I knew it. I knew it!
People have got their suspicions.
I'd hate for my boy Trevor
to be getting used.
Oh, I would love to know
who wrote this question.
She is one of the few people
that I do trust in this game.
However, I would like to know,
you know, if it came down to it,
would she choose Trevor
over myself and River?
I wanna know how she'll answer that.
[Michelle] Because The Circle believes
in right to reply,
the player then gets a chance to answer.
What you gonna say, Chloe?
Circle, message:
-"I love to flirt. It's in my genes."
"But messing with someone's feelings
and hurting them I'd never do."
"I have better morals than that."
"At my end, my relationship with Trevor
has been genuine,
and the butterflies are real."
I would've answered it the exact same way.
I'm with you, Chloe. [claps] I'm with you.
Good job. That was a perfect answer.
It's that yes? Is that no?
What else do you expect Chloe to say?
She's not gonna say, "I'm using him."
[Chloe] It's a game,
so pinning myself to one guy
might not be a smart move for me.
[intense music plays]
[Michelle] Next, it's Emily,
and she's chosen Courtney.
when's the fake-nice act going to stop?"
"If you're going to go to the end
with your little alliance
of starting players,
can you at least stop BSing
everyone else?"
-Oh, man!
-Who the fuck has sent this?
The energy!
I wanna rile Courtney up a little bit
and make it seem as though it's coming
from someone not in the starting group.
Oh, shit. Oh, shit. Oh, shit. Oh, shoot!
Oh, shoot!
That is a full-on
[imitates cocking gun] shot fired.
"When's the fake-nice act going to stop?"
This is so funny,
because I honestly thought
Courtney was ass-kissing everybody.
It was really annoying,
and I did kinda get the vibe, like,
"You just being extra nice or being fake?"
Courtney, come back with some shade
on whoever answered that.
-Circle, message:
"Nice try. Crying laughing face."
"It's hilarious that anyone'd think
I was being fake-nice
when I've only been my goofy-ass self
this entire time."
"I barely make friends in real life,
I'm grateful for friends I've made
in this experience."
-"Shrug. #SorryAboutIt." Send message.
-Tell 'em!
-You go, Courtney!
If that is legit, I feel for Courtney
and actually respect him more.
Oh. That really made me sad.
You don't deserve that.
I'm sorry, sort of.
I do think that it's Emily,
and that's why her ass is getting out.
[Michelle] Let's see how Emily does
on the receiving end,
'cause Mitchell's asking her a question.
[Mitchell] What's something
only a 21-year-old girl'd know?
My head immediately goes to,
obviously, hair and makeup,
or periods and vaginas.
[Michelle] Please be makeup.
Please be makeup.
-Oh, thank God.
what are your top five makeup brands?"
She's not gonna know, is she?
She can barely put foundation
on a mannequin!
To the bathroom we go!
I had no suspicions
about Emily before this.
We had a great chat today,
but this makes me think
that somebody does suspect
that she is not who she said that she is.
I wanna get this question out there
'cause I think Emily's a dude,
and I know, as a man,
one or two big-name brands of makeup.
Other than that,
I couldn't remember for the life of me.
[Jack] Thank God I got my makeup box.
Circle, message:
"As you could probably see
from my performance yesterday,
I don't use much makeup,
but when I do, my favorite would be"
I think it's a lip gloss.
I don't know if Laneige makes makeup.
"Other favorites include Maybelline."
I've heard that. That's a makeup, I think.
"Collection Co."? [laughs]
"Collection Co."? Never heard of it.
We're making that up.
[Michelle] Don't worry, Emily.
I'm sure they're buying it
like it's a two-for-one.
Do not believe you.
You're definitely a guy,
Emily, 'cause what?
Thank you, makeup.
[Michelle] No, no, Emily. Thank you.
I don't know.
I am now suspicious of you, Emily.
She's a dude.
Phew! I feel like
we got through that well enough.
-[Michelle] Did we?
-[intense music plays]
Now it's time for River's question
to Trevor, being played by Deleesa.
-"Trevor, how hard has it been for you
The Circle?"
He's not a catfish!
Trevor's not a catfish.
I'm not the only one
that thinks Trevor may be a catfish.
I feel like now everybody's calling
everyone a catfish. [laughs]
I think it's a distinct possibility
Trevor's another catfish,
and I want everybody else
to think that too,
and it severs that relationship
with Chloe and him.
