Too Hot to Handle: Brazil (2021) s02e08 Episode Script

Mistério na suíte

[upbeat music playing]
-The water's hot!
-Is it?
[Bruna] Um, the water?
The water or your hoo-ha?
-I'd rather not go in.
-[Nayara laughs]
I'm only wearing the bottom part.
No, I'm not going in.
We won't do anything.
You're going to sit there,
I'll take a bath.
No big deal.
Lana is dangerous, man.
She knows we can't hold back.
But this time,
we won't let the group down,
we won't do anything.
If all goes well.
[Bruna] Guys, what could go wrong?
Okay, being naked
in the bathtub can go wrong.
I almost drowned once.
Memories are coming back.
Me in the bathtub,
and him sitting over there.
We can't be close, because
if there's a spark, we'll catch fire.
I think after what they've been through,
they're going to be cool.
They won't do anything.
I don't think they'll even bathe naked.
They won't even bathe naked just in case.
-I agree.
-One hundred percent.
I trust them 100%.
A toast to them.
[Sandri] A toast to them!
[Gabriel] That's right.
Good energy and no horniness.
If they're horny, we're fucked. [laughs]
Wait for the watch, people.
If it's green, enjoy!
[upbeat music playing]
I'm not doing anything.
-[Nayara] But I'm thinking…
-[Justen] I'm over here.
You like a boy,
he is all handsome, stylish, hot.
-Then, all of a sudden…
-[watch chimes]
It's green!
We can do it?
[frantic music playing]
This is a gift from Lana.
So let's enjoy it, huh, Nay!
[Bruna] Oh my God!
Everything is turning green!
Are they recycling?
[Thay] What, you guys?
-[Thay] Why green?
-[Victoria] The suite is green!
-[Isadora] Why?
-The suite is green!
[Isadora] It's green!
The watch turns green,
the suite turns green.
If they do anything, they're out.
-[Ítalo] What would be the…?
-[Lucas] Holy shit!
No, no, no, but Lana--
No, no, no, it's not the watch.
-She's testing them.
-It's a test.
When the watch turns green, don't we kiss?
The room is green, they…
I still think it's a test, guys.
-What test would it be?
-That would go against the rules.
Only if the watch turns green.
-What if the whole room is green?
-I wouldn't do it!
Fuck the room!
[Bruna] Of course Lana has a plan,
but the best part
is watching them try to figure it out.
This is weird. Lana is being too nice.
That's not normal. [laughs] Sorry, Lana!
The suite is green.
Is the watch green too?
Is it a test? My God!
My head's already starting to smoke.
Is the watch green, too?
We don't know.
There's a lot going on in my head.
A green suite?
[Sandri] What is Lana up to?
If it were me…
If I got there and the whole room
was green, I would fuck!
The suite turned green.
I've never seen that on Too Hot to Handle!
A green suite!
What now? Do we do it or not?
-[Ítalo] I'm going over there.
-[Sandri] No, wait!
Let's go.
Without a doubt, the first thing I did was
run out and see what's going on in there.
[Bruna] Guys, I'm not judging.
I'm doing the same thing to you
from the editing room.
Imagine if I were there.
-Come on! Run, run!
-[Victoria] Are they doing anything?
[Ítalo] Fuck,
there's a clock in there, you know?
[Sandri] Guys,
there's a clock in the room.
There's a clock in the room.
-There's a timer.
-They're not doing anything, they're cool.
[Sandri] Nay is naked.
[Ítalo] I didn't see.
And Justen is only shirtless.
-[Victoria] My God!
-[Ítalo] But we didn't see the watch.
-[Victoria] What clock?
-There is a clock, like a stopwatch.
[Ítalo] Like a countdown timer.
Are they trying to trick them into
thinking they can have sex in that time?
-Could be.
-[Isadora] I don't know.
-But if she's naked…
-But if they fall for it…
She's naked,
but she's not even close to him.
The watch is green, the suite is green,
I'm going to have fun
because I have Lana's approval.
[Bruna] Nay, just do it.
The worst that can happen
is you get kicked out,
but it's the last episode. Just do it!
[Lucas] Fuck…
[Ítalo] Get down, get down.
[mischievous music playing]
[Gabriel] I can't see anything.
Fuck. Did they kiss?
[Kelvin] They did.
-[Sandri] No, no, no.
