The Serpent Queen (2022) s02e08 Episode Script

All Saints Day

Previously on
The Serpent Queen
You're not leaving us, are you?
Things have changed,
what with one of your sons
being medically unfit
and the other one
in possession of sexual needs
I couldn't possibly meet.
- How long does he have to live?
- Difficult to say.
Aren't you tired
of being at her beck and call?
- It's my position.
- It doesn't have to be.
A marriage between yourself
and the Princess Margot will
create a purely Catholic line.
Catholic League would like
the Duke of Guise to be king.
Why not take the side of love?
Will you allow it?
I've agreed to go
with Montmorency
to meet Edith
and broker a peace.
How did Montmorency persuade
Sister Edith to meet with you?
He was baptized into her faith,
as I plan to be.
And what do you have
to offer in exchange
for this peace you seek?
My daughter Margot.
As soon as the marriage
is consummated,
I will sign
the regency over to you.
What is it?
I will never survive
such cruelty.
Tell me, and I will help you.
I am being forced to marry
our cousin Henri.
Mother arranged it
with Sister Edith.
- No, no.
No, you will not,
because I will not allow it.
And I am king.
Thank you.
My darling Margot, you will
always have me to protect you.
My lord.
You must be disappointed.
Margot is engaged
to her idiot cousin,
so I will never be king.
Worst of all, there's
nothing you can do about it.
What about your brother?
Have you no pity left for him?
You heard what those fanatics
intend to do to him.
Don't you see it's over?
You lost.
Best thing you can do
is retire from Court.
I'll send my brother away,
somewhere they won't find him,
so he can get whatever
this is out of his system
and I can go back
to doing my job.
If this marriage goes through,
the Bourbon line
will succeed the Valois.
And they will send us all
into exile,
where there will be nowhere
for your brother to hide
from the League's vengeance.
If they kill him,
they'll have to kill me, too.
And what use would that be?
Both my sons dead,
when the solution is so simple.
The solution?
Make the marriage impossible
by taking Margot's virginity.
I will spread word that Margot
has been sullied by you,
but since I presume
this is not the case,
you must write her,
asking permission
to visit her chamber.
She will say yes because
the poor girl is in heat.
- You're serious?
- I could not be more serious.
Take her virtue,
and they will have no choice
but to marry her to you.
As a fallen woman,
yes, she'll be shunned,
social pariah.
At least she will have
more time for her books
unless, of course,
you think her honor
is more important than
your brother's life.
But I don't think you can live
with that, do you?
We'll burn in hell for this.
Oh, my dear Francois,
this is hell.
Haven't you noticed?
I have given the matter some
thought and made my decision.
- Leave us.
Margot will not be marrying
our cousin.
He's not right in the head.
I know how fond
you are of your sister,
how you do not relish
the thought
of losing her to another,
but it is
what is best for the country.
What an odd thing to say.
I am her brother
and always will be.
I can never lose my sister.
The fact of the matter is,
my baptism at the hands
of Sister Edith
will ensure the loyalty
of all those
who have protested the crown
and unite the French people.
Therefore, this marriage
is unnecessary.
So I am going to say to you
what almost no one ever does
you cannot have what you want.
Please convey the bad news
to Sister Edith's camp.
Listen to me.
The royal wedding
is the only way
to prevent civil war.
What does that mean?
My conversion will bring peace.
Well, it would
if things were different.
And I wanted you to live
free of the burden
for as long as possible.
What burden?
I had no choice
but to offer Margot's wedding
to Sister Edith.
Nothing else
would appease her
because she knows
you are dying.
And you know it, too.
Don't you?
How long do I have?
- It depends.
- Months, weeks?
How much strain
you put yourself under.
if that's the case
why should I care?
If my baptism is not enough,
they can have their war,
and France can burn.
- You don't mean that.
- Actually, I do.
If I am a dying king,
I am entitled to be
a resolute one.
I will not allow you
to ruin Margot's life
the way you have ruined mine,
because I know
that's what you really want
for whatever fucked-up reason
I cannot yet ascertain.
Find something else
to amuse yourself.
