Dr. Romantic (2016) s02e09 Episode Script


What's wrong?
This is killing me.
Do you still feel dizzy?
I feel humiliated.
What am I going to do?
It keeps getting replayed in my head
like a broken record.
I throw up, faint, and get carried out.
I throw up, faint, and get carried out.
-Stop sitting on that and forget it.
-How can I forget that?
I did the top three worst things
you can do
in an anatomy dissection lab all at once.
I also completely lost my chic image
with that one mistake.
Gosh, this is so annoying.
Do you want me to show you a way?
-To do what?
-To reset your head at once.
Like this.
What are you doing?
That didn't work?
It didn't work.
How's that?
That helped you reset, didn't it?
crazy jerk.
What are you doing?
I said, what are you doing?
Do you not know, or are you making sure?
Are you kidding me? This isn't funny.
That's why I said we shouldn't be serious.
The moment we become serious,
things will become boring and pointless.
-Hey, Woo-jin.
-So, please,
don't get broken-hearted
over someone else's business.
It's confusing.
You were still here?
I should go. I'll leave soon.
-Were you in my office by any chance?
-Oh, yes.
I left the explanation for budget cuts
for the Evaluation Committee on your desk.
Anything else?
No, not really. Nothing.
Keep up the good work then.
You can pick it up.
Right, yes.
Yes, sir. Did you find anything?
To my email?
One second.
Doctor Kim.
What's wrong? Are you hurt?
No, I'm fine. It's nothing.
These are second-year student nurses from
Geosan University College of Nursing
who will be with us for the next month.
A round of applause.
Nice to meet you.
I'm Oh Myeong-sim, the head nurse.
-Nice to meet you.
-Nice to meet you.
Goodness, did you practice your greeting?
You're in perfect harmony.
We're a hospital
with many trauma patients.
You should watch and experience a lot.
It'll help you greatly
when you do your job.
Ms. Um Hyun-jung and Ms. Joo Young-mi
will guide you throughout the month.
-Nice to meet you.
-Nice to meet you.
-Keep up the good work.
Let me split you up into teams of two.
You'll be going to the ER, the ICU,
the regular ward,
and the outpatient clinic.
You two at the ER can stay here,
and the rest of you can follow me.
Come on.
They must be student nurses.
Yes. Student nurses come for training
at this time of the year.
I see.
We don't have any patients now,
so stand aside and try to get a grasp
of everything that's going on in the ER.
The bed numbers and all.
Don't get in the way of the doctors. Okay?
-Yes, ma'am.
-Yes, ma'am.
Excuse me.
What's going on?
We had two empty treatment rooms.
Professor Sim is using one of them,
and the three of us
are sharing the remaining room.
-Is there a problem?
I get why Doctor Seo is here
because he's also a GS.
But why am I here?
I'm a cardiac surgeon. Why am I here?
You said you'll hold out
as long as you can.
That's why I'm giving you a chance
to stand up against me
as much as you want.
Don't like it, get lost.
I'll stay.
Can someone get me coffee?
I'll take an Americano
with no more or less than
two teaspoons of sugar.
I'll go.
Do you know what
Professor Park hates the most?
-When two people hit it off at work
and start dating.
What do you mean?
I didn't mean anything.
I'm just telling you to be careful.
-Doctor Yoon.
-Yes, Nurse Park?
I mean, Nurse Um.
What is it, Nurse Um?
We just got a patient
with asthma symptoms.
-He's on bed three.
I'll go take a look.
Do you want this?
Is this for me?
Gosh, thank you.
Goodness, Ms. Um.
You're completely clueless.
What are you doing, Doctor Yoon?
Bed number three.
Yes, coming!
My goodness!
You almost shocked me to death, Ms. Oh.
Did something good happen?
You know, it's a great morning.
Good morning. Feeling new every morning.
-Have you been studying English lately?
-The sun sets early,
and the nights are long.
I have no one at home to scratch my back.
What am I going to do all alone
through such long nights?
So I went downtown and signed up to take
short-term English classes.
what's all that about?
What do you mean this time?
The president's office.
