Your Honor (2020) s02e08 Episode Script

Part Eighteen

Previously on Your Honor
[LEE] I'm his lawyer, and I don't
stop working for someone
just because they die or even
if their whole family dies.
Eugene? I'm calling an ambulance.
No, no, no. I can't go to the hospital.
- They're gonna kill me.
- [NURSE] I have a gunshot victim.
- He just arrived.
- You can't do that.
The police did this to him.
[OLIVIA] I need your
help on something else.
Take me back to prison,
but we are through.
I will tell you when we are through.
I am done.
- I can't see you anymore.
- Is this about my dad?
Having me in your life won't
make it any easier for you.
We got to figure out a
way to move this shit.
Bodies dropping is bad
for the neighborhood.
[BIG MO] Spread it out.
That way, if anybody drops,
no one knows it's from here.
[CHRIS] My little brother.
He took one of the balloons.
- He dead.
- I should have fought harder
to flush that poison
when I had the chance.
[CHRIS] It's on Big Mo.
She care more about that fucking
club than her own people.
She can't get away
with this shit forever.
If only we could get as much support
as that drug-dealing bitch
from the Lower Ninth.
[JIMMY] Can't you leave that alone?
[GINA] I don't want her across
the street from my hotel.
Joey came to the hotel,
- and he saw Eugene Jones.
- I thought he was disposed of.
Eugene Jones is alive.
Charlie! We are so fucked!
Who's "we"?
I'm restraining him.
He's unconscious.
He's the suspect in a shooting.
I am that young man's attorney.
Unlock him right now.
Eugene Jones! My name is Eugene Jones!
What is wrong with this family?
I'm so fucking done with all of you.
And I don't want to see you at the house
unless Fia has come home.
[FIA] A 17-year-old single mom.
Where am I gonna go?
It turns out that Robin was killed
because she was
investigating dirty cops.
I was trying to help her.
- I had no idea that
- You didn't connect those dots?
I'm sorry, Michael.
[MICHAEL] Me too.
If you look at who is in your life,
you may find that you
do belong someplace,
even if it's not the place
you've always been.
Oh, yeah. You're a good eater.
[IMITATING FUSSING] Mm, mm, mm, mm.
- More, please?
- Mm.
- Good boy, Rocco.
- Oh, thank you for feeding him.
- Oh, no problem.
- Where is my phone?
Where is my phone?
It's in your hand, mama.
I'm losing my mind.
No, no, no. You're just Here.
You're just a little nervous.
Sit down for a second.
Just breathe, all right?
- You need to eat a little something
before your test.
Stacey's running late.
Nothing is going right today.
You know, when I sat
to take my bar exam,
I vomited all the way
to the testing site.
Oh, sorry. The timing of that was off.
But, I mean, but it was
full-on spew all the eggs
and French toast that Robin
made for me that morning.
I even got a little bit on my shoe.
And so, the whole time
that I was taking the test,
I could not take my eyes off my shoe.
What was the point of that story?
Oh. That I still passed.
Yeah, I'm not worried about passing.
I'm worried about life.
I mean, my freshman year, our
guidance counselor sat us down,
had us do these five-year plans.
Dropping out of high
school to have a baby
and then taking the GED
while living with my
sort-of father-in-law
was not a part of that plan.
Real life will never be
on a five-year plan.
And I have firm orders
from your sort-of
for you to stay put.
You two are not a burden,
you're a blessing.
I'll get you a to-go
cup for your coffee.
Thank you.
- [CHUCKLES] Look at you.
Shit, Stacey's still 20 minutes away.
No problem. I got him.
- Really? Are you sure?
- Yeah, yeah, yeah.
- Here, here, here. Go, go, go.
- Okay. Thank you. Thank you,
- thank you, thank you.
- Do well. Don't worry.
Everything's under control.
Who did that to you, hm?
Miss me?
[MICHAEL] Here we go, buddy boy.