A letter from the Duke of Guise
addressed to Margot.
What would you like me to do?
Deliver it.
Are you sure?
As you wish.
- Who am I
to stand in the way of love?
You should eat.
I told you I'm not hungry.
- Run me a bath.
Thank you for meeting me.
Yes, your letter
said you had news
- that would distress us both.
- Yes.
I come to you today not
as a queen but as a mother.
Of course.
Now, please tell me
what troubles you
and how I can be of help.
Well, I
I find it difficult to say.
Somehow I feel
you will persevere.
Though we hope to be related,
to become sisters in a way,
I fear this union
between our children
may not come to pass.
Why ever not?
It has come to my attention
through reliable sources
that your daughter is
I'mI'm loath to even say it
Sullied by another man,
specifically the Duke of Guise.
I can see you're as shocked
as I am by the news.
Please know this is
a terrible blow for us both.
You must tell me where
you heard such an accusation.
Antoinette of Guise
informed me
as an act
of charity, I'm sure,
as I can imagine
under usual circumstances,
she would like nothing more
than to see us both humiliated.
But she put that to one side
and we spoke one mother
to another
as I come to you today.
It is a most sacred sisterhood.
And I can only pray
that the accusations she makes
are untrue.
We do what we can
for our children,
- and still they disappoint us.
- Yes.
Of course, my son has never
shamed me in the slightest,
but I imagine it must be
a very painful experience.
Thank you for your sympathy.
And rest assured, I intend
to get to the bottom of this,
a full inquiry,
followed by a thorough
medical examination
to determine any stain
on Margot's womanhood.
And if there is any truth
to this, rest assured,
I will be the first
to call off the ceremony
and pack my daughter
off to a nunnery.
Oh, I think it would be
for the best.
But even
if a medical examination
were to clear
your daughter's name,
anyI mean, how should I say
would make it impossible
for me to condone such a union.
It is essential
that any marriage
must be entered by a woman
with total ignorance
of the opposite sex.
It is the only way
to get through
the unpleasantness
that follows.
Of course.
And though there are some
that might argue
that a little experience
makes for a better wife,
I am not one of them.
In the meantime, I hope you
don't think me frivolous,
but at times like this, I like
to take my mind off things
by visiting the shops
in Paris incognito
for a little bit
of retail therapy.
- Really?
Perhaps the austerity of your
faith makes you judge me.
I-I mean, yes, of course.
It's just you won't believe it,
but Queen Elizabeth
likes to do the same thing.
Does she really?
- I had no idea.
- Hmm.
Might you be tempted
to join me?
Oh, I must confess
it might prove a welcome break
from camping.
Well, that's settled, then.
You can spend
the night in town,
and I will join you tomorrow
after I've gotten to the bottom
of this totally unpleasant
I look forward to it.
Not as much as I do.
You all right?
All things considered.
Perhaps you have heard
you will be king soon.
Well, I wouldn't be so sure
about that.
It's like you said
who wants a fag
for a king, eh?
what difference
does it make?
It's all an accident of birth.
- Do you really think that?
- Of course I do.
Always have done.
I'll leave you two to it.
It brings me pleasure
to see you two
comforting one another.
Does it?
Do you remember
when he was small?
He used to follow you
around everywhere
like a shadow.
He worshipped you.
Times change.
What do you want?
I gave you my answer.
You won't persuade me.
There is another reason
why you must support
the marriage
between your sister
and Henri Bourbon.
I was reluctant to share it
with you before,
but now I feel
you must be told.
There's always
another reason with you.
I'm concerned
for your sister's virtue.
It has come to my attention
that she is infatuated
with the Duke of Guise.
And we must protect her
from this girlish fantasy,
or he will be the ruin of her.
- They're just friends.
- Hmm.
it may surprise you to hear
that at this very moment,
she entertains him
in her chambers.
One of your spies
tell you that, did they?
They did.
I don't believe you.
I hope you are right.
There is only one way
to find out.
How dare you?
What are you doing here?
Get out.
- You have no right.
- Get out!
You have no right.
You are just like
the rest of them
manipulating me
for your own ends.
