The Following s02e08 Episode Script

The Messenger

This week marks the anniversary of Joe Carroll's death.
Joe is here.
He got away.
Somebody tipped him off.
Someone inside the FBI is helping him.
You made me give up the FBI.
Please, Jana Would you tell me about Corbin? Corbin? Well, still there as far as I know.
What kind of cult is this? Roderick identified them a vulnerable group.
Hey, Robert.
I'm sorry we're so late.
It's all right, Joe.
We wanted to bring you in a different way.
- Hey, whoa! - All of you, on your knees.
If you want to enter you must humble yourselves.
I know out in the world you're a big deal with the killer cult and a bunch of followers, but in here, you are the follower.
Good to meet you, Micah.
So I'm guessing you're looking for a place to hide out.
What can you offer me, Joe? I offer you my humble service in exchange for your hospitality.
Who among you is ready to make the sacrifice? No! No! Aah! Why did you do it? Emma's alive.
You'll see her soon.
It was a necessary introduction to our ways.
Lily just sent me a text.
I know that place.
It's my dad's house.
Say hello to your son, Richard.
You take from me, I take from you.
Ready Aim Fire.
O God, as we gather together, all too aware of the fragility of life Thank you.
I'm Eric.
I'm Mandy.
I'm new.
Ha! Really? I didn't notice.
Ha ha! It's nice to meet you.
Hey how are you feeling today? My arms were sliced open.
How do you think? Yeah, but the stitches are healing, yeah? We have to get out of here, Joe.
Let's just keep our voice down, hmm, please? I want to go.
Where? Ryan knows I'm alive.
The FBI will be looking for us everywhere.
But this place is nuts.
Yes and and no.
The last few days, I've been studying this place.
We have a real opportunity here, Em.
For what? We have so much more yet to accomplish, but we cannot do it alone.
We need this place, and with a bit of finesse, it could be ours.
Good morning, my children.
Good morning, Micah.
I have a special announcement.
This can't be good.
Today we welcome Please rise.
Before Korban, the 3 standing before you were full of darkness.
Their souls were empty, but I have made them new, pure.
Joe, Emma, Mandy, we welcome you.
Korban is family.
Korban is love.
Korban is family.
Korban is love.
You no longer need these.
Are you sure about this, Micah? If we should be recognized-- It doesn't matter who you were beyond our walls.
You're family, and we accept you.
We are one.
Korban is family.
Korban is love.
Korban is family.
Korban is love.
Was a nice service.
How you doing? I'm ok, not great.
You? Same.
Hello, Ryan.
_ Mmm! Ah! Ha ha ha! One more.
Oh, wow, you can really throw them back.
Oh, come on.
Don't be a lightweight.
Really? A funeral? Nothing's off limits to you? My condolences.
What do you want? I know Joe Carroll is alive.
Care to comment? "When asked if Joe Carroll was alive, Ryan Hardy dodged the question.
" I'm not dodging anything except for maybe your pathetic attempt at journalism.
Is that a yes or a no? I interviewed a private pilot who claims you are convinced that Joe Carroll was trying to get on his plane.
Why would he lie about that? I don't know.
Maybe he was trying to lie his way into your next book.
We both know the truth doesn't matter to you.
Yes, it does, Ryan.
Have you even read my book? What part isn't true? Please tell me.
I'm gonna be really polite here and just say, "Go to hell.
" What'd that sleaze want? She was fishing, about Joe.
She knows he's alive? Suspects.
She talked to the pilot in Stratford.
Let the FBI shut her down.
I can't stand to look at her.
This is so weird.
Mandy! I wondered what you looked like without that mask.
And? Even better.
Come on.
Go ahead.
Have fun.
Micah wishes to see you.
Oh, ok, uh I-- I'll be back in a minute.
I see the guards have taken a step back.
Thank you.
They're always watching you, Joe.
If I'm not to be trusted, why not have me sliced open and sacrificed to the gods? You really think mocking our religion will be tolerated? Ha! What religion? As far as I can tell, you're just making it up as you go along.
Micah and I have spent 20 years building Korban.
Our beliefs and practices are to be respected.
