The New Scooby-Doo Movies (1972) s02e08 Episode Script

The Haunted Carnival

The famous Dick Van Dyke
joins us today.
Hey, kids, look.
There's a carnival up ahead.
-l love carnivals.
Studies show that artificial stimuli
provided by carnivals. . .
. . .relieve tensions
of everyday exigencies.
She means it'll help us forget about
the haunted houses we've been to.
Well, studies show l'm for that.
Let's go.
We'll spend the day having fun
at the carnival, right?
-Not me.
-Why not?
-You'll enjoy the rides.
Like, carnivals have rides for every man,
woman and child.
But not dogs.
You're right, not for dogs.
Roller coaster:
Dodgem cars:
You don't have to
go on the rides, Scooby.
-You can just eat the food.
Like, candy apples and frozen custard.
And hot dogs.
And saltwater taffy.
And pepperoni pizza and soda pop.
Hey, Scoob, take it easy.
Slow down.
l can smell food. We're there.
Wow, Scooby sure stopped on a dime.
l hope so. With his appetite,
we'll need every dime we can get.
That's strange.
The carnival seems deserted.
No one's on the rides.
No one's buying tickets.
And no one's in the parking lot.
The place is empty.
So is this.
Your tummy, right, Scoob?
Come on.
Maybe it's not open for business yet.
Guess not.
The shade's drawn on the ticket booth.
-What's that?
-Sounds like some wild animal in there.
Wild animal?
l've had enough fun at the carnival.
lt's the ticket seller.
Jinkies. He's asleep.
lt couldn't be a very exciting carnival.
You're right. Let's go.
Hurry, hurry! Get your tickets
to the greatest carnival of them all.
-Don't push. Keep those crowds back.
-What crowds?
Stay in line. Don't trample each other.
One at a time, please.
l only have two hands.
Hey, kids, do you know
who's in the booth?
Yeah, a nearsighted ticket seller.
lt's the famous Dick Van Dyke!
-Sure is.
That couldn't be Dick Van Dyke. What's
a star like him doing in a ticket booth?
Selling tickets. l own this carnival.
Dick Van Dyke's Barrel of Fun.
The barrel looks pretty empty to me.
Gosh, imagine owning your own carnival.
-Wow, l'd love to own one.
-You would? You wanna buy?
We're lucky if we have
the price of admission.
Yeah. Let's see how much we have.
Forget it, kids.
The tickets are on me.
These are for the rides.
These are for the attractions.
-And these are for the food.
-That's mine!
Just give your tickets
to the man at the gate.
What man at the gate?
-l don't see anyone there.
-You will.
Hurry, hurry. Have your tickets ready
for the greatest wonders on earth.
See the ape-man who looks like an ape,
the bird who looks like a fish.
That ticket taker
looks like Dick Van Dyke.
See the ticket taker
who looks like Dick Van Dyke.
Hurry, hurry, hurry!
l'd better hurry myself.
That's strange.
There's no one inside, either.
-Except us.
-And l wish we were outside.
lt sure is a creepy carnival.
Step right up, folks. Step right up.
See the strongest man in the world. . .
. . .the magnificent
Masked Marvel of Muscles.
That man looks like Dick Van Dyke too.
l guess his relatives are working here
as employees.
They're sure not here as customers.
Step right up. Just one ticket to see
the strongest man in the world.
-Would you like to see the strongman?
-l'd like to see something.
Stop pushing. You'll all get to see
the Masked Marvel.
Stay in line. Stop shoving.
Hey, mister, there's no one here but us.
Sorry. Can't hear you over the noise
of the crowd.
Mr. Van Dyke sure has
some weird relatives.
He has an even weirder carnival.
Not only are there no customers,
there's no show.
The strongman will appear momentarily.
He is flexing his powerful muscles.
He is preparing his superhuman body.
He is trying to get his zipper up.
the Masked Marvel of Muscles!
lt's Mr. Van Dyke!
Are you all right, Mr. Van Dyke?
That was an awful flop.
So is my carnival.
Well, there's no use
pretending anymore, kids.
My carnival's a bigger bust
than those balloons.
You mean it's this deserted all the time?
Yep. Customers won't come.
Everyone who worked here quit.
-That's why l'm running the thing myself.
-l don't understand.
Why is your carnival so unpopular?
-People say my carnival is spooked.