No, Charles.
Perverting my feelings
to get what you want.
Filling my head with what
you think I want to believe.
I'm not the one
manipulating you.
Actually, you're worse, because
you pretend to be different,
not part
of the decadence of Court,
but you are just
a spoiled child.
For once, you will do
as you are told.
You will marry Henri Bourbon
for the good of our country.
He won't have me now.
He will if I tell him to.
Charles, this is
our mother's doing.
I am tired of your filthy lies!
No! No!
You will do as I tell you,
because I am my own man,
as you told me to be.
You will marry
our feckless cousin,
not just for peace
but because the thought
of you suffering in such
a marriage brings me pleasure!
No, no, no, no.
No, Charles!
Charles, please!
Help me.
Please help me.
I sincerely wish that there was
something I could do for you.
Believe it or not
I meant it
from the bottom of my heart.
May I help you?
Oh. I was to meet
with the Queen Mother.
Oh, a most valued customer.
She sent word she will be
slightly delayed.
Oh, shame.
Sorry, do I know you?
You look familiar.
Oh, I'm sure shop girls
bear some resemblance
to one another.
Yes, I suppose so.
Oh, if you don't mind
me saying,
you have
the most beautiful hands.
They always betray us,
don't they?
Oh, but judging by yours,
you might be a maiden of 18.
Oh, well
I do make an effort,
now you mention it.
Well, then perhaps
I could interest you
in a pair of traveling gloves.
They are the latest thing.
Soft Iberian leather
in Tyrolean green.
Oh, they are lovely.
Oh, what fine embroidery.
Thank you.
If you'll excuse me, I'll see
if there's anything else
- that might tempt you.
- Yes, do that.
burning, actually.
Oh, they're itching
and burning.
Oh! Aah! Help me!
Help me! Help me!
Oh, God!
Help me!
Let Jeanne D'Albret
always be remembered
for her humble life,
committed to the true faith
until her last days.
The Court of King Charles IX
wishes to offer its condolences
for your loss.
- I bet it fucking does.
- Where's your mistress?
Obviously she doesn't have
the courage to come here
and take responsibility
for what she's fucking done!
Catherine expresses
her deepest sympathies
for the untimely death
of the Queen of Navarre
but denies any hand in it.
Well, she would say
that, wouldn't she?
Death by shopping
sounds like Catherine to me.
It is the Queen Mother's desire
that the wedding proceed.
She believes it's what
the Queen of Navarre
would have wanted.
She said as much
at their last meeting.
I'm sorry, but I-I don't have
a good feeling
about any of this.
I really think we should call
off this wedding.
Believe me when I say,
you can't trust Catherine.
Oh, sheshe is
an indescribably
dangerous woman.
The Queen Mother understands
we will need assurance
of our safe passage if we are
to travel to the capital,
given what has happened to the
Protestant Queen of Navarre?
She would expect nothing less.
To that end,
I bring with me today
the Regency of France
signed by the Queen Mother
to Sister Edith.
"The Queen Mother,
Catherine de Medici,
has relinquished her regency."
it is my understanding,
the regency will not be mine
until the king signs.
And he will do so
once the wedding ceremony
is complete.
Let me see that.
This is absolute bollocks.
This is never gonna happen.
If this is reassurance enough,
then the Queen Mother
looks forward
to welcoming you
at the wedding.
What do you think, Henri?
We stand to gain a-a great deal
from this offer.
And I happen to like Margot,
so I think it's worth the risk.
you have learned an enormous
amount in a short time,
but you do not know Catherine
like we do.
And yet he possesses
the faith which you lack.
Tell the Queen Mother
the wedding will proceed.
- Oh, my God.
- Fuck.
And with God as our guide,
we will travel together
to the palace
- to celebrate our victory!
Fuck me sideways.
She's done it.
She beat Catherine.
You were right.
Enjoying the peace and quiet?
In fact, I'm actually
considering retiring
from Court.
Ah, that would be
a waste of your skills.
But perhaps
you deserve the rest.
I came to tell you
my work is done.
Therefore, with a heavy heart,
it is time for me to leave you.