I won't stand for anything less.
Bear one thing in mind-- Micah is our leader, but I run things.
There you are.
Thanks, Julia.
Go on.
- So, Joe - Hmm? There's something I want to talk to you about.
I need your help.
Of course.
Anything, Micah.
I want to kill people.
Director Franklin, nice of you to come.
Mike, I am so sorry for your loss.
If you need anything Thank you, sir.
This is the oldest brother's home? Yeah.
He's got 3 brothers, all military.
- Mike's the youngest? - Yeah.
Hello, Tom.
I want you to meet my niece-- Detective Max Hardy, NYPD.
This is FBI Director Tom Franklin.
It's an honor, Director Franklin.
Oh, it's good to see you're out of harm's way.
I understand your uncle has kept you quite busy.
Yes, sir.
Never a dull moment.
Can I, uh, talk with you privately? Sure.
It's good to see you again, Ryan.
How's your heart? It bounced back.
You cut out the alcohol, I hear.
It was the main culprit.
Anything on Lily Gray? No one knows.
She has lawyers in They all passed polygraphs.
With her money, she could be anywhere.
What do you want from me, Tom? I think Joe Carroll is still alive and is still out there.
What's that about? No idea.
How are you? I know what this moment is like.
I lost my dad when I was young.
Sometimes it helps to talk to someone who gets it, so Thanks for coming, Max.
Means a lot.
The Bureau has got to be compromised.
In order for Joe to fake his own death, he would have to have somebody on the inside to pull that off.
We're running background on all personnel, past and present.
I've asked for the CIA's help, but I need your help, too, Ryan.
How so? I want to sanction you off the books.
I'll supply you with whatever resources you need.
We'll set up a network directly to DC.
You'll liaise with my office and no one else.
I know you want to find Carroll.
Let me help you.
I'll do it, but I call it, everything my way.
- Promise.
- What's this? The CIA reached out to their British counterparts and found whatever they could on Joe's half-brother.
- William Halston.
- Joe managed to smuggle the body into the country.
That thumb drive contains what they uncovered.
I'll be in touch.
Was that about Lily Gray? No.
We were just catching up.
It's been a long time.
You're lying.
Try again.
I'm sorry, Mike.
It's private.
Ryan, if you know anything, you have to tell me.
With or without you, I'm gonna find Lily Gray.
And then what? You tell me.
What are you gonna do when you find Joe? Let me help.
You need to be with your family now.
I'm sorry, man.
So Franklin is cutting out his entire team? Yeah.
Well, until he finds his mole, we deal directly with his office.
Who are these guys? - That's Halston.
- Wait a minute.
Aren't these two guys on your wall? Yeah.
Wyker, Douglas, both connected to Roderick, both deceased.
Who's the older guy? Looks familiar.
Wait a minute.
I know him.
Yeah, here we go.
Arthur Strauss.
He was a counselor at the boarding school that Joe went to in New Hampshire, mentored him from 13 to college.
I tried to interview him for my book, but he declined, said he wanted to distance himself from Joe.
I'd do the same.
They had no contact after Joe graduated, so I dismissed him, but a doctor could come in handy if you're trying to fake your own death.
Guess who lives an hour away from the lighthouse where you supposedly killed Carroll.
That's where he went after he left Carlos.
Joe was injured.
He needed medical attention.
Can you give me that address? Jericho, Long Island.
All right, you got my new cell? I'll call you from the road.
I'll be here.
Look at you, all soft and fuzzy.
Shut up.
Our entire scripture is based on cleansing our souls so that we can be ready for our real life.
There is no afterlife.
There is a prelife, which is now.
We don't begin until we reach home.
And where is home? It's the ninth planet, just behind Neptune.
And how do we get there? We have to earn it here on Earth by saving souls.
We have to eat the sins of others, and then, when we have saved enough, we ascend.
Help me understand something here, Micah.
Why, exactly, do you want to kill people? To save souls and et cetera.
I've been thinking.
Do you know there are over 5,000 cults in the US? That's a lot.
How do you stand out from the pack? Look at the ones who did.
