13 Reasons Why (2017) s02e09 Episode Script

The Missing Page

My name is Kevin Porter.
I'm a guidance counselor at Liberty High School.
I would say I help as many kids as I can.
That's why I got into education.
But I don't get to see every kid.
I try to keep an eye out, but you have to count on kids to come to you.
And not every kid who does come to you is able to ask for the help they need.
Not every kid tells you the whole truth.
We all need it.
Human contact.
And communications class, crazy as it was, was human contact for me.
Until someone in that class cut my lifeline.
Someone who was known for being sweet.
I'll tell you who it is, but you're going to have to wait.
- Just like I did.
- Hey.
Oh! Kevin.
Uh, what are you doing here on a Sunday? I should be asking you the same question.
I thought I'd have the place to myself.
Well, they bumped me up.
I testify first thing in the morning.
Me, too.
So, I guess I go after you? Oh.
So, what's this about? I couldn't listen when they first came out.
But now I just can't stop listening.
- So you're here preparing? - Yeah.
Isn't that why you're here? I sat down, you know, with the lawyers.
I know what to say.
We followed protocol.
We did all we could for Hannah with the information that we had.
I sat down with them, too, and I feel like it's true.
Well but the world is not listening to a recording of your class.
They're not gonna play the tape in court, though.
That's what the lawyers say.
But they know what's on it, and they know what happened.
But you know what was in your heart.
She couldn't tell you what she needed.
You did your best.
Not every kid who comes to you in pain can tell you where it hurts.
I need it to stop.
You need what to stop? [HANNAH CRYING.]
I need everything to stop.
Just, people, life.
What did you mean when you said you needed life to stop? I don't know.
'Cause that seems like a very serious thing to say.
I know.
I I'm sorry.
I didn't mean that.
She said she didn't mean it.
I made the mistake of believing her.
Hannah told me she was struggling, but she didn't specifically mention suicide.
I just need everything to stop.
What do you need to stop, Hannah? Do I really need to spell it out for you? I'm thinking about killing myself.
If she had said those words, of course I would have taken action.
Did you have an encounter at the party? An encounter? Yeah.
You could say that.
Did he force himself on you? I think so.
You think so, but you're not sure? Did you tell him to stop? No.
Did you tell him "no"? No.
Maybe you consented, then changed your mind.
No, it's not like that.
Should we involve your parents or the police? No! Hannah, who's the boy? [PHONE RINGS.]
I think we all wish it could have gone differently.
What happened, Hannah? I got into a hot tub with Bryce Walker and then he raped me.
We can have the best intentions and still fall short.
No Justin this morning? He's usually the first one up.
He's not our problem anymore.
What does that mean, he's not our problem? It means he's gone.
He took off.
- Did you try calling him? - He doesn't have a phone.
Your mother gave him one on the family plan.
- Of course she did.
- Well, we should call him.
I don't know his number.
I imagine the phone company will have it.
Jesus, why do you care? He had a bed, he had food, he had new clothes, and a new phone, apparently, and he didn't want any of it.
- So why don't we just let him go? - Clay, what's this about? He's scheduled to testify on Monday, and that was so important to you, you smuggled him in here.
Where's Mom? Your mother and I had a disagreement last night.
Yeah, I was there.
And she's staying with her sister for a few days.
Why? Oh, just to give us both time to figure things out.
The past few weeks have been stressful around here for all of us.
Let's move.
Start over somewhere, just you and me.
Clay, it's It's not permanent.
- Your mom and I are just cooling off.
- I don't care.
I don't ever wanna go to that school again.
Look, everybody hates me there.
Someone online called me a murderer because I was on Hannah's tapes.
- Why do you read what people say online? - [PHONE BUZZES.]
Let's move.
- Anywhere.
- Clay.
This is our home.
All right? This is our family.
We've made a bit of a mess.
But nothing's broken we can't fix.
Everything's broken.
And I don't think any of it can be fixed.
Some kids can't speak their truth.
Some won't.
To us, to their families We can go ahead and eat.
It's Sunday morning.