I'm sorry to hear that.
Where will you go?
Ah, I must seek my fortune
in America.
Only assassins and usurpers
wait for me in Florence.
I, too, see the appeal
of escape.
Tell me again
about the investment
opportunity in Florida.
Or am I too late?
as it turns out, I have already
found an investor.
Well, I'm happy for you.
I shall save my regrets
for myself.
Oh, that doesn't mean there
won't be further opportunities
as the project develops.
I hope so.
The New World
needs people like you.
I will send word to you
once I cross the seas.
I want you to know
I have greatly enjoyed
my time with you,
my sister, Catarina.
As have I, my brother.
But you cannot leave
I won't allow it.
You must receive
a proper Valois send-off.
Permit my daughter's
wedding banquet
to be our last meal together.
I wouldn't miss it.
I never thought
this day would come.
Isn't it more accurate to say
you never thought
about this day ever?
He's right, Antoine.
You barely knew you had a son
this time last year.
That may be true
but I feel I owe my son
a piece of advice
before he enters
into this political marriage
full of peaks and valleys,
of blue skies
and inclement weather.
Allow me, Antoine.
there's only really one thing
that you need to know.
Women cannot be trusted.
They lure you in
with their fragrant ways,
make you feel loved,
likelike the way
you've always wanted
to be loved
and thenand thenand then
crush your heart
with the thoughtlessness
of swatting a fly.
Are you talking
about Queen Elizabeth?
Amongst others.
But just keep in mind
all the hopes and dreams
of the Bourbon line
are riding on this,
so don't fuck it up, all right?
- Louis.
- Leave it to me, Uncle.
Um, Louis, mightmight I have
a moment alone with my son?
Of course.
Henri, I-I-I-I just
wanted to say,
um, I'm sorry your mother
isn't here.
Thank you, Father.
And as it turns out,
I'm sorry about quite
a lot of things,
because the thing is,
I've grown
rather fond of you, Henri.
I know I wasn't around much
when you were young.
I wasn't interested,
but I-I can see now that
that was my loss.
Don't worry.
I don't take it personally.
No, of course, not.
You're not like me.
You'reyou're practical.
You've got a good head
on your shoulders.
I'm proud of you.
But if you wanted to bow out
of this whole thing now,
hit the road,
head for the hills,
I'd understand.
I'dI'd support you.
The truth is,
we might just be in the middle
of a massive shit show
right now.
And if anything
happened to you
I don't think
I could forgive myself.
Oh, I see, you're
you're concerned about me
in a way
you've never been before.
That's really nice, Dad.
But you see
I like it here,
at the center of things,
with the people
who make the decisions
that affect everyone else
all the intrigue and betrayal.
And I know it frightens you,
but it
it stimulates me.
Who knew?
And the thing is, I think
I might be good at it,
because, um
it's my observation
that when people have
strong feelings about things,
they are at a significant
I don't have
any strong feelings
or any feelings at all, really.
I think whatever happens,
I'll be all right.
Thanks for the talk,
though, Dad.
It's gonna be a great day.
- He's a total psychopath.
Is that what you're wearing?
What do you care?
- I want you to look your best.
I see your scheming has come
to nothing, as usual,
though Jeanne is dead.
It doesn't matter.
All that matters is that you
did what I told you to do.
You did do
what I told you to do.
You made a woman of her.
All you have to do now
is stand up in church
in front of all those people
and tell the truth.
Defy me in this,
and I will personally feed your
brother to the Catholic League.
Do not doubt me.
We are gathered here today
to unite Margot and Henri
in holy matrimony.
But, more importantly,
we're here to unite
their two great houses,
Valois and Bourbon,
and the faiths they represent
Catholic and Protestant.
Now, before we proceed,
does anyone know of any reason
why these two cannot be joined
together in sacred union?
I believe my son
has something to say
regarding the purity
of the bride.
It seems my mother is mistaken.
I don't know
what you're talking about.
In that case,
I think we can proceed.
do you take this woman to be
your lawfully wedded wife?
I do.
And please nod your assent.