Business is bad enough as it is.
lf this place is haunted,
why are you staying here?
As the Van Dykes say,
''The show must go on. ''
As the Van Shaggys say,
''The customer must get going. ''
-Hurry, hurry, hurry!
-Wait, Shaggy.
lf this carnival really is haunted,
we should stay and help Mr. Van Dyke.
Freddy's right.
lt's up to us to un-haunt it.
Sure is.
Thanks, kids. You're real carnival people.
We're carnival people too.
Step right up, folks,
and see the amazing Shaggy. . .
. . .part man, part chicken.
And Scooby-Doo, all chicken.
l'll buy a ticket.
Sorry, sold out.
Your act sure got a big hand.
You can bet l won't do an encore.
The hand wants something.
l hope it isn't me.
Rather you than me.
Rather you than me?
Oh, fine man's best friend
you are, Scoob.
Hey, look, kids.
The hand wants us to follow it.
Maybe we'll learn why the carnival
is haunted. Let's go.
-Wait, girls.
l know it's ladies first,
but not this time.
That hand could be leading us
into trouble.
A man should lead the way.
That's very gallant of you, Dick.
Think nothing of it.
-Lead the way, Freddy.
-Are you coming, Shaggy?
-Me, follow some spooky hand?
The only hand l'm gonna follow is mine,
and it wants me to stay right here.
Me too.
Look, the mysterious hand.
lt's at your baseball-throwing
Oh, great! l finally got a customer.
That'll be a nickel a throw.
Hey, cut it out!
That's enough throwing.
Hey, you're getting wild.
Send in a relief pitcher.
-Where'd the arm go?
-l don't know. lt disappeared.
We'd better find it.
You're not kidding.
That arm owes me $27.
Boy, can you imagine anybody going
after a ghost hand, like, on purpose?
Not me.
Me neither. A whole ghost
is bad enough, but just a hand?
-Knock it off.
-Okay, okay. l'll stop.
Besides, l'm beginning
to scare myself too.
Look, Scoob. Look!
What? Where? Who? Ghost?
No, no. A hot dog and hamburger stand.
Hey, wait for me!
lnnkeeper, service, service. How about
some service, please? We're starving.
Hamburgers. Buns.
Hot dog. Buns.
Relax, Scoob,
there's nobody here to serve us.
-There isn't?
Hamburgers, hot dogs, french fries!
l'll have a double order
of everything. . .
. . .with a triple order
of everything on everything.
-Me too?
-Yeah, Scoob. Be my guest.
l'll do the cooking.
Two hamburgers,
double order of onion rings. . .
. . .double order of french fries,
couple of buns. . .
. . .and for dessert. . . .
Hot dogs.
Good thinking, Scoob.
-Now, what else do we need?
-Right on. And mustard.
-And ketchup.
-Where do you suppose they keep that?
-Beats me.
Oh, boy, Scoob.
l thought we were friends.
Oh, we are. We are.
l mean, pals. l mean, real pals.
Like, one for all, and all for one.
Yeah, we are. We are.
-Then why did you do it, Scoob?
-What'd l do? What'd l do?
You know what you did.
Will you look at the grill?
The food, it's gone. Vanished,
vamoosed, kaput, disappeared.
Where'd it go? Where'd it go?
Oh, boy, what an actor.
-Come on, Scooby, admit it.
-Admit what?
-That you swiped our food.
-Not me.
Well, if you didn't do it, who did?
Like, wow. You really think l'd eat
all those hamburgers and hot dogs. . .
. . .and french fries. . .
. . .and onions and. . . .
You really think l'd eat all
that stuff behind your back?
Yeah, yeah, yeah.
Well, maybe l would,
but you know l didn't.
-Well, l didn't.
-You didn't?
Well, then who else is here?
-Like, l wish l hadn't said that.
-Me too.
Listen, Scoob, what are you most,
hungry or scared?
-Yeah, me too.
Let's try it one more time. And this time,
we'll keep our eyes open. Okay?
Now, you watch that way,
and l'll watch this way.
-See anything?
-Don't do that, Scoob!
-Okay, okay.
And keep watching your side.
-We better check those hamburgers.
Now the whole grill is gone.
Let's get out of this place!
Hold it, Scoob.
Hold it. We're safe now.
-You sure?
-Of course l'm sure.