I prepared this for you, Mr. Park.
The coffee machine you wanted,
a desk and furniture
from the brand you specified.
-On top of that…
-What's that?
That's a token of my appreciation for you.
The nature of Doldam Hospital will
often make you feel dizzy from now on.
You can rest here when that happens.
Okay. You may go.
Yes, okay. Goodbye.
Do you just have no pride,
or do you just never learn?
Three years ago, you were used
then abandoned by Mr. Song.
-Why are you doing this again?
-He's a man on a different level.
Mr. Song was just a chief surgeon,
but he's the hospital's president.
So what?
You're going to humor the president
to get your big break this time?
I'm not doing this just for my sake.
I'm laying the groundwork
for the entire hospital's sake.
Groundwork, groundhog, I don't care.
Boycotting won't resolve all problems.
You might end up getting left back alone.
I'd rather journey slowly than live
as a sly opportunist.
I'll walk in my stride, my speed,
without stress, and at ease!
The five percent raise
for our salary and overtime.
Do you know who made that happen?
Yes, it was me!
It was Jang Gi-tae's work.
President Park is
now in my hands.
You have to trust me, Ms. Oh.
Yes, Mr. Park. It's me.
People never change.
Yes, right now?
My phone died.
This time, it wasn't mine…
Gosh, that's suffocating.
-After you wrap that up,
-please go see bed two.
-Yes, ma'am.
Ms. Oh. What are you doing?
Aren't you coming up?
To where?
I got a call for the weekly meeting.
You didn't?
I'll check with Mr. Jang.
You should go first.
Admin office.
Yes, Ms. Oh.
Mr. Jang?
He went up for the weekly meeting.
What is it?
Oh, really?
No, nothing.
I'll call him on his cell phone.
-Goodness, I'm sorry. I'm a little late.
-It's all right. Take a seat.
Doctor Seo, sit on this side.
Here's the coffee you asked for.
Okay, thanks.
You can give me 500 won later.
Doctor Yang, did you make him
get your coffee without giving him money?
It's not like that.
I'm guessing GS still bullies its juniors.
It has been a while since ER doctors
stopped making our juniors get coffee.
Shouldn't we stop bullying our juniors
in this day and age?
Gosh, it's not like that.
All right.
It looks like you're all here.
Let's begin our meeting.
Where's the chief surgeon?
Well, I actually stopped by his office.
Doctor Kim?
Doctor Kim?
He hasn't even come to work yet?
He has never been like this before.
I don't know why he hasn't even called.
Let's start the meeting.
Excuse me, Ms. Oh isn't here yet.
Oh, that's because--
Our weekly meetings will just be
the people in this room from now on.
-We're doing our weekly meetings
without our head nurse?
The head administrator will
pass on whatever she needs to know.
What about Doctor Cha? Why isn't she here?
She'll be going to
a different hospital soon.
Where is she going?
Why? What's the reason?
Things happened.
That's all you need to know.
All of a sudden?
Those are our future operating plans.
Doldam Hospital will undergo
a radical reform from now on.
We'll reduce the number of trauma
and emergency patients drastically.
Trauma and emergency patients make up
most of our patients.
-How can you reduce that?
-We'll change the system to revolve around
the outpatient clinic
and regular surgeries.
-But we have no patients.
-My patients who were scheduled
to be operated on at the main hospital
will come in starting tomorrow.
Doctor Yang, please come up
with a treatment schedule
-that's comfortable for our patients.
-Yes, sir.
We cannot continue to manage
this hospital without any plans.
Once we get the system going,
we'll consider introducing
performance-based benefits
for each department.
Please remember that and do your best.
It seems he has acute gastroenteritis.
Establish an IV line
and put him on fluids.
We'll confirm the lab results as soon as
Doctor Jung is done with the meeting.
Okay, got it.
Will you take a step back?
-Yes, ma'am.
-Yes, ma'am.
Have either of you put anyone
on an IV before?
I know how it's done in theory,
but I've never done it.
In theory? Forget it.
Do you know how to do this?
This is my first hands-on training too.
But I'll give it a try!
Forget it. I can't let you kill him.
