The Walking Dead: World Beyond (2020) s02e08 Episode Script

Returning Point

Previously on "The Walking
Dead: World Beyond."
Jadis: You were sloppy with
sensitive research. You lied to us.
We need
to pick a side.
I have no choice,
but to propose a vote
of no confidence
in our chairperson.
Hope: Your dad?
Yeah, he's Major General Beale.
Dennis: Yeah, they're
gonna wipe out Portland.
Using gas they've been
storing at the RF,
using the empties
to cover it up.
This isn't just about
saving Portland
and getting out of here.
We have to get the scientists
out and their research.
We take it and --
and we keep it going.
Elizabeth: Indira.
Hello again.
That's good.
You can take a break.
Lieutenant Colonel.
What do you think?
This is exactly
the finishing touch
that the facility needed.
We asked you
for something
that would be a reminder
of why we're here
and what's at stake
that would stand
for generations to come,
and it's --
it's magnificent.
Thank you.
I'm glad you like it.
So, what's wrong?
The non-aggression pact
we struck
when you first arrived.
I'd like your word
that you will continue
to honor that after I'm gone.
Are you going somewhere?
It's not where.
It's when --
It's my kidneys.
I might not have
much time left.
My mother died of kidney failure
when I was young.
I've been ignoring the signs
for months, but
I'm at the point
where I can't anymore.
We have plenty
of doctors here,
dialysis equipment.
That's very kind.
But I can't put
my personal health
over the interests
of my community.
Isn't staying alive
in the best interest
of your community?
I'm not asking
for anything in return.
What would
you have to gain?
Peace of mind.
your family the ordeal
that Jennifer and I went through
with her father.
And you'd be sparing me
the uncertainty
of dealing with whoever
your lesser successor would be.
I can't imagine
their artistic talents
would hold a candle
to yours.
No one need know.
It would be just between us,
no strings attached.
What do you say?
Leo: Our entire purpose now
is to find a way
to a healed planet ..
Not for us
but for our children,
maybe our
children's children.
We can still
give them that life.
We owe it to them,
but not here.
Not with the people
responsible for that.
But how?
They won't just
let us leave.
No, they won't.
You can be damn sure
they never will.
So, you're talking
about an escape?
No, I'm past
talking about it.
A plan's already in motion,
one that involves help
from the outside
and uses the CRM's own
security protocols against them.
But even if
we have a place to go,
how can we live
in the long term?
I mean, how can
we possibly find facilit--
I realize this is
a giant leap
I'm asking you to take.
And I don't have
every answer'
But I know
we can't stay here.
Dr. Belshaw wasn't killed
in a laboratory accident.
They murdered her,
like they murdered Dr. Abbott,
like they murdered
my security detail.
But --
They've committed
They're going to again.
We have proof.
If we stay, we become a party
to all they do.
Or they kill us.
We're working to
stop the monsters
and to save people
from turning into monsters.
But we need to save ourselves
from that fate first.
And right now,
I need to know ..
Are you in?
Let's hope this does it.
Yeah, let's hope.
I'm supposed
to be on patrol.
All this coming and going,
I can't risk another trip
out here.
Jadis could trace all of this
back to the outpost.
To you.
And I know what happens to me
if she does.
And if she doesn't.
I guess we'll figure out
the "after"
Dennis, I'm sorry --
We both have things
to be sorry for.
But no matter
how this turns out
you're the one part of all this
I don't regret.
I'm gonna say it again.
I didn't send you to him
because he was my husband.
I sent you to him
because he was ..
He's a good guy.
I got that.
You can hate me,
but you're gonna
have to trust me.
It's the only way
this works.
Let's go.
Almost everything's
in the north stairwell
are still down
from the outage.
Percy's taking down
the rest of the go.bags.
What's up?
It just got real,
you know?
All of them are putting
their lives in our hands.
I know you think
it's smarter
to just go for the gas
and save Portland ..
Getting everyone out
there's a lot
that could go wrong.
But we'll make it work.
We do whatever
we have to do
to make sure we win.
Things roll our way,
it'll be just enough
to pull this thing off.
Get all of you out.
Get you someplace
where they can't get you.
What about you?
If this works,
what happens to you?
If I can get back to the CR,
I can let
the civilian government know
what the military's done.
You almost had me
fooled yesterday.
What she had me do
to Lyla ..
did it to her self.
And if she had to die
at someone else's hands,
I just wished
they'd been mine.