There's nobody following us,
nobody at all. Nothing.
-How do you know?
-Well, look for yourself.
l'm scared.
-Then we better go find the others.
What do you mean why?
Wouldn't you feel safer with them?
Not if they find a ghost.
-Sometimes l think you're a genius.
-Yeah, me too.
-We'll let them find us, right?
Hey, look.
The fun house.
Oh, boy, l just love fun houses.
-Yeah, me too.
-Let's see if it's open.
-lt's open.
-Yeah. And there's nobody here. . .
. . .so we don't have to pay, Scooby.
-You go in first, Scoob.
Help! Help!
Hang on, Scoob. l'll get a ladder.
Never mind.
You should have waited.
Hey, Scoob, funny mirrors.
You look funny.
You know, you're no Rin Tin Tin either.
Oh, yeah?
How's that?
You call that a muscle?
That's nothing. Watch this.
Now, that's a muscle.
Too bad the other guys aren't here
to enjoy the fun.
-Yeah, too bad.
-At least there's no ghost around, right?
Right. No ghosts around here.
-Hey, what's the matter?
ln the mirror.
lt's your imagination, Scoob.
There's nobody in that mirror but us.
-There was! There was!
-Well, there's nobody there now.
-Take a look.
And when we finish blocking
the entrance, we'll bolt the back door.
l'd like to see anyone get through that.
Now, the back door.
There's no bolt.
We need something to prop against it,
something real heavy, Scoob, like. . . .
-A dumbbell?
Forget it. No one's putting me in there.
Not you, there.
-That dumbbell.
Stand back, Scoob.
l'll lift it up and prop it against the door.
ln a second, you'll be laughing
out of the other side of your face.
See? What'd l tell you?
That's more like it. Now, give me a hand
with this thing, will you?
Try harder, Scoob.
Will you quit complaining and lift?
Good work, Scooby.
Scooby, that's high enough.
lf there's one thing worse than a ghost,
it's a ghost with muscles.
lt looks like we lost him.
Or he lost us.
So where do we look now?
This place is enormous.
lt sure is.
How did you ever manage
to run this place by yourself?
Well, it wasn't easy. Here, l'll show you.
You see, when the juggler left,
l had to learn to juggle, like so.
Fantastic. How do you do it?
Well, it's not so difficult, really.
There's a trick to it.
And the trick is not to take your eyes
off the ice cream.
-What else can you do?
-Well, l did a little bit of magic.
-Can you show us some?
-You'd really like to see some?
Okay, follow me.
Presenting Mystifo the Mystifying.
For my first trick. . . .
For my first trick. . . .
For my first trick, l'll try to get
these curtains open.
Come on!
Something's got it!
Thank you. Thank you.
Hey, get back here.
lt's not time yet.
Mystifo is a little rusty, but l still have
quite a few tricks up my sleeve.
Well, so much for the old pigeon trick.
Ah, a lovely young lady,
and lovely young ladies deserve flowers.
-How about that?
l mean, of course.
Why, thank you.
-They're gone!
-Where did they go?
l don't know.
They were up there a minute ago.
This trick is the one
that went over the best.
Before your very eyes, Mystifo will
first produce a magical cabinet.
Looks like the magical cabinet's stuck.
l haven't done this trick in a while.
One magic cabinet coming right up!
lf l could have a volunteer
from the audience. . . .
-To help with the trick?
-No, to help get me down. l'm stuck!
As you can see, the cabinet is empty.
But if one of you ladies would assist me
by stepping inside. . . .
Oh, l'd love to probe the scientific
intricacies of this feat of legerdemain.
-What did she say?
-She said she volunteers.
-ls that what she said?
-What do l do?
You just stand there while l perform
the famous disappearing-woman illusion.
Oh, this is so exciting.
Presto, change, disappear-o!
Find the door that's in the rear-o.
-She's gone!
Wow, l did it!
Vanished into thin air!
-Velma, of course.
She disappeared. Velma!
-How'd you do it, Dick?
-Oh, it's a trade secret. Right, Dick?
How'd l do it?
What do you suppose
Shag and Scoob are up to?
Oh, don't worry about them.
They're probably just
running around the park.
Faster, Scoob!
Who goes there? Friend or foe?
lt's me, Scooby.
Oh, it's you. Keep low, Scoob.
This caterpillar ride
makes a good hiding place.
lt's moving!
