The Traitors UK (2022) s02e08 Episode Script

Season 2, Episode 8

This program me contains some
strong language
Previously on The Traitors -
22 players arrived
at this Scottish castle
to play the
ultimate murder mystery game
in the hope of winning
up to £120,000.
But concealed amongst them
are the Traitors,
whose job is to secretly murder
the others without getting caught.
And if they make it to the end,
they will take all the money.
After being tasked with
murdering in plain sight
"Whichever Faithful's lips
"touch the poisoned chalice first
will be murdered'.
the poisoned chalice worked
its spell on one unlucky Faithful.
A Traitors' showdown
at the Round Table
She looked at me and said,
"If I die, then it's Miles."
Paul's name's come up
multiple times.
resulted in a second Traitor
being banished.
I am a
HARRY: He sat there, like, crying.
Oh, I'm so upset. Oh!
I'm like,
"Mate, you're doing too much."”
With their numbers depleted,
the Traitors were able to seduce.
We're going to need someone
to take the heat off us.
It's between Andrew
Zack Jasmine Or Ross.
But which Faithful has been asked
to join the dark side?
This is The Traitors.
This program me contains some strong
I think we've been given a lifeline,
as in we get someone now
as a shield. Yeah, yeah.
We just really have to hope
they say yes.
"Dear Andrew,
we wish to recruit you as a Traitor.
"If you accept our invitation,
you must join us immediately.
"Signed, the Traitors."
Oh, it's This is awful.
I trust Andrew.
Big name, but also,
there's enough heat on him
that he might be voted out anyway.
Mm, and if the ship starts to sink,
we just kick him overboard,
you know?
Oh, this is going to be
so risky, though,
because he's seen what I've done
to Miles and to Ash.
I genuinely can't think of
the pros of joining.
The cons,
obviously I'm going against
Oh! friends,
my fellow Faithful.
Oh, my God.
What if I say no?
But I think, well, if I don't join,
they're going to murder me
or something.
Yeah, I'll have to.
I'm going to have to.
Er, yeah, I'll have to join them,
I suppose.
# It's a very, very mad world #
Good evening.
Good evening.
I'm going to ask you
to take the Traitors' oath.
Do you commit to lie and deceive
throughout the game?
I do. Do you promise to murder your
fellow players every single night?
I do.
And do you vow to keep your identity
and the identity of your
fellow Traitors a secret?
I do.
You are now officially a Traitor.
Here is your cloak.
Thank you.
Fuck me!
Hello, mate, you all right?
That is wild.
How are you getting on?
I expected Jaz to be there.
Did you?
What? I think I'm a good actor,
by the sounds of it.
I just
Lost for words, to be honest.
They've both played amazing,
amazing Traitors.
I defended Paul so much.
I genuinely thought
he was a Faithful.
Mind blown.
So, mate, welcome to the Traitors.
Thanks for having me.
Have you been recruited,
or have you always been one?
I've always been one.
Always been one.
And you have? Mm-hm.
The dungeon, must have been
two of us down there.
I knew I wasn't a Traitor.
Me and Ash. You fuck
Ash was terrible. Ash had to go.
And you pinned Miles today,
you tucked Miles up.
Yeah. The way he was like, behaving,
it was going to happen
at some point.
And you've got to think, we're here
to win it now. I'm tucked right up.
Oh! No, you're all good,
you're fine here.
Shove me under the bus.
No, no, I promise you it's not that.
To us, you was the strongest player,
so it was like,
if you're on our side,
who's going to stop us now?
But you're an amazing Faithful,
but you're under threat.
Anyone that's got eyes on them,
it's better to kind of keep them,
because it keeps eyes off us,
type of thing.
I just think
they've put me down as a scapegoat
as people have mentioned my name
They won't mention them two,
Paul especially, cos
Paul looks like the golden child
after yesterday.
And Harry, I genuinely thought
Harry was 100% Faithful
from day one.
So, um, I could be the next one
being chucked under the bus
like Miles.
Letting everyone else, all the
Faithfuls, argue between each other,
they'll all vote each other out,
and then in three or four days,
we're in the final. Yeah, I'm not
going to believe anything you say.
Trust me.
Yeah! Trust you?
He's kind of taken it
in a different way than
what I thought he would.
I thought he would come in
and be a bit invigorated,
and he just can't get it
out of his head
that he is only being brought in
because he's under the spotlight,
which probably is kind of what
we're thinking anyway.
Hmm. What's worrying you?
You seem likeyou're stressed.
Yeah, I am, yeah.
Then how come you said yes?
Because I would get murdered anyway.
Well, we've defended you
up until now.
We've been Traitors
the whole time.
VOICE OVER: We've made a massive
Andrew seems pissed off.
I just feel
like there is a massive divide now
between the Traitors,
and then Paul's just trying to
look like the Faithful too much.
So I'm just thinking,
I'm thinking about everything,
the whole scenario.
It's a tough one.
MUSIC: Sinnerman
by Nina Simone
# Oh, sinnerman,
where you gonna run to? #
With no murder last night,
all our Faithful will be showing up
for breakfast,
but will they work out why?
Yeah, no-one.
Where do you want to sit?
I'm going to go a bit
towards the back.
I sort of want to sit in
the middle, but What, here?
Yeah, because I want to see what
everyone's saying. Let's sit here.
Well, well done, mate.
I'm so happy we've managed this.
Yeah, so happy, well done.
Really, congratulations.
I'm so happy to see you.
Me and Harry were first in
this morning, which was lovely.