You don't.
So how does this play out
without them killing you?
The empty Jadis
had me use to kill Lyla,
I'm pretty sure
he was a soldier tied to Omaha
who'd been trying to talk.
If there's one,
there's more.
A resistance
that can help me
get to the people
I need to talk to.
It won't be easy, but
I have to try.
And who knows.
Maybe in the end,
it'll be me and Dennis,
trying together.
Take these.
Wait for my go.
They all set up for us
on the outside?
Dennis and Silas
are on their way now
to relay the plan
to Indira's people.
Once they radio
that they're on board,
we move'
Silas: So what did
you tell them?
Grady and Tiga,
what do they know about this?
Told 'em to stay there,
keep their distance,
keep luring more dead
towards the outpost.
From there,
they're reporting
to Cull Station Six
in Binghamton.
Didn't tell them why?
Less they know,
the better.
Keeps them safe
if they get caught.
You knew what
they did to Omaha.
You've known for days.
You didn't say a thing.
Yeah, because you're them.
You and your wife.
She killed people
and made me think I did it.
What, she was just
doing her job?
The world went to shit,
and the CRM was
the last, best hope
for bringing it back.
It was a cause worth dying for,
worth killing for.
You know, on the inside,
they tell you
everything you do is
in service to the greater good,
that what you do today
can help create
the next 500 years.
You go in not knowing
exactly who you are,
you lose perspective.
You lose yourself.
Yeah, there's right and wrong,
There isn't.
Not for
a long time now.
You were taking me
down that path.
You were going nowhere.
Just like me.
Get down.
Could be hundreds.
We wait
for them to pass.
We don't have time.
We don't have a choice.
We wait.
I want to see
about that briefing
you promised me yesterday.
What's going on?
We were finally able
to get some
of the operational
monitoring systems
back online
after the power outage.
Diagnostics report
from the last hour.
Shows variants
in key card activity.
Water and power usage
in the labs dropped
to almost nothing.
Data could be scrambled
from the outage.
I'm concerned Dr. Bennett
is not keeping quiet
about what he knows.
Your mother's
psychological profile of him
indicated he would fall in line
to keep his family safe.
I'm starting to wonder
if her report was wrong.
Or if there are other variables
at play.
I don't think he'd ever
put his girls in danger.
You want me
to sniff around?
Oh, we're way
past that.
If I'm right,
and I usually am,
this is about stopping the rot
before it spreads.
Showing Dr. Bennett
what happens
to one or both
of his daughters
if he steps out of line.
My team is ready
when yours is.
Let's move.
I didn't want to leave him.
I just --
I knew that if
they saw us together
Thing is, they might've.
If they did, Indira,
I ..
I am so sorry.
Your son is dead
He was out there
because of me.
No, that's not true.
I was dying.
It. Colonel Kublek
offered me treatment
so I could live.
I was too selfish,
too scared
to let go of my life,
my community
my children.
Dev died helping me
get medicine.
Medicine I was taking
so that I could hold onto things
I had no right
to still be holding onto.
I handed the CRM
control of my life,
and because
of that decision,
they took the life
of my boy.
And now we could lose
We have to assume that the CRM
knows my son trespassed.
That our non-aggression pact
with them is nullified.
Things are escalating.
And we all know
what they're capable of.
It's not safe for us here.
For any of us.
We have to leave.
Robin: We'll gather
what we can carry,
head to the way station
near Cornell,
go from there.
Let the others know.
tell everyone that as soon
as we get to safety
I'll step down
as your leader.
I'm sorry for your loss.
I-If there's anything
I can do for you right now ..
Thanks, but
I'm not sure you can.
Dev was a lot like you.
Questioning everything.
I think he was still trying
to figure it out, too.
I just wonder, in the end
if he ever did.
Maybe for some people
it takes facing
the end to
ever really know.
Huck: Felix, Hope, Iris.
You read me?
We need to start everything.
Jadis and some armed guards
are on their way
to your dad's place
to take everybody in.
You need to get the hell
out of there,
head to rendezvous one.
We haven't heard
from Will or Elton.
Listen to me.
There's no time.
We can't wait for them.
We need to start now.
I'll do whatever
I can to help,
but if this plan
is going to happen,
it needs to happen now.
Hey, we got this.
Find Felix and Dad.
Spread the word.
Get everybody in place, okay?
I'll meet you there.
Soldier: Clear.
Soldier #2: All clear.
As we suspected.