Well, we might as well enjoy the ride.
That's what we came to the carnival for.
Take it easy, Scoob.
lt's only a little caterpillar ride.
Well, l'm scared.
Well, if you're so scared, hold my hand.
Man, your paw is sure cold and clammy.
A ghost!
And nice to have met you,
but l gotta leave now.
-Let me out of here!
-Somebody, help!
-Hey, my caterpillar's moving. . .
. . .and someone's inside it.
Freddy, Velma, Daphne!
Get me out of here!
Yeah, me too!
Sounds like Shag and Scooby.
Hi, there! Having fun?
-Why not?
There's a ghost in here!
-A ghost?
-Does he have a ticket?
Just a minute, l'll ask him.
-He says no.
-Hey, no one rides free except children!
ls this ghost over 6 years old?
l'll ask him.
He says he's over 600 years old.
Oh, that's different.
That makes him a senior citizen.
lt sure does.
Senior citizens only pay half fare.
Does he have the senior citizen ticket?
-Tell the ghost he'll have to get off.
You tell him!
Sorry the ghost spoiled your fun.
l'll give you a ride free.
Which ride would you like?
-A ride home!
-Yeah, home!
l know they don't like my carnival,
but l wish they wouldn't hiss at me.
-Who's hissing?
-Not me.
Hey, we're flying.
-Who, us?
-Yeah, us.
-They're floating away.
-What will we do?
Don't worry. l'll think of something.
l've got it! lf you float over the city,
advertise my carnival!
-ls that all you can think of?
Tell people to watch me on television.
-We'd better think of something else.
-Good thinking.
And l think we'd better think of
what we're gonna think of fast. Look!
He's going to reflect the sun
at the balloons and pop them.
What's that?
-What's what?
He's holding up a mirror.
Knock it off. He's not holding it
so you can admire yourself.
He's popping the balloons!
lf he makes this one pop, we drop!
Gonna pop!
Did it pop? l'm afraid to look, Scoob.
Save your breath, Scoob.
You'll need it for screaming.
You're right. Help!
They're falling!
-What are we gonna do?
-Leave it to me.
l got you! l got you!
What are you doing?
l was on my high school baseball team.
You can't catch them
with a catcher's mitt.
You're right. l played shortstop.
Oh, poor Shaggy and Scooby.
All they wanted to do
was enjoy a carnival.
They just wanted to have a good time,
go on rides, eat ice cream.
lce cream! That's what we need.
How can he eat ice cream
at a time like this?
Shag! Scooby!
Try to fall in the ice cream!
l get it! The ice cream
is for them to land in.
Try to land in the tutti-frutti!
lt's delicious!
-Are you sure they won't get hurt?
-No, it's soft ice cream.
As long as it's not rocky road.
Keep cool, guys! l'll catch you!
l hope they don't miss that cart.
Don't worry. lf there's any ice cream
around, Shag and Scoob will land in it.
Mr. Van Dyke's right.
The tutti-frutti is delicious.
Mr. Van Dyke?
Shaggy, Scooby, are you all right?
Say something.
We'll let you know as soon as we
finish eating. l got a double scoop.
l got a triple scoop.
l got this!
Wow, what do you call that?
A Scooby scoop!
Thanks, Mr. Van Dyke.
lf you hadn't thought of
this ice cream wagon, we'd be finished.
Now just the ice cream's finished.
Come on, Scoob, get out of there.
l don't understand. lf Scooby fell in,
how come he can't come out?
l think he gained weight in there.
Now l'm sure of it.
Like, you better take off some of
that weight or l'll put you on a diet.
No more Scooby Snacks.
No more Scooby Snacks?
Oh, no!
Better catch that ghost before
he causes more trouble.
Yeah, there's no telling
what he might do next time.
-And it could be worse.
-You're right.
lf Scooby falls into a cart full of pizzas,
we'll never get him out.
l wonder where we should look
for the ghost first.
Jinkies, this carnival's a big place.
And spooky.
Yeah, and that ghost
could be hiding anywhere.
Can't we discuss something else?
All this talk about ghosts
is giving me the cold shivers.
-lf you ask me, it's the ice cream.
-lce cream makes me shiver like this.
Ghosts make me shiver like this.
That's enough.
Your shivers give me the shivers.
We're losing time.
