Fantastic Four: The Animated Series (1994) s02e09 Episode Script

Nightmare in Green

[loud squawking]
Oh, don't try to pretend with me,
Ben Grimm.
I don't have to see your face to sense
you're upset about something.
Oh, well, it's just Stretcho's been
so blamed busy
trying to crack the Negative Barrier,
so he can free that girl Crystal
for Torchy.
He's even called in some
fellow egghead from outta state,
a guy named Banner.
When's the professor gonna get back
to lookin' for a way
to turn me into a regular guy again?
You know, so you and me
can have a well, normal life.
Oh, Ben. Why can't you get it
through your thick head?
The only thing that could make me sad is
the thought of any change at all in you.
Well, maybe being The Thing
ain't all bad.
Of course not!
In fact, it's very nice.
We can sit here in the park after dark
and with you I'm perfectly safe.
How many people can say that?
There's nothing alive
that you can't handle.
Not even someone like,
well, the Hulk, or
The Hulk?! Why bring up that
muscle-bound muddy green creep?
Well, I'm sorry,
it's just that I heard on the radio
he'd been spotted in the New York area.
But he disappeared again
before being captured.
Yeah, well, lucky for him.
I mean, the Apple's my turf.
- Boy, if I ever find him
- Come on, let's go!
Huh? You rotten little punks!
Did you losers
just make a career mistake?
[dove coos]
[man] Hey, no!
[Thing grunts nearby]
We're sorry. We didn't know it was you!
In this case,
ignorance ain't bliss, punks.
[Alicia] Ben, please don't! Don't!
Well, if you say so, darling.
[robbers] Oof!
Ben, what are you doing to them?
Me? Nothing. Although I shoulda
I don't believe my baby blues.
- Stand behind me.
- What?!
The lady's with me, Mister Greenjeans.
Girl not belong with
ugly rock thing like you.
So that explains your coloring.
Green with envy.
Well, pallie, I don't envy
what's gonna happen to you.
[grunts and groans]
Hulk is bigger. Hulk is stronger.
Hulk is dumber. Thing is faster.
Hulk can't be hurt.
Yeah, but Hulk can be clobbered.
Huh? That right hook
woulda flattened Mount Rushmore.
[sirens wail]
This was a hot tip!
The Hulk is stompin' the Thing.
And we got us an exclusive!
Hulk bury ugly rock monster.
Oh, my sweet Aunt Petunia
[man] Look out!
You sure that's the best you can do,
The longer Hulk fights,
the stronger Hulk gets.
Yeah? Well, the smell's
really startin' to get to me
[Alicia] No! Stop! Oh!
Please, please stop fighting!
Hulk make girl unhappy?
So Hulk go.
What a story! Beauty and the Beast.
Stop him!
The puny minions of justice
may be incapable of stopping
the green behemoth,
but nothing escapes
from Victor Von Doom.
Incredible! Then the stories
about this green monster
Are very true.
The Hulk is quite possibly
the strongest being on the planet.
Certainly stronger
than that accursed Thing.
The vulgar monstrosity
who caused me such pain.
The Hulk's footprints
transform into human ones
with the same strong
Gamma-Ray emanations
I have been tracking across the country.
As I suspected,
the Hulk has a human alter ego.
And now for the answer.
This Gamma-Ray patch
was just another failure, Rick.
When will I find a way
to stop becoming the Hulk?
Don't give up hope, Dr. Banner.
Now try to get some rest.
You don't want to be assisting Reed
Richards with bags under your eyes.
[Doom] How ironic.
Reed Richards has considerately
brought the Hulk to New York,
where I shall avail myself
of his presence
to decimate the Fantastic Four!
[Thing] No! Lousy stinkin' reporters!
Did you see these headlines?
"Hulk trounces Thing. "
"Blind Beauty saves Beast from Beast. "
Pipe down, you big brick.
I'm trying to watch here.
[TV newsreader] badly beaten
by the much stronger Hulk.
- Oh, Benjy. He dropped you like a
- Johnny.
This is downright humiliating!
[Reed sighs] What's going on out here?
[Sue] Honey, you look terrible.