It's one of the very few times
that me and him have managed
to have a little moment together.
Yeah, Andrew was not a happy piggy.
I was quite surprised.
I was surprised, actually.
Kind of a weak reaction. Yeah.
And no-one forced him to say yeah.
He could have said no
and come to the table and said
Yeah, and then looked like the hero.
11 people left, but that's including
three Traitors. Hmm.
The game's, like,
in the palm of our hands right now.
Yeah. It's just, we can't let him
turn on us, because I feel like
he's the type to bring the whole
ship down.
VOICE OVER: Last night,
we chose to seduce Andrew.
Boy, that was awkward.
But I don't really know
if I trust him.
Me and Paul, we've been there
together from the start,
and I think we'll be sticking
together and, I mean,
I'm making sure I'm getting to that
final by any means necessary.
How are you?
Oh, my God,
the table's getting shorter.
At the Round Table last night,
I was convinced that Miles
was a Faithful,
and I might be coming across
really stupid,
but if I've got a certain feeling,
I just want to stick to it,
and I'm pretty confident
that Paul is a Traitor.
I'm so confused with Miles.
What's that?
He was Oscar-performing. Oscar.
He nearly turned the whole table.
Here they are!
I was very relieved to have made it
to breakfast.
I could see the wood
through the trees,
and I felt really
happy about last night.
Morning, everybody.
Morning, bore da.
Good morning, mate.
Obviously, it's different
to when I walked into
any other breakfast before,
because I've now switched sides.
You have to look at the room
differently now, and it's strange.
I knew what was happening, I knew
there was not going to be a murder,
so we had to play along
with everybody else,
so I had to start acting a bit now.
Who are we waiting for?
Charlotte or Ross.
Charlotte and Ross?
Oh, no!
Come in!
We're all here!
We're all here.
Someone's been recruited.
There's been a recruitment.
What does that mean?
Because I think there's
so few Traitors now.
How many do you think there are?
I think it's two now.
I think that's very definitive.
I'm trying to think
who I'd most want to recruit
if I was a Traitor.
Yeah, but also, Zack, we don't know
that they've accepted it.
We don't, we don't, yeah.
But would you not think that someone
would have said, like,
"They tried to recruit me
and I said no"? Not necessarily.
It's strange
looking at the other two.
Inside, I'm thinking, "Wow,
"what a great act you're putting on,
both of you" and, obviously,
I look at 'em differently now than
I have done for the last two weeks.
You need to think
how the Traitors might think.
Are they going to go,
"I'm going to get someone
"who's going to help me
get to the end"?
Or are they going to get someone
they can throw to the wolves
so it keeps them away?
It has to be someone who hasn't had
any attention on them before.
It has to be someone completely
Yeah, someone just low
I haven't had any attention on me.
But I'm not
ANDREW: I'm trying to listen
to three conversations at once now,
see who they're talking about,
who's under the microscope
or in the firing line at the moment.
What would you say if they asked
The Traitors? If what?
If the Traitors asked you.
No, I don't think I could do it.
I've been priding myself
all my life,
I'm a protector. On the doors,
I've done protection,
security protection, I've been a
protector and stuck up for people.
To do that'd be totally against
my moral compass.
Oh, hello.
Morning, everyone.
Good morning!
Good morning.
So this is a nice surprise.
Yeah. Second morning in a row,
and everybody's still here.
I can't confirm or deny anything,
but I'm sure you guys
can work it out yourselves.
It's nearly time for the mission.
Could somebody please throw me
a muffin?
I'll throw you a muffin, yeah.
Just checking your aim.
I'll see you shortly at the mission.
Yes! I'll tell you what,
I'm mean with a crossbow.
How are you feeling, man? Don't
know, I feel a bit, like, tarnished.
I feel like I'm an easy kind of
Easy target, yeah, yeah, yeah.
Mate, I've never seen a more open
and honest Paul from last night,
do you know what I mean?
I would say you were number
one in getting Miles out.
Yeah, I'm still going with Paul.
100% tonight, yeah?
Yeah, and now I've solidified it.
Miles was Yeah.
It was smart, yeah. Miles knows
he's been betrayed by Paul.
I wanted to get back at him,
because if he did, like, seduce us
to vote the other way,
then he comes off
looking like a hero.
It was two Traitors
going at each other.
All right, guys?
Yeah, not bad, you?
Hello! That was a bit of
a shocker. Yeah.
You definitely weren't given
an offer, then, this morning?
Absolutely not, no. I think it
would just be the worst choice ever
if they chose me! I think that the
Traitors have recruited somebody
that's already got a suspicion
on them
so that they can just
Turn it on them, yeah.
And I think we've got to look out,
so we've got to follow the trail,
the evidence.
Who was standing up for Miles?
Oh, again, she's one of
my closest people, but
I think Charlotte makes
a great pick for recruitment.
Oh, God! Back, back we are.
I've not done proper sport
in a while.
I want to talk about something,
though, that I think's annoying.
Go on. Talk to us.
Love Zack,
but I just think that
he says things with gusto
and it's like they're
facts, but it's like
Like this morning when he was like,
"There's two Traitors."
I think his theory's probably
Yeah, yeah, yeah, but it's
so matter of fact. And also,
we can't forget that obviously,
he voted against voting out Ash.
I'm suspicious of Paul still.
I'm still suspicious of Paul.
Paul's out the window for me now.
And I also think genuinely, I think
with what Paul's gone through,
if you saw him last night,
when we all did,
he was white as a sheet,
he was shaking proper.