- Hey.
That's a cute kid.
What do you want?
I heard you and Nancy had a
pretty harrowing experience.
Well, it's over.
That's all that matters.
Then we can get back to work.
I said we were done. I meant it.
You got a pretty good thing
going on here, don't you?
You have a family now,
you get to be a grandpa,
and I am happy for you, I truly am,
but we are not done.
I need a witness, Michael.
I need someone who could get
me inside the Baxter family,
someone whose knowledge of
and access to their innermost
workings is unquestionable.
Help me flip Fia Baxter.
Oh, my God.
That's Fia's friend.
She's here to babysit.
- You need to leave.
- Michael,
Fia is the only member of that family
who's not a criminal.
- Get out.
- Michael, just hear me out, please.
- Listen.
- No.
- Please, just hear me out.
She trusts you.
I promise you, this will be the
last thing that I ask you to do.
And these are the last words
that I'll speak to you.
Fuck off.
That's hot.
She all bark, no bite.
That bitch got bite.
[GUARD] Visitor.
How you doing?
I brought you some paper.
They wouldn't let me bring
the pencils in. Too sharp.
I asked them to move you
to a juvenile facility,
but the judge isn't too keen on it.
You're sight and sound separated, right?
All right. I'm gonna initiate
contact with the D.A.'s office,
try to get a sense of what
their expectations are.
What do you mean?
I'm gonna talk to the
prosecutor, feel him out.
My suspicion is that they'd
come to an agreement
rather than take this to trial.
So, you want me to take a deal?
I want you to think very
carefully about a number.
How much time are you willing to serve?
I'll see you in there.
Finally ready to talk?
Figured we might as well
begin the conversation.
Good. Why don't we set a meeting?
Because I don't have an office
and I don't want to go to yours,
- so let-let's chat.
- Mm.
Is your client ready to deal?
Why don't you give me
your bullshit offer
so we get that out of the way first?
There are no bullshit offers.
Your client is looking
at life without parole.
And that's exactly what
he'll get if we go to trial.
He pleads guilty to
second-degree murder,
- 30 years.
- He's a child.
- So was the kid he killed.
- Allegedly.
Okay, fine, allegedly.
But you you know he did it.
I don't know that.
I know you say he did that
because the cops say he did that.
Same cops who said they found his body,
same cops who tried to kill him.
All I know is that people on your side
never wanted my client to see
the inside of a courtroom.
I thought your boss
was all about reform.
And I thought you were only doing
wills and estates these days.
30 years means he'd be my
age by the time he got out.
You got a lot of good years left.
Do you have an offer I can
actually take to my client?
Apparently not.
But I am open to
alternative arrangements.
Meaning what?
Meaning, if your client has information
I can use to prosecute
upper-level members
- of Desire
- He's not a gang member.
Oh, come on, Lee.
He's been the focal point
of a war between Baxter
and Desire for a year.
On the night of his arrest,
he had been spotted at Buffa's,
a Desire front,
and his last known
residence in New Orleans
was Little Mo Morrow's apartment.
Tell me, what more does one have to do
to be considered a gang member?
If he snitches on the wrong person,
they will find a way
to get to him inside.
We can agree on a long-term facility
to keep him safe and
far away from danger.
Let's say he has
information to offer you.
How low could you go?
Lower than 30 years. How's that?
Why don't you find out
if he knows anything,
then we'll talk.
Right now, every one of our properties
runs on this system, right?
- Mm-hmm.
- You go to either of the hotels
or any of the restaurants,
this is what you see.
Problem is you have to be
in that location to see it.
- Right.
- We're gonna change that.
So, each place is dialed in.
You can monitor from anywhere.
From any of the of the locations?
- Mm-hmm. And on your phone, too.
- Huh.
If there's an attack or
a breach of any kind,
alerts are instantaneous,
backups will be deployed.
We'll know about it
the moment it happens.