That's my main thing.
I need to disconnect them.
She needs to be Cardashian 100%.
Her heart is nowhere else but there.
Okay, Detective River CSI Catfish.
You came to play today.
Whoever said that
is trying to call Trevor out
and get Trevor blocked.
Shady, shady question. [laughs]
Who asked that? Who wanna know?
I feel like, for some reason,
it would be either River or Courtney.
I have a seed of doubt,
but then you do with everyone.
Like, how do you know who is a catfish
and who isn't a catfish?
-I wouldn't be surprised if he was.
-I don't get that vibe from him at all.
I hope he's not a catfish,
'cause I wanna lick those abs.
"People seem to be really bold
in anonymous mode."
"I've been genuine with everybody."
"Why would I lie about being
a single father? #IHaveMorals."
[claps] I knew I liked Trevor.
That has won me over a little bit.
I'm not gonna lie.
I don't think Trevor is a catfish.
My man has got morals.
[Michelle] And boobs.
It would be, I don't know, icky
if he hashtagged "I have morals"
if he was lying
about being a single father.
I'm definitely not, like, being shady.
You know, I have a daughter,
and I also was raised by a single dad.
So I kinda created this persona of me
and everything that made me who I am.
So whatever.
[groans] Whatever. Whatever.
[Michelle] Whatever, Trevor.
[Courtney] "Congratulations!"
"You have now completed Don't @ Me."
[upbeat pop music plays]
[Michelle] With the drama of Don't @ Me
hanging over The Circle,
boy bander Lance Bass is injecting
some cheery Hollywood razzmatazz
to dinnertime.
[Lisa] Look at these. How fun.
Give it to 'em. Give it to 'em.
[clicks tongue] Mm, mm, mm.
Through with it!
I thought if you heated milk long enough,
it would turn into cheese.
[Michelle] I'm pretty sure
that's not how cheese works.
Now, catfish target number one, Emily,
wants to chat,
but Mitchell, exhausted after doing
7,000 push-ups is having a nap.
Look alive, bro.
[Mitchell] Oh
Miss Emily wants to talk?
Oh, boy.
I was the first person
Mitchell reached out to
when he entered the game.
We had some good chat,
did a little flirting.
So I felt like he was on my side.
I'd love to reconnect with him
before this double blocking.
See where his head's at, see how he feels,
and make sure he's kinda on my side
and rating me well.
[Mitchell] Circle, take me
to the private chat
-with Emily.
As soon as I start digging up
that Emily may be a catfish and a dude,
Emily slides in my DMs. Like, really?
Perfect timing? Come on.
-Circle, message:
"Long time no see."
"How's The Circle been treating you
since last we spoke?"
-"Smiley face emoji." Send.
Really good up until I found out
you were a dude, Emily.
"Honestly, it's been amazing so far."
"I'm having the time of my life."
"Every day's a roller coaster."
"I'm enjoying every moment.
What's new in your world?"
I wanna see where she takes it.
My intention is just to still build
the relationship with her regardless.
Circle, message: "It's honestly so crazy."
"The most fun roller coaster
I've been on."
"Definitely nervous
about this double blocking."
"I hope we both stay.
Any theories on how it will shake out?"
So that's what
you wanna talk about, Emily.
-Circle, message:
"I've not really given it much thought."
"Whatever happens, happens. I don't like
to spend time stressing, #MoreTimeLiving."
I don't wanna completely write Emily off.
In my head, we have a good relationship.
She was like the first person
that brought me up to speed
with everything,
and I still appreciate that with her.
I really hope I'm wrong,
and I hope Emily is this cute little girl
who studies space.
-Circle, message:
"Have you connected
with anybody else yet?"
"It'd be great to have influencers
looking out for both of us
if we aren't at the top."
Send message.
Let's message: "I spent a lot of time
in the past few days
trying to connect with
as many players as possible
so I can rate everyone fairly,
and based off my own interaction
with them,
rather than just their pictures
and #WhisperDownTheLane."
[Jack laughs]
"I talked with a few of the guys as well,
and they had nothing but good things
to say about you. Heart emoji."
"Feel like me and you have nothing
to worry about on these ratings,
you know what I mean? #WeGotThis!"
It's great to hear the guys all like me.