-[Kelvin] They kissed, they kissed.
-Come back!
-[Gabriel] Is this pay-per-view?
-[Lucas] What?
-We're fucked?
-[Paulo] Fuck, she's saying we're fucked.
-[Thay] Why are we fucked?
[Paulo] Man…
Look, I can already see
that they're, like, on fire.
They're really already
at an advanced level of involvement.
And I just want it
to not go to shit, because, well,
from what I've seen, it's getting hot.
[Ítalo] Fuck, no, no, no.
It's okay! It's okay.
It's okay. Come here, everyone.
-[Kelvin] Are watches green?
-[Ítalo] It's okay!
[Bruna] It's not okay.
I can see his hips moving from here.
[Ítalo] There's a timer at the bottom,
and green light at the top.
But that's the test.
[Ítalo] It might be.
If it's a test, we're fucked!
-Maybe their watches beeped too.
-Yeah, if they did, fuck it,
-but if it's just the green lights…
-But the watch beeps to fuck?
Since when?
-Not to fuck, but it's the timer.
-It beeps so we can kiss.
No, you can do whatever you want.
If it's green.
Only kissing.
-[Paulo] If you want to fuck, fuck.
-We didn't see if their watches are green.
-[Ítalo] Yeah.
-[Bruna] Guys, keep racking your brains
while the couple is shaking the sheets.
-[Isadora] Lana, Lana!
-Guys, Lana is on!
-[Lana chiming]
-[Gabriel] We'll see.
-[Thay] Come here!
-[Lana chimes]
-[Lucas whistles] Hey!
[Victoria] Man,
they're making out too much!
But there's a clock,
we don't know about the clock.
Let's let Lana talk.
[Thay] Come on, Lana! For God's sake!
-[Gabriel] Talk to us, Lana!
-[Sandri] Let's find out.
[Lana] I'm back, people.
-[Sandri] Hi, honey.
-[Ivan] Hi, Lana.
-We're worried.
-What do you have for us?
What is going with this stuff, Lana?
[Lana] During the green suite mode,
they have an hour free from the rules
of the retreat to enjoy as they wish.
Goddamn it! Fuck!
You were all thinking nonsense.
I'm not gonna lie.
I wish I was there, because I still
haven't had sex here and they have.
I think it's unfair!
[Lana] Good night.
Damn it, Lana, you're mocking us!
[Ítalo] Yesterday,
you took 40 grand from me.
I didn't do anything I wanted to do.
Now they get the greenlight?
That's tough…
[suspenseful music plays]
[Bruna] Spooky music?
Is it a horror movie?
[Bruna] it's just
the "ghosts have fun" position! [laughs]
No doubt they're eating their hearts out.
[percussive music playing]
Wakanda won Too Hot To Handle too.
Yeah, they're the only ones who had sex.
They were the protagonists.
They spent 310,000.
they almost left the house,
but they didn't.
They gained everyone's trust.
Green light.
What else could they get?
Twenty minutes.
[both laughing]
You're so funny.
One hour is enough time
for some good foreplay.
-You can do everything!
-Foreplay, kissing…
An increase, decrease speed,
and strength of thrusting.
It's enough time for everything.
[sultry music playing]
[Bruna] Look,
I don't wanna be a cock-blocker,
but it's almost time
to put the sword away, guys, speed it up.
[Nayara] I'm very, very, very happy
with everything Lana taught me here,
what I experienced with Ju.
We both learned a lot,
and we can continue to evolve out there.
-Thank you, Lord!
-Thank you, Lana.
That's it.
Now I'm going to do this.
A partition.
Ah, I used pillows to make a divider
so it wouldn't be a problem.
Because, during the night,
we could end up forgetting and kissing.
We're a little sleepy. It happens.
[Bruna] Are those pillows
or fire extinguishers?
When I came here,
I said no one was going to control me.
You know?
But the point is
that it's not about control.
It's about the greater good.
I'm going to sleep horny tonight,
but it's okay,
because at least I got to do something.
I'm going to blow you a kiss.
Oh, you're so cute.
I'm really happy with the relationship
I built with Nay in here.
I'm in love. [chuckles]
[Bruna] Oh, so am I!
Someone kiss me.
[playful music]
[Bruna] It's dawn at the retreat,
and the ones who ate their hearts out
await the arrival of the couple in love.