Jim Jones, David Koresh, Charles Manson.
You know, Manson and I have a lot in common because we both have musical backgrounds.
The point is, they all killed a lot of people.
And then there's you.
You're royalty.
See, all the others were caught and killed.
I read all about you in the book.
See, here's the thing, Joe.
I want a book written about me, and I want you to write it.
Me? I haven't done terribly well in this medium.
Well, that "Dark Sea" was hard to get through.
" - Huh? - Micah, you have the very best of intentions here, but my desire to kill is based on a-- a psychopathic need to kill.
I find a terrible beauty in it.
You had a message.
I do, too.
And I want to share it with the world.
Who's gonna do all this soul saving, hmm? You're still gonna need to find people who have a desire to kill.
I got that, too.
_ Can I help you? Dr.
Strauss, I'm not sure if you remember-- Of course I do, Mr.
I'm afraid I still have nothing to say to you.
It'll only take a few minutes.
I have nothing-- I'm not going away.
So if you won't talk to me, you better call the police right now.
All right.
You have 5 minutes.
I take it this is about the murders in New York.
Actually, it's about Joe.
Just trying to get some background on him.
Tell me about your relationship with him.
Exactly what is documented-- he was one of many students I looked after during my time at Lightford Academy.
He acknowledged you in his book, called you a mentor.
Ah along with Are you harassing them, too? When I knew Joe, he was alone.
His parents had died.
He was an orphan in a foreign land, shipped here by an uncle who wanted nothing to do with him.
I gave him the same guidance I gave all my students.
When he left for college, we lost touch.
Did you ever see signs of psychopathy? No, no, I was quite shocked when I heard about the murders.
Took me a great deal of time to even believe it.
When was the last time you saw him? The day after he graduated.
So, are you retired? Perform surgery one morning a week.
The rest of the time is spent teaching.
Is that what you were doing last year in Oxford, England-- teaching? I've never been to Oxford, Mr.
I'm sorry, but I've tolerated this about as long as I can.
Thanks for your time.
How'd it go? He had very little to say.
- Did you plant the bug? - Living room.
Well, I tapped the doc's phones.
It was super fast.
Franklin has major access.
I'm also monitoring the nearest cell tower.
Did you scare the doctor enough to call in Joe? Let's hope so.
Call me if you get anything.
Can I help you? Dr.
Strauss, I'm Carrie Cooke.
We met briefly last year.
I don't know why you people are all showing up today.
That's easy.
Ryan Hardy believes Joe Carroll is alive and that you know where he is.
Care to comment? Last time I saw Joe Carroll, he was 17.
I've made that quite clear.
Really? My sources put you at Winslow University on April 4, 1997.
Did you not see him then? And on June 12, 1999, once again, you visited the university.
All right.
Come in.
I can explain.
Thank you.
Stop right there.
You should've stayed away, Mr.
Not everyone who comes to Korban comes with a bill of mental health.
Oh, we all have our issues.
Hello? He's here! Micah, we're here.
Hello, my children.
Please pick me! Who wants to be blessed today? - Me! - Me! Me! Please! - Aah! - You are blessed.
Pick me! Who are they? You're not the first killer to seek refuge with us.
Are they civilized? Sure.
They're lovely.
They just don't always play well with others.
Julia feels safer with them there.
Why aren't I down there? Trust me, it was a conversation.
Ryan, it's me.
Call me back, ok? I've lost all signal on your tracer.
I'm starting to get worried.
Mike, what are you doing here? Where's Ryan? He's not here.
Just tell me what he's up to.
You should be home.
Your family needs you.
Well, I'm here.
So where's Ryan? And please don't lie to me.
Wake up, sleepy head.
_ It will cure you or kill you.
Do you remember my name? Carrie.
Aww! I flutter.
What exactly-- - Did we do last night? - Mmm.
We drank, talked, other stuff.
Then we drank and talked some more.
Nothing? You talked a lot about Joe Carroll.
I did? Wait a minute.
What's your last name? There you go.
I see the wheels turning.
You're the reporter that's writing the book.
Carrie Cooke.
I was surprised when you didn't recognize me last night, so I went with it.