There's no hurry.
We'll wait for our guest.
She said 10:00 was fine, so I don't know what's going on.
Was this before or after the ribbon cutting ceremony? I mean, I invited her yesterday at school.
And did she confirm? She might not know to confirm.
Not everyone has a grandmother like yours, wielding Emily Post like a bible.
- She knows things like that.
- Well, then, I wonder what's keeping her.
Did the two of you discuss the ceremony at all? No, ChlÃe doesn't care about that stuff.
I'll just I'm gonna try her again.
What are you doing? - I don't know what you mean.
- You know exactly what I mean.
Leave the boy alone.
Can you honestly say you recognize the person on that tape? Have you ever said anything even remotely resembling the filth that came out of his mouth? It was a setup.
He was drunk.
That was not our son talking.
You're his mother, for Christ's sake.
You raised him.
She's still not picking up.
Let's just eat, I guess.
Marisa? If you would, please.
Son, if something's not right with ChlÃe, you need to make it right.
Do you understand? Yeah, Dad.
A woman who loves you is to be respected and not to be crossed.
And some kids have secrets they believe they have to keep for their own survival.
You can't hide in this town with that car.
- Hey.
- Hey? That's what I get? You're sitting when you should be boxing.
I can't always find someone to fill a Saturday session last-minute.
Yeah, I'm sorry, okay? There's a lot going on.
Yeah, clearly.
You wanna tell me about Lucas? - Who? - Lucas.
You met him last night, you got weird, and then you bailed.
Then this morning, you didn't show up.
It's got nothing to do with Lucas, okay? It's the trial.
And now these tapes.
Yeah, that's some shit.
And I've never lost a friend like that, but if you wanna talk about it I'm not going to be right until after I testify.
And I shouldn't have left you hanging.
I didn't want to make my drama yours.
And I'm sorry.
Now, was that so hard? - Oh, fuck you.
Yes, actually.
Wanna take your mind off it all and watch Madrid destroy Barcelona Monday night? What makes you think I like soccer? You're Mexican and you're gay.
How could you not like soccer? Yeah, okay.
It's a date.
And we may think we know what they're going through, but each kid goes through it in their own way.
Um, can I please have a large Coke and a medium popcorn, uh, with butter only on half? But not the bottom half.
Like, fill it up normally and then carefully put butter only on the left half.
It's very important.
Just half.
I'll have the same thing, please.
So I came back home To get cleaned And to clear my head But there was still a chill In my bones Even in the ground below It started shaking Oh, I can't change What already happened I can only control how I react I don't know, for all I know Maybe, maybe Yeah, it already happened again Sometimes I wonder If you're better off Sometimes I wonder If you're better off Sometimes I wonder If you're better off Without me [TYLER BREATHING HEAVILY.]
What's wrong? - Sorry, bathroom.
- Wait, Tyler.
Sometimes I wonder If you're better off [TYLER WHISPERS.]
Oh, fuck! Oh, shit.
And so they think they're the only person in the world feeling what they're feeling, and that no one could possibly understand.
- [MAN.]
Advance! - [EXPLOSION.]
[MAN 1.]
On your left! [MAN 2.]
Go, go! Reload! - [AUTOMATIC GUNFIRE.]
- [MAN 1.]
Grenade! Move on, move on.
They think that what's hurting can never be healed.
So they don't tell us.
They hide, they deflect.
They try to become the person they think we want to see.
- Hey, baby.
You want some lunch? Isn't it, like, 10:00? Uh, dinner, then? I can I can make you something.
Yeah, well, there's hardly anything left.
- We ate most of the groceries yesterday.
I forgot how much a growing boy can eat.
There's also only so many actual groceries at 7-Eleven.
Look at you.
You're taller.
I'm not.
I basically shrunk on the streets.
Well, you're still my big, tall, handsome boy.
I missed you.
I missed you, too, Mom.
It's It's nothing.
What'd you get into out there? I never wanted this life for you.
- I know.
- You don't deserve that life.
Nobody does.
Then why are you still with Seth? [SIGHS.]