Everyone is going to see my butt now.
No one saw anything.
[Nayara] I'm cute, I have my moments.
[Justen laughs]
Oh, love, right?
It's so nice to be with him.
I'm so in love.
-I have butterflies.
-Me too.
-That's how women are.
-But I have them, too.
You too?
Now we're telling the group.
I don't know if they'll understand.
Even I didn't understand,
because the green suite, honey,
is not for everyone.
Let's see what happens.
I'm so nervous my heart is in my mouth.
[Bruna] What's in your mouth?
I don't understand.
Well, swallow it, because you have
to go tell the truth to everyone.
[upbeat music playing]
It's clear that I fell in love with Ju
the moment we met.
And I believe that Lana saw it,
and we happened to have an hour
to do everything. Really everything.
It was the most special moment,
I think, of my entire time here.
Because, like, one hour
being able to do everything,
without touching anyone's dream
or money, it was unforgettable.
At first, we were apprehensive,
like, "Fuck!"
But then we just enjoyed it.
[Nayara laughing] Until the last seconds.
With one minute left, we wrapped it up,
I put some pillows in the middle of
the bed and we stayed on separate sides.
-Oh, awesome!
If it turned green
it's because they deserved it.
So they should have sex,
they should chafe, as Nay says.
We have to confess that
we peeked at you through the door.
-[Victoria] We saw you having sex.
-[Isa] Wanted to know what was happening,
-because it was all green outside.
-[Sandri] Yeah, the whole suite was green.
-So we were in shock.
-We were so worried and nervous.
And we couldn't stand the anxiety.
We went, saw there was a clock,
-[Thalyta] We took a peek.
[Isadora] You two were making out.
All with respect, just for gossip.
-[Sandri] Just for the gossip.
-Just for the gossip.
[Kelvin] We peeked a minute
after the suite turned green,
-and you were already naked.
I was holding my panties, seducing him.
We couldn't do anything.
What was the difference between
the first time you had sex and this time?
It was different, wasn't it?
There was a lovey-dovey vibe.
-[Nayara] It was love.
That's what it felt like.
We wanted to cuddle.
She can't stop smiling.
That smile is permanent.
I wish I was in their place,
but I'm happy for them.
We only made it here because
you gave us the opportunity to stay.
If it weren't for each one of you here,
this wouldn't be possible.
Group hug!
[Isadora] No, I need them to shower first.
You need them to shower?
[Bruna] When no one spends money,
the love comes back.
[Ítalo] Come to papa, let me hug you.
[Gabriel] I was happy for them,
I really was.
This was a unique experience.
[upbeat music playing]
[Bruna] Oh, their story
is ending here, folks.
And their story is already over,
but it never stops ending,
because it's going to end again.
It's going to end now.
-I wanted to talk to you.
We were in the makeup room earlier.
And I said something because
of what's happening to me here now.
Then I realized you were there.
[Sandri] Why did Lucas only come now?
[ISadora] Because otherwise we'd be broke.
[Isadora] You wouldn't have learned
everything you've learned.
Yes, of course.
But we could have created
a deeper connection.
I was worried, not because of what I said,
because I said what I was feeling.
But I worry about you,
and, if it were me,
I'd want to talk to that person.
So there aren't any loose ends, you know?
I'm really happy you're worried about me.
-[Sandri] I'm serious.
-I really am.
Everything between us
has already been sorted out.
Our trajectory was just
between you and me,
so there's no hard feelings, really.
In a way, when I heard that,
I was upset.
But it didn't affect me
because I understand that she's someone
who helped me unblock certain things.
I know that what we feel
for each other is friendship.
And, that's okay, really.
Thank you so much for this conversation.
No problem, no worries.
Some people are the one,
others lead us to them.
I believe that she was
really important to me here.
I learned a lot
from my relationship with her,
and I'm happy about that.
[Bruna] Ivan,
if she ends it again,
you'll get your own thing.
But I want to see some people
who are connected.
[festive music playing]
[Gabriel] What's up?
I go outside, and that
wonderful woman is waiting for me.
I loved meeting you,
and getting to know who you really are.
Me too.
-It was so fast.
-It was.
But it was so nice and chill.
I learned a lot from you here.
With everything we've been through.
From your experiences
and your life outside.
It's nice to talk one on one,
because at the house
there is always someone near you.