We'd better get after that ghost.
Right. We'll split up.
Freddy, you and the girls
start searching one end.
Shag, Scooby and l will start searching
the other end of the midway.
-Where will we meet?
-Midway on the midway.
Okay. Let's go.
Come on.
Why don't we quit fooling around?
l've had enough ghost hunting
for one day.
-Two days.
-A week.
-A month.
-A year.
-A lifetime.
-And even longer than that.
There's nothing to worry about.
This time, we'll be together.
lf we run into the ghost,
it'll be three against one.
-Can you ask for better odds than that?
-Yeah, one against one.
-You and the ghost.
l don't even think there is a ghost.
l think it's someone trying to scare us.
Well, he's sure doing
a fantastic job of it.
Ghost or no ghost, he's in for trouble
when he runs up against me.
l'll show you how strong l am.
Watch me hit the bell.
Just warming up.
l'll hit the bell in a minute.
l told you l could hit that bell. You know
anyone who can do it better than that?
l have a hunch he can.
Wow! That bell sure went far.
Not as far as l'm going.
Hey, come back! We found the ghost!
So you win a cigar.
Where do you think you're going?
To get your cigar. Excuse me.
Shag? Scooby?
Where are you?
Behind here.
-You picked a good spot.
-We've had lots of practice.
-We're experts.
-Hey, wait a minute.
-What am l doing?
That's just it. What am l doing,
running away and hiding?
-l'm a Van Dyke.
-We know who you are.
-Sit before the ghost knows who you are.
-And where.
l bear the honorable name of Van Dyke,
and a Van Dyke never hides from danger.
-What are you thinking of doing?
-Changing my name.
Good thinking, Mr. Van Dyke.
Or is it Mr. Van Smith?
-No, no. lt won't work.
-Then how about Mr. Van Jones?
No. l mean we must go back
and capture that ghost.
-Mr. Van Brown? Van Green?
-Van anything?
Forget it. Changing my name
won't change my heritage.
l can't turn into a coward.
l don't know the meaning of the word.
-Sit down, l'll tell you.
-Stay close behind me, girls.
-Right, Fred.
A picture-taking booth!
Wait a second, gang.
l want to have my picture taken.
Come on, Daphne, we have to catch
the ghost for Mr. Van Dyke.
Mr. Van Dyke might want
a picture to remember this day.
Oh, l'm sure he'll remember this day
without a picture of you.
Well, it'll only take a moment.
What am l saying? l'm one of them!
Hey, what's holding you two up?
Daphne wants her picture taken.
What? Oh, no.
Sometimes l think Daphne is daffy.
This is a ghost hunt,
not a beauty contest.
Come on, Daph, get out of there.
We have work to do. Daphne!
You know Daphne.
When it comes to posing for pictures. . .
-. . .who knows when she'll come out.
-l know, but she's coming out now.
Do you see what l see? A ghost!
And do you see what l don't see?
Do you think the camera captured me?
No, but l'm gonna capture you.
You've got him, Fred. That's it!
Don't let him get away!
-Did you get him?
But l go some neat pictures of me trying.
-Where did the ghost go to?
-Never mind him.
Where did Daphne go?
Gosh, you're right. l forgot about her.
What am l doing?
A grown man hiding from a ghost.
Grown men don't hide. Come on, Shag.
l'm not fully grown yet.
-And l'm still a puppy.
-Yeah, Scoob's only a puppy.
See? lf you wanna wait
a few more years until we're grown. . .
-. . .we'll be glad to join you.
-l'll do it single-handedly.
l'm not afraid. l scoff at danger.
l'm not afraid to face a ghost alone.
We don't want you to go alone.
-Good, neither do l. We'll look together.
-Where will we look?
The gypsy will tell us.
The gypsy machine predicts the future.
Whoever heard of a machine
telling the future?
Well, this one can. The gypsy knows all.
-l'll put in a nickel.
-That is a penny.
-She knows more than l thought.
-You are going to take a boat trip.
You're right. These machines are silly.
We're not going on a boat trip.
Oh, yes, you are.
You were wrong.
The gypsy does know all.
l hope she knows
how to get out of here.
And it's coming
from under the boardwalk.
-Let's investigate.
Oh, no!
Hi! l was just going to look for you.
Daphne, how did you wind up here?
l don't know. A trap door opened
in that photo booth. . .