Baby He loves me.
Come on, okay? We can find a new place.
We We can get the fuck out of here.
I can't, baby, you know that.
And I need you here.
Promise me you'll stay this time.
Yeah, yeah.
I promise.
If you don't want to press charges against this boy, if you're not even sure you can press charges, then there really is only one option.
What is it? [KEVIN.]
I'm not trying to be blunt here, Hannah, but you can move on.
And for many kids, trust doesn't come easy.
Trusting an adult with something so personal I can understand her silence.
Hey, buddy.
Listen, it's been a while since we talked.
I know I beat the shit out of you, and I'm sorry about that, but I got no beef with you, really.
We're not enemies.
So just mind your business and I'll take care of mine, okay? Get your hands off me.
Watch your fucking tone.
And, you know, watch yourself.
I don't know how you got to Marcus, but this shit [MRS.
Principal Bolan would like to see you, now.
I can understand why she couldn't say those words to me.
Did you attempt to find who had written that? Yes.
I told my students that I was available if they needed to talk.
Were their parents notified? No, I wanted my class to be a safe place where students could share without fear of punishment, so, um, I didn't involve their parents.
That would've broken their trust.
Did you take any action outside of discussion to help this student who was clearly crying out to you for help? Yes, I offered resources, including phone numbers for crisis hotlines.
So you told them to look somewhere else for help, is that right? I made available every resource that I could, including my time.
No further questions.
Bradley, your class submissions are anonymous because that fosters honesty.
- Isn't that correct? - Yes.
Um, I wanted every student to feel comfortable, so I made the submissions anonymous.
And is it fair to say that if you had notified their parents that your students might have stopped making submissions? Yes.
Trust is everything with kids.
They're very hesitant to give it and very quick to take it back.
Was this the only student whose writing suggested emotional distress last semester? No.
It happens a lot.
And isn't it true that you did offer resources to students in need? Yes.
I brought it up every day in class for weeks.
So wouldn't you say it's pretty clear Hannah didn't want to be identified? Objection.
Calls for speculation.
Hannah chose not to identify herself and accept your offers for additional resources.
- True? - True.
Um, teenagers often don't know what help they need, much less how to ask for it.
No further questions.
I left a message with your mother about your unexcused absence on Friday.
- My mother doesn't live with us anymore.
- Oh? Hence the absence? - Uh, no.
I took a mental health day.
- Oh, I see.
The same day Hannah Baker's tapes were posted online.
Hmm? Come on.
You're telling me those two things are unrelated? My girlfriend is in a psychiatric hospital.
- I went to visit her.
- Was the visit prearranged? It was with her.
All right, Clay, you know what? I don't have a lot of patience these days.
So let's talk about the real issue here.
You're acting out, and I need to know why.
I need to know what you need because I don't wanna see somebody getting hurt with this.
Somebody already has gotten hurt.
Two people, but we're not allowed to talk about them.
Suicide contagion is a real thing, and we've got to take measures to protect you kids.
I don't understand.
How does silence protect us? Kids get talking about Hannah, maybe even admiring what she did, they might think somehow that this is an answer.
It might be a way for other kids to feel their pain, that they could live on after they die.
Where on her tapes does Hannah say that? Well, whoever posted her tapes online seems to believe exactly that, that her story should go on forever.
Maybe they just wanted to start a conversation.
We weren't talking about these things before Hannah.
Of course we were.
In counseling sessions, in health classes.
That's not talking, that's telling.
Clay [SIGHS.]
All right.
I know you think that I'm the bad guy in this whole story.
But I've been educating kids for 30 years, and the most important thing to me is keeping you safe, keeping you alive.
I'm alive.
And the most dangerous thing would be to believe somehow that Hannah's suicide is more than a tragic death.
She's not a hero.
She does not have lessons to teach us.
And we need to recognize the sad and simple truth that she is dead and gone forever.
I recognize that.
No, I don't think you really do.
Which is why I'm recommending a schedule change.
You'll be taking Alternative Strategies and Solutions.
- As punishment.