And also I'll be honest about
who I'm suspicious of.
Suspicious of Zack,
suspicious of Jaz.
He's doing weird things. His votes
are just all over the place.
They're all over the place.
So shady, mate.
I don't know, man, I just think,
I just think it's, like, crafty.
Well, I think Zack might be the
mastermind behind the whole thing.
And, if you think about it, Miles
went for Zack the night before.
Yeah, when they both know
they're protected.
So now Zack's sort of
He looks like the hero.
I think even if he isn't,
he definitely would have been
It is a good idea, innit? That's
what we've just got to do, like,
think what you would do as a
How are you doing, mate?
Yeah, good. You OK? We've always had
a question mark over this Who?
Zack and Jaz.
His voting is peculiar.
You said about the two of them,
I definitely think it's one of them.
And the fact that they're both
whispering in the kitchen together.
Jaz and Zack?
I was just so flabbergasted
last night, we didn't even make
a plan, I don't think,
but I'm feeling more confident now,
to be honest,
because the conversation I heard,
it sounds like
there's others in the firing line
before it comes to me.
Yeah, I want to win,
and I'll do pretty much
Well, clearly, I'll do pretty much
anything to win.
I think, if we're not looking at
everybody, we're not doing our job,
and I'm happy for people
to look at me constantly.
Do you think you'd accept
an ultimatum? Not at this stage.
I would have prior. Meaning if you
don't take it, you die. Sorry,
hold on, if you let me finish,
that'd be really good,
because you've asked me a question.
Yeah. I just want to make sure
Yeah, I know. Just let me speak.
So at this point, no, I wouldn't do
it, but I would play the game
probably as best as I could
by coming in
and saying, "No, I haven't accepted,
and this is who I think it is.”
You would accept, though, wouldn't
you? I just find it strange
that you immediately shift it on me.
I haven't shifted anything on you,
I was saying it about you
before you come down, actually.
You asked me the question,
and then you don't like it back.
No, you said you would, "though."
I personally would not, though.
All right, Zack, if you want to make
me look like I'm a guilty person,
that's fine, but I can tell you,
you're the one who looks the most
guilty here.
I just wanted to know if you would.
No, I wouldn't.
Do you want to ask anyone else,
or is it just me
you're asking this morning?
No, I will ask at the Round Table.
OK. But I wanted to know
if you would.
Someone's been recruited. I thought
immediately it'd be Charlotte,
so I thought the best thing would be
to put her under pressure outside.
I think Paul is a Traitor, and
Paul's closest friend is Charlotte.
I think it was
an ultimate Traitor move,
so I'll be coming for him
at the Round Table today.
As speculation continues
over a possible new Traitor,
it's time for our players to
come together for today's mission.
Hopefully, it's a little bit fun,
because I feel like after yesterday,
that was the most morbid day
of my life. It really was.
Diane will be looking down on us
now and going,
AS DIANE: "Go get the Traitors,
guys. Go get the Traitors now."
ALSO AS DIANE: Absolutely.
I love her. She was like my mum.
No, she WAS my mum.
She was my mum first. She was my mum
first. No, stop it! She was my mum.
Stop it.
ALL: Oh, my God, there's a church!
A church!
HARRY: Let's see who burns
when we walk into the church.
Oh, it's certainly going to be me.
Oh, my days.
Welcome to church.
Been a while.
Today, it's less confession
and more aggression.
As you can see,
your names have been immortalised
in separate stained glass windows.
All you have to do is take turns
to shoot this cross how at a name.
The individual whose name
remains unshattered
at the end of the mission
will receive a shield,
therefore protecting themselves
from tonight's murder.
I want to stay in this game
and I want to stay to the end.
Everybody wants a shield
at this point.
Just one night of sleeping easy.
I'm going to start you off
by giving you £7,000.
Here's the snag.
Every time you miss,
£100 will be deducted from that pot.
So be careful.
If there are too many misses,
you will end up with nothing.
Who's going to go first?
I'm a good crossbower.
I knew he was going to say that!
I back myself.
Zack, please take your position
at the crossbow. Thank you.
I once went to Center Parcs
with my dad and did cross ho wing
and I was a natural at it.
I was really good at it.
I feel confident that I can do it.
Zack, who do you believe
doesn't deserve this shield,
and why?
I think everyone will probably know
who I'm about to say.
Paul. I think I'm most suspicious
of you being a Traitor.
Let's see if you hit the target.
I was trying to, like,
angle it slightly up
so it'd dip nicely into my target.
I'm actually stressing.
It's a miss.
£100 gone.
It was terrible!
It was so hard. There was no, like,
velocity in it at all.
"I'm so good at archery."
It's a ballista, not a crossbow.
Harry, you're up next.
Please go and stand by the crossbow.
Who are you shooting at and why?
I'm going to take a different
approach and go for Jasmine.
She's won shields the most, so it's
just fair for the rest of the team.
That's how you do it!
That means, Jasmine,
you will not be receiving a shield.
Congrats, innit?
Ah, you took that so graciously!
Charlotte, who will you
be taking aim at? Zack.
Bad miss.
I'm sorry.
That's another £100 off.
Andrew. Yeah, I was going to aim for
people who've had shields
to give the people who haven't had
shields a chance,
so I was going to aim for Harry.
Good luck.
I ended up hitting Ross,
who was under Harry's.
I'm gunning for you now.
I'm not happy about it.
Andrew better watch out.
Mollie, who are you taking aim at?
The same as Andrew, I'll just go for
people who've had shields, so Harry.