"I think you're a great guy."
-Aw, what a sweetheart.
"Honestly, I feel like
you have defied my initial expectations
in the best way possible."
I really like she's gassing me up,
and I feel like that is so genuine.
She's selling me back into her.
She really is.
This is kinda all bullshit,
but I got to reassure him
that I have faith in him.
[clicks tongue] What you gonna say, bitch?
[Michelle] Look at you
steppin' to the screen. So brave.
"Wow, that honesty means
more to me than you know."
"So many people prejudge me
before getting to know me."
"Thank you so much for seeing that in me.
Heart emoji."
I'm fucking lying to your face, boy.
What you gonna do?
Yeah, show your pictures in the gym,
but you ain't done the hours like me.
[Michelle] Okay, if you say so
Stop. Stop hitting yourself.
Like, I am very 50/50.
I wanna believe it's actually Emily,
but part of me says, "Brah, you're talking
to a dude and flirting with a dude."
"How are you not realizing that?"
"She butchered that makeup!
Open your eyes!"
And I am torn between both of those.
I don't know where I stand.
I don't know where I stand
on Emily right now.
[Michelle] Evening in The Circle
[Jack screams]
and it sounds like Emily's just found out
how much high-end mascara actually costs.
Jesus, yo, this is impossible.
I think real Emily could have managed.
[Jack screams]
And while Emily uses every ounce
of her strength to open a small jar,
across the hall,
professional volleyball player Khat
is about to #ServeTheChat.
[Khat] I really wanna talk to Chloe.
I'm not really sure
where Chloe stands in the rating,
but I definitely need Chloe
in my back pocket for a rainy day.
[smacks lips, gasps] Ah!
"Khat has invited you to a private chat!"
Well, well, well, my gorgeous girl.
When it comes to playing this game,
it's all about knowing your audience.
So I definitely wanna give Chloe
my women-empowerment, glitz-and-glam side.
So let's start off with this,
-"Hey, sweet girl"
"you are definitely one of my favorite
reality TV personalities."
Oh, my God. That is such a sweet message.
I want her to leave this chat that,
"Khat's cool. I can talk to her."
"She made me laugh. I love her vibe."
What I want her to leave with.
-[Chloe] Circle, message:
"Oh, my God!"
"Khat, you have me up in my feels."
"Thank you so much."
"You're definitely my type of girl."
"I was worried about who to trust
after the things that were said tonight."
"Nice to know I've got
a friend like you. #CircleSisters."
"I feel the exact same way."
"Speaking of tonight,
talk about all the salt that was thrown."
"The chat was hotter
than a jalapeno's coochie."
[inhales] Wow!
Oh, my God, I love this girl.
Hope she know what coochie is.
[Chloe] Message:
"Khat, you're such a babe.
Laughing face emoji."
"I don't do drama!"
[Khat] "Who's your closest friend here?
Question mark."
"Must be hard coming in so late."
"At least now you have me to lean on.
She's picking my brain
and see what I think and what I know.
Chloe's smart.
[smacks lips] Oh, no.
Message: "To be honest,
the only buddy I have is Mitchell,
since we came in together."
"I definitely believe he is
who he says."
"I've spoken to others,
and everyone seems cool and genuine"
"but after tonight,
looks can definitely be deceiving."
-[whimsical music plays]
-[blows raspberries]
Oh, my God. You don't even know.
You don't even know, Khat.
-Circle, message:
"When Terilisha came to visit me,
she said the Joker threw shade on me
to you and Mitchell."
[Khat] "I was worried
you believed the Joker."
"You looked
like a woman who had her shit together,
so I sat back and let you make
your own honest opinion."
Okay, I don't have her in my palm yet,
but this next one,
I'm about to literally reel her in.
"The Joker said you weren't trustworthy."
"That's a big word to throw around
since I haven't gotten to know you."
Oh! The Joker. What a bastard!
-Circle, message:
"Khat, this is the type of mentality
that wins you this game."
We got Chloe.
I've gained such a strong bond with Khat.
She is one of my girls.
Or she might be my only girl
if Emily's a man.
Chloe's nice. She's sweet.
I get good vibes from her.
If I have to chop her ass off the block,
I will.
[music stops]
But for now, she's good.
She's good with me.
Look out, Chloe, 'cause I don't know
how you would chop an ass off a block.