We got to talk about our lives
and exchange thoughts and ideas, too.
Your beauty caught
my attention at first. You…
I can't say anything bad about you.
You're stunning.
But what really amazed me
was what you have inside.
Oh, I really just want
to cover Gabe in kisses!
Lana, please make my watch green.
[Bruna] Give me five grand
and I'll do it behind Lana's back.
I admire you a lot, too.
You're beautiful outside and in. Really.
And the way
you're always available is amazing,
You're not a man of…
-[watch chimes]
-Oh, my watch is green!
-If it's green, we're okay!
[screams] Let's kiss!
It was really nice. The sunset, the view.
[Gabriel] Did it stop?
it's still green.
Oh, it's so delicious to be able to kiss
without worrying
about losing 10,000 reais.
It's so good!
It's over.
It's over.
Time flies.
[Thay squeals]
I can't believe it!
It was the icing on the cake
because it was such a good moment.
[Thay squeals]
[Bruna] Oh, look at that.
That sunset, that beach…
These beautiful people, you know?
It's so perfect!
Oh my God!
I'm getting upset, I'm getting jealous.
-[Bruna] Someone knock them over.
-[Gabriel] Oh, my God!
-[Bruna] Yeah…
-[Thay laughs]
[Bruna] Damn! I'm a jealous person.
[gentle music playing]
[Sandri] Do you want me
to visit you in Rio?
-[Lucas] Obviously.
-[Sandri] Oh yeah?
Of course.
I'm sure you'll like it.
-Yeah, okay.
-What do you think?
It sounds fun.
[Ítalo] Hey, Lucas!
-Your watch is green, man!
[Sandri] Oh, damn!
-I was like…
What if?
There were moments
when we thought it was gonna happen,
-it was gonna turn green.
But it didn't.
It would be welcome any time.
-[watch chimes]
-[Nayara] The watch is green!
-[all screaming]
[Bruna] Guys, take it easy!
You're gonna wake up the kids!
-[Ítalo] Grab her butt!
-[watch chimes]
[Nayara] Oh my God!
-[Victoria] Damn!
-[Ítalo] Look!
-[Victoria] Is it still green?
-[Ítalo] It is!
[Isa] You can keep kissing!
[Ítalo] Keep going.
Lana, thank you so much!
That was wonderful!
Thank you, Lana!
[upbeat music playing]
[Bruna] What's with the fire?
Are they roasting marshmallows?
[guys cheering]
[Lucas] Fuck yeah! Champagne!
-[Ivan] Cinelana again?
-[Thay] Guys, there's a TV.
-[Paulo] Let's go!
-[Ivan] We're watching a movie?
[Thay] Is it Cinelana?
[Paulo] I heard the last movie
wasn't very good.
What's going to be the surprise this time?
The first Cinelana wasn't good for me.
I hope it's good this time.
I have a good feeling.
[Bruna] Oh, me too.
I can't wait to see what happens…
Hey! Wait!  He winked with his chest,
did you see that?
[gentle music playing]
[Lana chimes]
[Lana] Hello, people.
-How are you?
-We're great!
-[Kelvin] Thank God.
-We feel gratitude and connection.
-We're sad that it's ending.
This is your last night in the retreat.
I know that you humans
always get emotional
when it's time to say goodbye,
but I found that artificial intelligences
can love and cry, too.
[all] Aww!
[Victoria] Lana!
We love you!
So cute!
That was cute!
I'm not ready, I'm gonna cry.
[Lana] I know a film
passes through your mind
when it's time to say goodbye.
So we're going to enjoy
this suffering together.
I've prepared a special Cinelana
with your best moments in the retreat.
[all cheering]
My God! It's gonna be awesome!
Oh, I'm gonna to ruin my makeup!
Fuck, everyone is gonna cry!
-Grab your tissues!
-It's gonna be lit!
-We're gonna see WG and Khi Khi.
-WG and Khi Khi!
[Sandri] I was a little nervous,
because Lucas just got here
and we're making a connection,
and I don't know what Lana is gonna show.
I've done a lot of things here.
[Bruna] Once bitten, twice shy.
[upbeat music playing]
Oh no! I'm gonna cry.
-[Kelvin] Fuck yeah!
-[Thalyta] Beautiful people!
-Oh my God!
Oh, guys, our best moments here!
I'm looking forward to seeing everything.