Mine's probably the hardest to hit.
ALL: Oh!
Jaz. Harry. Good luck.
Are you going for my name?!
HARRY: Everyone lost so much money
on me,
and I was actually happy that they
missed loads.
I'm like, if I'm a Faithful,
I'm sat here like I want the shield.
Do you feel a bit targeted?
What about everyone else
who's won the shield?
Why is everyone going for me?
There's so many other people
who had got a shield.
So I'm going to go for Jaz
because I felt like that was
closely near my name.
Ooh! That was close.
Paul, you're up next.
Everyone needs a chance
to have a shield,
so I'm going to go for Andrew.
Thanks, mate.
Paul went for me,
but there was no real strategy,
to be honest.
We just played the game
as if we were Faithful,
blended in with the crowd.
Another £100 gone.
So, so far, you've lost £600.
who will you be taking aim at?
Andrew, on the basis that it
looks like the easiest one to hit.
Good luck.
Ross, you don't have a shield
tonight, but you do have a go
at the cross how.
Well, Andrew, I'm really sorry,
mate. Don't be sorry.
You managed to get my name there,
ALL: Oh!
So close.
The last person, Evie.
I think I'm going to try Andrew,
because I've seen a bunch of people
aim at him and I think I know
what they're doing wrong.
Nobody likes me!
So you've all had a go,
but you have lost £900
from the prize pot.
We're currently standing at £6,100.
We go again.
Zack, who are you going to
take aim at this time? Jaz.
It was so gut-wrenching
to watch. It was like one shot
£100 lost.
Oh, and then another shot.
Another £100,
and I just thought that
we weren't going to win any money.
Paul, you're up next.
I'm going to go for Jaz.
After losing a chunk of money,
I thought
we need to start doing things
a little bit differently.
ALL: Oh!
If we miss, we kind of
see where the arrow landed
and then the next person
would just have to do,
like, micro-adjustments.
I feel like it's already set,
so we already know where it's going
to hit, so go for Jaz.
He almost set a trend
for everyone else.
They just saw me
as an easy target.
Well done!
PAUL: Very quickly,
we started hitting
these panes of glass.
I'm so sorry, Evie!
I really, really wanted to go for
the shield, but Ross misfired.
Thanks, Ross.
Six of you out of contention.
Five stained glass windows left.
Who are you going to go for, Evie?
I'm going to go for Charlotte.
Yeah, no, it's fine, crack on.
Good. Well done, Evie.
Harry, it's your turn.
Yeah, I'm going to go for Paul,
then the other two have a chance
to win a shield.
Go on!
Well done, Harry!
OK, you are now on £3,800.
This is so hard.
Charlie, who are you targeting?
That name is shattered.
Sorry, Harry!
Two names left, Mollie and Charlie.
How much do you want the shield?
Oh, a lot.
Are you scared particularly
about being murdered tonight?
Yeah. Yeah, I think
the more the game goes on, yeah.
Mollie, how much do you want the
shield? Yeah, it's the same.
You just feel awful fighting
with your friend over a shield.
It's not very nice.
I did feel quite upset when it was
just me and Charlie left.
A difficult decision for you, Paul.
Oh, God!
Where it's already set
angle-wise, then it's you, Charlie.
Do what you need to do, yeah.
Are you sure?
Well, I'm going to be gutted, but
look, let's get this money first,
cos otherwise no-one's going
to get the shield, are they?
VOICE OVER: Mollie, she really wanted
the shield and I wanted the shield
because I think we're
getting to the end of the game now.
Everybody's vulnerable,
I'm vulnerable.
Quite a bit higher, then.
Ross, it's your turn.
Er, so I'll be aiming for you,
Charlie. No hard feelings at all.
Another £100 gone.
Evie, your turn.
I love Charlie. I mean,
she deserves the shield so much,
but I don't want to leave,
I'm not ready to leave.
Yeah! Mollie!
No, honestly, honestly, I'm all
right, I'm good, I'm good.
Well done, mate.
I'm good, I'm fine.
Yeah, I'm all right, I'm fine.
Charlie, I'm afraid you cannot be
protected from tonight's murder.
Look, I understand why people
went for my name.
Just gutted. Like, I'm usually
the happy person,
you know, that lifts everyone up.
But we're at that point now.
The game's real.
Mollie, you are the sole
stained glass window left,
and this is yours.
Please come up and get it.
Thank you, guys,
I appreciate it so much.
Mwah, mwah, mwah. Thank you.
So sorry.
It's all right, honestly.
VOICE OVER: It was just a rough way
to get a shield.
Um, I'm super happy, but I'm just
feeling so sorry for Charlie.
You have added £3,600 to the
prize fund, congratulations.
Well done, guys.
Well done, guys.
Go back to the castle,
have a cup of tea,
and I will see you
for another banishment at
the Round Table. Off you go.
That was tough, mate.
That was tough.
At the start,
everything was a little bit like,
"Let's have a bit of fun,”
and then towards the end,
it was, like, really dark
and rogue and Yeah.
I felt so bad as well,
because Charlotte was like,
"Oh, it's the game”,
like, "Go for it."
I think she did the same
thing as Paul
and tried to look like the hero.
There's too many things with Paul.
Isn't he just perfect for it
as well?
How do we feel
about Harry saying he felt targeted?
Yeah, I felt like it was a bit, er,
odd and a bit out of place.
Yeah, I thought it was
a bit odd behaviour, yeah.
Because everyone's in the same boat.
We could have all said that story.