[pop music plays]
Now, let's see what NSYNC's Lance Bass
is up to, shall we?
This is something I could do for hours.
[Michelle] I bet you could, Lance,
but we don't have time.
-Oh, God. Oh, Lord. That scared me.
Is it time?
"Players, you must now rate each other."
Oh, my God. Oh, my God.
"Tonight, two players
will be blocked from The Circle."
[yelps] Okay. Okay.
To say I am shitting myself
is an understatement.
It's about to get real spicy.
I'm nervous.
This is the biggest rating yet.
[music ends]
[tense music plays]
Circle, take me to my ratings.
I'm nervous that my mannequin mishap
could fuck up some people's trust in me,
but I gotta go with what I know right now,
and go with someone I've been with
from the very start.
So, Circle, put Chloe as my number one.
Me and Khat have had
a conversation tonight,
and I genuinely feel she's the only one
that I haven't got any doubts about,
so please can I lock in Khat
as first position?
Person I chose
to put in the first-place rating
is someone
that I definitely have had a bond with.
He's a cool person.
I enjoy talking to him every time.
For those reasons,
that's why I'm rating Trevor as first.
I want to go with Khat for first place.
Khat and Trevor have a great bond.
They have a great connection.
I think Khat would
definitely protect Trevor
if she was to become an influencer.
In second position,
-I would like to put Courtney.
He is my wingman. He's my Cardashian.
I think I'll be rated high.
[Lisa] Okay, so strategy-wise,
I think I'm going to put Mitchell second.
-He's one of the new people,
I don't think
Mitchell will rate very high.
That's why I'm putting him second.
[menacing music plays]
For my third place rating,
I would like to put Lance.
So for my third rating spot,
I chose to put Chloe.
So fourth place
For me, my ideal targets this week
are probably Khat or Lance,
and I'm worried this player
has a good relationship
with one or both of them.
But I do think
if this player was an influencer,
they would probably have my back.
So I feel good putting River
as my fourth place.
I don't necessarily know
where River stands.
I think he was the one
who came after Trevor
in the anonymous game.
So for those reasons,
I'm going to rate River fifth.
[menacing music continues]
Me and Emily have been Circle sisters
from the very moment
I stepped foot on that group chat.
It saddens me to know
that she may not be who she says she is.
So for that reason,
Emily is my sixth place.
Lo and behold,
last place, we're left with Courtney.
And I think I'm making
the right decision here,
'cause in my head,
Courtney is Joker.
It makes logical sense.
-Circle, please lock in my ratings.
"Ratings complete!" Done.
Those ratings were pretty hard.
Uh That was the worst rating
I've ever done in my life.
I feel like could be in a position
to be an influencer, or close to it.
My one concern is that
people might be a little bit onto me.
[music fades]
[Michelle] Ratings done for now,
Mitchell is de-stressing
with the soothing sounds
of the acoustic guitar.
[strums out-of-tune chord]
I'm nailing the D chord.
[Michelle] Who told you that?
[quiet music plays]
And catfish Trevor is still salty
somebody accused him of being a catfish.
If the shoe fits, honey.
After the Don't @ Me game,
things got, in my opinion,
really heated, okay?
And I actually think River was the one
who came for Trevor,
so I want to like call him out low-key,
throw it back on River,
and make him feel bad for it.
If it really was River,
who is he going to put the blame on?
[Lee] "Trevor's invited you
to a private chat."
All right.
Let's see what Trevor has to say.
My guilt trip game is on point.
-So message:
"Hey, bro, that was a vicious game."
"I feel like I need somebody to vent to."
-"Is it cool if I talk to you a bit?"
[whimsical music plays]
I'm the one who asked him the question.
Oh, God. [laughs]
Okay, guilt's coming on,
but I gotta play this game.
"I know it's a game,
but I can't believe
people smile in your face
and obviously talk behind your back."
This is why I'm venting to you,
because I know you have been 100% honest
from the beginning." Oh, my
This is where
my guilt trip comes into play,
because if River really did send
that catfish message:
he's going to be feeling some type of way,
like, "Damn."
[Lee] I hate that he feels bad,
and he came to me
because I'm the nice,
happy guy everybody loves.
Either that or he's playing still,
if he is, he's playing good
'cause he's hitting my heartstrings.