I've been trying to get you on the record a long time, Ryan.
Just leave.
We had a nice time.
I wish you could remember it.
You're awake.
What are you doing to her? I'd worry about myself right now if I were you.
You're the one that taught Joe.
I taught him to remove his victims' eyes with precision, but to kill, no.
That was already a part of his DNA.
You trained him.
I inspired him.
To teach young minds is a gift, Ryan.
He wasn't even my best student.
How many others have you taught? Well, there's Cole, whom you've met, and others through the years.
They come and go.
Joe knew who he was.
He just needed to be told it was ok.
I'm sure you've had people in your life who unexpectedly speak to you, even what you already know, but for some reason, the message is clear, and you hear it for the first time.
When the student is ready, the teacher always appears.
Maybe we should start with a murder spree in Los Angeles.
Lot of souls to save in LA.
Like Manson, we could target celebrities.
I don't think you should kill anyone too famous.
You run the risk of being upstaged.
New York.
New York is more appropriate.
It's closer, more accessible.
Well, besides, the entire world watches what happens in New York.
You're right.
You see, that's why you're here-- guidance.
God puts people in our paths for a reason.
And is everyone on board with this new direction of yours? Yes.
Have you discussed this with your wife? Julia could be a handful.
She doesn't believe we should be a part of the outside world.
But she's my wife.
She'll do as I choose.
Right, and the rest of your following, you're sure they're willing to take such extreme measures? Most would give their lives for me, but there are some who have doubts.
Well, you don't want doubters, Micah.
They could ruin everything.
It's just a small group.
We've given them extra care, but some people are harder to convert.
What should I do? Perhaps we should pray on it.
We should.
Let's do that.
And I know that--- What are you doing? Preparing for surgery.
What did you find, Cole? Well, they came in separate cars.
Ryan planted a wire right after his first visit.
I found the receiver in the woods.
Nicely done.
The FBI knows I'm here.
Ah, but, alas, you two never made it here, and they'll never find any bodies or any proof.
You really think I can't cover my tracks? Wake Miss Cooke.
There she is.
Ryan? What's going on? Leave her alone.
This'll only keep you calm, my dear, and still, but don't worry.
You'll still be alert.
There you are.
Must be exhausted.
You had a busy day.
That's nice.
I didn't see you all day.
You spent it with Joe.
He's a fascinating man.
I know, but listen.
We have to be guarded around him.
You're so suspicious of people, Julia.
There's good in the worst of us.
And bad in the best of us.
I was thinking a celebration was in order.
We should give Joe a proper welcome.
Micah? Yeah? We have a perfect world here.
I don't want to lose it.
We have to be careful of the outside world.
What if Joe brings attention to us? Joe needs us, Julia.
We don't turn our backs on people in need.
Oh, please.
Please, please, please, please.
Don't do this.
Operate on me.
- You're next.
- No! Do it now.
Let me be first! Joe was right about you-- so noble.
So, he was here.
Joe came to me, injured.
You did quite a number on him.
Thank you.
Thank you, Arthur.
He stayed with me a month before he left, no, he did not tell me where he was going.
He knew better.
Joe was very angry with you, Ryan, but you should know, he considers you a friend.
Doctor, I'd like to take the lead on Ms.
Where would you start? Her hands.
I'd like to remove her hands.
Let's do feet instead.
You'll need a sledgehammer to hobble the ankles.
Makes it easier.
Don't move.
- No! - Aah! I got him.
I got him.
It's ok.
It's ok.
It's gonna be all right.
I've told you all I know.
I'm not so sure about that.
What are you planning to do? Max, get her out of here.
What? You can't do that.
I have a right to be here.
Max? Move or I make you move.
So how do you want to play this-- bad cop, worse cop? I don't know where Joe is.
You're wasting your time.
You know what? He's a surgeon.
How about we start with his fingers? - Hmm.
- Where's Joe? I don't know.
Aah! I know you know there's This might take a while.
- Aah! God! - Mike.
Please stop! Please stop! I don't know where he is.
He just took off.
- You're lying.
- Ok.
I don't know.
I don't know where he is.