Look at this house!
-Look at this house!
-If anyone thought I was down and out…
[Sandri] My God!
The beginning.
I'm having mixed feelings, you know?
I miss it.
I miss our arguments,
the moment I saw them for the first time.
Everything that happened here.
It's like a movie, it went by so fast!
[emotional music playing]
[Thalyta] Look!
[Sandri] Oh, so cute!
[Gabriel] Guys, I'm getting emotional.
[Ítalo] I was a tough guy when I got here,
but I've cried so much already,
I'm not gonna stop crying now.
[all cheering]
[all] Aww!
[Sandri] Everything is so intense here.
I'm so happy.
I wish I could stay longer!
I'm sad that it's ending.
-[WG] This is your home, okay?
-Thank you.
[emotional music continues]
-[watch chimes]
[all laughing]
-[watch chimes]
Everyone is really happy to know that
we did our best and everything worked out.
[emotional music soaring]
-Aw, my God!
[Ivan] You guys look good on TV.
-[Isadora] Damn, you guys.
-[Ivan] Play it again!
[Lana] After reviewing
your steps here at the retreat,
I can see that you've changed a lot
since you arrived here.
Is there anything you'd like to share?
[Ivan] I feel like
I had a lot of barriers.
And here I learned
to really be myself here.
Here I've learned what family
and friendship really means.
I was able to bring out
the more sentimental, sincere Isa.
The more honest you are with people,
the more they become part of your life.
It's so sad that it's ending.
Thank you, from the bottom of my heart.
I love them all. They're in my heart now.
[Bruna] You're like high cholesterol,
always in my heart.
[Lana] A toast to us all.
-To our family!
-Too Hot to Handle family!
[upbeat music playing]
Oh my God,
I'm sad that it's our last party,
but I'm ready to shake my booty
to the ground endlessly.
Now there's no going back
You asked for it again ♪
It's another season
Of Too Hot To Handle ♪
No bumping uglies ♪
[Nayara] I'm gonna dance
until the very last second,
shake my ass, have fun,
and drink everything I can.
I just won't chafe.
No bumping uglies ♪
Now there's no going back
You asked for it again ♪
It's another season
Of Too Hot To Handle ♪
[Gabriel] The last party, let's have fun.
We have to live in the moment.
No one has to be sad
thinking that it's over.
Come here!
[chanting in Spanish]
Arriba, abajo, al centro, adentro!
[Gabriel] Lord have mercy!
It's nice, it's nice!
[dance music playing]
-You're scared, huh?
-I'm so fucking scared!
You're scared?
Once we leave, I'll be like…
[squealing and laughing]
I'm sure no one is gonna
break the rules at the party tonight.
Because at the end of the day,
everyone learned about real connections.
Right, Lana?
[chanting] ♪ I'm not leaving ♪
I'm not leaving ♪
I'm not leaving ♪
[Bruna] Guys, get your laundry
out of the dryer, the last day is here!
-And we have news about the prize!
[Ítalo] Come on, give me something good!
You have butterflies in your stomach,
because no one knows where it's gonna go,
what's gonna happen.
[Lana chimes]
[Lana] Hello, people.
[all] Hi, Lana!
[Lana] I want to thank you all
for participating in this process.
While you have evolved in the process,
I have also improved myself
by watching you.
[Ivan] Thanks, Lana!
Thank you.
-Thank you.
-That's true!
[Lana] And since my work is almost done,
I'm going to hand you
the last big decision in the retreat.
[tense music playing]
There's always trouble.
I'm scared.
[Lana] Each of you will have to vote
on who you think improved the most,
and who got in the way
of the group's development.
-[Justen] Damn it.
[Victoria] Fuck!
[Justen] That's tough.
Another tough decision
that Lana throws at us.
[Lana] Voting begins now.
[Bruna] Yay, voting?
-[Bruna] Is there a confession room?
Who is it gonna be?
Tell me everything, Lana!
Wait, let me get my popcorn.
[tense music playing]
Oh, Jesus!
Do I have to choose ?
This is tough.
[Bruna] Ivan, this is worse
than being dumped by Sandri.
I'm screwed now. I'm so indecisive.
I think Ivan was the one
who improved the most in the retreat.
He really gave himself up,
I admire him a lot.
The woman who evolved most
in my opinion was Isa.
She seemed like someone
who wasn't going to follow the rules.