And our resident rockpile
feels terrible,
'cause he tangled with the Hulk
and got his
Hey, you care to rephrase that, junior?
Okay, you two. Here's some good news.
I've been working with
these rare chemicals which,
when bombarded with Gamma Rays,
might just be able
Yeah, I know. Get that girl Crystal
and this shrimp back together.
Yeah, yeah, I know.
That's all you ever
think about any more.
Actually, Ben, the project Reed's
been working on is a cure for you.
Huh? Say what?
[Reed] That's right, Ben.
Preliminary results look promising.
And since Gamma Rays could be the key,
I called in an expert.
Dr. Bruce Banner.
H- He's on his way up now,
to to help me
What? Stretcho, what's the matter?
Reed! Honey, you're burning up.
I- I'm just tired
[man] Dr. Richards?
Dr. Banner. We finally meet.
I- I was hoping you could help Ben, here.
Hey, hey, hey.
Forget about me, Stretcho.
[Thing] What counts is getting you
back on your rubbery feet again.
Come on, pal.
[Dr. Banner] Hmm.
Prolonged exposure
to those rare potent chemicals
has caused Dr. Richards' fever.
My spectrum analysis
should be done by morning,
and then I'll attempt to bio-engineer
a serum to restore his strength.
Meanwhile, my assistant and I
have constructed a liquid pool unit
to reduce and control his fever.
You and Stretcho must have gone to
the same school of gizmo-making.
[Johnny] 'Night, Doc. See you tomorrow.
You're sure it's okay, Johnny?
You asked if you could take
the air cycle for a spin, so spin!
[gasps of surprise]
[groans] Who's there?
Allow me to introduce myself,
Dr. Banner.
Victor Von Doom.
Oh, don't change on my account, Doctor.
Aagh! Gamma Rays!
At least, not yet.
[Doom] You're guest of honor
at my Latverian Embassy, Dr. Banner.
In fact, I've prepared a suitable room
especially for your needs.
I call it the Gamma Ray Suite.
Let me go, Doom. Without my help,
Reed Richards might die.
Reed Richards, dead of a virus.
How common.
Not quite the ultimate vengeance
I'd always hoped for but
tidy nonetheless.
Oh, and yes, I will let you go.
[clicks fingers]
[Doom] After the Hulk destroys
the remainder of the Fantastic Four.
- Who are you?
- I'm your friend, Doctor Doom.
Rick Jones is Hulk's only friend.
Oh, tut tut.
Not any more, I'm afraid.
Rick Jones has made new friends.
[Doom] He's deserted you, Hulk.
He has betrayed your trust
and joined the Fantastic Four.
And they have turned him against you.
No! No one leaves Hulk!
But the answer is simple.
To make Mr. Jones your friend again,
you have only to destroy
his new friends,
the Fantastic Four.
Yes! Hulk destroy Fantastic Four!
Hey, Rick, my brother-in-law
is not doing so hot.
Where's Doc Banner? He's supposed to be
at our place already.
I- I'm sure he'll be back. Sometimes
he just kinda disappears for a while.
We ain't got a while, kid.
The professor's
depending on Banner's help.
You steal Hulk's only friend.
Oh, yeah. I've been achin'
for a rematch, Chuckles.
Hulk, no!
[Johnny] Flame on!
Why Rick hurt Hulk's feelings?
Leave Hulk for new friends?
But I didn't! I wouldn't
Rick lie, try to trick Hulk.
Hulk tired of talk.
[Torch] Rick, what's he talking about?
Hulk want friend back.
Hulk fight to get friend back.
Torch wanna pitch.
The Thing wanna hit.
[Rick] Stop fighting, Torch!
You'll make the Hulk madder,
which will only make him stronger.
Hulk has trick for fire boy.
Oh! Shock wave!
Hey, kid, you okay?
Once Hulk grab rock monster,
he never get free.
Never say never, you big green creep.
I gotta stop this!
Oh, but I'm so enjoying
this athletic little Donnybrook.
Come and get me, mold face.
It's the rematch
New York has been waiting for.
But once more, the Thing is being badly
beaten by the much stronger Hulk.