Dr. Bennett's not
in his usual class.
Carlucci has abandoned
his post.
Initiate standard
evacuation drill protocols
for the Facility's
civilian personnel.
You think that'll
flush them out?
I think it'll tell me
just how deep the rot's spread.
Announcer: This is a mandatory
evacuation drill.
Please proceed
to the nearest exit.
This is a mandatory
evacuation drill.
Please proceed
to the nearest exit.
This is a mandatory
evacuation drill.
I'll meet you in there.
Everything good?
The others
are already inside.
Is she --
Not yet.
But she'll be here.
Let's go.
This is a mandatory
evacuation drill.
Please proceed
to the nearest exit.
Hey, what's going on?
Listen, I need you
to get lan or someone you trust
to sign you in
with the evac guards,
and I need you
to come with me.
I just need you to trust me,
Just tell me
what's going on.
It's life and death.
We're still awaiting
the final manifest
from transport three,
but this is everyone
that's checked in
for evacuation.
No sign
of the Bennetts.
And none of the civilian
research staff,
or their security details.
Must be an error.
That's cute.
Now we know.
This goes far beyond
the Bennetts.
full facility lockdown.
Close off every door,
window, and air vent.
Once the complex is secure,
you're to sweep every inch ..
Building by building,
wing by wing, room by room ..
Until you find where
they're hiding.
Something's wrong.
She should've been here.
Stay with the others.
I need to find Hope.
I'm here!
What's going on?
I wish there was
another way.
But our plan doesn't work
without you.
Whoa! Hey!
Hey, welcome to the
Bio.Containment Unit.
Huck: It. Newton.
No signal down here.
Stokes is requesting
an update.
They're inside
the Bio.Containment Unit.
They've locked themselves in.
No way in or out.
But we're picking up
indistinct chatter
through the walls.
They're in there.
So, why aren't we?
It's reinforced
Sealed shut as a fail-safe,
triggered by the lockdown.
Blunt force won't do it.
We'll have to wait
for a full system reboot
to override
the locking system.
Mm. How long's
that gonna take?
At least two hours.
I'll let her know.
It's a good thing
I told Will
I wouldn't do
anything reckless.
Leo: We didn't
get a choice here.
I don't know.
Don't you think
it's all a choice?
You chose to give me a life,
I'm choosing
to make it count.
You already have.
You know that.
We're gonna get you
back to Will.
And then
you're finally gonna start
living for yourself.
Yeah, well,
that goes for you, too.
Hope: It's one-way glass.
We can see them,
but they can't see us.
What is this?
What are those things
doing in here?
Hope, just -- just tell me
what's going on.
Talk to me!
Mason, the CRM isn't
what you think it is.
They've done terrible things.
What kind of things?
Whatever it is,
it can't be that bad.
My dad would
know about it.
Wait, is that
why you took me?
Because of my dad?
There was no other way.
We're gonna leverage who you are
to get what we want,
and then once we do,
we'll let you go.
And what do you want?
And if you don't get it,
then what?
You feed me to them?
No one's gonna hurt you.
I promise.
I understand.
Let me know when you have
an update on the server.
What's going on?
He approached
long.range security
and asked to speak
with your mother.
If he's to be believed,
there's a lot been going on here
that's off the books.
Oh, yeah?
Like what?
Well, for starters,
it seems your mother's
been diverting CRM
medical supplies
to the leader
of the Perimeters.
More immediately,
they've become
a significant threat
to this facility's security,
and thus the security
of the Civic Republic.
He's saying that the intruder
we shot the other night,
the one we were trying
to identify,
was Indira's son.
He's saying that
she and her community
have been actively working
with the Bennetts against us,
harboring them,
planting them inside the complex
for what's obviously
some kind of escape attempt.
You, uh --
You sure we can trust him?
Sergeant Mills' team is
on its way to deal with them.
And there's not gonna
be an investigation?
An investigation
would take time
and cause
For a security threat
such as this,
CRM Uniform Regulations
mandate any and all
points of contact must
be removed ..
I have this dream
of my future.
I'm with Felix.
We're older.
We got
a beautiful family.
It's what I live for.
Everything that I do
is in service of that.
Maybe that
makes me selfish.
I don't think
it makes me wrong.
What you did to live
for your son,
for your family
I don't think that's wrong,
It's Brody.
He split off from the first
caravan that headed east.
He was ranting about
making things right
with the CRM.
Move! Move!