Yeah. It felt a bit out of place
from Harry,
but I also feel like he was kind of
just saying it
Having it in a bit of jest. Yeah.
No, for sure.
Right, we're back. We're ready to do
it all over again. All over again.
You hear that? Yeah.
We just follow the crowd, then.
I'm still in shock.
Please don't chuck me under a bus.
Mate, you're absolutely fine.
Don't overthink it.
I've got so many things
going through my head.
Obviously, what happened to Miles
as well,
so to me, I can't I don't know.
It won't happen.
Promise you, it won't happen.
Hmm? Won't happen.
I have got a lot to think about.
Paul said, "You've got to trust me."
How could I possibly trust him
after he's done what he's done
over the last two weeks?
I'd love to know
who you're voting for tonight.
As you know, it's you and
one other person in my mind.
Who else do you think?
Well, I'm open to the suggestion
of Jaz, obviously.
I'm also not challenging you on
this. This is a very friendly
I can't verbalise it,
but it's the whole reason
about why you weren't killed
in the dungeon and Meg was. Yeah.
It just does not sit right with me,
and I can't explain it away.
Well, I can't, but that doesn't mean
that I'm a Traitor.
It means I've
It just looks like you're complicit.
OK, I've only got my eyes set
on you I know.
my laser focus right now.
But surely that's incorrect,
because you were laser-focused on me
when Miles was a Traitor.
Yeah, but I think
you pulled a blinder
and maybe got rid of
a fellow Traitor.
I think you're reaching.
What's going on?
PAUL: For me to leave the process
ZACK: ..that's what I've said
to people.
I've a gut instinct that I'm going
on. That's all I can go on.
Not really I can go on the facts
that present themselves Yeah.
you coming out of the dungeon,
which is a big fact for me,
and then obviously,
my strong gut feeling as well.
We keep going round in circles,
Paul, but
We do, because you're blinkered.
You've got your sights set on me
instead of looking at the rest of
Yeah, but it's not just me, Paul.
Zack is going so far
into his, like, conspiracy theories.
He hasn't got anything to
back it up, so it just looks weird,
but everybody else is going to
go for Jaz.
I don't know whether
we should kill Zack,
because it'll look so obvious
that it's me.
So we'll see.
Evie, what's your take on this?
I think Paul. I do.
I've just never got past
the whole dungeon thing.
It didn't make sense.
I've always been thinking
the dungeon thing made no sense.
And then the one thing he did say
today that I thought was very odd,
I was in the car coming back,
and we were obviously having chats
about the mission today.
He said, um, "What do you think
to Harry's reaction
"about the fact that he was the most
chased?", or whatever.
But then me and Jaz
both at the same time just went,
"We think it was mostly just in jest
and banter, to be honest, where
"he says, 'Ooh, I think they're
coming after me', sort of thing.”
But it kind of, to me,
made me think he was doing
He was trying to Yeah.
Fucking hell.
Paul telling Charlotte that,
"Oh, don't you think Harry
was a bit weird
"because he cared about
the shield so much?”,
like, planting seeds about me -
that caught me off my feet.
And I mean, if he wants to
come at me, let the games begin.
Thinking about how every time,
he's never really said anyone
at Round Table,
as soon as it's been a Traitor,
he's made sure
they've been six foot under
and looked like the hero
for catching 'em out.
He would be the perfect Traitor.
I'm just sitting there,
thinking, "Wow!
"Harry's willing to chuck Paul
under a bus." He might have been
saying my name to other people
You have to do your own thing,
try and keep your enemies close.
I'm going to have to go against
one or two of them eventually.
Got to get it right,
we can't lose another.
He's got to get it right tonight,
and this is such a big moment
in the game.
That's why I can't sort of ignore
what I'm saying.
Paul really thinks
he's the mastermind behind it all,
but at the same time,
he just has this heat on him.
I've got plenty of stories,
and, I mean, I've set seeds now.
If I need to take him down,
it's easy pickings.
# Smoke, fire, flares are going up
# Flares are going up
# Oh
# Won't wave my white flag, no
# This time I won't let go
# I'd rather die
than give up the fight,
# Give up the fight,
give up the fight #
It's almost time for the players
to meet at the Round Table,
and the Faithful will certainly be
hoping that lightning strikes twice.
But the Traitors' numbers
have strengthened,
so who will prevail?
My first Round Table as a Traitor,
it's a strange feeling.
A little bit nervous, apprehensive,
paranoid. I don't trust anybody.
Even the Traitors,
I can't trust the Tr
How can you trust the Traitors?
I was feeling anxious about Paul.
After hearing that
he's turned on me,
I know what I need to do,
and hope everyone jumps
on that bandwagon.
I do kind of feel under fire,
so I think there'll be a showdown
at some point.
I'm always making sure that
I'm ready to receive that
and give it back.
Players, welcome back to
the Round Table.
The prize pot currently stands
at £60,150.
We're going to start this
Round Table a little differently.
I would like you to individually
look at everybody in the eye
and pronounce the following:
"I am a Faithful."
Jasmine, we're going to start
with you.
I am a Faithful.
I am a Faithful.
I am a Faithful.
I am a Faithful.
I am a Faithful.
I'm a Faithful.
I am a Faithful.
I am a Faithful.
I'm a Faithful.
I'm a Faithful.
I am a Faithful.
See, the thing is,
you are not all Faithful.
Who's lying?
Let the conversation begin.
Who would like to start?
I'm happy to start.
I think people can see I'm a bit of
a nervous wreck because, er,
I've been battling
with something today.