- No.
To help you find ways of coping with what you're feeling.
Have you even listened to them? The tapes? No.
I was made aware of them by Mr.
Porter, but we brought them directly to our attorneys.
I didn't listen to them.
Maybe you should.
So, after you let her leave your office, what was your follow-up? [KEVIN SIGHS.]
I didn't let her leave.
She walked out.
I asked her to come back, to sit down, and she didn't.
- How do you keep your appointments? - In a schedule book.
Do you recognize this book? Yes.
It's mine.
Submitted as exhibit 17, Your Honor.
Porter, did you log your meeting with Hannah? Uh, yes, I believe so.
But the page corresponding to that date, October 9th, 2017, is missing.
Did you rip that page out of the book? - I did.
- Are you in the habit of ripping pages out of your schedule book? I [SIGHS.]
Look, there was a lot of confusion going around at that time, after I found out what Hannah had done.
Porter, earlier, you testified that Hannah came to you with an incident, but she wasn't specific.
What did she say about it? She said it happened at a party.
An encounter with a boy.
Did she say anything about the nature of that encounter? She implied that it was intimate.
Was it your impression, based on that conversation, Mr.
Porter, that Hannah Baker had been raped by a student at Liberty High? She never used the word "rape," okay? It was not clear that it was a sexual assault.
But isn't it your job to fill in the gaps? No, my job is to ask questions, and I did.
What was clear was that she was uncomfortable talking to me.
Did you think of referring her to a female counselor? I didn't have a chance to before she left.
So, even if she didn't say the word "rape," knowing what you know now, do you believe Hannah was raped? I didn't necessarily think so at the time, but yes, I believe that she was.
By a student at Liberty? - [KEVIN.]
And the name of that student? - Objection! Speculation.
Your Honor, the witness already testified that Hannah never named this alleged attacker.
Your Honor, Mr.
Porter believes Hannah was raped, which means he now believes that Hannah came to his office with a serious problem.
The school's response to that and their failure to discipline the offender is relevant.
- Overruled.
- We'll object again, Your Honor.
It's a violation of FERPA for this student to be named.
The witness didn't come by this information - in a confidential setting.
- [JUDGE.]
I'll allow the question.
- [SONYA.]
Your Honor - [JUDGE.]
I'll allow it.
Porter, do you know the name of the student that raped Hannah Baker? I have since come to learn that his name is Bryce Walker.
I've been looking for you.
Sorry I didn't call you back this weekend.
I had to babysit my sister, and my mom was working, and ChlÃe, look, I know we talked a little bit on Friday about how Hannah made all that stuff up.
"Every girl at this school wants to be raped"? Bryce, what does that even mean? [SIGHS.]
It was just It was me talking shit.
I was a little drunk and that kid pissed me off.
And people come at you when they're jealous.
You know that.
What about Hannah? Okay.
Um the truth is Hannah and I hooked up.
And it didn't mean anything to me, but she got, like, obsessed.
And she said all that stuff to get back at me.
Why didn't you tell me any of this before? I'm sorry.
I know, I should have.
I I didn't wanna talk shit about a dead girl.
You know, I I feel terrible about what happened to her.
And, um Um, you know, I was embarrassed that you might have to hear all that shit.
That you might believe it.
You're, um You're just You're really special to me.
And my folks, uh, they missed you on Sunday.
Yeah, I just I had to babysit my sister, so It's cool.
They just wanted to see if you wanted to come to the Amalfi Coast with us this summer.
- Oh, my God, are you serious? - Yeah, it'll be fun.
I mean, there's a certain amount of dressing up and having-cocktails-with-adults bullshit that we gotta do, but the rest is just sun and food, beauty.
That's amazing.
I've never even left the country before.
I don't even have a passport.
We'll take care of all that stuff.
So, what do you say? Can the cheer team summer camp spare you for a few weeks? Ah, dude, what are we gonna do Shit, are we, like, interrupting? No, no, it's cool.
We were just making plans for ChlÃe to come to Italy this summer.
Right, babe? Yeah, maybe.