What about William Halston? Yes.
I helped arrange to get the body back into the States.
Did Joe try to contact anyone while he was here? There was a woman he was trying to reach, but he didn't have the contact information.
What was her name? All I know is, she was a friend in the FBI.
A woman? What was her name? He didn't say her name, or if he did, I don't recall.
All I know is, she was in the FBI, and she knew Roderick.
I swear.
You can smash my other hand! That's all I know! Hey, you two look nice.
Wore red just for you.
Receive communion, my child.
Bless you.
Receive communion, my child.
Oh, yeah.
Thank you.
Bless you.
Mike insisted we come.
Your cell was out.
I knew something was wrong.
Thank you.
You ok? What did Strauss tell you? Nothing.
Don't do that.
What did he say? You cannot run with this story.
You're cute, Ryan, but nobody is that cute.
If you expose this, you're gonna compromise a federal investigation.
Can I see your badge, Agent? Please.
You owe me.
Ok but only because I think there's a bigger story here, and it's all mine.
Thank you for earlier.
Hey, calling Franklin? Max told you? He'll send clean-up, take Strauss to New York for interrogation.
Franklin brought in the CIA.
We got to find Carroll's contact.
We know the mole's a woman now, should narrow our search by 80%.
Listen, Mike, the reason I didn't want you here, it's not because I don't want your help-- You don't want me to become you.
My path is my path.
Revenge doesn't fix anything.
I know.
But you're here anyway.
You enjoying yourself? Yeah, very much.
Thank you for making us feel so welcome.
You and I are gonna be great friends, Joe.
Come on.
Let's dance.
I'm not a very good dancer.
You can't be worse than me.
Eric, you all right? Eric, you all right? Hey! Are you all right? Eric! No! Stop the music.
Do not be afraid.
Do not be afraid, my children.
Do not be afraid.
God, God is moving among us.
Let us not be afraid, but rejoice! Rejoice! Our brothers and sisters are going home.
Send them home with shouts of praise.
Send them home with shouts of praise.
send them home with shouts of praise send them home with shouts of praise send them home with shouts of praise send them home with shouts of praise send them home with shouts of praise send them home with shouts of praise send them home with shouts of praise send them home with shouts of praise send them home with shouts of praise send them home with shouts of praise send them home with shouts of praise Micah Micah, oh, my God.
What have you done? I prayed, and the stars spoke.
This is God's will.
You abused your power, Micah.
You killed your own people.
God called them home.
But only the ones who doubted you died.
Why didn't you tell me that you were doing this? Because I knew you wouldn't agree.
This is your doing.
Micah, we need to stop him.
- Micah-- - This is my doing! No.
I love you too much, Julia.
I don't want to lose you.
Take her away.
- No, no, no-- - Take her away.
Go! Micah, Micah, look at me! Make her comfortable.
Don't! Micah, stop them! Micah, tell them to stop! Don't do this! Don't do this! Micah, no! No! Take the couch.
I can do it.
- Let me know if you need anything.
- Thanks, Ryan.
You ok? Yeah.
Not really.
Want to talk? Not really.
We'll just sit here.
Quite a night.
Micah has Julia locked up.
I don't know how you do it, Joe but it worked.
Where's Mandy? She's crying somewhere over her little crush.
Can you really control Micah? He's a narcissist.
I know a thing or two about that.
take out the stories they put into your mind and brace for the glory as you stare into the sight lay there stare at the ceiling and switch back to your _ I know you're mad.
Ok, really mad.
I'm an investigative reporter.
You work for a tabloid.
Why are you here? My publisher wants the release to coincide with the anniversary of Carroll's death.
It's 5 months away, but I wanted you to know.
How do you know anything I said to you was true? I was drunk.
And that's my fault? You don't want your story told, you need to keep your mouth shut, and that includes the alcohol you pour into it.
You're a drunk, Ryan.
Don't blame me for your lack of judgment.
Go to AA.
Get sober.
Get your life together.
You may have killed Joe Carroll, but he won.
Look at yourself.
He won.
So what now? What's our next move? It's time we told the whole world that Joe Carroll is alive.

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