The Misfit of Demon King Academy (2020) s02e08 Episode Script

The Land of Demons Without a Demon King

Halt child. Where do
you think you're going?
I have to speak to the Demon King.
Please allow me through.
The Demon King has perished.
There can be no audiences.
Leave. The Demon King
cannot rest with your wailing.
Hello. Are you going to the
meadows as well, Anoshu?
- Leno, I have a question for you.
- What is it?
Is it possible to change a spirit's legend
but keep its name
the same after it's born?
I don't know.
A spirit's basis is the legend
when it was born.
For me, my basis is
"the mother of all spirits."
If it spreads that "Leno isn't
the mother of all spirits," I'll end.
So legends that go against
that basis only shorten their lives?
Right. As long as their legend
exists, they rarely ever end,
but they don't reincarnate
like demons and humans do.
They can't become
a completely different spirit.
Avos Dilhevia's legend is
"the Demon King of Tyranny."
I thought changing that might
solve the problem,
but it seems that would prove difficult.
But if a later legend matches with
that spirit, they can be affected by it.
The tear lilies are one of those cases.
A rumor spread that my tears
brought new spirits into existence.
Because it didn't contradict
my legend as "mother of all spirits,"
I gained that power in reality.
I see.
Does this have to do with Leena?
Perhaps. It's only an idea at the moment.
I see. Let me know
when you figure something out.
Time to water the flowers!
Please wait one moment.
I will finish with him first.
What? But you're always playing with Lay.
My watering will only
make them wither away.
Why do you always say that?
Dummy! You dummy! Every single time!
Would you like some advice?
If you say that you'll dispatch me quickly
for her, she'll cheer up immediately.
Leno, I will dispatch him quickly for you,
so please wait one moment.
Okay! I'll wait!
Do it Shin! You can do it!
You surprise me.
The way you say it
makes all the difference.
No. I refer to your growth.
The technique you used, was one
I first used on you yesterday.
You absorb my techniques with each spar.
You are far more skilled
than when we first met.
I thought it was about time
I returned this sword.
Very well. Then I will show you.
He erased his mana?
That was a close one
But how? He blocked it!
The Bladeless Sword's
first secret art, "Instant."
The Bladeless Sword Cadenalaios's blade
does not exist in the present.
It always cuts an instant in the past.
So you cut me where I was in the past?
Is that why you erased your mana?
When you achieve
the pinnacle of emptiness,
you can attain the true power
of the sword, the secret arts.
Did those arts work on the Hero Kanon?
Unfortunately, I only attained them
after I had lost to him.
I thank you for allowing me to
show them to you before I reincarnate.
I may not attain the secret arts again
after my reincarnation.
Are they going to wilt again?
The flowers will all be gone!
Who knows? They might not.
I believe the Tithi are right.
Told you they'd wilt!
- Why
- Huh?
do you not grow angry?
What? I told you to water them.
You were angry with me previously.
Well, that was
I'm sorry about that.
I didn't know anything about you.
But it's different now.
You're doing your best to water them.
I think you're giving them love.
- Misha, has anything changed?
- The same as always.
- Hey, hey!
- We'll tell you!
- We saw it the other day.
- A demon without a head!
Without a head?
- Walking through the forest!
- Scary!
The Flaming Death King
after Shin cut off his head?
- Where did that demon go?
- He left Aharthern.
Perhaps we should see.
What is the Flaming Death King
trying to do?
Who knows?
According to him, all he does is to
see me climb to greater heights.
He could simply become my subordinate
instead of finding an enemy.
A twisted desire.
The Flaming Death King
is worshipping an idol.
He sees his own desire in his mind
in the form of the Demon King.
He's forcing his ideals on you.
In other words, he isn't
particularly obsessed with me.
Someone as strong as you?
They don't exist.
In the end, I must meet his expectations.
In the Delsgade of this age, there was
someone who knew much of the world.
They would be able to locate
the Flaming Death King.
The Goddess of Creation Militia.
The law of creation
which gave birth to this world.
The goddess who created the wall with me.
One of my few allies in this age,
2,000 years ago.
There are good gods too?
I may violate the gods' laws, but
a select few gods are compatible with me.
Above all else, she loved this world.
Please don't!
I thought so.
He is Igares, seventh in line
to the throne of Azecion.
A human child?
He was a prisoner, but I released him.
I thought he had returned to Gairadite.
The Demon King specifically released him.
What do you intend to do?
My liege has gone to rest.
He would let him go.
Let go of me!
I just want to go home to Azecion!
My name is Debidra.
My son was killed by the Hero Zelga.
You will pay for his sins!
Save me
Save you?
How did the human king bury demons
who begged for the same?
He set demon children ablaze and killed
hundreds of demons who came to their aid!
Save me
You humans killed them!
And you, a human,
now shamelessly beg for your life?
If we save him now, when we
return to 2,000 years in the future,
the past will be restored
to the way it was before.
This is essentially
a dream within a dream.
You will suffer the same fate as my son.
Spare me Please, spare me
Demon King!
Saving him will be of no consequence,
but if we do not save him in this dream,
it would not be my dream.
Where did he come from?
Stay where you are. It will be over soon.
Boy, if you are a demon,
why would you save a human?
He is blood-related to the Hero Zelga
who mercilessly killed our comrades.
Debidra, if he personally killed your
son, then I will allow you revenge.
However, Igares has not only never
killed one of our comrades,
he has never laid so much
as a finger on them.
Did the Demon King Anos permit
you to kill the innocent?
If you strike an innocent child
for your hatred for Azecion,
then you are no different from
the very humans that you hate.
You dare?!
He's still standing?
Why did you not use antimagic?
I understand your hatred well.
