Monsters at Work (2021) s02e09 Episode Script

Descent into Fear

morning, Monstropolis!
DJs Slinky Stinkwell
and Jimmy the Booger Boy
want you to know the sun is shining
and the birds are screeching.
It's a new day,
so go out and embrace it.
Yeah, I'm gonna embrace
the snot out of it.
"For Tylor, wishing you
a scare-filled first day.
Johnny and your Fear Co. family."
- MILLIE: Wow,
a gift basket and a company car.
Oh, thank goodness they
found a job for you after all.
Oh, hey, I want to celebrate my new job
by taking the whole family
out to a fancy dinner.
- How about La Petite Grr?
- Oh!
The waiters all know me there.
Tylor, I just want to make sure
you're taking this Fear
Co. job because you want to,
and not because you're worried about us.
I told you the store is doing fine.
Yeah, we're entering key making season.
This is what I want, Mom.
I've dreamed of being
a scarer my whole life,
And now (CHUCKLES)
- I'm finally doing it.
- Oh. We're proud of you, hon.
Hey, where's that perky orange
rainbow with the doughnuts?
- You mean Val?
Yeah, I I gotta go.
Knock 'em dead, baby.
But just figuratively,
because killing has consequences.
Tonight's top explosive story,
Monsters, Inc. in chaos.
Thanks to the investigative
journalism of yours truly,
we now know Monsters,
Inc. was found harboring
Henry J. Waternoose IV,
the son of criminal mastermind
Henry J Waternoose III.
Here's Jack, with his thoughts
on the future of laugh power
and the all but certain failure
of Monsters, Incorporated.
Laugh power failed me!
- Congratulations.
- (LAUGHS) Thanks.
Hey, it's our newest jokester.
Good morning. I brought donuts.
(LAUGHS) Force of habit. You want one?
- Donut mind if I do.
- Ah-ah-ah.
- Hey.
- Didn't your doctor say
you needed to cut back on sweets?
I'll take one for the team.
Actually, I'll take two for the team.
- Mmm!
MONSTER: Hey, congrats, Val.
If I want to eat my feelings, I can.
Look how skinny my legs are.
- Congrats, Val.
- Thank you.
So, yesterday was a lot.
But the good news is, kid,
it's your first day as a jokester,
and with you on the team,
laugh power is sure to bounce back.
Right, all the way, back to the top.
MIKE: Here we are, kid.
Soak it all in.
This is your moment.
Thanks, Mr. Wazowski.
Call me Mike.
Thanks, Mr. Mike Wazowski.
There you go, buddy.
Don't scratch it.
That's a company car.
Oh, hey!
Welcome, Tylor.
I am so glad we had a spot open up.
Did your family enjoy
the basket we sent over?
Oh, yeah, especially my dad.
He ate all of it. (CHUCKLES)
Even the decorative soaps.
But thanks so much.
And and for the car, too.
I dropped it off at the valet.
Uh, we don't have a valet.
MONSTER: Yeah! Free car!
Hey, excuse me, everybody.
Let's give a big old
roar to our newest scarer,
Tylor Tuskmon.
Here you go, Tylor.
Have a great first day.
Why, thank you, Hazel.
Oh, I, uh, got something for you.
- It's just a mock up from the Creepshow simulator.
Oh, wow! My own scare
card, look at that.
Tylor "The Terrible."
Not too bad, huh?
That's terrible in a
good way, though, right?
- Oh, of course.
- Oh, we better hurry.
Don't want to miss the morning huddle.
Finally, the scare floor.
JOHNNY: Tylor,
welcome to the first day
of the rest of your life.
This is incredible.
I can't believe I'm finally here.
Wow! I mean, I thought
this would be big,
but this is so much
bigger than I imagined.
DECLAN: Hello.
Good tidings, sir.
Hey! Welcome to the floor, Tylor.
Oh! Hey, Joy.
Yeah, no, happy to be here.
Hi. Nice to meet you. I'm Skyler.
Yes, we have met quite a few times.
And this is your assistant,
- Chompy.