I saw that she really joined
Lana's purpose.
I believe that Kelvin was the one
who improved the most.
Because he seemed to be a such a flare.
I think Sandri was the woman
who improved the most.
There's Kelvin, Ítalo, there's…
Justen, because he came here
acting all cocky,
but he loosened up.
So, Ju, [kiss] you changed for the better.
I'm proud of you.
Man, who hindered our process?
Someone who hindered it?
Who doesn't deserve it?
[Bruna] Wow, you guys are more slippery
than my crush on Valentine's Day, goddamn!
-I have to choose?
-[Bruna] Yes, you do.
It was Paulo.
He came in later,
and we had a few arguments.
I think Victoria hindered the evolution
of some people, especially Ítalo.
I have to vote for someone?
Who hindered the process
the most was… Thalyta.
I believe that Thay was the reason
for several fights
and disagreements I had with Ítalo.
Thalyta, Thaynara, Isa…
Not to mention everyone else.
This is hard, man.
[suspenseful music playing]
-That was awful!
-My God in Heaven!
-The beginning of a dream.
-Come on, Lana!
[Bruna] Who wants dessert?
Maybe awkwardness on a plate?
[Lana chimes]
[Lana] Votes counted.
Here are the results.
[tense music builds]
[Lana] With all of your votes now cast,
you have chosen four people who have seen
the least amount of improvement.
Because I got here later,
they may think I didn't improve as much.
[tense music continues]
[Lana] Paulo.
I saw that coming.
[suspenseful choral music playing]
[Lana] Thalyta.
What's going on?
[Lana] Thaynara.
I can't believe this.
[Lana] And Victoria.
I was catatonic, like a crazy person.
[Lana] The four of you
must leave the retreat now.
-[Paulo] Thanks, man!
-[Isadora] My princess!
It was everything to me.
[Victoria] Even though we were voting,
I never thought it was to leave.
I'm heartbroken.
I'm pissed! Why Victoria?
-Thank you so much, darling!
-We'll be together soon.
Exactly, I'm not going
to leave you alone anymore.
I agree with Victoria being voted out.
But me… hmpf!
I don't get it.
[Bruna] Who do you think
voted for you, babe?
-Great to get to know you better.
-Thank you, Kelvin. Thank you.
I'm shocked!
[Lucas] Kisses.
I really loved meeting you.
I was shocked,
I didn't understand what was going on.
I had so many questions.
[Bruna] Honey, I'll explain.
You are eliminated!
Thank you. You helped me so much.
Thank you. Thank you so much.
[Isadora] It was a tough moment,
having to say goodbye to the people
that we got so close to.
That final moment,
it's not a pleasant feeling.
When I left, I was in "fears".
[Bruna] In fears? [chuckles]
-Don't you mean "tears"?
-That was like the…
"splits" to me.
[Bruna] Uh, I think you meant "pits".
[Thay] I was shocked by the results.
I thought it was awful!
[Thay] Guys, Lana is here!
[Thalyta] Lana is here?
Oh, Lana, I can't take
these emotions anymore.
-[Paulo] What are we gonna do?
-When we got to that room, like, "Yeah!"
[Lana] Hello, Victoria, Paulo,
Thalyta and Thaynara.
-What's up, Lana?
-[girls] Hi, Lana.
[Lana] Right now,
your friends will get to decide
if you will get
a share of the prize or not.
Not going home yet. There's more.
Oh, Gosh!
I believe everyone deserves
a second chance.
Good God!
Guys, please, for the love of God!
My heart!
Honey, calm down. Stay calm.
[Bruna] Will it be "It's just business,
screw their credit score"?
[suspenseful music playing]
[Lana] You voted Paulo, Thalyta,
Victoria and Thaynara
as the people who improved
the least in the retreat.
I'm going to give you a chance to decide
if they deserve to share the final prize.
It's complicated. We're wondering
whether we should share or not.
We have to really think about it.
[Lana] The final prize is R$160,000.
You must decide now.
Will you split the prize among everyone?
Or just among yourselves?
[tense music continues]
The truth is, we don't necessarily
want everyone who left to come back.
At least I don't.
This is a delicate decision.
[Gabriel] Everyone has a dream.
This could help anyone here.
My heart is not as good
as you think it is.
[tense music builds]
Where there's life, there's hope.