The student nurses look very nervous.
It's their first day. They should be.
I was awfully clumsy
back during my first internship too.
I had no idea what was going on,
I couldn't do anything,
and no one told me what to do.
It would've been great
if one of my seniors helped me out.
Doctor Yoon.
I've been working
two night shifts in a row.
We're short on people,
and we have patients swarming in.
I have no energy
to look after student nurses.
I should look after one more patient
-if I had enough energy to do that.
-Gosh, I know that too.
I know, but still…
I get what you're saying.
But mind your own business.
We'll manage our own department.
Ms. Oh. May I have a moment?
What? I'm going to a different hospital?
Who said that?
Was it Doctor Yang?
Yes, he made an official statement
in the meeting with the president.
Wow, I can't believe
how he stabbed me in the back.
He told me to try to defy him,
but he changed his mind already?
What's going on?
Why does he hate you so much?
That's a long, long story.
It'll probably take
a bottle of soju with five dried pollacks.
You're in deep trouble.
What did Doctor Kim say?
He doesn't believe
what Doctor Yang said, does he?
I'm not sure if you were lucky or not,
but he wasn't at the meeting.
He wasn't there?
He's not at work?
Mr. Jang said he hasn't come to work yet.
-I called him twice. He won't pick up.
-What's going on?
-He's never been like this.
-Your call cannot be connected. Please--
Since when was his arm like that?
It looked like he was in a lot of pain.
Oh, his wrist?
He injured it three years ago,
and the pain gets worse
when he has many operations
or overworks himself.
But what I saw yesterday wasn't…
Doctor Seo?
Excuse me.
I have something to tell you.
To me?
Well, what is it?
It's about Doctor Kim.
Your call cannot be connected…
He won't pick up.
Where in the world could he be
that he won't even pick up his phone?
Where are you going?
Hey, Ms. Oh!
Excuse me, Ms. Oh.
Ms. Oh, wait.
I'm glad you're down here.
I was about to go upstairs.
You can talk to me, Ms. Oh.
Was this why
you left me out of the weekly meeting?
A reduction of trauma and emergency
patients, and a temporary shutdown?
Then where will all of those
trauma patients go?
That's not for you to worry about.
On average,
we have about 30 to 40 trauma patients
visiting Doldam Hospital in a week.
And half of them are
on the brink of death!
Does this mean
they should die on the road?
Why would they die?
The government has made regional trauma
centers all around the country already.
The nearest trauma center is
an hour and 50 minutes away.
Do you know that
it could take up to two, three hours
when there's traffic?
Then do you have any idea
how much of a deficit Doldam Hospital
has created over the last three years?
At this rate, we might shut down
in just a few months.
Are you aware of that?
If I stepped in to save the hospital,
you should be thanking me.
How dare you try to patronize me
with such sentimentalism?
Mr. Park!
Doctor Nam, please.
Then you should just shut it down.
Ms. Oh. How can you say that?
Doldam Hospital is a place
where patients rush in
with their last bit of hope
before their golden hour is up.
And you're telling us to look away
because we don't make any money
and operate on a deficit?
You shouldn't even work so hard
to improve the system or whatever.
Just shut it down.
-Ms. Oh!
-If a doctor
and a hospital
place profit before patients,
that means the hospital is finished.
We should just shut down.
-Mr. Park.
Mr. Park!
Ms. Oh must be very powerful.
There's no order,
and the hierarchy is a mess.
I can't believe
she told the president off to his face.
That's our hospital.
We have no order or hierarchy.
we respect one another.
On top of that, you have
hopeless romanticism too.
What are you all going to do?
The entire world has gone crazy
with materialism.
People will sell anything and everything
if it's worth some money,
including their dignity and character.
But still, there should be…
one place where that isn't the case.
Are you saying this is that place?
If it isn't,
there's no reason for us
to stay at Doldam.
Ms. Oh?
I'm sorry.
Ms. Oh has always
cared deeply for the patients.
Are you saying only she cares about them,
and not us?
No, that's not what I meant.
Pick your side wisely, Mr. Jang.
If you keep playing for both sides,
you'll never make it big.