Er, Charlotte, you know how close
we are, right? Mm-hm.
But I've just got to speak my truth.
Go for it. So I think
when we went back to Miles
and the poisoning, right,
obviously it was a drink thing,
and when the drink thing came up,
I felt initially you were like,
"No, it's other reasons.
"There was other poisonings."
The second thing was today,
I saw you having a conversation
with Zack,
and it just, it just got a bit
heated Yeah, I agree.
And I watched you and the
whole thing with Zack,
and you said that you thought
he was a Traitor,
which was exactly what I saw
in Miles.
It was the same thing, you know?
So, yeah, I'm just,
it's awful having this conversation,
but I just feel like I had to
Don't feel awful
for having suspicions.
Everyone has got suspicions
of everyone.
I would be lying if I said
I hadn't thought about yourself
because of how quiet you were
at the table at times,
but I reacted because
I wasn't even able to answer Zack,
and it irritated me because
he was asking me questions
that he wouldn't let me answer,
and he was asking me
the next question straight away
and that's where to me, I was
getting frustrated. I thought,
"Hold on, if you let me just finish,
then you would get your answer."
And in terms with the drinks,
I'm thinking,
"Well, I've handed out drinks,
and I haven't killed anyone,”
so that's why my mind said, "Whoa,
whoa, guys, consider other things."
I think as a Faithful,
you have to remember,
I've never not voted
for a Traitor.
I've never not come to the table
with ideas, I've never ambushed.
These are the traits you see
in someone who's a Faithful.
I do have a theory on
how I'm skating through, though.
I asked myself this today:
why would I still be here if I am
causing disruption at tables,
if I am not getting my name
wrote on a board?
So I had to think
who is close to me,
and it's got to be someone
really close.
My question mark is a little bit
on you, Paul, if I'm honest.
And I'm not the only person.
It hurts like hell to say it,
but you just seem in
too many near scrapes
for there not to be No smoke
without fire, sort of situation.
This sets me up perfectly.
Like you said,
I've tossed and turned
as to why I'm still here and stuff,
and the two main, like, things
I've come about is,
people round this table know that
I would literally walk through fire
with all of you on my back
to win a mission.
And then the other reason is,
I'm really close to someone.
So I've got to go with
yourself as well, Paul.
Oh, my God!
What is going on?
What on earth has happened?
To begin with,
I feel like you overcompensate,
so when it comes to people
who have accused you,
you jump straight onto telling us
why you're a Faithful,
and you don't let them have a chance
to breathe or think.
And then that also comes in with,
you're the biggest personality
outside the room,
and as soon as it comes to
a Round Table, you've been quiet
until it's been a Traitor,
and you seem to have basically
then stuck your neck out.
Going back to the whole
condemned situation,
I feel like we all overlooked that.
I feel like there was basically a
massive cock-up from the Traitors.
As in, you thought
it was a good idea
to put you and Ash
down in the dungeon.
You would have been told
that someone could have been saved
the next day,
and I think,
you being the most popular,
you thought you would be saved
and then when it was Andrew,
that sort of cocked
the whole thing up.
I've just found out in the journey
back from that mission,
not only today have you brought
Zack and Jaz into the picture,
you've even brought myself in,
because apparently, I was angry
about not getting a shield
or something like that. To me, it's
a bit like now you're chucking names
out there It's not. cause chaos.
He really went for me.
He has his eyes wide open
with his role as a Traitor.
Well, that's a lot of information
to process, mate.
Your name came up in the car today,
um, as just a fleeting thing,
and we literally brought it up
as a passing comment,
and it was squashed
as quick as it came up.
I think Jasmine brought it up.
We all talked about it
for about 10 seconds.
You should know me well enough
to know I wouldn't go and, like
No, I was just saying
from my point of view,
it's as if you're setting, like,
seeds. That's all it was,
and then you're waiting to see
which one bites. Oh, man.
We were just chatting
about the mission, man.
I've always had my suspicions
over you, Paul, even from the start.
I think I was one of the first
people to raise your name,
and sometimes I feel like,
why I am I still here?
Maybe, is it because,
if you took me out,
is it so obvious that it comes
and draws back to yourself?
The second point, the way you put
all your eggs in one basket
and suggested that Miles
is a Traitor,
I was thinking,
"Wow! This guy's 100% sure."
It wasn't just Paul
bringing Miles to attention.
We all thought it, and Ant
thought about it as well, didn't he?
And also, I wasn't 100% on Miles,
but I felt I had to
convince the group.
Because you had your own thoughts
about Miles,
but you seemed to be relying very
heavily on Diane's last words
to make your argument.
Because I think Diane's words
are trusted more than mine.
Yeah, but Diane wasn't 100% sure
because, like, just
because she obviously got murdered,
she didn't know who did it.
So when she said that to you,
she still didn't know.
Guys, listen, can I just, like,
pitch in?
Because this is getting mad,
and, like,
I feel like it's becoming a
witch-hunt, and, look, I don't
Harry, I think you're a clever guy,
I think your theories, there could
be something to it, 100%.
Paul, I don't think you are
a Traitor, mate. Like, in my bones,
I don't think you are,
and I think if you are,
you are one of the best actors
I've ever seen
because that is nuts.
And, look, that could happen.
I'm not saying it couldn't.
Jaz, you are doing some behaviour
which has been mental,
not voting Miles
and suddenly voting Andrew.
You didn't vote Ash,
like, it's just stuff that
I can't turn my head away from that.
My behaviour coming into this
process has remained the same.