Message: "I think
everybody is really scared
because two people are getting blocked."
"I think everybody needs
to take a deep breath."
"#ImHereForYou. #IKnowYoureReal."
-That's not quite true, but let's say it.
-[Michelle] That's the catfish motto.
[Deleesa] That's sweet.
I don't know if I believe him. [laughs]
"I know you know I'm real,
but I have no idea who thinks otherwise."
[music continues]
I'm [laughs]
Now who is River going to throw
under the bus?
Message: "I'm not sure who asked you,
but it wasn't me, Chloe, or Courtney."
[Deleesa] "#WeKnowYoureReal."
"We'll get through this tonight.
I've got your back."
[music continues]
Well, he said it wasn't him.
Yeah, now I don't know.
I'm throwing him off the scent.
I think if he was prodding for intel,
he didn't get any.
-That was a good chat.
In the beginning of this chat,
I really thought River was the one
that asked Trevor
about him being a catfish. [sighs]
At the end of this chat, I'm not so sure.
I have no idea.
[upbeat pop music plays]
[Michelle] It seems River's keeping
fellow catfish Trev Trev
on the hook for now.
There's a quiet night on the horizon,
but The Circle, in association with Chloe,
may be about to change that.
[gasps, hollers]
"Alert!" "Alert!" "Alert!"
"The ratings results are in."
Come here, baby. Come here, baby.
Give Mommy some love.
High hopes tonight.
These could be my last final moments
in The Circle.
One more! One more.
Let's make it through one more blocking!
[Lisa] I don't wanna get too cocky,
but I do feel better than last time.
Moment of truth. Here we go.
What we about to do?
Where we going?
This is it.
Oo, it's game time, baby.
"Tonight there will be no influencers."
[Michelle] That's how you do a plot twist.
[both] What?
What does that even mean?
[music continues]
Yikes! I was not expecting that, Circle.
Oh, my God. Do we vote?
Shit. This is crazy.
Don't look. It's scary.
I know you're scared. I got you.
You are messing with us.
I love it. I hate it. Mm, bring it on.
"Instead, the bottom two players will be
instantly blocked from The Circle."
This is heavy. Heavy, heavy.
That question that I was asked today
could've raised suspicions
and really screwed me right now.
Please don't be me.
[suspenseful music playing]
[Chloe] First.
Oh, my God, I've got to stand up.
[music builds]
Oh, boy.
[quietly] Come on. Come on. Come on.
[whispers] Who is it?
My heart's pounding.
[exhales] Come on, come on, come on.
[music swells]
Oh, my God!
Oh, my God! I'm first!
-Good job, Chloe. Chloe took first.
The lady in red is the top pick.
Not mad.
Good job, Chloe.
I wasn't expecting that.
[cries cheerfully]
Oh, my God! [inhales]
Being popular has never been
important to me, ever, [sniffles]
but being myself
and being the most popular
is priceless. [inhales]
I've just ruined my makeup.
I've just took half an hour doing it.
At least Chloe is safe.
My Beyoncé lives another day.
I'm hoping to finish in the top four.
If I'm not fourth or higher,
I'mma start sweating heavy.
My anxiety is through the roof.
It is right on top of the rooftop.
Gotta be Courtney. Probably Courtney.
I am quaking in my boots.
[music swells]
Coming for the number-one spot!
-I'm coming for the number-one spot!
Oh, boy. That's not good.
Khat is number two. That is bad.
Khat deserves it.
Good for you, Khat.
Some funky shit definitely
must've gone down in people's ratings.
What the fuck is going on?
We're on third now. Who's third?
Be River. Be River. Be River.
Be me. I just don't wanna go home tonight.
I need it to be Trevor.
I need to be able to breathe better.
[music swells]
Yes! Yes, yes, yes.
What? River's that high up?
-[Jack] Now, I'm really sweating.
We only got three safe spots left
and two eliminations.
Oh, my gosh.
What a relief that is, though.
Fourth. Who's gonna be fourth?
Ay, ay, ay.
This is so stressful!
Uh, I'm nervous.
[music swells]
Oh, God. Thank you. Thank you. Thank you.
-Yeah! That's my boy!
Not hating. Just wish that it were me.
Fifth. Me, please.
Oh, please, please, please.
If we don't secure fifth,
I'm gonna be embarrassed.