- TYLOR: Chompy! Hi!
No, no, no, no. No. No.
Chompy takes a pretty
dim view of being touched.
Here. Go fetch.
Nice to, uh
Meet you.
All right. Scarers,
bring it in.
You are all an important
part of Fear Co's. legacy.
You know it.
And now it's up to each of you
to carry that legacy on.
The leaderboard has been wiped clean,
so who's going to be the leader today?
- Is it you?
- Is it you?
- Is it
- Skyler?
- Is it you?
- Oh. Me? I, uh
Claws and paws in for
your Co. motto, on three.
One, two, three.
ALL: Let fear power you!
Monsters at the ready.
Prepare to scare.
(SIGHS) You know, I, uh
I've never actually, uh,
scared a human child before,
just the simulators
in college. (CHUCKLES)
Just go in there and be
who you are meant to be.
VAL: Oh, wow. Okay, this is real.
(LAUGHS) I'm freaking out.
Now just get in there
and be who you are meant to be.
Look out, evil frowners,
it is I, Captain Funny Bone,
and her laughter filled
partner Chuckling Charlie
Uh, this is Val to ground control,
permission to make a silly landing
at Hillary International Airport.
Permission granted.
VAL: Copy that.
VAL: Ooh, big fan of space.
Me too. I'm an astronaut,
- and I'm gonna put my foot on the moon.
I am definitely not at
Monsters, Inc. anymore.
Looking good, everyone.
Great teamwork.
Oh, Val, you are a jokester.
All right. You're
cutting it up in there.
Just like a compound miter saw.
Hey, hearty congratulations
to you, dear Valerie.
Thanks, Roger. Or do you prefer Henry?
Oh! Just Roger will do.
That was my childhood nickname
- back in New Squealand.
- New Squealand.
- (LAUGHS) Yep. I called it.
ROGER: Yep, that's right.
You see, my mom's from there.
"Sweet as," as she would say.
You're as sweet as can be, Roger.
Hey, Val, the next kid's
pile is on your desk.
Sorry, guys. Work calls.
I went a whole childhood without hugs.
Excuse me!
- Move!
Emergency mouse siren.
We had a 1303,
which turned into a 503,
and if we're not careful,
it's gonna be up 216.
Well, my ex here was never
good at communicating.
She's saying something
about the canisters leaking.
They're not just leaking.
They're empty.
They're all empty.
It says they're full,
but they're all empty.
MIKE: All right, okay. What's the deal?
The weeks' worth of laugh
power we have is just gone,
and now we don't have enough
to get us through the day.
So, right now we're in the green zone,
but if the energy falls into the red
Well, what happens if it
falls into the red zone?
Is it surprisingly something good?
- Because we haven't had a lot of that.
- When? Not if.
But when the city's demand
for power exceeds our supply,
it's lights out.
MIKE: The lights still
work now, though, right?
I'm sorry to be such a downer.
I could bake something to
help us all feel better.
- Who's hungry?
- Okay, everyone,
we have to generate
every gigawatt we can
to avoid a blackout.
Go, jokesters,
keep getting more gigawatts
so the city doesn't
plunge into darkness.
Anybody care for a 36 and
a half hour energy drink?
It makes you extremely alert
and completely aware
of your surroundings.
- Ooh, sorry, boss.
Nah, he's fine.
As the saying goes,
"Comedy is pain plus time."
I'm good. Just gonna pop my
shoulder back in real quick.
ROGER: Ooh. Watch out,
more canisters incoming.
DECLAN: May I have your attention
our new scarer, Tylor Tuskmon,
is climbing the leaderboard
in dramatic fashion.
- You'd best have your wits about you, Joy.
- Mm?
Soon you'll be dethroned.
Next stop, retirement.
Or worse, irrelevant.
Hey, you know, I'm not here
to dethrone anybody, you know.
I I mean, we're working together.
We're, uh we're work buds.
- Am I right?
Don't talk to me, bro.
- Whoa! What was that?
Yeah, she made Skyler cry last week.
- And that's lunchtime.