I go with my gut, and there's been
times when I've got that wrong
and there's been times
when | 've got that right.
Why didn't you vote for Miles?
Because I want to stick to my gut.
Yeah, but we had cold,
hard evidence it was Miles,
and you didn't vote for him,
knowing he was a Traitor.
Yeah, I know, but we also
all went for Anthony,
and we weren't
That was a different situation.
OK, but if that is the case,
what I'm deducing from that
is that you decided to stray away
from the whole team
and do something on your own.
It was a bit weird.
HE WHISPERS: Makes no sense.
What, Paul, did you say something?
Sorry, mate, I'm just saying
it doesn't make sense.
Well, obviously you're going to say
that because the heat is on you.
No, it doesn't make sense.
It doesn't make sense.
I promise you now,
collectively as a group,
that moment there
doesn't make sense.
I just want to know,
like the rest of them, you know,
you were talking about Paul
yesterday at the Round Table,
and then putting my name down.
I was just shocked, really, mate.
I know you voted for me
the day before as well.
I just didn't understand it. It just
sounded like you were a Traitor.
How? I've done nothing in this game
at all to be a Traitor.
I really don't want to vote for you
tonight. I really came here, like,
determined to vote for Paul, but you
make it so hard not to vote for you.
Jaz, mate, I think
one of the reasons
why I don't think you voted
for the Traitors
is because you're a man of
integrity, you're a man of trust,
and, like, I think that you've
been up there with the Traitors
and you've gone, "There is no way
I would turn on you."”
Like, not once have you
brought my name up.
This morning during breakfast,
I just feel as though you perhaps
might have been recruited,
if I'm honest.
The other thing is, um,
after the mission,
I was in the car with Harry, Mollie,
and Evie,
and it's just interesting as well
that Evie, yourself and Mollie,
you've not really had the
courage, like you did in the car,
to say what you need to say
about Paul.
That's a huge deflection.
It feels like a lot of deflecting,
Are you a Traitor?
I'm definitely a Faithful.
You have been doing dodgy behaviour,
and I'm not just coming for you
I just hope you haven't been
recruited, that's all.
I haven't been recruited,
I promise you.
I've never seen you back Paul
so much before, ever.
But he's not really backing me,
it's only because, like
He's a man who's just been
Why would I put all my eggs
in one basket?
Because if he's a Traitor,
it completely condemns me.
If I do stand up there, just please
all remember Same, mate. ..Paul.
Christ almighty!
How are we going to win?
How are we going to win like this?
The time for talk is over.
Please write down the name of
the person you believe is a Traitor.
Paul, we're going to start with you.
Please tell me the name
of the person you believe
is a Traitor and why.
Er, so I'm going to vote for you,
Er, I just think the behaviour,
I just, I can't look past it, mate.
Charlie, whose name is
written on your slate and why?
Jaz, I'm going to vote for you.
Um, I just think it's
a little bit more than mistakes.
Jaz, who have you voted for and why?
Er, I think it's with no surprise
that I'm going with Paul.
Um, I've had that gut feeling
quite early days,
and, you know, the evidence
just keeps getting bigger,
so, yeah, I'm voting for Paul,
and I feel like he's recruited Ross.
Harry, who have you voted for
and why?
I've voted for Paul.
All the coincidences
that have happened
are pieces to a puzzle
that's finally clicked,
and I just can't see past it.
So a vote count.
Two for Jaz and two for Paul.
Zack? I voted for Paul.
Um, so I'm just so dumbstruck
by what's happened at this
Round Table tonight,
but I've got to stay true
to my convictions,
and they do lead me towards Paul.
Mollie, who do you believe
is a Traitor and why?
I've voted for Paul as well.
I can't seem to get over
the dungeon situation, sorry.
who have you voted for and why?
I've always said I go on facts
and evidence and things,
and I'm going to stick by my word.
I said I'd go on things that have
actually happened,
so I'm sorry, mate.
If I'm wrong, I'm sorry, mate. Jaz.
We are four for Paul, three for Jaz.
Jasmine, who have you voted for
and why?
Before I came onto this Round Table,
I had an initial gut instinct
of Paul,
so I am going to stick
with that one.
Jaz, it's no hard feelings, mate.
I'm voting with you.
Paul, if you are a Traitor, mate,
I've kind of condemned myself.
I voted for yourself tonight, Paul.
Based off of what I said earlier,
I've got far more suspicions
about you
for far longer than I have
about Jaz.
And Charlotte,
who have you voted for and why?
This is probably one of the hardest
votes I've done, because I love you,
but I have gone with you, Paul.
Paul, you have received
the most votes.
Please come up here and join me.
Please, please.
VOICE OVER: I played it
as best as I could,
and I think even little Harry's
learnt a bit from the way
that I was playing it,
because the way he'd taken me down
in that moment then was just
perfect, so I fall on my own sword.
Oh, my God!
HE WHISPERS: I'm so fucking nervous.
Paul, you have been banished.
Before you leave the castle forever,
please reveal,
are you a Traitor,
or are you a Faithful?
This has been the best, er,
experience of my entire life
and this moment will stay with me
for the rest of my life,
so thank you.
I'm a Traitor.
What did I say?
What did I say?
We got another one!
We got another fucking one!
Come on!
My work here is done.
My work here is done.
Harry, you did that, you know.
You, you bloody did that.
Harry, that was you!
That was sick, that was sick.
Two on the bounce!
The best Traitor that's ever
existed in the world.
He had to be voted out,
so I sort of took the reins,
and now everyone's voting me
for President.