My heart is [imitates heart pounding]
Oh, my God. I can't even look.
[music swells]
Thank you, Good Lord!
No fucking way!
I mean, I'll take fifth,
-'cause I'm still here.
[Jack] Mitchell?
Oh, my God, these double blocking
Everyone's ratings are out of whack, yo.
Yo, people are really playing this game
super strategic.
And there's only one spot left,
and now it's Courtney, me, and Lance.
We're all good I feel.
Oh, God. I might be fucked.
I really might be fucked.
Now I really feel like
I'm going home all of a sudden.
I don't even wanna look.
-Who's it gonna be, Circle?
-Anybody but Emily!
Lance and Courtney, pack their bags.
[Jack] I'm begging you, Circle.
Oh, my God, just show it. Just show it.
Like a Band-Aid, rip it off.
It's the moment of truth.
[music swells]
[upbeat piano music plays]
[Courtney] Oh!
Oh, my God!
I'm glad Courtney's still in it.
[shouts, laughs]
Oh, my God, I'm so glad Courtney's safe.
That was way too close.
[Mitchell] Oh, no!
So that means Emily and Lance
got the boot!
I won't be surprised if I was eighth.
So sad.
[Jack] Tsk.
Damn, yo.
I played myself.
That is so heartbreaking.
I'm so bummed.
How did Emily come up last? [gasps]
Dang it.
Lance was my number one.
Lance and Emily.
My performance in the mannequin challenge
just gave it away,
and now people don't trust me.
I'm, like, speechless. It's so sad.
It is what it is. I fell short.
It's been a ride though.
[Lisa] "Blocked." Uh
That is heartbreaking.
[Mitchell] Wow!
And then there were six.
The Circle just
literally erased them, like
No more Lance and Emily. That's sad!
[intriguing music plays]
"Alert!" "Alert," I mean, I don't know
how this is gonna apply to me.
Give me some sort of good news.
-[Jack] "Before you leave, you will meet"
-"one player face-to-face."
Chloe was kinda my ride-or-die homegirl.
I'm guessing she might've caught on,
given my makeup fuck-up.
I think Khat's super cool.
She's a big fan of Lance's.
I work for him.
I'm like one of the next best things
to actually meeting Lance.
Yeah, it goes Lance, Lance's assistant,
then everybody else in NSYNC.
Mitchell, I was flirting with him,
so it'd be kind of just hilarious
to meet him face-to-face.
I would go see River,
but I just feel guilty.
I know who I'd like to meet.
Let's make some moves.
The last moves to be made.
[Jack sighs]
"Emily and Lance have been blocked
from The Circle."
"Before they leave,
they will meet one player each."
[gasps, yells]
"Emily and Lance are on their way now."
It never gets any easier.
This is the worst part.
[intense music plays]
I should probably put a shirt on
in that case.
We have to be prepared,
because quite possibly,
Emily could just say what up to Trev.
I'm looking decent.
Fuck, I'm shitting myself.
[music swells]
Hello? River?
Where is River?
[intense music plays]
[music swells]
I don't understand.
[intense music continues]
-[music stops]
-[door knocks]
Oh, my God.
No way!
-Yes! Who are you?
-I'm Jack.
-Nice to meet you!
-Jack? Li-Lisa, nice to meet you!
Oh, my God. What the fuck? I'm Emily.
Oh, I'm I'm Lance.
Oh! What?
[intense music plays]
Yeah, I'm Lance, and you're
I knew you were a guy! I knew it!
-Was it 'cause of the makeup?
-[Lisa] Yep!
Last night, I was so upset,
'cause I was like, "I'm screwed."
-Before that, I was doing all right?
-You were doing fantastic.
-[Lisa] I don't know what it means.
[Jack] I dunno. This your apartment?
No, I don't know whose this is.
Wait, I was coming to meet Trevor.
Oh, I was coming to meet River.
I'm so confused.
[both] "Alert!"
"Emily and Lance, you have been blocked."
[Jack and Lisa] "However,
you're being given a second chance!"
-No way!
-We got a second chance!
Let's go!
Oh, my God! Lisa, we fucking did it! Woo!
-Oh, my God!
-[Lisa] Oh, my God! Yay!
-"It's time to meet your new profile."
-Let's do this shit! Let's go.
Who the fuck is this dude?
[upbeat music playing]
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