Your 15 minutes starts now.
Fifteen minutes? What?
That's barely enough time
to check out the pastry case.
Oh! Hey, does anybody
want to grab, uh, lunch?
MONSTER: Hurry up!
You don't want to end up like Rosie.
Hey, Declan, what, uh
What happened to Rosie?
Huh, she was late from lunch
and she wasn't pulling her numbers.
Wait, she was fired?
But everything about Rosie is scary.
That, that That
must've been a mistake.
I'm I'm gonna go.
I'm gonna go talk to Johnny about it.
Don't worry, we're super tight.
And, uh, you You left.
Yeah, no, that, that
That makes sense.
We only have 15 minutes. Well, 13 now.
Tylor stop talking.
Let's go! Let's go.
We have to avoid a blackout.
Pick up the pace everyone.
Oh, except you, Googly Bear.
You're going a little too fast.
- I've never felt better
Yeah Huh?
Space helmet (GASPS)
Oh, that was close. (GROANS)
I almost lost my science
fiction slash romance novel.
What's going on down there?
CUTTER: We're transferring the
canisters as fast as we can.
No red on my watch.
- Oh, hey, Chet.
- Whoa, whoa.
And where do you think you're going?
I just need to talk to
Johnny about my friend Rosie.
Let me just check the schedule here.
Oh! You're not going to believe this.
You can see Johnny for six minutes.
Oh, nice.
Three weeks from now.
Right now, he's very busy
preparing for a press conference.
Oh. Okay.
Uh, hey, do you want to grab lunch?
Oh, I'd love to, but I have
to dine at my desk alone,
just in case Johnny needs me.
Oh. Okay. Uh, yeah. Sure.
Well, at least this is better
than eating a frozen rot dog
over my bathroom sink.
- MONSTER: Yeah.
- TYLOR: Something smells good. Am I right?
That sure looks delicious.
- DECLAN: Lunch time is over.
Please report back to
your stations immediately.
SKYLER: Yeah! Skyler, wins.
(SIGHS) I'm so sick of
her being number one.
That's right. I worked through lunch.
I'll eat when I'm dead.
If you come for the
queen, you better not miss.
That goes for all of you losers.
You're all useless and weak.
Your reign of terror is
ending, Your Highness.
Tylor will beat you.
It's just a matter of time.
Yeah. You're, you're
You're rude and mean
and make us all feel
bad about ourselves.
Yeah, I had to start
doing daily affirmations.
I am worthy.
I'm putting money on Tylor.
- Yeah, me too.
- Me too, me too.
I'll put money on Skyler. Yeah.
No jokester is gonna outscare me.
Tylor, go in there and get enough scares
so you're number one.
Come on, Tylor.
Fill that can.
(SIGHS) Let's do this.
ALL: (CHANTING) Tylor! Tylor!
Tylor! Tylor! Tylor! Tylor!
Tylor! Tylor! Tylor! Tylor!
- Huh?
- Tylor?
- Uh But I, uh
- Sorry, buddy, uh
- BEN: What are you doing?
Look, I uh (THUDS)
BEN: Is this a new joke?
- Uh, I
- Where are your donuts?
I can't do this door.
I know this kid. Just
give me another one.
We're not letting you out
until you fill that
canister and eliminate Joy.
ALL: Fill the can!
Down with Joy!
- ALL: Fill the can!
- ALL: Fill the can!
BEN: I was worried you were mad at me
because I didn't like
your donut joke before.
- TYLOR: Yeah, well
- Hey, hey,
check out my new recorder.
I just learned this new song.
It's not very good,
- but my mom says I need practice.
BEN: Oh, hey, I finally
finished that comic book
- I told you about
- MILLIE: The only scary thing
is living with regret.
TYLOR: This is what I want, Mom.
I dreamed of being a
scarer my whole life,
and now (CHUCKLES)
I'm finally doing it.
BERNARD: You can't escape who you are
- so just embrace it.
- BEN: Tylor, what do you think?
- Tylor, are you okay?
- BERNARD: Just embrace it.