Ah. Very nice.
Very nice, son.
- Good morning.
- We'll see about that.
What are you doing about
the club across the street?
The grand opening. Tonight.
You understand what it
could look like over there,
what kind of people it could
attract? They could be armed,
- they could be dangerous.
- Double the security.
Triple the security here
at the hotel tonight.
Post some extra men outside.
- Will do.
- Thank you.
Any word from Fia?
She hasn't reached out.
She's still playing house with Desiato.
What a lovely morning, indeed.
They wonder how I do it ♪
That'll cover our friend in Houston.
Vaya con Dios, Roderick.
All rags, blue cheese ♪
When I step out with the bag,
everybody trying to notice ♪
Who was that, I got
a bag in my jeans ♪
High price, my fit top,
dollar everything that I wear ♪
I get the bag by any means ♪
Aw, yeah, aw, yeah ♪
Aw, yeah, I get the bag by any means ♪
Aw, yeah, aw, yeah, aw, yeah ♪
They wonder how I do it ♪
Step out when I do it, got the form ♪
With the panoramic views
'cause my view different ♪
Let 'em watch how I do it ♪
It's the wild, wild west,
my guy, better stay tuned ♪
Got my name in your mouth,
yeah, that's free promo ♪
I got your girl in my lap,
said she ride solo ♪
Too much drip ain't
never hurt nobody, yeah ♪
I got it tough,
so don't try nothing ♪
I don't care if she a gold digger ♪
She gon' get this ♪
Did good, Russ.
Weak as hell, but it moved.
Damn right it did.
I got a bag in my jeans ♪
What's the plan tonight?
Quarter's gonna be wild.
Need all the muscle we got,
you know, just in case the welcome
wagon decide to pay us a visit.
But we don't want to leave
ourself vulnerable. Okay?
So, Russ, you secure the
money in them trap houses.
Then you come with me to the new club.
Chris, get a few men,
you stay here at Buffa's.
- Protect home base.
- [CHRIS] Stay here?
Got to be ready for anything.
Got it.
- Sorry for the delay, sir.
- Oh. Ah.
- Fred Grayson.
- Hi.
- How can I help you today?
Um, several years ago,
I opened an account.
A 529 college fund.
Uh, I'd like to know
what my options are.
Of course. Can I get your name?
Michael Desiato.
Uh, here it is.
The account is in your name, and
the beneficiary is Adam Desiato.
It was meant to pay for his tuition,
but that's no longer the plan.
Well, a 529 is for more
than just college.
It can be used for any number
of educational expenses.
So, if Adam wants to go
to a vocational school
or if he needs a new computer
- or if he wants to study abroad
- N-No, ju-just
Adam died.
Oh, I'm
I am so sorry.
So, just like to know
what my options are.
30 years?!
I'm not done negotiating,
but I don't want to give you false hope.
Kofi couldn't even make it a-a week,
and he's stronger than me.
The prosecutor indicated that
he might be willing to make a deal
if you have information he could use.
Information about what?
Oh, no.
- No, no, no. I'm not a part of that.
- I know.
No, do you know what'll
happen to me in here
if I get caught snitching?
I know. I know!
I know, I know.
No Desire. I'm done.
Maybe you need a better lawyer.
What, you gonna bail on me now, too?
No, but I'm-I'm just
trying to protect you.
Then don't leave me.
But I'm afraid that if I push too hard,
I push the wrong people,
then something bad might happen.
Thank you.
Donetta, right?
I've never seen you here before.
Well, I've been here.
May I join you?
Are you still attending the grief group?
Every week.
I haven't been in a while.
Yes, your absence has been apparent.
I suppose I should apologize.
I'm sorry I said your son
was a heroin addict.
My son was a heroin addict.
Well, I'm sorry for implying
that his death was
any less painful for you
than Rocco's was for me.
I'm sorry.
Thank you.
I don't get along with
women particularly well.