I I have to ask my mom first.
- I'll catch up with you later.
- Okay.
Seriously? Who says "maybe" to a free vacation? Jesus.
Chew your fucking food.
Does no one ever see the red light? - Oh, hey, man.
- Hey.
So, um are you and your parents all good? Mack said you guys had, like, a family emergency.
I had to pick her up from the Crestmont.
Yeah, no.
Uh, everything's totally fine now, yeah.
Mack's a good liar.
You? Not so much.
What the hell, man? - Who bails on someone like that? - No, I know.
It's just, um we're friends, and, uh dating your sister just kind of felt like I was crossing a line.
But I don't I won't ever I never want to disrespect you or Mackenzie.
And I'm just I am sorry I ghosted.
Don't tell me, tell her.
I'm glad we cleared this whole thing up.
Thought you might have become an actual asshole.
Speaking of assholes, what's next for our friend Marcus, huh? - Oh, man, we're done with Marcus.
- What? Why? He got suspended.
I don't think we can top that.
What? Holy shit, that's amazing! People are finally starting to pay attention.
They're starting to see these fucking hypocrites for who they are.
We got Marcus.
We're about to destroy Ryan I figure we start thinking bigger.
So, that's it? That was it all along? You just wanted his money? [BILLS RUSTLE.]
I'm getting out of here, Mom.
You should, too.
Honey you can run as far as you want, you will never get away from who you are.
That's fine.
Just as long as I can get away from who I was.
He'll kill me.
When he finds out.
Not if he can't find you.
Okay, so, three stops in town for supplies: gas station, Walplex, Ralphie's Pet Store.
Pet store? Dude, trust me.
We're going to wait for dark, take the service road, then we're gonna rush the stuff in, and boom.
- Nice.
- Shit.
Hey, Clay.
You in the right place? Apparently.
Why? I mean, what are you here for? Truancy, grudges, the hypocrisy of high school administrators.
Dude, we've never officially met, but you helped me fix my bike once freshman year.
- Clay.
- Dude, I know.
That Bryce Walker thing? That was fucking hard-core, man.
I mean, you have balls.
I mean, we heard you literally getting the shit kicked out of you.
You're coughing up blood.
And you still keep fucking talking to him? I mean, damn.
Uh thanks? No.
Thank you.
So, what do you guys actually do in here? We plot the complete and violent overthrow of civilization.
Count me in.
Isn't it true that Hannah failed to use words or phrases that indicated to you, with certainty, that a sexual assault had taken place? - Yes.
- [SONYA.]
And is it not true that she refused to name this alleged attacker? Yes.
And isn't it true, Mr.
Porter, that you listened, inquired, and offered her suggestions to address the concerns she did share? Yes.
Then according to the Liberty High handbook, Hannah didn't give you the information needed to go about the mandatory protocols, correct? Correct.
Therefore, you did everything that was required of you, and the truth is there was nothing more you could have done.
Would you agree? [KEVIN SIGHS.]
- [SONYA.]
Let me rephrase that question - I said, no.
I could have done more.
I could have stopped her from walking out that door.
- [SONYA.]
Nothing further, Your Honor.
- She didn't just leave.
I let her go.
Nothing further, Mr.
Thank you.
I'd like a redirect.
- Hey, Hannah, wait.
Hannah, I said stop! Please.
Look, I can't let you walk out that door.
Why? What else is there to say? Listen, what happened to you was not your fault.
You don't know what happened to me.
Hannah, if my daughter were older, I would tell her the same thing.
That men, they can control themselves.
Everybody can.
Everybody acts like consent is this complicated thing, but it's not.
All right? Everybody knows whether they have it or not, and it was that boy's job to know.
Porter Listen.
Listen to me.
It wasn't your fault.
We need to get you some help.
What if it's too late? What if I'm too messed up to fix it? No.
It's never too late.
It's never too late.
Just, please, sit down.
You have so much life to live.
You have so much.
And you're gonna get You're gonna get through this.
I'm gonna help you.
There are many people out there that wanna help you.