- What's wrong?
BERNARD: Just embrace it.
Tylor, stop.
I thought we were friends.
ALL: The can is full!
The can is full!
The can is full!
ALL: Tylor! Tylor! Tylor!
Tylor! Tylor! Tylor!
DECLAN: Well done.
We have a new number
one on the leaderboard,
Tylor "The Terrible" Tuskmon!
ALL: Tylor! Tylor! Tylor!
JOHNNY: Hey, careful
with that card, huh.
It's going to be worth a lot someday.
Chet said you were looking for me.
You know, I've always got time for you,
regardless of what he says.
Between the two of us,
Chet is a little overprotective.
Ben was really upset.
- Ben?
- A little boy I used to make laugh
back at Monsters, Inc.
Tylor, those days are over.
It's time to focus on your future.
Come on, kid.
First day
and you're already
top of the leaderboard.
I knew I was right about you.
I'm glad to see you're
finally embracing who you are.
TYLOR: I'm not sure if I like it.
Well, I like it.
And I think
so will everyone else.
- REPORTER 1: Johnny
- REPORTER 2: It's Johnny
CELIA: Well done, monsters.
We reached our goal today
and prevented a blackout.
Let's not think about how we'll
have to do it again tomorrow,
and just say hooray for now.
ALL: Hooray for now.
- Yes!
You put us over the top, Val.
And so did this energy drink.
Is my eye red?
Because it's very itchy.
Anybody got eye drops?
Thank you, Cameron.
That was close.
This is close.
And if my tongue licks your eyeball,
- it's not my fault.
- Oh.
Thank you. Thank you all for coming.
We've all seen the news
and how our friends at
Monsters, Incorporated
have had their issues,
so we are expediting the unveiling
of our Fear Co. scream amplifier
that makes screams more
powerful than laughs.
- JOHNNY: We'll soon have more power
than we know what to do with.
And I am very excited
to announce that we even
have the former scarer
turned jokester turned scarer again,
Tylor "The Terrible" Tuskmon,
joining the Fear Co. family.
Look at him over there, huh?
Isn't he something, folks?
He's great.
In fact, I'm promoting him
to Vice President of Scaring.
- What?
JOHNNY: Number one on his first day.
I haven't seen talent like that since
- Well, me. (LAUGHS)
The other power companies
may tinker with new ideas,
- but you can't reliably
power homes (ALARM SOUNDS)
with good intentions.
While laugh power has its merits,
it's not who we are.
It's a monster's nature to be scary.
Fear, it's our tradition,
but it's also human children's.
We may rely on their
screams to power our city,
but human children need
us to be terrifying.
They tell stories about us at
sleepovers and around campfires.
We have a responsibility
to keep kids scared,
and I take that
responsibility very seriously,
as did my father before me.
Fear Co. will continue
that proud tradition,
because fear is power.
Let fear power you.
It's powering me right now.
It's coursing through my veins.
And now I'll take your questions.
- REPORTER 1: Mr. Worthington
- REPORTER 2: And Johnny,
- what
- Ah
- Huh?
I'll see you in the stars.
MONSTER 1: Whoa!
MONSTER 2: Was that a blackout?
Clearly this is Monsters,
Incorporated's fault.
REPORTER 1: I knew this would happen.
REPORTER 2: Uh, Johnny,
over here please?
- REPORTER 3: Over here!
- REPORTER 4: Over here!
Uh, Mr. Worthington?
Look, I'm not sure what's
going on here, folks,
but don't worry,
Fear Co's power grid remains secure,
and we will fix everything
with our scream amplifier.
What's going on? What
happened to the power?
And this whole Vice President thing,
I thought I was just a scarer.
What did I just say, Tylor?
Don't worry.
I've taken care of everything.
Where are we?
I like to think of it
as my own private lair.
That's a laugh canister
from Monsters, Inc.
Yes, it is.
And it's time my vice president
learned the whole truth.
You see, I've got
somebody on the inside,
(GASPS) Randall?
- Boggs.
Mission accomplished,
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