I can't believe you tried to feel us out.
You won't even say hi to me now?
-I'm sure you heard that I'll be going
to a different hospital at the meeting.
Are you?
No, why should I?
Holding out is the trend now.
I'll hold out and stand up against him
until I return to the main hospital.
I'm going to hold out the best I can.
That's good then.
What are you looking for? What is it?
Hey, man. Doctor Seo.
Can you hear what I'm saying?
Will you keep ignoring me like this?
What if I don't ignore you?
Should I continue from where we left off?
Come on. What?
Your only colleague from the same class
is being framed by an evil senior,
and, you know, got backstabbed,
and, you know, is about to get kicked out!
-Why are you stuttering?
-I didn't.
"Oh, you know, and you know…"
You're buffering.
It's because I'm angry.
I can't believe what Doctor Yang is doing.
And you.
You should be worried about me
as my colleague
instead of just leaving after saying,
"Good then."
"Good then." Is that all?
I get what you're saying.
What do you get? I didn't say anything.
I'm no more than a colleague to you,
so you don't want me to cross the line.
I got it.
Why are you like this?
You know, I'm trying to overcome,
you know, the mistake you made yesterday
by talking to you like this--
It wasn't a mistake.
I'm trying to
save our relationship
from potential awkwardness--
I don't feel that awkward.
Can't you see how much I'm trying?
I'm telling you to stop trying.
I already got what you're saying.
So why are you looking up CTS?
Do your wrists hurt?
It's not for me.
-Is it for a patient?
-Then I would've handed it over to the OS.
Then who is it
if it's not you or a patient?
Who is it?
Doctor Kim.
Doctor Kim?
Doctor Kim has CTS?
Yes. That's what I heard.
Doctor Bae, how long have you known?
Not that long.
Was it right before Doctor Seo
and Doctor Cha joined us?
He came to me with a stiff wrist,
so I checked it for him.
What's the cause?
He injured his wrist three years ago,
and he's been overworking himself.
He should've gotten surgery long ago,
but he's been putting it off
to care for our patients.
Ms. Oh. and Doctor Nam
don't know about it?
He said he'd tell them
when his surgery is booked,
so I've been keeping it to myself.
I have a question.
Can CTS patients experience pain
or numbness in their elbows?
No, CTS patients wouldn't get that.
Last week, he said that his wrist
wouldn't bend backwards.
We did an MRI scan to see
if he had a herniated cervical disc,
but nothing showed up.
I see.
By the way,
you asked me the same question earlier.
Why do you keep asking about it?
Is there something that you're suspecting?
Is there?
What is it?
No, I don't know anything for certain yet.
It's the list
of President Park's VIP patients
and their diagnoses.
Come up with a schedule
based on the numbers beside their names.
And we're expecting four residents
from the main hospital.
You should take care of them.
Make sure they eat dinner,
and take them to their dorms.
President Park handpicked them himself
based on how well they did in the OR.
He's in charge of all these patients?
Well, I can take care of the simple ones.
Oh, right. One more thing.
About the loan shark causing a scene here.
Make sure that never happens again.
If something like that happens again
when President Park's patients are here,
you'll get fired.
Do you think he heard us?
If he heard us,
he would've asked about it right away.
Let's make sure they don't find out
about Doctor Kim's wrist pain.
Come on. CTS isn't a big deal.
He'll recover three weeks
after the surgery.
Let's keep our lips sealed, okay?
Okay, got it.
We'll keep it a secret for the time being.
Let's drink.
Cheers, everyone.
Chairman Do, we sincerely congratulate you
on your return.
Cut it out.
I'm sure you were all
very comfortable while I was gone.
No. You're hurting my feelings, sir.
You have no idea how much I waited
for your return, sir.
If that is the case,
why didn't you visit me sooner?
My gosh. Please forgive me, sir.
I wanted to come see you
the day you were inaugurated,
but I was appointed the head of the center
even though I was underqualified,
so I couldn't.
Anyway, please forgive me
and allow me to pour you another one.
I will stay loyal to you
and will always be at your service, sir.
Cheers to Chairman Do!