[Bruna] She got her first phrase right!
Bring the champagne!
-It's unanimous.
-It's unanimous, Lana.
-Not me.
-[Kelvin] You can call them back.
-[Isadora] We're a team!
Oh, damn!
Without a doubt.
We never left anyone behind.
We're not going to do it now.
So we'll split the prize with everyone.
And we always knew that.
When we started getting more united,
we always talked about
having to share the prize.
We said we would want everyone to have it.
That's beautiful!
Guys, I'm so happy!
But I was expecting that.
Because family is family, right?
[Lana] The decision has been made.
You can join your friends.
I can't believe we're going back!
[Paulo] Let's go!
[Victoria] We're back!
[Victoria] Oh my God,
we couldn't believe it.
Fuck! We're a family! Forget about it!
[Kelvin] Friendship is definitely
worth more than money.
Everyone is happy.
The happiness of them coming back.
That's better than a bigger prize.
We're all very happy.
[Lana] This is the end
of our experience in the retreat.
Oh, I'm gonna cry.
It was so good to be with you.
-It was good while it lasted.
-[Nayara] It was gratifying.
It was amazing. Without everyone here,
none of us could have evolved.
The old life is over.
And it's the beginning
of a new, really amazing life,
and I'm sure that
all of you here have changed,
started to think differently,
started to look at each other differently,
and see that it's not just the kiss.
It's not just the sex that matters,
but it's what's inside,
what's deep inside.
We'll use this. The beginning.
-Let's do this.
-It's for life.
-Nobody is gonna get out of this family.
-It's only the beginning.
[Ivan] In this retreat,
I got lost, I found myself,
I evolved.
I unlocked a lot of things
that were buried inside of me.
[Lana] I'm never going to forget you.
[all] Aww!
-[Justen] Neither will we, Lana.
-[Isadora] We love you, Lana!
We'll never forget you either.
It's a great lesson to be here and to know
that there's more improvement to come.
Lana awakened a path
that I want to follow forever.
Lana, thank you so much
for the experience.
For everything you've taught me here.
Really, I am extremely grateful.
[Lana] Now you're allowed to bump uglies.
[all cheering]
[Gabriel] I learned to play with fire,
I learned how to burn myself,
how to burn money. [laughs]
I learned to be happy with fire.
[Bruna] Did you learn how to make fire?
Gas is so expensive.
[cheering loudly]
[Thay] Marvelous!
[Kelvin] I'm not gonna lie.
I'm going to miss Lana.
But now,
I can finally bump uglies.
[Justen] To the connections.
-To the family.
-To our family.
[Justen] To every experience we had here
and now let's go live our lives!
[upbeat music playing]
[Isadora] It's really hard to say goodbye
to people you have gotten so close to.
We went through this process together,
and now we're ending the cycle together!
-I want to bump uglies!
-Me too!
The cycle that started is almost ending,
but it's going to open up towards
great opportunities in the future.
After all, Lana is such a good teacher,
and I will bring
everything I learned to my life.
Thank you so much, Lana!
["Freedom" by Thomas Swindells
& Richard Lewis playing]
[Nayara] Lana, thank you for every lesson,
and for the opportunity.
Of course I'm gonna keep saying
that I wanna chafe.
That won't change, but it'll be different.
[Bruna] Oh, guys, it's almost over!
My God, it's actually over!
It's sad when a reality show ends.
Because then we have to deal
with our own problems again.
That sucks, because fixing
other people's problems is so much easier.
Got it? Other people's problems
are easier to solve.
I'm Bruna, your narrator, by the way.
Don't ask me on Instagram, girl.
It's Bruna Louise!
Main Director: Rich Perez.
His name is Rich, but he's poor, okay?
Will you pay me more
to keep talking during the credits?
I'm just wondering. Hmm!
Now, Netflix, can we talk real quick?
I could confirm some new seasons already.
For example, you could release
Season Three of Too Hot to Handle.
Right now, come on, now, make it quick.
Hey guys, now what? Look.
Do you want to send me
something from your life?
You watching, you know,
send me a video of your life
and I'll put my voice on top of it.
What do you think?
Imagine that every time
your boyfriend says something stupid,
I come in with a little joke.
Just think about it, maybe?
Oh, guys, that's enough.
I think it worked.
[kiss] Kisses! Bye!
[closing theme music playing]
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