Margot, do you take this man
to be your
lawfully wedded husband?
Then by the power vested in me,
I now pronounce you
husband and wife.
Welcome to Court.
It's time for the king
to make my regency law.
Of course.
As soon as the marriage
is consummated,
I will make sure it is done.
May I request
that no weapons be carried
into the festivities?
You will notice
that I have removed my guards
for the duration of your stay,
as tonight we gather
in the spirit of peace.
Thank you
for agreeing to see me.
If you want to see me,
all you need to do is ask.
We're old friends.
And at your behest,
I have done everything
you've asked of me.
But in my heart of hearts,
I do not see peace
in our future.
Once Edith ascends to the power
I have granted her,
she will burn this country
to the ground.
And you know it, too.
But I cannot sanction
her death.
I know.
Despite our efforts,
it seems like
the younger generation
is determined to fuck things up
in their own way.
So what happens now?
If I had my wish
I would preserve what I know
to be good in you
what I never doubted
since the day we met.
And I would take you
the fuck away from here.
Retire from Court together?
What is left for us here?
will you consider it?
If you are true to your word
and care for me
the way you say you do,
then meet me in the courtyard
after the banquet.
Let the joust begin.
It is done.
- Well, that was quick.
- Yet sufficient.
The marriage is consummated.
The House of Valois
would like you all to join us
for a banquet
in honor of the newlyweds.
How could I explain
to my daughter,
who had never felt hunger,
never felt cold,
never suffered a day
in her life
that there are worse things
than an unhappy marriage?
For fuck's sake,
come on, Antoine.
Gonna miss all the food.
Oh, of course,
that's still going on.
I suppose I'll go on alone,
as fucking usual.
I'm sorry about your wife.
I'm sorry your plans to stop
the wedding came to naught.
- I missed you.
- Really?
Now you come to mention it,
I missed you, too.
That is impossible.
I have a bad feeling, Antoine.
Oh, God, so do I.
But my son is married
to the Princess of France.
Catherine has signed over
the regency to Edith,
who, theoretically speaking,
represents the interests
of the House of Bourbon,
which means, I suppose, we won.
Bravo us.
I don't know why it just
doesn't feel that way.
How about we forget
our troubles
with a spot of banqueting?
I'm not in the mood.
Stay here with me.
God, I can think of nothing
I'd love more.
it's my son's wedding.
I'll make it worth your while.
Lady Rahima.
When do we leave?
- After the banquet.
- Why not now?
Ah, Catherine asked me to stay
for the celebration.
She deserves that
at least, right?
- She knows.
- No, no, she has no idea.
You are wrong.
Be patient.
I've got something to tell you.
Tell me later.
I have
one last favor to ask of you.
You must sign
the regency over to Edith.
I have already relinquished
my title.
I doubted this day
would ever come.
Perhaps I have misjudged you
after all.
You really think
she's the right one?
Perhaps she was indeed sent
to us by God.
If you say so.
And now
you have a visitor
to console you
in your hour of need.
Your Majesty.
We should go, don't you think?
You can if you want to.
I shall stay with you.
Suit yourself.
Ten o'clock.
- Where's Mother?
- I don't give a fuck.
You know you did the right
thing at the ceremony earlier.
Did I?
I told you
there's a limit to how much sin
one man can swallow.
- I know.
- I'm not sure about that.
Quiet now.
I suppose we should raise
a glass to the happy newlyweds.
I, uh, uhI mean,
uh, f-f-felicitations.
Though they do appear to be
indisposed at the moment
as does my brother
I would also like
to raise a toast
to the new Regent of France.
My mother says you'll be
the one to unite the country.
And she's usually right
about these things.
- So
- to France.
To France.
To France.
It's been a
it's been an honor
and a pleasure to sit with you.
It really has.
Apparently you are
a woman of your word.
When will I be presented
with the regency?
I believe it is time for you
to get what you came for.
The House of Guise says hello.
Oh, fuck!
Fuck! Fuck!
The House of Guise says hello!
The House of Guise says hello.
a gift from your queen.
Ladies and gentlemen,
the House of Guise says hello.