- Uh
And here I thought we were
gonna become good friends.
It's probably my mother's fault.
Even with my daughter,
I don't I-I never know
how to talk to her.
Then again, uh
I don't know how to talk to
anyone in my family anymore.
I feel like I'm losing my family,
one member at a time.
First, Rocco, and-and then Fia.
But I sometimes feel like I'm a
I'm a mother without any children.
But you're not a mother
without children.
I'm so I'm so sorry.
I didn't mean to imply that
It's okay. I know what you mean.
I notice that you never
talk about your husband.
I'm not sure there's
anything left to say.
My marriage fell apart
because of my son's death.
I'd wanted to stage an
intervention, but
my husband didn't want to accept
how bad things had become.
By the time he agreed it was too late,
and I could never forgive him for that.
My husband bought Rocco the
motorcycle he was killed on.
And then, when Fia started
to pull away, much like you,
I advocated for an aggressive response,
but Jimmy said no.
You know, he was afraid
it would push her away.
And now she's left us anyway.
don't let him stand between
you and your children.
They are the only babies that
you are ever going to have.
You can always get a new husband.
Can I ask you a personal question?
In light of how your son died,
if a heroin dealer moved in
across the street from you
I would burn their house to the ground.
Maybe you and I are
gonna be good friends.
Fuck it.
Back already, huh?
- Spoke to my client.
- Mm-hmm.
He's not pleading guilty
to second-degree murder.
- 30 years is a lifetime.
- Okay then.
I'm thinking negligent
homicide, ten years.
With good time, he'd be out in three.
Maybe he doesn't have to start
his adult life behind bars.
Okay, look, if we are really
this far apart on this,
why don't we just agree to
see each other at the trial.
How can you be so callous about this?
I don't want to see him spend
the majority of his life in prison, Lee.
I really don't.
And I-I'm not looking to make
my career on this case,
but he killed a kid.
I have information.
How high up?
- Little Mo? Big Mo?
- Not Desire.
And not Eugene's information. It's mine.
It's about Michael Desiato.
He already went to prison.
Not for the things I know about.
He fixed a trial. Did you know that?
He helped a guilty killer go free.
Why are you telling me this?
Because if that information got out,
every case that got prosecuted
in his courtroom,
every conviction you guys got
with Michael Desiato presiding
would be reopened and appealed.
That's got to be the
D.A.'s worst nightmare.
Can you prove this?
I don't need to prove it.
I just need to take it to the press.
And I will.
So, your strategy is to
blackmail the D.A.'s office
in exchange for a reduced
sentence for your client?
You could be disbarred for that, Lee.
I've got another secret for you.
I don't want to be a lawyer anymore.
Why are you doing this, Lee?
Because I let his brother down.
I will talk to my boss,
but if I drop to negligent homicide,
that is the end of this negotiation.
And believe me when I say
that if you force me to try this case,
I'll have no choice.
It'll be murder one,
charged as an adult
for committing a crime
we both know he did.
That is life without parole.
So, forget how long he
has to live in prison.
He will die there.
- God, that's an easy baby.
I know. I got a good one.
But still, I don't know
how you manage it.
Doesn't that freak you out
having a baby at our age?
Yeah. Sometimes.
- Oh, let me, um
No, you don't have to pay me.
- Stacey
- It's fine, really.
- Okay. Thank you.
- I'll get it.
- Thanks.
- Fia?
- Yeah?
Hi, Fia.
My name is Olivia. Can we talk?
[CARLO] We got a dozen
extra men here tonight.
And I'm gonna stay at
the hotel, just in case.
The extra men, inside
- or outside?
- Outside. Yeah.
- They'll cover the doors.
- Good.
No sense in being discreet.
This is the last place
we need another incident.
Yeah, understood.
They're here for protection,
not instigation.
A man's clothing says
a lot about who he is.
I commend you on your
sartorial choices of late.