. . .and l landed in one
of these Dodgem cars.
These things are out of sight!
Look, no hands!
Yeah? Well, look behind you, no body.
Hey, stop! Cut it out!
l've heard of things that go bump
in the night. . .
. . .but do you have to go bump so hard?
Get his license number.
Where are you, Daphne?
Are you okay?
Just wait till l get my hands
on that hit-and-run driver.
You mean hit-and-float driver.
lt's floating away.
This is the weirdest
amusement park l've ever seen.
There goes the ghost driver.
Let's follow him.
Quick, it's getting away.
Go through the turnstile.
l can't. lt won't move.
lt's stuck.
-Where are we?
-We're somewhere in the tunnel of love.
lt's a tunnel, all right,
but l sure don't love it.
-What's that?
-l don't know.
But l do know this place sure is spooky.
lt's supposed to be romantic.
Couples come in together, hold hands,
and come out engaged.
No kidding.
Will you let go of my hand, Scooby?
We're just good friends.
Hey, what do you think you're doing?
Looking for the light switches.
They're somewhere in the ceiling.
You're rocking the boat!
You'll capsize it!
Relax. l'm an old hand at boats.
l know exactly what l'm doing.
And what l'm doing is losing my balance.
And swimming.
-l wonder where this tunnel leads to.
-Let's keep going and find out.
There should be a switch along here.
What's this? lt feels like a trap door.
A hand.
l got him!
lt's Mr. Van Dyke, and he's fainted.
Mr. Van Dyke, wake up.
Hurry, hurry, hurry
to the greatest carnival on earth.
-Where am l?
-You're in the greatest carnival on earth.
-You wanna buy it?
-You asked us that before.
Yeah, l know, but it's a lot cheaper now.
-Where are we?
-We're in the greatest carnival on earth.
-Besides that.
-l don't know.
l think we're in some sort of
secret passageway.
They didn't tell me about
a secret passageway when l bought this.
Come to think of it,
they didn't tell me a lot of things.
Like those noises.
l'd like to know
where they're coming from.
-l wouldn't.
-Me neither.
-Let's see who's making those noises.
-Or what.
-Did you have to say that?
-l'm sorry.
Hey, Shag, Scooby. The sounds
are coming from this direction.
That's why we're going
in this direction.
l think this direction
is now that direction.
We're under the carousel.
This is the motor room that operates it.
And the grunts are coming from inside.
Look at those costumes.
They're glowing.
The ghosts are nothing
but luminous cloth.
Worked by wires and springs.
lt's all a fake.
Those grunts sound real enough.
Something's behind those motors.
lt's the strongman.
He said he left my carnival.
Well, obviously, he didn't.
He's your ghost.
Only his arm is big enough
to fit inside this phony ghost arm.
l think you're right.
l can't even hold it up.
He sure has strong arms.
But why should he pretend
to be a ghost?
l also have strong ears.
l heard you, Van Dyke.
lt was all a part of my plan to make
you think your carnival was haunted.
-But why?
-So you'd sell it to me cheap.
And then, instead of
just another strongman. . .
. . .l'd be the owner of the carnival.
But you kids started snooping around
and ruined it for me.
Well, you'll pay for that.
Did you see what he did
to that dumbbell?
Well, l'm not gonna stay around here
and let him do that to me.
l'm no dumbbell.
Let's go, Scoob!
They will not get far.
Help! We're on a runaway horse
on a runaway carousel!
Now to stop the carousel and grab them.
Hey, get out of my tutti-frutti!
And my Scooby scoop.
-What happened?
-Well, that puts him on ice.
lce cream, that is.
-Good work, Shaggy.
-You too, Scooby.
You saved Mr. Van Dyke's carnival.
You all helped save it.
And as a reward,
l'm making you part owners.
-You're gonna help me run it.
-No kidding.
-You mean it?
-Of course.
Wow. Just think, our very own carnival.
Well, we're ready to open for the day.
You all know your assignments?
-l'm in charge of food concessions.
-That figures.
-l'm in charge of the rides.
-l'm in charge of the tunnel of love.
Maybe somebody will take me
for a ride on it.
And l sell tickets.
l guess that takes care of everything.
Wait a minute. l forgot about the barker.
-We need a barker.
-That's me.
You, Scooby?
What do you know about barking?
Plenty. Listen.
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