Little brother.
I'm sorry to disturb
the happy couple,
but I'm here
to liberate the princess.
You will do no such thing!
If the Queen Mother
wants him dead
let her do
her killing herself.
is my proud brother
a little servant boy?
Look at what she's done to you.
As you wish.
You can't fucking die.
What's the fucking meaning
in that?
I will not allow you
to kill my husband.
You have forced me
to marry him,
and if it's my fate
to have nothing else,
I intend to be true to him.
Is your heart so fickle?
I thought it was
the duke you loved.
I do not love my husband.
In fact, I feel nothing
at all for him.
And yet you plead
for his life.
For one reasonto defy you,
as I intend to
for the rest of your days.
One day you will understand why
I have done the things I have.
For the good of your children?
Hercule is dead.
Charles is dying.
Elizabeth has been married off
to a cripple.
Anjou has become
your deranged assassin,
and you
have condemned me
to a lifetime of unhappiness.
Happiness is
a child's ambition.
And my husband
is a prince of France.
Kill him, and you will be
guilty of regicide
the one crime against which
your fellow monarchs
will unite.
You can keep
your precious husband.
But do not forget
that I offered you a way
out of this,
because he is far cleverer
than you think.
Welcome to the family.
Montmorency is dead,
the Bourbons, all the rest.
You have done this.
In your name because
it is the only way we survive.
I had no idea such evil
resided in your heart.
Be that as it may,
in a few hours' time,
all of Edith's followers
will find out
what we have done,
and they will come for us.
You are the king.
You want to rule
you must decide.
Are you capable of that?
What will it be, Your Majesty?
Do we live
or do we die?
Kill them all in their beds.
I have come to tell you
that a terrible tragedy
has occurred.
My brother has betrayed us
with the queen of England.
Treason is punishable by death,
and, of course,
I couldn't play favorites.
Do you think
because you locked me in here,
I do not know
what you have done?
I who know you best of all?
You acted out of spite
because Alessandro
didn't love you,
because he loved me.
How can you be jealous
of your own brother?
Is that the right question?
I'm shocked by your naivete.
I thought
you were just like me
but I was wrong.
And you betrayed me
something as petty as love?
After all your talk of peace
now the rivers of France
run red.
And that's for you to decide,
who lives and who dies?
Because someone has to.
Then you truly are
the Serpent Queen.
And God will never forgive you.
Do you really think
He gives a shit?
So, tell me, Rahima,
how did you think that this
was gonna work out for you?
I'm pregnant.
A Medici grows inside me.
Your own blood.
And when it grows,
I swear it will know what you
have done to make it an orphan.
if you're going to kill me
do it now
if you have the stomach
to murder an unborn child
of your own blood.
Get her something to eat.
- Oh.
I come before you with proof
that the treasonous
House of Guise,
in collusion
with the Catholic League,
plotted to overthrow our king
and are responsible
for the bloodshed
that occurred
in this very room.
Rest assured,
those responsible
have been punished.
Where's your God now?
There is no God.
But that's a good thing,
for there will be no one
to judge me
when I take revenge
on Catherine
for what she has done.
We are now left to mourn
the loyal
Princes of the Blood
F-fuck. Fuck.
the many innocent victims
so cruelly cut down.
The Royal Family is united.
And the state
of the kingdom is strong.
Long live the king.
Long live the king?
I suppose.
Then again
there's always a spare.
What kind
Of fuckery is this? ♪
You made me miss
The Slick Rick gig ♪
Oh, Slick Rick ♪
And thought I didn't
Love you when I did ♪
When I did ♪
Can't believe you
Played me out like that ♪
No, you ain't worth
Guest list ♪
Plus one
Of all them girls you kiss ♪
All them girls ♪
You can't keep
Lying to yourself like this ♪
To yourself ♪
Can't believe
You played yourself ♪
Like this ♪
Mr. Destiny ♪
Nine and 14 ♪
Nobody stands
In between me and my man ♪
'Cause it's me ♪
And Mr. Jones, Mr. Jones ♪
Me and Mr. Jones ♪
Me and ♪
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