The fire of
your loathing burns you far more
than the tiny embers which burned me.
If you want to hate, then hate,
so long as you hate the right people.
But it will never end.
If you kill out of hatred,
your descendants
will once again be killed.
Hatred is transferred eternally
from parent to child to grandchild.
It will burn Dilhade black with ash.
I cannot be like the Demon King.
I do not mind falling into the earth.
That is how much I hate humans!
Those eyes You were still alive?
Who do you mean?
I am Anoshu Polticoal.
Just a simple traveling performer.
The Demon King loved traveling performers.
Oh, my great liege
Your orders
We could not We could not uphold them!
We cannot!
We can never forget this hatred!
The humans that killed our comrades
live beyond the walls
without remorse, in peace, in smiles!
How can we allow them to do so?
So long as it is a change so small
that it makes no difference.
Raise your heads.
The words of the Demon King of Tyranny.
We meet again in 2,000 years.
A wonderful world awaits you then.
I thought you would save him.
- I'm sure it won't be for nothing.
- Yes, that's true.
It truly may not be for nothing.
Venz D'Noa is activated?
No one exists who can use
the Law Destroyer in this age.
I already reincarnated,
and Avos Dilhevia hasn't yet been born.
I don't know how they did,
but someone in this age predicted
that I would come back
from 2,000 years in the future.
This may allow us to save him.
Normally, the moment I tried to draw it,
the laws of time would act,
and Revalon would end.
However, if the Law Destroyer has already
appeared in this past, then that changes.
With Venz D'Noa in my hands,
the past can be changed.
Demon King Demon King!
Demon King!
As the third squad retreated to Azecion,
we were attacked by monsters.
The entire squad was lost
as they bought time for my escape.
I came here alone
Well done on arriving here.
Were these monsters demons?
No, I had never seen anything
of this race.
- They looked like this.
- Dragons?
An uncommon race that rarely appears.
I thought they had gone extinct long ago.
I came back from
2,000 years in the future.
You cannot believe me?
No, I will believe you!
You have not yet been fully saved.
In order to save you, you must be killed
once, and reincarnated again in this time.
When you are reborn by the Law Destroyer,
the gods of time
will be unable to recognize you.
Have you no fears?
Is there anything that I can do for you?
I was taught that doing good for those
who help you, is conduct befitting a hero.
Then after you have reincarnated,
I want you to spread a certain rumor.
A rumor that will last 2,000 years,
of the Demon King
of Tyranny Avos Dilhevia.
I will carve it into your memory
so you do not forget.
Once you are a singularity, the rumor
you spread will continue into the present.
Igares, small but proud hero.
Save the other Demon King
who shoulders a wretched fate.
I, Igares, will surely meet
your expectations Demon King.
We will meet again.
The Law Destroyer
It seems Delsgade has no mana remaining.
"To my Demon King.
Until we meet again in 2,000 years.
Next time, the three of us.
Maybe, certainly, definitely.
I will fall in love again."
A rare occurrence in the Mythical Age.
No one fell in love then?
Even if one had feelings, it was
not peaceful enough to state them.
It must have been so,
for the one who wrote this as well.
- Is something wrong?
- There's a spell cast on it.
I see.
It seems we must wait until nightfall.
You're always playing with Lay!
It seems she still has Shin on a string.
Can Shin gain love?
If he truly wishes for it from
the bottom of his heart, he can.
His source is a magical sword's.
Can he still gain it?
Did you think being a magical sword
would prevent him from loving another?
If someone who wishes for it from
the bottom of his heart can't have it,
then this world deserves to be destroyed.
That is what the Goddess
of Creation Militia said.
What kind of god was she?
A kind and courageous god.
Most gods do not care for
the demons or humans in this world.
That is why so many absurdities
occur and tragedies are so common.
However, the basis of
this world is her law of love.
If you wish from the bottom of
your heart, it will respond in kind.
Do you believe that?
Militia lamented having created
such a sorrowful world.
That is why we made a promise.
What kind of promise?
If the gods bring about
unstoppable tragedies and absurdities,
I will destroy them.
I wanted to show Militia that
the world she created
would never lose to tragedy.
- Anos
- What?
- Is there peace in the world now?
- More than there was before.
But it seems there still isn't enough.
"To Demon King Anos.
The Flaming Death King is in
the mausoleum for fallen soldiers.
May there be peace in the future
that the Demon King fought for so much
that he was called a tyrant.
I am always watching right beside you.
Forever, until the final moment."
That's strange.
They couldn't write this unless
they knew you were going to be here.
It must be Militia. She watches the world.
- The Law Destroyer too?
- That may be possible.
However, I thought
she was unable to control it.
- The Goddess of Creation isn't here?
- No.
Feeling sad?
Meeting an old friend
would have been welcome,
but she left more than
enough gifts in her stead.
There is somewhere I'd like to go.
- Graves?
- Yes.
Do you see Misha?
All of these are
lives that I could not save.
They all fought until they died,
for the dream of peace that I showed them.
The more loyal the subordinate,
the sooner we parted.
I had to grow stronger
in order to realize their dream.
Even if it meant being called a tyrant
and performing horrific acts.
And so I descended upon this land
as the Demon King.
But no matter how much power I gained,
the lives of the fallen
would never return.
I have good news for you.
Peace has been attained.
Be proud. We won.
I only wish we could see
that peaceful town together.
White flowers.
Smile for them.
They wanted to know how
their liege would smile in a peaceful age.
Why do you think that?
I feel like their dreams are still here.
Their hearts are even now
together with you.
Only with all of your sacrifices
was I able to go to a peaceful age.
Thank you.
I will not let them go to waste.
"A Prayer for 2,000 Years in the Future"
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