Tsukimichi: Moonlit Fantasy (2021) s02e08 Episode Script

The Notorious Beautiful Sisters

It's early summer.
Or should I call it the plum rain season?
My hypothesis is mostly correct.
The mist gate you last used
affected the weather in the Subspace.
The weather keeps changing.
It's hard for me to store the food.
The people here
haven't been greatly affected so far.
there could be a sudden thunderstorm
or a scorching hot sun.
As I suspected,
a certain level
of regularity is much needed.
Just like Japan, where I used to live.
By collecting data
from the Young Master's mana,
I noticed that the link
between the mist gate and the weather
is mostly predictable.
I'll go and look for spots
where the four seasons
can change effortlessly.
I'm counting on you.
I need to head back to Rotsgard.
Don't get reckless while I'm gone.
Young Master, are you leaving again?
But I'll come home as often as I can
when I have the time.
The May rain makes me reluctant to leave.
Welcome back, Young Master.
Please accept this.
Thank you.
I feel like a greedy officer.
The business has been doing well.
It's time to have more shopkeepers.
You both did great.
Here, your reward.
I-Is this even real?
No. It's the real deal.
Yellow, yellow, happy.
Withdrawal symptoms?
Banana addiction is scary.
What is the status
of the paperwork for today's lesson?
I got the permit.
There should be no problem.
Mr. Kuzunoha.
Can I have a word?
Hey there, Mr. Blight.
Could you sell me ten jars
of the external wound ointment you sell?
During the time between summer break
and the school anniversary,
some of my students come to class
with their wounds.
Sure. Glad to do business with you.
I've tried it myself.
It worked wonders.
It's very affordable too.
Thank you.
We sell other items too.
Feel free to browse around.
Of course. I'll drop by sometimes.
We've gained
quite a reputation in school, too.
All thanks to your promotion.
I hope he's not reselling them
to make a profit.
I'll check these for you.
Could you go through
the important documents first?
I'm saved.
They may be worthless proposals,
but this is utterly a prank.
That said,
the proposals you get seem
to have far more effort put into them.
The students' applications.
Let's see. There are three of them.
One of them is Karen Fors.
Wait Huh?
Are these two
Three more will join the class today.
Introduce yourselves.
I am Sif Rembrant.
I was away due to my sickness.
Until I return to my prime,
I might be a trouble for you guys.
I hope you won't mind.
As you can see, I am a human.
I specialize in offensive magic.
My elements are earth and fire.
I also have
the protection of earth spirits.
I am Yuno Rembrant.
I'm Sif's younger sister.
I'm back to school again today.
A human too.
I'll give this class my best.
I'm skilled at physical combat
as the center guard or further back
rather than the vanguard.
Depending on the situation,
I can be an archer or a lancer.
I can use magic to boost my attacks,
but I'm not skilled at it.
Both of them
have made a full recovery. I'm glad.
I am Karen Fors.
I'm a transfer student from
Foosk Royal Academy.
A human.
I have an affinity with water.
This girl
Let's get along.
Rembrant sisters.
Your father is a friend of mine,
but no special treatment here.
Keep that in mind.
-Of course.
-Of course.
What is going on?
They are different
from what I used to know.
No. Don't let them fool you.
I bet they are just pretending.
Something weird about their attitude.
The sisters seem
to be very notorious at school.
They used to be very proud
of their wealth and good looks.
The two were rude and rebellious.
I can't tell at all.
For today's lesson,
I've prepared an interesting activity.
The three new students
will wait by the side.
The rest of you, follow me.
I need you
to fight the opponent I'm about to summon.
A summon?
He can even use summoning magic?
Just how many times
are we going to get wiped out?
We might not live to
be at the next lesson.
I'd hate to let the three of them
see how useless we are.
Here it comes.
Stay focused.
A lizardman we've never seen before.
Is it very strong?
I can't tell you.
But he is my friend, Blue Lizard.
Blue Lizard?
I'm counting on you today.
Don't use "Breathe."
Use only 20 percent of your strength.
Let's begin.
Fight hard, and you will survive.
Such is life.
The three new students will fight me.
That being said,
only you will be attacking.
I'll talk about the combat situation
and topics from time to time.
It's brushtalk, so don't miss it.