By the way…
is Professor Park doing a good job?
he's giving me a headache.
I knew it.
Why did he volunteer to run Doldam?
By the way,
when do you plan to announce
the construction of Mirae Hospital?
Because of what you told us,
I already got my wife to buy some land.
But you're not giving us any updates.
The word has already spread
among realtors,
so the land in the area
is already worth 30 percent more.
You've already earned that much money.
I didn't invest all that money
just to earn 30 percent more.
You of all people should know that.
Is that so?
let's push ahead and get it done.
We are totally counting on you.
Of course.
You all did so much
to make sure I could return…
so I should repay you, of course.
Don't worry.
I'll get the project going soon.
If Mr. Song were in charge,
Doldam Hospital would be gone by now,
and we'd be commencing construction.
-What do you say?
Would you like to be in charge?
Are you interested?
My gosh. Of course, sir.
If you'd like me to be in charge,
I'd gladly take it on.
Professor Park can be a bit inflexible.
You know, he's a smart guy,
but he's too unrealistic.
I've dealt with him a few times myself,
and it's so frustrating to work with him.
And he's very stubborn on top of that.
You have a guest.
I'm sorry I'm late.
My gosh, President Park!
Come on in.
Join us.
Sit here. You're not late at all.
Gosh, it's cold.
Hey, let's just take a taxi.
Hey, it's 40 minutes away by car.
Let's just take the bus.
Hey, Do-il.
Where were you all day?
You didn't even answer my calls.
I was busy.
Yes. I'm getting on the city bus now,
so I should be there in 30 to 40 minutes.
The city bus?
Where are you now?
Let's talk when I get there.
-My gosh.
Please go ahead.
-Thank you.
-No problem.
-Be careful.
-Thank you.
-This way.
-Excuse me.
-Does this go to Doldam Hospital?
Yes, this bus will take you there.
See? I told you we don't have to transfer.
Thank you.
-Thank you.
-Thank you.
-Have you gotten a hold of Doctor Kim?
-He finally answered his phone just now.
Where was he all day?
He won't tell me.
He said he'll be here soon, so let's wait.
You're a pushover with no backbone.
What? What's your problem?
You're the traitor, not me.
You're being ridiculously brazen,
Mr. Jang.
How dare you call me a traitor?
Do you only care about the patients?
What about us?
Don't your co-workers
matter to you at all?
What are you talking about?
-When did I ever say that?
-How could it be so easy for you
to suggest shutting down the hospital?
Those people are trying to change
everything about our hospital.
-Should we just let them go for it?
-Okay, fine.
Let's say this hospital shuts down.
Doctor Kim, Doctor Nam, and you
could always get another job elsewhere.
All hospitals are short on medical staff.
You'll get many job offers.
But… what about us?
Everyone in the admin office including me
as well as all the cleaning staff.
There are almost 20 employees
who aren't doctors or nurses.
And most of them are breadwinners.
If the hospital shuts down,
what's going to happen to them?
Unlike you people,
our positions aren't permanent.
It's very hard for us to get jobs.
Do you want all of us
to end up on the streets?
You're overreacting, Mr. Jang.
She doesn't want Doldam to shut down.
You see,
I'd love to live like the two of you.
Be all graceful
and speak out for the greater good
and protect my pride and ego.
I'd really love a life like that!
But until the day I die…
I mean, as for the rest of us,
we simply can't live like that. Why not?
Because we're easily replaceable.
It doesn't have to be me.
Anyone can come along, replace me,
and do my job!
And that is why all I can do is smile
even when I'm called a pushover
with no backbone.
I have no choice but to bow down
even when you call me a traitor!
I must survive.
I must put up with all of it to survive.
So, please, Ms. Oh…
don't say…
the hospital should shut down.
Mr. Jang.
Wait, just a second.
He's overly sensitive right now.
He knows you didn't mean it.
Mr. Jang.
-Get me some water.
Here you go.
-Are you all right, Mr. Jang?
-I'm fine. Give me a moment.
Gosh, no!
-Are you okay?
-I'm fine.
What did I…
say to her just now?