I mean, and Paul took it
like a champ as well,
but it's also kind of annoying
because they're saying, "Oh, my
God, he's the most amazing Traitor."
I'm like, I've been sat here
the whole time.
None of you have realised
it's me yet.
But I'll keep that one
on the down low just until I win.
So, Faithful, two nights in a row!
Go on! Yes! Go on!
So all I have to say is one thing:
enjoy this victory while you can.
Good night, good night, good night!
Right, you're making your own drink.
I'm not falling for that one again.
Oh, stop it, Charlotte.
What a feeling!
Here he is, come on, son!
Get in, lad.
Harry, who are you, man?
He's the oracle,
that's what I'm going to start
calling him, the oracle.
Yeah, I mean, things couldn't
be better, could they?
Got three of 'em out, don't worry
about it, just being your hero.
I'll go sit on my throne,
my Faithful throne.
Every single thing that happened,
he had set that up.
How was he crying on cue?
That man is crazy!
When you look at it now,
it all makes sense.
He was plot He done that all,
he was mastermind behind the group.
Mate, this has been
the best day for me ever.
Harry for President, guys. Ah!
Even though I'm close to Paul,
you've got to try and be happy
you've got a Traitor.
Obviously, Harry wants to win
the game, as do I.
I'm going to be a bit cautious.
After seeing what he's like tonight,
and how ruthless he can be,
it's everybody for themselves at the
moment, just fight for myself.
Oh, mate, I'm so sorry about that.
That's all I can say,
is really sorry.
Like, not only did you vote for me,
but you were trying
to get other people on board.
I've got no defence, mate
How the hell can I trust you now?
| feel so guilty.
Not only did I go against the team,
but also, he turned me against Jaz.
I made the worst decision
I've possibly made yet,
so I have messed up and I kind of
put myself on the chopping block.
All I can say, man,
is I've not been recruited,
I promise that, I promise you,
I thought I was a goner
because of you.
Like you said,
people can make mistakes.
It's crazy.
I feel like now there's only one way
to look, as in Ross or Jaz.
Jaz, the way he held himself,
going for Paul,
flipping it to Andrew.
# This is a revolution #
Amazing, weren't it? See you
in the morning. See you later.
Well done, guys.
The castle chimes mark
the end of another day.
I can't stop smiling.
I'm, like, so over the moon. Whee!
So the Faithful got another Traitor.
They are turning into
quite a team of detectives.
We have two remaining Traitors,
and they have a big decision
to make - to seduce or to murder.
# This is a revolution
# We are rising up
# This is a revolution. #
Wow! That was crazy, weren't it?
That was crazy, yeah.
It had to happen with Paul.
Fair play to you.
I didn't really trust him anyway.
As soon as I heard it from Charlotte
that he put my name into the mix,
I was like, "Here we go,
you've done so much,”
whereas I know I can trust you.
Like, obviously, you might feel like
you can't trust me,
but at the same time,
you've got to think now,
I know it sounds cocky or whatever,
but now I sort of
look like the hero.
I can back you now, you know,
because they'll believe me.
So obviously tonight,
we've got the choice again,
because there's the two of us.
We could seduce to bring
another Faithful in
and make a third Traitor,
or we just carry on
and start a murdering spree.
I mean, a seduce would be good.
Someone with a bit of heat,
so, like, they would have to take
the blows sort of for us.
But then are we going to do
two days in a row?
I feel like we're missing
out on murdering now, because
Yeah, I think we should just murder,
to be honest.
I would rather just murder!
I don't think we can afford,
for two nights,
to let everyone breathe,
because we should be breathing down
their necks.
We both knew we wanted to murder.
We need to bring the numbers down.
There's quite a few people
in there now,
people who are, like, 100% Faithful,
100% Faithful, um,
so they're never going
to get banished.
Where do you see Jaz?
Jaz, yeah.
He has no persuasion.
He didn't help himself at all
at that Round Table, did he?
Nah. I was going to go for him
at one point.
We're sat there as Faithfuls,
and I'm like,
"These Faithfuls are more
Traitor-ish than us!"
She's quite a loud voice,
quite a strong woman,
and nobody really
challenges Charlotte, do they?
But at the same time now,
I mean, keeping her in the game,
she looks suspicious.
Ross, I mean, he's got so much heat
on him now.
Yeah. Like he said,
he's condemned himself. Yeah.
So he's no point in murdering.
The ones I'm probably, like, swaying
towards is someone like Charlie,
because she's so in the clear.
She's so random with other things,
she's not a threat. Is she a threat?
No, but then she's not going
to get banished.
Zack's untouchable.
He's too silly to be a Traitor.
Like, everyone thinks he's
Faithful at the minute,
so if we was to murder him tonight,
it'd be so easy to be, like,
"They've tried recruiting again,
Zack said no." Yeah.
So if the murder's
between Charlie and Zack
I think we're 100% on one.
Yeah. And this murder makes us
even more scot-free.
No-one's going to suspect that.
With Harry, after I saw him
turn on Paul today,
who's not to say he's going
to try and do the same to me?
Just going to be hard to beat him.
I'm hoping he's true to his word
and we can work together as a team.
Feels good, doesn't it?
# That I'm bad to the bone! #
Tomorrow, we'll be Faithfuls
just like any other day.
It feels strange,
but I'll get used to it.
Bless little Andrew.
It's his first murder.
I trust him a lot, and I think
him going against me
would just be silly.
I could flip that script.
If you come for me,
I'll just put you six feet under.
I've done it three times before.
# I'm bad to the bone! #
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