Thunder in My Heart (2021) s02e08 Episode Script


"Want to taste you all over.
My mouth on your wet pussy.
Your fingers inside me.
I'll make you cum over and over.
Want to hear you moan,
hear how you sound when you cum.
Oh, fuck, you make me so horny.
Are you wet? So fucking wet."
I assume you both cum here,
since the next message is,
"Have you seen Succession?
Just a little TV show tip."
I've got problems, I don't know
I can't hear you,
I can't hear anything.
I said I've got problems
and I need therapy.
Wasn't it me who needed therapy?
But I think I have an addiction
or something.
This is information
you should have shared with me.
-Do you understand that?
-I know.
If you want to take a picture
of your pussy
and send it to someone
other than me, tell me!
-Please stop screaming at me.
I'll talk however I like, okay?
This isn't about you.
It's like two completely different
-It's got nothing to do with you.
I understand. How nice.
I'm glad we've got that sorted.
I can't breathe.
I think it's my heart.
I'm going to die.
Maybe you should message one of your
35 different sex-chat girls.
Ask them to call you an ambulance?
I think I'm going to die.
Was it a good day or a bad day?
Every day is a bad day, Sigge.
The love of my life
Is it even possible to be such a
disgusting person?
How can you do that
to another person?
Now we've got something in common,
you and I.
-What's that?
-We're not doing well romantically.
It's you and me now.
And that fucking rabbit.
It's so fucking sad, Sigge.
That's enough now.
What do you mean?
I've had enough of listening
to you moaning about this idiot.
She was the love of my life.
Loves of your life come and go.
How old are you? Nineteen?
You're not even going to remember
this person's name
-when you're 70.
-I will so.
And you can't know
it's the love of your life or not.
You won't know
until you're on your deathbed
when you can compare them all.
-Is that the right show?
Do you want to watch it in the
living room instead maybe?
Are you going to talk about me?
No, we're going to talk about
a bunch of things.
There. We have to go now.
Arvid's mum said you can play
for about an hour.
And there's a lot of yummy food
in the fridge.
Just call me if you need to.
I saw you're going to witness.
Are you going to try
to take him from me now?
These proceedings are regarding
Benjamin, who is nine years old.
I'll start by asking if there's
a chance the parties can agree,
before we continue with the
This is what we were talking about.
You can tell Odenwald yourself.
It's not possible, unfortunately,
as far as I can see.
Of course I'd love to come to
an agreement for Benjamin's sake.
But we can't if I'm the only one
who wants to.
So that's a no from me as well.
Then we've established there's
no chance the parties can agree.
We have a number of witnesses.
Is anyone in this courtroom
going to witness today?
Yes, I'm witnessing at
a quarter past two.
Please leave the courtroom.
Come back at that time.
I won't say anything,
I can be totally silent.
I just thought I'd sit in
and listen.
I know you want to be here,
but so you're not influenced by
what's said,
you'll have to wait outside
for your turn, unfortunately.
When Benjamin grows up,
he'll know just how crazy you are.
And you fucking tricks
won't work on him anymore.
And he'll leave you.
Just like Sigrid and I have.
You'll be completely fucking alone!
Do you understand?
And you're the cunt!
I'm just me!
This is one example
of how it can sound
when Annika drinks alcohol
and becomes aggressive.
Based on this, Stefan is worried
something bad will happen
to Benjamin if he lives with Annika.
I read through the family court's
report earlier,
and it states that
the family court's recommendation
is that Stefan should
have sole custody of Benjamin.
She called him an idiot and I think
she said, "Give me my son."
And she swore and banged on the door
so it echoed through the stairwell.
Did Annika seem inebriated
at the time?
She could absolutely have been.
She seemed a bit
Have you ever heard Benjamin say
he was afraid of his dad?
No, absolutely not. No.
It's mostly like, "Daddy, Daddy!"
He says he wants to see his dad
more than he does. It
That's how it is.
Stefan is a typical
controlling person.
He is.
Our daughters went
to high school together
and, well, Stefan
and Annika were very
private during that time.
And Sigrid was closed up.
She never had anything
negative to say
about either of her parents.