If you don't improve upon your flaws,
I'll decimate your attacks
starting the second time.
Be ready to get injured.
-It's so strong!
-Darn it!
Bring it on.
Oh, great goddess,
grant me the miracle of fire!
Come to life, the forever-freezing ice.
Let me mimic your power.
Too weak. Very disappointing.
Infuse the attack with mana
and increase your physical strength.
Next time, I'll burn the attack away.
Flame Ray!
Frost Break!
Well done.
Karen has a good sense
of the time gap of casting.
Sif even thought about
tricking her opponent.
Sif, have some control over
the intensity of the battle.
Raise your speed.
Karen should focus on
her output strength and effect duration.
Your physical boosting
and mana infusion are unrefined.
You are too eager to unleash
a powerful shot.
That makes your shots very crude.
You failed the test.
Use your lance next.
The next attack
will be a bit more serious.
This is going to be
an unforgettable defeat for all of you,
but it's always better
to experience a failure early on.
Wind, grant me my wish!
Clear the obstacle in front of me!
Pierce my enemy,
Flame Lance!
I got you!
That's all for the lesson today.
Write a report about why you failed
and submit it to me.
Karen, something still concerns me.
Come with me.
I thought I'd die back there.
Lizards are scary
-Lizards are scary
-What's the deal with that lizardman?
-Lizards are scary
-I can only think about how strong it was.
That was totally a dragon.
Mr. Kuzunoha is a literal dragon summoner.
Yuno, you mustn't cry like a weakling.
All right.
Mr. Kuzunoha will never set an obstacle
that can't be overcome.
I can guarantee that.
Are you sure?
He seemed to enjoy it.
It's a fact that he is strict.
That also means
he has high hopes for all of you.
Personally, I envy you for that.
Mr. Shiki, are you the kind
that gets more spirited
the more people pick on you?
No. It's been some time
since he had any expectations for me.
Are you two able to continue?
Yuno and I will be fine.
We are not giving up just yet.
Everybody, we look forward
to becoming stronger together.
Oh, sure.
Same here.
If you don't mind, we could
exchange thoughts about the lesson.
I'm glad I set an empty period
after this just to be safe, Sister.
How should I put it
People do change.
Sir, what is your concern?
Your strength is unusual.
It's not the normal level for a student.
After all, I serve as a mage in the army.
If you have doubts,
I can tell you which unit I served in.
I checked your background.
In that case, why do you still suspect me?
I'm just wondering
if you're the real Karen Fors.
That's a weird joke.
Of course I am the real Karen.
Perhaps you'd like to know me even better.
In that case
What is a demon doing in our academy?
You don't have horns,
but the skin and eye color won't lie.
You are, without a doubt, a demon.
Sir, please take a good look.
Which part of me looks like a demon?
You can't charm me,
hornless demon.
I didn't think my cover
would be blown so soon.
do not call me hornless.
I might kill you for that.
So, the real Karen is indeed
Yes, but it wasn't my doing.
It was her friend.
I see. Poor girl.
How frosty.
Aren't you a human?
I thought you'd have the urge
to kill demons on sight.
Darn it, this is too much trouble.
I am against any form of discrimination.
As long as we understand each other,
your race is not a concern.
You can speak our language.
I speak every language
except the Common Tongue.
So, what should I call you?
You don't need to know.
I see.
Yes. I must get rid of you.
Otherwise, you'd get in my way.
Her name is Rona.
One of the four generals
of the Demon Army.
Shiki, do you know her?
I made her acquaintance
when I was still a lich.
She probably doesn't recognize me.
It's best not to tell her.
As a merchant,
information is more
important than anything.
I have the upper hand in terms of numbers
and information.
Indeed. I'm in a hairy situation.
Let's not stand here.
We'll talk somewhere else.
This tastes amazing.
I pour my heart and
soul into growing those!
This tastes incredible!
Get your hands off my cream hotpot! Die!
Calm down. Don't fight.
Sorry we have to talk while you eat.
Let's continue our conversation.
Our conversation
I'd like to know more about
the Kuzunoha Company.
You have an outlet in
Tsige of Aion too, right?
You're well-informed.
So, are you an intelligence agency there?
No way.
We don't belong to any faction.
Not to any human or demon.
