Frog and Toad (2023) s02e09 Episode Script

Season 2, Episode 9

Yay! Hooray!
-Thank you. Thank you.
-You are too kind, Frog.
Great practice, everyone.
Although, our song could use
a little more twang. Don't you think?
More twang it is, Gopher.
I cannot wait to see your band
perform tonight.
Listening to music
is one of my favorite things.
You might also enjoy being a part
of making the music.
You should play with our band
in the concert tonight.
Me? Join the band?
-Why not?
But, Toad, I do not have an instrument.
Well, we will find you one.
We will find you the perfect instrument.
How will I know which instrument
is the perfect instrument?
That is easy.
The perfect instrument
should make you feel good
from the top of your head
to the tip of your toes.
That does sound easy.
Here. Give this one a try.
Well, Frog?
Did that make you feel good
from your head to your toes?
No. It only made my ears hurt.
Can I try something else?
Well, certainly. Try my fiddle.
Sorry, Toad, but this did not make me
feel good from my head to my toes.
I do not think a fiddle
is the perfect instrument for me.
Quite all right.
Give my harmonica a blow.
I do not think the harmonica
is the perfect instrument, either.
Wait right here.
Here you are, Frog.
Give this twisty tuba a try.
All right, Toad.
Sorry, Toad.
But this tuba is too twisty for me.
I felt shaky from my head to my toes,
but it did not feel good.
Not to worry.
I know a place where there are plenty
of instruments for you to try.
Good luck, Frog.
See you both at the concert tonight.
Goodbye, Gopher.
I will go put this tuba back inside,
and then we shall head to Squirrel's shop.
Yes, an excellent idea.
Heya. Hiya. Hello there, Frog and Toad.
Can I interest you two in a butter dish,
a thimble, a scratchy sweater?
We already have scratchy sweaters.
Then you know how great they are.
Actually, Squirrel, we are looking
for a musical instrument for Frog to play.
Yeah. As soon as I have found one
that makes me feel good
from my head to my toes,
I am joining Toad's band.
Why didn't you say so?
I've got oodles of instruments
you should try.
I've got harps and drums
And tons of kazoos
Bassoons, clarinets and didgeridoos
Wow, that is a lot of instruments.
Told ya.
What about whistles or spoons
A shiny trombone
A cowbell, a flute, a saxophone
Harpsichords, triangles
And cymbals abound
Try a djembe to drum
You'll love that sound
Now it's your turn, Frog, take it away
Find the one that feels good to play
Love that didgeridoo.
Me too. Blah.
Oh, terrific.
Did I say that already?
Well, Frog?
Did any of those instruments make you
feel good from your head to your toes?
Well, they all sounded nice.
But none of them made me feel good
from my head to my toes.
You know, Frog,
if none of those instruments
struck your fancy on their own,
you could always try 'em all together.
Every instrument?
At once?
Yep. It's an instrument of my own design.
I call it the har-fiddle-cym-driddle.
Oh, you'll see.
This'll only take a minute.
-Okay. I'm trying Yeah.
-Hold still.
-If I Okay. Here we go.
-All right.
Prepare to be amazed.
The har-fiddle-cym-driddle.
That is amazing.
Are you sure this will work, Squirrel?
It'll make a lot of noise,
that's for sure.
Salutations and greetings, Squirrel.
Quickly, I need three sharpened pencils,
a piece of string yea long and a pickle.
Mole! You're just in time.
Give it a try, Frog.
How do you feel, Frog?
Like I am playing too many instruments
at once!
Nonsense! Play proudly, Frog!
The louder the better!
-Oh, dear.
Can you believe it?
And wait until you hear
I am so sorry,
but the har-fiddle-cym-driddle
does not feel like the perfect instrument
for me.
It is all right, Frog.
We will figure something out as soon
as we help Squirrel clean up the shop.
Now, about that pickle
Thank you for helping me today,
but I do not think I can play with you
at the concert tonight.
I cannot find an instrument that makes me
feel good from my head to my toes.
Let me put on a record.
Listening to music will make us
feel better while we figure something out.
All right, Toad.
Frog, have you been tapping
to the music all along?
I suppose I have.
Let me try something, Frog.
Frog, you finally found
the perfect instrument.
It is you.
Now I can play with your band tonight.
You can indeed.
And now, it is my pleasure to introduce
the newest member of our band
and my best friend, Frog!
Encore! Encore!
Thank you for helping me find the perfect
instrument to play in the band, Toad.
You are welcome, Frog.
Shall we give them one more song?
I think we must.
Going to Frog's house
Going to Frog's house
Going to Frog's house
Frog and me
Frog and me
Frog? It is me, Toad. Come outside.
I cannot wait to share
this splendid day with you.
Frog? Frog?
What is this?
It must be a note from Frog.
"Dear Toad" That is me.
"I am not at home. I went out.
I want to be alone today. Signed, Frog."
Alone. Frog wants to be alone today.
That means he wants to be by himself.
But it is so beautiful today.
It is much better to be with a friend
than to be alone on a day like this.
I must find Frog so we can enjoy
this beautiful day together.
But where could he be?
Finding Frog may be harder than I thought.
Perhaps Frog is alone in his garden. Frog?
He is not alone in his mailbox, either.
Frog? Frog.
Frog, is that you?
Hello, Mouse.