I mean what teenager doesn't have
anything negative to say
about their parents? It's
I don't know, it felt like
she didn't dare say anything
other than that she had
the world's best dad.
It was like she had an
unnaturally grateful attitude
toward him.
That's what I remember.
You spoke with Benjamin
when he'd stayed with Stefan
for a few days, right?
Yes, that's right.
According to your experience,
the way a child expresses themselves
can be affected by which parent
they live with at the time.
Yes, that's absolutely possible,
but we believed that
Benjamin could speak freely and
express his thoughts and feelings.
How is it possible
that you didn't speak to
Stefan and Annika's adult daughter,
We assessed Sigrid as not being
particularly close to Benjamin.
Thank you. No further questions.
-Hey! What are you doing?
I'm going to meet Arvid
at the playground.
That sounds like fun!
What are you doing?
I just wanted to hear your voice.
If they take me
and give me to Dad
will you come and visit sometimes?
Yes, of course!
All the time.
I'll move in.
Benjamin has told the family court
he's afraid of you.
He wants to live with Stefan.
What are your thoughts on that?
We've tried to get the family court
to speak to him again.
but that has been denied.
He doesn't want
to see his dad at all now.
How can you know he doesn't want
to see his dad at all?
Because he's said so.
To me
and to Sigrid.
Okay. I have no further questions,
thank you.
Why have you, after divorcing, tried
to get back together with Annika
if she's, as you claim,
alcoholic and aggressive?
I, myself, come from
a broken family,
and I've
Well, I've grown up with a father
who drank and was very violent.
So maybe it's typical that I
ended up in a relationship with
someone who was just like him.
Well, what can I say?
I think I got stuck in that
relationship because I
I wanted
I thought Benjamin would have
a better childhood than I did.
That I wanted to protect him,
And then when
When she was leaving me
she took Benjamin with her and tried
to push me away however she could.
I became desperate.
I got scared and just wanted to get
back into that terrible relationship
to try to protect Benjamin
at any price.
So that's how it was.
Courtroom four.
Sigrid Wikström to courtroom four.
I will dictate the oath for you,
so you can repeat after me.
I, Sigrid Wikström
I, Sigrid Wikström
-declare and affirm
-declare and affirm
-on good conscience
-on good conscience
-to give the whole truth
-to give the whole truth
-withhold nothing
-withhold nothing
with no additions or alteration.
-with no additions or alteration.
-Thank you.
You have now taken the witness oath
and speak under criminal liability.
We will begin recording.
There's a camera here.
Sound and video will be recorded
during question.
Recording has begun.
Can you begin by telling us a bit
about yourself,
and your relationship
to the parties?
My name is Sigrid Wikström,
and I'm Annika's daughter,
and Stefan's daughter as well.
And Benjamin's big sister.
We're very close, he and I.
Should I say anything else?
How would you describe your mother's
relationship with alcohol?
I'd say that
both my parents drink much less
than what my friends' parents do.
I think I've seen them drunk once.
On holiday when I was little.
That's what I remember anyway.
How is Annika as a mother?
I think my mother is very strong.
She's who I've felt safe with
during childhood.
And how is your relationship today?
It's good, I think.
How's your relationship
with your father?
Right now, it's nothing.
We have no relationship.
Thank you.
Do you think you're
a good role model for Benjamin?
That's hard to answer about myself,
but, yes, I think so
I love him very much.
Is it true you, Benjamin and Stefan
visited a play centre together
on the seventh of September?
Yes I don't remember
the date but
Yes, we visited a play centre
together, that's true.
And is that where you had a tantrum
and screamed at Benjamin,
so much that you scared him and
the other kids at the play centre?
I didn't scream.
I don't remember.
Did Benjamin say that?
That he was scared?
I'm looking at
the family court's report,
and it mentions
that you have psychological issues.
Have you sought help for that
so it doesn't affect Benjamin?
My anxiety doesn't affect Benjamin.
What happened at the play centre
I hadn't seen my father
for a very long time,
and I had an anxiety panic attack.
So I
Would you say you're someone
who always tells the truth?
Do you mean now?
Thank you, that will do.
No further questions.
Can I Excuse me?
Can I
say anything else? I just
I just got so stressed there
at the start.
