Vinland Saga (2019) s02e08 Episode Script

An Empty Man

W Wait!
Damn it!
Why am I here?
I can't fall.
If I fall down there
Please stop!
Good morning, Thorfinn.
Seems like your nightmare
was worse than usual.
In my dream
I fell from a cliff.
- You remember your dream this time?
- A little.
You were talking a lot in your sleep.
Things like, "Father" and "Askeladd."
Is Askeladd someone's name?
No matter
how hard I try,
I can't remember my dream.
All I know is that
it's a terrifying dream.
I feel
like I am forgetting
something very important.
It's as if I have a small bone
stuck in my throat.
It's terrifying. I want to forget it.
But I feel like it's something
I must not forget.
What is it?
Look, their wheat has grown
this much already.
Is it because it's newly cleared land
and the soil is fertile?
No, it must be Einar.
Ever since he came,
the development has sped up.
Damn it, the master must be
out of his mind.
Cultivating a field
is a job meant for respectable men.
Not for wretched slaves.
This is not right.
Even if it's the master's orders.
If slaves and farmhands
are treated equally,
it will disrupt the order within society.
Don't you agree?
was the man who killed my father.
He was a Dane and a warmonger.
He was strong and cruel.
- I'll throw it to you.
- Okay.
So he came out in your dream?
I don't know.
I followed Askeladd
onto the battlefield.
In order to avenge my father.
For ten years
No, for eleven years, I fought.
I hated him.
Enough to want to kill him.
So, did you get revenge?
Askeladd was
killed by another man
right in front of my eyes.
Thorfinn, throw me another one.
I don't know about the details,
but I feel like
I understand why
you're in low spirits now.
The fact that it comes out in your dreams
probably means your heart
hasn't processed it yet.
I guess so.
You may be right.
That's not all There's something else.
I feel like I'm forgetting about
something more important.
Something very important.
Well, I guess it's not something
you can just get over that easily.
But you know,
your vendetta
is over now.
Plus, hating someone who's already dead
won't get you anywhere.
Isn't that right?
Stand back, Thorfinn!
Become a true warrior
son of Thors
I don't hate him anymore.
That's the problem.
Without any hatred I'm
Hatred is what has kept me alive.
I don't know anything
outside of the battlefield.
I don't know how to fix a simple roof.
I can't do anything.
I don't even know what I'm supposed to do.
I'm empty.
Old Master!
If you have time to waste on chitchat,
get some work done!
I have more work for you to do today.
Ready? Watch carefully.
Try it. Catch ones that are worth eating.
What? It doesn't fan out.
Come on!
I can't eat meat right now,
since it's Easter.
Don't make me survive on wheat
at this old age.
Oh, that was great!
No, I didn't catch a single fish.
Spin it more. Like this!
Like this!
Don't throw it into the same area
over and over again.
It's not too late to start learning things
one by one.
If you're empty,
you have room to put anything inside.
If you're thinking about
starting a new life,
it's actually better to be empty.
- What? You were eavesdropping?
- It was loud enough to hear.
Do you think I can start a new life?
Get to work.
I don't see your hands moving.
Man, it's freezing!
It's going to snow for sure!
Fishing in this cold is going to be tough.
Although, I do want to redeem myself.
After all, the two of us
were only able to catch
three small fish and a bunch of shellfish.
Right, Thorfinn?
Huh? Oh, sorry.
I wasn't listening.
Jeez, were you deep in thought again?
Can humans change?
How can we change?
Hey, Thorfinn
You used to be a warrior, right?
Huh? Yeah.
Warriors are people who
hold axes, go to war,
pillage, drink alcohol,
and don't give a damn about anything!
Well, I guess that sounds about right.
I didn't use an axe though.
With the way you are right now,
not a single person will think
you used to be a warrior.
You think so?
What do you mean, "You think so?"
Look at your reflection on the water
and take a good look at your face.
I am honestly glad that I didn't meet you
when you were a warrior.
Worst-case scenario,
I may have been killed by you.
Humans can change, Thorfinn.
I think you are
currently in the process
of changing for the better.
You think so?
Thank you, Einar.
What's wrong? Einar?
The wheat!
All of it
Did someone do this?
Wheat is a strong plant.
Even if it's bent a little by wind,
it can get back up on its own.
They knew that very well.
They dug them out from the roots.
- Hey, where are you?
- The farmhands.
They're the only ones who would do this.
Wait, what are you going to do? Einar!
Don't you know?
If a slave uses violence
against a free man
I don't care. I'll kill them.
Calm down!
We don't have proof that they did it.
Even if we confront them, they'll deny it.
Stop, Einar.
Let's talk to Pater first
You're so level-headed, Thorfinn.
Don't you understand the situation?
We used the nutrients in the soil
but have zero harvest.
We have to borrow seeds again next time.
But more than that,
they they
should know the hardships and the joy
of growing wheat.
They're farmers as well!
How could they do this?
Be angry, Thorfinn.
Our wheat has been destroyed!
I have always been
the one doing the robbing and destroying.
Unlike you,
I don't have the right to get mad
at the farmhands.
If you are
going to kill the farmhands,
I deserve to be
killed by you at least 100 times.
First, please calm down.
I see.
This is very horrible, indeed.
Neither of you
saw anyone in the act
of destroying it, right?
That's right.
Leave this the way it is
until we finish investigating.
There might be some clues left behind.
So, do you have any guesses
as to who the culprit is?
The farmhands.
I see.
All right, I will report everything
to the master.
Leave the rest to me.
Back when I was a slave,
I also went through horrible experiences.
I used to think,
"Why do these people torment me
when it doesn't benefit them in any way?"
Wherever you go,
there are people who like to discriminate.
But there are also people who don't.
Don't lose heart, both of you.
About Arnheid
Apparently, the master
is very attached to her.
Depending on how hard we work,
we can be freed,
but she wasn't offered
that kind of contract.
It seemed
like she had given up on becoming free.
When you're favored, you become chained.
When you're hated,
you get treated like this.
What kind of
life is this?
I didn't expect it to be so much work.
- I'm exhausted!
- What are you saying?
- You were just watching.
- Yeah!
Let's take another route, Einar.
You're always like that.
Stop it, Einar!
There's no reason for us to shy away.
Oh, speak of the devil.
Hey, what's up? Why the long face?
Keep your cool, Einar. Just ignore them.
What? Get out of the way.
It was you
who destroyed our field, wasn't it?
Huh? Field?
I don't know what you're talking about.
- Einar!
- Oh, I see.
Your field was destroyed, huh?
That's too bad!
But don't be too sad about it.
The wheat was made by slaves, anyway.
No one would eat something so smelly!
I think his jaw is broken.
That was an awesome punch!
- You brat!
- How dare you, slave!
I'll kill you!
Slave this, slave that I've had enough!
Stop squealing and bring it on!
Idiot! Don't do anything
Thorfinn! Are you okay?
Let go of me!
- Take this!
- You little
Damn it!
What? You
F Father?
Father is saying something
Oh no
I'm falling
Subtitle translation by: Kiko Morita
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