Over there.
Keep going.
Soldier: Drop your bag.
Line up
with the others.
We took out
a good.sized piece of your wall
on the way in.
But you won't have a need for it
after today.
Ma'am, I received the update
you requested on the server.
Do you realize
what you've done?
To your own community?
You marked them
for death.
No, we were
already marked.
Indira made a deal
with your mother
to save her own life.
Why shouldn't I
do the same?
You know,
I could tell them about you.
I should.
You've been playing both sides
the whole time.
Trying to get me killed,
too? Huh?
Alright, permanent residency
inside the Civic Republic.
Promise me that,
and I will keep quiet.
I can't.
Well, then, you have
until Warrant Officer Stokes
comes back
to figure out
a way that you can.
On your knees!
Let me speak
to the It. Colonel.
do we have a deal or not?
Time's almost up.
You don't do this,
you're dead.
Stand fast.
What the hell
did you do?
He was a rat,
playing angles,
saying shit about us
being behind what happened
in Omaha.
That is we didn't let him
into the CR,
he'd go screaming it
from the rooftops.
How could he have known?
No clue.
But people like him?
They're the security threat.
For all we know,
the scumbag was lying
about Indira,
using us to settle
some personal grudge.
He was a threat.
And so is she.
Sergeant Mills,
put me on with our leader.
I'd like to speak
with her.
whoever you are
call your soldiers off.
You can take me
but let my people live.
I'm impressed
by the globe sculpture
It. Colonel commissioned
from you some years back.
It's beautiful.
Kind of welding
is tricky.
I know.
I was like you once.
Leading a community of artists,
but they never really
stood a chance,
as yours don't now.
Larger, more powerful
overtake smaller ones.
It's become
their responsibility to.
They're ascendent
because they've adapted,
equipped themselves
for survival,
not just in might,
but in seeing the world
for what it is
and what it must be.
All of this to say,
your vision is lovely,
but it doesn't portray
what is.
You don't see it.
You can't.
And that is why
we can't let you live.
I'm sorry.
Hostiles are secured.
Warrant Officer,
we are awaiting
your final order.
They provide
a valuable service to us.
They're a resource.
Eliminate them all.
Leave no one alive.
Assume firing positions.
It's gonna be okay.
On my mark.
Soldier: Fall back!
Soldier #2: Force right!
Squad, Code Five.
Multiple hostiles incoming.
Abandon positions.
Fall back to the mill.
Formation Beta! Now!
Indira: Arm yourselves
and find cover!
Robin: They're all
in front of the mill.
Stay down.
Soldier: Grenade!
Get down!
Elton: How did you
know to come?
Silas: We didn't.
We came to tell you
about the plan.
Will: What? What plan?
They're escaping.
What? When?
Dennis: Silas.
Get your friends
and the supplies
to the rendezvous.
Be ready.
Ready for what?
What's the plan?
Silas: Dennis?
Iris: So, as long
as we make this left
We're good, yeah.
12 minutes
till they're in.
I'll get everyone ready.
I'll set the C-4.
I'm not going anywhere
till you assholes
tell me where you're taking me!
Percy, don't --
Wait, let him handle it.
he didn't do anything.
Neither did we.
There is too much
at stake.
We need to get it done.
Let's move!
Announcer: System reset.
5, 4, 3
Jadis: We'll have to assume
Mills and his team are dead.
And as for
our mutinous scientists
they were counting on us
initiating lockdown protocols.
They knew sealing
that containment door
would buy them
enough time to escape
into the old mining tunnels.
And they used the explosives
to stop us
from following them in.
When did you know?
Facility's central server
confirmed it.
All the research
has been wiped.
Every drop of data.
Every paper,
every theory.
They're trying
to take it with them.
This isn't just
an escape plan.
This is a rebellion.
The Civic Republic
stands to lose
every scrap of knowledge
and progress
that we've built since --
since the end of everything.
This could be
the second end.
So, what's the damn plan,
I've ordered Pierce
to station soldiers
at every tunnel exit.
When they emerge,
we'll be waiting.
to Warrant Officer Stokes.
Fire teams are moving
into position.
What are the rules
of engagement?
Inform your teams
I'm rescinding
all arrest protocols.
We're to make an example
of the Bennetts.
If you see them
or any of the scientists,
shoot to kill.
Eliminate some
to traumatize the many.
They've been safe
for too long.
They've forgotten
too much.
This is an opportunity
to make them remember.
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