Hello, Toad.
You do not look happy to see me.
Sorry, but you are not Frog.
Oh, yes. That is true.
Although, I do enjoy a good hop
like Frog does.
I am looking for Frog. Have you seen him?
I thought he would be with you.
The two of you are always together.
Toad and Frog. Frog and Toad.
Sometimes I call you "Froad."
Yes. It's a combination
of both your names.
Or I'll combine Toad and Frog
and call you both "Tog."
It saves time, you see?
Come to think of it,
I did see Frog just a short time ago.
He was walking through town.
Then town is where I shall go.
Thank you, Mouse.
Goodbye, Froad. I mean, Tog.
I mean, goodbye, Toad.
Heya. Hiya. Hello, Toad.
Looking for anything in particular?
As a matter of fact, I am, Squirrel.
If you're looking for a lint brush,
come back next week. I'm all out of those.
I am looking for my friend, Frog.
Looking for Frog.
Well, why didn't you say so?
I saw Frog hopping through the meadow
on my way here.
Oh, my,
Frog is going everywhere this morning.
I will try to catch him in the meadow.
Thank you, Squirrel.
Anytime, Toad.
And I just found a lint brush
if you need it!
Frog? Toad is here.
Not Frog.
Hello? Hello? Hello?
Hiya, Toad! Afraid I'm not Frog, though.
Hello, Robin.
Isn't this log amazing?
I could hide so much stuff in here.
Are you hiding Frog in there?
I have been looking for him all morning.
No, Frog is not here.
But I did see him skipping stones
by the river not too long ago.
The river! Oh, this is splendid news.
Thank you, Robin. Goodbye.
Anytime, Toad.
I found a button.
Frog. I have found him at last.
Frog! Frog! I've been looking for you!
Frog, can you hear me?
Frog must be too far away to hear me.
I know.
I will surprise him on that little island
with something special.
Wait there, Frog. I will be back soon.
I will make Frog
one of our favorite meals.
Sandwiches and iced tea.
There. Sandwiches and iced tea.
I have everything I need to surprise Frog.
Forgot the mustard.
He is still there.
Frog. It is I, your best friend, Toad.
I have brought
your favorite sandwiches and iced tea.
Frog! Frog!
Cake crumbs,
Frog still cannot see or hear me.
Oh, Turtle.
Oh, hello, Toad.
Are you going swimming again?
Not today, Turtle.
Could you do me a favor
and carry me to the island?
Frog is there,
and I have a picnic for us to enjoy.
Why, certainly. Hop aboard.
I'm a bit surprised to see you away
from Frog. You two are always together.
Well, usually, we are.
But today, Frog wrote a note
that said he wanted to be alone.
Yes. I looked all morning
until I found him on that little island.
Then I made sandwiches and iced tea
and remembered the mustard.
And now we can finally enjoy
this beautiful day together.
But, Toad, Frog said he wants to be alone.
Alone, as in by himself.
Yes. That is what alone means.
Then, Toad, I have to wonder,
maybe Frog does not want
to be around anyone right now.
Even you, Toad. Maybe he wants to be,
you know, alone.
Frog wants to be alone without me.
But why would Frog want to be alone?
We are always together, especially
when the days are beautiful, like today.
-Toad and Frog. Frog and Toad.
Mouse even calls us "Froad"
or sometimes "Tog."
Froad I mean, Toad,
you're really rocking the shell.
Oh, I am sorry, Turtle. I cannot help it.
I am quite distressed.
I am sorry for all the silly things I do.
I am sorry for all the silly things I say.
And I am sorry if you are mad at me.
-Please be my friend again.
Oh, Frog! You pulled me out of the river.
Of course, I did, Toad.
Hey! Don't forget your lunch.
Thank you, Turtle.
Yeah, yeah. Enjoy your soggy sandwiches.
Oh, my. The sandwiches are soggy.
And the iced tea is all gone.
Our lunch is spoiled.
Oh, Toad. You made us lunch?
Yes. I made it for you, Frog,
so that you would be happy.
But, Toad, I am happy. I am very happy.
You are?
Of course.
It is such a splendid day today.
Then why did you write
this note saying you wanted to be alone?
This morning, when I woke up, I felt good
because the sun was shining.
I felt good because I was a frog.
And I felt good
because I have you for a friend.
So, I wrote you a note.
A note that said, "I want to be alone."
Yes. I wanted to be alone,
so I could really concentrate
on how fine everything is.
And I wanted to reflect on how wonderful
my life is with you in it.
Oh, my.
I guess that is a very good reason
for wanting to be alone.
But now, I will be glad not to be alone.
Shall we have lunch?
Yes. Lunch sounds nice.
The sandwiches are a bit wet.
That is all right.
I do not like my sandwiches to be too dry.
I brought the mustard you like.
Thank you.
You know, Toad, being alone is fine,
but being alone together is much better.
We woke up and found a door
Only us kids could explore
So we opened it to see what was behind
I will keep your secrets safe
With mine
We can wish on shooting stars that fade
Sleep inside the orchid shade
I wouldn't change it even if I could
There is magic in the places
We'd least expect to look
We can fill up all the pages
There is no end to our book
Be the wheels to my road
Be the Frog to my Toad
We can be anything that we wanna be
Now the sun is going down
On that other side of town tonight
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