You look professional. Hm.
Like someone to be taken seriously.
This tie, though
What, you don't like it?
No, it's fine for now.
You're young and in charge of
men much older than you, so
- You don't wear one.
- Mm-mmm.
Most men wear ties because
they have to, right?
The absence of a tie lets people
know that you answer to no one.
To each his own, though, son.
You look good.
Thanks, Dad.
- Hallelujah.
- I'll-I'll check on it.
- All right.
I don't deal with that
pislik muddy muddy ♪
Living fast, yeah,
yeah, boy, hadi hadi ♪
Not a lira job, yeah,
I want that pound money ♪
Fly high, get down, down, down money ♪
When that food comes
heavy so buddy buddy ♪
Roll it up, roll up,
tell my donny donny ♪
- My God.
- [CHUCKLES] Stop.
I'm not even dressed yet. [SNIFFLES]
I feel like a wreck.
Didn't realize you still got nervous.
Yeah. I still get jitters when
it comes to a big performance.
Besides, I know what
this means to you, so
I just want it to be perfect.
You're perfect.
What's going on?
You're not the only one
who gets nervous still.
That's cute.
- Mm.
Oh. Mm-mmm, mm-mmm, mm-mmm.
Sorry, but this face is fully
beat already. [CHUCKLES]
- But
- Uh-huh?
after the show, I'm all yours.
- For how long?
Long as you want.
Forever, then.
Best believing that
Big Freedia that bitch ♪
Freedia the one that don't quit ♪
Best believing that
Big Freedia that bitch ♪
Freedia the one that don't quit ♪
Best believing that
Big Freedia that bitch ♪
- Freedia the one that don't quit ♪
Make sure you have another one.
Best believe in it, best
believe in a bad bitch ♪
Best believing that
Big Freedia that bitch ♪
Freedia the one that don't quit ♪
Best believing that
Big Freedia that bitch ♪
Freedia the one that don't quit ♪
She 'bout to make it pop,
Naomi Campbell walk ♪
- You ready?
- While she do that booty wop ♪
She on that nine-to-five ♪
She keep her money right ♪
She pulling double time ♪
Working it all night ♪
She gon' make me do it,
she put her back into it ♪
She got a big booty,
and she know how to use it ♪
She 'bout to make it pop,
Naomi Campbell walk ♪
Let's go meet the neighbors.
Mom. Dad said we shouldn't
initiate contact.
Oh? Dad said?
Whoa, whoa.
There's a line.
I'm here to see the new owner.
Great. Get in line.
Come on, Mom, let's go.
Yeah, Mom, go on.
- Hey, whoa, whoa.
- Get your hands off of me!
- Get the fuck off her.
Yo, yo, hey, hey, hey. What's going on?
It's fine.
[RUSSELL] I got this.
Mrs. Baxter,
please accept our sincerest apologies
for the misunderstanding.
Had we known you wished
to pay us a visit,
we would have had your name at
the door for these gentlemen.
Please, won't you come in?
Five minutes.
Mr. Baxter.
Another 30,000, what'd you do today? ♪
Meditating, and I'm-a rise, namaste ♪
Hey, now nothing, no one ♪
Never standing in my way ♪
Trying to catch me, kick to me ♪
Pull away like a street team ♪
Flame thrower, yeah,
I'm really heating ♪
You a light mess like the preseason ♪
Why you mad?
'Cause I'm deep breathing ♪
Can't kill us,
we just keep breathing ♪
Blowing up, yeah, we skeet-skeeting ♪
Team meeting's got my team eating ♪
Yo ♪
Tell me who dollar, tell me who red ♪
Money, money ♪
Welcome to the Dezi Boule.
Welcome to the neighborhood.
Bars are such a risky investment
that I figured I should stop
by sooner rather than later.
- Just in case.
- Mm.
We plan on staying a while.
I brought you a gift.
Now, that's a hella label.