Ben! Oh, no!
[reporter] And the Torch has been KO'd
by the unstoppable nightmare in green.
The city wonders, where are
Sue Richards and Mr. Fantastic?
What are they waiting for?
I don't want to leave you.
But I've got to help Ben.
I love you, Reed.
[Reed groans]
Oh, no Must help him Ben!
So alone, so vulnerable.
Tut, tut, tut.
I can't help myself.
I must attend to Mr. Fantastic
[Irish] Saints preserve us!
If that brawny Thing can't shillelagh
that whirligig, how can we?
Huh? Where rock creature go?
Thanks, Suse.
Smart girl, Susan.
[Thing] Peekaboo! Thing find you!
Oh, no!
Must help them!
I'm afraid that's entirely
out of the question, Richards.
Doctor's orders.
This doctor prescribes
a maximum dosage of Gamma Rays.
In your current weakened state,
it should prove most fatal.
[Doom] Come now, Mr Fantastic.
You really shouldn't be out of bed.
I don't suppose it would do any good
to say "Look out behind you"?
Really, Richards,
what a pathetically desperate ploy.
A mere delay of the inevitable.
My bionic armor is indestructible.
But I'm betting your Gamma Gun isn't.
- Where's Doctor Doom?
- No time to worry about that.
We have to help Ben and Sue.
Why pretty giris
always try help ugly rock creature?
'Cause I floss, Moss Mouth.
Sorry, Ben, he's
too strong Oh
Ha! Ugly rock creature getting weak.
Hulk never get weak.
That why Hulk always wins.
Can't take much more, unless
Con Ed can give me an edge.
Little tingle not stop Hulk.
Hulk never forgive Fantastic Four.
I can't protect Ben much longer
Hulk, stop! Please don't hurt him.
He's not your enemy.
I can feel your pain, Hulk.
You're so alone and unhappy,
just as Ben once was.
Oh, Ben!
See, even rock creature have friends.
That why Hulk unhappy,
because Fantastic Four
stole Hulk's best friend.
Hulk's new friend, Doom, show him.
No, no! Doom is a bad man, Hulk.
[Reed] And he isn't your friend.
But I am.
- Rick?
- Reed!
I would never leave you
to join the Fantastic Four.
Such a tragic tableau,
worthy of Shakespeare,
or Doctor Doom.
There's no heartbeat! Oh!
You've done well, my friend,
destroying the loathsome Thing,
as I knew you would.
But Hulk make girl cry.
She'll get over it.
And now for the coup de grĂ¢ce.
Meddlesome youth!
You hurt Rick.
Make Hulk make girl cry.
You bad.
You trick Hulk.
Back, you subhuman primitive!
You fool!
- Reed, is he?
- Stand back.
I'm going to use high voltage
to try to start his heart.
Alicia I'm sorry
Oh, Reed!
Oh, no!
Hey, what's goin' on?
Oh, no!
N- Not Ben
No, not the big fella.
[Alicia sobs]
That's what I like about you, junior.
You're a real nineties kinda guy,
not afraid to show your sensitive side.
[Thing laughs]
I know, I knew you were okay.
Yeah, I'm okay, you're okay.
Well, for once,
I'm glad to be wrong, Ben.
Even a genius couldn't find
a heartbeat under that rock.
You sure made a fast recovery, mister.
Well, thank the doctor.
Doctor Doom, actually.
The Gamma Rays from his exploding gun
knocked out the effects of the chemicals
causing my fever.
Dr. Banner will be glad to hear that.
Wherever he is.
And hey, where'd Rick hike off to?
Hmm. Something tells me there's
a lot more than meets the eye
to Rick and the mysterious Dr. Banner.
Bad man got away.
[Thing] One thing's for sure.
That avocado ape's gonna think twice
about another field trip
to the Big Apple. Thanks to me.
[Alicia] Oh, Ben.
[Alicia] I felt so sorry for him.
He was like an angry, lonely child,
full of rage and hurt.
Kinda sounds like some big orange guy
I used to know.
A big orange lucky guy.
- Oh, Ben!
- Alicia.
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