Pardon me?
I'm such a fool.
My heart is about to explode.
I can't believe I yelled at her.
So, please, Ms. Oh…
don't say…
the hospital should shut down.
-Oh, Nurse Um.
-It's snowing outside.
-It's snowing?
It's snowing.
Oh, it really is.
It's so pretty.
It's snowing.
-My gosh.
I'd love some hot soup and soju right now.
I want to take a hot bath
and just go to bed.
I hope there are no traffic accidents.
You guys should get going.
I should sleep here tonight.
Oh, no drinking, please.
We might have an emergency. Okay?
The weather forecast was right for once.
It said it was likely to snow later today,
so I brought an umbrella.
Hi, honey.
I'm sorry.
Mom kept chatting away, so I got held up.
Has Hyung-sik had dinner yet?
It's snowing now.
Should we just keep him at home tomorrow?
I know.
-All right.
-How about a snow fight?
-We could go skiing too.
-We really could, you know. We should go.
What's that?
Help me.
Carpal tunnel syndrome?
Doctor Kim's wrist must be acting up.
That's why he didn't come in today.
He needs surgery immediately,
and once he gets it,
he can't work for three to four weeks.
Yes, got it.
I'll figure out the surgery schedule
and keep you updated.
My goodness.
Why are you out here?
Everyone's having a great time.
I have to get back to the hospital.
I need to do some work.
Come on. Why work so hard?
Just take it easy and slack off a little.
Try to delegate as much as you can.
If you work too hard,
your staff will be stressed out.
If I go back in now to say goodbye,
I'll only ruin the mood,
so please put in a good word for me.
In life,
it's important to go with the flow.
We can see which way the tide is turning,
so don't waste your energy.
Are you eyeing my position?
Look, President Park.
I'm not that ambitious.
My life motto is, "Lie low and go far."
I'd rather be safe and last long
by joining the mainstream,
not the outsiders.
I don't even want to burp
in Doldam Hospital's direction.
So, please.
Don't drag me into your plans.
Just do as the chairman says, okay?
I'll be off then.
Learn to bow down when you need to,
or nothing will go your way.
-That stubborn man.
-Where did he go?
Gosh, why did I come here today?
Hey, where are you?
Let's have another drink.
-I'm here!
-Let me pour you one.
-Drink up.
It's been great.
-Try this.
- It's good.
Park Min-gook.
What on earth is he thinking?
This is Doldam Hospital's ER.
Doctor Kim?
Why are you back?
We couldn't let you be the only cool one.
She said we shouldn't let you
be on standby all by yourself
and dragged me back here.
Gosh, cut it out.
Here, everyone stays at the hospital
when it rains or snows.
Everyone does that?
Most of the time.
Unless they have other pressing issues.
Who made that rule?
Doctor Kim?
He started it, indeed.
And we followed suit.
Gosh, that's crazy.
So you voluntarily work overtime?
Hey, who'd do this if they were forced to?
The youngsters wouldn't, even for money.
Work-life balance is important nowadays.
Even I'd rather go home early
than get paid extra.
See? This is what they say.
-Isn't it exhausting though?
-I've been doing this for three years,
so I suppose it's doable.
And no complaints?
Other than being away
from my wife and kid…
Dealing with patients
can be easier at times.
How is that possible?
I wonder too.
I guess this place…
made me like that.
With that said,
may I order some jokbal, fried chicken,
and noodles?
Sure, by all means.
I'm hungry too.
Let's eat first.
Okay, I'll order then.
GS Seo Woo-jin speaking.
A bus rolled over.
Doctor Kim called me.
The accident took place
just 10 minutes away from our hospital.
Doctor Kim…
was also on the bus when it happened.
What did you just say?
Doctor Kim was in an accident?
And? Is he all right?
-Is he badly injured?
- Hold on.
Hello, Doctor Kim.
Everyone is here.
Okay, hold on.
Hello. This is Doctor Kim.
My gosh, what happened?
A bus rolled over?
Why were you on the bus to begin with?
What's your status? Are you okay?
Who's there now?
Everyone's here.
All EM, GS, and CS doctors.