Do you want to add something that
didn't come out when you answered?
That's fine.
Of course I want my little brother
to see my father.
I think it's good for Benjamin,
in controlled environments.
But he can't live there.
I know personally that it creates
significant problems later in life,
growing up with someone
like my father.
My father is
unbelievably manipulative.
It took a very long time and was
hard for me to cut contact with him.
Excuse me, is it true that you said,
when you were little,
that you loved me more than her,
and that you wished we lived alone?
-Is that right?
-Yes, it might be.
I loved you a lot as a child, but
So you loved me a lot,
Stefan Wikström, let your
representative ask the questions.
But now I want to add something,
like she's doing!
So you loved me a lot
when you were little,
but now suddenly,
when Benjamin is your age,
it's dangerous for him to
live with me?
Does that sound logical? I just
We were very close before, we were.
I had no other friends because you
didn't let me have any friends!
If you have no friends
Stefan Wikström!
This is outside the hearing.
Discuss it with your representative.
-If you had no friends
-Stop recording.
maybe the problem is you,
have you considered that?
Can I just I have a really hard
time being happy in myself.
-Because of my childhood.
-Oh dear.
-And whose fault is that?
-It's your fault!
-It is not.
-It is!
I feel lonely all the time.
I feel ugly and worthless,
and that I'm stupid,
that I can't do anything, that I'm
not good enough for anything.
And I get scared
when someone I feel safe with
closes a kitchen cupboard fast
because you used to scare me
like that.
I have memories
of you calling me a cunt,
that you feel sorry for who
I end up with,
which might be right,
but don't say it to your child!
You can't blame those around you
for your problems.
You're the problem,
don't you get that?
-Sit down, Stefan.
Do they get to sit just make up
whatever they like?
I'm not making it up!
Do you lie like this to Benjamin
too, to turn him against me?
I don't say anything bad about you
to Benjamin,
-I really don't
-You lie all the fucking time
like a stinking fucking
disgusting pig!
You are a fucking cunt!
We'll stop this right here.
-Sit down, Stefan.
The parties will then
complete their cases,
and after the court's deliberation,
the judgement will be handed down.
-Calm down now.
I shouldn't have had kids with him.
I'm sorry.
I didn't know.
Don't say that.
I'm happy I exist.
Me too.
Thank you for that.
Courtroom four.
The court will deliver the verdict
in the lawsuit
between Stefan Wikström
and Annika Törnqvist.
Parties and representation called
to courtroom four.
The district court delivers
the following judgement:
Annika Törnqvist shall have
sole custody of Benjamin Wikström.
Benjamin Wikström has the right
to socialise with Stefan Wikström
twice a month, Saturdays
every second week from 11-3.
The verdict is effective
Are you happy now?
Well, you got what you wanted,
No, I didn't.
The reason for the court's verdict
are briefly as follows:
The report that was presented in the
case has, according to the court,
several shortcomings.
Allegations of alcohol abuse are
based on Stefan Wikström's word.
Since Stefan Wikström is a party,
the evidence lacks credibility.
Considering the need of a child
to have continuity and stability,
the court has decided that Benjamin
is at home with his mother.
Hey Sigge, it's Sam.
It's been ages.
I'd like to talk to you
about something.
I'll just
That's fine.
I broke up with Louise.
I know, Toni told me.
Toni got into her nursing course.
Yeah, she told me.
Mm nice.
Are you hungry?
-That's not a hundred.
-No, they're the ones that made it.
And I've eaten a few as well.
I'm going to Lebanon.
I'm leaving tonight.
Maybe Toni already told you.
Do you know what you'll do?
No, but Dad left a list of places
we should visit
in the letter he left when he
Yeah, so I thought I'd do that.
Do you believe in soulmates
and stuff?
What do you mean?
That you have one soulmate.
I think so.
Do you?
I don't know.
I don't think you can know
until you're on your deathbed.
Then you can compare
and evaluate them all.
I think it's you.
Do you think so?
I really think so.
We can talk when you're on your
deathbed and see if it's true.
We can talk before then.
Yeah, we can talk before then.
I'm sorry, Sigge.
I know I haven't been kind.
It's fine,
you don't have to apologise.
Thank you.
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