I thought you would appreciate
the change from malt liquor.
Well, this should class
up the place a bit, yeah?
Just to flex, live and direct ♪
Now cut me a check or get
out my way to the left ♪
Oh, yo ♪
That's what a $500 shot tastes like.
Meditating, I'm-a rise ♪
Namaste ♪
Now nothing, no one,
never standing in my way ♪
[BIG MO] Hmm.
- Can't forget the homies.
Ya, ya ♪
Nothing, no one, never
standing in my way ♪
I hope you enjoy your night.
My way ♪
We intend on it.
Mom. Mom. What the fuck was that?
Carlo, I know how much your
father's approval means to you,
and I want you to have that,
but just remember this.
You came out of me.
[DJ] Ladies and gentlemen,
allow me to welcome
you to the Dezi Boule.
Now it's time to christen this
stage with the local legend,
the vocal vixen, the
one, the only Janelle.
Don't need permission,
made my decision ♪
To test my limits ♪
'Cause it's my business,
God as my witness ♪
Start what I finished ♪
Don't need no holdup,
taking control of ♪
This kind of moment ♪
I'm locked and loaded,
completely focused ♪
My mind is open ♪
All that you got ♪
Skin to skin, oh, my God ♪
Don't you stop, girl ♪
Somethin' 'bout you ♪
Makes me feel like a dangerous woman ♪
Somethin' 'bout, somethin' ♪
Nothing to prove and
I'm bulletproof and ♪
Everybody get the fuck out of here!
- Move! Let's go, move!
Let's go, come on!
Like introducing us
to a new thing ♪
Let's go!
Go, go, go.
The taste, the flavor,
'cause I'm a taker ♪
'Cause I'm a giver ♪
It's only nature, live for danger ♪
All that you got skin to skin ♪
Oh, my God, don't you stop ♪
Girl ♪
Somethin' 'bout you ♪
Makes me feel like a dangerous woman ♪
Somethin' 'bout, somethin' 'bout you ♪
Makes me want to do
things that I shouldn't ♪
Somethin' 'bout, somethin' 'bout ♪
[OLIVIA] It's the oddest
thing about family, right?
We know them better than anyone,
yet sometimes we don't know them at all.
The Baxters have left
a trail of victims,
ruined lives and dead
bodies in their wake.
Then why don't you arrest them?
I would love to.
I really would.
But there's a difference
between what I know
and what I can prove.
Even if all of this is true,
and it seems like you
have no idea if it is
it's got nothing to do with me.
[OLIVIA] This house right here
it belonged to the family of Kofi Jones.
This family
was murdered.
Their house blown up.
It was a gas leak.
Come on, Fia.
Kofi Jones kills Rocco Baxter
and Carlo Baxter kills Kofi Jones.
Then the Jones family is
killed days later by
the Baxter family.
And what does this have to do with you?
Eugene Jones tries to kill your brother,
misses, and hits the father
of your child instead,
and I am so sorry that happened.
[OLIVIA] That's the thing
about criminality like this.
It leaves victims everywhere.
What do you want from me?
I want you to be the compassionate,
strong person
that I know you are.
I want you to make right
the things that your
family has done wrong.
I need you to get me
inside the Baxter family.
I won't spy on my family.
No matter what you say they did.
What about what they're going to do?
This is about the past.
But my case is also about
what they're doing right now.
And what they intend
to do in the future.
I know you're not like
the rest of your family.
But if you choose to do nothing now
you've got to wonder
what makes you so different?
What the hell do you think you're doing?
Hi. I am an A.U.S.A.,
and I am here speaking with Ms. Baxter
about her family. And you are?
I'm her attorney.
Well, very nice to meet you, Mister
Mr. Desiato. Okay.
- Well, why don't you have a seat?
- Look, th-this girl is a minor.
You are not to speak to her
again without me present.
Time to go.
It's still up to you.
You can help me prevent a lot of pain.