All the nurses are on standby as well.
I see.
Thank you.
What's the situation like?
Including the driver…
I see about 12 passengers.
What should we do?
First, Seo Woo-jin and Cha Eun-jae.
-Yes, sir.
I want the two of you
to come here at once.
Come as quickly as you can.
Don't forget to bring the emergency kits.
-Yes, sir.
-I'll go bring the kits.
Get the keys and
-meet me in the parking lot.
A pregnant woman who seems to be due soon
isn't doing so well.
Please get ready to receive her.
-But there's no OB-GYN--
Let's contact OB-GYNs in the area.
Nurse Um, please contact Jungil Hospital
as well as Joongang Gynecology Clinic.
And just in case,
have the NICU ready as well.
Got it.
Doctor Jung.
Yes, sir.
As of this moment,
you're in charge of our trauma center.
What? Me?
You can do it, right?
I can do it, sir. Don't worry.
Right now, I'm seeing
two other passengers with severe injuries.
We'll wait for them, fully prepared.
All right. You all heard that, right?
Over 12 patients will be here soon.
Including the pregnant lady,
we have three confirmed trauma patients.
Prepare the beds closest to the entrance
and make sure we have enough warm saline,
elastic bandage, and dressing sets.
Let's move.
-Yes, Doctor.
-Yes, Doctor.
And Doctor Nam.
Yes, I know. I'll have the OR ready.
Nurse Um.
Please call Doctor Sim.
Hello, I'm calling from Doldam's ER.
Doctor Kim.
Are you all right?
Are you okay, Doctor Kim?
I'm okay.
As soon as the paramedics arrive,
I'll sort things out here and head over.
All right?
Then we'll see you here.
What's the matter?
I'm not sure.
I think a bus rolled over.
The road is jammed.
I'll meet you there.
Hey, Woo-jin. Wait!
Hey! Gosh.
Darn it.
-I need more dressing sets.
Are you all right, sir?
-Over here.
-Get the driver first.
-Go in.
-Are you all right?
Hey, go in!
One, two, three.
Those of you who can move,
-please head towards me.
-We've got you.
-Watch your step.
-Be careful.
Please be careful. Watch your step.
If you're able to move,
please head towards me.
Please watch your step.
Paramedic. Paramedic!
I'm Doctor Kim from Doldam Hospital.
I need some blankets and a backboard. Now!
This pregnant lady here
is critically injured.
Okay. We'll clear a path behind you.
-Bring me a hammer, cutters,
and blankets. Now!
-Stay back.
-What's going on?
-Sir, you can't be here.
-I'm a doctor.
I'm the president of Doldam Hospital.
Brief me on the trauma patients.
We got the driver out just now,
and we've begun rescuing the passengers.
There was a doctor on the bus.
He's been sorting the injured for us.
-A doctor?
Hey, it's me.
Sir, a bus rolled over near the hospital.
Yes, I know.
I'm at the scene now.
But the thing is,
Doctor Kim was on the bus.
Are you a doctor?
I'm a doctor, so put your worries to rest.
Please save…
my baby.
Yes, I promise you that I will.
You shouldn't talk.
-You must save your energy.
-But my baby…
My baby.
Please save…
Ma'am… Ma'am?
Ma'am, please stay with me.
-Doctor Kim!
The situation is looking bad.
-Yes, this is Woo-jin.
-Where are you now?
I'm on my way.
Hurry. Hurry up!
Her heart stopped beating!
Where are the cutters?
She's gone into cardiac arrest. Hurry!
I thought I managed to escape.
I thought…
I managed to completely escape from it.
I'm here, Doctor Kim.
But it turns out…
I haven't escaped from it…
at all.
If we don't take the baby out,
both of them could die.
We got a call
from a sexual assault victim.
Doctor Yoon, are you inside?
What do you think I'd prefer?
Lift the bus!
If we move him now,
he might have a cardiac arrest!
They're both alive.
And I'll make sure I save both of them.
Do you understand?
-Doctor Kim. You're okay, right?
-Sponge stick.
He'll perform surgery in that condition?
Doctor Kim.
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