Hold on. Are you aware
of what you're saying?
There's no need to be so shocked.
I bet some humans
have already defected to your side.
So, is it really that surprising
that some remain neutral?
I see. This is why you're
collecting information.
More importantly, what's your motive?
Why are you infiltrating our school?
Don't give me that nasty look.
I don't plan on fighting you.
But she has no qualms
about charming or seducing her targets.
Don't let your guard down.
Never underestimate its potential
just because it's half-cooked.
You mentioned remaining neutral.
Are you trying to be an arms dealer?
I don't want anyone
to get in the way of my business.
Is that so? I still can't trust you,
but I understand your intention.
First off, you and I
should get to know each other better.
Hate to break it to you,
but you will spend
the rest of your life in regret
if you ever have bodily contact
with Mr. Kuzunoha.
So this is what she means
What a shame.
I was hoping to get to know you better.
Your lesson alone isn't enough.
Mr. Kuzunoha's strength is boundless.
You failed to notice even one bit.
So, can you answer my question now?
The motive of my infiltration?
The goal
is to investigate and take care of
the secret human experiment in this town.
Long time no see, Young Master.
Um You must be
You forgot my name?
It's Lime. Lime Latte.
That guy with the awful name.
You remember me now.
As I recall, you are Tomoe's spy.
She asked me to give you a hand.
I need you to investigate something
in this town for me.
Several demi-humans have been abducted.
There seem to be activities
of human trafficking.
The Assassin Guild is involved as well.
I was ambushed once.
The intel should be credible.
They are going to be a problem
if that's true.
I'll find some dirt on them.
Can you two help out after work?
You want us to work overtime?
What a bummer.
I'll throw in a little extra reward.
-We're game!
-We're game!
Young Master.
It'd be wise not to take
Rona's every word for it.
So, what's your relationship with her?
We are partners who exchange information.
But she used me
and got me into all kinds of trouble.
She owes the Demon King a great deal.
So, she fanatically pledged
her loyalty to the Demon King.
She's not as strong as her,
but you can think of her
as a dubious version of Lady Mio.
That should give you an idea.
What? That sounds scary!
We should monitor her movements.
Of course. It's already been done.
All right. Time to pay a visit.
The present is ready.
Sorry for the trouble, Mr. Shiki.
This is the girls' dorm
where the aristocrats live.
Mr. Rembrant must
really love his daughters.
It took great effort
to get the permission to visit.
Are you saying
The paperwork was a chore.
But of course, no lingering symptoms.
What? That sounds scary!
I couldn't visit when you were unwell.
Sorry about that.
Congratulations on making a full recovery.
You seem different in class.
I get strict unknowingly in class.
Please don't tell the others
about how I behave.
Master Kuzunoha, you saved our lives.
We can never thank you enough.
My sister and I are alive and well,
thanks to your help.
If there is anything I
If there's anything we can do to help,
do let us know.
They are very grateful to me.
So, Yuno uses
the masculine pronoun for "I."
Please live a happy and fulfilling life.
Stop calling me Master Kuzunoha.
Just "teacher" or "sir" will do.
You're finally freed from the curse.
A life bound by gratitude
will be very dull.
That's a promise.
Do not go back on your words
because I look ugly.
When you were sick
Please don't bring that up!
It's even more embarrassing than
letting you see us naked!
By the way, your father mentioned
recording your journey of recovery.
We and our mother have convinced him
to reflect on his foolish mistake.
He's being punished, along with Moris,
who forced our teacher
to take the lecturer qualification exam.
What? That sounds scary!
I see.
Now I know how the rumors started.
The Rembrant sisters.
They are human aristocrats,
but they don't seem to
let their appearances bother them.
I find that hard to believe.
They both suffered a great deal
because of the curse.
Did that help
with their notorious behaviors?
When you think about it,
the curse had a silver lining, after all.
They will grow up well.
I look forward to seeing
these rookies shine.
I hope they have a bright future ahead.
But the world is cruel.
Where there is light,
there will be darkness.
Human experiment
You won't learn
anything about the abductions here!
Is this part of the academy's compound?
The area is being renovated.
The clothes look new.
Stop right there!
You wouldn't want to lose your head here.
The ninth night.
"Pervy Dragon."
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