I'll see myself out, thank you.
You've got a lot of accessories, woman.
I'm trying to get you home.
Yeah, well, delay your gratification.
- That ain't how I work.
- Someone hit us.
- [BIG MO] The fuck
What you mean? Where?
Buffa's. And the trap house.
- All of 'em.
- Get the boys.
- I'll meet you back at the house.
- Monique. Hey.
Do not go with them.
- Let them do their jobs.
- Meet me at the house.
It was Chris.
Fuck, J!
Why the fuck didn't you go home?!
- J.
J, I'm sorry. I'm sorry, J.
Are you fucking kidding me?
I'm sorry. J. J!
Any luck?
- Yeah, he's down.
- Good.
Uh, so, what are you thinking?
I'm thinking that this time next month
I will have a high school
diploma and a family in jail.
That assistant U.S. attorney
what exactly did she tell you?
I mean, she just said that
everything I've ever heard about
my family is probably true.
And that they'll just keep
doing awful things
until somebody stops them.
Do you think she was telling the truth?
I think she'd say whatever she had to.
Are you really my lawyer?
No. No. I lost my license
to practice law.
Well, you're the closest
thing I've got, so
is there any advice you can give me?
I think you should stay out of it.
I think you should stay away
from whatever messes
your family has created.
Even if they belong in prison?
Fia, nothing good will come
out of you getting involved.
You're a 17-year-old mother.
It's not your job to fight crime.
Your job is to take care of him
by taking care of yourself.
What's this?
It's Adam's college fund.
I made you the beneficiary.
I can't take this.
It belongs to you.
What am I supposed to do with it?
How about you make a new five-year plan?
I wouldn't know where to begin.
I think you and Rocco should
get as far away from this city
as you can.
Thought I might find you out here.
I'm really sorry, Jimmy.
The night Rocco died
I knew right then that you
and I would never make it.
Look, this-this this has
not been our best period.
And I'm sure, sweetheart, that
I'm I'm to blame for a lot of it.
But I've actually done
some reading about this.
Now, couples can struggle for years
to reconnect after the loss of a child.
The pain can keep people apart
for a very, very long time.
But I am not going anywhere.
I pushed you to do things
to exact revenge.
So that the pain might be
a little easier to bear.
But that didn't help. None of
none of that made it any better.
And we can never change
the fundamental truth.
That it's your fault that Rocco is dead.
And I will never love you again.
- You okay?
I didn't go to sleep last night.
Did something happen?
It's just this place.
I spoke to the prosecutor again.
I think I can get him down
to negligent homicide.
Yeah? How?
I know things that
I'm willing to reveal.
Know things about what?
Things that would
cause a lot of problems
for a lot of very powerful people.
Only way I could get him to deal.
Negligent homicide. Okay,
h-how long would that be?
Ten years.
I know, but it's your first offense.
And with good time,
you'd be out in a few years.
And if I take the deal,
I-I got to plead guilty.
You do.
And I got to say I murdered that kid.
Do I get to explain
my side of the story?
I just want this to be over for
you while you're still young.
Well, how can I do that if the whole
world thinks I'm just some thug
who shot up a hotel?
This is the best deal you're gonna get.
No deal.
I want my trial.
[OLIVIA] Where's your "client"?
[MICHAEL] She has nothing
to do with her family.
[OLIVIA] Well, I believe she could
be very valuable to my case.
- [MICHAEL] You'd be ruining her life.
Well, she has some rude
awakenings on the horizon
whether she helps me or not.
And what about my grandson?
You help me convince her,
we'll make sure they're
both taken care of,
but I am running out of time.
There are far too many
lives at stake for me
to ease up for the sake of those two.
And I wish it was different,
but Fia is the only member
of that family who might cooperate.
And there's no one else who
could get me that close to them.
I can.
You leave Fia and Rocco alone
and I will get you Jimmy Baxter.
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