Hannah it's gonna be okay.
But it is too late.
I'm dead.
But some girl, somewhere, right now she's going through, you know, what you're feeling, and I don't want her to die.
You hear me? [KEVIN CRYING.]
I was just trying to do the the right thing.
I was following protocol.
The protocol probably needs to change.
But more importantly Kevin Porter needs to change.
Baker, I didn't mean to let your daughter down.
I'm sorry.
You did the right thing.
I doubt that the school will agree.
But are you right with you? Are you at peace in your own heart? Good Lord, babe, I don't think that I ever will be.
You're a good man, Kevin Porter.
What do you think they're gonna do to me? Nothing they haven't done already.
Nothing that's gonna hurt you more than what you feel right now.
Come on, let's go home.
- [ZACH.]
- Hey.
Are you Um, I mean, what are you listening to? A podcast for English.
- Cool.
- But um, yeah, I've I've heard the tapes.
You know about Mr.
Porter, right? - About what happened in court today? - Yeah.
Are you okay? I'm fine.
I believe Bryce.
I know he's he's got a good heart.
Are you sure that you're okay? With him and everything? Yeah.
Yeah, no, we're good.
You can tell Bryce I believe him.
- Oh, my God.
- Where you going? Dude, your friends are really cool.
I love that they know nothing about me.
Right? So, is Garrett coming? Uh, no, he had a thing.
Um So, what do you think of Damon? He's been checking you out all afternoon.
And the boy can move.
He's the best hurdler at Washington.
Washington? That's, like, our rival.
And he's cute, right? - Yeah.
- Mm-hmm.
I don't know.
I mean I don't think I know how to flirt anymore.
There's only one way to find out.
You feel me? [LAUGHS.]
I gotta admit something.
Every time you've smiled, I forgot where I was 'cause I get so caught up in it.
Wow, that's the nicest thing anyone's said to me in a really long time.
Yeah? [OTHERS.]
I'm sorry, I have to go.
I'll see you later, Nina.
Can I get your number, or? - The hell you doing with that boy? - Dad, relax, please.
How can I? Help me understand, Jessica.
Help me to understand how, after everything, you put yourself out there like that? I don't know, Dad.
I'm just worried about you.
About these new friends of yours, this Nina girl.
Are they the best influence for you? What? Why? Because they're black? Is that a serious question? Have you looked at me lately? [BOTH LAUGHING.]
Really? Oh, my God.
I don't know, Dad.
It was like it wasn't me up there.
I thought I was ready, but clearly I'm not.
I just I don't wanna make a big deal out of it.
I'm just trying to figure everything out, okay? Okay.
- And can we please not tell Mom? [LAUGHING.]
Oh - You better believe.
Dude, what happened to you? [CHATTER.]
Don't worry about it.
Fuck, man.
You have a way of getting the shit kicked out of you.
Thank you for noticing.
It's about power, man.
What do you mean? The people who have it and the people who don't.
You feel that, right? Me and Tyler, we don't have the power.
We get shit on, pushed around.
Now you're one of us, too.
- You think? - You are.
But we're gonna take some of that power back tonight, me and Tyler.
What are you talking about? Don't tell him.
- Tell me what? - We can't trust him.
- We hate the same people.
- That doesn't mean anything.
It does, though.
He's got plenty of reasons to fuck shit up, just like us.
- It's not like we couldn't use the help.
- What are you talking about? [SIGHS.]
That does look like it hurts, man.
You wanna hit back? [DOOR BELL JINGLES.]
Hi, Mrs.
Alex, hi.
I was, um I was just wondering, is the job still open? Yes.
Of course.
Okay, well, um, I can start right now.
I've just, um I've just had to do some things lately, physically, that made me realize that I can I can just do more than I thought.
Well, you're hired.
So, should I call your parents, or? No, they'll be fine.
They wanna see me moving forward.
I see.
Well, it's It's important to move forward.
That's what people tell me.
I think I've been spending too much time looking back.
Well, sometimes you have to go back in order to move on.
I Oh, my God.
Excuse me just a minute.
- Oh, man.
Yo, that penalty was bullshit.
- That was a clean hit.
- You know that was a clean hit.
- That was so bullshit.
What the fuck? Hey.
God damn it.
- Goddamn motherfucker.
- Hey, hey - Motherfucker! - Calm down, Tony.
- Calm down, Tony.
- Don't tell me to calm down.
- This is my car! - This is what we're working on.
- Anger management - Fuck that shit.
No, okay, okay, we'll call the police.
- They might still be in the neighborhood.
- No, no cops.
Come on, I'm calling What the fuck did I just say, huh? What did I just say? - What the fuck are you doing? - Get off me.
- Stop doing this right now.
- Get off of me! You stop this right now.
What the? Shit! - Tony, Tony, I'm sorry, look - Get off of me.
Tony, stop.
- Just go, just go.
- No, I'm not going anywhere.
Get the fuck out of here! Look at me, look at me.
Look at me, look at me.
It's just a car, it's just a car.
It'll mend.
It'll mend, right? I know it's your car, but it's just a car.
- What are you scared of? - I can't tell you, man - Shh.
Stop, stop.
I'm here.
There are some things that I've done that if I tell you You can tell me anything.
I can't.
I can't.
- It's okay, it's okay.
It's okay.
When kids feel powerless when they feel they have no avenue for understanding they act out.
Dude! - Fuck, yes! - Yeah.
- You're good at this.
- Yeah.
I, uh My girlfriend [STAMMERING.]
My, um, ex-girlfriend, we did this, like, whole mural on one of those abandoned buildings by the docks.
- Badass.
- Yeah.
- Sorry about the "ex" part.
Is he outlining? - Tyler's kind of OCD.
- Oh.
I misspelled "hypocrite" on Marcus's window, and he freaked out.
Wait, that paint bomb? - What? - Guilty.
Get down.
Holy shit.
That was close.
Are they partying back there? I I gotta go.
Wait, what about the big finale? Uh, I gotta, um I just figured something out.
I'm sorry, but I gotta go.
Fuck! [KEVIN.]
Hannah and I, we failed each other.
If we had only tried harder, each of us, to reach out, to understand, to trust each other, to let ourselves help and be helped, it would have made all the difference.
I can't go back and fix my mistake.
I can't change the past.
I know I shouldn't be here, and I know why you've come.
What can I do? Maureen, anything you need me to do.
- Mom? - Anything you need me to give you.
Sarah, please don't do it.
Don't testify.
Go, go, go! - [AUTOMATIC GUNFIRE.]
- [MAN 2.]
[MAN 1.]
Open fire! [MAN 2.]
Cover, cover! - [BUTTONS CLICKING.]
We have to trust each other.
We have to ask for help.
Thanks for coming.
I found the Clubhouse.
Children were running You were running out of time Under the mountain A golden fountain Hey, you ready? Let's fucking do it.
Oh-ooh-oh Oh, your city Three, two, one, go.
Oh, your city lies in dust My friend We found you hiding We found you lying Choking on the dirt and sand Your former glories And all the stories Fuck.
But oh-ooh-oh Oh, your city lies in dust My friend Oh-ooh-oh Oh, your city lies in dust My friend Your city lies in dust My friend [JUSTIN PRENTICE.]
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Hot and burning in your nostrils Pouring down your gaping mouth Your molten bodies Blanket of cinders Caught in the throes and Whoa-ooh-oh Oh, your city lies in dust My friend Oh-ooh-oh Oh, your city lies in dust My friend Your city lies in dust Water was running Children were running We found you hiding We found you lying Water was running Children were running We found you hiding We found you lying Your city lies in dust My friend Oh-ooh-oh Oh, your city lies in dust My friend Whoa-ooh-oh Oh, your city lies in dust My friend Oh-ooh-oh Oh, your city lies in dust My friend Oh-ooh-oh Oh, your city lies in dust My friend Oh-ooh-oh Oh, your city lies in dust My friend Your city lies in dust My friend [MAN.]
Well done, Ed.
Well done.

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